
Cardi B God Desires To Pull You Out Of The Industry He Is Calling For You! Response To Recent Video 

Marcus Rogers
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This video is two parts addressing Cardi B and believers as well. I have prayed for Cardi B throughout the years a few times. This recent video that she retweeted has me praying for her again. It shows that she is listening. I know many want to write her off, but I believe God wants to pull her and many others out of the industry. Also I want to address though who believe Cardi is a believer and is fine just the way she is. There is a danger of watered down Christianity in America where people believe they can just do whatever they want and go to heaven. I challenge everyone who is unsure or a new believer to really seek God about this. Ask Him to lead you to genuine brothers and sisters in Christ. Don't worry about what people say or what they argue ask God to lead you to a place that is safe and that He is pleased with. You don't want to be caught up with those who are following a strong delusion or those who end up being the ones the Bible talks about in these two chapters
Matthew 7:21-23
King James Version
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
2 Timothy 3
King James Version
3 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,
7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.




22 мар 2021




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@hildagonzalez6077 3 года назад
Jesus doesn’t have preferences. All are welcome in His Kingdom. It’s never too late to Repent! As long as you’re alive, of course.
@girlbye.8668 3 года назад
It’s only too late when your dead.... repent every night and every morning when God wakes you up. Don’t let the sun go down OR rise without repenting because we don’t know when our hour comes
@milltymefresh 3 года назад
@aprilsunshine7565 3 года назад
@@girlbye.8668 thank you sista!! You're right. I need to start doing this! Instead of every blue moon or when I'm in my feelings..I'm just being honest..
@changeforthebetter3049 3 года назад
when i was having night attacks it was terrible then i thought i got to call jesus name ever since i have no more it works it really does and i am not of any culture or religion. god bless
@hildagonzalez6077 3 года назад
@@changeforthebetter3049 Great Decision! There is Power when you call on the Name of Jesus.
@WWambition 3 года назад
I remember when the Holy Spirit would have me praying for Kanye West . May the Lord have His way!
@BriLoveMusic 3 года назад
Amen!! 🔥🙏
@aprilsunshine7565 3 года назад
@jeannisadorseylionessofthe3835 3 года назад
@Rumblealsojennings2929 3 года назад
Yes sir. We put ourselves in position to receive then we allow the spirit to work within us...John 3v 30
@eisenhower9069 3 года назад
Yes. Me too. Wasn't even with word's but with my heart and it's concerns
@marjn1030 3 года назад
This is our duty as believers is to pray for all whether cardi b or a homeless person on the street.
@marjn1030 3 года назад
@ProjectJC2021 at the end of the day it's the Holy spirit that draws us to Christ according to God's timing.
@gangster25ish 3 года назад
We have to pray for everyone regardless who their are, salvation is for everyone..
@cliffe4 3 года назад
Facts same with king von there’s a lot of peopel truly with a big heart who can be a soldier for Jesus Christ 💯💯many people in the streets can put that effort in Jesus
@cathrynjackson8151 3 года назад
I stand not alone. It is known who is my strength. It is known who He is as my refuge. The God of the Hebrews ooh it is Him who goes before US. The mighty one of ooh Abraham, Isaac and Jacob Rise o ZION! Rise Isreal and Jerusalem Rise up!!!! Judah rise..... The Lord said to my Lord. Sit down at might hand
@gangster25ish 3 года назад
It doesn't matter who we preach Jesus said we ahould preach to everyone because we all have sin, God didn't say who we should choose to preach to Mark 16:15-16, Go to the Whole world mean everyone nations, tribe, good and bad people. Celebrities etc you dont know who life God will change.
@RodWhiteCruelmessengers 3 года назад
God has pulled actress China Ann McClain (Black Lightning TV Series) from Hollywood. Pray she continues to stay away from the industry and find an anointed Pastor to guide her into Holiness.
@kevinlucas9905 3 года назад
Shawn Michaels got saved as well as the Undertaker. Billy Gunn too
@eisenhower9069 3 года назад
@@kevinlucas9905 Shawn is saved too?
@kevinlucas9905 3 года назад
@@eisenhower9069 I believe that was one of the reasons he decided to retire but I could be wrong about that
@eisenhower9069 3 года назад
@@kevinlucas9905 where have I been? He retired?
@kevinlucas9905 3 года назад
@@eisenhower9069 lol yes Over a decade ago now Shawn vs Taker 2 at Wreslemania 26 was his last match. He has done some cameos since then but he is officially retired.
@OMGALEXG 3 года назад
We gotta pray for everyone. Nothing is impossible for God
@ntienseudo3933 3 года назад
@Marcus Rogers hey marcus hope youre having a bless day i was ask you to keep me in prayer im struggling with financial issues and trying to be obidient
@treswang713 3 года назад
@@ntienseudo3933 don’t believe that that’s not actually Marcus they are in his acc that’s witchcraft they did the same to me and a lot of other people
@brandonwillis4811 3 года назад
Because with man its impossible. Its not what we did its what HE did for us.
@gettended 3 года назад
I think Cardi B will be an awesome warrior for God. She’s so loud and wanting to be righteous. I love that about Cardi B.
@oliviakilgo3159 3 года назад
Very good brother Marcus we all should be trying to reach out to these celebrities they are CELEBRITIES gone wild.
@gettended 3 года назад
@awesome john because she’s unafraid to speak her mind.
@gettended 3 года назад
@awesome john well you have no evidence of that and shouldn’t risk bearing false witness. The Sinner Savior is a redeemer and his grace is endless.
@gettended 3 года назад
@awesome john our people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. It says in the Bible that only the Holy Spirit can confess Christ Jesus as the resurrected Savior for all mankind. She’s not lost to the devil.
@gettended 3 года назад
@awesome john I pray the Holy Spirit descends on you and breaks the spirit of division over you.
@bernardkellytenor 3 года назад
What I like about Marcus Rogers is that he sees the potential in people, yet he tells the hard truth in love and doesn't sugarcoat. His first instinct is to always pray for the person or the situation. That's how we fight, that where our power comes from. We pray instead of just talking. That's how you know when you have the spirit of God. Bless you bro.
@vincew4765 3 года назад
Marcus is a FRAUD!!!!!
@vincew4765 3 года назад
Many of you people are SICKENING!!!! I MEAN SICKENING, MARCUS YOU ARE GOOD AT WHAT YOU DO, GIVE YOU THAT. You're making a lot of money here on these forums. AS A "CHRISTIAN" WHY THE HELL DO ANY OF YOU CARE SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH ABOUT CARDI B and other celebrities if you to weren't IN LOVE WITH THEIR SUCCESS FAME AND RICHES. DEEP DOWN INSIDE YOU WANT WHAT THEY HAVE. If you didn't want it, you'd be like me. I COULD CARE LESS ABOUT THESE RICH PEOPLE WHO ARE PAID TO ENTERTAIN YOU. I've never heard a Kanye West song or a Cardi B song and I don't care too because I DO NOT CARE ABOUT THEM. In the sense they are special because they can "rap". Marcus I would be far far more impressed with you if you would go video yourself working at an OLD FOLKS HOME PROTECTING PEOPLE FROM COVID. I'd be far more impressed with you if YOU ACTUALLY DID SOMETHING POSITIVE FOR POOR PEOPLE, THE SICK THE SHUT IN, KIDS WHO HAVE NO FATHER FIGURE. YOUNG Latino boys with out parents. Why don't yall SO CALLED CHRISTIANS talk about or try to do something about this? abcnews.go.com/Politics/scared-hungry-young-boys-cross-border/story?id=76633536&cid=social_twitter_abcn Cardi B is fine with her Lambo and mansions, stop asking her to give up what YOU WOULD LIKE TO HAVE and put focus on REAL JESUS EVENTS in this world. abcnews.go.com/Politics/scared-hungry-young-boys-cross-border/story?id=76633536&cid=social_twitter_abcn
@jakelemons5760 3 года назад
@@vincew4765 How do you know he doesn't volunteer or serve others? You're real quick to judge others intent and make it sound like just because they mention a celebrity it means they are caught up or "want" their wealth/material possessions yet then you go on to listing some of the items and say that is the very reason why you don't care for them... How completely foolish and Un-Christian! Sounds youre the one concerned about their possessions. Stop looking at them from a worldly perspective and instead recognize that they are humans with a soul in dire need of a Savior just like you, me and EVERYBODY. Rich, poor, friend, enemy, whatever we should be willing to pray for them!
@bernardkellytenor 3 года назад
@@vincew4765 my comment had nothing to do with any celebrities. Whatever or whoever you're angry with is between you and the Lord. Much love bro.
@hv3079 3 года назад
@bladeowens 3 года назад
I’ve been inboxing her. What a warrior she would be for Jesus!!!
@MichaelErnest666 3 года назад
@0sakurako 3 года назад
also if she turns all they way to Jesus her fans can to! so that would be double the price right?
@mileena2637 3 года назад
@@0sakurako true!
@0sakurako 3 года назад
@@MichaelErnest666 sir change your name to 777 instead because 666 the devils number
@MichaelErnest666 3 года назад
@@0sakurako well how do you know that I'm not the devil... Now you can suggest others on what to do but do not tell others what to do unles you're God??? 👀
@BellaTWard 3 года назад
I had a dream about her last night. That's crazy. And she seemed so lost but so humble like she was willing to walk away from everything. I never dream about celebrities.
@aprilsunshine7565 3 года назад
I believe you...from time to time I dream about Jay Z and Beyonce.she's never performing nor jay.they just appear as really people... Beyonce would always have a very calm smile..and theres always this mysterious glow on her...I'm not saying anything bad. But these dreams appear every now and then.. Thats all
@renece2203 3 года назад
I had a dream about Rihanna.. she was crying and singing a gospel song like one of those old gospel songs(as if it was a rememberance from her younger years). praying for the entertainment industry.
@hishelpingheart3180 3 года назад
God has given me many dreams about Britney Spears one was with her underground in like a sewer almost like one of her videos, but she was wanting out trying to reach this golden elevator she would get close but then her seductive music would come on and she would be in bondage and began to dance seductively as if she literally didn't have control. That was just one part of the dream. A lot of these ppl were Christians at one time, but the Hellywood industry loves to pull ppl away from God. We must pray for these ppl. Not look at them as stars, but ppl that need to be saved and born again. For God to guide them to repent. Pray without ceasing!! If you're interested I made a video on that dream.🙏🔥🙌☝💗
@PolishBehemoth 3 года назад
@@aprilsunshine7565 can you please explain your post ? So many typos. Also may z and Beyonce had concerts together in the past are you serious? The song "crazy right now"
@platanitoconpolloyarroz3005 3 года назад
@@aprilsunshine7565 Do u listen to their music?
@HerFaithUnfiltered 3 года назад
God has definitely placed on my heart a few times to pray for some celebrities. He loves them all the same.
@LauraFaye 3 года назад
We should pray for them all ... they are so confused and in need off prayer
@agapelove9041 3 года назад
@GRockThaIsraelite03071984 3 года назад
Let's pray for the celebrity's I don't want to see nobody go to the pit prepared for the devil and his angels
@5h4igrl 3 года назад
Absolutely bro. Shalom!
@gettenash3851 3 года назад
Amen Hallelujah 🙌 the lost shall be found 🙏 this lets you and I know to that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has control 🙏
@cliffe4 3 года назад
Facts same with king von there’s a lot of peopel truly with a big heart who can be a soldier for Jesus Christ 💯💯many people in the streets can put that effort in Jesus
@7ee3all 3 года назад
@@oogieboogie4702 amen! keep commenting!
@gettenash3851 3 года назад
Regardless it won't stop me from praying for their souls...🙏
@rosemarysantos5216 3 года назад
I feel same about Cardi, real name Belcanis Marlenis which is how I addressed her, messaged her couple days ago expressing Gods love for her and she must repent from her current lifestyle. Let’s keep her in prayer. Nothing’s impossible for God 🙏🏻
@jessicawestbrook3730 3 года назад
@NicholeWilliamsAmorvicitomnia 3 года назад
I just msged her too! I hope she allows The holy spit into her heart and the transformation power take hold
@yourradiantsoul3825 3 года назад
@cynamor8791 3 года назад
I messaged her as well longing ago about God
@tstewart8698 3 года назад
"The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." (2 Peter 3:9 NIV)
@jacque488 3 года назад
Praise God Amen !!!!
@heathergarcia3262 3 года назад
I love this thank you for posting this 💖🥺😭
@Orthodox_mang 3 года назад
@KAYKAY-tf3jz 3 года назад
Zondervan published niv bibles they are also publishing satanic bibles
@tam1729 3 года назад
A thousand years is one day to God. Even if we live until we are 150 year old we are still here for a short time.
@BoskiM 3 года назад
God sees her as his daughter and he loves her. Can you imagine the impact if she came out today as a 'born again' and began singing about Jesus wow
@iriscruz7933 3 года назад
Amen hallelujah 🙏🏼
@jakelemons5760 3 года назад
@Kato what are you taking about Kato?
@platanitoconpolloyarroz3005 3 года назад
@Kato And what is ur solution?What donu offer in place?Or are u just one of those "specialists" who "try" spirits at their own critical thinking and only keep talking while others do not hear the gospel?
@platanitoconpolloyarroz3005 3 года назад
@Kato And why is Marcus not preaching the true Jesus?
@platanitoconpolloyarroz3005 3 года назад
@Kato Where do u see baal worship?
@jamesmackey684 3 года назад
I have to admit I never truly liked cardi B but today day the Lord has reminded me that his love can reach anyone and I want to pray for her because Jesus died for her to just as much as he died for me and he loves her so much
@jamesmackey684 3 года назад
@Chinagorom Kanu I know this guy always does this
@ogunyemid 3 года назад
@Chinagorom Kanu Seen this fraud a few times now!
@quintondavis3492 3 года назад
@Chinagorom Kanu that’s why Marcus Rogers needs to stop making all these videos.
@ilovegodandjesusjohn316 3 года назад
Revelation 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
@deezbeanz9856 3 года назад
Cardi B is so blessed to have a person like you who can see past her actions and is willing to support and protect her in her way to Jesus
@pursuilife3065 3 года назад
God allowed me to pray for Cardi B in 2018 at a target in ATL she did not want to be seen really but when I offered prayer she allowed me pass security and I began to pray with her. There is a plan for her life never judge anyone where they are now God sees all & I love her too!
@pursuilife3065 3 года назад
@Marcus Rogers Please stop scamming people and your not Marcus Rogers. Have a great day.
@joymckenziewendt4013 3 года назад
A year ago, I dreamt that Cardi B was born again and she was my best friend. I had to google her! I didn’t know she existed!!! She is going to get SAVED!!!!!
@ariahh3770 3 года назад
Oh wow!
@cynamor8791 3 года назад
I dreamt of her many times
@lisaswaboda3127 3 года назад
Amen. She wouldn't mention Jesus if he wasn't running through her mind. God bless her.
@ponder.nourish.create9887 3 года назад
Lisa Swaboda I saw that exact same Marcus Rogers comment on another persons response to the video. I am confident it is not him. If you click on the profile you can tell it’s not. This is concerning to me.
@viviennebaptiste 2 года назад
It's not enough that you believe in "Jesus" are you believing in the right Jesus is the question
@jerryoneal7558 3 года назад
He saved me, that's why I know that he can do it for Her. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽☝🏾☝🏾🤗🤗🤗 He is a way Maker.
@prisca5417 3 года назад
@Marcus Rogers stop lying you are not the real Marcus rogers.
@Feed-My-Mind-Not-My-Ego 3 года назад
He saved me too.
@relisbetrel 3 года назад
He sure is! A way out of absolutely no way! 👐👐
@BelovedofYah 3 года назад
I agree Bro. Marcus. It's been on my heart for months to pray for her, Rihanna, and Cee-Lo. The Lord desires to have them back. I'm praying!
@ilovegodandjesusjohn316 3 года назад
Revelation 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
@WWambition 3 года назад
The Lord will use her mightily. She’s very bold and we can use that in the faith!
@tennesseeminnissi2445 3 года назад
@awesome john Jesus used whores and prostitutes all the time in scripture. You read!
@julissaraquel. 3 года назад
@awesome john That's not true. Look at Kayne West. Cardi can turn to Christ too.
@tennesseeminnissi2445 3 года назад
@awesome john That doesn’t mean that Jesus can’t turn her life around and use it for his purposes. It’s not God’s desire that any of his creation perish. Jesus died on the cross to reconcile all to him, and his life was a ministry, and a testimony, as to how the grace and power of God extends to all who are willing to receive him. The dead were risen, demons were cast out of people seemingly far past rescue (the demoniac at the Getharenes). We are to spread the Gospel and pray for the lost to turn from their sin and submit fully to God and that includes Cardi B.
@julissaraquel. 3 года назад
@awesome john You missed the whole point of what I'm saying. If you read the bible Paul Persucuted the Church before he came to Christ, Mary Magdalene was a prostitute before she went to Chirst. In today day Kanye thought he was his own god before he came to Christ. The list can go on but the whole point is, Cardi is no different she can turn to Christ too.
@julissaraquel. 3 года назад
@awesome john I hear you but she's still alive and breathing so even if she repents on last breath she can make it to heaven. She still has a chance, God can change anybody. Matthew 11: 28-30.“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” 2nd Chornicals 7:14- If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. Matthew 3:2 -“Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”
@saraabraham1104 3 года назад
I really believe that Cardi has a really good heart. When she was asked on an interview, "As someone who's been dead broke and has money now, do you feel you're happy?" She answered, "sometimes". She continued on to say that it makes her happy that she's able to afford what she wants and she gets to treat her family but the way that she has money took away her happiness. 💔 This in itself shows how much Jesus loves Cardi and is working in her. My job as Christian is to pray for her and not judge because I'm not God. God bless you brother Marcus!
@MiraclesHappen777 3 года назад
It’s crazy that you’ve been making these videos of her because I had a dream about her and her child last year and I think she’s called too. May God capture her heart and bless her.. 🙏🏾🙌🏾✝️👏🏾💪🏾
@JerryFinin 3 года назад
In agreement amen
@anthonycreese4436 3 года назад
Omg. You dream abou celebrities???? You need to focus more on Christ.
@kheii9917 3 года назад
@@anthonycreese4436 don’t do that , you act people choose to dream about such things.
@motherofanangel1143 3 года назад
@@kheii9917 u are so right about that! Like u can lie dwn nd say, "ok tonight I will dream about cardi" as much as I am focused on the lord, I still haven't dreamt of him, so I agree with u 100%
@candacewilliams1986 3 года назад
How amazing it would be to see her transform to where God wants her to be. I will be praying!
@kelleea2007 3 года назад
God had me praying for Offset recently I definitely believe He wants them both to come completely out of the industry. Let's pray for this couple.
@tavariashmiya 3 года назад
are you a spiritual advisor ma’am ?
@jewls6108 3 года назад
When God puts a celebrity in your heart you need to pull through and pray for them. Stand in the gap for them because we are all his children.
@jenniferlynne1952 3 года назад
God loves each & every person on this earth 🌎
@agapelove9041 3 года назад
@ashleigh8450 3 года назад
Even the devil's believe and tremble.. faith without works is dead.
@SaintMajestyMusic 3 года назад
omg I had a vision God gave me concerning her she was dressed in all white she was made pure and was very happy then the vision left He is pursuing her.. I was in prayer !! He will get her I declare & decree that cardi b will not miss her destiny neither will Aubrey Drake Graham
@youngqueencourage6967 3 года назад
yes! this gives me hope for her :)
@raquelchildofthemosthighgo3546 3 года назад
I had a couple of dreams about her, like God is calling her. I hope she answers before its too late.
@aintnuthinbuta63 3 года назад
Actions speak louder than words. Saying something is one thing but actually doing it is what matters.
@praisehim3288 3 года назад
Great word my brother, I know that word will touch her heart if she listens to it, that’s how you preach conviction and not condemnation 👍🏿👍🏿👍🏿
@cecelove94 3 года назад
Jesus loves us all. It's never too late as long as we are on this Earth with breath in our lungs. 🙌🏼🙏🏼
@cliffe4 3 года назад
@nicaisenicaise8796 3 года назад
Thanks sister, I just receive a similar response and I was wondering if it could really be Marcus! My goodness, people don't fear God anymore!!
@0sakurako 3 года назад
i will pray for every celeb
@mileena2637 3 года назад
Yeah, they really need it
@MarkoPantovichHelps 3 года назад
Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out..
@jerlishacummings7808 3 года назад
@islandprincesscastle 3 года назад
Do not fall for this scam That reply isn't from the official Marcus Rogers and actual man of God. If you click on the profile pic you'll see that this acct. Was set up 3 days ago and only has 1 subscriber and no content. This person is a scammer and using Marcus' name to do his dirty work. Shame on you and I hope you repent and stop your Satanism.
@unedited6217 3 года назад
Don't reply to that hacker my man, that's not the real Marcus Rogers.
@MarkoPantovichHelps 3 года назад
@@islandprincesscastle yes i know i report all to spam this spammer goes by the sites owners name....but thank you i love you and may God bless your path.
@pccc145 3 года назад
Don’t most celebrities thank God when they’re accepting rewards? They all run to God when they’re in need, or feel blessed. Pray for EVERYONE, not just her. Everyone needs to make it in.
@EvangelismforGod 3 года назад
You are so right!
@ponder.nourish.create9887 3 года назад
Yes. But she specifically mentioned Jesus and the blood that was spilled for us. Don’t quote me exactly but watch more of the video.
@pccc145 3 года назад
@@ponder.nourish.create9887 I saw that part. It’s still important to live for him. Even Satan knows the power of the blood of Jesus.
@christmasbaby6651 3 года назад
Baal is their GOD
@cyrilorfano9161 Год назад
Yes but to some their god is the god of this world, satan.
@katiaemeline2092 3 года назад
Nothing is impossible for the most high!
@katiaemeline2092 3 года назад
@Marcus Rogers thank you! you have no idea what I have been dealing with as of late! I will do my best!
@godwinsalways3461 3 года назад
@@katiaemeline2092 Don't fall for This, they did it to me also! The at the account it's fake and look through the messages here on how many people they sent this message to! Please don't sent nothing!
@katiaemeline2092 3 года назад
@@godwinsalways3461 Yes I suspected as much and also did a bit of research and called a friend that frequents Parts of the region! Its sad that anyone can not fear the most high enough not to try to scam people using his name! I thank you for reaching out!
@godwinsalways3461 3 года назад
@@katiaemeline2092 My pleasure! I agree when you don't fear God ALMIGHTY then you have a problem!
@justvisiting1714 3 года назад
Now this is how you do it! Cast no stones.
@lisawilliams5096 3 года назад
I agree Pastor! I have been praying for the salvation of many in the entertainment industry; not only in the United States of America, but globally. God's arm is not too short, hallelujah! 🙏🙏🙏
@Jcislord1860 3 года назад
Pray for cardi b! Jesus loves you sister! Hallelujah!!!!
@vincew4765 3 года назад
Many of you people are SICKENING!!!! I MEAN SICKENING, MARCUS YOU ARE GOOD AT WHAT YOU DO, GIVE YOU THAT. You're making a lot of money here on these forums. AS A "CHRISTIAN" WHY THE HELL DO ANY OF YOU CARE SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH ABOUT CARDI B and other celebrities if you to weren't IN LOVE WITH THEIR SUCCESS FAME AND RICHES. DEEP DOWN INSIDE YOU WANT WHAT THEY HAVE. If you didn't want it, you'd be like me. I COULD CARE LESS ABOUT THESE RICH PEOPLE WHO ARE PAID TO ENTERTAIN YOU. I've never heard a Kanye West song or a Cardi B song and I don't care too because I DO NOT CARE ABOUT THEM. In the sense they are special because they can "rap". Marcus I would be far far more impressed with you if you would go video yourself working at an OLD FOLKS HOME PROTECTING PEOPLE FROM COVID. I'd be far more impressed with you if YOU ACTUALLY DID SOMETHING POSITIVE FOR POOR PEOPLE, THE SICK THE SHUT IN, KIDS WHO HAVE NO FATHER FIGURE. YOUNG Latino boys with out parents. Why don't yall SO CALLED CHRISTIANS talk about or try to do something about this? abcnews.go.com/Politics/scared-hungry-young-boys-cross-border/story?id=76633536&cid=social_twitter_abcn Cardi B is fine with her Lambo and mansions, stop asking her to give up what YOU WOULD LIKE TO HAVE and put focus on REAL JESUS EVENTS in this world. abcnews.go.com/Politics/scared-hungry-young-boys-cross-border/story?id=76633536&cid=social_twitter_abcn
@miccadavis3680 3 года назад
@@vincew4765 u sound like you need therapy dude
@vincew4765 3 года назад
@@miccadavis3680 right I dont need any therapy why do you care about cardi b? She has millions of dollars and numerous riches. Go try to help someone who's poor. Did you ever see Jesus running around worrying about the kings and queens and the rich living good in his day? No, he focused on the poor. Thats another thing wrong with black people. Always looking to make an entertainer or athlete some sort of "LEADER". In most case these people DO NOT want to be leaders they just want you to buy what they are selling you. Who cares about Cardi B........................If anything you "christian" black females should be focusing on this. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-kPCale37Dco.html
@Joshua514 3 года назад
Amen 🙏 Brother Marcus. I’ve seen the battle with in her. I pray she reaches out before it’s too late. I’ll pray for her in agreement with you for her🙏✝️🙌🏻🎺 as for all who are not saved , for their Salvation and Deliverance
@faithnicholson2869 3 года назад
Touching & agreeing ! 🇺🇸🙏🏾.
@Oshayblessedinthacity 3 года назад
Someone told me that Cardi B has watched this video in full without turning it off. Now thats deep.
@denisewenke8323 3 года назад
@Marcus Rogers fake account
@askalaebony5056 3 года назад
@@denisewenke8323 yessss!! I wish the real Marcus knew this!! This person has been on many other Christian channel and doing this non sense😡
@tonisellers4509 3 года назад
I agree with you Marcus, you are so beautiful Cardi B and I pray that you grab hold of God in a miraculous way that he our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will reveal himself in a special way to you💖In Jesus Name! Lord let your glory shine magnificent upon her soul💖
@markettspikes5002 3 года назад
This is incredible that fact that your about to look past what she does and I appreciate seeing things like that!!!!!!
@Jiron127 3 года назад
I said this yesterday after her tweet about being number 1. He's waiting for her and many others to come back to him. She's serving two masters right now. It's not too late!!!! We can all still repent as long as we're on the living side.
@dineenmarshall8958 3 года назад
Thank you for posting this Marcus. This is such a great reminder that God loves and wants everyone. No one is a piece of trash that he wants to discard. He just wants you to become the best you he created you to be. He just wants you see yourself through his eyes and truly know that you are his masterpiece!!
@beblessed3588 3 года назад
Amen! I felt this same way about Cardi I believe God is gonna use her in the most amazing way
@dinahfisher 3 года назад
I believe anyone can be saved and I agree with what you're saying. Also we gotta make sure she's talking about our God also because there are many God's out there
@aprilsunshine7565 3 года назад
Honestly I feel this too.. And I felt this for a while..I'll never forget when corona first came and she did a home video while we all were on lockdown. She said some stuff about the virus and the gov. She had me thinking hard!! Cause she was so serious about how she felt..but she also cut it short because she already felt .she may have said too much.. Our God rains on the just and the unjust..that's what I adore so much about our Lord.no matter what we achieved in life..there's always that void that makes you fill this isn't enough. There's sumthim more...more lasting without that incomplete feeling..and whenever I feel this way... God reminds me within .Matthew 4:4...man shall not live by bread alone...I can eat and live by this world daily.. But its never gonna satisfy me until I fill my heart and desires with our lord and saviour Jesus Christ !. Thanks brother Marcus for posting this...
@cliffe4 3 года назад
@jemilagulston7742 3 года назад
You're on point brother Marcus God has been allowing me to pray for Cardi b and I was praying to meet her personally to minister God's word. Although she had a Carli and Jezebel spirit I was just touched to pray for her.
@terianndavis7172 3 года назад
I started praying for her yesterday. I think she wants to get to God
@karina2692 3 года назад
I’ve been sensing the same with her! Amen brother Marcus.
@karina2692 3 года назад
@Marcus Rogers shame on you scammer.
@isusjebogisaija96-75 3 года назад
@ilovegodandjesusjohn316 3 года назад
Revelation 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
@rachelweigand5377 3 года назад
Bro. Marcus, You are an amazing man!!!Im in agreement with you!! If we can all be on the same page as the body of Christ and pray for those in the industry and they become saved, they can then be a good example & witness to others in the field.
@ashleycerullo1456 3 года назад
Amen brother! It truly is a narrow path! Praying for you and your families as you continue to preach the truth! Cover by the passion! Praise Yeshua!
@CierraCierra7 3 года назад
I've been a "fan" of Cardi since before she was famous. Well she was on Instagram and I loved her on love and hip hop and just loved her little butt always lol you know I lived like her and now my life's different this past year. Like very very different. I don't appreciate her music so much now but something about her I just still really love. I truly believe she will come to, and it's weird because I've had similar thoughts. "You can never go to far, to where you can't come back home again"
@slimtv6371 3 года назад
When i pray sometimes i feel the Holy spirit tells me to pray for somebody in the industry that is trying to escape my prayers might be going out to her idk but i do know that my prayers are going out and they are making a difference. All praises To The Most High!
@ravenyarber4993 3 года назад
Yes I pray for Cardi B! God bless you and your family! And may his GLORIOUS face SMILE upon you!
@Yahknowsmyname 3 года назад
So true Bro.Marcus! I'm praying for her and all others too! God can do it!
@TerryTasia7 3 года назад
My cousin was just in the top 5 finals for America's Got Talent (Voices Of Service (tm) My cousin mentioned how he and Gabrielle Union talked a little and how ahe was really moved by how the group had such an impact on her. I believe Gabrielle experienced the Presence of God. She was so choked up with emotion. I didn't know Dwayne Wade mom is a pastor but where is the Godliness he knows about? Letting their child decide their own gender instead of teaching God's Truth to their child. My cousin (don't want to reveal his name) ministered to Gabrielle and prayerfully manifestation of the seed planted will happen. The Word of God declares> (Luke 1:37) " For with God, Nothing shall be impossible." Amen!
@TerryTasia7 3 года назад
@Leonel Anaya That's the part I just added to my response. I didn't know they went forth with it. It's not going to be easy for their child at all. Straight confusion. And that gives the enemy access in SO many ways. Praying for them. God get The Glory. Amen
@babaluski5 3 года назад
Although I only found Jesus 3,years ago. I am a baby christian, I am on this journey alone, most people seem so scary and empty. I pray for all the sick and suffering because I still am in a bad place. I know I must be weak in order to become strong before the Lord. I must go into the shelter system at the age of 44, due to falling prey to an evil manipulative narcissist who has chipped away at me for 11 years until I feel empty and so alone aside from knowing Jesus wants better for me and will stay by my side as I start from rock bottom at my age with nothing. Pure humility, I have nothing. I take full responsibility for staying and allowing myself to become blinded by this horrific relationship but now I will take responsibility for leaving, leaping into the unknown with the Lord by my side, come what may. I know my life is approaching a big change, I will have peace and security thanks to knowing Jesus does not want me to suffer anymore. I'm sorry for ranting but I don't have anyone who believes in God in my life.
@amberburrus5160 3 года назад
You are covered, my sibling in Christ😊🙏🙌❤
@LuisGarcia-fy5ul 3 года назад
You right ( brother Marcus ) we need to stay closer and closer to the lord, that's the way transformation works.
@angelaaa7777 Год назад
It took me along time to learn.N there’s no going back…If he can save me he can save anybody.”🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
@markettspikes5002 3 года назад
Here’s my thing I myself I read the word, I pray, I go to church, I’m currently doing a 40 day fast now, so I do do some fasting, I’m trying to really get the Scriptures down in the process of almost finishing the Bible but I still have to get to the point where I’m able to use the scriptures to fight the enemy. But on the flip side I don’t feel as though I’m a full blown Christian because I do have my flaws though their small it’s still not of God I watch Battle rap at times, I’m working on controlling my Anger, on occasions I drink, I’m just working to get better day by day but I do know that God is Good Jesus Christ died On the Cross for our Sins and that God is our Father and created everything. I also know I must improve
@jas_n_heaven1219 3 года назад
@chasingathousand4003 3 года назад
You are on the right path. Invite the Holy Spirit into your efforts because reading and memorizing the Word is good, fasting is good, but without the Spirit giving it life, it becomes just works. Keep pressing and don't give up.
@chasingathousand4003 3 года назад
We will not be flawless until we see Jesus face to face, but never use that as an occasion to sin. Be encouraged.
@markettspikes5002 3 года назад
@@chasingathousand4003 Thanks for the advice
@JerryFinin 3 года назад
God can deliver you from drinking and he can deliver you from anger Abba Father touch Markett and deliver from anger and drinking AbbaFather I give you all the Glory and thanks Abba Father amen. Come into agreement with me.
@wisegal88 3 года назад
Reminds me of Denise Mathews who was in the group vanity. She was heavy in drugs and lived for the industry too. But God brought her out and she then lived for him.💯 She now with Jesus.❤ so it's very possible that cardi can be delivered too.
@shinellewills6121 3 года назад
So is Chili from TLC.
@m_a_rzzzz6027 3 года назад
Amen brother 🙏 it’s about encouraging all of us, the enemy isn’t dressed in flesh
@laureen96 3 года назад
Yes, so true, they are into something thats so much bigger than theirselves
@tomadrianaariannachristian7465 3 года назад
Remember the singer named Vanity and the latin singer La Lupe. The Lord rescued them and transformed their lives for his Glory and incredible testimony.
@jessefoster2308 3 года назад
@DaughterofZion1440 3 года назад
Nothing is impossible for God! The word I needed to hear this morning. 🙏🏼
@fiercefaithfitness4773 3 года назад
Yesss Marcus! God loves us all no matter what we’ve done!
@alanabrown7314 3 года назад
I had a dream about her. We were in line waiting to get into heaven
@ilovegodandjesusjohn316 3 года назад
Revelation 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
@vanessagg5222 3 года назад
People would think I was nuts for praying for Kanye, I did 3 times about 2years ago for his deliverance, when I did Jay-z showed up in my dream ( was in his car he stated he didn’t car what I did n trying to talk me out of praying more for kanye) then I see he came with that Christian album . Thank you 🙏🏾 for expressing praying for celebrities, heck I pray for strangers folks on news, that’s what prayer warriors do once the Holy Spirit moves you to do it. Thank you ☺️
@lavernedjoseph7663 3 года назад
Bro. Marcus, yes! I'm praying for her salvation as well. He really is!!!🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
@carolparrish97 3 года назад
Man of God you’re Powerful in the Almighty name of Jesus Christ our Lord! I feel the presence as you’re speaking! Thank you for continuing to encourage the body of Christ! You’re one of the these are they!!!!! God richly bless you and your family always!♥️
@princess-cd5zg 3 года назад
God confirmed earlier that she is gonna give her Life to Jesus...its a matter of time. Just wait and see....... 🙏🕯️ 💜
@7ee3all 3 года назад
Will you put your soul on it?
@PolishBehemoth 3 года назад
What confirmed it? Who confirmed it?and yes are you willing to bet your life on it?
@ariahh3770 3 года назад
I pray so
@darkenffa8738 3 года назад
@@PolishBehemoth Lmk Mk I’m mop kk Mak lmkk mo mom m m mokk
@unedited6217 3 года назад
You can't serve the one true God, and the god of this world. It just doesn't work that way.
@kenyalove7343 3 года назад
You said it first! Amen 🙏🏾
@daughterofaking1562 3 года назад
What God is she speaking of
@Fodkfmdjdmdkf 3 года назад
@@Lutronn Since when did Lucifer own the world
@Sandra-rt3ez 3 года назад
So true,you cannot serve two master.You either got to hold on to one or let go of the other
@jknott1509 3 года назад
She can still be saved if she repents
@Ramona777able 2 года назад
I stand in agreement with you for cardi Salvation. Praying for her to come to the feet of Jesus.
@MrJessieM90 3 года назад
I love Cardi and will keep her in prayer 🙏🏻 🕊❤️
@MichaelErnest666 3 года назад
God Loves Us All But It's Up To Us To Stay Or Leave... 🙏
@lakebafondren5868 3 года назад
She’s living a life from the perspective of “I’m doing what I have to do with what I have to make that money.” I pray God shows her another way to make money so she can handle her business without having to objectify her body.
@ginnyday9224 3 года назад
Nothing is impossible for God that’s so true 🙌❤️
@windlew5414 3 года назад
Thank you for telling the truth, be holy as I am holy, period. Do we mess up, make mistakes yes we do. But our heart is to live holy. Refrain from those things that do not RE-PRESENT Christ.♥️♥️
@lelabrooks04 3 года назад
I never write anyone off!! We have to keep praying for HER!
@patriciababcock3758 3 года назад
God bless you Marcus
@tinaree4299 3 года назад
POWERFUL VIDEO!!! AMEN, AMEN and AMEN!!!❤🙏 Marcus, I have just started looking at your videos....and God is using U in a MIGHTY WAY!!! I love how humble U are but bold and truthful in the way U present the "WORD"! I've prayed for Cardi B and other Entertainers also, and will continue to do so! May God continue to bless and protect U, as U BODLY proclaim His Truth!❤🙏
@monicateague6143 3 года назад
Amen! Preach Pastor Marcus! I pray that everyone who watches this message has an encounter with Jesus! Amen! Change is coming and people need to be grounded in Christ! Hallelujah! 🙏🕊😇 Have a Awesome day, you and the family! 😁❤Y'all Infinity
@roxannagore7286 3 года назад
Confirmation I was just talking about this with a friend on yesterday about Carly B I had a dream about her sometime ago and I mentioned to my friend that Carly B may come into the fold real soon God always confirms his word
@godspurposenotours3678 3 года назад
Please save that soul, Lord.
@godspurposenotours3678 3 года назад
@Marcus Rogers thank you and God bless
@godwinsalways3461 3 года назад
@@godspurposenotours3678 That's a fake account ,look At it and at all the other people they sent this message to. Don't sent nothing!
@QueenMspeaks 3 года назад
We have to continue praying for Cardi 🙏🏾
@ericapeterson3748 3 года назад
Amen! I was thinking this the other day. God bless her.
@alexisramirez7813 3 года назад
We need to pray for all of his lost children!! Many are called few are chosen.
@kayj8480 3 года назад
Share with Cardi B with godly love and pray everyone that God will deliver her ,we all are sinners saved by grace let us not forget where God has brought us from We was blinded but Jesus brought us to the truth of Him ... pray that the Lord will work on her heart ❤️ Much Love
@chelsealaw9211 3 года назад
Thank you for your gentle demeanor and ability to truly care for people on a deeper level. The world needs love bottom line from us all. The sheep are just lost they don't know how to get the right kind of love that lasts and feels better than any drug, or sexual pleasure. One that brings on health and success. Well done. This was a beautiful message! When people get real love and support they won't be lost anymore. It's sad because it's actually very easy.
@omarleon9577 3 года назад
God bless you my brother,keep talking the true don’t matter if people don’t like,what you said is 100 true
@cecelove94 3 года назад
Make a video to Queen Naija. She made a video shortly before she really blew up about her judgement day and she didn't make it to heaven, God told her to depart from him. She also has a song called war cry about spiritual warfare.
@Ilayshaa 3 года назад
Me & my God sister always said she needs to sing for God. Her voice is a voice that is so angelic & given to her by God himself. She’s supposed to be singing for Christ she’s just as lost as anyone else
@nigerjenkins6372 3 года назад
Let's pray for both of them Cardi B and Queen naija
@refugeapostolicchurchofour3727 3 года назад
Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.
@refugeapostolicchurchofour3727 3 года назад
Ephesians 5:11 Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. Revelation 21:8 But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.”
@keshiawright4242 3 года назад
I believe you Marcus. I believe God allows people to go through this to bring a people to Him. She will be able to win many souls when she comes to Him.
@moyneal1065 3 года назад
I totally agree with you Marcus!
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