
Darktide: The columnus mk5 the single best weapon in the game right now. 5/5 

Tanner Lindberg
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28 дек 2023




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@starmiz1740 6 месяцев назад
The columnus mk5 is also amazing on psykers. It synergises well with the True Aim talent since when it crits it crits for a 4 shot burst. If you can consistently land headshots you can get an insane amount of crits from that talent alone.
@chancelloryusuf 6 месяцев назад
Revolver + weapon specialist is incredible, since the reload bonus rounds up you get a free round in the chamber from a single melee kill. You can use that round to kill another enemy, and instantly trigger melee weapon specialist buff, repeat to clear mixed hordes with unmatched efficiency. As for ranged elites, revolver is one tap for nearly all of them. I admit I've been using Columnus Infantry much more as of late, but prior to this week I mainly used revolver.
@seangallagher9435 6 месяцев назад
Yeah the gun pulls out instantly so you’re barely pausing at all
@epsteindidntkillhimself69 2 месяца назад
I am addicted to this setup honestly.
@ServitorSkull 6 месяцев назад
Brunt's Armory Voice "SOLD!"
@santhiagodefreitasbenedito9369 6 месяцев назад
I came from using the single-shot Vraks MK VII when I started playing (cause I really liked the long range, single shot, heavy damage output it has), tried the Columnus MK V but settled down on the Agripinaa MK I. Why? Cause the Agripinaa has higher damage output, better firing control (you can single shot it if you just tap the mouse), longer range and it can still full-auto when needed. I feel like the Agripinaa MK I is just the best of both worlds, being both the grinder that the Columnus is and the, well, Headhunter that the Vraks is. All around great gun, always deliver, be it a long shot or a close-encounter horde. And you can argue that "X thing is the best on X other thing" but where's the fun on that? I'm glad that the game is well balanced enough that, yeah, we have ALL of the meta stuff, but the rest is not useless, if it fits your playstyle, you can use it. I'm still saving some Columnus tho!
@agedgouda8809 6 месяцев назад
It has better damage output? I thought the columnus had far higher dps
@MalcrowAlogoran 6 месяцев назад
If you are zealot with columnus. Use the charge ability for damage buff after using a speed stim on a monstrousity. I saw a plague ogryn’s health melt to half with constant headshots before a reload. For some reason the speed stim buffs fire rate.
@Nautilus472 3 месяца назад
It injects your weapon's machine spirit with meth lmao
@OfLanceTheLonginus 6 месяцев назад
Curious what ya thoughts be on the shredder Been me own bread n butter even after it got the pinning fire nerf, still does it’s job well enough (besides having to run kraks at least)
@bronze1895 4 месяца назад
quick question what would you rank the blessings on this gun? because im stuck between fire frenzy and raking fire
@rippedlimbo7884 6 месяцев назад
Laspistol and Chainsword because Commissar Ciaphas Cain go brrr
@rocketsocks3116 6 месяцев назад
well alright, im sold. time to start grinding plasteel again. what are the best blessings for it?
@thuggfrogg 5 месяцев назад
Why this gun fucks: • bodyshot damage: high base damage, high rate of fire, high % bonus vs. close enemies • finesse damage: it's like 2x or more, which is fucking insane for a rapid fire type weapon (the braced autoguns aren't even close) • accuracy: both hip-firing and aimed-firing are insanely accurate. you can walk up to anything without aiming and just spray it down • ammo economy: already has a ton of ammo, but due to the insane damage, it just makes it so much better • reload speed: it's what-the-fuck fast • horde clearing: you can literally keep this thing out and not have to switch to melee, allowing you to always be ready to take out specials The only thing that isn't top-tier about this gun is long-ranged accuracy + damage, but the rest of the stats are so high that it's still good here (just not whatthefuck good). I'm new-ish to darktide, but I've dumped an embarrassing amount of time in it in the three weeks I've had it. I picked up a high-roll of this gun on accident (I was experimenting with the infantry autoguns because I liked the Mk I at the time), and I was fucking flabbergasted, esp. because youtube tier-list makers didn't call this thing out as game-breaking. It's fucking game-breakingly good. I've dumped way too many resources into trying to get another gun this good, only to realize that no other gun will ever be this good.
@thuggfrogg 5 месяцев назад
Oh, another reason: the recoil pattern makes the gun track up, so aiming at chest level and sending three or four rounds down softens up an enemy and ends them with the headshot.
@GerdionXT Месяц назад
What mode / setting u use that make camera look a little bit in that back - you can see your forearm ? I needed some gun wit flash lite and I found it :D
@Kati_Gory 5 месяцев назад
I love this guy because if its not his way super meta weapon he basically insults anything else as if builds and blessings dont make weapons fun to use. (He only uses basically one gun for all 9,000 missions he will play)
@TannerLindberg 5 месяцев назад
yeah thats whati enjoy dude
@quack3891 6 месяцев назад
Columnus Mk5 ever since the buffs were pretty insane but I love the plasma gun sounds straight up because it felt nice to use. I'll probably use this but I haven't used autoguns since launch day lmao.
@Bkay2240 6 месяцев назад
Loved your shotgun sound effects
@legessi 3 месяца назад
Hey whats your real opinion on the fanning revolver. I felt like you were holding back.
@vigilante5630 Месяц назад
Lost it at ‘Ker-chow!!’ 😂😂
@infrared6973 6 месяцев назад
I guess that well stat rolled columnus I have can get used without perks since this guns so beastly. Ill have to give it a few runs again and I was probably usjng the wrong build as well.
@jonahsmlg1506 6 месяцев назад
whats your fov mod bro?
@HeroOfTheWeb 6 месяцев назад
Revolver definitely not garbage. Plasma gun veterans dominate auric. Columnus mk5 is very very good.
@TannerLindberg 6 месяцев назад
its dmg per mag on the low end. its reload on the long end. its dmg per ammo pick up the lowest in the entire game. it might not be garbage but its low b high c tier AT BEST.
@TannerLindberg 6 месяцев назад
also plasma gun is only the dominate force since its what creators and guides on games lantern talk about. the mk5 goes toe to toe if not flat out beats it in every single category. and that one is just objective math.
@HeroOfTheWeb 6 месяцев назад
I use that autogun myself but I do see plasma dominate quite often. I wouldn’t be surprised to see all 3 get nerfed soon, because that’s what FatShark does.
@TannerLindberg 6 месяцев назад
this is the real answers lmao.
@HeroOfTheWeb 6 месяцев назад
It’s crazy how quickly the Columnus deletes crushers haha. You are 100% correct in that everyone… EVERYONE is simping for the plasma. Their loss!
@septia101 5 месяцев назад
Hey Tanner, respect to the vids you put out, concerns on the build on this one though, no 33% toughness in coherency (guess your saving points) and no team aoe shout! I love the 3 red nodes though, dmg must be insane when you hit your special. Without the team toughness, do you find it still works in lvl 5/auric? Not judging just never leave home without the 33% buff....
@thuggfrogg 5 месяцев назад
AoE team shout might be one of the best abilities in the game, and NO QUESTION ABOUT IT if you aren't a top tier vet. But if you are a great vet, the ability to smash F and take care of all of the big threats in sight within seconds can save your team. Sometimes you just need to carry! As for taking the ammo aura, it gives you enough rounds to unload a few clips into an oncoming horde, or into a few crushers every now and then. The columnus is really, really good at flexing as a horde clearing weapon.
@MOTHMAN_y0 6 месяцев назад
I mean I agree it's all I use on my vet, but for god sakes man stop ignoring the N on columnus. Coh-lum-nus.
@TheOneMagpie 6 месяцев назад
You might be adverse to getting the deadshot talent while using the columnus due to it draining stamina so fast with its fire rate, but if you manage it right with a stamina curio + duck and dive, you can very often find yourself in a situation where you're still above 50% stamina and just rail down 3-4 specialists/elites in what feels like a shower of revolver shots. The TTK on this thing is already stupid, but managing your stamina with deadshot manages to still make an astronomical difference, especially if we're talking about those 15~25m gunner packs. Knowing fatshark, they'll likely destroy the ammo pool for these guns and their critical multiplier or something, but hopefully when that inevitable readjustment comes, that they raise the floor for all the other weapons. Shotguns deserve more than what Fatshark have given them.
@infrared6973 6 месяцев назад
They cant nerf guns into the ground all the time or people will just stop playing especially with how bad crafting is. Id hate to spend tons of resources or to finally find a columnus worth using and a week later its nerfed. They need to just make good what they want good and leave it be.
@TheOneMagpie 6 месяцев назад
​As it stands, the columnus out-performs essentially every other ranged weapon in almost every single case, and quite frankly isn't very 'fun' outside of how it turns everything inside-out. It's a dangerous weapon to leave alone, assuming the overall difficulty of the game isn't shifting anytime soon. Making every other gun better is obviously an easier, more enjoyable answer, but that just means Fatshark will in turn make the game even harder, and it's already an absolute mess on auric+.
@infrared6973 6 месяцев назад
@@TheOneMagpie i cant aim for shit with the columnus so I dont play with it. I have way more success with a revolver or a plasma gun. The moment 3 shotgunners start shooting me and theyre spreading out im screwed with a columnus. I am not at all good with a columnus in my hands and i dont know why could just be how it feels to me on console.
@TheOneMagpie 6 месяцев назад
​@@infrared6973 I hear the Mk V has decent and unique aim assist to it on console that lets it snap horizontally a lot easier, and so you know, the recoil becomes way more tolerable after 5~7 shots. But it's totally understandable, it's definitely one of the messier ranged weapons to use.
@shawnli9775 6 месяцев назад
Tried his build actually. Did some normal Damnation missions. Gun's crit rate is 45%, headshot 10%. Compared to IA lasgun, usually with crit rate is 35%, headshot 60%. It is much easier to use in mission, because you just hold down fire and aim for body. Significantly harder to control recoil at longer range. Easier to deal with Mauler and rager, harder to deal with gun hoard and gunners. Pretty braindead gun to use, not that fun, but really strong in DPS. EDIT: I use full automod for lasgun, sight mod for Autogun
@MrZacdeath 6 месяцев назад
Damn right it is. Love this thing
@lifeward21 4 месяца назад
the kantrel shotty special has insane cleave like that of a full charge plasma shot
@Wrkdae 6 месяцев назад
any mod recommendations for darktide? just got into it and saw that your hud is a ot nicer then base hud
@keirosborne3853 6 месяцев назад
Crosshair hud and custom hud mods together is what is being used
@dimasfahmi510 6 месяцев назад
@@keirosborne3853 can you tell me the name of that crosshair hud, aiming on iron sights is a pain on this game heck it’s not even close to the iron sights.
@nothingaraiguma 5 месяцев назад
I'm not into modding too much, but for me, Numeric UI, Extended Weapon Customization, and Scoreboard are key.
@rymd1875 6 месяцев назад
Any chance you could share your mod folder?
@Puttrik87 6 месяцев назад
And here i thought the main benefit of the Columnus was that it was easier to aim during sustained fire than the other infantry autoguns.
@streven1331 2 месяца назад
How do you build it
@michatomaszewski9388 4 дня назад
So is it still good?
@KenshinLoL 3 месяца назад
hm but the other guy told me there are 10 S tier weapons (which im just saying to trigger and obviously had to be bs. thanks for clearing it up). So obviously this is the best gun but in terms of personal feel I would prefer the xii lasgun as I like to one tap headshot things. How much worse is that playstyle compared to the columnus mk V?
@TannerLindberg 3 месяца назад
Depends on if you hit shots or not.
@KenshinLoL 3 месяца назад
@@TannerLindberg lets say if you did it. I'd also describe my aim as at least better than average :)
@moparman1692 6 месяцев назад
Def my preferred gun atm on veteran.
@plaidbread3359 6 месяцев назад
how would one go and get mods for darktide, and are you able to play with others that dont have mods?
@TheOneMagpie 6 месяцев назад
It's all on the nexusmods site, and every mod is essentially client-side, meaning it only affects you and can still play with others. Fatshark are lenient with the modding community, so you won't be at a risk of any sort of a ban.
@plaidbread3359 6 месяцев назад
@@TheOneMagpie i presume nexusmods has its own client i need to download? thanks for telling me bout allat
@greentmlightedition525 3 месяца назад
Damn, thanks i needed somthing on psyker that didn't suck
@kevinrayd1 5 месяцев назад
Best gun for close combat. I find it lacks the range for those distant targets.
@Gumbeaux2005 6 месяцев назад
@hw6668 5 месяцев назад
i love this gun but if fatshark end up seeing this video we can say bye bye to it
@dumbname1961 6 месяцев назад
I’ve been using columnus mk5, agripinaa mk8 and vraks headhunter autogun mk 7 since the launch of the game. But ever since the class overhaul, Columnus has become my sweatgun to carry my ass on aurics raids. Agripinaa has become a death laser that oblitirates everything that it looks (u do need rending strike, onlsaught, superiority complex, bring it down which u can get them in exchange your nades become a glorified party popper) And Vraks…. They butchered my 545 boi 😭, he was my best gun.
@ch-sqpopay9949 4 месяца назад
the shotgun is good for zealots, the quick draw to stun enemies, then push to close combat is just perfect. no other weapon you can switch change, shoot, change, charge that fast
@cobaltninja489 6 месяцев назад
and here i thought i'd solved veteran with surgical/hand cannon ADS revolver. this is fucking NUTS. time to start rolling some columni i guess
@dabaschti7660 6 месяцев назад
What is this Discord your talking about btw? My Group stoped playing the game befor the new Update because of lack of content and i wanne try to look into it now with some fellas who can teach me a thing or two
@daviess9449 6 месяцев назад
Ah yes, The Empor's bullet hose.
@TannerLindberg 6 месяцев назад
they say the bolter is the emps gift to humanity turns out we had it right with m4s before him
@seangallagher9435 6 месяцев назад
I’ve never heard someone say the Kantrael shotgun is good. I tried it once and had to use my melee 80% of the game
@alexr.5389 5 месяцев назад
my Fav gun by faaaaaaaaaaar, the fire rate makes it perfect for deleting ragers and gunners before they can begin their attacks. Ive tried all the other autoguns, but the fire rate/ damage doesn't compete with the fire rate alone on the Mk. 5
@nebulaswirl 6 месяцев назад
@CasualTS 6 месяцев назад
I like your pew pew noises 😂
@ZHH23 Месяц назад
Being absolutely new to the game and knowing nothing. How do I get this gun?
@TannerLindberg Месяц назад
Buy it from brunts armory
@andyozFace 6 месяцев назад
What’s the best set up for dealing with carapace armour skill try wise. Usually play zealot so trying to make switch to vet
@thuggfrogg 5 месяцев назад
You'll need that brittleness-on-ranged-attack one in the bottom right, and optionally the rending on in the bottom middle. Crit also helps a ton. (Remember that crushers are really the only time you need to shoot carapace - go for the body with maulers b/c it's just flak).
@LETSROCKTA 5 месяцев назад
Hmmm yes but no. I still prefer the plasma gun. Insta kill any special and pin point accuracy is invaluable.
@lv1543 6 месяцев назад
give me the talents tree and ill use it. i just rolled a good columnus mk5 in the store and i got the plasteel and diamantine for it
@squidinc4376 6 месяцев назад
Really good video! Clear, to-the-point, easy to understand, and hard to argue with.. But I will, only a little, because hyperboles invite it :D It's the new auto pistol, albeit better range. Definitely a strong as hell gun, but as others have mentioned, it's not nearly as tight or precise as some other options. When you need it to clear shooters at range, it starts to struggle and unfortunately that's a major pain point for my particular style of play. This gun kicks ass on any mission that's short on shooting galleries. If you're able to close the distance safely, it's great, but when the coordinator sends two dozen shooters and a handful of gunners in an opened-up zone, it's going to take a good amount of time for you to do your Veteran thang.
@thuggfrogg 5 месяцев назад
Yeah, this gun only doesn't perform top-tier at long range, but even then it still gets the job done... Just not as quickly as the Mk 1 or the plasma. But if all encounters are short range, this gun can't be beat.
@vicidplays2088 6 месяцев назад
Good to know it doesn't aim anywhere near it's ironsight
@Viettzz 6 месяцев назад
Love your videos man. Yea, I agree with you, the Columnus MK 5 is the best gun for Veteran right now, I've been playing with it on my Veteran for couple weeks now and I rarely lost a game unless I made some big mistakes. I think the reason why the other guns are popular cause of Content creators, you know they have to make new video almost everyday or week, so they rotate the weapons for each of their video. It's the same thing they do in Call of Duty. Also, can you do a build for Veteran that do the most damage with the Columnus MK 5?
@teinmeizeshi5209 6 месяцев назад
It is the best gun. Ammo economy and dps are off the charts. The problem is it's so good it is most certainly gonna be nerfed at least in one of those categories, either ammo or dps. I was hoping that casuals won't catch wind of this weapon, I think fatshark simply looks at overused and underused weapons and talents to focus on rebalancing.
@TannerLindberg 6 месяцев назад
i was genuinely debating not posting this but i figured im irrelevant enough that the play rate wont tick up very high.
@TannerLindberg 6 месяцев назад
they nerfed hand cannon when it only was adding like 20% dmg to crushers LUL just because everyone was using it they 100% nerf based on play rate they did it in vermintide as well.
@stradavar3022 6 месяцев назад
Plasma gun.
@facehurt7606 6 месяцев назад
aw too bad i love plasma still it can 2 headshot reapers and pen ogryn shields and one shot most specialists but yeah not most optimal as you can see in the video but kinda cool to use plasma ^_^
@TannerLindberg 6 месяцев назад
Its honestly up there and is a close second . So much so that theres really no difference between the two.
@facehurt7606 6 месяцев назад
what blessings do you recommend on the columnus? dum dum and deathspitter or firefrenzy?@@TannerLindberg
@thedankcloud840 6 месяцев назад
i feel as if the columnus being the best autogun if not ranged weapon was pretty known knowledge with those who play the game somewhat seriously but good vid regardless
@TannerLindberg 6 месяцев назад
you're right. how ever 99.9% of people dont play the game seriously
@TannerLindberg 6 месяцев назад
also btw literally the comment below yours posted 3 minutes before yours disagrees with you about it being even the best auto gun let alone gun LMAO most people suck at tide games man
@thedankcloud840 6 месяцев назад
@@TannerLindberg I didn't see that comment tbf, I had mine typed of minutes after you posted I just opened a new tab and forgot about the vid for a bit, but unfortunately yea I agree, most people who play the tide games stink at them.
@KarthanRouge 6 месяцев назад
i feel as if the columnus being the best autogun if not ranged weapon was pretty known knowledge with those who play the game somewhat seriously but good vid regardless
@R005TERILLUSION 6 месяцев назад
​@@KarthanRouge why is this comment a verbatim reply?
@juleksz.5785 6 месяцев назад
Why you hate revolvers so much ? I understand that you might not like their playstyle but calling them "garbage" or "low B / high c tier AT BEST" is just wrong.
@TannerLindberg 6 месяцев назад
Nope they are at best b tier. Im just gonna make a full video breaking them down.
@TannerLindberg 6 месяцев назад
Revolvers aren't a play style. There is exactly one way to play tide games. Kill the enemies. Just varying means of effectiveness
@TannerLindberg 6 месяцев назад
As to why i hate them so much. They are very selfish deeply flawed guns that are out classed in every category by something else. Despite that they are the most used weapons in the game
@Darkhexagon 6 месяцев назад
@TheEmperorDoctor 6 месяцев назад
Seems like it jus ruins the point of sharp shooter if something is literally in melee range this is why plasma still best it’s still does everything
@thuggfrogg 5 месяцев назад
Their play-styles are so different that it's easy to go from plasma to Mk 5 and not use it optimally. Plasma is probably the best medium to long distance killer, and col mk 5 is probably the best short to medium. I'd say there are a few other guns that are worth taking because they're great at everything but the best at nothing (like the Agra Mk 1 inf autog), but having used the col mk 5 recently (and being a vet player who prefers high RoF), I can't deny this gun feels game-breakingly good.
@TheEmperorDoctor 4 месяца назад
@@thuggfroggwell happy valentine but my bday tomorrow so yay back on topic n yes I’ll be ewww 30. My youth Sigma bless this ravished body. I don’t deny the damage you put out but is if your playing on dam with high special when will a Ogryn jus stand their n also who’s killing other specials? Like I said before yea you can get power but denying your role n someone has to kill specials from a far is ooof I’m basing my rating off of playing with randoms. Your build could work with 2 SS dome psy n Ogryn would fit your build perfectly
@35reich 6 месяцев назад
Come back to wf 😩..
@Ayeshire 6 месяцев назад
@basicallybacon2593 6 месяцев назад
Not that its op, just everything else besides the plasma gun has been nerfed since launch
@ugrainee 6 месяцев назад
youre not going to make me stop using the Lucius MK I anyway
@TannerLindberg 6 месяцев назад
why would you even click on the video or leave this comment? are you stupid?
@annunaki8717 6 месяцев назад
still a lame weapon! you missing out a lot of performance and map wipe gameplay
@TannerLindberg 6 месяцев назад
you're wrong. it is the best overall weapon. its only competition in any category is the plasma gun.
@Kalthar 5 месяцев назад
WTF are u talking about? The old revolver is great!
Would you help?!😳
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