Andrea Flack-Wetherald
Andrea Flack-Wetherald
Andrea Flack-Wetherald
Andrea Flack-Wetherald is the author of The Funny Thing About Forgiveness: What every leader needs to know about improv, culture and the world's least favorite F word. It is a #1 Best Seller in Leadership Training, and aims to teach heart-centered leaders how to build cultures that consistently reflect their values through new understandings of improv, forgiveness and confrontation.

She is the creator of Mindful Improv Thinking™ which is a framework for engaging brave moments with pieces of mindfulness practice and skills from improvised comedy. More information about the book, her programs and Mindful Improv Thinking™ available at: www.andbeyondimprov.com. To contact about interviews or speaking engagements, visit andbeyondimprov.com/speaking
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Chapter 4: Freedom Through Forgiveness
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@BEACHDUDE71 14 дней назад
I only do the bare minimum 😂
@AndreaFlackWetherald 4 месяца назад
Thank you for watching! I appreciate your consideration of me for your event or leadership retreat!
@Bcbamom 5 месяцев назад
I know this is an older video, but I just wanted to let you know, you changed my life with this. Thank you.
@mr.x8880 6 месяцев назад
Anybody else watching this due to having a pain in the rear micromanager for a coworker?
@anonymous135 7 месяцев назад
um....people. I hate lying people who lie direct to your face in the interview about how great the company is and how everyone works as a Team Player and its all unicorn farts and rainbows....until you onboard and discover they've all lied and you, being the new person, get shit upon daily with all of the work put onto you until they break you and your spirit dies a painful death. Maybe I can get a job with plants?
@kerriephipps6288 8 месяцев назад
oh you know I love this! And yes - you can have that kind of impact! You're both beautiful difference-makers. Fun to see you play with this 'urban myth' 😀 Here's to self compassion - and thinking about what we share! Cheering you on, Kerrie
@AndreaFlackWetherald 7 месяцев назад
Thank you for being a fellow beautiful difference-maker :)
@stevenmatthews6124 8 месяцев назад
I love the saying “we attract what we are not not what we want” That really resonated with my soul.
@AndreaFlackWetherald 8 месяцев назад
Thank you for letting me know - I'm glad that resonated!
@Blackenedification 9 месяцев назад
Yes balance in your life is key to not feel too miserable at work, you need to take a step back and not let your bad job drain you. I know it's easier said than done but this is a first step in making you don't insane and let your job ruin your life.
@WildWinterberry 11 месяцев назад
If I start noticing the same trends that I don't like when I'm moving jobs, it means job culture is a mess. Half of tiktok is talking about quiet quitting and lazy girl jobs and generally how they hate work. They work in all different fields all over the world and all say the same things. We have a management culture that underpays you, overworks you, doesn't care about you, rewards you with donuts instead of money or time off, promises you the world and gives no real opportunities and we will never reach retirement age. "everyone hates their job", people say, but why should we accept this? We deserve better than that. It's not a gift, it's a broken system
@AndreaFlackWetherald 11 месяцев назад
Thanks so much to the handful here today, and those in the Tuesday webinar! Hello to everyone who sees the recording :) If you'd like more information about the Brave Church program, here's where to find it: www.andbeyondimprov.com/bravechurch.html
@christinegruber4015 11 месяцев назад
I like how you said, that if you come across the same problems every time you change youre workplace, that this is a gift. It tells you something deeply about you. I always thought, something is wrong with me, cause I didn't fit in. Now I see it as a gift. I am born to run my own business, and I hate it, when somebody decides over my time and tells me what to do. I hate to work for somebody and making them richer.
@AndreaFlackWetherald 8 месяцев назад
Literally nothing could make me happier than this! I'm so glad you found some clarity in this video :) I also really enjoy deciding my own schedule and priorities. Entrepreneurship is HARD WORK, but it's also extremely joyful and liberating. Thank you for leaving this comment and letting me know you related with my video. I wish you the absolute best of luck!
@AndreaFlackWetherald 11 месяцев назад
If you'd like to sponsor our ride, here's where you can find our page: www.classy.org/fundraiser/4792176
@maureennevers9039 Год назад
Big Muffins 😂😂😂 - what a personality! Do you have a link to the sponsorship page (“Whatever that is…” 😂)?
@AndreaFlackWetherald 11 месяцев назад
Yes! Thank you so much for asking: www.classy.org/fundraiser/4792176 @maureennevers9039
@AndreaFlackWetherald Год назад
Thanks for watching! Here's where you can find more information about Brave Church: www.andbeyondimprov.com/bravechurch.html
@charcoalelement6276 Год назад
Absolutely correct. I hate mind numbing factory jobs, anxiety ridden jobs and found I love Entrepreneurial Work. I work myself and with customers. 😊 Done deal, that's how I roll from now on.
@youart9797 Год назад
It's funny so I'm not a Baby Boomer but I am a Gen X'er, if you ever said I hate my job to the average Baby Boomer they would probably say..."everyone hates their job, you're not suppose to like your job. A fulfilling job that fits you is only in the movies...bad, unrealistic movies and anyone who says they love their job is in denial or lying or has no life" And Gen X'ers believed Baby Boomers when they said this. Not sure if I can deal with a generation who thinks going to a job should be fulfilling or the center of your life. Good luck.
@engzyme5089 Год назад
This is a misleading title. Obviously if someone hates every job they find, it’s them not the job. That is a very specific case though. This should be “what to do when you hate every job you start”. I don’t think most people are on that boat.
@ebrowntaylor1 Год назад
I was in my last job as an x-ray tech for about 5 years. I loved my job but wasn't getting anywhere professionally. I decided to leave, and through some real internal searching concluded that schedule, work/life balance, opportunity, and good co-workers were what I really wanted in a new job. I took a role as a business development representative about 5 months ago.. All was good in the beginning. The role has changed at least 4 times in 4 months, and we've already changed management. Expectations have not been clearly define. The job has basically morphed into a self-starter cold call sales job which is the last thing in the world I want to do. I love the company, the culture, and the people. I've been holding on, but this role is simply not for me. I'm debating what to do moving forward, but I can't stay in this role for the year they want me to for a transfer. I wish it wasn't this hard...
@MDSOLAIMANALI-ub2rf Год назад
@MDSOLAIMANALI-ub2rf Год назад
💖💖💖amazing advice
@AndreaFlackWetherald Год назад
Thanks so much for watching! Here is where you can find my book if you're interested: www.andbeyondimprov.com/book.html If you have any questions about brave conversations - leave them in the comments and I'll respond with a video!
@starbursttwister4994 Год назад
Hi Andrea! Thanks for this video. I have a new coworker in a patient care facility who tends to be very pushy, bossy, and no one likes to work with her. As I said she is new but she acts as though she’s sort of in charge of everybody else- even those who have a superior role to hers in the patient care setting. I try to be nice but I think she takes advantage of that. For example we might be cleaning a procedure room after we have finished a procedure and she will start bossing me around, telling me to do certain things for her. I will often do what she tells me because I like to be easy-going, but it happens enough that I definitely feel taken advantage of. What are some specific things I can say to her that will let her know I want to be friendly but she is not my boss and I’m not always going to do what she wants? Thank you so much💕
@stephanustweedale8598 Год назад
@malcolmnowlin2860 Год назад
@AndreaFlackWetherald Год назад
Thank you!! Glad you enjoyed it :)
@AndreaFlackWetherald Год назад
Here's where you can find my book: www.andbeyondimprov.com/book.html
@Thatbitchisamunch Год назад
I love it and yessss EMBRACE IT ALL. ur feelings are there for a reason. maybe ur calling also has a lot to do with being a mother it most definitely do and u raising up ur kid with the knowledge u clearly allow urself to have is a beautiful thing to live a true desired life where u balance all of ur things in the exact way you want to do them. to be able to be the bigger person in ur life and take care of everything that comes up in it in the most greatest way without resentment for self and others but the actual resilience of being stronger then human emotion and using it to just "improve" in ur very own way. thanks for sharing love it😚💅🏽🥰😘
@AndreaFlackWetherald Год назад
Thank you for the supportive words 😊 I appreciate you!
@ItsNerradT Год назад
End of last year I walked into what I thought was "the best role of my career thus far". Everything aligned perfectly on the outside from the interviews up to the start date. On day 1 alone, supervisor unleashed the "Yeeeah so the truth about this role" and it has been downhill since. I realized quickly before the end of week 2 it wasn't a good fit-No proper onboarding, no SOPs/documentation, and colleagues were getting upset that I was asking questions on how to be successful in the role (although they told me if I had any questions to just ask). I'm still at the job hanging on by a thread thinking/hoping things will get better...
@ChatreVerde Год назад
I feel you to the T, it’s been 2 months cried at least 20 times. I feel like they were good selling the position, not complying to what they told. Good luck to you in that situation.
@ItsNerradT Год назад
@@TrevorRambharose36 : Things did get *somewhat* better after calling a meeting with my supervisor and director-(a concern will never be known if it's not spoken for). All in all, the place of employment is a train wreck; has nothing to do with me. I had come to the conclusion that how I feel is justified, and I can only control what I can. Putting my best foot forward one day at a time, I don't feel as anxious as I did in the beginning. What I'm doing now is adding things every week to my resume & keeping it fresh on the market. There's a saying "it's better to have a job while looking for a job." But, if you feel your sanity is at stake, by all means do what's best for you! Best of luck.
@ChatreVerde Год назад
@@TrevorRambharose36 My apologies if you were refering only to the person that created the main comment. On my end I took the decision that what was best for me, was to quit. What the other person says is true though, and if you are like me, saying what bothers you is going to be like hell, but very helpfull. What I took into consideration to make the decision was what was important to me and what was discuss during interview. In my case, I tried to let the person know how I was feeling and I was been deflected, until one manager told me what I was saying all along, that I needed some kind of trainning. Only for them to take action when a manager said it and not when I did, they kept telling me that I was at fault because I wasn't asking enough, but I didn't even know what to ask, because I was clearly underqualified. Even though they did make an adjustment for me, I didn't feel that what was been taken into consideration was myself. That damage the relationship from my end, because I won't be able to trust them. Plus, I saw the dynamic, things will only be taken seriously if it comes from managers, not myself. That, I understand if you have a well established hierarchy to do so, but that was not the case. Additionally, I have been working none stop since 2016, getting maybe 3 weeks in combination from all those years of vacations. My health was affected and is still affected, I knew I had to go when I was unable to eat and was throwing up mucus because I had nothing in my stomach. Even after I quit, it took me 1 week to even start eating and not feeling guilty. Looking back now, after 1 month and 11 days, I regret nothing. I have been reflecting and evaluating what I want and accepting that been overwork and miserable does not mean success. hope this help and things get better for the both of you. Disclaimer, I was able to quit because I had savings and a supportive Fiance. Look for another job before doing anything.
@AndreaFlackWetherald Год назад
Thanks for watching! Have you ever had to forgive someone who hadn't officially done anything wrong? If so, I'd love to hear about it in the comments :) You can find my book and the link to join the Mindful Improv Community (free) in the description of this video.
@AndreaFlackWetherald Год назад
Thanks so much for watching! What would you add to the list of ways to STOP growth mindset before it starts?! What are your favorite ways to keep from growing?
Awesome! This was hilarious, interesting, and convicting at the same time. Not sure how to react. For now, I'm choosing laughing and self-reflection.. check on me later.
@AndreaFlackWetherald Год назад
hahaha - I'll check on you later!
@AndreaFlackWetherald Год назад
Thanks so much for watching - let me know your favorite way to destroy trust in the comments! You can join the Mindful Improv Community (for free) here: www.subscribepage.com/mindfulimprovcommunity
@malcolmnowlin546 Год назад
WOW! Hilarious 😂
@AndreaFlackWetherald Год назад
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
@AndreaFlackWetherald Год назад
Thanks for watching! If you'd like to join the Mindful Improv Community, here's where you can do that: www.subscribepage.com/mindfulimprovcommunity
@AndreaFlackWetherald Год назад
WHERE TO JOIN THE MINDFUL IMPROV COMMUNITY: www.subscribepage.com/mindfulimprovcommunity
@jonathanarevalo Год назад
I loved this. Recently, I started using the language 'inner critic' and 'inner child'. It's become my way to personify my creativity, my compassion, the limiting beliefs, insecurities, self-sabotage, etc. So I'm constantly checking in with my inner child and my inner critic. And your explanation here is providing some clarity for me around the relationships I have with my inner critic and inner child. Lately, I ask myself when I check in: "who is at the wheel right now - my inner critic or my inner child?'. Almost like this dualistic inquiry. But your examples and analogies in this video are somehow giving me the encouragement and almost permission to allow BOTH to be at the wheel. Is this possible? Who knows! But this is good food for thought for me. Thanks for inspiring this food for thought.
@AndreaFlackWetherald Год назад
Oh my gosh, this is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing this thoughtful reflection :) Are you familiar with the term "inner witness" or just "witness" to describe your true inner self and its awareness and watching of the various thoughts and reactions that happen in your brain? What I like about Mindful Improv Thinking in this sense is that it DOES create that dualism: the thought that says "ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE" and the thought that says "THAT LOOKS HARD... MAYBE TOO HARD?" can work together. Neither one is the ultimate voice of truth: they're scene partners building together. :) Is this making sense? Thanks again for starting the conversation!
@jonathanarevalo Год назад
@@AndreaFlackWetherald I was not aware of the term "inner witness", but it makes so much sense! Mind blown right now lol I'm going to play with this term this week and see how it lands for me.
@AndreaFlackWetherald Год назад
@@jonathanarevalo awesome! Looking forward to an update on how it goes!
@GardeningSpirit Год назад
I've watched quite a few videos on this very topic and this one was the best so far! And I'm not even a millennial! 🤣Thank you for the reminder of being conscious of what I'm putting out there. I agree with you on this, there is something else I need to figure out. I already have a career but since the pandemic my career has slowed down tremendously and because me & my husband had moved to a small town a while ago, I've been looking for something PT just to fill in the winter months. And nothing is hitting it for me. It's an interesting journey for sure. Well done on this video!
@AndreaFlackWetherald Год назад
This is so nice to hear, thank you for sharing! I'm so glad it could bring some encouragement. If you'd like, you can join my (completely free - no upsells) Mindful Improv Community. Here's a link to more info: www.subscribepage.com/mindfulimprovcommunity
@koopi789 Год назад
3 weeks in but i cant help feel guilty, its even a miracle i got this job.. feeling like i should be so grateful but since the first day i’ve had doubts and thought this position is so wrong for me. havin a crisis..
@AndreaFlackWetherald Год назад
I'm so sorry to hear that you're going through a hard time in your career. I hope this video encouraged you! I didn't see your comment until just now because I'm not on RU-vid very consistently. If you like my style of content, here is where you can join my (completely free, no upsells) Mindful Improv Community where I do post encouraging, heart-centered content every week. www.subscribepage.com/mindfulimprovcommunity
@modest91 11 месяцев назад
Did you stay in the role?, this happened to me.
@flagirl0315 10 месяцев назад
@@modest91I’m going through this now and I feel terrible about it 😣. Idk whether to tell them to see if I can move into another job there or wait bc once you tell them, they may just end the employment. They are about to move everything over to me and schedule a bunch of stuff to clients. No idea what to do bc I can’t be without work but I also can’t wait until I’m too far in. The worst
@PassiveLearner 7 месяцев назад
This happened to me, I'm into my 2nd week of the job and the learning curve is tremendous, been thinking if this is the right position I want to be in for the next few years.
@flagirl0315 7 месяцев назад
@@PassiveLearner you will figure it out. As my post said above it happened to me at a new job. I just gave notice and got a job offer that pays even more than this job I left my prior employer for which was already a bigger bump. Things will happen how it’s meant to 🙏🏻
@dancorvalan3205 Год назад
Ah, im sorry, but this just doesnt.. i better go check my horoscope after this.. c'mon..
@newbieduckyelectronics4085 Год назад
Just changed my job due to salary, but found not a good fit and incapable to do well in future in new job during the probation period.... Already resigned, currently looking for vacancy 🥲 wish me gd luck! And Ur so pretty 😍
@modest91 11 месяцев назад
This just happened to me I quit after a month😢, have things got better for you?
@thedrewdog Год назад
I just started a job as an RBT and....yeah I am not digging it. 18 an hour, but the hours are low with very unrealistic expectations and they already sent me to a client with a severely roach infested home. I refused to work in that home, and I feel like my coworkers look down on me for it. Like I'm a snob for not wanting to bring roaches home. All I ever wanted to do was write or act or make a movie. But you can't really survive on dreams so I jobhop. And I'm so tired of doing that.
@Back.too90s Год назад
You’re not alone. Been jumping from corporate job to corporate job with salary and benefits and at this point I feel like I’d rather kill roaches for a living
@johnconnor210 Год назад
I agree job hoping isn't ideal but if you start a new job that isn't a good fit I say just quit. Your just wasting time.
@chanthankhiev1247 Год назад
Thank you
@salouaaudrey4453 Год назад
Thank you for this video, your channel is so amazing, keep going. Greetings from Morocco🥰
@AndreaFlackWetherald Год назад
Thank you so much, Saloua! This is so lovely to hear!! Sending all the positivity and good vibes your way :)
@AndreaFlackWetherald Год назад
I'm going back through comments on this video, because I just noticed that it's now the most watched on my channel. If this video encouraged you, and you'd like more (completely free - no upsells) content like this, this is where you can join the Mindful Improv Community. I'm not super regular on RU-vid, but I do post every week here :) Hope you've been well! www.subscribepage.com/mindfulimprovcommunity
@redanapalm 7 месяцев назад
Me too from morocco
@alyseflack3398 Год назад
I feel like this message is really important for me right now in a time when I truly have no idea what’s next for me. It’s just my job to be present in the Moment right now. I’m thankful for all my scene partners who have my back ♥️♥️♥️
@AndreaFlackWetherald Год назад
Thank you so much - I'm so glad this video was meaningful to you!
@AndreaFlackWetherald Год назад
Thank you for watching! You can join the Mindful Improv Community here: www.subscribepage.com/mindfulimprovcommunity
@MrIlovebmw86 Год назад
I deal with this same problem. I am miserable everywhere
@modest91 11 месяцев назад
How are things going for you now?, currently miserable and trying to find direction 😢
@muta5457 Год назад
Great video, thank you!
@AndreaFlackWetherald Год назад
Thanks so much, Muta! I'm glad you enjoyed the video. If you'd like more (completely free - no upsells) content like this, this is where you can join the Mindful Improv Community. I'm not super regular on RU-vid, but I do post every week here :) Hope you've been well! www.subscribepage.com/mindfulimprovcommunity
@srggn6673 2 года назад
Keep believe You will regret
@watsonanthony8438 2 года назад
I still don’t get it 😢😢😢 lol
@christinalomeli3171 2 года назад
I wish this resonates with me, but it just doesn't. Hard time being up he's with the fact that we are working on Windows 97 and I have a $7,000 deductible when I work for a multimillion-dollar company. I try so hard every morning to put my best foot forward, but by 2 pm I am just hanging on by a thread, if that.
@chococookies7292 Год назад
Girl you can get cheaper insurance on Healthcare Marketplace and you can say you're unemployed too and get cheap ass insurance