
How Nice Guys Kill 

Teal Swan
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There's a difference between "nice guys" and "kind guys". A person who is kind, is not necessarily nice. And a person who is nice is not necessarily kind. In this episode, Teal Swan reveals how being in a relationship with a nice guy, will lead to extreme pain!
What Every Woman Should Know About Men
• What Every Woman Shoul...
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Beginning and Ending Song:
Teal Swan Intro by Christian De Raco
Teal Swan is a New Thought Leader, Bestselling Author and Speaker. She was born with a range of extrasensory abilities and is a survivor of severe childhood abuse. Today she uses her gifts as well as her own harrowing life experience to inspire millions of people towards authenticity, freedom and joy and teaching people how to transform their emotional, mental, physical and spiritual pain.
The result when people are restored to wholeness is that the world will be restored to wholeness. Teal Swan's teachings invite people to step fully into their authenticity, knowing that this will bring about the positive change that we want to see in the world.
Time Stamps
0:00 - Start
0:39 - How Nice Guys Kill
1:33 - Confusing Nice & Kind
2:39 - Nice Guys Self Interest
4:47 - They Are Enablers
5:17 - Engaged in Deception
6:38 - Two Faced
7:38 - Fragmentation
9:22 - Can't Protect
10:28 - Needs Aren't Being Met
12:59 - Flipping Polarity
14:22 - Exhaustion
14:52 - Battle With Others
16:52 - Controlling
18:12 - Unlikeable People
19:49 - Problematic Behavior
20:21 - Toxic Cycle
22:31 - Highly Manipulative
24:21 - Ignorance
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19 июл 2024




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@entropyfun 11 месяцев назад
Yes, I confirm that I acted nice out of fear of conflict and exposure. But I realized this about my self and changed my behavior. I realized that goodness can only come from courage and strength, it cannot come from weakness and avoidance.
@alespogacnik 11 месяцев назад
we share the same history and are on the same path. Good luck!
@entropyfun 11 месяцев назад
@@alespogacnik Thanks man, good luck to you too!
@entropyfun 11 месяцев назад
@@carlyofearth It wasn't getting me anywhere and it always felt bad not being truthful, also other people's input, and realising that I was acting cowardly, I didn't want to be that guy anymore
@ramxehs1180 11 месяцев назад
I’m pretty sure the “nice guy” title behavior she’s using is a coping mechanism for I guess specifically males, the non confrontational personality trait usually happens when the child grew up in a stressed home upbringing I think it’s Important to trauma heal the memories, shadow work I forget what teal calls it?
@pilula65 11 месяцев назад
@@ramxehs1180 That's exactly what I was thinking too. And it's not just men.
@fuqupaymi238 11 месяцев назад
Being nice is a waste, being decent and humble is vital.
@Trace7173 9 месяцев назад
Being perceived as a nice guy most of my life has made me suicidal. This video was so accurate and described me and my behaviors perfectly
@ryanamendala6524 8 месяцев назад
Same. I have been doing parts work and completion process (even with a practitioner) to change this. I also went through Teals ancestorial healing and found a strong line of history of "nice guys" Keep going. do not stop working on yourself. 1. Change to "other" focus 2. Accept where you are 3. be grateful, 4. expect roadblocks 5. get to know your true self by sitting with no expectation as to why you do what you do. just observe. Then ask youself if you are doing it for another reason (fear, societal bias etc) or if it's actually your path. Just keep going
@1bigdogthe 8 месяцев назад
sorry to hear that about you, but look at yourself in the mirror. Ever rape someone?, ever murder someone?, ever molest someones children?, ever punch a woman in the face cause she pissed you off? if not then you are a nice guy, be proud of that and try to fix the things that you find unattractive in yourself.
@Paul4Krista20 7 месяцев назад
Have not even finished this video, but saw your comment and I totally feel you 💯
@jimknight5957 7 месяцев назад
This is hard to take, because it hits so close to home. This brings into focus my self-deception and twisted beliefs that lead to my ex wife divorcing me. I can now understand her situation and have compassion and forgiveness towards her because of the situation I put her in. The divorce, was the worst and the best thing that has happened to me because it has shaken me out of this delusion that it was not me, I am a nice guy. Now I am feeling overwhelmed by the changes that need to be made and not willing to continue being the way I was. I will press forward to make the changes. This truth clarified my need and desire to change.
@1bigdogthe 7 месяцев назад
you are being way to hard on yourself, which is again being a nice guy in the wrong way. Did you beat your wife??, did you sexually abuse your children??, did you refuse to get and keep a job??, were you a drunk and a drug addict??. If you didn't do any of these things I just asked you if you did, then were a nice guy in the right way. I have seen on TV the guys that did do those horrible things I just asked you if you did, and they sure as hell were not nice guy's. So stop beating yourself up for your mistakes, and pat yourself on the back for the things you did right. learn, improve and do better with your next wife. @@jimknight5957
@nikolayordanov3115 9 месяцев назад
Three days after watching this video my life has changed so much for the better. I am\was a nice guy. I used to think that that's how everyone should be, but not anymore. Blessing upon you Teal ❤
@donaldshotts4429 3 месяца назад
But everyone should be nice? Ever heard of the saying "To secure peace is to prepare for war"? You can be 100% nice, but also be vigilant against anyone trying to take advantage of you. Be ready to verbally defend yourself vigorously when it happens. You'll gain confidence and respect as a person not to be f with. That also attracts the opposite sex. Unfortunately I'm 57 and it took me 45 years to figure it out
@annikabirgittanordlander6887 11 месяцев назад
”Kind is an other-oriented behavior where you demonstrate that you can act in the best interest of others. Kind people perform good deeds for others. A kind person feels empathy and acts in the best interests of others. A kind person is exhibiting strength. A kind person acts from care and love”. Teal Swan. Thank you Teal for talking about this 🌎
@arianasha 11 месяцев назад
Yes it is a divergent tactic.. from the one still hiding from itself!
@toby2real 11 месяцев назад
Kind people throw themselves into battle for the people they care about
@NegG1919 11 месяцев назад
Yes, women should learn this by heart so they can explain it to partners, lol Seriously, therapists need to have this quote framed in their offices.
@sosomm74 11 месяцев назад
I'm grateful for your service, Teal. Thanks for helping me seeing so many shadow facets manifested through the personas played in this life that I've couldn't even notice, or worst saw them as good or elevated behavior. And always keeping in mind the mirror mirror and universal law of attraction.
@NoelleandOwen 11 месяцев назад
Yes, it was hard to hear, but ultimately freeing. Thank you for explaining it. ❤
@alicentmarveltrra2504 11 месяцев назад
“Kind men step INTO conflict, ‘nice’ men AVOID IT” 💯☠️
@jeanlundi2141 11 месяцев назад
And women. This has nothing to do with sex. Women like to cop out when the subject is "courage", but you have to be brave too, and have ample opportunities throughout a day.
@madmax5841 11 месяцев назад
@@jeanlundi2141 It's just femceI content bro, don't take it seriously. Conservative women are a dying breed for a good reason i.e. worthlessness
@florianpierredumont4775 11 месяцев назад
When you say "avoid" do you mean being able to stop or empeech conflit, or running from it ?
@alicentmarveltrra2504 11 месяцев назад
Kind /strong men are willing to address it, curb it, prevent it, engage in conflict directly. Nice / weak dudes tuck tail and run from it, flatter, betray, sell out, simper their way into worse conflicts, even if they manage to delay it awhile. You could throw trail mix at a bear hoping it won’t eat you, or scare it off. Which is the smarter option?
@alicentmarveltrra2504 11 месяцев назад
Conflict delayed is conflict AMPLIFIED. -Peterson
@AttackDev4000 9 месяцев назад
I was / am the nice guy and had no idea, absolutely no idea. The amount of resentment that I built up from my previous relationship always bothered me, like I was missing something. I consider myself fairly intelligent (not overly) and an empath (exactly due to trauma, which you pointed out in another video) and I just couldn't figure out the problems that I perceived my partner to have...only to realize that I was trying to solve an impossible puzzle as I was the problem in every single instance that I held resentment for. So thanks for your work, not only did all of the resentment dissolve immediately, I have a lot of apologizing / explaining to do as I can only imagine how much damage my behaviour might have done to my partners self image. And while this is no excuse, I really had absolutely no clue whatsoever prior to watching this. (And obviously there's quite a bit of soul searching and other build-up prior to me seeing this video that allowed me to have this almost instant realization)
@haileabfeleke6087 2 месяца назад
How did things go with your partner after apologising? I'm shocked, I don't know what to do or where to start. 😢
@ShutterNChill 8 месяцев назад
Excellent video! I used to be a nice guy... what is important to know, that when you are a nice guy you were not born that way. Boys are transformed into nice guys by their bullying parents who lack the initiative to figure out what was the cause of the punished behavior, they just treat the result and do not root out the cause. For me being a nice guy was the only way I could survive the emotional and physical bullying of my parents trying to quick solve issues that were beyond my control as a child. Being assertive, owning my power as a child always got me into the most vulnerable situations with my parents, where I feared for my very survival. This fear of survival got so ingrained that reaching out to my own power, to integrity, to be fully present and responsible in a situation became equal to choosing the worst outcome possible where I am unjustly punished - not just punished, but destroyed, a part of me sentenced to death. When I grew up, I finally learned that when I reach to my power my physical survival is not at stake anymore, and I have the power to defend myself. However, that was only in the conscious level, and I was incapable to let it go from the patterns despite being extremely aware of this issue and constantly working very very hard on it. Shedding the depths of the ingrained pattern on which my very survival depended during the first 20 years of my life took me longer than then next 20 years. Once I shed a layer, I always found there's a deeper one underneath.... My advice for women who have partners with this nice guy behavior: BE COMPASSIONATE AND KIND towards your partner. As a nice guy what has hurt me the most was the same hurt that my parents did to me: that my partner never trusted me that I can become the man I want to be and who she wants me to become. Nice guys do what they do because those closest to them are HURTING THEM when they need help and compassion the most! Compassion and kindness is the only path to reach them. If you start by bullying and forcing them to change, they will wall up even tougher because bullying and gaslighting is what turned them into nice guys. These are the pressure points which will keep them drowning in that behavior. If you, as his dedicated partner show that you are emotionally supporting them, believe in them, they will be able to shed their behavior and grow up to be the man you want them to be. The nice guy WANTS to protect you! However, if you make him feel that he is not loved, he is not trusted, then he will convince himself that he does not have the strength, the foundation to take action. I understand that you want him to be that foundation, that rock. In order for that to happen, you need to take the first step and provide him the nurturing environment so he can feel SAFE, open up and own his own power. You are not to become his mother: his mother was the one who took his power away. You must choose to become his partner, who supports him to own his power. If you do not want him to change, or you do not trust him to go through that change, then go on your separate ways, so you can find the man you trust, and he can find the women who will help him at this stage of his journey. Love, patience, and kindness. They turned into nice guys because their parents did not believe in them, withdrew love and kindness from them, and found it easier to ignore, gaslight and abuse them instead of taking the time and figuring out what their actual problems and needs are, and find strategies to solve them.
@nostalgicbliss5547 7 месяцев назад
man this was so insightful.
@hsienjungchung2031 6 месяцев назад
Look how much you asked for woman to do for you! The guy like you should not even have a woman. You are energy vampire, nothing more.
@soul-music-word 6 месяцев назад
Thank you so much for sharing your life experience, so transparent and clearly articulated; I'm so sorry you had to go through all that. I'll have this present when coming across a nice guy, keeping understanding and true compassion 🙏💙 Wishing all the best to you, you deserve it 🙏🕊☀️😌💐
@ShutterNChill 6 месяцев назад
@@soul-music-word Thank you! ; )
@Shiv00532 6 месяцев назад
An absolute wow, this was exactly that happened with me, , but my bad luck, my life turned upside down when I became a life long patient depending on life saving drugs its has been a absolute dreadful journey for me, lost father when I was 7, grew up with worst possible mental and physical agony , so much so that now I feel I have no body and still trying to be nice to everyone what a Irony
@briellehunter7233 11 месяцев назад
Nice people have disowned their sense of self. They don’t know you can be confident and still be a good person. You can love yourself and not be conceited. They fear conflict because they’ve experienced danger upon saying no, thus they turn agreeable. They people please and self sacrifice to the degree it hurts others.
@cockcarousel 11 месяцев назад
"Confidence", whatever it is, is known solely by women. It's a millimeter away from being a d*ck, that most women are. 🙄 So, no need to be like that.
@asterixdergallier2743 11 месяцев назад
I am 71 years old and only now fully realizing what a deep catastrophy my being "a nice guy" actually is. (I had gimpses some 20 years ago, when I separated from my partner - which forced me to own the aggression I had projected on her. When it re- entered my body, I felt some 1000kg weighting down on me, and I literally believed I was being posessed by a devil) have been a nice guy throughout my adult life. And I do not see that I can really change it. But I do see the amount of suffering I keep creating, even and especially to those who are entrusted to me. And to "myself". It is true what she says. But I do not see how I could possibly use this in a way that would bring about positive change. I have changed my self-believe of being innocent. I see the immensity of damage. This is not enough, I know. Silently I still hope "someone else" could show me or guide me out of this.
@kevinjolin6313 11 месяцев назад
Yessir! Exactly! I myself went from being a not fundamentaly bad guy because my heart was still hiding there somewhere. I think that the more you have walked into darkness, the more you comprehend from darkness to light 🌚🌝. I've realized last year that i never knew how to love, i just never knew what it was. I've went to prison 11 years ago and was so identified with being dark, all these chains ⛓️ and dark clothes i was wearing it was noticeably recognizable that there was an imminent display of suffering.
@heathergeorges0869 11 месяцев назад
How did she just describe my ex to a tee 😮!
@BonnieBregje 11 месяцев назад
@asterixdergallier2743 How honest you are! I think the answer is: learn to forgive yourself. Its the only way. Selflove is the beginning of change. We ALL have patterns. Male and female. There will be meditations on youtube that will help you forgive yourself. Just listen, feel and release the emotions that come up (guild, fear, pain, sadness etc) It will heal you. More love will enter your hart. For yourself, your pure innocent soul. We all have made mistakes. Feeling guilty is not the way. Forgive yourself is the first step. (I believe) (Just a tip. Hope you dont mind.)
@fichshreds2661 11 месяцев назад
Being ''disagreeable'' is a natural and healthy personality trait. Psychologists know this. I feel like the public/status quo doesn't.
@405OKCShiningOn 11 месяцев назад
this! important point I needed to see, thank you. correct, disagreeable is about being decisive and protective. nice guys just let others get torn down and not say anything and they will help the other person who is putting the other person down with more mental game digs.
@angenehmerweiblicherfussge7000 11 месяцев назад
yeah but i know someone who disagrees with every point you make because he wants to come of as smart intelligent. its not fun to talk to him.
@fichshreds2661 11 месяцев назад
@@angenehmerweiblicherfussge7000 yeah disagreeableness within reason can be good. there's a time and place for it. that person just sounds like a douche lol.
@keenanvanzile 11 месяцев назад
@@405OKCShiningOn that is assumption, generalization. please reread your comment that alone is unhealthy statement to make
@keenanvanzile 11 месяцев назад
disagreeable to disagree is insecure or you just disagree to change the subject? Hearing someone's point of view is fabulous, but having to feel you have to disagree to have them hears yours is what? It can work both ways, both people can be heard and it has nothing to do with the latter.
@sharaswitala6296 6 месяцев назад
She’s so smart. Better than any therapist I know.
@rural_girl555 3 месяца назад
shes better than my therapist. she gives me more useful information than them
@katzygolf 9 месяцев назад
You described my husband. Thank you for the warning, although I'm at the end of my life. The thing is all my friends who knew him for 20 years thought he was the epitome of wisdom and grace even though his former wife of 25 years divorced him after the kids were raised.
@alptuna06 11 месяцев назад
I am a “nice guy”. I lost so many people because of it but only now i’m truly realizing it, just after parting ways with one of the dearest people in my life because of it. I don’t know if i can even describe the pain. We need to be better, guys. MUCH better. It is our responsibility to the people we love, to ourselves and to the world. Thank you so much, Teal. You’re helping me immensely and i’m truly grateful! 🙏🏻
@constancewalsh3646 11 месяцев назад
Appreciate your openness. Takes guts to own, esp when T is in this mood (not my fave).
@eriadadesigns6236 11 месяцев назад
Thanks for sharing your feelings. My husband is a nice guy and I suffer so much, because we raise 4 kids and I am the bad one just because I am trying to do the right things : parenting the right way. Now Kids started to dislike me.
@bilbojesty 11 месяцев назад
I am also one of these “nice guys”. At least you recognise it in yourself, but changing it is something else entirely. If you don’t mind me asking how are your relationships as mine are practically non existent. I’ve recently made a vow to commit to some kind of work to get through this so I can tap into my true masculine energy. I’ve had insight into this but lost it quite quickly.
@alptuna06 11 месяцев назад
@@constancewalsh3646 I appreciate that, thank you! No, she is right. I think she even put it a bit lightly 😂
@alptuna06 11 месяцев назад
@@eriadadesigns6236Thank you, I appreciate that! I’m so sorry for what you’re going through, i can imagine…
@farrokh86bulsara 11 месяцев назад
As the band Smiths said: "It's so easy to laugh, It's so easy to hate, It takes strength to be gentle and kind." Tnx Teal for the powerfull, simple yet uncomforble truths you are sharing with us ❤
@toby2real 11 месяцев назад
It takes strength and bravery to fix a situation for someone you care about
@rreeeiinnnaa 11 месяцев назад
Hell yeah 🎉
@405OKCShiningOn 11 месяцев назад
it be calm and listen to all sides. i thought i joined a nice group a while back, omg, it was not nice it was no ok but i didn't know until the doors were closed and locked. it takes major strength to think thru that and escape. I want to affirm that pple are beautiful and no man is trash, ever. pple are beautiful works of art.
@farrokh86bulsara 11 месяцев назад
@@405OKCShiningOn indeed they are. It is our duty to be take care of our true nature to evolve from whatever circustances are in our surrounding. Ain't easy but is honest work ;)
@gill426 11 месяцев назад
This is wild, I literally only discovered this band a few days ago and found some of their songs really great! What a 'coincidence' to see this comment now. I literally didn't know this band even existed even though they're from the 80s, my favourite decade. ;)
@ghostbearr1 6 месяцев назад
Thank you for pointing out that effectively I am a nice guy, and since I do not want to cause other people pain. I am right to be alone.
@Stigmaphobia777 4 месяца назад
Don't know why this has five thumbs up. Don't really think this is what you should take away from this video. If your niceness comes from a place of actual empathy then you need to consider that sometimes you will need to hurt people to do what's best for them; as the short term pain, though hard to confront, is going to be lesser than the long term pain you cause them by not being upfront with them. This is a lesson it's taken me a long time to learn and even longer to practice. But really, niceness isn't inherently bad. Niceness is just good manners. It's niceness that stems from cowardice and self-interest that is undesirable, and to determine whether or not that it is your root motivations takes a lot of honesty and self-reflection. That being said I sort of struggle with some of what she's saying here. Sometimes I will play the neutral party in a disagreement between friends simply because I think no one is in the right or wrong, and it'd be dumb of me to take sides. There are other cases why my partner was in the wrong, and to defend them would be dishonest; what takes precedence in that situation? Unconditional support for a loved one or being honest with them about their fault in the situation? Either option would likely be better than pretending to both sides that you're on their side. Really, this kind of social cowardice is something I've done a lot in the past and do my best to not continue doing, whilst sometimes still failing. Failure is okay. Just the effort will improve your life and make you feel better about yourself. Try to become the kind of person you could love and one day you will find that others will love you as well. Cheers.
@ghostbearr1 3 месяца назад
@Stigmaphobia777 It is hard to be the kind of person you could love when you do not know that is. I did not have good male role models when growing up. I often joke around by saying, "I did not what to do from my parents, I learned what not to do from my parents." I have for 25 years taken care of my mother, who was bi polar. She could snap if I showed any emotion. I would so emotionally muted to what could be considered the bad side of Stoic. Stoicism is understanding your emotions and not letting them control you. Where I through what be consider child emotionally abuse, to not show or feel emotions, from the age of twelve. I am not blaming my mother for what an untreated mental disorder caused. I also do not blame my father or my step fathers for what their PTSD and their mental disorders caused. I am will be 45 in a week, with no clear idea how to be an adult or partner. I see a video this one and realize that because of abuse that I have received. I was molded into a 'nice' guy. Since I do not want to hurt anyone in the way that I was hurt and that being a 'nice' guy can lead to the same emotional trauma for other people. I really do not know how to proceed.
@dreamcream3738 3 месяца назад
​@@Stigmaphobia777 not everyone is meant to have a relationship. That's a sad reality, but it is reality. The reason Nice Guys are so reviled is because they are trying to cheat the system. If you feel you have to use the Nice Guy strategy to attract a woman, in the vain hope that a woman will walk up to you and absolve you of your masculine responsibility, then you are one of those people who aren't meant for it. It's a natural filtering process, one that needs to be acknowledged and accepted. Because the more that you fight against it, the creepier you are.
@fitnesswithbill5595 2 месяца назад
@ghostbearr1 I feel that quite a bit and have a question for an open discussion. Where does “nice guy” fit in with someone that has high functioning autism? Are they just molded that way with malicious intent as the speaker seems to suggest or are they actually handicapped in a way that just makes them different? And how does one tell the difference? Serious question
@nh251 8 месяцев назад
Many men are told being nice and being liked is the most important thing in life. We are raised to never start conflict. I used to be a 'nice' guy, my mom raised me to respect women and be nice to them, and for years I was frustrated at why no woman wanted me. I changed long ago, but this video is spot on!
@daniellevandermerwe7557 11 месяцев назад
“he has abandoned his own daughter without ever leaving the house” hit me so deep. i experienced that and it’s a crazy experience.
@momohead35 9 месяцев назад
❤ me too My dad sucks.
@maryfarrell9439 9 месяцев назад
Me too.
@mcdibyoe 9 месяцев назад
been there, and I'm a guy. Dad never been there for me. And now that he's dead, good riddance.
@DivineLogos 9 месяцев назад
Same. My mom saw daily what was done to me and did nothing.
@maryfarrell9439 9 месяцев назад
When my dad hit one of us kids, my mum would put us in our room alone, and she’d be so nice and comforting and we’d have to stay there, and then we all learned to not even discuss it with each other. To this day 3 of my siblings deny the physical abuse and make excuses for my dad. He’s never acknowledged it. My mom was an enabler dressed as a protector
@Dicer328 11 месяцев назад
Don't forget that your best friend isn't going to be nice to you, they will tell it to you straight. Let that sink in.
@baethamora 11 месяцев назад
Yes! Lost three “friends” over the years when I finally stood up to their deception - mostly their self-deception. I was speaking up because I could see them driving into a wall with their choices but my voice activated their shame and rage.
@blissfulbaboon 11 месяцев назад
Very very true.Real friends will allow and welcome your total honesty
@steelstreet3765 11 месяцев назад
Would a real best friend tell you not to get married?
@palefireinca 10 месяцев назад
​@@blissfulbaboonYes. A best friend would say that. And ask what was really going on.
@Hugo-dc9nd 3 месяца назад
​@@steelstreet3765Sure, if they think there's a reason not to
@Soulja4ChristWeAreAtWar 9 месяцев назад
Yup. This is the difference between a Good Man and The Nice Guy. The key of distinction is holding boundaries first to himself and then to others.
@keithv4452 9 месяцев назад
I'm not a nice guy, never have been. but I can sure be better at containment, ownership and protection. Your analysis is really on point, you bring clarity to this huge topic! Thank you
@sassykat2000 11 месяцев назад
I've often talked with friends about differentiating between kindness and niceness because I've always known the difference. My mother leans toward niceness because she's extremely concerned about the perception of others. As a child I was left in harms way because of this at times. This video is the best explanation of my very real experiences with nice people vs kind people.
@m.d594 11 месяцев назад
Man this resonates for me so much. Just ended things with a “nice guy”. I had so much anxiety around this person and couldn’t figure out why. Thank you Teal ❤
@T3R3ZI. 11 месяцев назад
hey, I've been trying to end things with a "nice guy" for a while. I am as we are speaking, but my attachments run too deep. Would you maybe mind exchanging socials so we can talk, maybe give each other helpful advice when it comes to healing from this?
@tenilledoram 11 месяцев назад
Oh man me too! My anxious energy around him never made sense to me either til after it was over.
@tomazbeg1999 11 месяцев назад
@m.d594 11 месяцев назад
@@T3R3ZI. I don't have social media. But I will say that it was not easy and you have to keep reinforcing your boundaries each time. For example. The night I ended things the very next morning at 6am he FaceTimed me and sent me a goodmorning text. It made zero sense to me because we literally ended things the night previously. When I asked him why he was still reaching out he said he thought we had a "cool conversation" that night. Meaning he completely ignored everything I said. And made up his mind that I was still going to be in his life even If I didn't want to. I had to reinforce the boundary again but then I also let him know that he was going to be blocked from that point on. As of now he's left it alone. There's nothing nice about this scenario. To him his constant trying is him letting me know he wants to be "committed" when really it control.
@annap1171 11 месяцев назад
Congratulations! You made the right choice. Breaking up with a nice guy is one of the hardest things in my opinion.
@weldtechpaul 2 месяца назад
I agree whole heartedly. I was this person. Yes its fear. Its a lonely existence, and boys are damaged as children just like girls. The key to freedom for me was a focus on being the person I wanted to be, and not pretending to be the person I wanted to be. Learning to be kind. Not just so I would be accepted and liked, but instead so that I could respect and trust myself. I am 61 years old and have spend many years a prison my own fear. Thank you Teal. You are incredibly knowledgeable. I listen to regularly.
@AnishJoseph48 9 месяцев назад
Teal I have to say you nailed me with this video. I definitely fall into the category of a 'nice guy'.
@DeckardShotFirst 11 месяцев назад
My parents both played this game, each said the other was bad but left me to my own devices while the other was abusing. No support, just scoring points against each other, the kid didn't matter. Thanks for this, it brought up a lot of things. I've been struggling to feel worthwhile ever since, decades of being nothing. Teal makes another good point about "nice" people and who they are afraid won't like them. People will be nice and love-bomb until they are sure you like them, then emotionally abandon you to concentrate on someone else who doesn't yet like them. My last ex did this, the more someone was kind and supportive, the more she ignored and focused on other angry guys to the point of cheating. One video from Teal is worth months in mainstream therapy, I am grateful.
@sailyx3jupy 11 месяцев назад
Oh it's like magnets. I just don't get these people.
@witty_kitty 11 месяцев назад
Wow the ex you described is EXACTLY like 2 dudes I dealt with both from high school. The first had this whole public persona thing going on and he'd look for girls that didn't originally seem interested in them (one of whom was me) and spend months love bombing and being a "gentleman" until I started to let my guard down and instantly his mask dropped and he went completely cold and acted as if I was chasing him when I literally didn't even know he existed before he started love bombing me. When I lost interest in his games he was back on his bs except this time it took a whole year to trust him again and as soon as I did, he ghosted me.
@witty_kitty 11 месяцев назад
The second dude actually used that while situation to his advantage and tried to get me to date him instead saying the first dude was an asshole and I deserved better, he also did the whole "gentleman" routine and just like the 1st dude as soon as I started to trust him and let my guard down and he though he had me in the palm of his hand he started ignoring me and chasing another girl. It really did a number on my mental health dealing with 2 of these back to back. My biggest relief is i wasn't sexually active in high school I cannot imagine how bad it would be. Idk if this is insecurity or narcissism or both but these people are messed up in the head. Damaged my ability to trust both others and myself since I thought it was my fault that I could just read their minds and know that there's bad people out there who pretend to be good to get validation and attention from you.
@Fabi_87 11 месяцев назад
What kind of abbuse? I was sexually abbused in kindergarten by employee when I was a 5 year old boy. Sexual abbuse especially as a child is so incredibly sinister and fucks people up for life. But the violence I went trough at home from mother was
@DeckardShotFirst 11 месяцев назад
@@Fabi_87 Not sexual I think, the guy was violent and the girl was mean, so it was either being beaten like a pinata (picked up by a wrist and hit all over) or it was being told you were garbage like your father and worthless. Oh, and they choked me out when I was three because they thought I would kill their daughter, that was fun. I called it fire and ice, is it better to be burned to death quickly or frozen to death slowly? ^_^
@MonKpchannel 11 месяцев назад
Just exiting a relationship with a nice guy and a big weight has been lifted from muy shoulders. Every word you said is like listening to the last two years of my life. Thanks for clarifying what my intuition have told me and didn't listen.
@sonia.oliveira 11 месяцев назад
Oh my me too, this video made so much sense!!! also 2 years relationship with a "nice" guy, finally ended it two weeks ago, good riddance!!! good for us! let's celebrate our courage! 🥰
@SavingSoulsMinistries 11 месяцев назад
as soon as i started telling the women in my life to shut their mouth and get back in the kitchen... i've been slaying tang left and right!! I spent a decade being a nice guy.. never again!! Shut your mouth woman and get ack in the kitchen! Im the prize. women are literally children who need a man to ground them in this life. great video!! Nice guys finish last!!
@steelstreet3765 11 месяцев назад
So" bad Boys "are better?
@cockcarousel 11 месяцев назад
Chad & Tyrone waiting 😂😂😂
@serenaroseauthentics1391 8 месяцев назад
When a nice guy does something nice for you he’s actually doing it to serve himself, but he’ll disguise it well.
@mathewstovell5167 3 месяца назад
Women like Teal Swan who say: "nice people are just people pleasers who wont make you feel safe when you're in trouble". This is not always correct. Some people like to bring healing energy and just happen to have a kind heart or a gentle soul. I see tension in Teals voice - and maybe an annoyance she has with people. I like to bring healing and pleasent energy. There's nothing wrong with being nice if it brings healing. We should just make sure that we're not diss-respected for it or that it be mistaken for weakness.
@gregdenys7162 3 месяца назад
As everyone else. Pure altruism doesn't exist.
@teefrankenstein4340 2 месяца назад
That’s incorrect. Some people truly do things for others to help them because it’s the right thing to do.
@col2719 2 месяца назад
Very insightful. Teal points out a lot of downsides to being nice that I was not particularly aware of. Still I think there is a time to be nice, and time not to be nice. Not every hill is worth dyeing on.
@QuelsQuest 11 месяцев назад
I can't thank you enough for this video, which comes at such a synchronistic time. Yesterday, I felt berated by a male employee for not being "nice." Even my manager wants me to be "nice". I'm NOT nice, to some people, at all! I AM KIND. And I try to explain the difference, and I can't find the words, and then I feel frustrated!!! I've been ruminating and ruminating----and came home to THIS! I needed this soo badly. Once again Teal, you're plain magic! THANK YOU!
@moxopal5681 11 месяцев назад
You are probably not kind either
@QuelsQuest 11 месяцев назад
@@moxopal5681 Hm, and what would make you assume that?
@DolphinWithIgloo-fg3ow 3 месяца назад
@@QuelsQuest When the boss says it, then yea, you aren't kind either. You're bad for business.
@QuelsQuest 3 месяца назад
@@DolphinWithIgloo-fg3ow This employee kept calling me "babe," "honey" "Sweetheart." When I, kindly told him those words are triggers for me and only reserved for certain people, and nicely requested that he use my name, or nicknames that I'm comfortable with, he said he's been using that term all of his life "BABE!" and he's not going to stop now. From there on out, every time he saw me, he called me "BABE!" I, out of anger, exclaimed why it's not appropriate to objectify. So, when "the boss" says for me to be nice ... I'M bad for business? As Teal says: "We don't know what we don't know." Assumptions ...
@hollyhuntington2913 11 месяцев назад
11:00 Teal Swan just dropped the best list ever of all the things we need in a relationship and simply hearing this list empowers me to acknowledge what I want my life and next relationship to feel like.
@joeprimal2044 11 месяцев назад
Fantastic. So what thought have you given to a list of what the man needs in the relationship? Understand I’m not trying to be hostile, it’s just I’ve noticed that women are always making lists of what they want from a man and never considering what they bring to the table that the man might want. You will have a much better chance of success if you do. Good luck.
@fatee6956 11 месяцев назад
​@@joeprimal2044it's up to the man to make a list too and look for them in a partner 😂
@Sacred.Journey 11 месяцев назад
@@Dap740it’s in #8 near 11:00 into video.
@hollyhuntington2913 11 месяцев назад
​@@Dap740at 11:00
@hollyhuntington2913 11 месяцев назад
​​@@joeprimal2044the list she offers at the 11:00 mark applies to both people in a relationship except maybe the containment part safety and positive ownership. I would exchange that to say men need to feel needed in a relationship.
@kumudinilotus 8 месяцев назад
Oh my God. This is so absolutely true. I lived in this dynamic for 26 years. All our kids are a mess and I'm always the bad guy. He made me feel like I was going crazy and that I was a horrible person. I have felt so much anger and resentment . He is such a covert manipulator that he has successfully ruined every relationship I have with all my family. He says one thing to me and something totally different behind my back. Now I'm focusing on myself to heal the traumas caused by this dynamic. I'm doing the inner work and have needed a lot of help and self love. He desperately would not let go of me. Ugh😢. And the love bombing is rediculously. I'm going to make it through this because I'm doing the inner work and facing the truth. I'm learning that I am worthy of love and I am loveable. Thank you Teal Swan for your brilliant teachings. ❤❤❤❤
@JohnSmith-pt5sg 9 месяцев назад
Please keep these videos coming, I love the deep laughter they bring!
@dianeclayton4936 11 месяцев назад
OMG! Teal articulated the psychology perfectly. Almost like she was a fly on the wall in my last relationship! I left looking like the bad one. Topically sick while he worked the neighborhood with his nice guy personna. This is serious stuff.
@89Stick 11 месяцев назад
I'm in awe of how accurately she described my ex. I looked like such a bad person next to him and I felt massive anxiety, now I know why...
@sarahmcnicol.lifecoach 11 месяцев назад
It is serious stuff. Yes, Teal nailed it!
@blissfulbaboon 11 месяцев назад
Yes! The sociopathic personality always works their public " nice" persona,and draws the sympathy of neighbors and friends ,while making you look like a horrible person.
@SavingSoulsMinistries 11 месяцев назад
as soon as i started telling the women in my life to shut their mouth and get back in the kitchen... i've been slaying tang left and right!! I spent a decade being a nice guy.. never again!! Shut your mouth woman and get ack in the kitchen! Im the prize. women are literally children who need a man to ground them in this life. great video!! Nice guys finish last!!
@zmanthemercenary5378 9 месяцев назад
“A harmless man is not a good man. A good man is capable of great violence, but he has it under voluntary control.” - Jordan Peterson
@ryandonovan5895 4 месяца назад
A related comment JBP has made...paraphrasing...a good man has his sword but keeps it sheathed unless he must use it. You need to be a monster underneath, but only reveal it when you must or should. Often, disengaging or remaining silent is the move. Other times, you must act.
@wenaolong 9 месяцев назад
Niceness is epiphenomenal, the real substance that is imagined is internal, expressing the actual intentions of the person. A kind person may or may not seem nice, and a nice person may or may not be kind.
@kutasarri7113 6 месяцев назад
I literally just experienced this. You nailed every point, on both sides, perfectly. THANK YOU!
@ananeeva4109 11 месяцев назад
I was listening and my heart was falling. That is exactly my ex`s description. Everybody loves him, people pleaser to the core. At the same time, he made me feel crazy, clingy, and unreasonable when I was sad after him canceling one date after another. One day he is tired, another busy, then a friend is coming to town. And every time I saw big eyes filled with judgment: "why are you reacting so strangely? Only crazy people react like that, what is wrong with you?". And having all people around him loving him fiercely I started doubting myself. I broke up with him eventually after several months. But the thing that kills me the most is that he is actually MAKING other people like him and love him and he never admits he does it. He manipulates and gets what he wants, he keeps people like puppies - stroking with love and attention when he needs smth and kicking into the belly when he is in another mood. Surprisingly, people TAKE this happily saying he is such a nice guy, might be tired or something, let`s not be harsh on him. I am looking at this with true terror.
@kimplumb5863 11 месяцев назад
I was in a 23 year marriage with a "nice guy". It ended disastrously. This explains SO MUCH of my life with him. Thank you so incredibly much!!! 🙏This brings some resolution, understanding and peace to that huge part of my life.
@mirjanakljajic3265 11 месяцев назад
I am glad this helped you. I left marriage of 25 years, it ended awful, I am blaming myself and can't move on because of the guilt
@SavingSoulsMinistries 11 месяцев назад
as soon as i started telling the women in my life to shut their mouth and get back in the kitchen... i've been slaying tang left and right!! I spent a decade being a nice guy.. never again!! Shut your mouth woman and get ack in the kitchen! Im the prize. women are literally children who need a man to ground them in this life. great video!! Nice guys finish last!! !!!!!
@jaken5764 8 месяцев назад
Absolutely one of most powerful videos I’ve seen after searching for so long about my self . I was always told I was a nice guy but always lost relationships. everything you described is a carbon copy of what I’ve become. I used to give myself credit for being “nice” but in reality now I see how it’s been a detriment in my life.
@midnightwalker937 11 месяцев назад
This has been a subconscious behavior for me since birth, and now that I'm able to see this I can figure out how to show true peace and kindness in healthier ways. Thank you Teal.
@tonymintz8537 11 месяцев назад
I think a good say to say this is niceness is associated with an anxious or avoidant attachment style, whereas kindness is a secure. Niceness is conflict avoidant and results in fawning behavior, whereas kindness looks and acts outward in a way that stabilizes others with empathy and compassion.
@rheadreid 11 месяцев назад
very well put
@basicbase749 4 месяца назад
Not necessarily, people with anxious or avoidant attachment style aren’t always the “nice guys” kind of manipulators. But nice guys are toxic
@vintagebikes4215 9 месяцев назад
This is a frighteningly insightful video. I had a friend of many years who was a people pleaser. What she says is so true. After a traumatic incident, I shared my concerns...not with an intent to get help, but only with intent to share how I felt. "Don't expect any help from me," was the response. Strong on vapid neutrality, but too insecure to be a true friend. "Cowardly and Passive," fits to a T.
@savanna.phoenix 9 месяцев назад
i can relate to this, i was shocked at first and confused why she was so cold all of a sudden, but letting that person go was a weight off my shoulders and doing so will allow a true friend to come into your life. the more you become emotionally available with yourself, you spot the people who just cant be there for you in the way thats needed and that makes it okay to let them go cause its just not worth the pain of a "friendship" with someone who cant actually be there for you :)
@SilValGal 2 месяца назад
Dang Teal. Wish I realized this years ago. I was in a marriage with a nice guy for 22 years. I always thought something was wrong with me. Everyone thought my husband was so nice. What a manipulator. I can only see this now. What a waste of years. It was a horrible divorce. He made sure his family knew I was the bad, horrible person and they never talked to me again. This video is absolutely fantastic! Thank you for sharing!
@dragorn3212 Месяц назад
You probably were the bad horrible person and didn't even realize it. If you think this way about a nice person that reveals how screwed up you are
@SilValGal Месяц назад
Hurt people hurt people. I’m sorry you’ve been hurt.
@Kimmyqween 11 месяцев назад
I love every time teal drops a hardcore truth bomb and then delicately says after, “Have a nice week.” 😂 so funny
@jennakfae 11 месяцев назад
That’s so true and 💯 consistent Hahaha she’s great
@marydillon6593 11 месяцев назад
She says, “Have a good week”, not a “nice week”.
@dilemmablue2494 11 месяцев назад
I never realized how funny this is 😂 she's being like "good luck"
@Kimmyqween 11 месяцев назад
@@dilemmablue2494 yes 😂
@OwlKing686 11 месяцев назад
@@marydillon6593 Nice weeks kill 😆😆😆
@helenpauline7 11 месяцев назад
That makes good sense. A lot of nice people seem to lack integrity because they want approval, safety, etc. I used to be a people pleaser but learned that that never helped anything. Eventually, nice guys n gals wi'll have to take the mask off to heal their trauma. Drop the ego defenses and be authentic ❤
@Enoxificatti 11 месяцев назад
How did you go about it at first?
@helenpauline7 9 месяцев назад
@Enoxificatti a lot of hard work and self reflection but very worth the great work of healing my inner psychology. Godspeed 🙏
@Medietos 7 месяцев назад
How interesting and important you put across this complex, subtle difference, so often overlooked and misnderstood. Thanks Teal,
@Landon.100 3 месяца назад
I don't know how I found you but I'm glad I did. I love you and I know you'll understand without freaking out. Thank you for being you. You belt it out of the park. Thank you. Always be authentic.
@t.amber1 11 месяцев назад
You have 100% described a marriage that I left after 22 years. I have not for a second regretted my decision.
@LeahBreHappy 11 месяцев назад
Yessss, she described my ex husbands personality exactly. I was married for 16 years. I do not regret my decision either. ❤❤❤
@salsperspective9745 11 месяцев назад
Both of you do regret just looking for conformational bias on the internet
@merfee9692 11 месяцев назад
@@salsperspective9745Nope. I did the same and it was the best decision of my life. I didn’t even want him sexually anymore. “Nice” guys are boring as hell.
@jessluck6583 11 месяцев назад
Sounds like my ex, which is why he’s my ex.
@Aqualight.33 11 месяцев назад
25 years for me. He was a nice guy on the exterior, but displayed many subtle toxic traits. Stonewalling, gaslighting and constant lies. Most people never believed that he could behave that way, because he was "so nice."
@rewtho8113 11 месяцев назад
i used to feel like a divided person. i fell into the 'nice guy' category and was lonely and also afraid of conflict. the resolution for me was seeing that both my fear of others and the sadness i was experiencing were not actually two different parts of me, my fear was because i needed others to love/approve of me and my sadness was because i felt unloved. seeing that both parts were trying to get the same thing caused my belief in having two different selves to disappear since they were both motivated by the same thing: the desire for love. since then i have found deeper self-acceptance and generally feel more calm and unified in myself. i still feel afraid or sad sometimes, but i don't make my emotions into an enemy or something i need to get rid of anymore, it's more like they are just something that comes and goes. my heart goes out to those feeling like a divided person, it is a very painful way to live, i hope you can find unification
@pilula65 11 месяцев назад
I totally identify with this. You explained it very well. Thank you for putting into words.
@blissfulbaboon 11 месяцев назад
Thank you for the true understanding you have of this condition.Its so helpful to hear such an emotionally clear understanding in the midst of all this demonizing of the "nice guy".Your comment comes through like a bolt of pure light in a dark place. Thank you❤.
@yohna33 11 месяцев назад
Thank you ❤
@Enoxificatti 11 месяцев назад
This is what I'm going through too. I feel so divided that it almost feels like I'm nothing. I don't know who I am anymore. I feel so lost.
@Cee_Eff 3 месяца назад
Great video. Unfortunately society and way too many women eqatw the "good man" with "nice guys"
@supremereader7614 9 месяцев назад
That was a beautiful video,thank you. My own father had to protect - physically protect his family at times - perhaps not all parties agreed that he was acting 'nice' but he was acting kind.
@reuben6994 4 месяца назад
Situational, all depending on what is happening.
@KelleyBroussardMackaig 11 месяцев назад
Goodness gracious, Ms. Swan... This has to be the most powerful, eye opening and enlightening 30 minutes I have probably ever spent in all of my 43 years of life. Thank you for the extraordinarily illuminative lesson in how "nice" guys (actually all "nice" people in general) move in this world. I will share and pass it along to everyone I can - I hope that it garners a massive amount of attention as the wealth of knowledge you so generously shared really is a phenomenal eye opener.
@freshstrt3140 11 месяцев назад
I am the motherless daughter, and only child of a single, alcoholic father. I was raised by a very, very nice guy. I can attest, every single word spoken in the video is accurate 🙏🏽
@freshstrt3140 11 месяцев назад
So beautifully said, what you've written here 🙏🏽🔮💫 thankyou!!!
@MartinGarden 9 месяцев назад
Nice guys are just thinking transactionally.
@badcaseofstripes 11 месяцев назад
'Nice' is a way to avoid conflict. At the end of the day, 'nice' doesn't get anything that needs to be done, done. 'Nice' doesn't stand up against injustice, or say what needs to be said. 'Nice' does not communicate openly and truthfully, as being truthful can often lead to being disliked, or drop you right in the middle of a conflict. 'Nice' is selfish. Kind people walk right into conflict that is necessary. They say what needs to be said in a way that is ultimately positive, even if it hurts. Kind will defend you. Kind will be there for you in every way. Kindness takes strength and an open heart, and a mastery of fear. Kindness acts out of love and doesn't expect anything in return. I've personally noticed 'nice' people will act like children having a tantrum at the first sign of interpersonal conflict, or not getting what they want when they want it. I've learned that the avoidance of conflict in and of itself is a huge red flag. Strong, kind people are not afraid of conflict. They will let their opinions and honest thoughts be heard in a balanced way without fear of how others might view them as a result.
@overnightodyssey 3 месяца назад
I recognize that I am a nice guy. I don’t often think about others. I’m actually pretty selfish. And I do avoid conflict. I wanna be liked and agreeable. But that doesn’t mean I wanna be that way. I know I’m not a protector. I’m grateful for your insight. Thank you Teal. 😢
@pameti.dragoblago 3 месяца назад
we are all different. the idea, i guess, is to learn and grow, and try to make a better version of ourselves (not in comparison to others, not for others but for ourselves). i think of myself as kind (definitely not 'nice'), and still i struggle, every single day. it is not easy being kind, and there is often a cost attached to it (you know, when you step into a conflict). i'm female btw. i think both men and female have this 'nice' problem.
@namasteawake 11 месяцев назад
Holy crap! THIS!!! 💯 perfectly put. This is my current relationship. I’ve never been able to articulate this, of course Teal nailed it.
@LeahBreHappy 11 месяцев назад
❤❤I was married to a "nice" guy also and I left. You can leave too! Get out before it gets worse.
@namasteawake 11 месяцев назад
@@LeahBreHappyI’m working on my exit plan ! ❤
@popcultureperspectives164 11 месяцев назад
I so needed this right now. I'm the caregiver of my grandma and she is the "nice guy". I feel like I'm losing my mind in what has us living in two different realities. Her well runs no deeper than a polite etiquette that must be maintained in preference of polite lies devoid of any truth or genuine compacity for intimacy. For her kindness is enabling and to be enabled into a continued "why bother" weakness while perpetually demanding cotton candy compliments offering no nutrition or substance. She is a bottomless pit abyss, and I am falling into it. I am the perpetual "bad guy" while dancing on the egg shells of her fragile self esteem. I'm losing it and I have no support system or backup that'll help add balanced perspective. I needed this. You don't know how much I needed this.
@Dolphin369 11 месяцев назад
My goodness, this sounds exactly like my relationship with my mother in law. I can empathise how distressing it is. Couldn’t have put it better. Thankfully I am not her carer but it’s heading that way as she is quite elderly now, and needs help from us more and more regularly. It’s so hard to talk about with anyone. You do feel like you’re going mad. It is so tough for you to have that responsibility for her. I put an energetic shield / bubble around me whenever I visit my MIL That dynamic had been driving me around the bend for years. And only last week I was saying to my therapist that I can’t be around her anymore because my mental health really suffers around her. This video has come at the right time to validate my feelings about it. Her daughter is also very similar, and she is regarded as almost a saint because she is so “nice”. I felt like such an a**hole because I found her absolutely infuriating- quite controlling and selfish. Always saying the right things but not much follow through
@calvinlandry03 11 месяцев назад
There is a such thing as caring for the caregiver support systems look up that term and see if there are any near you. Good Luck.
@Cleptomancer Месяц назад
Your chuckle after detailing each negative aspect & behavior of a nice guy was unsettling, but effective in driving the point home.
@martyyoung598 4 месяца назад
I just happened upon Teal Swan here from the short one minute videos that appeared in my feed. This hits home with me and I’m considering it deeply. Her delivery is quite unique and intriguing. Nice and kind are two different things, I agree. I endeavor for the latter. There’s a lot in this one video to absorb. I will watch it multiple times.
@sadfasdf742 11 месяцев назад
I would love to hear you talk about nice woman - I really feel called out by many of these points and I truly understand the problems. The more work I do on myself the more often I feel the discrepancy between my reactions and actual feelings
@dianaballon0210 11 месяцев назад
I’m also a “nice girl” in recovery. I would like a video going deeper on this as well.
@jadore286-sy1jn 11 месяцев назад
Same. I know it's mostly the things that are already on this list: destructive people behaving destructive. What I'd love an additional take on is how nice girls therefore must represent weak femininity. Absurdly, niceness is widely regarded as one of the most valued feminine traits! Also a take on how, in turn, nice girls leave a negative impact on masculinity, too.
@11Angel33 11 месяцев назад
This is absolutely applies to both genders all the same imo, but I believe Teal’s main point in THIS video is that it is SO much more harmful when men adopt this mentality - and that they are being encouraged and enabled to do so.
@pilula65 11 месяцев назад
Same here.
@m270891 11 месяцев назад
Same here, too. It would be great to hear some of the words of wisdom on how to not revert to self hate when you recognize this in yourself.
@tachi4002 11 месяцев назад
Omg, this was my ex-husband, and I couldn't get him to understand the neglect I felt when he only did things in his own best interest. The nail in the coffin was the lack of protection. Once I realized this man would never protect me or our future children, I had no choice but to say goodbye.
@freshstrt3140 11 месяцев назад
Good for you, having the strength to do that 🙏🏽💫
@Draytherion 11 месяцев назад
Glad to hear you got out of that situation ❤ hope all is well
@tachi4002 11 месяцев назад
Struggling financially (chose a bad time, I guess). He hopes this will make me change my mind, but it won't. He can enjoy knowing I'm struggling, but I am the happiest I've been in a long time. It's worth it even if it means having to start from zero. @@Draytherion
@somethingyayyy 10 месяцев назад
or you filled in that he wouldnt protect you
@tachi4002 10 месяцев назад
he never did. @@somethingyayyy
@TravelBits222 3 месяца назад
💯 They will never confront or address any issue because they have to stay the “nice guy”. The other party has to assume the role of addressing, confronting, solving all conflicts, therefore, ending to be the not so nice party.
@LMbe842 9 месяцев назад
Brilliant. Thank you. I was in a relationship with a guy that made me wrong as he told everyone how horrible I was. Therefore he was nice and I was the asshole. All the while he was doing abusive things to me and others. Thanks for the detail Teal on such a challenging subject. More people need to learn these things especially women in my opinion.
@Jana-jy8yv 11 месяцев назад
Fascinating explanation !!! I have always despised 'nice guys' ---they are ruled by fear & not by honor !
@t.tenney3470 11 месяцев назад
Perfect timing and very accurate. Starting with my Daddy, all the men in my life have been nice guys. I am a very self-protective woman.
@blue_sky_bright_sun7599 10 месяцев назад
Seems I too… sigh
@miranana1 Месяц назад
That is so accurate! you just described my last relationship in every word you said. I was so scared to tell my family we broke up because they would point out the blame on me. I sacrificed everything for him and left with nothing. I do a lot of self learning and treatments to overcome that experience.
@adamdanielson1270 5 месяцев назад
So not only am I broken like I've always felt but I'm also covertly evil and self-centered.......wonderful...
@MixterPhysique 11 месяцев назад
Never heard anybody explain this so well. Really spot on! Thanks, Teal!
@Betteremotionscic 10 месяцев назад
5 years with a nice guy. (This video is 100% spot on it’s scary!) It’s really amazing to hear all of this, that I knew in my heart but was so confused and heartbroken throughout it all and long after I’d left. And wow, the chronic stress & anxiety! 7 years out and still healing my stress & anxiety that became so normal for me. Heart Breathing and somatic exercises are a great help but videos like this, that are deeply informative are so valuable! Thank you Teal xx
@arianebennion 5 месяцев назад
6 years for me. 100% only it's his sister not his mom in this case.
@lifeiswonderfulbao9143 4 месяца назад
Could you please give more advice on how to deal with it?
@kristilee7006 3 месяца назад
I went through the same thing! So much confusion on why he was so nice but I felt so depleted. I left the relationship 4 months ago and I’m finally at peace again. We were only together for 1 year; I can’t imagine going through that for years.
@derwoodhamburger 2 месяца назад
Do you like bad guys now?
@1DarkBlossom Месяц назад
@@derwoodhamburger Listen, stranger… you’re one of those who don’t WANT to understand. You could’ve taken it as an useful insight instead of being a wimp and taking personally. Why are you here anyway if the video doesn’t suit your perceptions? It’s like criticizing a cake recipe because you were searching for pasta sauce.
@pameti.dragoblago 3 месяца назад
so f-ing true, only this is equally true for everyone - men and women. i live in australia and they are obsessed with politeness. some of them have no problem stabbing you in your back however - as long as they do it politely. can't stand it. i need to add that there are some of the most beautiful people on earth here as well, and i feel truly blessed, grateful and privileged that i have met them.
@strikedip 7 месяцев назад
Nice guy syndrome [glover] is a survival response form childhood-which I had. Awareness really helped squelch it. I openly called myself a social chameleon before I knew what it really was.
@brandisweetwater3439 10 месяцев назад
Recently divorced (8 mos) from a nice guy. The thing that kept me for so long was that he would validate my frustration, tell me I’m 100% right, it’s all his fault, AND THEN NEVER CHANGE. He did ALL these things on a scale of 1-10, he’s a 10. And now that I’m filled with rage, and lashing out at him, he is in victim mentality, acting like I’m emotionally unstable and abusive. He cowers like a little boy. I cried through this whole video, bc it made me feel so validated. I am now dating a masculine man. Immediately, after our first date, I felt like he was the first MAN I have ever encountered, all the others are BOYS in comparison, including my father. I can’t describe how healing and how safe I feel with this masculine man. He is not afraid of conflict, yet humble, he is fiercely protective of me and my children, he takes accountability for himself in all areas, mental, emotional and physical health. His house is clean, his business is successful, and it makes me feel like he can easily contain and protect me, which I have NEVER had in my life.
@geoattoronto 8 месяцев назад
@nammi895 8 месяцев назад
Don't get too cocky. You are dating a fuckboy. Maybe your unmet childhood desires bcoz of which u don't like good guys and go for bad boys. And to justify your acts psychologically, you think they are masculine men
@arthurvp1682 8 месяцев назад
Sounds like the nicest of guys, your loyal servant
@wormhole-r3l 7 месяцев назад
It's been 3 months... are you still together Brandi? I bet not😅
@user-zy5eu1nn5o 5 месяцев назад
omg thanks for thia comment, i feel validated
@kyleeday103 11 месяцев назад
You’re making me realize I was the “nice guy”. I’ve been slowly working on myself with the lying and exaggerating or sugar coating the truth. I’m putting others needs and feelings first and I’ve lost a lot of people but I feel healthier emotionally. I’m no where near done with this journey but I’m glad I have an outside source to explain this because I always saw it as narcissism but I’ll admit to my faults and wrong doing and I actually try to change the pattern and I actually feel guilt when it’s been pointed out or I notice it in myself. Love you and your channel. You teach me new things all the time.
@NEOMASSO 9 месяцев назад
You mean the nice woman?
@darkest_magnum 5 месяцев назад
That example was eye opening. I love it!
@melissamika7097 9 месяцев назад
Lady, I just found you... Who are you out here changing my life!!! Thank you
@fluentinoverthinking 11 месяцев назад
My father is a nice guy. As a result I’ve learned early on that the world is not a safe place to be 😢 Now I have to go through therapy and cannot sleep without pills at age 24… 100% agree with everything Teal said in this video.
@NicholasTranscends 11 месяцев назад
You can sleep…you are free, your father helped shape your now…but you control the emotional shape of your next now.✨😁✨ sleep well loved one. You deserve peace… get off the meds if you can… valerian tea can help with sleep and cbn… from Mary Jane.I am just stating what helps me. This is not medical advice. Put in the effort to free your dna from the generational trauma and divide. I believe in you for what that’s worth to you. Nick ✨🙏✨
@Paula-ho9id 11 месяцев назад
I feel you. My father was absent and agressive, and my mother was super "nice", I feel extremely unsafe in the world at age 25. And no one seems to be able to understand the damage my mother has done to me because everyone sees her as such a nice person
@lauralupu4252 11 месяцев назад
Same here. My dad and mom both wanted to be seen as good people, but mom was frustrated and agressive and dad was passive and absent, exactly like the example Teal gives in the video. This "nice" behaviour is no joke
@fluentinoverthinking 11 месяцев назад
@@NicholasTranscends thank you so much! I’ve tried a lot of herbs but nothing works except for the prescribed by a psychiatrist pills. It’s getting better though the more therapy I’m going trough. We’re all on the journey to heal ourselves and stop generational trauma ❤️
@fluentinoverthinking 11 месяцев назад
@@Paula-ho9id I feel really sorry for you. But it gets better the more inner work is being done 🙏🏼
@vanessalandry6259 11 месяцев назад
I dated a nice guy recently and i have never been so aggressive and angry in any relationship. The way he brought me out of myself was craaaazy.
@lianmalynn3922 10 месяцев назад
I'm literally going through this now. I've never been so angry in my life. WFT. :(
@abfavero 9 месяцев назад
Yeah it’s HIS fault you’re crazy, lol
@vanessalandr 9 месяцев назад
@@abfaverook keyboard warrior ❤ be safe
@bluebirdie7241 9 месяцев назад
Absolutely BRILLIANT!!!! I'm following every Teal Swan video from now on! Just WOW!!!! Tremendous Work!!! 🎉🎉❤❤
@aanrsshnsn Месяц назад
THANK YOU!! 😭 far beyond words I can find! This is exactly what I needed to hear. I’m totally a nice guy and have been pretty desperate find what’s been so damaging to my marriage and relationships the last 5ish years(at least that’s when things started to go south) there’s few things more freeing then self knowledge and awareness!
@TechOutAdam 10 месяцев назад
I read “No More Mr. Nice Guy” a few years ago and it woke me up to realizing why nobody, especially women, don’t like nice guys. This video was great. There’s a difference between being evil, good and nice. The world doesn’t need nice guys, it needs more good men. Every time I’ve met a nice guy I feel like I can’t trust them. They’re a little too smiley and aren’t clear with their morals or standards. Eventually, I know they’ll screw me over.
@97warlock 10 месяцев назад
ya dont know that, You think that.
@geoattoronto 8 месяцев назад
My wife complains that I don't smile enough. I am done with my smiling Nice Guy.
@42976675 8 месяцев назад
They won’t screw you over. They’ll introduce you to your self responsibility.
@stoltobot 7 месяцев назад
Dude, that book is such a realisation bomb! Glad you found it!
@1bigdogthe 7 месяцев назад
Yeah, but the sad part is apparently woman do like men who beat them, molest their children, cheat on them, go hunting and fishing and neglect their children, go out with the guy's instead of their wives, spend their time playing video games like children themselves. I know tons of these type of guys and none of them are nice guys.
@gabrieleveckyte5138 11 месяцев назад
I feel so validated, ended my 5 year relationship to a nice guy half a year ago. Everything she said in this video explain exactly what I went through in that realationship..
@cockcarousel 11 месяцев назад
Good luck with Chad & Tyrone and endless journey of "I don't know what I want" and finally, wall hitting and cat collection 😆
@user-rz3ei9do8x 3 месяца назад
The amount of mental gymnastics here is incredible.
@dragorn3212 Месяц назад
Yep, and we allow these people to vote...
@pisztania 4 месяца назад
So strong... So true... Thank you for creating this video. Eye opening.
@SusanaXpeace2u 11 месяцев назад
This is my Dad actually. I wasn't sure what this would mean when I clicked on this but my dad even said to me when I was pleading with him to listen to me "looook, I don't really want to go there". My mother was giving me the silent treatment and all I'd done was try to raise an issue. It was such a harmless comment he thought but in that moment, I understood. The truth doesn't matter. The damage done to me doesn't matter. His Easy Life as my mum's side kick is what matters.
@sailyx3jupy 11 месяцев назад
Thiss. Same. 💕
@Megan6772 11 месяцев назад
Omg this explains so much about my dad that I knew tacitly but could never put words to. Thank you Teal 🙏
@DanielByers-qf9qi 9 месяцев назад
Thank you for delineating between niceness and kindness. I have served in lay ministry in two denominations; I began to denounce "Niceness" 40 years ago as being unloving.
@canadianwinterssuck 6 месяцев назад
Just ended relationship with a "nice" guy. You nailed thiis!!
@user-go8zo8vy8x 5 месяцев назад
He dodged a bullet I guess :D
@donnastucker9177 2 месяца назад
Once again, from my own experience, this is 100 percent true. I am not really sure why I avoided Teal until recently, but now I am blown away by how much we have in common as far as observations and conclusions go. Bravo brave lady ❤
@DomFortress 11 месяцев назад
A nice man is an enabler of dangerous dysfunctional family dynamics, not a kind man who's a protector of healthy functional family structure.
@simpleyouth 11 месяцев назад
This is so eye opening. I love how she give explanations of why nice guys aren't always desirable. Nothing is wrong with being nice, but as my elders have always told me, too much of one thing is never good. But what I believe, is that when your are too nice people take advantage of you, you build up negative emotions and then suddenly, without warning, you lash out at people.(eg. being passive aggressive, etc.).
@user-ub3hd4sy4e 8 месяцев назад
Women equally perceive kindness and niceness as weakness. 🤷‍♂Neither one nor the other is a serious virtue in their eyes.
@m.t-thoughts8919 8 месяцев назад
You didn't got the message. Kind guys are best
@user-ub3hd4sy4e 8 месяцев назад
@@m.t-thoughts8919 that is why assholes finish first. 🤡Don't let yourself be deceived by sweet fairy tales.
@sandeshrangari694 8 месяцев назад
So if someone threatens me and I lash out on them I'm a nice guy 😂😂😂
@DanyloZorin 8 месяцев назад
@@user-ub3hd4sy4ebecause that’s what it is. Niceness is a demonstration of insecurity and discomfort with your own self. Nice people dislike who they truly are and have a fear of rejection
@lightfaeries7 5 месяцев назад
Very true. Thanks very well explained! 😊
@leonatothbagi1834 3 месяца назад
It is a HUGE eye opener for me.Thank you!❤❤❤
@sailor.93minerva 11 месяцев назад
For me I think niceness does come from a place of anxiety. From a place of people pleasing. And in hopes of not hurting people's feelings. I definitely recognize when I'm being kind from the heart and when I'm being "nice"
@goddessvibes08 11 месяцев назад
It comes from many things for example: control. To control a person and making them feel guilty
@skywalker847 11 месяцев назад
Sometimes a person becomes a nice guy due to childhood trauma and ptsd. If he grows up poor he doesn't have access to therapy or other support systems and becomes stuck for many yrs.
@danielleherb4349 4 месяца назад
Teal I freaking love you so much!! I have been so intrigued with the psychology and human behaviors why people do the things they do where it comes from. I really appreciate everything that you have to say it's changed my life and I've passed your words on and your videos on to those who struggle and it has enlighten them and change their lives you are an amazing brilliant woman and you're so beautiful I look up to you so very much thank you for everything
@violettetouloumjian2103 4 месяца назад
This is a masterpiece,thanks a lot, Teal ❤️
@Joy-mh9xq 11 месяцев назад
Thank you for this video, Teal. You perfectly described my one and only ex-husband. On our wedding night in 1982, I laid on the hotel bed and sobbed my heart out. My soul clearly knew the mistake I had made. I ended the marriage after 14 years, childless. He died suddenly and alone last December and I found myself unable to grieve or with any desire to travel to attend his crowded public memorial service. It was as if I had been married to an "Organic Portal" or NPC-- like there was no one behind the ever-smiling mask he wore. The hardest thing to hear was that nice guys choose unlikable people to partner with. As a survivor of daily and constant violent abuse and neglect since birth, I suppose that leads to personality defects. It is painful to accept that I was unlikable, which must have been what he liked most about me. You are a brilliant catalyst for healing, Teal, and I appreciate your messages so much. This one might take a while to process. 🙏🏼🕉❤
@roy-helgesamny2550 9 месяцев назад
You are as valuable as every one else on this planet, and the damage or hurt you have might show up in ways that push people away, but that doesn't make you less important. There is a book called "Attached" that might help you on your way. It was eye opening for me atleast.
@RaptorFromWeegee 9 месяцев назад
Takes two to tango. You still need to work on yourself, otherwise, in 5 years, there'll be some guy making a youtube comment about how you were toxic to him.
@Supplementarian 9 месяцев назад
@@RaptorFromWeegee Who do you think you are talking to?
@Supplementarian 9 месяцев назад
@@The1995Stoic 😹
@geoattoronto 8 месяцев назад
As I nice guy I married a woman who was openly angry when needed and often attacked people. I had so suppressed my angry side that the represented what I wanted and needed more of in my personality.
@moorieman 11 месяцев назад
As one of those "nice" guys this video has really helped me realize that I need to put in the effort to change myself. Thank you, Teal Swan
@ThePrimith 14 дней назад
If I'm understanding correctly, what's being described here is covert narcissism. I definitely worked with a guy who fit this to a tee, and yeah, it was frustrating as hell. He'd pretend to be your friend, but then make subtle actions behind your back to make himself look better than he actually was, as well as make him look better than you. When you would call him out on his mistakes and ask for change, he would always apologize but find some way to try and reinforce the status quo. He was functionally useless at his job, yet he became my boss after only a couple months being there, and I have to assume he lied his ass off to get it that way.
@nataliabogdanova2816 8 месяцев назад
Wow! 👏👏👏 breaking up with a nice guy now after almost a year- long relationship. I always felt “smth is off” but so hard to spot exactly… needed this video! Thank you! 🧡
@g_au 11 месяцев назад
wow, Teal did it again, what are we even doing?! Also, I LOVED this breakdown of niceness, it really helped me understand a toxic pattern I'm involved with a female friend. Word for word. PRICELESS
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