
Alex Murdaugh and The Psychology of Playing The Victim 

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On the 7th of June 2021, Alex Murdaugh received a phone call. He had been having a very serious discussion at the time. But the phone call changed everything. Could this have led to Maggie and Paul Murdaugh being murdered that night?
In this video we look at how Alex Murdaugh played the victim and why that was his most powerful playing card. We also consider the impact this weapon has on others.
I have done extensive research on narcissism and the effects of narcissistic abuse. I work as a coach specifically with people who have experienced an abusive relationship. Let me know in the comments section below what video you would like me to make about an aspect of abuse that interests you and please subscribe to my channel!



22 мар 2023




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@scphotogirl Год назад
Jeannie, in my opinion, gave such important testimony. She was super interesting, well spoken , smart, and really kept that firm afloat. A brave woman. That law firm is lucky to have her. She didn't deserve to be abused by Alex. He would never believe any female could have enough power over him to hold him accountable. So glad Alex will never get out of jail.
@rosep8481 Год назад
Except it went on for ten years and the only time she seemed to catch it was when a paralegal and another law firm alerted her to it
@justanothersmith6012 Год назад
@@rosep8481 I think he primarily skimmed money off of the amounts his clients were awarded. They trusted him and believed he did his best for them because he cared. It looks like he got bolder and greedier, keeping the bulk of most fees, or the entire amount. He cashed checks that the firm intended to go to his brother, Randy, claiming confusion or forgetfulness. Then he started keeping the fees that were supposed to go to the firm. The End
@Tsumami__ Год назад
She was far too intelligent to not be aware that something was going on long before she chose to confront him. That’s her only job, she was the CFO, other than whomever is employed as their accountant, it’s her job more than anyone else’s to catch that. A paralegal had to catch it. By her own words, the culture of “trust and brotherhood” - in other words the good ole boy system - that existed in that firm had to have been why she chose to turn a blind eye for so long. Don’t forget her husband is also the one who sold Moselle to Alex parcel by parcel.
@dianeyoung8068 Год назад
I agree, she had a lot of courage to question him.
@LunalovaniaGaming Год назад
Yes I agree here. This is purely speculation on my part, but I believe Alex underestimated the women around him. I believe he didn't think Jeannie would testify against him, or if she did, she wouldn't be confident in what she was saying. Alex was expecting Jeannie to tip the scales in his favor when she testified. Obviously, she wasn't having ANY of Alex's bullcrap and she got up there with confidence, strength, and most importantly, the truth. I'm sure she wanted to take the boys club brotherhood down for a while now, but couldn't until someone who was a part of that brotherhood came to her about Alex's theft. Again, this is just purely speculation so take it with a grain of salt. What do you think?
@jonathanwoodham4165 Год назад
Nobody plays a Victim like a Narcissist...
@m0L3ify Год назад
He created a crisis to force people to take care of him. My ex used to do the same thing. He was also defrauding people, but everyone looks the other way when they think you're a victim of circumstance, even when you created those circumstances. It doesn't occur to most people that anyone would do that to themselves on purpose. It takes a special kind of psychopath to win at losing.
@carlamarlene2927 Год назад
My sister skipped out on celebrating with her nephews, my twin boys, for their HS graduation by getting to town late, spending all their time with her exes family, got mad when I couldn't pay for an extra night at the hotel, missed calling them for their birthday, then got furious when I wouldn't bail her out of jail 3 months later after absolutely no contact. Now I'm the witch bc I don't bother trying to inform her of family affairs. I've tried but she's blocked me on FB, messenger, and from her actual phone number.
@neige4221 Год назад
When my father had his kids in his home, as we were growing up, he played the controlling role and often times he used fear to get that control. Once we were grown and left the family home, he did a switch with how he acted with us, he became the old man who was in need of help and was always looking for sympathy. It was a strange thing to witness, but it worked for him because a lot of the extended family bought into it. Of course he would revert to the monster role if you made him angry. That side of a narcissist never disappears.
@janetblanc7658 Год назад
Sounds like my ex with my children who are now parents themselves and I'm free.
@flipnoutntexas121 Год назад
Wow, this sounds like how my dad was to a T!
@Thing1DadaThing2Kiki Год назад
My father ruled by fear as well. He was an alcoholic. He was born in the 1920s in a different time.. he was put into an orphanage at a young age due to his father fighting in WW1 and his mother getting caught bootlegging to support the kids bhe lived in that government ran orphanage till he was 17 and enlisted and was shipped off at 17 to go fight in WW2. He had always been a cold man. Not very loving or compassionate. But once he stopped drinking bc mom threw his butt out , and he became older, he started to change. We finally had a good relationship when he died. 2 days before Christmas and 3 days before his 85th bday.
@isabellind1292 Год назад
Long comment but I just have to say, those children must have been raised in a dysfunctional home if their parents had assigned their youngest son to police his father's drug abuse. It was clear, that was the case when Maggie found a stash of her husband's pills in his bag (as she waited for him out in their vehicle). She didn't bother to confront her husband, she called up Paul to report this. So it was left in Paul's hands to deal w/and having to call up his father to tell him what his mom had found and that he & his dad were going to have to sit down & talk. HUH?! No wonder they'd given him the nickname "Little Detective". They must have thought if they minimized what they were doing, it was justification to inject their child into their adult problems. Geesh, what a burden to put on your children! Sad too was listening to the (recorded) jailhouse conversations I heard between Alex and Buster. He was so detached w/what his son was going through, he was questioning his mood as if it went w/o saying that having his brother & mother murdered & his father charged w/the crime might be negatively be affecting him! I felt bad for Buster. He sounded taken aback by the question, rightfully so. Just like Alex just blew Buster's concerns off in another conversation when Buster had just been blindsided by the news his father was a world class swindler. Sure it was a recorded conversation and Alex might have wanted to be careful what he said but he was not at all comforting to his son and that's all it would have taken of him.
@isabellind1292 Год назад
@@Thing1DadaThing2Kiki My grandfather was a Lt Commander in WWll, drank like a sailor and probably had a woman in every port. My grandmother wasn't going to put up w/it; they had four children. She told him to shape up or ship out and so he joined AA and never had another drink in his life. And they lived happily ever after.
@caseyw.6550 Год назад
I don't know how Alex can sit there in court and face all these people he betrayed. I'd be crawling under the table.
@HappyLife-vh2ey Год назад
I hear you Casey . We never understand what we are not !
@luv2fly745 Год назад
He lacks empathy and a conscience. He's a sociopath and a malignant narcissist. Look into that and you will understand.
@kdbwiz Год назад
That’s because you have a conscience. You would never do one single act of embezzlement that he did routinely.
@stephaniemccord6100 Год назад
The man didn't have a conscience abd only cared about himself. A true narcissist.
@meelly6232 Год назад
@ldc68 Год назад
I used to work in victim services for domestic violence survivors. Your content is always spot on. The power and control, sociopathic actions, and the narcissism in this case is very familiar and you have nailed it every time. You're one of my favorite content creators. Thank you for all you do!
@LiveAbuseFree Год назад
Thanks, I appreciate this! 😊
@annerose1925 Год назад
I agree 100% not only does she have fantastic knowledge but she presents it so coherently..
@mariagabrielle6383 Год назад
"Hollows them out" is the perfect way to describe what a psycho does to their victim.
@leslieyancey5084 Год назад
I feel so bad for his former best friend, who seemed to be such a good friend to Alex only to be betrayed by him! And he’s still hurt by this. It’s just so unforgivable!
This friend, Mark Ball, testified for the defense after all that Alex did to deceive and betray his friend!
@mandero8842 Год назад
Is that the guy who was in the back of the police car with alex in the video after the murders where ales us in the front of the police car answering questions?
@funkyfreak97 Год назад
​@@mandero8842 no, that was Danny Henderson. I think OP means Chris Wilson.
@knowsmebyname Год назад
​@@HEARTANDSOULOFMINE agree. Good pick. Mark Ball seemed very genuine to me as well.
@marybarry6408 Год назад
The devastation of the depth of betrayal that they felt from Alex has crushed their spirit. It’s deep ,sad, and so hard to imagine. A person that you trusted like a brother, doing the unthinkable. I’m a Christian,I believe only God will be able to help them all recover. This man has absolutely brought them to an almost unbearable heartbreak. May God have mercy. Just awful!
@brendaclark8053 Год назад
This man was into much more stuff than people knew ; how he got away all those years is beyond me 😡
@donnagroven3345 Год назад
It's all surfacing publicly now 😮 holy hell... What a nightmare watching it all unfold.... Have you read 'Murdaugh she wrote' yet?
@deborahhershey3045 Год назад
He got away with it because he worked on both sides of the TABles$ in CoUrT$ defending his cLIEnt$ and prosecuting those he chose to ~ wink wink
@cl5470 9 месяцев назад
Money, privilege, and manners. Manners and civility can cover up a lot.
@dnsrocha Год назад
It is so good to have you back sharing your views. I learn a lot from your perspective and experience. Thank you so much for being this generous!
@claudiarebecca4688 Год назад
I couldn’t figure out why he called every partner in the law firm out to the crime scene. Thanks for explaining.
@richdenisevangessel1999 Год назад
That was my conclusion regarding the murder of MM and PM being a staged murder, not vigilantes.
@helengren9349 Год назад
As a lawyer, he knew that evidence on crime scene is important, so puropsely eliminating it all by calling bunch of peeps.. 🤷‍♀️
@claudiarebecca4688 Год назад
I wonder about a person who would have people view the bodies. If I happened upon a crime scene, I would never call others, who knew the victims, to see it. The trauma to the others would be a major factor to me.
@lauraland9311 Год назад
He was so fortunate to have such seemingly kind and caring people around him. The way he used and abused their good nature is beyond heartbreaking.
@caroleminke6116 Год назад
Dark triad @ extreme of Cluster B diagnosis ❤️‍🩹
@skinnypete3104 Год назад
I’m suspicious Gloria may have been killed because she knew too much. I’ve been a professional nanny for over 20 years and we know so many intimate details of the elite families we serve because we work closely with them in their home where they’re the most comfortable (Gloria was the nanny turn house keeper when the boys grew up). I often wonder what she knew and wish she was around to testify.
@H_A_L_7 Год назад
4 million plus would be the main reason
@lea24457 Год назад
I found the 911 call when Gloria had fell very strange , I don’t want to speak ill of the dead however Maggie seemed like it was a massive inconvenience to her having to speak to the 911 operator she then passed the phone to Paul to explain further . For a woman who had worked for Maggie for so long and had so much to do with her sons upbringing I just found it strange , I understand people act differently when going through a tough time etc but something was definitely strange with her demeanour
@abbatrouble Год назад
It's obvious that she was NOT killed - merely an accident - but I believe that she was viewed by the family as hired help and not part of the family, The accident was viewed as an inconvenience to everyone except Alex who immediately saw dollar signs.
@H_A_L_7 Год назад
@@abbatrouble Why was it obvious?
@abbatrouble Год назад
@@H_A_L_7 If she were purposely pushed down the stairs they would never have called an ambulance and/or let her live long enough to get to a hospital and eventually blab.
@arcacoma3524 Год назад
I oftened wondered how many individuals had figured this guy out from the beginning and knew exactly what sort of character he was..They're had to be people out there that knew how dangerous, calculated and deliberate he was and how he controlled the narratives and situations accordingly...Obviously he was never challenged either because of fear or because his authority and standing was beyond reproach.
@caseyw.6550 Год назад
Some of the people who "figured him out" joined right in on helping him commit all of his frauds.
@PhoenixRisen63 Год назад
I think that people who saw through that family avoided them like the plague. That's how I would handle that, just make sure that I have zero further connection to that person(s).
@PhoenixRisen63 Год назад
​@caseyw.6550 And the rest saw him coming and ran the other way, wanting NOTHING to do with that mess.
@mariedouce7636 Год назад
@@PhoenixRisen63 Exactly - nobody could confront him about anything even if they wanted to. I'm sure there were people who saw him for what he was, and the best way to deal with him would be to stay as far away from him as possible.
@arcacoma3524 Год назад
​@Marie Douce Dead right..Exactly what I thought too
@Tsumami__ Год назад
I think he had to learn how to play the victim early on in life, because he couldn’t live up to the expectations his father set out for him on his own. He’s had to cry and lie his entire way through life. Daddy Randolf expected him to become a successful, well respected lawyer, but he was an alcoholic that liked to party, so daddy had to create a safety net for him to get through law school. Playing the victim when he doesn’t perform like his siblings did would allow him to become the brother that’s treated with kid gloves and accommodated endlessly. He’s also a schmoozer, but when that doesn’t work he feigns something that illicits sympathy from people.
@c3ramics Год назад
I can't even begin to imagine what Alex might've gotten himself into back then. We keep thinking about the Murdaugh boys, Paul and Buster, but what can one imagine the original Murdaugh boy was doing in old days?
@Dominique_99 Год назад
All of the Murdaugh family have been trouble makers. They originally got their money when the OG was sick and probably dying and he had endless attitude at the railroad and trains in the area so he saw a train coming waved at it then parked his car on the tracks. This allowed his son to sue the railroad for the ‘accident’ and make the family money. This more recent Handsome was threatened with suspension by the higher courts when we did things like threatened jurors that if they didn’t give people the death penalty he would set all the rapists in the jails free to roam the streets. That’s called jury tampering and should cause a mistrial. Whether it did or not and they all laughed it off like they did when Dick held the gun up during this trial and aimed it at State and said tempting, is another matter. Apparently people in SC can get away with stuff like that.
@BustedFlush7096 Год назад
He was Paul as a child to his own Dad.
@luv2fly745 Год назад
And thus a narcissist is made...
@mrsa6925 Год назад
@@BustedFlush7096 You’re definitely onto something. I think the attitude of both his sons comes directly from him. “The apple never falls far from the tree”
@SammyNeedsAnAlibi Год назад
The more i delve into this mess, the more I am convinced NOBODY really knew Alex Murderdog. He was a Chameleon, able to become whatever he needed to be at the moment to get whatever he wanted. He was very good at this little game of his- until it all started to unravel after the boat crash and he'd have to open his books that he wanted to keep closed... at ANY cost. Sadly, Paul and Maggie were that cost.... Very good show! I love your presentation, stating only the facts as we know them, and putting it all together. BRAVO!
@SimplySweet-qj3um Год назад
I think Paul was a lot like Alec and pushed the envelope all the time. I think Paul used what he knew about his Father to his benefit. I think Maggie was tired of the nonsense and knew financially they were in trouble and wanted out of the Marriage. The boys were adults now and would be okay so she started fixing up the beach house for herself.
@rosshole Год назад
Who's Alec?
@margueritethurston3913 Год назад
@michaeldonnelly2977 Год назад
I think a major argument happened down at the Kennels. Alex got on his golf cart and drove away and Paul grabbed his 300 blackout rifle. Maybe Paul pointed the rifle at Alex and Maggie stood in the way. PAUL SHOT MAGGIE and went into the small feed room. Alex heard the shots and drove the cart to the feed room. Alex shot his son Paul. He could NEVER let the public know about Paul’s demons. Alex had the MURDAUGH name to protect…
@helenaj9436 Год назад
​@@rosshole Alec Murdaugh. It's not "Alex".
@helenaj9436 Год назад
Paul was raised to behave how he did. He was expected to be a prick so he was.
@NewMe-iq5os Год назад
Thank you so much for covering this murder. I hope you are feeling better. Your views are so beneficial for me to understand covert narcissism.
@redballoonluke Год назад
Did they investigate that phone call? He could have just pretended his phone was vibrating and made it up to get the hell out. Maybe he already knew his dad was terminal.
@sweetea7035 Год назад
Omg!!! What great insight. Reminds me of Matt Damon character in the Mr. Ripley movie
@redballoonluke Год назад
@@sweetea7035 The untalented Mr Murdaugh
@gladysgreen2 Год назад
There was testimony that his brother called and his dad’s diagnosis was not the worst case scenario as they thought. The prognosis slightly improved that day, actually
@salutsoleil3682 Год назад
I’ve always suspected the phone call was staged.
@glamdolly30 Год назад
Agreed - that phone call seems very conveniently timed, right in the middle of Alex' showdown with the accountant over his thieving! Maybe it wasn't the bad news he pretended, even if the call was an update on his dad's health.
@lisabailey6605 Год назад
Jeannie was PISSED! And rightly so. Let’s be honest, she and her team should have had a system in place of analyses and reconciliations of accounts associated with random cases. Checks and balances are essential to keep everything and everyone above board. I bet she and her team have those in place now. Alec knew that wasn’t being done that’s why he knew naming his fake account Forge was good enough. And it was…until it wasn’t. She hopped right on her suspicions and was ultimately very involved in exposing him!
@danielahoti4109 Год назад
I wonder if he killed Jeannie, anything much came out of his frauds so soon. Somebody in the banks must have known something. They all covered up for him.
@blairbrownie1223 Год назад
Honestly, she should’ve been let go. She was extremely negligent
@karlajohnson1312 Год назад
@@mangafq8 I was thinking the same not having an external audits.
@karlajohnson1312 Год назад
@@blairbrownie1223 i definitely agree.
@angie4justice Год назад
@@blairbrownie1223 I was thinking the same thing. She must have known and decided every time to let it go because she, as most people, were too afraid of Alec.
@kazshaw3945 Год назад
You figured him out perfectly ,some of us can easily as it's obvious to us but many couldn't and still can't grasp this man's state of mind and the way he processes things !Well Done you ,you got him spot on !👍
@Sunshinexoxo4795 Год назад
Agree with you 150%
@johannaimmers597 Год назад
Narcissists always make you feel stupid and doubt yourself how its possible they could fool you that much 😢 Murdoch will not change even in jail he will continue
@ginnylinn8224 Год назад
Yes, finally someone says he is a sociopath! And yes, he manipulated empathic people to get his way. We don't hear this Truth too often. Thank you for your honest insight!
@jennyh3212 Год назад
This is a wonderful analysis of the inner workings of Alex's psyche and how others are affected. You have such a clear and concise way of explaining things, I've never seen others analyze this with the depth and clarity that you do. So greatly appreciated.
@renko9067 Год назад
Great video. Another way of looking at it is that manipulators and abusers will get angry when a normal person sheds tears, because they assume it’s fake as it would be if they were the ones crying and looking for sympathy.
@AA-lq5pu Год назад
Great point! Wow, I just realised how my ex would get angry when I cried.
@sexibyw Год назад
Spot on! They only understand their own fake emotions & can not handle others emotions
@daggerlove9304 Год назад
he didn’t kill anyone for a distraction. he killed them because he hated them. especially paul for ruining his life.
@luv2fly745 Год назад
He actually did it for both reasons, I think. He killed two birds with one stone..plus 2 different guns.
@deenad3562 Год назад
​@@luv2fly745let me get this straight +×÷= 2 murders, 2 reasons, 2 birds, 1 stone, 2 guns, 1 assassin....anything else?🤭
@amischair1906 Год назад
@@deenad3562 Right on the money. 💯
@donasutherland3708 Год назад
A couple of sources said Maggie had hired a forensic accountant to figure out where all the money was going and was considering divorce. Paul was being sued for millions because of the boat wreck. Both Maggie & Paul were inquiring about Alex's drug use. They were tarnishing his so-called reputation and going to cost him a fortune. Alex thought he would solve the problem of paying out on a lawsuit caused by Paul, a divorce (loss of half of everything & financial crimes being exposed), plus get rid of two people he felt were of no use to him and were disposable.
@ggrene8266 Год назад
@@deenad3562 4 murders, the care taker who "fell down the steps" and the gay boy....wait, plus the boat girl. That wasn't murder but it was still vehicular homicide. So 4-5 murders. Buster is probably next. He is going to jail or he is getting murdered. Stay tuned!!!!!!
@kimberlymccracken747 Год назад
I know that look. I've seen it since I was a child from both of my sociopathic/narcissistic parents whenever I called them out on anything. They look like they could eat you for lunch - though they're completely disgusted by you.
@lovemore247 Год назад
Yes if a person by nature is trusting and they are conned like this it does alter them. Its almost like an innocence is taken away from them and the reality that there really are people who con and lie is VERY disturbing to them
@1234cheerful Год назад
It has been said that Alex's father told Alex on the night of the boat crash "Either you take care of Paul, or I will." I have no idea if Alex's father knew about his financial shenanigans when he said this. If not, I suppose the father/grandfather meant put him in a mental hospital or something like that. Every time Paul got in trouble he called his grandfather to get him out, and Grandad did but he had had enough. I wonder if Paul realized it.
@TheTexorcist68 Год назад
Alex took care of Paul alright. Blew his brains out. It takes an extremely calloused soul and demented mindset to blow his son's brains out with shotgun. My God. Alex has ice water running through his veins.
@loismailletlynn6079 Год назад
i wonder what exactly”taking care of Paul” means
@TheTexorcist68 Год назад
@@loismailletlynn6079 Click, click boom.
@loismailletlynn6079 Год назад
@@TheTexorcist68 nice family huh. grandpa tells son to get rid of grandson
@TheTexorcist68 Год назад
@@loismailletlynn6079 I believe it's something like that. Talk about ruthless.
@tammykelsey7877 Год назад
I keep having this thought: You know how Alex walked around Maggie while he was shooting her? I think she was saying something to him like, “You SOB . . . “ and he was verbally abusing her as he walked around her in a circle and shot her.
@charrielyn1231 9 месяцев назад
Where was that in the trial? How did they know that?
@tammykelsey7877 9 месяцев назад
@@charrielyn1231 It was part of the crime scene investigation and autopsy. She had bullet holes in her body as if he walking in a circular pattern around her as she laid on the ground.
@nickinurse6433 Год назад
As a retired RN of 43 years I can honestly say that if I had a nickle for every patient who faked, exaggerated, or intentionally caused illness I would be not be living in the trailer park where I now reside.
@jenhasken Год назад
When his paralegal testified that he often showed up for work at the end of the workday -- I mean I worked for and around dozens and dozens of lawyers and they would never show up later than 9!! It’s very telling. Reeks of lack of respect for others (he expected his staff to stay and work) and entitlement.
@LittleOrla Год назад
So much betrayal, so much trauma. ❤ and 🙏 for all his victims, his family, his friends.
@squarepegfb Год назад
I just wanted to say to everyone that I've taken Zoe's course (Hi Zoe!) and it's been a gamechanger for me. I no longer blame myself for someone else's abusive behaviour, I've learned to set and maintain boundaries with people in my life, I'm no longer scared of being taken advantage of because of it, and I use the techniques for feeling and regulating my emotions so it no longer feels like I get overwhelmed by them (Thank you Zoe!). So sign up if you can!
@LiveAbuseFree Год назад
aw! Thank you so much FiFi!! It's lovely to hear from you! I'm so glad to know more about all of the changes you've made. 🤗
@NewMe-iq5os Год назад
Zoe, you breaking down exactly what the covert narcissist is doing is immensely helpful with coming to terms wihen dealing with the charming person that everybody loves. Most covert narcissists are never exposed like this, and so someone like me continues to doubt themselves, while people still see them with their mask on. So thank you so much! I believe that is why so many people keep going back to the covert narcissist, because the victim usually doesn’t have much support while everyone is showing empathy to the “victim“ covert, narcissist.
@Blonde111 Год назад
Absolutely…they are master manipulators. They do confide in you all their travails of life, they get your empathy and realize you are kindhearted. They start the gaslighting early on, then they ruin your life while they come out smelling like a rose.
@moonchildpink5525 Год назад
I have found that over time things tend to come to light
@N0N4M30 Год назад
Bingo that s how covert narc parents work aswell
@christineoosthuizen4388 Год назад
That self doubt and the quiet worry that you are crazy ...
@lynngregory393 Год назад
You describe the covert narcissist perfectly. He will continue to manipulate even in prison.
@LynnsYouTube Год назад
The male witness is a good friend and all the others at the firm. It's wild that he had such an amazing, supportive community and family and still all this did this to them.
@VanessaGray_KingswayGlobal Год назад
Best commentary ever! You make the puzzle pieces fit together for this narcissist. I lived with 1 on/off 20 yrs. He was much like what I observed in the trial and documentaries. They are professional actors at best! Hard to detect until the masquerade is EXPOSED for everyone to see. A literal evil entity lives on the inside. They will do ANYTHING to protect their false image. I enjoy your channel
@persiamotorman Год назад
He definitely had everyone wrapped around his little finger. He perfected victim playing to an art form.
@gayladenison5925 Год назад
Hello from Sacramento, CA I always thought that Alex was the oldest sibling not the youngest. Somehow his self centeredness and arrogance makes more sense to me now. I have seen in most families that the youngest is usually more spoiled by the parents. Being from an affluent family only escalated it. Just my observance and opinion.
@lilynorthover8378 Год назад
Prince Harry
@vmat6684 Год назад
He's the middle child. The youngest is Richard who testified for him at the trial
@vmat6684 Год назад
@@lilynorthover8378 🙄 Alex was the middle child so time to reassess your kitchen sink psychology 😆
@BustedFlush7096 Год назад
@@vmat6684 who is Richard? I only know of Randy and John Marvin and Alex. In all the photos of the family these are the only sons in the photos.
@lilynorthover8378 Год назад
@@vmat6684 who the hell is Alex? There's no Alex in the Royal Family! 👹
@TheTexorcist68 Год назад
CITIZENS: "No one will ever take down the powerful Alex Murdaugh and the Murdaugh family." BUBBA: "Hold my chicken..." 😂
@roseparton9694 Год назад
@victoriousgavi7736 Год назад
LAF I Love your explanations of people who are abusive. I always learn so much ❤
@d.awdreygore Год назад
His motive makes total sense to me because I've seen similar things play out with toxic people I've known. One person went so far as to threaten suicide, and slander an innocent person to distract from the minor trouble they were in. She was willing to go nuclear on innocent bystanders for literally years to avoid an inconvenience and a blow to her ego. (Also, your hair looks great)
@lindalarson5468 Год назад
This video was amazing. It is perhaps the best, laser-focused analysis of how a sociopath exploits and manipulates empathic, loving people. So excellent. Thanks so much!
@katfromthekong414 Год назад
"He's just struggling" is a line mutual friends kept repeating every time I tried to explain my covert narc best friends cruel behaviour. I stopped explaining after a while and just cut contact. Since then I focus on making sure I have clear boundaries and trusting my own opinion. Best decision I ever made.
@susancarpenter8486 Год назад
After all the talk about his father being so sick & wanting Maggie to go with him to the hospital, he never did go see his dad that evening. He went to see his mom who was probably not even aware that her husband had gone into the hospital. Love your explanation of Alex and his needs to be a victim. Calling all his lawyer flying monkeys to come to him that evening. Hope you will do more on how he acted on the stand. Such theatrics! Love your presentations!
@aceventurapetdetective2356 Год назад
Glad to see you are back and hopefully feeling much better now/ Thanks for posting another video.
@gwenowens6727 Год назад
I believe from the phone records and testimony/interviews with other family members that the call Alex Murdaugh took while speaking to Jeannie was in fact his brother informing him that the news about the father, Randolph, wasn’t as bad as expected and there was some hope. It shows how adept Alec was at thinking on his feet to deflect Jeannie and garner her sympathy by lying about the contents of that call. Great to hear your insight about this case.
@glamdolly30 Год назад
Thank you for that info - that's exactly what I suspected. The dramatic bad news about Alex' pop was just too conveniently timed, during the showdown with the company accountant over his thieving!
@sherryduggar8821 Год назад
His father was moved to a hospital and died two days later so it was not a call to say he was better.
@glamdolly30 Год назад
@@sherryduggar8821 Nor was the call the dramatic bad new Alex communicated to his company accountant, to get her off his back for his thieving!
@SweetUniverse Год назад
Yes! That's exactly how my friend's controlling boyfriend hooked her- by constantly trotting out his horrible childhood & getting her to feel sorry for him to the point where she stopped standing up for herself, which she had been so good at. She eventually stopped our friendship when he began to isolate her. She ended up with no friends- just him in her life.
@billbillson3129 Год назад
I just recently heard of this case, and I am pleasantly surprised to see that you've made videos about it!! Thank you for sharing!
@deenad3562 Год назад
*Great, detailed, spot-on insights!* 💫
@TentinQuarantino_ Год назад
So good to see you back in my alerts. And great to hear your take on this deeply creepy lurking family annihilator. Decades of manipulation unravelled as fast as a knitted scarf on a protruding nail.
@rw4754 Год назад
I was married for 27 years when I found out that my nice & funny husband had lived a double triple life with multiple other women & came home like nothing amiss. When I uncovered it his mask slipped & his contempt for me was exposed & I was terrified. I was hollowed out & blown thru for 3 years coming to terms with who I thought he was & who he really is.
@aimeewaite925 Год назад
Me too 20 years, these personality disorders are pure evil.
@Vintage206 Год назад
Your hair looks fabulous! Gorgeous girl. Great interpretation of this case.❤️
@LiveAbuseFree Год назад
Thank you! 😊
@cindyspiers9578 Год назад
Always a good day when a new video pops up in my feed. As always, your insights are nuanced and give food for thought beyond the particulars of the case.
@brendaw.7597 Год назад
Thank you for sharing your insight. I find it worthwhile to listen to.
@susanberg5817 Год назад
Thank you so much for yet another insightfull video. I've been watching your videos since you taught us about covert narcissists in the Chris Watts case. I've come to understand a lot, not only in the cases, I follow, but also about my own life, thanks to you. Greetings from Denmark 🇩🇰♥️.
@AncoraImparoPiper Год назад
Thank you so much. Now I understand the psychology behind his actions and why he felt he needed to kill his wife and son. It all makes sense now.
@dabigailvanburen2268 Год назад
It always makes me happy when you upload new videos, especially on wild cases like this one. 🌹
@rebeccatrainor734 Год назад
Excellent overview. It was so helpful.
@iamthatiam1618 Год назад
How can you not feel deep remorse for how you treated a person when they expressed how much they actually loved and respected you? That would make me feel terrible about myself
@MeMe-mt6xv Год назад
He is disturbed. A shell of a person.
@jenniferbailey5914 Год назад
Narcissists feel nothing for others. They have no soul and they also despise themselves because they know who they are but they cannot change. This is why NPD is a disorder and not a mental health diagnoses. It’s can’t be treated or cured.
@helenoftroy2525 Год назад
That's why he was crying for himself - as he stated he did not like to be shamed.
@glamdolly30 Год назад
Alex and covert narcissists like him are incapable of feeling remorse or regret for their cruelties and abuse of others - only regret that they were caught. Court will have been an ordeal for Alex, because his kind cannot bear to be shamed - and this high profile trial for the murders of his wife and son - which he never thought would happen - is the ultimate shaming experience. His tears are only ever for himself. I believe his motives in these murders was only too obvious. As Zoe so brilliantly explained in this video, it was about retreating into his age-old survival method, victimhood. Once he decided he could get away with the fatal shootings of his wife and child and convince everyone he was the innocent, grieving husband and father, committing them at the isolated country estate miles from any witnesses, was pretty easy for the seasoned hunter. Jurors were more convinced of Alex' guilt than ever, after visiting the remote crime scene, miles from anywhere. Its location down a long, unmarked country track, surrounded by rolling hills used for hunting, only confirmed him as the prime suspect. Alex also had clear additional motive to want both victims dead. There's little doubt his marriage was in trouble, and wife Maggie was considering divorce. Covert narcissists will not tolerate rejection, and the shame it brings. Once he knew or even suspected his wife's intention to divorce him (with not only the shame, but the forensic examination of his finances that would bring), her fate was sealed. And youngest son Paul, a chip off the old block with his callous, narcissistic disrespect for others and addiction issues, had brought another huge, criminal crisis to his door. The multi million dollar law suit over the drunken boat crash that killed a young woman, was due in court imminently. Alex had raised Paul in his own image. As he was contemplating his own prosecution for theft on a massive scale, he also had to handle the serious consequences of his son's crime. There's no mystery why Alex wanted Paul dead!
@ardesyvonne9406 Год назад
I can say from my personal experience as someone who deeply loved someone and expressed it daily, it backfired on me. They blamed me for their attraction to me and called me a whore. All I did was love them…they have zero remorse for ruining my life and my self esteem. They couldn’t have loved me to turn on me like that. Alex probably just acted like he cared in order to manipulate. He couldn’t care for people and rip them off at the same time. A criminal was who he was the whole time. He was a chameleon
@betweenlamppost Год назад
What a great analysis of this monster by this lady and how she applies it to be relevant to us all, thank you🙏
@AA-lq5pu Год назад
Yours is the only channel where check for new videos. I always learn something new. Thank you.
@MK-hz2bn Год назад
I love your hair color! It looks so pretty straight too. Your take on this is so educational for those of us who are trying to keep a narcissistic person away. They are really smart at creeping back in.
@hoovertrading Год назад
Wonderful, all the hours I sat mesmerized watching this trial trying to figure out what was really going on, you're amazing
@RT-dk7yv Год назад
I love your videos, thank you!
@annette2326 Год назад
You are the first person discussing the motive who has made sense of it for me.
@maureeningleston1501 Год назад
Thx for the lovely scenery. It was very calming.
@auntmaddie Год назад
The way you just proved how the sociopath hollows some one out? The way you used those clips had my heart breaking for that man before you chimed in on it. It was powerful. I"m too empathetic for my own good irl. I was about to shed a tear before I heard you. Well done! Yes I have experienced many of the things you named. It makes sense. I always give inches because I generally understand where whomever is coming from.
@AmberMaloneAZ Год назад
This is a great wake-call for those of us who allow our empathy to go too far. You are stunning!😍
@michigangrandma3452 Год назад
What an excellent video. I was amazed about how you caught the phone call changed everything. He knew Paul could not be at that hearing. Wow !
@maureeningleston1501 Год назад
AM was no better than a parasite who left people as empty husks.
@indiabilly Год назад
You always have a really interesting perspective and use great examples to illustrate your point so it’s easy for me to understand, thank you xx
@ozge1dursun Год назад
I really love your unique approach to these cases. It is really rare to find this with other analysts..xxx
@LiveAbuseFree Год назад
Thank you! 😊
@sheriyando8039 Год назад
I just have so much aberration for this lady and her videos. I've learned so much from her. Thank you so much for taking the time making these videos and all the research that goes into them. And adding great lessons to each of them. ❤ Teaching so much about mental illness.
@glamdolly30 Год назад
@taramcgavan7654 Admiration, surely?!
@GladsomeHeart Год назад
The CFO had only Alex’s word that he stayed at the office instead of going to his father’s side because he had to prepare for an upcoming court case. Believing what he said and then coming to the conclusion that he didn’t plan the murders prior to committing them based just on this seems erroneous. It’s MUCH more likely he stayed behind at work instead of going to his father, to try and cover his tracks more deeply because he knew it was all going to come out. This obviously messed up his timeline and caused him to be late leaving work. Everything Alex says is suspect. Just as he said he and Paul rode around and around Moselle that night for a couple hours going here there and everywhere all over the property, then they ate and then he “took a nap”. If he didn’t leave his office until 6 or 6:30 that isn’t possible. But that was THE PLAN and he stuck to it in his story.
@justjosie8963 Год назад
Did he stand to inherit his father's fortune or did he already have it? I'm thinking he wanted to see what he stood to lose in the upcoming court case.
@ardesyvonne9406 Год назад
I Hope you see this comment because this video was the most insightful and truthful info I’ve heard that explains my last traumatic relationship. It has freed me so much. I’m thinking about attending your next course. Thank you🙏🏼
@LiveAbuseFree Год назад
I'm really glad to know that it's freed you! 🤗
@avril3533 Год назад
Thank you for a new video about this case which is a horrible one. And I love your new hair colour, it suits you so well!😊
@LiveAbuseFree Год назад
Thanks so much! 😊
@tammykelsey7877 Год назад
Wow! Me truly understanding this case is coming to me in layers! I just subscribed to you! Thank you!
@Prettypeachylife Год назад
This is the best explanation I’ve heard about this matter. I was a victim of a psychopath, but luckily figured stuff out before it was too late. You are right. It changes your level of trust-with everything. You rationally know you are being defensive but it’s difficult because you never forget what you’ve gone through.
@emmawheeler8559 Год назад
Such a brilliant insight, thank you so much for your videos! you always make so much sense and pick up on things that are so easily missed, but are often the core of the issue. You really know your stuff xx
@jenniferjohnson-jb7ki Год назад
Your interpretation is spot on. People don't realize how far some will go for sympathy. Your video on why he resented Maggie and Paul is a great precursor to this explanation. Especially Paul, a spoiled child who was never told "no" who has literally gotten away with murder and is now an adult causing so much trouble. Maggie spending and wanting more, while also looking into the finances after all Alex has given them (in his mind) they're so ungrateful. What bugs me is he blames his drug problem, but he was apparently a high functioning addict because nobody knew for years. He's gotten away with so much, why not get rid of the two people causing him the most trouble, on the plus side he'll get empathy for his loss.
@purplgrits7916 Год назад
Spot on, great interpretation 👏🏼👏🏼
@marypalmer1062 Год назад
Brilliant! This makes sense more than any other theory that I've read. Now we know why because of your channel.
@kimc.3104 Год назад
This vid was so well put together ... it felt like it had a motion to it. The dance around a narcisist-liar in the narc-liars world.....
@LiveAbuseFree Год назад
Oh great! Than you! 😊
@estherhelbig Год назад
Thank you for your new video. I hope; you are feeling better. Narcisstic people are good in spotting empathy in others; so that they can manipulate them . Empaths always see the good in people. They are often unable to recognize their bad intentions. My mom ( for excample) always felt bad for my father ;no matter how much he abused his whole family. "He is really unhappy with himself" she used to say; My father had a terrible childhood;he was physically and sexually abused; I learnt this after his death last year; but my mom always knew that.
@jobrenden6687 Год назад
Good to see you back again. And this is a very interesting case too.
@susie2157 Год назад
As always you are spot-on!! Always enjoy your point of view!
@philonutube100 Год назад
I find it so hard to get into his head (no empathy and all) but I believe he did it. I also commented on Jeannie's video as well, she absolutely destroyed his character and work ethic, it was riveting. Love your flicks you always seem to make sense out of narcissistic behaviours.
@gladysgreen2 Год назад
This is so insightful and illuminating! You would be an excellent criminal behaviour specialist
@LiveAbuseFree Год назад
oh thank you! 😊
@wasteddemise2286 Год назад
Thank you for the uploads
@MarshaLynn1025 Год назад
Always good to see you!
@crystalheart1186 Год назад
How he can sit there, and see how devastated these wonderful people are... is beyond anything I could ever imagine. What a conniving, awful human.
@ak-47intelligence75 Год назад
Why not ? In his mind, HE didn't do anything wrong. It's everybody else's fault BUT his 😂
@LynnsYouTube Год назад
I think he was planning it ahead of time because Maggie suspected he was up to something.
@celebrantsue5910 Год назад
Excellent presentation. Thank you 😊
@LoveintheshapeofaPitBull Год назад
Looking good girl👍 I miss the cute little animal snippets at the end. Thank you for the work you do, it’s a life changer🙏🏼🙌♥️
@joeylaird77 Год назад
Such a good channel. Love your videos.
@LiveAbuseFree Год назад
Thank you!
@rainingonyourcharade Год назад
Welcome back, I was so happy to see you’d uploaded! Hope you’re well. 💜
@LiveAbuseFree Год назад
Thank you! 😊
@lildoveable Год назад
You're awesome. Thanks for being here.
@smith2921 Год назад
I enjoy your channel, and thank you for providing the support abuse link for those who might need to seek help.
@jenniferbailey5914 Год назад
As a survivor of NPD abuse of 15 years…I completely understand that feeling of betrayal. I will never trust anyone ever again. I cried with his friend when he testified on the stand as I felt his pain. Narcissists leave devastation in their wake.
@carolashlee8002 Год назад
Me too, only 40 years and yet I put trust in a new relationship and put trust him in also. BIG MISTAKE Never again.
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