Damon Cassidy
Damon Cassidy
Damon Cassidy
I’m Damon, a psychology student in Austin, Texas. This channel is devoted to the lessons I have learned from my own personal dances with anxiety, mental health, deep therapy, and personal triumph. Working in the finance industry for the past 5 years, I share my in depth understanding of personal finance, frugal living, and minimalistic habits.

I hope that this channel is able to provide a sense of peace, and be a tool on your unique journey.

Be the version of you that your younger self fought for.

Business inquiries:
The REAL Reason You Can't Afford A Home
Месяц назад
4 Middle Class Habits Keeping You Poor
2 месяца назад
Why Looking "Poor" Is Important | Consumerism
2 месяца назад
5 Small Habits To Own Less Stuff | Minimalism
3 месяца назад
4 Common Money Habits Keeping You Poor
3 месяца назад
The REAL Reason No One Wants To Work Anymore
3 месяца назад
6 Minimalist Tips To Keep Your Home Organized
4 месяца назад
Please Stop Living A Life You Hate
5 месяцев назад
4 Frugal Living Tips That Make Me Wealthy
5 месяцев назад
The Unfortunate Truth About Chasing Your Dreams
6 месяцев назад
4 Minimalist Habits You Need To Start In 2024
6 месяцев назад
5 Simple Frugal Living Trends To Start In 2024
6 месяцев назад
We Need To Slow The F**k Down In 2024
7 месяцев назад
6 Consumerist Trends To AVOID In 2024
7 месяцев назад
@emilyau8023 14 минут назад
I'm pursuing coast fire, which is more doable c:
@temismontenegromontenegro9319 29 минут назад
Another powerful and GREAT VIDEO!!! I totally agree that extremes never work and that deprivation is not a healthy way of living. CONGRATULATIONS!!!
@emilyau8023 31 минуту назад
I find it so crazy that some politicians have tried to cut down the rent raising threshold against landlords, and it has been shot down every time. Like...we need help with rent!
@emilyau8023 Час назад
To add something I'd say instead of saying getting a job is impossible right now, we should say it's difficult to get a job that pays a livable wage in accordance with inflation. There are definitely open job roles people can get, but they don't pay really well and probably have no benefits.
@danieldeanharrison 2 часа назад
Pops told me back in the 80’s they’d throw your resume into a crate in front of you and say good luck. No different now just the crate is a digital one with fudged numbers.
@danieldeanharrison 2 часа назад
It’s very common in the oil and gas sector to do “Fishing” postings. They want to gauge how desperate people are, and to see how easy it is to replace you.
@biggiracc 2 часа назад
60 applications but 58 ghosts and 2 interviews ending with "we'll go for someone else "
@TheRockhound119 3 часа назад
I sent out 50 to 60 applications, I got two interviews. Since then I've only applied to positions I want and actually have gotten responses and interviews every single time. I have nearly a decade of experience in retail and customer service, and those 50/60 were retail/customer service. Positions I want are teaching music, and I've been interviewed every time I have applied. Which is 3 times. I dropped the ball on one, but work for two of them now. In one circumstance however, I applied to a job where I was overqualified, and I did get an interview, but I accidentally intimidated the person who would have been my boss because I was more qualified than her unfotunately.
@ProffesionalZombie12 3 часа назад
Thank you for explaining this, knowledge is power. I’m heavily disabled, but I still can’t get on disability so my dad is my sole financial support. He worked in tech, and last year he was hit with the massive layoffs. Over a year and a half later, after thousands of submissions and dozens of interviews he’s still unemployed. He’s now considering selling his house just to keep everyone (especially me) afloat. I feel terrible about my part in the financial strain on our family, and how much stress it’s putting on my parents. Being reminded that it’s the system, and not some malignant higher power targeting us specifically (certainly feels like it) can be really helpful and comforting.
@aydenburgess905 3 часа назад
I still rememember when Dunkin Donuts gave me no call back, I go in like two weeks later they're still understaffed with hiring signs everywhere. Like damn ok good luck then
@druid4438 4 часа назад
I've been looking for a job for a month and a half. I've kept tabs on how many applications I've put in. I'm at 241 as of yesterday. A handful of phone interviews, two in person interviews, but most I just never hear from.
@JikuAraiguma 5 часов назад
I have applied to a number of jobs recently and received no feedback or responses. The only job I received contact in return about was one that turned out to be a scam/grift to steal people’s information. Anyone who tells you there isn’t an employment crisis has their head so far up their own ass they could probably taste breakfast twice.
@JJacobs803 5 часов назад
Do a video on when water became a commidity thats a good one
@Sheppy51 6 часов назад
I have been unemployed for about a year now, 350+ applications, 30+ interviews 2 offers, those same 2 offers withdrew. I want to just give up but know better. I’m a hard worker, I have my CDL but nobody is willing to train me. It’s just hard.
@p.o.9964 6 часов назад
The reality of the corporate dystopia.
@andrewevenson2657 6 часов назад
My personal experience looking for a job, I was feeling like abandoning the search because I was being rejected from positions I was overqualified for. Have 2 years of college, 6 years of military service, 4 years of carpentry experience, and 1 year of industrial labor experience. In my previous job, I was terminated as a result of retaliation from a supervisor, and so I started applying for a bunch of jobs, both skilled and unskilled labor positions because that’s what all my experience is in. Even in unskilled labor positions, my application was rejected and they did not say why. I did end up getting a skilled labor position, but I applied in December 2023, and my first interview wasn’t until may 2024, and my first day wasn’t till June. That’s 7 months between applying to a position and getting the job. That is absurdly frustrating.
@beverlyprice786 7 часов назад
I been apply for jobs for months still no offer. I have a masters degree and can’t get a job! Crazy
@MichaelAlfaro-tz5rp 7 часов назад
@kaylarandall453 7 часов назад
Ive been applying for over a year when i finally get to the interview process, they change the starting pay they have listed and switch the position, and no one seems to have any full-time hours :/
@justinthematrix 7 часов назад
I have $9k in total limit and am at 0% usage
@Barry-Sweaty 7 часов назад
Lol I came here to talk trash about Gucci but this got way too deep for me. Talkin bout Model-Ts enstuff.
@parttimeconstruction2933 7 часов назад
Oh there’s jobs available, but they’re all crappy warehouse or factory jobs that a lot of us are way over qualified for and don’t pay enough to live.
@matthew1770 8 часов назад
350+ Applications, around 10 interviews and 3 months of no work. This stuff is whack... I cant even get a retail job xD Wasted 8 years of my life holding a CDL only for freight companies wanting younger and more fit people to do a job for way less. The job market is brutal even if you meet the credentials... Keep in mind im only 30 and im "Too old"
@danielledamm1531 8 часов назад
Do they get to claim those expenses from the ghost job searches on their taxes?
@jenduck5520 8 часов назад
Fave video yet
@rozilla66 9 часов назад
So how do they document this? They can't say you're employed when you're not getting reported. Work is very easy to find. I see people under 30 try to work less and cry about their checks. Gotta put the hours in.
@LastRebel1978 9 часов назад
Century of self documentary
@unregistereduser1088 10 часов назад
Millions upon millions of illegals......
@deflames8642 10 часов назад
I’m possibly unable to get a job because some algorithm doesn’t think I’m good enough, this is dystopian.
@ranmasaotome1094 10 часов назад
Stale Graduate here, took me 2 years to find a minimum paying job, at least the experience I get & the Job title is good (within my field). I should be set to work anywhere in a year time, hopefully, I fucking hope. Also working 6 days a week, or at fucking midnight suck. Still, better than looking for a job in Linkedin
@Dr_Homie 10 часов назад
What a great video. So many interesting points covered while offering great personal insights. I've never seen your channel but I'll be sure to check out more and subscribe. Keep up the good work.
@MrSpaceSentry 11 часов назад
A lot of job listings are totally fake listed maliciously to harvest data. Indeed applications will cause huge influxes of spam and scam calls.
@themainc 12 часов назад
This video kind of hit weird because, it's talking about there veing no profit in need so you have to convince people to buy stuff they don't need. But like....all my money goes on shelter, insurance and food? I haven't bought something like a tv or other big box item in over ten years. I only replqce my phone when the previous one breaks, my car is almost as old as I am, and I only really have my work clothes and my not work clothes. I don't understand how a system that relies on convincing me to buy crap instead of just needs when I can barely keep up with the needs. And I thought I was in a better position than most since I'm actually currently employed.
@Eapp1480 16 часов назад
Great video 💪🏽
@sixevensage7004 16 часов назад
I thought it was just me.
@swift3070 21 час назад
As a Public Relations professional, i don't think PR is propaganda. Many people don't understand PR is used to maintain relationships amongst stakeholders and is actually a credited profession with ethics. What i find dangerous is the field of Marketing because they work with numbers and sales; twisting words in short manipulating to attain numbers. As opposed to PR which builds trust and loyalty, marketing & sales is what drives consumerism. I could write a whole paper on that.
@ParaPerception 21 час назад
I've been applying for jobs for a year and a half. 87 job applications within the past 4 months, 2 in-person interviews, no one biting back. I have 11 years of experience as a Graphic Designer and Marketing Coordinator with an extremely detailed portfolio, with a bunch of experience in my field, and I can't get *anything*. And before people complain that I haven't tried applying for "normal" jobs and not an "artistic" job, I've applied for jobs as a grocery bagger, store clerk, delivery driver, legal assistant, secretary, telemarketing sales associate, driving instructor, AI writing instructor, teachers assistant, delivery driver, and every available position at my local grocery stores. Still nothing. It doesn't matter what I apply for. I just keep getting denied. :/
@aldrinfulgar9005 22 часа назад
Everyone, may i have your attention please, we got trouble, new KOSA Bill act is being passed on at the house, it will affect the entire globe, its passing soon. Look it up now.
@nutwit1630 22 часа назад
So the three options for the labor force are: 1) people who are forced into employment due to ongoing intergenerational economic failure 2) people who are looking for employment but can't find any, struggling through debt and poverty 3) people who are required socially to have a valid reason to not want to be in either 1 or 2
@nutwit1630 22 часа назад
Hey why are "health or medical limitations", "limited retirement funds", and "rising cost of goods" considered "voluntary" employment reasons? None of those are voluntary. Milk costs too much? Should have chosen for it not to cost more! Sick and can't work like you used to? Should have chosen to voluntarily not become ill! Don't have any retirement funds to let you not keep working? Wouldn't you know it, you should have just chosen to have retirement funds! Silly worker!
@nutwit1630 22 часа назад
All those people being considered employed would be great if 1) they were all considered to be employed BY a company with significant excess profit 2) that company was obligated to provide for all employees. If they're going to consider these very small tasks to be legitimate employment, well then all workers deserve a living wage and a secure and fulfilling lifestyle. If the company can't afford to provide those things, it should almost certainly be fundamentally restructured.
@nutwit1630 22 часа назад
The unemployment rate being below 4% and having been for a while seems good until you realize that people keep getting born faster than they die. So the percentage going down or staying the same can mean that it's getting worse.
@CosmicAggressor 23 часа назад
Well this explains why the dozens of applications I sent out resulted in 1 interview, and apart from that no communication what so ever.
@QuasiiiNominall 23 часа назад
I’m disabled after my last job left resulted in my abdominal wall ripped open on me, on top of my fibromyalgia limiting how long I can work without that special breed of pain coming out. My side is just scar tissue rubbing against nerves at this point, I can’t bend or twist at all without feeling so much pain that I may pass out. Ironically, light headed news unrelated to my POTS, which makes me faint every so often. I’ve been out of work since September of last year, no places I can work at have any openings, and most of the medications I’ve taken end up failing after a while. So I’m just stuck here taking edibles (lucky for me it was easy) to be decently pain free so long as I don’t move much. But damn do I feel like a jackass not pulling my weight and being high all the time. Not to mention that gummies are fairly expensive, but it’s the only thing that actually works. Comparing it to the massive doses of gabapentin I had to take daily to even move at all, and that was before I had my injury. All it did was mellow some pain and then make the whole room spin, it was awful. I also get localized seizures and migraines on top of it all, can’t even drive. It just sucks, and if I didn’t have a loving partner I would’ve killed myself by now. Regardless, I still feel like a waste to the world and want to work to make up for my position. But nobody’s hiring, nobody’s willing to hire somebody with my limits, it’s god awful because I used to work harder than anyone. But I guess that’s what I get for trying and putting my faith into others. Putting in 400% the effort of everyone else will only destroy your body and you’ll be the one to suffer for the remainder of your life. Don’t bother to try, only work on pair with what you’re getting paid. Being proud of yourself is not remotely worth it.
@johnnyguy9442 23 часа назад
I needed this video more than you know. Thank you for the time and energy you sacrificed to research and articulate these complex issues.
@davidhollfelder9940 23 часа назад
The college cost/student loan situation is a racket. This spending (student debt forgiveness) is not what taxpayers would agree to, and should not have to bail them out.
@DamonCassidy 23 часа назад
@@davidhollfelder9940 I agree, and didn’t state that taxpayers should or we should forgive the loans. I think there should be more education and discussions done on the repercussions of allowing 18 year olds to get into 100k of debt when they wouldn’t even be approved for a credit card
@user-vg6qv5jv3w День назад
Today I learned I'm employed even though I don't get paid. Interesting.
@smajet5640 День назад
I assume this wasn't intentional, but the way you present the graph at 9:08 is misleading. The y-axes are actually different for full-time and part-time, so comparing the heights isn't accurate. The lowest proportion of employees working full-time after the recession was about 80% and right now it's 82.8%. While it is correct that the full-time proportion is on a downward trend, it is nowhere near 50/50.
@Zach-sg5uu День назад
The only two reasons most people work. Are for the money obviously! Also people want to have a good title and job security by having recent work “experience”! If people could make 150,000 to 200,000 a year and have a job title. While they do whatever they want! Very few people would actually put up with all the BS to work!!
@Zach-sg5uu День назад
The job market is fucked and the baby boomers and “greatest generation” don’t have a damn clue! However, they believe they know every damn thing!! They have the narcissistic belief that they know everything and nothing ever changes!!