
Do These Verses Mean a Christian Can Lose Their Salvation? | Part II 

THE BEAT by Allen Parr
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@thebeatagp 6 лет назад
Okay family, this is the final video dealing with the subject, "Can a Christian Lose Their Salvation?" Continue to post your questions below and let's keep this discussion going!
@calebdibula 6 лет назад
THE BEAT by Allen Parr I have a question
@calebdibula 6 лет назад
THE BEAT by Allen Parr You said we can only go to the father three Jesus..and we can go to heaven only threw jesus...but what if they never heard of jesus..what if its a baby or 5 yrs old that died....what if its someone that is autistic etc... will they not go to heaven
@BIGDADDYBILLIOT217 6 лет назад
If we can't lose our salvation then why must we be ready at all times for the son of man to return? Matthew 24:44 "So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him."
@BIGDADDYBILLIOT217 6 лет назад
I hope I didn't take that verse out of context
@datchet11 6 лет назад
THE BEAT by Allen Parr this was great however John 15 was not a good explanation if you don’t mind me saying, I believe the branches that are cut off are false converts the same as the sheep and the goats and the 5 foolish virgins.
@Nessun2023 3 года назад
If crazy to think how loving god is, like he must love humanity so much. Praise God
@kevinihsan6912 3 года назад
G* but yes, I’ve been struggling a lot recently but I really hope God’s love can change me again
@mytestimonytojesuschrist Год назад
1 Timothy 5:11-12 “But refuse to enroll younger widows, for when their passions draw them away from Christ, they desire to marry and so incur condemnation for having abandoned their former faith.”
@conniecornsilk2955 5 лет назад
none of us would make it, we are too imperfect thoughts alone would get us !! It's a constant battle everyday. God be praised at all times!!
@baljeettjinder2262 4 года назад
Connie Silk Amen
@lynette4412 4 года назад
@Christ_died_for_your_sins_777. 4 года назад
@DyingToLiveForJesus you are a lier and a heretic. may God have mercy on you.
@Christ_died_for_your_sins_777. 4 года назад
We are saved in an instantaneous moment. And Ephesians 2:8-9 says we are saved by Faith Alone through Grace, and that not of ourselves. If we had to do anything then it would be based on our works and it is not.
@lynette4412 4 года назад
" To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God." Rev 2:7 KJV " He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death." Rev 2:11 KJV "To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it." Rev 2: 17 KJV "And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works UNTO THE END, to him will I give power over the nations." Rev 2:26 KJV "To him that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not BLOT out his NAME out of the book of life, but I will confess his name bf my Father, and before his angels." Rev 3:5 KJV "Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name." Rev 3:12 KJV " To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in His throne." Rev 3:21 KJV
Now many ask: "So if this is true, then why do we not go around as sin as much as want?" Then my answer is: "We do not want to sin at all."
@thebeatagp 6 лет назад
Yes, anyone who asks that question demonstrates that their heart is not in the right place. We should be seeking to sin less not more.
@jimkraft9445 4 года назад
If you can not sin all you want and still go to heaven, then you are basing your salvation on what you do, instead of what Jesus did for you. Our sin debt was paid in full and we can no longer be condemned. John 3:18 But, we still reap what we sow. If we continue to live in some sins like homosexuality, He may take our life early, but we are still saved so as by fire. First Corinthians 3:15. You can lose your life, and the rewards in heaven, but not your salvation which is a free gift from God and can not be revoked once you believe. Ephesians 1:13-14 and Ephesians 4:30. Read First Corinthians 5:5.
@DramaTherapyHub 6 месяцев назад
@@jimkraft9445you wrote this 4yrs ago and it was exactly what I needed to read today. Thank you
@JeffreyJohnson-ip4fy Месяц назад
@@jimkraft9445An unrepentant attitude towards a homosexual lifestyle will send a person to Hell.
@jimkraft9445 Месяц назад
@@JeffreyJohnson-ip4fy Not a believer. They can be chastened by the Lord even to losing their life. But God cannot lie. First John 5:13. John 6:47 Colossians 2:13. He has forgiven us ALL Trespasses. Romans 5:19-21 Where sin abounds, grace much more abounds. But, Colossians 3:5-6. The wrath of God comes on the children of disobedience. Chastisement. God cannot lie. Romans 6:23. The penalty for sin is death, physical death, BUT The GIFT of God is eternal life, through Jesus one blood sacrifice for the sins of the WHOLE WORLD. BUT, John 3:18. None of us are without sin. First John 1:8. One little lie would be enough to send us to hell forever. James 2:10. The good news. Romans 3:26-28 For He is the JUST and the JUSTIFIER of Them that BELIEVE in Jesus. Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what Law? By the law of works? Nay, but by the law of Faith. Therefore we conclude a man is JUSTIFIED by faith apart from the deeds of the law. Romans 4:5-8. He has IMPUTED His perfect righteousness to our account, and will no more impute sin to us. John 3:18. Romans 11:6. First John 2:2.
@neftaliriverajr6767 5 лет назад
I was tearing when you explained the Will of the Father which is to believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is The Son Of God and Believe in His Salvation For you, wow awesome love then his spirit will live in you an have a relationship with you,awe so simple yet majority forgets.
@gregorylatta8159 Год назад
Many Christians cannot accept this basic truth.
@kiarenwarren8772 4 года назад
I seriously had a panic attack about the verse Matthew 7:21-23 a few weeks ago and was so terrified by that verse that I was not saved or not enough ( lol can’t ever be “enough” that’s why Jesus died for my sins and everyone else to save us!!) this was so helpful thank you!
@iicecourt00 4 года назад
Kiaren Warren Jesus knows how much that verse scares us but He promises the believer eternal life. What Jesus did is more than enough to obtain us. Grace and peace to you🙏🏾
@theLuminaryAI 4 года назад
If you see Jesus for who He is and believe on Him for your salvation, you can rest in that. God bless sister.
@samaelmartinus3273 2 года назад
Died once for your sins all of em. After that we'll you deliberately chose to sin. John says if u sin again u never were saved. Man's doctrine will tell you your fine once saved always saved. But if u actually read the Bible correctly you'll find that is not the case. Jesus always said "go sin no more" not its ok . What Allen fails to see is that these verses he's speaking of is only for real Christians who were sinners but completely turned from from it mentally,physically, spiritually. When your sick of sin your sick of it. Very few will make it.
@pj8uch 2 года назад
@@samaelmartinus3273 You started of your comment well my saying 'Died once for sins all of em'. I say Amen! All Sins means all sins! Past sins and future sins! Dont steal from Gods glory! He did the hard part on the cross! We have the easy part by believing! And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. John 10:28‭-‬29 Its impossible to get out of Gods hand! It says any man cannot pluck them out, 'any man' includes you. You cannot remove yourself from Gods hand, otherwise you make God a liar and say you are stronger than God.
@samaelmartinus3273 2 года назад
@@pj8uchthat's your doctrine, and don't try to force your opinion (not true doctrine) by saying " oh your stealing God's glory" thats using His name in vain and to meet your agenda. Also while at it how about reading the kjv or nasb version and try not to take it of context. His sheep follow Him. And He knows them. He's not talking about hypocrites here. 1 John 3 5-6 You know that he appeared in order to take away sins, and in him there is no sin. 6 No one who abides in him keeps on sinning; no one who keeps on sinning has either seen him or known him. People think they can do whatever they want and it's clear all throughout that no, you cant.. nor should you. There's way more clear scripture that teaches against once saved always saved to just ignore and pretend it isn't there. Majority of the topic either down played or twisted on Google like got questions etc etc. There's so much more especially when people forget yes you can be denied and removed especially if never actually saved.
@sorrynotsorry9044 4 года назад
I don’t see how you do not have millions of views in each video you inspire me every day if I have a doubt about faith your videos put me right back to where I need to be thanks Allen
@sexiiliexi 3 года назад
I agree hes so underrated!
@christopherjohnv.carino6052 3 года назад
Id also recommend you to watch Creflo Dollar and Joseph Prince
@kathierouse5306 3 года назад
@@christopherjohnv.carino6052 Sorry, but these two are false teachers. They are involved with the false prosperity gospel, not the true Gospel! Avoid them!
@christopherjohnv.carino6052 3 года назад
@@kathierouse5306 prove it, Cite scriptures from the Bible at least.
@alfredlawrencebotin9346 3 года назад
It is because many people are drowned in sin.
@chocopurpleluv 6 лет назад
Your videos on the book of James are still my favorite videos. That said, these “Once Saved Always Saved” videos are great lessons in understanding the meat of Christianity and not just the milk. Thank you for your study, your servant’s heart, and your boldness. May God bless you and your BEAUTIFUL family!
@mytestimonytojesuschrist Год назад
1 Timothy 5:11-12 “But refuse to enroll younger widows, for when their passions draw them away from Christ, they desire to marry and so incur condemnation for having abandoned their former faith.”
@jerrymann20 6 лет назад
Allen Parr is a brilliant Pastor!
@thebeatagp 6 лет назад
Thanks so much for watching and for your comment Jeremiah Mann! God bless,
@angelprell8852 4 года назад
@oofroblox6806 4 года назад
@chucktilley7155 4 года назад
He's the best preacher out there so he preach at a church his sermons I bet are a incredible
@ricknaylor7778 3 года назад
Seems to be............
@moralezfamily3047 6 лет назад
When people use the "I do not know you" verse I always reference Adam and Eve. It says that Adam "knew" Eve and they bore a child. When we receive The Lord we become one with Him. It says those who are joined to The Lord are one in Spirit, so we enter into that "knowing". Man I love these videos because I see the heart you have and I respect that. The Lord spoke to me through you on the whole "consider the cost" video, as well as the "running under pressure" one, and the story of "Hannah". I was gonna tap out on the restoration of my marriage but those videos surfaced and convicted me in the area of not considering the cost and actually praying with my heart and not surpressing what was really going on, and how to run under pressure and still believe. My wife is in my life now and tho we are at the point of only beginning to talk I know that God has to be doing something great, because He would not have broughten us back this much if He was not. But what trips me out is that I was gonna tap out because I did not consider the cost of loving her the way that Christ loves us. It is easy ti love when things are well and people are receptive to it but it's when they are not is when it really takes a toll. Jesus loved in such a way that even as He went to the cross the ridicule and shame and hate He endured by the very people He loved He just chose to love, and He didn't react amd even now the people He loves unconditionally and they don't respond to Him He still loves and that takes supernatural strength, but it also takes endurance. As The Word says Love endures "all" things, it does not say Love endures "until" and bless God He is gonna help me operate in that way so much so that I will receive the prize that is set before me. The pressure was overwhelming but hearing those sermons ended up with me praying like Hannah and having my mind renewed to a side of God's love that I have never seen before. I wish you would come to San Antonio, Texas to teach I would love to attend one of your services, and I would give with joy to the ministry The Lord has called you to. Im a big believer in give to where your fed and these videos and the heart you have has been filling me up.
@moralezfamily3047 6 лет назад
What makes it more crazy is that those were not the first time I jave read them passages but I guess thats what renewing your mind is all about. You have an understanding one day on one thing and the next you get your mind blown by a different and deeper understanding, and see things in a light you have never seen.
@thebeatagp 6 лет назад
Wow! What an awesome testimony! I really appreciate you sharing your story in such detail. I'd love to get connected man. Are we connected on Facebook?
@baljeettjinder2262 4 года назад
Moralez Family yes brother Amen
@oofroblox6806 4 года назад
@mspeacemkr 4 года назад
Great testimony thanks for sharing.
@SimpleNotShallow 6 лет назад
#1, this reminds me of something I learned about the "way of the righteous" in Psalm 1. It is the way of those actively involved with God himself, and not those merely doing religion. Which, was Jesus' criticism of the Pharisees. They were very devout doers of the religion, but they missed out on the one all that religion was meant to point to, the relationship with God, with Jesus. I think this is one of the most vital aspects of the gospel message, yet it is often the most neglected, disrespected, and dismissed aspects as well. We want to do, we want to control, we want... and that is the problem that the Pharisees were dealing with. Their trust was in their doing and not in God. Once again a very nice explanation​ of the importance of context. Nicely done sir.
@lordsting4967 6 лет назад
You have a gift, young man. Keep blessing my husband and I
@keithbaker8198 6 лет назад
Brother Parr thank you for answering the call to teach the Word. I love your relaxed style, your simple unpacking of the text. May God's choice blessings run you down.
@thebeatagp 6 лет назад
Thanks so much Keith Baker, I'm so glad you found it helpful! Thanks again for taking the time to watch. God bless Keith Baker,
@thebeatagp 6 лет назад
Hey there Keith Baker! On another note...are you aware that I have a course that teaches people how to study the Bible for themselves? I would love for you to join us. In addition to the 6-hour self-paced step-by-step course, I also go live each week for one hour to do ongoing training, live bible studies, Q&A sessions and more! I'd love for you to become a part of this group. For more info you can visit the page biblestudymadeez.com. I hope to see you on the inside. So far the people are very excited about this course!
@loonypics6938 6 лет назад
THE BEAT by Allen Parr : Your words are not wasted on me Bro', God bless you, we're are saved through grace, it is NOT because of anything we do !.
@AleSantoss 6 лет назад
Hi Me gustan tus vídeos I love your videos I learn English with you're videos.
@cz7755 6 лет назад
God bless you my fam!
@rokkistart 4 года назад
so do I )
@lilacook921 2 года назад
Please pray for me brother Allen. I feel like my whole life has fallen apart 😭 I still am trying so hard to trust in the Lord Jesus ❤️ and ✝️🛐 s
@JeffreyJohnson-ip4fy Месяц назад
How are you doing now?
@patriciaromanowski7100 5 лет назад
Helpful teaching. So filled with God’s love for us as believers. We need to be drawn together not pulled apart. Thank you, brother.
@lightshiner3742 4 года назад
This topic is still toughie for me. But after years of dealing with it, you begin to realize that the more important question to ask is "Are you really saved?" Most people who 'lose' salvation, in my opinion, never really had. Just like the parable of the sower, the seed fell on soil that wasn't fertile, or was taken up by birds, or choked by thorns etc.
@brandoncalloway8779 5 лет назад
Man thank you so much !!! Preachers love to contort this verse to keep the masses in fear.
@belindabounds5336 3 года назад
That is very true I will not go to sleep if I don't listen to you preach everything Jesus I love you so much I believe you I come today because my muscles in my feet hurt so much please help me Jesus you are my healer
@barrysebastian773 5 лет назад
I think the answer to ones salvation is to live such a Christian lifestyle so that your salvation couldn't come into question , so your freewill or judgement is required .
@StandForTruth205 5 лет назад
You look like denzel Washington bro lol
@JimiSurvivor 3 года назад
I think the modern infatuation with appearance and celebrity is carnal: 1 Brothers, I could not address you as spiritual, but as worldly-as infants in Christ. 2 I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for solid food. In fact, you are still not ready, 3 for you are still worldly. For since there is jealousy and dissension among you, are you not worldly? Are you not walking in the way of man? 4 For when one of you says, “I follow Paul,” and another, “I follow Apollos,” are you not mere men? (1 Corinthians 3:1-4)
@raymondwoods8225 4 года назад
We always put a lot of emphasis on the fact that God is love but he is also a God of wrath and justice. Hebrews 12:29. God is a consuming fire.
@clarenceoliveriii 3 года назад
You can say that again💯👀
@milkoe4933 3 года назад
Amen 🙏🏾❤️
@Christian-qd9sv 3 года назад
A God that has wrath and a god of wrath are COMPLETELY different things
@cathykirkwood6707 3 года назад
Jesus saves us from the wrath of God. His wrath is for Satan and his demons and all that follow him. Romans 1:18 John 3:36
@jonfreeman5494 6 лет назад
Thank you so much Allen! Your videos are a God send! I have a hard time understanding scripture and you breaking scripture down for us makes it so much easier and makes me want to delve deeper into the Word. Thank you!
@CPAPMachineTrucker 5 лет назад
Amen..thanks for clearing these verses up...
@EM-ny4dx 6 лет назад
Yes it is Gods will that none should perish but that all should come to repentance. But you forget about mans freewill to choose or deny Him. A person can choose to walk away from God because of freewill. Salvation is conditional. "IF" we remain in the vine we shall be saved. The word "IF" is a conditional statement to remaining in the vine.. Selah.. 🤔
@Matt-ox2qc 5 лет назад
John 3:16 King James Version (KJV) 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Why is this in the Bible then? It seems that God must of been lying about this if we can lose salvation...If i lose salvation then it's not everlasting life. Also how many sins before we lose salvation and how many good works must i do to earn salvation? It can't be a gift because if i have to do things for it, then that means I earn it. Thats like me giving you a car and saying you need to pay me back if you want to keep it.
@BangBangNoee 5 лет назад
@@Matt-ox2qc Hes implying "free will". You're not forced to worship God, instead you are free to do what you like. Lucifer was created to be the most beautiful, sinless angel. Yet guess what? He rebelled against God and was thrown out of Heaven. This proves that we can indeed slip away from God. Salvation is through Jesus Christ, but that doesn't mean we can live how we want. Otherwise, what is the point of repentance? What was the purpose of Jesus's sacrifice? Do you really think, just because we are given a beautiful gift of salvation, that we can abuse it by the reoccurance of willful sin? Yet still remain saved? No buddy. But neither does good works or good deeds save you. Repentance is not salvation but is obedience to God to remain clean. Hebrewes 10:26-28 For if we go on sinning deliberately eafter receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, 27 but a fearful expectation of judgment, and a fury of fire that will consume the adversaries. 28 Anyone who has set aside the law of Moses dies without mercy on the evidence of two or three witnesses." This verse tells us that God forgives us our sins by repenting due to the fact that Jesus died on the cross for us. If we don't repent, there can't be forgiveness. Also, let aside the Law of Moses and you die withiut mercy. Thats the 10 commandments. God told us to follow the 10 commandments, not abandon them. Heaven can not allow the wicked in, for it is a Holy Place, regardless if you consider yourself "saved". Revelation 21:27 "Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb's book of life" Oh and in Romans 8:38-39, notice how it doesn't have the word "sin" in it. "For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord"
@andrewjackson3278 5 лет назад
Matt Awesome analogy!!!! Wow!
@andrewjackson3278 5 лет назад
Alpha Nor anything else in all creation...we are Gods creation, and I’m pretty dang sure we all SIN. The Bible said once we are born again, we are given the gift of the Holy Spirit as a guarantee that we have eternal life. That’s a promise God will never take back. We sin, we will be disciplined, but as far as God kicking us out? That’s a laughable thought. I love you my friend! Rest assured God has everything under control, for he isn’t the author of confusion, satan is.
@deewilson9952 5 лет назад
@@Matt-ox2qc its not about how much we sin that loses salvation. Its the choosing of willful sin. We are only saved through Christ. So if we choose to not walk in Christ we are not accepting the gift of salvation. Matthew 22 the man not dressed in wedding garments was thrown out of the wedding and into outer darkness. We have to be in Christ Jesus. He is the attire for us to stay in the wedding. We must choose to abide in Him or we are wearing our own clothing. To not abide in Him is to deny Him.
@samanthaknapo 11 месяцев назад
The analogy about bearing fruit was always associated with soul-winning at a previous church, this revelation has been an eye opener.
@jamesgorham7125 3 года назад
A key point to remember we don't do good works to get saved we should do good works for Jesus because we are saved There are a lot of work to be done helping the poor in the Land
@alanmartin6606 2 года назад
I always have to come back to your videos now and then because I struggled with hard-core reformed theology and Calvinism in my early Christian years, many times I find myself getting stuck in an area of doubt and self-loathing due to my thoughts on it. For this reason I dearly want to thank you Allen, you and Mike Winger were instrumental in showing me the loving and gracious side of our Lord. Looking forward to meeting you both when the role is called up yonder! Take care my friend and thanks if you read this :D
@keith692 3 года назад
And this is the truth brother. Thank you for telling the truth in Jesus Christ!!!
@CrystalNicole13 6 лет назад
Thank you so much for these videos and your ministry. They are straightforward and get right to the point, which I appreciate. You've answered SO many of my questions about Christianity. God bless you!
@redeemedandbeloved9607 4 года назад
Once saved, always saved! I was 6 when I was saved, 8 when I was baptized. Addiction took hold of my life in my 20s and I denounced my faith. For 10 years I hated Christians and I hated the church. I did not believe in God and saw Christianity as a way to control the masses. I had periods of hating God, not believing in God at all to just believing in some kind of higher power but thinking the Bible was a total sham. Bottom line though was that I wanted to do what I wanted to do and not experience guilt or shame over it. Didn't work lol. God brought me back right before I got sober and now AA teaches me how to have a healthy relationship with God. I ran from God for 10 years but I never lost my salvation even though I didn't believe in it at the time. *God created time and therefore is not bound by it! When I gave my life to him at 6 years old, He forgave me of every sin- past, present and Future including the sin of denying Him before others. He knew when I was 6 years old that I was going to denounce him for 10 years. I know I meant it in my childhood when I became a Christian. I know my name was sealed in the book of Life when I was six years old. I prayed the refiners prayer when I was 18 right before I started using. That's a prayer where we ask God to draw out our impurities. I had no idea what I was in for when I prayed that prayer. There was a lot of junk in my soul that I was not aware of that needed to be brought to the surface. My faith is stronger today because I walked away from God for 10 years. God has used my mess and turned it into a message. I loved God and served God with all my heart in my childhood, teen and early adult years. I decided later that I was not a Christian anymore but because no one could pluck me from his hand, including me, God never let me go. I was His. It seems like people almost forget that God exists outside of time. We see our sins and salvation in a timeline whereas God already knows our entire story. He knew before he made me that I was going to rebel and blaspheme his name. Rebellion is part of my walk with God, and I was already forgiven for it 2,000 years ago on the cross. Putting things into a timeline, I was forgiven for that sin at 6 years old.
@amoylinseanpaulbandojo8760 4 года назад
Hey same ma'am... Im now walking with God..
@theLuminaryAI 4 года назад
Amen, that's how our joy can be complete. There can not be true joy in a relationship where you have insecurities. Let's thank the Lord. Thank you for your testimony sister.
@bkkfishingtourBKKGUY 3 года назад
Same thing happened to me. I was baptized at age 15. I was lost in most part of my teenage and adult's life . Sinning my ways and fell victim to my flesh. Not until I was at age 35 when I found back God or God found back his lost sheep. I'm now a born again Christian. Thanks for your testimonial. God bless you.- Amen
@daneBibleBeliever 3 года назад
Thank you for sharing!
@samaelmartinus3273 2 года назад
1 John 3:5-6 (ESV) 5 You know that he appeared in order to take away sins, and in him there is no sin. 6 No one who abides in him keeps on sinning; no one who keeps on sinning has either seen him or known him. If u sinned u never were saved. It's a good testimony so far though. But don't get it twisted the plucking out of hand is only for those who are truly saved. Not one who thought they were saved and continued sinning. We've all been dooped by the enemy and false teachings its ok just truly start over when your positive to keep your temple holy and be a true bride of Christ and not cheat on Himwith sin again ever. Very few will make it.
@MrDdriver87 4 года назад
I was reading the comments and disagreements fall in categories other ideas are simplified in saying it is part grace and part works, others say what if I willfully disbelieved it, others say im confused. The bible says We are saved by GRACE through FAITH... for me we will never be perfect and God knows every content of hearts and mind and we are already filthy sinners...wether you have just thought of it or have actually done it... man will fail almost everytime, humble ourselves and keep walking by faith in Jesus in whom our salvation rest.. . everyone has its own battle we dont know about... even if we say many will willfully disbelieved.. God has all the power to work on them for he is all mighty.. and besides christians are still sinners if measured according to standard of God that is why we must edify each other.. and let us not trust the finite wisdom of man but the infinite wisdom of God when he said We are saved by grace through Faith...
@lightninlad 4 года назад
@Age You wrote: “...other ideas are simplified in saying it is part grace and part works...” No one is saying that it is part-grace and part-works. Those of us who are against Once Saved Always Saved are saying that “eternal life” is rendered according to our works. We are saying that because Paul is saying that: (Romans 2:6-7) “who will render to each person according to his 👉deeds👈: 7 to those who by perseverance in doing good seek for glory and honor and immortality, ⭐️eternal life;” The problem is that when people like us tell others that eternal life is rendered according to their works, what they HEAR 👂 is that “salvation is of works”. That’s not what we’re saying. So what are we REALLY saying then? We’re saying that eternal life is a gift but that it is ALSO A REWARD. It isn’t one thing or the other, it is both. When God CHOOSES to reward us for our good deeds this is something He WANTS to do, not something He HAS to do. That’s why Paul says this also: (Ephesians 2:8-9) “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; 9 not as a result of works, so that no one may boast.” In other words...Paul isn’t contradicting himself. In Romans 2:6-7 he says that God will render eternal life according to your works because HE WANTS TO. In Ephesians 2:8-9 Paul says “not of works” because he(Paul) wants his audience to understand that the basis of the gift is not the works themselves but God’s pleasure, or grace. If I do good works, and if God WANTS to give me eternal life for those works...then I cannot boast that my works have saved me. They didn’t. Only God’s desire to give me a reward(eternal life) that I did not deserve is what saved me(grace). I hope you can now see why some people are so confused about what it is some of us are saying.
@williammcguire5685 4 года назад
I just love listening to you you're so good at what you do you are blessed. Thank you for your Insight into the word of God.
@mandaloretheinevitable 6 лет назад
Thank you brother for giving me answers to these questions. God bless you.
@sounddoctrine9289 6 лет назад
One more question... In the Word of God we in are instructed to fight for or contend for our faith, to lay hold on(take hold of) eternal life. Why would we need to fight for something that we seemingly can't lose?
@josephbryant5950 5 лет назад
We are saved by grace
@anthonyrodriguez2382 5 лет назад
I think it means to stand up for it
@abideintheWord 5 лет назад
Excellent point. Let’s not ignore all the numerous warnings in the Bible to persevere, continue in the faith, endure to the end, and fight the fight. For all who do not continue will be like the 5 foolish virgins who did not have enough oil!!! Do not be deceived.
@med4699 5 лет назад
I've been a believer in eternal security since the beginning of my faith but lately, I've been confronted with many verses indicating you can lose your faith. I know it's comforting you believe once you have your salvation you can't lose it, but read the scripture for yourself and investigate the tough verses don't just take someone else's words for it. You don't want to be kneeling before God with the thought you were eternally secure and decide you can live how you please and then get thrown into eternal hell.
@cyraxox7440 4 года назад
@@med4699 A true born again believer will never be "comfortable" living in sin. Do you have a religion or a relationship? Do you have a list of do's and dont's ( the law) or do you have Liberty in Jesus (Galatians 2:4, 5:1, 5:13)? We are no longer under the law. Every born-again person has eternal life that will be His divinely given possession forever (John 5:24; 6:35-37, 6:39; 10:28-29; Romans 8:1). Bottom line: When a Christian sins he must remember that God will by no means abandon of forsake him. He is still his Father no matter what happens! God will instantly forgive any believer when he confesses his disobedience as sin (1 John 1:8-10). He may have to pay in the flesh for the sin (reap what he has sown), but he will not suffer eternal condemnation. Though sin cannot break a saint's relationship with God, it can cause a break in fellowship until he confesses it as sin and forsakes it. You cannot become 'unborn'. God Bless you
@SvJ-xv2jv 4 года назад
So, if once saved, always save? Then what is a backslider? I was saved and I backslided. I knowingly lived in unrepented sin for years! Sin was my welcomed companion. Years later, I responded to an altar call asked God to forgive me, come into my life and immediately experienced the entry of the Holy Spirit. It was distinctive and ever so real. And now I am saved Again! I was living in sin prior to that encounter with God. I knew that I wasn't saved. However, now, I am (thanks be to God)! That once Saved always Save theology is so dangerous. It lends false hope that can and will destroy people's lives.
@slothop7541 4 года назад
SvJ 1026 did you come back to God ?
@SvJ-xv2jv 4 года назад
@@slothop7541 Absolutely! I am saved from sin and Its control. I am now a child of God. Amen! Additionally, it is the definition of my character. I am a new me. Certainly, (thanks be to God) I NOW have the free gift of salvation.
@jamesgorham7125 3 года назад
Good teaching Pastor Allen Parr, Part One was great 👍 so is Part 2, keep up the good work Sir 👍 👏
@et4213 4 года назад
Belief is evident by works, those things work in tandem - Faith without works is dead
@SoulfulCommute 6 лет назад
I notice those who go to seminary don’t believe you can lose your salvation, and those who rely only on the Holy Spirit to teach them (who don’t go to seminary) believe that you can lose your salvation. Not in every single case but definitely in the vast majority.
@rucker7725 6 лет назад
DependingOnHim that's true I just realized that
@Diamondustification 5 лет назад
I know you posted this over a year ago, but with seventeen up votes and more people sure to come to this video in the future, it warrants a response. First in *2 Timothy **2:15* It makes it clear that we need to rightly divide the word of truth, in order to arrive at the proper conclusion. then in *James 3:1* it says teachers will be judged more harshly, proving that _true_ believing teachers can arrive to 'wrong' conclusions while simultaneously showing the value and need of teachers. But If teachers can be wrong, so to can the sheep. *John **2:27* It says _"But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you"_ But if we understand the context of the chapter, we learn that what John is saying here is that we do not need anyone to teach us the *Gospel* of Christ after we're saved, because if we're saved to begin with, we already know it and need not add to it. *Mat 18:2-3* to suggest it says we need _no_ teachers is to contradict numerous verses which discuss the roles of teachers after the establishment of Christ's gospel of Grace. *John **14:16* in addition to *Eph **1:13**-14* proves OSAS correct, while also showing that the comforter, Holy Spirit, will "Help" us, but he doesn't do everything "for" us. *1 Corinthians 3:1* Speaks of babes unto Christ. So even if we assume that no one needs teachers, which is a _huge_ stretch, then there are still stages of development for Christians. Implying, again, that wrong information and application is possible. See also *Matthew **24:24** 2 Corinthians **11:14** and 1 John 4.*
@znhait 5 лет назад
I probably agree with you and personally think it's an insult to think humans can manipulate themselves into heaven. I refuse to believe that someone can accept Jesus as his savior and then goes on living as if that never happened. My view is that the person was never saved. In other words, I think the problem is in thinking it's easy to be saved.
@gunnerjones4312 3 года назад
If you can lose your salvation then how can you keep it
@SoulfulCommute 3 года назад
@@gunnerjones4312 Matthew 24:13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. Romans 11:22 Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them which fell, severity; but toward thee, goodness, IF THOU CONTINUE in his goodness: otherwise thou also shalt be cut off.
@missfavoured 6 лет назад
I was surprised when I saw my notification about a new video on Friday (Saturday). I have so many video requests. I spent the last days rewatching many videos of yours. God is good. Always great teachings!
@NHchocolatelover 5 лет назад
Hi Allen, this video actually answers my question on the other video since I don't believe my family member ever had an actual relationship with Christ even those she was "saved" and baptized. BTW, I was wondering if you have considered adding a prayer at the end of your videos? I think that would be really cool. Thanks!
@danaashton9297 3 года назад
Yes please...a prayer to start or at the end
@josephkirimi5453 3 года назад
He also said that if you are neither warm nor cold he will spit you out of his mouth.
@0045dmoore 6 лет назад
God bless you, Allen. Thank you!
@statesrights01 4 года назад
The wife and I just got into this part in John about the branches... Thanks so much for the insight Brother!!!!!
@mywayfernandez8704 4 года назад
Go to bible flock boxes' channel. Search up once saved always saved on his channel.
@johnlauland6785 6 лет назад
Thanks it is comforting to hear these verses explained
@robertclement1107 6 лет назад
I am still not convinced the reason being because human beings have free will and God will never take that away from us. Salvation is a gift and we can accept it or decline it, but after we accept it we can abandon it or maintain it, or cherish it. Why would God want us to lose our ability to lose salvation after we accept it that sounds like God is forcing himself upon me and I lose part of a my free will to choose. If I can no longer choose to opt out then I lose my ability to love God. What is love when you can't choose to not love? What is salvation if you can't choose to not be saved? The reason we can choose God is because we can refuse God. How can we choose and love God when we lose our ability to decline God? How can we accept God when we lose our ability to decline God?
@robertjohnson522 6 лет назад
Robert Clement could not say any other way!! Amen and Amen!!
@kennyharjo5422 6 лет назад
Great video Allen, never looked scriptures like that, keep up the great work
There have been people that accepted Jesus when they were young and was saved and when they grew up they decided they were gay but they still love God and still go to church. Are they still saved even if they don't want to change their sin or they still go to heaven because once saved alway saved.
@SamSelahManOfGod 4 года назад
this is so powerful. still so many christians who think they can earn salvation and not doing good acts to gain rewards instead. and it is a stumbling block for people like me who are new Christians.
@abideintheWord 3 года назад
Friend you have let the devil deceive you then. Jesus preached you could lose your salvation in Mathew 18:23-35 when he told a story of a guy who was forgiven but his forgiveness was revoked after he didn’t forgive his brother. Don’t be duped by smooth talking pastors. Who do you follow, the words of Jesus or pastors? The Bible wants us not to be deceived!
@user-ek2ms4om7p 3 года назад
...And ALL of the APPOINTED for eternal Life, Believed... (Acts 13:48) Also read John 6 and Romans 8 YHWH of Hosts/JESUS CHRIST/El Shaddai bless you Continually Bro! ✝️
@serjioverduzco9084 6 лет назад
You can’t lose your salvation and you cant neither reject it because God’s grace is irresistible ask Paul!
@eddiecarlin1977 6 лет назад
What you said doesn't even make any sense. If you can't lose your salvation, then obviously rejecting it won't cause you to lose it. What does John 10:28 say? "And I give unto them eternal life; and *they shall never perish,* neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. They will never perish means they will never perish "eternally." I often hear Arminians say that nobody can snatch the believer our of God's hand, but the believer can remove himself out of God's hand. "They will never perish" means that even the believer cannot do anything of himself to change his status of eternal life. Why, because it is the Lord who keeps us in His hand so that we will never perish, neither will anybody pluck us out of His hand to make us perish.
@serjioverduzco9084 6 лет назад
Eddie Carlin what you’re saying makes no sense! So you mean that i cant reject my salvation by once following Jesus and serving him then decide to go back to sinning! I can dibble and dabble in some drugs alcohol a little fornication and other things and not reject the salvation because i preferred the sin?
@eddiecarlin1977 6 лет назад
Unless you can prove that Jesus lied when He said "they shall never perish." Then yeah, if someone backslides or strays from the Lord and dies in their sins, yes they will still enter into heaven. Is it you that keeps you saved, or is it God that keeps you saved?
@serjioverduzco9084 6 лет назад
Eddie Carlin im sorry but your wrong the lord just revealed to me that his true faithful followers, whom will never perish, are those who will never go back to sin they may stumble but they will get back up in repentance so someone that seems to be saved and backslides was never really saved he NEVER KNEW THEM!
@eddiecarlin1977 6 лет назад
Again, you are in error. The Bible tells us "If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself (2 Tim. 2:13). Christ's faithfulness to keep believers saved is not dependent on whether the believer is faithful. As the Scripture says, if we are faithless, He remains faithful. As for Matthew 7:21-23, it is the person who does not *Believe* on Christ for salvation that does not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. These people call Him "Lord Lord" (7:21), and even claim wonderful works(7:22), but yet they never claimed to have BELIEVED in Him solely for salvation. Instead they placed emphasis on the works THEY had done. They did not do the Will of the Father which is in Heaven (7:21). "For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who beholds the son and *believes* in Him will have eternal life... (John 6:40)." Notice that in Matt. 7:21 it is through their works that they are trying to get into Heaven. They think that they can contribute something to their salvation. These aren't people that have backslid, these are people that legitimately think they are saved and that through their works they have been able to gain entrance into Heaven.
@marshalocke4434 2 года назад
1 Corinthians 6:9-10, please explain that verse I know that God said that we can't be snatched out of his hand but that doesn't mean we can't walk away. Please Explain 🙏💕
@deborahlee8681 4 года назад
Thank you for your video, especially "Can Christians Lose Their Salvation." I knew the answer but couldn't remember the verse(s) that prove it. The Bible shows that Jesus said it, so I know it's true. You pulled what the scripture says in a concise, understandable way, and I praise God for using you to help the "me"s of our world!
@AbdielSalas 3 года назад
I was fired from a Church because I use to teach them about eternal salvation, all I wanted for people was to make sure they are saved and to have assurance (because every body have struggles in life about salvation). The Bible talks about eternal life, I was teaching all of these passages trying not to be controversial, But an elder pastor believes we lose our salvation when we sin and he was angry about my teachings. ( I guess Satan does not like these teachings because he loses power against people). Satan is a liar and wants people to doubt about the powerful sacrifice of Christ. If we believe salvation depend on us then Satan has power on us. Once we know our salvation is assured in Jesus, Satan loses power on us. Romans chapter 5 I think is the ABC of Salvation. I believe in the new covenant as the author of Hebrews says, *For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified. Heb 10:14, I believe once we believe in Christ we become his sons and daughters, nothing can separate us from his love. Romans 8. The will of God is that we know God and His son Jesus. *And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. If we believe in Him, salvation does not depend on our deeds and intelligence any more but in his will and sacrifice. Romans 5 says *For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners (Adam), so also by one Man’s obedience many will be made righteous (Jesus). Romans 5:19. We are save by his grace and is an eternal gift, it does not depend on our effort or how good or smart we are, but by his powerful sacrifice in the cross.
@user-ek2ms4om7p 3 года назад
HalleluYah! Thank You Holy Spirit for all revelations, because without Him - the HOLY SPIRIT we even can NOT see the so OBVIOUS Deity/Divinity of the Savior YAH Jesus Christ...... (1 Cor. 12:3) I will see you in the Kingdom of the Son of God and we will see His Glory, Amen! Who is God? The Father! Who is God? The Son (the Word)! Who is God? The H. Spirit! And still God is ONE in His Omnipresence.. - YHWH JESUS CHRIST/El Shaddai Immanuel keep and bless you Always! 👍 ❤ 🙏 ✝️
@CrazyGamerDragon64 6 лет назад
Hey, Allen, thank you very much for this video, for a long time Matthew Chapter 7 Verses 21 through 23 have really frightened me because it seemed like that even some believers can be sent to Hell, I know that these verses apply some of the people in the world who claim to be "Christian" but don't take it seriously but I've also wondered what other kinds of people fall into the category. There have been times when I have looked up the meaning of these verses the answer was that these people didn't have a relationship with Jesus & now your video seems to confirm it for me. Do you have a video that teaches how we can have a relationship with Jesus Christ? I'm the kind of person that has a hard time having relationships with other people because I am such an introverted person (I even have difficulty having close relationships with people in my own family) & to me having a relationship with the Living God is the hardest person to have a relationship with. Can you help me with this?
@bebejacobs8313 6 лет назад
CrazyGamerDragon64 Yes it’s all about relationship. I have often struggled with the same thing and I believe God is just waiting for u to find him in the secret place. Begin to “seek his face”- Pslam 27:8. Dice into his word and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal who Jesus is through the scripture. You seek his face through reading and intimacy by Waiting in his presence. Start on Matthew of whatever th Holy Spirit leads u, and seek his face in your closet, shut the door, listen to worship and just pray to know him. It’s important to try to hear the voice of God but being silent and knowing that prayer is more about listening to God than asking for needs. God wants our love, and I encourage you to dive into the Word, and watch Benny Hinn Waiting on the Lord. Also watch Todd White and Dan Mohler’s sermons. Some books I suggest are Heaven is So Real by Choo Thomas, The Secret Place by Todd Bentley, Good Morning Holy Spirit by Benny Hinn, and Face to Face Appearances from Jesus by David E. Taylor. Love u and God bless!
@bebejacobs8313 6 лет назад
Also check this verse out: God only denies us when we turn away from Him and stop repenting. His love covers us but we fall out when we decide to follow the desires of our flesh and the world. If we accept him once then deny him again, we’re reject him and sin can only be placed with the devil. God says he will spit the lukewarm out of his mouth. It’s our choice to follow Him. It’s all about Jesus and just falling in love with Him. Once we really love him, we’ll never turn back. God bless! Jesus loves u! “; for by whom a person is overcome, by him also he is brought into bondage. For if, after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overcome, the latter end is worse for them than the beginning. For it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than having known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered to them. But it has happened to them according to the true proverb: “A dog returns to his own vomit,” and, “a sow, having washed, to her wallowing in the mire.”” ‭‭II Peter‬ ‭2:19-22‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
@JesusPaidItAll 6 лет назад
They were NOT believers, because they were boasting in their works. They didn't once say we have trusted in you Lord. Rather, they said look at all of our wonderful works. Eph 2:8-9 KJV says salvation is a gift. Rom 11:6 KJV says its not a mixing of grace and works. Its ALL grace trough faith, believing in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ and trusting in Him ALONE.
@melrosegeorge6960 4 года назад
What about only those who endure to the end shall be saved
@iicecourt00 4 года назад
Melrose George Jesus was talking to His 12 disciples. He was sending them as sheep among the wolves (Matthew 10:26) to preach the message of the Kingdom of God to the house of Israel. He told His disciples they will face hardship, persecution in His name sake. Many believe Matthew 10:21-23 is talking about the tribulation period. Where the new believers will be persecuted and will have to endure the time period until Jesus comes back
@Bombdog_Nitro 6 лет назад
We should be extremely cautious and humble with this teaching, not so dogmatic because it's God's decision in the end. This conversation is one a TRUE Christ follower will never have need for.
@jenncopeland484 5 лет назад
A great book about this subject is "Totally Saved" by Tony Evans.
@rtoguidver3651 Год назад
You can't lose something you never had ! Matthew 7: 22. “Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?” 23. “And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”
@basiamartinez4838 4 года назад
Preach it brother thanks for sharing biblical truth.
@michaelalbertson7457 4 года назад
I've always taken the scriptures as concerning salvation and blessings, for true Christians. A nominal "Christian" would see they are a hearer only, and not a doer of the Word, and then had to make a commitment and keep it, to be a true Christian. The reason I think this way is for 2 reasons. First, I saw Christians not keeping their commitments and living worldly. Second, I knew myself, at times, wasn't living right, and knew, unless I repented, and followed God with my whole heart, which translated to godly actions, I wasn't really saved. Now we can argue about doctrines, but the bottom line is, Are we living godly in Christ Jesus? The answer shows if we're truly saved or not, and even, if we're getting God's blessings of not. I gotta know the truth so I can act accordingly with a godly attitude.
@Christ_died_for_your_sins_777. 4 года назад
We cannot. We are sealed with the Holy Spirit once we Hear, believe, and Trust the Gospel.
@samaelmartinus3273 2 года назад
1 John 3:5-6 (ESV) 5 You know that he appeared in order to take away sins, and in him there is no sin. 6 No one who abides in him keeps on sinning; no one who keeps on sinning has either seen him or known him.
@Simsanyeli Год назад
I was doing a study on salvation (and will be using some of these for my blog!) and I did notice a correlation between Matthew 7:21-23 and 1 John 3:6 (No one who lives in him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen him or known him.) I think this helps explain this verse as well!
@phenofoxe1428 4 года назад
1st I just want to say I really enjoy your videos and how well put your views are. I have really received some amazing ideas and understanding from not only what has been said before but how you phrased it. Also I am sorry this is going to be a long read. I believe its easy to be saved but hard to LOSE your salvation. I will start with James 2:14-26 "can faith without actions save you?" "faith without works is Dead" you cant die unless you have lived. Titus 3:11 "people have turned away from Truth, and their sins condemn them." Truth is people who have understood Jesus and accepted it then give in to flesh. Hebrews 6:1-6 in verse 6 "Who then turn AWAY" cant turn away if you were not facing him to begin with. Revelation 3:16,19,21-22 "God spits out all who are lukewarm." meaning you are to follow the teachings of Christ. "Those who are victorious" means there are some who will not be victorious. this is proved by Jesus stating not all who call upon my name will inherit the kingdom. 2 Peter 2:20-22 directly says ppl who knew jesus and followed him then turned to become sinful again are worse off than if they never knew. Romans 11:17-24 Says you have become part of the olive tree of salvation because of believing in Christ and states that you also can be cut off from the tree through unbelief and not trusting. Luke 15:11-32 story of the Prodigal Son is a parable of a Son of the Father(representing a christian believer) that takes his inheritance (salvation) and leaves spending his inheritance(losing his salvation) on things of the flesh. But then returning to the Father in repentance (regaining his salvation) and the Father accepting him back. You have already stated many of the other verses such as "I am the Vine" which is a mirror of the olive tree in Romans so I wont restate the ones you have used. I believe simply this. I gain salvation by simply accepting Christ as my lord and savior. Because I love the Lord I become a slave not doing my will but Jesus' will. That is to Love 1st and then to spread the Gospel teaching and preaching. I am not saved by this act but because I love Christ I do his will. If I return to my old ways of the flesh and denounce God I can lose my salvation. How long until this happens I cannot answer. Here is my thought "It is better to run your race as though you can Lose than it is to run like you cant, because if you are right nothing changes but if I am right it changes everything." It also produces Sunday only Christians that come only for the Ticket which makes it a very dangerous false doctrine to follow. If a man who is saved at age 15 goes on to become a Pastor. Brings 1000's to Christ, raises a million dollars for widows and orphans, and has performed many gifts of the spirit during his ministry. Then at the age of lets say 48 something happens such as wife dies, Father and Mother pass, becomes crippled, etc... He then turns from God and being a Pastor then going to the bar getting drunk, having sex outside of marriage, doing drugs, steals, goes to many churches and destroying them while saying there is no God there is no Jesus its a lie, and finally killing someone. Is he saved? Here is the answer most would give under OSAS', "Maybe he was never saved to begin with" my understanding says thats not a biblical answer "we are not to Judge those outside the church but we are to judge those within the Church" 1 Cor. 5:11-13...... If he was never saved then he wasnt part of the Church to begin with meaning this answer is Sinful in itself with that belief. I will end with this. Thanks Brother for the videos of inspiration I really enjoy your work. I only ask that you come with open mind to hear what is being spoken on this topic because of the danger we as teachers have on how and what we teach.
@martinez00079 2 года назад
Best reply thus far!!!
@all-stargamingentertainmen1157 3 года назад
Question. So if FAITH without WORKS is DEAD. Then how is believing without any further action a guarantee to salvation? If you TRULY believe something your actions will support that.
@theministerartist9249 6 лет назад
Thank you for the video Brother Allen Parr. This topic is one that we will have to agree to disagree. I follow what you said and agree with most parts. I appreciate your research, knowledge, and diligence. Too many people in their imperfections feel condemned by their sin. Grace, faith, and mercy will save these people because they still have faith and they are still communicating through prayer. However, a person could make the decision to not follow the Word any longer. The Lord does not force anyone saved or unsaved to do His will. No one can pluck us from His hand but the Lord will not keep anyone there who does not want to be there. Furthermore, as you stated from the scriptures that it is His will that He shall lose none of us and that is the truth. (I believe that.) However, we also know from the scriptures that not all will choose Him. We can’t mock or fool God. I have seen, talked with, and ministered unto some brothers who get very religious when locked up. They can quote scriptures better than me and my hope and will for them is that they will be messengers for the Lord. However, for some once they get freedom the Lord is far from them at least until time of trouble. I have seen good men preach the word and become rich. There is nothing wrong with being rich but who do they serve. There are crooked people out there who use the name of the Lord to trick and use people for personal gain. I choose to believe that is the minority and not the majority. In each case a man can be forgiven through repentance but they have to choose to repent.
@serenapalmer1220 6 лет назад
The Minister Artist awesome! God bless you. You make a very good point
@HolboPer 6 лет назад
As I stated in the debate in the first of these videos, I agree with yu that you CAN lose your salvation. However, it is very important to understand that such a loss would never happen in any other case than a deliberate choice. You cannot lose your salvation by accident or by not being good enough or "clean" enough. But it surely could happen if you make a CHOICE not to follow Christ anymore...
@theministerartist9249 6 лет назад
I agree completely Brother Per Holbo Rasmussen. We all mess up on occasions or at least I do. I am so glad I have a merciful and loving savior. Jesus will not let us go. A person would have to deliberately choose to reject him after being saved. Even then that person will still have the opportunity to repent.
@avantevacations7260 6 лет назад
The Minister Artist I agree with you.
@redeemedandbeloved9607 4 года назад
Once saved, always saved! I was 6 when I was saved, 8 when I was baptized. Addiction took hold of my life in my 20s and I denounced my faith. For 10 years I hated Christians and I hated the church. I did not believe in God and saw Christianity as a way to control the masses. I had periods of hating God, not believing in God at all to just believing in some kind of higher power but thinking the Bible was a total sham. Bottom line though was that I wanted to do what I wanted to do and not experience guilt or shame over it. Didn't work lol. God brought me back right before I got sober and now AA teaches me how to have a healthy relationship with God. I ran from God for 10 years but I never lost my salvation even though I didn't believe in it at the time. *God created time and therefore is not bound by it! When I gave my life to him at 6 years old, He forgave me of every sin- past, present and Future including the sin of denying Him before others. He knew when I was 6 years old that I was going to denounce him for 10 years. I know I meant it in my childhood when I became a Christian. I know my name was sealed in the book of Life when I was six years old. I prayed the refiners prayer when I was 18 right before I started using. That's a prayer where we ask God to draw out our impurities. I had no idea what I was in for when I prayed that prayer. There was a lot of junk in my soul that I was not aware of that needed to be brought to the surface. My faith is stronger today because I walked away from God for 10 years. God has used my mess and turned it into a message. I loved God and served God with all my heart in my childhood, teen and early adult years. I decided later that I was not a Christian anymore but because no one could pluck me from his hand, including me, God never let me go. I was His. It seems like people almost forget that God exists outside of time. We see our sins and salvation in a timeline whereas God already knows our entire story. He knew before he made me that I was going to rebel and blaspheme his name. Rebellion is part of my walk with God, and I was already forgiven for it 2,000 years ago on the cross. Putting things into a timeline, I was forgiven for that sin at 6 years old.
@OccupyHeaven 6 лет назад
Amen! Amen! Thank you for bringing clarity and context to the word brother. I pray for all my brothers and sisters to receive wisdom and understanding by the Holy Spirit to have full assurance in our eternal security by the power in the glorious Gospel that saves our souls and sets us free in Christ Jesus our Lord, Savior and eternal REST! (Our Sabbath). Let’s focus on Him alone not ourselves. Because He’s faithful even when we’re not! We must not take our eyes from Him like the Israelites had to look at the burning serpent in the wilderness and those who failed to focus perished. Jesus is our burning fire of righteousness and we must trust in Him alone for justification. Indeed we’re the righteousness of God in Christ! AGAPE LOVE! All honor and praise to Him alone! Peace and grace to all💕 “God did this so that, by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled to take hold of the hope set before us may be greatly encouraged. We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where our forerunner, Jesus, has entered on our behalf. He has become a high priest forever, in the order of Melchizedek.” ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭6:18-20‬ ‭ “But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father. Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.” ‭‭Galatians‬ ‭4:4-7‬ “In who ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.” ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭1:13-14‬ ‭ “To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy- to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.” ‭‭Jude‬ ‭1:24-25‬ ‭ “Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.” ‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭1:5‬ ‭
@user-ek2ms4om7p 3 года назад
HalleluYah for your comment Sis! 👍 ❤ 🙏 ✝️ Jesus is Yah - Jeremiah 1:4-9, 23:5,6, Isaiah 9:6, John 1:1-14 Hebrews 1:8-10........ YHWH Yeshua bless you Continually! 💗
@aliveforchrist4557 5 лет назад
how about the fact that the prodigal son had to return for him to be able to get his blessing back from his father , his father always wanted him back and loved him even though his son was gone but , his son had to make that decision to return for him to enter his fathers "kingdom" again
@leviwilliams9601 3 года назад
The context shows that the son never wanted to be his son. He came back and asked to work (he wanted to earn the love of God) for his keep. His father (God) then took him without him having to do work. This is talking about him coming to Christ for the first snd only time.
@protruth1 3 года назад
@@leviwilliams9601 that is incorrect, the father said, this my son was dead but is alive (again). alive-dead-alive
@jarodgrape8694 3 года назад
@@protruth1 the good shepherd went and got the be stray sheep it was his wayward sheep he didn't wait for it to return
@wonderboy57100 2 года назад
Hi Allen. I'm a horticulturist and as regards to John 15 a Vinedresser would never cut off an unfruitful branch only a dead branch. The problem here is with the Greek word airo which because of the word prune in the Greek context is also taken to mean cut off. However the word airo also means to lift off or lift up as in aeroplane or aerodynamic. The fruitless branch here in John 15 has probably fallen off the trellis and is covered in mud and is dirty and thus the effect of photosynthesis is not at work and so no starches and thus no fruit is being formed. So the farmer airos [lifts the branch] back on to the trellis, ties it and washes it clean so it can begin to bear fruit again' I believe this is a fallen branch not a dead branch and God the Father will always lift up His fallen children [branches], wash them anew and cause them to be fruitful again. Just a thought.
@frederikkannegaard2624 6 лет назад
Hey BEAT, What about this case: A person who have loved the Lord and have had an Amazing relationship with him, but at one point in life turns God down, hate him, does NOT want to have anything to do with God, and teaches others to do likewise, how can this person then be saved against his own will, which no one can take away from you?
@user-ek2ms4om7p 4 года назад
Hi brother! Good example, but if BORN AGAIN believer in the LORD Jesus Christ "turns God down", his/her life will be awful, because God CHASTENED His children (thus do NOT mean that he/she will fall from the Grace)! You can watch testimonies of our brothers and sisters in Christ, who before years rebelled against their Savior, but afterwards many events in their life bring them to their (and our) Savior God Jesus Christ! I'm Not Calvinist, but "the free will" that we have is not so big as i was think... Our days (years) on the Earth are known to God BEFORE the foundation of the world! Also do we choose WHERE to be born? No! Jesus Christ died for ALL sins, not only for the past sins! I do NOT know how to explain it, but GOD indwells within me and i'm NEW creation in Christ Jesus! I was "turn down my Savior", but He return me (His sheep)! If Jesus has 100, we will be 100 forever, NOT 99! He brings His lost followers! I believe in Jesus (Who is the Son of God and the God of the O.T.), not in me! I'm a sinner, and i hate all sins! Only my God and Savior Jesus Christ is SINLESS, no one else! God bless you!
@joesteele3159 2 года назад
“But if a righteous person turns from their righteousness and commits sin and does the same detestable things the wicked person does, will they live? NONE OF THE RIGHTEOUS THINGS THAT PERSON HAS DONE WILL BE REMEMBERED. Because of the unfaithfulness they are guilty of and because of the sins they have committed, they will die. Ezekiel 18:24 Just as God forgets the sins we committed when we are saved, He also forgets the righteous things we did when we turn from Him. So when He says "I NEVER knew you" it's because He has cast all memory of any current relationship He had with that person.
@christ_inspire_daily 5 лет назад
True interpretation of the scriptures👍👍👍
@mytestimonytojesuschrist Год назад
That’s not true.
@DavidRamirez-ww5kv 6 лет назад
Thank you very much Mr Parr! This is very useful information. Thank you for your edification of these verses you quoted. May you be Blessed.
@nissi5422 6 лет назад
The Beat by Allen Parr, actually those verses that you had explained was not the hardest and most confusing verse about salvation. Can you explain Hebrews 6:1-6? The people that were mentioned in those verses in Hebrew were obviously believers. For a non-believer can't partake or share in the Holy Spirit. And there's a passage that 's been written about crucifying Jesus Christ for the second time which was not ever permitted for Christians, meaning the writer of the Hebrews was giving warning for those who fall away in their faith after being saved. Thank You and may GOD BLESS YOU ALWAYS!!!
@hewhodwells7543 6 лет назад
josiah nissi great scriptural response. It is clear OSAS is too rigid a doctrine to fully characterize God's plan of salvation. The heart of repentance towards God and the belief that Christ died and rose with all power to forgive our sins is the mark of our salvation. If we leave the faith, enticed by doctrines such as 'we ourselves can be God(s)' etc. We have left the covering of God. Judas also performed miracles, and wonders in the power of the Holy Spirit, but was enticed by other doctrines. Anyone raised in a Pentecostal or Charismatic upbringing probably knows people who have left the faith after witnessing/performing miraculous acts. Some of them turn to other world views and opinions on the supernatural separate of Christ, the Father, and the Holy Spirit. If OSAS were completely true we wouldn't be commanded so many times to be watchful of certain doctrines of devils, to test the spirits, etc. I do believe God makes covenants with his children, but I also believe that He has given us the free will to also break these covenants. I know some Christians don't believe in free will, but this is what I personally discern through the Scriptures.
@veronicastuart714 5 лет назад
JESUS says “But I have prayed for thee, that thy Faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.” ... It seems Jesus was showing us that Yes we can loose our Faith, we can choose to be separated from communion with God. We can choose good over evil. Alan Would you say that the fact that Jesus Prayed for Faith to remain, for Faith to not fail implys that Yes our Faith (Salvation) can be lost? Please reply as it would be good to know you received the message. thanks
@migueltejada4975 4 года назад
At the end of the day, the Bible provides verses for both sides. Just live your life like u can loose your salvation, even if u believe u cant
@ghostysama1155 5 лет назад
@ErA-el1je 3 года назад
Salvation is a relationship!
@protruth1 3 года назад
thats probably the clearest description that is posted in this blog.
@JeffreyJohnson-ip4fy Месяц назад
What about a person who truly gets saved and then somewhere out into the future, they decide to walk away from God and want nothing to do with Him? And they live the rest of their life in this mindset? Are they still saved or were they never saved to begin with? My point is that we still have a free will (to a point) and we can choose to walk away if that is what we want. However, watching this video leads me to believe that if a person would do that, they were never saved to begin with. Praise God…
@varunjohnson9570 5 лет назад
We can't lose salvation, but we can lose faith in salvation. Am I right?
@user-ek2ms4om7p 4 года назад
So true Brother... Even if we are unfaithful, He is still faithful.... Jesus Christ (the Son of Man/the Word of God) is El Shaddai, Amen! Elohim bless you always in all ways!!!
@StandForTruth205 5 лет назад
Some people push a message of “you better watch out you could lose your salvation”. Let’s examine that. What would cause you to lose salvation? Sin would. So, if Jesus died for your sins, did it work? Of course it did! That answer alone should end the discussion. Jesus didn’t just die for small sins or ones we rarely commit. He died for the big ones and the ones we struggle with too. There’s not a single verse that actually ever mentions losing salvation. No. It’s just distorted theology. And you can bet it’s almost always from legalist angry Christians and talk more about fear of them they do the love of Christ. Now, let’s talk about the word “eternal”. God’s word tells us “whosoever calls on the name of the Lord shall not perish, but will have eternal life”. Eternal means without an end. That word is extremely important when we’re thinking about losing salvation. In order to lose salvation it could not be eternal, otherwise it would in fact have an end At the very best it would be temporary or contingent salvation. Emerite come from we call that works based salvation. And let’s take that word eternal a little deeper. Eternal doesn’t just mean without an end. It also means without a beginning. But wait, you had a birthday so you must have a beginning. And that’s when we discover that eternal salvation is not your life prolonged. But rather it’s Jesus‘ life given to you. It’s his eternal life you receive. And now it makes sense! Anybody teaching a theology of losing salvation is teaching law based salvation. And it’s a lie from the evil one. On one side of their mouth they are saying we are saved by faith, on the other side of their mouth they are saying we maintain it by works. That’s double-talk. If salvation were maintained by works then it wouldn’t be a gift. It wouldn’t be by faith. And that kind of teaching is no different than all the fake religions of the world. Fake religions that require you to earn salvation through human effort. How to teach losing salvation is reject the grace of God. And if we could keep our salvation through human effort then why in the world did Jesus go to the cross? [Galatians 2:21] “ I do not nullify the grace of God, for if righteousness cane through the law then Christ died needlessly”.
@user-ek2ms4om7p 3 года назад
God Yeshua choose us before the world was.... Praise Jesus Christ, the Son of God - YHWH of Hosts/El Shaddai!!! Lord keep you from ALL evil Bro! ✝️ See you in the Kingdom of the Son of God !
@aleahtierra2960 6 лет назад
“Well let’s just take our time here” 😂
@grahambeasley2770 3 года назад
Thank you for the videos Allen. Praying for you brother.
@WPWolfe 6 лет назад
Rom. 2:2-8 Jas. 2:24-26 2Cor. 5:10 1 Peter 1:17 Heb. 5:8-9 Matt. 16:27 Matt. 25:31-46
@walkinthelight1748 4 года назад
The Word is truth. Let it be so. Below, Messiah was talking to His faith believing disciples. Mark 14:38 KJV - "Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation. The spirit truly is ready, but the flesh is weak." The prophet was addressing the LORD'S chosen people and congregation that was to be holy and obedient. Isaiah 59:1‭-‬2 KJV - "Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear: But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear." The Apostle was addressing false teachers that ended up SPOTS WITHIN the congregation of believers. 2 Peter 2:20 KJV - "For if AFTER THEY have ESCAPED the pollutions of the world THROUGH the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST, THEY ARE again entangled therein, and OVERCOME, THE latter END IS WORSE with them THAN THE BEGINNING." He's coming for a church WITHOUT SPOT or wrinkle. 1Timothy 6:14 KJV - "That thou keep this commandment WITHOUT SPOT, unrebukeable, until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ:" Ephesians 5:26-27 KJV - "That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish." 2 Peter 3:14 KJV - "Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, WITHOUT SPOT, and blameless." ONLY a FEW in the Sardis church had NOT DEFILED (SPOTTED) their GARMENTS; they shall walk in white for THEY [ONLY FEW] are worthy. Revelation 3:4 KJV - "Thou hast a FEW names even in Sardis which have not DEFILED their GARMENTS; and they shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy." Why the warning to BE NOT OVERCOME of evil, if that's not possible for the disciples? Romans 12:21 KJV - "BE NOT OVERCOME of evil, but overcome evil with good."
@alfredampoloquio6762 4 года назад
There are points in my life that i see it a license to commit sin but the Holy Spirit remindsnke of Romans 6:12-14. How can I commit sin if the spirit of God lives in me. No condemnation but purely joy that because of his love for me, he died on the cross for my sin. That alone, is a little realization whenever tempted to commit sin.
@garyfitch7758 4 года назад
A well taught teaching on eternal security, very well said thank you again Allen.
@robertsandberg2246 3 года назад
I ❤ once saved always saved!
@sisina_sie7652 5 лет назад
You make everything sound too good to be true
@Matt-ox2qc 5 лет назад
Maybe God is that good
@sisina_sie7652 5 лет назад
@@Matt-ox2qc it wasn't a compliment
@Matt-ox2qc 5 лет назад
@@sisina_sie7652 yes it is
@olumuyiwalawal9936 5 лет назад
It only sounds good but not true at allllllllll
@daughterofgod777 5 лет назад
Because it’s not true. You have to chose God every day in your actions and have a relationship with him through prayer. You have to turn away from what is considered sin and if you fall then repent each time. You can’t just believe in God and live in sin and think you’ll get to heaven. You have to hate sin which is hard to do because we are born in it so we have to strive everyday to hate it and be more like Christ in actions. If you don’t do that then you are choosing the world over God which means you have not chosen To keep the salvation that is offered to you.
@Calvin-fy8dw 7 месяцев назад
2 Timonthy 4:3 For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.
@the2kking307 6 лет назад
Thank you for the video, Allen. God bless you. And btw, is playing video games and watching anime a sin?
@BIGDADDYBILLIOT217 6 лет назад
The 2K KING I would say it depends on what kind of content is in the video game. I would shy away from anything that promotes drug use or alcohol use and sexual content and cursing and just anything that would corrupt your mindset and lead you astray.
@the2kking307 6 лет назад
BIGDADDY I play sport games like Nba 2k
@BIGDADDYBILLIOT217 6 лет назад
The 2K KING I use to play 2k but another thing I use to do was play it so much that I wouldn't spend as much time with God like I use to and I use to get mad when I'd play in park or pro am and I would get angry at my teammates and I knew it was a sin to get angry with someone so I sold my PlayStation and everything with it
@BIGDADDYBILLIOT217 6 лет назад
The 2K KING I needed the money and I noticed quite an increases in my bible reading and prayer life
@the2kking307 6 лет назад
BIGDADDY Wow! That was good sacfirce.
@Luisrodriguez-jc6qp 2 года назад
Revelation 3:5 Verse Concepts He who overcomes will thus be clothed in white garments; and I will not erase his name from the book of life, and I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels
@karenneri7392 6 лет назад
Again thank you !!!!
@lyndiebrazzel9634 4 года назад
Thank you SO much for your videos. Things that I read in the Bible that I find a little confusing I always look up on your videos to see if you have anything that can break it down for me to understand. So far, I've always found the answers I've been looking for.
@BIGDADDYBILLIOT217 6 лет назад
Hey Brother Allen can you do some videos on the trumpet judgements and bowl judgements?
@thebeatagp 6 лет назад
Yes indeed! Those are coming up soon BigDaddy! Thanks man,
@savedbygrace963 6 лет назад
MANY ARE CALLED FEW ARE CHOSEN- Also, who can cast out demons in the name of Jesus besides one who has the authority. Or to heal the sick etc An unsaved person hasn't been given authority to do anything in the name of Jesus. So I'm trying to understand why would they ask, rather say, we've cast out demons in your name, healed the sick in your name.I'm
@savedbygrace963 6 лет назад
MANY ARE CALLED FEW ARE CHOSEN: Thank you for responding. I was half awake/asleep last night but wanted to get an answer to the comment. Forgive me if it seemed like I was implying once saved always saved Bc I've never believed that. So to be certain I wasn't in error, I started listening to what others were saying writing it down to go back later and compare against scripture. So I thank u for your response I will read the passages u posted and pray for revelation. If I understand correctly, you're saying you don't believe in the doctrine of once saved always saved, right?
THE BEAT by Allen Parr If after a person receives Jesus and gets saved then they decide that they are gay but they still love God and go to church are they still saved? Simple answer yes or no.
@user-ek2ms4om7p 4 года назад
@@jesusismylordandsaviourame1358 This question is IMPOSSIBLE for BORN AGAIN believer (to become gay/lesbian)! You can watch testimonies how the HOLY SPIRIT (God) makes new creations in Christ Jesus (for example: ex gay for 27 years, now with wife and 3 kids, HalleluYah to the Lamb of God)! NEW creations can NOT become "gay"! Yes, we fall in different sins, but i never heard that some REAL BORN AGAIN believer in the Lord and in His Name - Jesus Christ to confess that he/she is gay, AFTER their Faith in the LORD... I'm NEW creation and i HATE all sins, but i commit sins every day... Do you think that i will be in Hell, and Not with my Lord and my God and my Savior Jesus Christ? I love your profile name, but i'm confused about your strange comment... God bless you!
@sisterrose6836 7 месяцев назад
2 Chronicles 15:2 "The LORD is with you while you are with Him. If you seek Him, He will be found by you; but if you forsake Him, He will forsake you." The word, Forsake, mean that you were once with Him, but you left? So, how can you still be Saved, if you leave His side?
@yellowstone2964 4 года назад
My righteousness is but filthy rags,could never "earn" my way into Heaven
@yellowstone2964 4 года назад
@Sup bro yes,Fort Lauderdale.
@milkoe4933 3 года назад
Amen 🙌🏾
@focusbendsreality369 3 года назад
Few false doctrines are more dangerous than the Calvinistic assertion of “eternal security” or “once saved, always saved.” Sadly, this dangerous doctrine flatly contradicts Scripture, and it is commonly used as a smokescreen to justify sinful lifestyles. In other words, “once saved, always saved” appeals to the most carnal leanings of our humanity. It gives false legitimacy for sin, false comfort to sinners, and builds a pseudo-biblical barrier between countless sinners and repentance. Let’s put it this way; nothing can force you to separate yourself from God except you. Satan can’t make you do it any more than he made Eve do it. Eve exercised her free will. Adam exercised his free will. And they both suffered the consequences of their actions. Sin separates us from a right relationship with God, but it does not remove us from the love of God. For example, “…(Romans 5:8).” God loves us even while we are in sin, but to say the cross made sin acceptable is to undermine the cross’s necessity in the first place completely. The phrasing shows Paul’s assumption that believers would naturally understand sinful lifestyles must be discarded after salvation. Furthermore, the apostle Peter calls us to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, (1 Peter 2:21-22).” A few verses down, he underscores that Jesus “(1 Peter 2:24-25).” "...Go and sin NO MORE" (Jesus) James 4:4 You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God. Wrong understanding of Grace: "Grace gives you the freedom to sin." Right understanding of Grace: "Grace gives you the power NOT to sin." We don’t do good works to become saved, we do good works because we are saved. OSAS is not Biblical. Please study your Bibles vs listen to man.
@jarodgrape8694 3 года назад
Gal 3 17 says that the law cannot dissanul the promise to an hier of promise. We are the seed of Abraham if we are Christ's. It doesn't matter how sanctified you think you are anything less than perfect is sin
@jarodgrape8694 3 года назад
Also Paul told believers in Romans 6 how shall we who are dead to sin live any longer therein. It implies a believer can live sinfully. But the living believer being dead to sin simply means no prosecution. How many dead people are prosecuted? Grace is not fair in the natural. But god justly forgives sinners because of the price paid. We are justified freely through the purchasing power in Christ rom 3 24
@lightninlad 5 лет назад
“Will I be cut off if I don’t bear fruit? 😱” Yes, you will be cut off if you don’t bear fruit. John 15:1-2 is the death knell to OSAS and I’ll show you exactly why: “He cuts off every branch 👉*IN ME*👈 that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.” Notice how it says “in me”? lol. An unsaved person is not “in Christ”, so yes...it’s talking about true Christians. Of this passage you said: “...Jesus cannot be saying here that a Christian can lose their salvation...” Why? Because that would contradict your viewpoint? Because we have the doctrine of the “perseverance the Saints”? The same one that wasn’t able to preserve the Jews from being cut off when they bore the fruit of unbelief? “WHY? Because the Bible never contradicts itself, Jesus never contradicts himself...” That’s right. He never contradicts himself. That’s how we know it’s saying you can be cut off✂️ and lose your salvation if you as a branch bring forth bad fruit(i.e; sin): (Matthew 5:30) “And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.” So again, you are correct that the Bible does not contradict itself. The contradiction is between your dogma of OSAS and Jesus’s own words here in Matthew and in John. Meanwhile John 6:37-40 says it is the will of God that He shall lose none of them-but this is not the same thing as saying He won’t. I’m sure He also wills for everyone to be saved but that isn’t happening either.
@krayziejerry 5 лет назад
You're taking those verses out of context. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-BkrqVxSfCeM.html
@kac0404 2 года назад
This is exactly what Jude was telling his readers to beware of when he wrote his letter. Notice Jude 4, “For certain men whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are godless men, who change the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord.” What were they doing? They had taken the grace of God and said that you can practice any immoral act and still be saved. But Jude says they are condemned.
@laymancb 6 лет назад
You will know my followers, not by their words but by their deeds...just sayin' 😎
@fisherofmenhectorrivera7455 4 года назад
laymancb Fruits
@iicecourt00 4 года назад
laymancb Nope. But by the work finished work of Christ
@Flexwyd 3 года назад
just cuz someone knows ur a follower doesnt mean it gets u saved
@andrewlailvaux1571 4 года назад
Still waiting to hear your opinion on this verse. Rev. 3:5 ‘He who overcomes will thus be clothed in white garments; and I will not erase his name from the book of life, and I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels." Name in book of life saved, name erased out not saved. How is that not losing salvation? We know people can turn away from God from this verse. 2 Peter 2:20 For if, after they have escaped the defilements of the world by the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and are overcome, the last state has become worse for them than the first." Worse off then when they were unsaved, imagine that.
@charmdones4424 5 лет назад
You keep saying you “feel”...be mindful
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