
Boxer Keyboard View Part1 

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another keyboard view from boxer




6 май 2007




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@guitarplyr26 13 лет назад
@Rand0mAsian actually, i think that in in starcraft 1 you couldn't bind buildings to a control group nor could you bind more than 8 units (i believe) to a control group, so he's selecting groups of units (scv's probably) to build structures. he has to manually select his tech structures (barracks, factories, etc.) to build units.
@pilsyppah 16 лет назад
You can use F2-F4 to assign a specific location on the map to a key. For instance you might want to keep an eye on the entrance to your base. Center the screen on the area you want to watch, hold down the Shift key, and press F2, F3 or F4. To center your screen on the location again, simply press the appropriate key.
@JoeyTube 16 лет назад
Boxer is just plain sick. I'd love to see a vid of two views at the same time - a keyboard view from the top, and the 1st person game play view. I can see his gosu hand movements, but can't see what the hell his units are doing...
@r41m15 14 лет назад
1:51 commentator starts mutating into a Hydralisk :D
@matdej 13 лет назад
EPIC sountrack
@geraldkho4168 14 лет назад
It's a warmup exercise. You're meant to go through cycles like you would when macroing as you react faster later if you are already constantly pressing stuff and going through a cycle.
@ClaziGuitarist 15 лет назад
I got the exact same keyboard :) Been using it for 12 years now. still works! :P
@Limerkoi 15 лет назад
no he uses the arrow keys to move the screen, this allows him to use his mouse to move the units around quickly and still be able to keep them on screen.
@Intelus 12 лет назад
@AdrenaI1ne I agree with everything you've said. Basically, my point was that there's a lot more to StarCraft than just keyboard or mouse action. It's one thing to issue orders quickly, it's another to analyze the situation and formulate tactics/strategy in real-time.
@torch357 13 лет назад
@Kerenskyz15 this is prep for later in the game when you have more to watch over. most of the apm in first few minutes is mainly spam but as more things come into the game it fills up more apm. the cycling is usually to check if workers are being produced, units being made, positioning army, ect.
@Tamerplane 14 лет назад
Because when he scrolls around the map, he must have his mouse ready to click the target - using arrows allows him to do that faster than by scrolling with the moue.
@indolentjoe 13 лет назад
interesting, he pans the screen with the arrow keys while microing non-casting units. seems effective. might learn to do that in sc2 maybe.
@Calvin1911 15 лет назад
I think it is so that he doesn't accidentally hit it and exit the screen, causing him to lose time. Because you might know already that pressing the windows key jumps you out of BW and into the windows screen or you see the start list pop up anyways.
@symatic1379 13 лет назад
@sliperuknot i can only think of 2 reasons. 1st would be a confirmation of where his fingers are (he always has his little finger over where it should be) so hes more precise and the 2nd would be he probably smashed it in a fit of rage for whatever reason
@Magpie1701 14 лет назад
Boxer is so cool, it's my wish that I'll be seeing him in sc2 pro replays one day :)
@tttc 12 лет назад
Excellent, now all I have to do is mimic his moves!
@DaBiff1991 13 лет назад
if you ever have a 500+ word essay to write, you know who to call
@KatInkura 12 лет назад
@FishDontBlinq They're used to playing at an insanely fast speed. Keeps your hands warm. Keeps your head in the game. Etc.
@MainOffenderKZ 13 лет назад
@shumped blue and brown are the same switches, with the same feeling, the only difference is that the blue has a clicky sound, and the brown are quiet.
@Tiigerr 12 лет назад
@Intelus 3. Especially given the fact that there's a lot more than just the clicking of buttons going on. They have to deal with the never ending changes happening in the game, making quick decisions in their minds and adapting the right strategies to counter what's happening or to pull through and win. It takes an incredible amount of intellect and focus. So keeping a high APM despite all the different factors required to play the game well is quite a feat.
@jhans6 15 лет назад
very cool boxers the best
@Josec0pter 14 лет назад
Space makes the camera center to whatever was just indicated, like an SCV finishes building, press space and it centers the camera on the SCV. Same with buildings, and also when you're being attacked :P
@SCSNSE 12 лет назад
@benroolz It's to get your hand-eye coordination and hand muscles ready for the fast reflexes that will be required later in the game. Think of it as stretching before exercising.
@Tiigerr 12 лет назад
@Intelus 2. Furthermore, I think comparing this to a piano player or professional typist is unfair, considering a piano sequence is already set and predictable, there is no improvisation or unexpected tasks that require you to use different keys given the situation. And a professional typist just memorizes the positions of the keys and teaches his fingers to move accordingly, which is much easier than pulling off specific sequences like in SC2...
@MrTiraMishiu 13 лет назад
aw.. i miss those keyboards
@pabloe168 12 лет назад
white keyboards monitors and mouses. such old and good times
@Hoophy 12 лет назад
@tulp35000 its like a warm up. also get you in rhythem. reminds stuff like check group for army, move htem, check base, move works, check army, check enemy, more of a rhythem thing
@LittleMikeStarCraft 14 лет назад
@Vodd9 If you use the arrows, when you are in the battle, you can focus on using the mouse to select units, and target with spells. Instead of wasting time, and losing focus while scrolling against the side of the map with the mouse.
@lansain 15 лет назад
To keep his micro up. And your builder units mine a few milliseconds faster if you manually tell them to return cargo.
@AlexLi-zige 15 лет назад
hi,This is sooo koool:D
@linkinpork7521 17 лет назад
At this level of play, you have to keep your hands moving, so your keyboard strokes will be just as fast when you really need it. 300 apm is not required for the first 3 minutes of the game, but the pros do it be prepared. Much like stretching before a run.
@Multimorph 13 лет назад
@TheRooR1 That is to keep his hands warm so that he can micro whenever he needs to
@susho 15 лет назад
this is LEGEND
@Raiden47 13 лет назад
definitely loving the windows keys being removed.
@Beaudereck 15 лет назад
Boxer said in an interview he had to keep his replays on some floppy disks (he got like, 150, there were alot). I think his comp is very old too.
@MostCreativeName 15 лет назад
It's to warm up for times when he does need 250 apm. It's a lot easier to get 250 apm if you maintained it than if you had 100 apm and immediately had to raise it to 200.
@blo0magic 14 лет назад
@amputech yeah. well. thats how they express like distance, repetitions, etc. Hes saying boxer kept on winning but to emphasize it, he does that.
@MostCreativeName 15 лет назад
Imagine how good he'd be at playing the piano with fast fingers like those... or typing in general. Must have like 150 wpm lmao.
@Akselmusic21 13 лет назад
@cOlz23 looks like he was just moving the camera really quick slightly. Not sure though, that is a good question. Maybe his mouse was occupied so it was easier to just do that to peek up a little bit. Looking closer at him doing it a few times it looks like he is microing some units so moving the camera with the arrow keys frees up his mouse for a few seconds while letting him pan over easily.
@liammiller18 15 лет назад
All of the best players.
@samyo510 14 лет назад
@64GIO Actually, you can take it out. Just press the buttons around it to pry it from the bottom.
@Deadcombat 13 лет назад
@Ahbooshasha they ice their wrists before/after match and incase there is an emergency in their hands (carpel tunnel syndrome) they can quickly ice it.
@ray1244 15 лет назад
both start buttons are gonelol :P nice hand movement :D
@bigsmall246 14 лет назад
The windows button is deadly. As is the StickyKeys combo.
@ayurjake 14 лет назад
@corrawinftw it's due to the low res of the game and the dpi of the mouse. @waterloonightmare22 the windows key is usually popped out because of its proximity to important keys and the danger of accidentally pressing it (accidentally minimizing could seriously result in an automatic gg early game or during a fight/harass). starcraft 2 allows you to actually disable the key in the Options menu.
@NoneExistence 14 лет назад
@mshollib He uses the arrow keys to move the screen. He only uses his mouse for selecting units (I believe).
@julian1000 14 лет назад
@sheebshag Apples to oranges. A piano is fucking huge so you can see every key getting hit. The timing of this is much smaller and requires much more precision. The keys on a keyboard are tiny and the mouse is extremely sensitive. Also, just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it's "child's play".
@sheebshag 14 лет назад
(continued) I mean you really have to memorize build orders and how to respond to certain situations and scenarios. While there's definitely a higher level of decision-making invovled, lot of your actions happen practically on instinct based on experience accumulated over thousands of hours of practice. I'd imagine a top player like this has been through pretty much every scenario in the game and is practically playing on auto-pilot. And certainly there's a high degree of multi-tasking in piano.
@captvimes 14 лет назад
@Cheeseball007ftw I think they do it to warm up rather than going from nothing to a fast rate.
@ethicks 14 лет назад
@AznLonelyBoi sc2 has the option to turn the windows keys off, most new high end keyboards also have switches to make the windows key simply not work. Most high end keyboards can be switched in and out with different keys that have different setups. The reason they are using ghetto keyboards is because they are from korea.
@falc0n29 15 лет назад
@angelos7 14 лет назад
@Tajteee true. but it's not about the balancing I based that on. It's about sc2 being the easy mode wc3'd version of sc1.
@kelb89 14 лет назад
His micro is like a game in itself.
@shumped 13 лет назад
@MainOffenderKZ what's the difference between blue and brown switches?
@MrHorologistHohoho 13 лет назад
Is there any benefit to keep on hitting the hotkey for the "scv" button? after you're slowly mining 50 minerals?
@herpderpmonkey 12 лет назад
@SCSNSE fyi, studies have shown stretching before exercising actually makes your performance suckier...
@jftworth 13 лет назад
@updahole Excellent "Finger" technique?
@Antonin1738 15 лет назад
holy crap
@KiaHitori 15 лет назад
Its probally to prevent alt tabbing by accident cause they hards are just so fast sometimes xD
@MrZosoRisin 14 лет назад
haha I love how he has the windows buttons removed. I fing hate it when I accidentally hit one of those in a game, and it brings me to my desktop.
@michael1400pizdec 15 лет назад
@FTKFTK 16 лет назад
actually, you can't get carpal tunnel from typing or any repetitive action with the hand. Carpal tunnel is caused by the pinching of a nerve in the wrist.
@tHaH4x0r 12 лет назад
@jopedrolopes thats actually pretty standard. I have seen keyboards with all keys removed except the ones that are used for 1 specific race...
@jeffrkim 13 лет назад
@extreemru The reason he uses arrow key is so that he doesnt have to move the mouse all the way to the side of the screen. By using arrow keys allow less time to move around the screen and couple sceonds mean big in sc
@JayhawkJazzy 12 лет назад
I was thinking the same thing. I have raged so many times for accidentally hitting that damn key when I'm in a chaotic moment...
@AltoStratus619 12 лет назад
@bonjwaSC its not actually the scv icon, you can see the "return minerals" button flash when he presses R
@ckyisyourfuture 14 лет назад
@liurr90 Yeah. I briefly looked over Boxer's TLPD page, and this game looks like it's Boxer vs YellOw from the 2005 CYON OnGameNet Dual Tournament. I assume the floppy disc is for saving replays.
@wh0racle3 14 лет назад
@FusionNinjin he uses the arrow keys to scroll while hes microing units in a battle, you cant move units around and scroll at the same time unless you use the arrow keys
@basher481 14 лет назад
@wertrewlim what do you mean resourcing mechanics?
@IamPCGaming 11 лет назад
Holy shiiiiii the fan girl screams are insane 9000X better than the ones now
@Die_grazile_Wurst 13 лет назад
@DarkSensei0 boxer is now playing a filco board with blue switch types I think. so ur totally right!
@Jellosnark 12 лет назад
@bonjwaSC Hotkeys can be changed. Some players prefer different keys.
@JebaloTeZauzetoIme 14 лет назад
@TimLin737 albertum Noobs. It is to warm him up. To be constant at the high shape / speed.
@slbaaron 13 лет назад
@JSprayaEntertainment This happened long time ago. And the screen(and all gaming computers) is new. Where as the keyboard and mouse is prepared by individuals, to their preference and comfort. Its like playing with a familar kind of racket or equipments for certain sport, you might get used to one that will be eventually out of fashion and looked as antiques. Doesn't stop you from using it and being the best in the sport, u know.
@Near1337 14 лет назад
Ive played SC2 and i tell u its alot of all stuff, macro and micro, scouting is even more important in SC2 than it is in SC, since there is a gold mineral expansion, and diferent types of attack/armors units. U rly need the perfect counter to win a game, since u can still loose even if u have alot of advantage.
@xtraGG 15 лет назад
whats the sensitivity on that mouse? if u look at his pinky it stays on the pad to anchor his entire right hand. the movement on his mouse is really slight
@ShiroKage009 13 лет назад
I like how they removed the windows key altogether from the keyboard!
@zuuchii 14 лет назад
what do they use arrow keys for? moving the screen? just curious
@Kerenskyz15 13 лет назад
@MiniDonbeE It seems like most "pros" Boost their apm by clicking the same move command 3 times or stuff like swapping between groops for no apparent reason. Its a lot of excess.
@bloicraft 12 лет назад
freak of starcraft
@ClifftonBeach 14 лет назад
@ZanderMander progamer doesn't give a shot about some number you can look up after the game. It's to warm up, and to be used to moving fast so that when you have to, you don't have to change what you were doing, you are already there.
@lolJAEIN 13 лет назад
This is why i love the Korean commentators
@MrCrunchybizzle 13 лет назад
i wonder what the floppy disc is for...
@Andytlp 12 лет назад
If yall notice, the windows key is taken out, it is on mine too for years now, i just got sick of accidentally pressing it.
@xjod9 14 лет назад
What has programming got to do with anything?
@mountaindog27 13 лет назад
@Kerenskyz15 if you go into options and go to hotkeys ( i think) you can set it to windows key will not min. your screen.
@Tiigerr 12 лет назад
@Intelus 1. I will say this, you're right about some of what you said. But actually looking at this again, Boxers average APM, in this video at least, is a lot lower than some of the faster players. Some of them can reach 400+ APM, and let me tell you, it gets pretty crazy when they reach that speed. The level of muscle memory and focus involved to pull that off accuretly is incredible...
@246trinitrotoluene 14 лет назад
lol old school keyboard ftw
@apocalypseap 17 лет назад
I have my windows key popped out too :)
@Akselmusic21 13 лет назад
@cOlz23 looks like he was just moving the camera really quick slightly. Not sure though, that is a good question. Maybe his mouse was occupied so it was easier to just do that to peek up a little bit.
@sheebshag 14 лет назад
And for the record, I agree piano and SC are two completely different things. I just thought this video was about showing off his "amazing" fingerwork on the keyboard, hence the "keyboard view". Again, my bad.
@Frangoose 13 лет назад
makes you wonder how much you have to micro to get your scvs to gather =P
@NecksorF 15 лет назад
actually, this is one of the best keyboard, I know lotsof ppl prefering old keyboards over the new macroheavy tankboards :P
@Dubanx 15 лет назад
it probebly is very old. I had the same keyboard/mouse... well over 10 years ago. It's amusing to see the ancient keyboard next to the LCD screen. Oh and I totally understand someone prying off the windows keys but you'd think he'd learn to avoid that after playing for so long.
@Rand0mAsian 13 лет назад
@StevXtreme it may look like hes pressing random buttoms, but infact, he may have say, barracks bound to a key, and command centre to another, and he may just tab between those two to check up on how far the marine is from finished, or how far a +1 attack is away, and theres a lot of stuff he's doing, sure, some of he's key presses might not be doing anything, but most of them actually do something. watch day9's video on micro and keyboard set ups for more info
@somedump 13 лет назад
@TwistedMetal0100 Looks like boxer uses them here at 1:40? But it's just the introduction/start, I guess, so everyone can relax and do whatever they want.
@xXFerrari310Xx 12 лет назад
random question. Whats good/effective against zealots in starcraft 64?
@wetfloor420 13 лет назад
@RoBloodMage Awesomeness!
@N00Br101 12 лет назад
I clicked on the video without sleep for 11 days and then cliced on a video about a guy who died and came back from hell.... I came back here
@Tiigerr 12 лет назад
@Sebastian781 Hotkeys are customizable.
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