Hardly Heroic
Hardly Heroic
Hardly Heroic
Hardly Heroic is a place for stories about heroes, and villains, in battles across fantasy and sci fi worlds on the tabletop. Join us for narrative wargames, tabletop rpgs, video essays, lore and more!
Empire Pistoliers Could Be Better - Here's Why
11 месяцев назад
@SlayerHank 3 дня назад
hmm... warcraft vs. warhammer matches. I would love to see a grail knight vs. a death knight.
@danielchalmers9815 14 дней назад
what mod is that for warcraft 3 you are playing? looks cool
@hardlyheroic114 14 дней назад
The Scourge of Lordaeron Enhanced. You can get it from Hive workshop.
@Tarmenell 21 день назад
11:55 I suspect that the shift in upper thigh protection from the crotch to the hips is due to the premise of fighting exklusivly in the saddle. Considering how massive the knight's saddles were and the fact that this area is still protected by the horse's body, moving the protection to the side seems quite logical. From the examples that I saw, I got the impression that it was quite fashionable before the Thirty Years' War (around the reign of Charles V in the Holy Roman Empire). This is of course an open invitation to cut arteries for combat on foot.
@hardlyheroic114 19 дней назад
I think you often see the side armour on characters on foot, which makes no sense. I would concede that on horseback though.
@Tarmenell 19 дней назад
@@hardlyheroic114 Yeah, I get the impression that someone saw a specific type of real armor for a specific situation and thought "cool we can use that everyware" I suspect the original inspiration was something like this: upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/31/Pantoja_de_la_Cruz_after_Titian_-_Charles_V_in_Armour.jpg
@akumaking1 21 день назад
@hardlyheroic114 21 день назад
Are you happy? I'm glad I could make the video. I'd appreciate it if you could share it with people who might find it interesting.
@akumaking1 19 дней назад
@@hardlyheroic114 did you check out the entire series, expanded materials, and the wiki? It delves more into how the monsters of the Dungeon exist, characters, races, etc.
@hardlyheroic114 19 дней назад
@@akumaking1 Not really. My time is very limited so I was just able to read the manga and watch the anime.
@DevinDTV 22 дня назад
You never even said how much a footman costs...
@hardlyheroic114 22 дня назад
I said that they cost 135 gold.
@cole8834 24 дня назад
Footman is a shortening of "Foot Man-at-Arms." A hired soldier who fights on foot. Historically they paid for their own equipment and then were paid a salary by their employer (the dire circumstances of WC3 may indicate the crown directly paying for their equipment, however). I don't think footmen are anywhere equivalent to a feudal levy. I think the militia unit is meant to be that.
@hardlyheroic114 24 дня назад
A shame you don't really see the militia unit used though.
@NoOne4k 24 дня назад
King Wyvern xd
@hardlyheroic114 24 дня назад
You got me there. I don't know why but my brain turned Wy-rnn into Wyvern.
@johnp.6164 25 дней назад
Looking at the in-game voicelines the (unofficial) motto of the human footmen seems to be "Grab your sword and fight the horde," which gives some insight into their more Gung ho attitude towards fighting. To me it seems like they wouldn't have to be paid an outrageous amount of gold to fight and probably didn't receive intensive training. But aside from that, very cool video idea. If you ever plan on doing a follow-up episode, I think instead of trying to relate the value of 1 gold coin to real life currenc, it would be interesting to compare the cost of a footman to other (primarily human) units. For instance, a knight would be a good reference in my opinion.
@hardlyheroic114 25 дней назад
Thank you. The reason I wanted to look at real world currency is I'm currently in the process of buying armour so I've been going down a bit of a rabbit hole on prices. But I do think it's a good idea to think about relative value. In warcraft, once knights are available, footmen are pretty much ignored so I think it would be interesting to sort of put that into numbers.
@doe6974 26 дней назад
In wc2 it implies through game play that the Basic orc Grunt and basic human Footman were basically equal in terms of combat capabilities. I rationalized this such that both units had something bettter than the other in some regards, but overall equal. Human footman 1. Formalized training. 2. High quality armor and weapons(steel). 3. The human physique as we seen in WoW, even mages are jacked. Orc Grunt 1. Informal training with buddies. I think of them equal to bandits, level of SKILL. 2. Leather armor, or minimal metal. Rock, or salvaged weapons(picture of orc upgrades in wc2 show most orcish weapons being made of stone). 3. Orc physique. The combination of these factors make the human footman and orc grunt effectively equal.
@hardlyheroic114 26 дней назад
I guess the implication is that orcs are just so much stronger and tougher than humans that they're about equal to a human in full armour.
@Subject_Keter 26 дней назад
Atleast it not figuring out the kirin tor tution, can you imagine how much it would cost to be a Mage? That how much that goblin always demand i pay him!
@hardlyheroic114 26 дней назад
Oh yeah. I'm sure every mage is either from a rich family or has the worst student loans.
@akumaking1 27 дней назад
How soon can you talk about the Living Armor and weapons of Dungeon Meshi?
@hardlyheroic114 27 дней назад
Sure. I can do that. Like just a general review of them or something more specific?
@akumaking1 26 дней назад
@@hardlyheroic114 a general review for the living armor I guess. And maybe analyzing the armor by other characters later
@hardlyheroic114 26 дней назад
@@akumaking1 I think most of what I covered with Laios is applicable to the other characters but I'm very intrigued by the living armour idea.
@ArmouredSP 27 дней назад
Very original video idea :)
@hardlyheroic114 27 дней назад
I like your profile picture! Thank you.
@iiddNNzz 27 дней назад
youtube send me here, i dont know how deep im in the algorithm but i did watch all and enjoyed now i know that wc3 is busted
@hardlyheroic114 27 дней назад
Each time a footman dies, that's a whole load of wealth just flushed down the drain. Thank you
@kacperspisz4239 27 дней назад
i see now why necromancy become popular lordareon local lords wanted to cut on cost and raise skieletons that they dont need to feed drink cloth pay wages keep happy and loyal
@hardlyheroic114 27 дней назад
I mean, no one has ever looked into the logistics of undead forces... But I'm sure being able to just mind control the dead to doing what you want would keep costs down.
@coolsolder 27 дней назад
Don't forget the upkeep cost automatically subtracted from gold gathering that obviously goes to the footman's wages.
@hardlyheroic114 27 дней назад
So I considered upkeep. Ultimately I think upkeep is distributed amongst your entire force, so it would be a factor in the cost of a footman, but it would be so split up amongst all of them, that I don't think it would swing the cost of a single footman by much.
@jalejablonsky2396 28 дней назад
Yeah, this is gonna be: I need to fudge up some numbers because there is none because while I can respect WOW as a setting this is the same lore where they have an Alliance yet the whole system relies on a ruling head of government to function at all. Like at least make it a ruling aristocracy where there's a constant shift in terms of alliances between senior members who control different areas of government, and you become Head by building a consensus around how things should run, and eliminating the opposing party while ensuring the agencies are loyal to you. You can do so much with that. But no its dictatorship of One.
@akumaking1 29 дней назад
In Fantasy, your prayers to smite the stupid can and will be answered.
@philosophyfrog2653 Месяц назад
Please do this for more categories like best infantry, monsters, archery, gunpowder etc. Would be really interesting to see the top units of each subject. Most people base their opinions based on lore instead of actual tabletop stats which is honestly kinda dumb as every unit will always sound like the most epic thing in the setting in order to sell the model.
@hardlyheroic114 Месяц назад
The lore is, in a lot of ways, completely detached from the reality of play. Super elite, centuries old elven warriors, last about 2 seconds. I appreciate the compliment on the video. It's one that I really enjoyed making as it allowed me to flex some of my other skills.
@jalejablonsky2396 Месяц назад
I think its best to see Martin as a history lover not a history expert because this whole thing sounds so disjointed to me as someone who cares about world building details given history is my favorite subject matter even when I was a kid especially military, culture, and political history. Even with my own setting I have a faction that use to raid for the same reason why the vikings happened since they live in very blizzard environments but had to change to strictly trading with strength being one and the same with decorum and generosity and often restrained by political and social conventions, because they understand they're in a whole different landscape and face a different line of politics so they can't just raid random countries. They can't just get away with that so they act kindly if a bit blunt to the point of being seen as unsocial. Martin should know why countries went after pirates and vikings. Its so understand why it died out.
@hardlyheroic114 Месяц назад
Given what Pompei did to the pirates, it's impossible to imagine why any monarch would tolerate a literal den of pirates right on their shores.
@jalejablonsky2396 Месяц назад
@@hardlyheroic114 I think the reason (now this is a hunch of mine) why he allows this its because of the meta reason: he has a pessimistic view of government, because this also pops up when the kingdoms in question argue back and forth on wether the White Walkers are a threat or not and leaning towards the latter. Like it or not, Martin, while having a good understanding of medieval history from a barebones point (not a bad thing mind you),he still has a simplified view of medieval history much like the public at large. Again, this is my theory and my theory alone so I can be wrong on all of this. Maybe he'll answer these questions. Maybe those kingdoms don't have a good manpower to take out pirates (press X to doubt).
@hardlyheroic114 Месяц назад
@@jalejablonsky2396 Yeah Martin's very pessimistic in general about stuff, but the problem is that the pessimism is sort of getting old. Maybe it was fine when the series was starting and it felt like he could have delivered on some of those ideas. Years later though, it just feels tired. Maybe that's just me.
@jalejablonsky2396 Месяц назад
@@hardlyheroic114 I'm in the same boat. I can be cynical myself but even I know there is good in the world and that life can be better. There's gonna be hardship but its not hopeless like some authors tend to think.
@hardlyheroic114 Месяц назад
@@jalejablonsky2396 Martin claims to be a big lotr fan but he doesn't seem to have taken away any of its lessons.
@jalejablonsky2396 Месяц назад
This was a reasonable response. This would have been so easy turn into a hate fest but you acted kindly and understanding. Really my only real focus was the Fenris belief in planet thing and the viking historical hit piece. Demon weapons can be explained by saying not all demon weapons are stupidly powerful and 40k likes to play fast and loose with plot armor especially speaking on the space marines since they're the golden child GW loves to spoil. Nice to know we all can be reasonable isn't that right, Twitter?
@hardlyheroic114 Месяц назад
Contrary to perceptions, I don't actually hate pancreas no work. I'm actually a fan which is why I make these videos.
@darthrevan4933 Месяц назад
Honestly I think one really easy way to evolve the naval warfare system is to combine a sailing ship with something similar to the Roman Corvus (a razed boarding ramp that can be dropped onto the enemy deck and held in place with a large metal spike on the bottom) combine that with maybe some thing similar to allow the attacking ship to (for lack of better term) grapple with its victims (maybe a combination of hook lines and smaller but sturdier “boarding arms” that act similar to the Corvus would be really cool
@hardlyheroic114 Месяц назад
I think that's a decent idea.
@einarr7301 Месяц назад
Empire wins no question
@akumaking1 Месяц назад
George Martin is a lazy gluttonous lardass they can’t be bothered to finish a book
@akumaking1 Месяц назад
Will you talk about the armor designs on the Dungeon Meshi world? Anything from the living armor monster to how the Dwarves wear armor.
@hardlyheroic114 Месяц назад
I've finished the series so I could talk about it. I think the living armour monster is quite interesting.
@robertocortes1386 Месяц назад
The empire wins because they have a god as his leader Sigmar
@umbralobserver 2 месяца назад
Catholic and Bretonnian player here. The religion of Bretonnia is not upsetting to me in the slightest, for it looks very much like if Catholicism actually did worship Our Lady Mary Mother of God as Protestants often wrongly insist we do. Take Catholicism and strip away everything except Marian veneration, and you basically get Bretonnian religion. As an aside I choose to ignore the "canon" lore that says the Lady of the Lake is a Wood Elf as it feels like GW wrote that in a very handwavy and convenient way to help bring about their End Times foolishness. I'd prefer to leave it a mystical mystery. Overall this is a good video and I appreciate that you get the historical facts of St. Joan straight.
@hardlyheroic114 2 месяца назад
That's an interesting perspective. I think that the worship or role of Mary in the Catholic faith is often misunderstood or misrepresented. In some ways, the Church of Sigmar is structurally very similar to the Catholic Church, but in a doctrinal sense, extremely different. Ultimately both religions were heavily influenced by the real world inspirations that went into making them. You can't have medieval knights without some religious influence for example. I think I'm 50/50 on the wood elf thing. On the one hand, it would just be very interesting if Bretonnia itself had some sort of magical protector or magical essence that manifests as the Lady of the Lake. On the other hand, it's very in keeping with the tone of the setting for the Elves to be messing with humans for their own benefit. Finally, Joan of Arc is a historical figure I'm very interested in. As a result, I think it's important to present the most salient details about her rather tragic life.
@umbralobserver 2 месяца назад
You're quite right. The Empire for its own part is more of a holistic reinterpretation of medieval European religiosity; Sigmar being rather analogous to both Christ and Thor simultaneously, while the other older gods like Ulric and Taal sort of take on the role of major Catholic saints. But yes, ultimately the ethos of knighthood as we understand it today is fundamentally religious - irreligious knights can be done, but they always come across as somewhat degraded if not even debased in their bearing. To revisit the Wood Elf question, we could theorize that the Lady might have been a minor goddess or extremely powerful mage once. Perhaps she was cynically appointed to lure the Bretonni tribes into becoming a buffer for Athel Loren, but maybe she gradually forgot that purpose as she was moved by the forthright manner of Bretonnian devotion, and soon became a genuine patroness who loves her devotees. That interpretation would still hit the right marks.
@user-ix6pc5gd7o 2 месяца назад
Technically there were no winners in the War of the Beard. The dwarves simply stopped fighting after the death of King Kaledor, considering their grudge avenged, and the elves left because of the druchii invasion of Ulthuan. In fact, both factions have lost their positions in the Old World.
@hardlyheroic114 2 месяца назад
In the sense that there was a peace treaty signed, no. But if you look at the war goals of each side, the Elves never assailed the Dwarven Kingdoms and lost pretty much all of their colonies in the old world. The major losses to dwarven territory, occur afterwards at the hands of the orcs and goblins and skaven. I would argue that a dwarf avenging a grudge, is proof enough to them that they won the war.
@user-ix6pc5gd7o 2 месяца назад
@@hardlyheroic114 Elves lost pretty much all of their colonies but not because this colonies were occupied or destroyed by Dwarfs. New Phoenix King Caradryel deliberately evacuted the elven territories in the Old World in order to bolster the Ulthuan strength in the face of the new naggarothi invasion. After the fourteenth siege of Tor Alessi Elves still possessed a considerable amount of power in the Old World and the possibility to increas their war potential with reinforcements from Ulthuan, they even planned the direct siege of Karaz-a-Karak. So they were not crushed or driven off the Old World.
@hardlyheroic114 2 месяца назад
@@user-ix6pc5gd7o I think we have a completely different interpretation of events. They absolutely could not siege Karaz-a-Karak. There's no version of reality where they don't drown in a river of blood bashing their heads against that fortress. The total collapse of the high elven presence in the old world is because their armies were already so devastated in the war. If they were winning decisively, they'd have been able to fight that war on two fronts. Both sides were paying heavily for the war but only one side was fighting a war overseas. They were not having an easy time. They wouldn't have given up the Old World if they had the ability to hold it. Their territory was theirs to lose; the dwarves were never in danger of losing any territory of their own.
@user-ix6pc5gd7o 2 месяца назад
@@hardlyheroic114 well I'm completely agree with that, I just pointed out the fact that such plans were considered, although were rejected later. Yes, of course, the elven armies suffered enormous damage in the war, and their greatly reduced combat effectiveness became one of the reasons for the evacuation of the colonies - these armies could no longer ensure their safety. The damage that the dwarves suffered during the war was also the reason why they began to lose their internal territories - their weakened armies were unable to hold back the onslaught of the orks, goblins and skaven. The elves lost their territories in the Old World after the end of the active phase of warfare due to the weakened state of their armed forces and under the pressure of external factors - just like the dwarfes started to lose their positions to the greenskins onslaught after the war because their war potential was hardly damaged.
@pavarottiaardvark3431 2 месяца назад
My favourite "took history and changed it" thing in Warhammer is Leonardo da Miragliano. He's so obviously da Vinci but by doing the thing where his crazy inventions ACTUALLY WORK. Perfect blend of fantasy fiction and history.
@hardlyheroic114 2 месяца назад
I really love Tilea as a faction. I want to do more videos about it. Leonardo is just pretty crazy considering no one else has managed to get a proper steam tank to work.
@Ubertrollz69420 2 месяца назад
In my honest opinion pitting the alliance of stormwind against just the empire shows just how over the top warhammer fantasy is. Because if we throw in the dwarves, high elves and Bretonnia, I highly doubt the Alliance wins
@hardlyheroic114 2 месяца назад
I think the problem is getting all of those groups to work together. Bretonnia, High Elves, Dwarves are willing to work together but their level of cohesion with the empire is generally lower I think.
@Ubertrollz69420 2 месяца назад
@@hardlyheroic114 they seem to work well enough together when there is a bigger threat such as chaos. But either way, if those warhammer factions work together, it is absolutely over for the Alliance
@Ubertrollz69420 2 месяца назад
@@hardlyheroic114 they seem to work well enough together when there is a bigger threat such as chaos. But either way, if those warhammer factions work together, it is absolutely over for the Alliance
@Ubertrollz69420 2 месяца назад
@@hardlyheroic114 now granted the end tomes still happened, but I fully blame author dumbassery and not the factions themselves
@Ubertrollz69420 2 месяца назад
@spacemichael1177 2 месяца назад
@hardlyheroic114 2 месяца назад
@ManDuderGuy 2 месяца назад
For zee laydee, for bwehtohnia!
@manaburnt5084 2 месяца назад
No one really believes this was about Tilea at all lol. But I hope that video comes across eventually 😂
@hardlyheroic114 2 месяца назад
@@manaburnt5084 Guilty. Luckily there's no witch hunters in bretonnia
@yopoxikeweapescai9066 Месяц назад
ubisoft trademark. prepare to be sued oh wait, they are not gw lol
@Huczek141 2 месяца назад
Hi, have you thought of making a Chaos Dwarfs vs Horde? Could be interesting. I love your content.
@TheKindofTiredSleepCantFix 2 месяца назад
Despite being a history buff George knows surpridingly little about pre-modern warfare weather it is on the land or sea. The early War of the 5 Kings is almost nonsensical in how it takes place. The Battle of Oxcross should have essentially been the end of the war between the Starks and Lannisters in a medieval setting.
@hardlyheroic114 2 месяца назад
Oh yeah absolutely. There's a lot of battles in the story that just happen and then we're expected to go with it because it suits the story. GRRM wants to be seen as a more serious writer of fantasy than say Tolkien but Tolkien knew how to write battles that felt important and well structured and contributed to the story.
@user-zs2vt5yw3d 2 месяца назад
I know Im late but this is amazing, Im so glad I found your channel brother. Tnks for the content!
@hardlyheroic114 2 месяца назад
That means a lot. Thank you!
@aldraone-mu5yg 2 месяца назад
I think George should give the Iron Born a unique resource that makes budling navies easier than anywhere else.
@hardlyheroic114 2 месяца назад
I like this idea!
@aldraone-mu5yg 2 месяца назад
@@hardlyheroic114 Well I was thinking maybe some kind of fast growing coral that grows around the islands, and when it gets to a certain length it brakes of and floats to the surface, then when it dries it has similar properties to wood. There are plenty of exotic martials in the lore already and it would explain why the Iron born navy is so strong and why the Island irons are hard to conquer.
@hardlyheroic114 2 месяца назад
@@aldraone-mu5yg That's a very creative idea.
@brayanfisk8769 3 месяца назад
Can you do this two versus The horde vs the grand alliance of destruction Forsaken vs vampire counts
@hardlyheroic114 3 месяца назад
The forsaken? Why not the Scourge?
@manaburnt5084 3 месяца назад
Never been interested in overwatch but this makes it a little easier for me to engage. Reasonings behind the hammer make sense too so fair play
@treyericson-thomas7012 3 месяца назад
One does not simply fuck with the dwarves 💯🔥
@hardlyheroic114 3 месяца назад
They didn't start the war of the beard, but they sure as hell ended it.
@ItsShooty 3 месяца назад
I 100% agree with you that Overwatch Lore is incredibly interesting and it's a shame we won't get to see the full story fleshed out the way we wanted to.
@hardlyheroic114 3 месяца назад
I feel like if they made a movie a few years ago...
@phnompenhandy 3 месяца назад
To be fair, it's coming. I think the early parts of The Winds of War will feature two massive, defining sea battles - Euron's Ironborn fleet versus the kingdom's fleet (or what's still loyal to it), and his brother Victarion's Ironborn fleet in Slavers' Bay. It's being set up with the Ironborn fleets being a mix of smaller 'Viking' longships and captured huge ocean-going warships. Mind you, expect dragons and krakens to determine the outcomes!
@hardlyheroic114 3 месяца назад
I don't think these books will get released anymore. But decent points.
@Leman.Russ.6thLegion 3 месяца назад
People who hate space wolves are the ones who know the least about space wolves.
@ChaseHukill 4 месяца назад
Just Subscribed. We will watch your careers with great interest
@hardlyheroic114 4 месяца назад
That's a very kind comment. Thank you
@Tarmenell 4 месяца назад
I can testify from personal experience that those unprotected hands have some advantages, if one does not go into the battle of armored lines. It gives more mobility for skirmishes and duels, and it is enough to complement it with leather braclet with iron bars. Rather, I would argue that armor is mostly impractical for fighting monsters. A lot of mnonsters (like a griffin) will have strength and claws equivalent to anti-armor weapons (like spiked warhammers) so the primary goal should be to not get hit, so speed is more important. (It's a similar idea as in the Witcher books - i.e. why is it not worth it for a witcher to wear armor - if you get hit, you're already doing something wrong, and in the case of a fight with a monster, the first hit is realistically also the last, regardless of the armor). I find this particularly disadvantageous if there is strong healing magic in the given fantasy world. Armor is intended against human opponents, and especially in cases where the battlefield is tight, so there is not much chance to dodge or parry their blows.
@hardlyheroic114 4 месяца назад
I actually mostly agree with you. I have read the rest of the manga and it reinforces in my mind, that armour is mostly useless in the context of the dungeon. The availability of healing magic as well as the supernatural nature of most opponents means that armour is essentially worthless against most of the enemies one might actually face.
@sithyuu7696 4 месяца назад
A review of chaos armor would be neat
@hardlyheroic114 4 месяца назад
As in the chaos armour from warhammer fantasy?
@sithyuu7696 4 месяца назад
@@hardlyheroic114 yeah
@hardlyheroic114 4 месяца назад
@@sithyuu7696I'll put it on the list.
@jasonpark1987 4 месяца назад
Hope you read more of the manga on this, since there are lore reasons why Laois picked that armor to dungeon crawl.
@hardlyheroic114 4 месяца назад
I've finished the manga now and I did get to the explanation you're talking about. However, in my opinion, the rest of the manga sort of reinforces the idea that armour is mostly useless. There's barely any times I can think of where a character wearing armour or not would have been useful to their survival. Especially since it establishes early on that resurrection and healing magic is quite prevalent.
@mcgoose258 4 месяца назад
@@hardlyheroic114 yes hilariously the one time Laios is shown being wounded by a sword, it's magical and cuts literally nothing *but* flesh
@hardlyheroic114 4 месяца назад
@@mcgoose258It's actually very ridiculous in hindsight.
@ManDuderGuy 4 месяца назад
@cobbb3r 4 месяца назад
A Candate for a Death Rider of Krieg.
@exoboi6974 4 месяца назад
What is the taxes under aragorn? Better question who cares?
@hardlyheroic114 4 месяца назад
The tax policy in Westeros: some creepy little guy with a fetish controls all the taxes and the kingdom is bankrupt