Live Abuse Free
Live Abuse Free
Live Abuse Free
This channel is about Cluster B Personality disorders, abusive behaviour and healing.
I have done extensive research on narcissism and the effects of narcissistic abuse. I've set up this channel to help to educate people about these different personality disorders and abuse so that they can protect themselves from it and start to heal from it if they have experienced it in the past. Understanding the way abusers think and behave can give people the validation they need to stop blaming themselves for abuse they have endured and to build up their strength and confidence. I work as a coach specifically with people who have experienced, or are currently experiencing narcissistic abuse.

Please subscribe to my channel!

A 'Toxic' Mother Asks Me For Help
6 месяцев назад
My Daughter Stopped Talking To Me: My Response
7 месяцев назад
Jonah Hill and Why it's Coercive Control
11 месяцев назад
Why Wasn't Colleen Ballinger Stopped?
11 месяцев назад
Why Stockton Rush Didn't Test His Sub
11 месяцев назад
Analyzing Kouri Richins Interview
Год назад
What Makes Lori Vallow Tick?
Год назад
@yourworstfan 2 часа назад
I enjoyed Piers Morgan's interview with Fiona Harvey. He got rough with her a few times and I'm not sure she even realized that he was calling her out. But then I watched his post mortem with some other commentators, and he said that she wasn't a true stalker because, even though she "harassed" and "trolled" her former employer for 5 years, she stopped when served with a restraining order. It made me so angry.
@SiViC74 3 часа назад
Nobody is going to die in Colorado. Just an entire family you POS
@AmatiinBC 5 часов назад
The swear word at the end...😮 that is SO aggressive! Yikes!
@Molihuajian 6 часов назад
i wish it wouldve been explained in the video what drugs couldve changed in the situation
@lubabe9969 6 часов назад
Jennifer had a huge fantasy world she made for those girls, nothing she said about those little girls was true. I think so much of Jennifer's lying was about getting people to focus on and think about her, its so twisted how desperate Jennifer was to get attention, from starngers even.
@Molihuajian 7 часов назад
23:36 that pose 😂
@TheForbinExperiment 7 часов назад
When I watched Diane’s video, I had 2 thoughts: 1. She was likely a significant part of the problem, and had little to no insight on that, and 2. She even looks like my mother. If it weren’t for the accent, they’d be sisters. Do they clone narcissists or something?
@lss74 10 часов назад
I genuinely would not have the mental nor emotional energy to deal with a narc. I'd be wrung out 24/7😢
@lss74 11 часов назад
Im so pleased JD had legal representation who truely CARED❤
@hannahrosa5485 19 часов назад
To me, you are attractive in every video. I think beauty can be a curse. I have 4 sisters, all younger than me. Toxic family here. They all hate me b/c I have an education, and I'm an artist and I'm pretty even at 71 yrs. of age. Go figure.
@PurpleDragon-nw7vn 22 часа назад
Vile, the self-pitty and emotional baiting, blame shifting, playing the victim, most people would love to have loving parents in their life, but when your parents are toxic and abusive, life is so much better without them, she reminds me alot of my mother who is a perverted predator and malignant narcissist.
@haleyrison68 День назад
It's always incredible the way people who support regressive authoritarian politicians claim that those who want progress in society are the real fascists 😂 Like it's crystal clear that Dianne is a MAGA Republican.
@haleyrison68 День назад
This woman reminds me sooooo much of my wife's mother. Even like her speech and mannerisms. She's also more outwardly bigoted. They became estranged bc of the horrible way she responded to my wife coming out as transgender. In mil's mind, this is simply her child demonstrating total selfishness and sees herself as a victim bc her child isn't conforming to the idea she prefers over the reality. Basically she's told the whole family on her side that my wife is dead. She's been divorced from my wife's dad for almost 30 years and he was genuinely shocked and appalled at her behavior. He's been totally supportive, and tries to understand even though it's not something he's used to yet. And their relationship is better than it's ever been. Even knowing that all she's expected to do is be respectful of her child's identity, it's totally unacceptable in her mind. These narcissistic parents always act like their children are being petty and horrible simply bc they are no longer able to abuse them with impunity. Who's actually being petty here?
@AngelaBaldwin-gv3ub День назад
Love your chats and information. I would consider getting into politics though. After your political statement in this video, I will be be unsubscribing to your channel. Just food for thought in the future, I would take the middle road and stay out of politics!
@LiveAbuseFree 19 часов назад
When I released this video, I was talking to Europeans, and I've never met one who doesn't see Trump in this way. I wasn't aware at that time of how many Americans were watching, and I'd have agreed with you back then, that it was best to say nothing. But now that Trump has made his racist and other disturbing views undeniably clear, I respond to people asking me about him in the comments under my other videos. I'd rather lose subscribers who support him, than ignore abuse on a channel about abuse.
@RosendaTovar-fj6id День назад
The music lol
@wendykay54 День назад
Shannon took that picture of the doll
@hannahrosa5485 День назад
I had a mother in law much like her. It's difficult to always be seen in a dim light.
@hannahrosa5485 День назад
I think Chris killed his family so he could be out from under the negative pressure his mother put him under. One reason.
@dorika85 День назад
I'm a parent, and as a daughter with toxic parent, this is a great fear of mine. On one side I believe that I'm much more aware but my mom also believes that she's wiser than her mother. Am I ending generational trauma, or will my children feel like that in their adulthood? Am I doing enough? Will they be ok when they grow up?
@cathyhenley8953 День назад
First take those stupid orange shorts off him they make him look like a pansy . Elephants grow up to be giant majestic animals and bulls rule . Name him Zindoga
@curiouslittlefrog День назад
Hi! High functioning autism isn’t really a label anymore, it’s based more on support needs. High functioning in the medical community just means “not bothering other people with their autism”. It is noticeable, very very noticeable, if you actually put care into the other person’s needs. Love from a level 2 support needs autistic person whose parents “still don’t believe I could be autistic” 🩷 my sisters have known for years and accommodated me without knowing what it (autism) was called, because they were the one who listened to my needs! It sounds like this mother (and father) just ignored the signs, or attributed it to “their daughter’s bad behavior” instead of caring for the actual traits/symptoms of autism and adhd. Made it into a thing about her own parental needs and control instead of focusing on the sometimes extensive support needs of an autistic or neurodivergent person.
@IsmelinaCafuir День назад
Her content is DISINFORMATION FULL STOP. Johnny Harris will not appreciate his videos to be used like this. Seriously. She needs to be restrained and be put on a straitjacket. Scary that people believe her. And its ironic that she talks aboit ADHD like that what adhd is passed on. What if SHE has ADHD?
@IsmelinaCafuir День назад
Oh a bigot trying hard to justify her bigotry with "facts" and "history". 🙄
@HillCountryBluebonnet88 День назад
I have been in this kind of relationship and nothing I could ever say or do was enough. The gaslighting is the worst. Feeling like you are losing your mind.
@HillCountryBluebonnet88 День назад
It’s remarkable that Johnny Depp made it through this relationship alive. The most dangerous time for an abused person is when they are trying to leave. They can’t allow their supply to remove themselves permanently from their control.
@HillCountryBluebonnet88 День назад
It’s quite amazing that she thought these recordings would make the Jury side with her.
@JammyGit День назад
The background views where you are always look nice. Where is it? It looks like Thailand or somewhere around there ✌️
@Sophie-ks2jx День назад
Her behavior is nauseating. It is so sad that this woman, could call herself a mother shame on her. Apparently that's exactly what she is lacking she has no idea what shame is. The air of superiority is chilling. It's amazing how many children of narcissists are painted as deeply Disturbed and problematic. These people do not deserve to be called parents clearly they are only sperm and egg donors. With absolutely no ability to parent a child. Lacking compassion and empathy to help form a healthy sense of identity raising an innocent child, who had no voice who is born into this world a blank slate a little human being that needed to be loved and nurtured and it's apparent these individuals failed. Unfortunately I say that unapologetically it is quite obvious. They have absolutely no interest in understanding their daughter. I pray for their daughter that she finds peace and is loved the way she deserves to be loved. One of the biggest tells with a narcissistic parent is their incessant complaining and claiming to be the victim taking absolutely no action to focus on a resolution to the problem. Words mean absolutely nothing. The only time words mean anything is when action is taken first I believe what I see not what I hear. Trust must be earned, love is shown. It amazes me how this woman is clueless how she's painting this woman as a mentally ill horrible abusive daughter. A daughter who is completely out of control and irrational I don't know how anybody could watch this and see otherwise. Another obvious sign that anybody who can't see through this must be narcissistic and I wonder about flying monkeys, they get off the hook too easy. I believe there is something very narcissistic about flying monkeys someone who's not an independent thinker enforcing and enabling poor behavior making a decision based on a one-sided story how wise can that be and how innocent can their choice be. They really want to help the family, I don't believe it. I don't think flying monkeys are so blatantly ignorant and clueless. Truly amazing is that her daughter is nothing more than a story for her to get attention. It appears that this woman will go on for the rest of her life making the story of her daughter her focus. Having no clue who her daughter really is, it is tragic. I've often found that narcissistic mothers need a story to Garner attention. The story she is telling is about a fictitious character that this woman doesn't even know. It is truly tragic. Telling a story that is untrue, one-sided. This is criminal. This can truly affect someone's reputation. It is clearly, and her daughter's best interest to move forward. This young woman is so much more than her mothers fabricated story. This woman is clearly unable to care about her daughters feelings. Shame on any person, whom I cannot call a mother, as she publicly decimates the character of her daughter by blatantly fabricating a story and manipulating other's. I can't even bear to watch anymore. My heart goes out to this brave young woman. I hope she finds continued inner strength and empowerment by continuing to make independent decisions, believing in herself. This woman doesn't deserve an ounce of pity. You are a pathetic soul as you continue to decimate the gift that God gave you not that you were entitled to and there you are taking it for granted because you believed this child should have been in the likeness of you and not God. It's a shame that your daughter has a name you could use for this lifetime movie that you are creating so you could get your needs met you are pathetic. You do not have a clue as to who you are you are so out of touch with what you display on screen. You are a character yourself with no sense of identity trying to find one through your audiences attention.
@Sophie-ks2jx День назад
Finding identity from your audiences validation. You should be ashamed of yourself unfortunately narcissists are not aware they are clueless. Your daughter should feel bad that you found out she has ADHD and high-functioning autism. As a mother of children with high-functioning autism shame on you once again. My children are the greatest blessing of my lifetime. God gifted me with amazing beautiful children whose challenges taught me so much and no, I was not a perfect mother far from it, however many people learn the most from the little ones we love the deepest. It truly is your loss, you do not know how to love. it's not your daughter who is to blame, FYI your daughter need not be forgiven she has done no wrong. Are you for real. Being born with high functioning autism ADHD, you need to go re-educate yourself. Oh boy this was brutal. I really need to take a break. Wow this was a doozy.
@jameshealy6799 День назад
A man is not a man until his mother-in-law says so.
@pop_o_matic День назад
Oh yeah, Diane is the worst kind of guilt tripper. Just a terrible parent and overall person. She seriously makes me unhinged.
@lolzkittenz День назад
Thank you so much for this video and all your other videos. Chris's mom's behavior is so disturbing to me, as is this entire case as a whole.
@gardenswell День назад
my mother also treats me like shit one minute and then pretends she didn't the next, completely switching up her demeanour, gaslighting me that "nothing is wrong" and i'm being irrational. my mother is worse than this woman because my mother has no desire to face anything she's put me through whatsoever or make amends with me, she will keep doing everything possible to wriggle her way out of being honest, direct and taking any responsibility, even by talking to me properly in private. everything is a show for others. her intention is to gaslight and lie her way out of having any relationship with me. when i was a teen she came into my room and said "i'm so ashamed of you". she would shame me for just being myself, no matter what i did. i had to be quiet and compliant else i was being an inconvenience to her, i was affronting her with my emotions. she's even worse now. even more cold, disconnected, dishonest. she checked out when i was a child. now not only is she still checked out, she's also actively trying to do everything possible to get rid of me, while allowing and encouraging my dad to abuse me, and enjoying it. it's so confusing because i cannot imagine treating her the way she treats me. i want to talk to her about everything and get to the bottom of it and always did. i loved her so much when i was a child. she fucked me up and pretends she's done nothing. i think she's just looking forward to finally being rid of me, so she can pretend i was never there. she has 4 sons, my 2 older 1/2 brothers and 2 younger brothers. she lost custody of her first children and left and got remarried to my dad. i think she views me as the obstacle to having her family. she projects all women in her life that's caused her problems onto me, so that she can finally get rid of the problem and have her two sons, my younger brothers. really insidious and horrifying. i was saddled with all responsibility for my younger brothers because she was arguing with my dad during our childhoods, completely emotionally absent, neglectful and abusive, and yet... i'm the problem? i tried my best to help my younger brothers and because she's so fake and good at lying and twisting things she's managed to turn them against me. she has that intention with everyone. turn everyone against me and abandon me so that she not only gets rid of me but completely fucks my future so that i don't have a better life than she did.
@gardenswell День назад
what hurts a lot of as a daughter of a covert narcissist mother is she uses the illusion of care for me to present herself as a good person to others, it's another layer of adding insult to injury. she's horrible to me in private, she's nice to me around others, so that she can make it out that i'm a bad person and she's a good person and i'm just crazy and irrational for how i feel towards her. she also triangulates everyone against me, including my brothers, twisting the truth and outright lying about me to turn others against me, while presenting herself as my victim. she only overtly treats me like shit when we're in private or when we're around my dad, otherwise she acts like a saint, including while around my brothers. that's because she knows she can get away with it when we're around my dad because my dad is an overt narcissist and just as bad as her, and they play off each other to bully me and blame me for the family dynamic. they were at each other's throats when i was a child, constantly screaming at each other, smashing up the house - but now they scapegoat me and have a "good relationship", gaining confluence with each other through abusing me. i'm trying so hard to just separate myself from them but they're making it very difficult, my dad hit me when i was a teen and denies it to everyone, and he's worried about me breaking free and "ruining his reputation", so he does everything he can to keep me trapped and control my behaviour. i'm in psychological hell. the older i get the worse it's going to be because the older i get the more they can point to the fact that i'm still living with them and spending their money as an adult while i "mess everything up" for their family.
@gardenswell День назад
so i'm leaving on monday and going no contact, but i know they're going to throw everything at me from afar, doing whatever possible to keep painting me as a bad person and them my victims... i feel like they won't be happy until i'm left with nothing, in a prison cell or with the entire world triangulated against me. all i want is my freedom from them so i can live my own life and focus on what matters to me. i've been in so much pain doing everything i can to try to get them to talk to me but they keep dismissing me and walking away every time i try to have a meaningful conversation with them. that's because they know they're in the wrong and that all i have to do is open my mouth for them to be exposed. i trigger up their shame and guilt and they can't handle it so they leave and pretend nothing is wrong. my brother is favoured, the one who's also living here, so he gets no benefit from standing up for me, because they fucked him up too and now he's getting helped out of it - i'm getting trampled on worse than ever, and the only way out is for me to separate myself entirely from them all, and just make my own life for myself. my mother wants that but my father doesn't because my father is worried about me "ruining his reputation", my mother is a codependent (aka covert narc) so she plays into whatever he wants in order to gain more confluence with him, allowing him and even encouraging him to abuse me more. she's like a spider who's been eating me alive my entire life, blaming me for being born, because i wasn't what she wanted. i have no friends in person, the system is against me (i have a court case coming up because of a breakdown i had, no one was physically hurt btw), they will keep doing everything they can to lie about me with the intention of me having nothing. i truly feel they'd be fine if i died, or even happy about it, knowing they got rid of me without having to face the social consequences of the truth being exposed about them and their treatment of me.
@user-xo9xr3ce1k День назад
I feel sorry for Randy and Buster. They believed he didn’t do it. I hope they figured him out by now. So disappointing and disgusting is his morals!! He murdered HIS WIFE AND SON !! Omg!!! OMG!!!!!
@gardenswell День назад
6:40 when someone feels a certain way and they're met with the same emotions from others in a safe place they feel more comfortable, more understood, they feel relief, it's like catharsis - think AA meetings, for example, or reddit groups for anything. the fact that the mother didn't feel comforted in the fb group shows that the emotions she's outwardly displaying is a cover, a coping mechanism for what's underneath: guilt and shame, deeply suppressed. this entire video is like a massive "fuck you" to her daughter. it's quite disgusting.
@user-xo9xr3ce1k День назад
He knows how to act!! He truly thought he would get away with it. His lying and lying and lying is all he’s know to do for years . He knew he’d be penniless if Maggie and Paul lived. Paul’s problems with the law would have stripped him penniless along with paying back the millions he stole !!! He’s not an honorable man. He’s not even a real man to do the crimes he’s done. The judge got him right!!! I love that judge !!!😊
@gardenswell День назад
always remember that every mother and father were adults when their children were innocent babies and children - complete sponges for their environment, the result of their parents, genetically and environmentally. the soul is already purified before it reincarnates. many people, if not most, should not reproduce.
@christinechristensen6871 День назад
I absolutely love your channel! Thank you for your insight and intelligence on topics that are so important for a better quality of life. Thank you, again.😃
@lblincoe2094 День назад
I have always been repulsed by this interview, especially when Diane quite literally justifies someone's public wishes to END HER LIFE. She validated someone's irrational, inexcusable claims that the world would be better without her in it. Short of being the one to actually make a declaration that someone should be shot, I don't there's anything more vile. Certainly not as a professional conducting an interview! I don't care what your job is, there's no excuse for her behavior. However, I must say that I don't think it's a very fair comparison to use an interview from a time prior to the trauma that caused her turning point. The divorce and custody battle was what really caused the decline in her mental health. An interview that took place before that point isn't really an accurate representation of what her mental health looks like now.
@AveryCamille 2 дня назад
"You are so sweet!" The rest of us: 😳😵‍💫🤯
@Azamea 2 дня назад
My apologies if this has been answered before or if I missed it, but how did Cindy find out about the cost of the engagement ring? Did she ask or did Chris volunteer that information? I just think it's such an odd thing to talk about at any point, really. I don't have any children but if I did I imagine I'd be very happy for them and congratulating the couple. I'd certainly not make passive aggressive comments. Thank you for the work that you do. I have to take breaks every now and then from true crime because the subjects are real and they are very disturbing. I enjoy your channel because you offer healthy advice and I like your analysis.
@tonifitz6831 2 дня назад
Ronny doesn't think. CINDY thinks for Ronnie.
@syon600 2 дня назад
Im owed money by narcissist. Who has caused much much life changing effects on me. Its too much to walk awy from. Both in money and dignity.
@tonifitz6831 2 дня назад
I can not believe Chris has fans.. He murdered his pregnant wife and two tiny daughters.. Vile...
@tonifitz6831 2 дня назад
Wtf Chris couldnt just leave Shannan and the girls... He didn't want Shannan but he didn't want anyone else to have her. To say he flipped because Shannan said he wdnt see his kids, yet he murders his children. Imagine Bella saying your not going to do to me what you did to cece, and hear her say no daddy.. He's one sicko..
@goranklaren2566 2 дня назад
This lady is showing her true colors. She forgot to mention one -ism, fascism.
@goranklaren2566 2 дня назад
I’m extremely proud of my strong, independent and individualistic children. They have a strong sense of inclusion for all people. I’m proud of my daughter taking part in actions for the environment and social justice. This is not a symptom of systemic decay, it’s standing up for inclusion and equality. I’m so extremely proud of my children.❤️
@iamcase1245 2 дня назад
She's a psychic energy vampire who lost her main source of power and it's driving her mad. I really hope her daughter is thriving where ever she is.
@iamcase1245 2 дня назад
This woman is *beyond* toxic. She's also so hollywood and staged it's nauseating. This is exactly what an abuser does when they somehow make it about them and them only. Victim narratives, deflection, transference and minimizing the other person's pain. Her daughter 100% made the right choice when running from this psycho.
@margaretmiller4718 2 дня назад
Your just as much of a nutcase!! Geez