
Meatless Meat: Bruce Friedrich On The Future Of Food | Rich Roll Podcast 

Rich Roll
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@wideorbits7103 3 года назад
Just when you think Rich Roll's guests can't get any more mind-blowing, we get this guy. Absolutely out-of-this-world insights into a new era for human and animal co-existence.
@TheMoreVeganTheBetter 3 года назад
I think I finally rediscovered my compassion and humanity, my long-lost friends, from pursuing success all the time, through striving to become a vegan...it's the most difficult challenge I ever faced, but it will be worth it in the end
@newfguy1826 3 года назад
If going vegan is the biggest challenge you have ever faced, you have been fortunate in life
@TheMoreVeganTheBetter 3 года назад
@@newfguy1826 You're right, I think I'm spoiled by the 33-year long cultivated hypocrite inside of me, i cut all meat, seafood and dairy products since more than 2 weeks ago... But reflecting on these two weeks, I still ate 4 eggs in total (the inner hypocrite got the best of me 🙈). I said the most difficult because tbh, i challenged myself cutting this and that over the past few years, everything was pretty easy for me personally, carbs, veggies, sugar, fats, caffeine, alcohol... But... Still now sometimes I just want to sprinkle some cheese or get a grilled chicken drumstick... I think there's something super addictive in animal proteins 🚫 but I'll keep on trying i CAN DO IT! My inner hypocrite is always like whispering: "I LOVE nature I LOVE animals, i LOVE my pets, but... you guys gotta be obedient to humans, or you know... You guys are also tasty... 😱 Guess I just need to educate myself more and more and find myself a support group and more encouragement, but I CAN DO THIS! thanks man for reminding me of that 😉
@simoneleone 3 года назад
​@@TheMoreVeganTheBetter - I'm sorry that the one person who took a moment to respond to the important personal information you shared chose to dismiss it by picking at your wording. I heard you, and I respect your efforts and day-to-day triumphs. Every little bit helps. PS: I hope you know that you're not a hypocrite. You're learning. You're trying. You give af. That's more than (far too) many.
@CgColleenGorman 3 года назад
@@TheMoreVeganTheBetterYour comment really made my day. You’re doing so good. You should be super proud of yourself, because initially, it takes sheer discipline. And not everyone has that type of tenacity. So pat yourself on the back. I went through all of this about 20 years ago, before they had any kind of replacements, but I was so determined and didn’t look at it like it was difficult. (Although, actually in reality, it was hard AF, especially cheese. Google, “Why you’re addicted to cheese.”, there is a physiological reason.) 20 years ago I was actually going vegan/plant-based for my health, having several debilitating autoimmune diseases. Now I’m all in for the environment and became an activist for the animals. Because once I saw what I wasn’t eating, that everyone else was, it was a huge wake-up call. Being from Wisconsin and growing up on a dairy farm, there’s nobody that was more addicted to cheese than I was. I’ve always been sensitive to animals. Always. But I actually visited a slaughterhouse when I was about 10 years old. I’m 53 now. It haunts me daily. That said, they do have some excellent plant-based cheeses out there now. Rich Roll’s wife for one sells one of the best ones on the market, even though it is quite pricey. But most if not all grocery stores are selling Daiya, Follow Your Heart, or Miyokos cheeses, and once you get used to it initially, I’m telling you you’ll never want go back to cow or goat cheese. Your body will thank you. That will be the gift that will keep on giving as you continue to grow older. Take a good look at the people around you, in grocery stores or wherever you go; you can literally see the difference in people who eat an animal based diet. You will glow. One other thing that I need to mention is, once you get used to this, you’re going to awaken to a whole new world of culinary dishes. Every day will be a new experience of enjoying wonderful new foods that you never even realized were so good. Every day is a wonderful adventure. And it becomes second nature. I promise you. You can do this and you will do it. I’m so proud of you. ☺️✌🏽🌱
@simoneleone 3 года назад
This is all so exciting. I, like Bruce, have been a vegan for over 3 decades and during that time I've been all over the place with regard to how I've felt about meat analogues. I started out not feeling any negative way about trying whatever bizarre analogue I found (and there were bizarre analogues back in the 80s. Trust.), but at some point I fell into the mindset that if it tastes, smells, looks like meat, I shouldn't eat it and hell, I shouldn't even *want* to eat it. Fast forward to today and being more open-minded about, well, everything, but especially food products that will help feed people the world over, and help us to sustain this beautiful world. I also went from believing everyone should be vegan to believing there is no one, perfect diet for everyone, so I love that the popularity of plant-based foods is being generated, NOT by vegans/vegetarians, but by omnivores. That's thrilling, honestly. That means that so many people are looking for alternatives that industries had to li$ten. We've come a long way. Thank you for this interview!
@mikaelnielsen7374 3 года назад
Excellent episode! Bruce is so knowledgeable and I love the work GFI is doing! Thank you, Rich!
@jaystevens8615 3 года назад
Thank you Bruce. didnt realize that could be an effective solution. I hope my family and I can contribute to the solution your implementing . Truly loving thy neighbor!
@vectorair1 3 года назад
I love Bruce and Rich so much! Excellent episode
@margarett_b 3 года назад
I have been eating plant based for somewhere near 3 years now and personally, 98% don't crave any meat alternatives but I wholeheartedly agree that it is the future. I really hope there will be a day where meat and dairy ale no longer made as today and the options will be tasty and reasonably priced while ticking all the environmental, health-related and ethical boxes. Now I only regret I am still to young to apply at the Good Food Institute. But who knows, maybe having it in mind I will slightly alter my academic carrer and one day will be breathing the good things in and bad things out to start the day! Loved the conversation and keeping crossed for all the work you are both doing guys! Lots of love!
@drewe9514 3 года назад
You don't have to get the academic credentials to absorb the info. You can get so good at something that it will seem to others as if you have had the title all along. Keep on the path!
@margarett_b 3 года назад
@@drewe9514 To absorb the info - no. To get involved in this particular project - kind of yes! That is what I meant! :) But sure, I am not giving up on myself just because I am still learning :D
@drewe9514 3 года назад
@@margarett_b oh ok, cool!
@CequalsRN 3 года назад
I buy both beyond and impossible once a month. Home cooked I like Beyond and going out I prefer impossible.
@justinmanning 3 года назад
Thank you, Rich and Bruce!
@ivanak7149 3 года назад
I can not wait for this podcast 😬😬😬👌
@juliesill8074 3 года назад
Just wow 🤩. Thanks Bruce & Rich!
@unculturedmeat 3 года назад
I work in a lab where we grow cultured meat from cow muscle cells. So excited to listen to his interview!!
@photographyandthecreativeyou 3 года назад
Thanks gentlemen for this!
@denisebitz5459 3 года назад
I’m sorry to hear Bruce refer to animals, in particular, heritage breeds as commodities. As long as we continue to commodify animals we will never live sustainably or ethically on this planet.
@CgColleenGorman 3 года назад
Being vegan for almost 20 years now, I heard that and my heart kind of sank as well. However, he’s being realistic. I think in the future there are going to be the same amount of people who are continuing to eat ‘once live animal flesh’, to the amount of vegans that are out there now. 1-3%. If people think that their cow cheeseburgers are going to be taken away, they’re going to dig in their heels even harder. So people like you and I need to be aware of this and get these people on the same team - without belittling them. Change is hard for people. I personally will never understand why people, knowing what they know now thanks to social media, continue to eat animals. But that’s the world we live in. Not everyone has the same heart you and I do. Trust me, in 20 years from now, once people see that most “meat” consumed is made from plants or it’s cultured, they’re going to see how odd their continuing to consume a slaughtered animal is. 🙏🏽
@canyonhaverfield2201 3 года назад
Colleen..very well said..you must be a marvelous person...Rich sure draws a fine audience !
@dic6326 3 года назад
Yes! Me too!!
@hundy6521 3 года назад
Literally the opposite of a vegan, but I try to make sure to thank any sort of higher power when eating meat
@joanndehnert2933 3 года назад
Probably the most important podcast you have put up!
@TDace25 3 года назад
Really excited for cultured meat to be widely available
@Dindonmasker 3 года назад
That was a lot more then i thought i'd get out of this episode. Well done and thank you!
@GregoryCarrier 3 года назад
Whoa. Cultivating human meat for consumption. I'm happy with just plants.
@CgColleenGorman 3 года назад
Good for you. But not everybody feels the same way. I personally will never taste cultured meat as I’ve been vegan for 20 years. However, having grown up in Wisconsin on a dairy farm and knowing how people are, we need cultured meat if we’re ever going to make a dent in or end most animal agriculture. If you don’t like it, don’t eat it. But please, do the animals and our planet favor, and don’t go around telling everybody that this is a horrible idea. If plant-based eaters and vegans are going to be so against this, how are we ever going to win the fight against animal agriculture? Food for thought.
@theultimatenonebelievr9379 3 года назад
@@CgColleenGorman me too i will never test cell meat(culture meat). I heard scientist say. "we can live with out eating protein (that come from Animals"
@joycook5779 3 года назад
Awesome podcast episode! Thanks for bringing this to light!
@erinmars6186 3 года назад
Perhaps one day soon, Bruce Friedrich does an AMA on Reddit? Besides the fact that many people want alternatives, there are many subs there that are keen on saving the planet - climate change, plant-based and vegan as well as a cultured meat sub - Where's the beef. IMHO, all junk food should be plant based including mcdonalds etal. The sooner we tilt toward a humane, planet-based food production, the better we all will be. This includes vertical farming and hydroponics. We've been at all hands on deck for 40 years now.
@EvenSoItIsWell 3 года назад
Brilliant! I am so encouraged by Bruce and GFI. Thanks for this podcast.
@ramanipereira8594 3 года назад
All of you are doing a fantastic job. Well done. It is an uphill task trying to get human being to give up a carnivore diet. At least after Covid19 people should understand that all epidemics and pandemics have their origin to the maltreatment of animals. I am a vegan for many reasons but mainly for ethical reasons. In Sri Lanka where I live I am considered an eccentric because of my eating habits. To hell with them.
@noitalfed 2 года назад
I didn’t watch the full video but did catch around 42-46 minutes that the price of fake meats (they taste real though) is still very high. Ethan Brown says one product will be price competitive around 2024. In real english that means not competitive until well after 2025.
@JFlynn1207 3 года назад
Still have yet to try Impossible or Beyond. Try to stick to whole foods but I'll have to give 'em a shot.
@sheri_LA_native 3 года назад
I was at Disneyland (CA) very recently. There was some Impossible dish offered at almost every single place to eat a meal. I was amazed. I remember when only one restaurant offered a veggie burger at Disneyland. Those says are gone.
@spare9434 3 года назад
💚💚💚 what a heart warming and uplifting listen
@rawvoltage 3 года назад
I like this guy Bruce. 🖤
@aleksandraskiljevic4036 3 года назад
Incredible episode!
@VegGirlSF 3 года назад
To all of those respondents who say just eat grass fed, don’t be so ignorant! You seriously believe that no antiobiotics are used in grass fed animals? Of course they are, it’s inherent with raising any animal for food. All Farmers care only about money.
@Vipenstrike 3 года назад
Perhaps you are only thinking about people getting their meat from the grocery isle. I'm not speaking for commercial operations, but I take it you haven't met any homesteaders that raise their own meat animals on a small scale - entirely without antibiotics? I've certainly raised animals without antibiotics, and I know others can too. If your world is so black and white that you think "All Farmers care only about money." maybe you should try meeting a few?
@gD-cp3cg 3 года назад
Do we have to be motivated by making money first than making good food!! I think the problem is more than some of people think just about getting money as quick as possible. If you respect nature, you have to take the time to making product on the nature rhythm. As soon as human wants to go faster, human is not respecting nature rhythm and it causes bad effects. It causes bad effects on human people, animals, nature, planet... We have to write the word RESPECT first if we want to go over!
@tme0966 3 года назад
This was an incredible podcast. I feel optimistic that there are people on the ground making big agricultural with live animals a way of the past. And maybe they can work on making milk too. So inspiring! Thank you
@charlesmay7693 3 года назад
I am all for the meatless revolution, but I’ve yet to see a product that doesn’t contain many ingredients that I considered harmful and it certainly wouldn’t agree with me. It Appears it’s much harder to make a Burger then we thought.
@time4sanity 3 года назад
I really don't think the "health-conscious" is the market for these products. I'm WFPB, and am wholly NOT interested in eating the. BUT, for the animals and for the environment, I wholly support this effort. They will help the planet recover.
@Wwetitanfan27 3 года назад
Everything legendary burgers are healthy I believe, but are very expensive. But if you can afford it, maybe worth checking out. Also could try making your own.
@GregoryCarrier 3 года назад
Portobello burgers are my favorite.
@CgColleenGorman 3 года назад
Then you’re contradicting yourself. Because on one hand you say you’re all in for a meatless revolution, but then again you’re not. Perhaps you need to listen to this program all over again. Do you think it was easy to establish all of these factory farms and slaughterhouses? Do you have any idea how difficult it is to grow in animal, slaughter it, and put it in pieces of plastic sitting on a grocery store shelf? You don’t think that we’re innovative enough to create a whole new system where meat is made out of plants? You’re selling humans short and what we’re capable of.
@charlesmay7693 3 года назад
@@CgColleenGorman I’m very familiar with these practices, I was raised on a farm. The problem with the product they’re selling it it’s crap, work on your formulas, and take the junk out of it.
@freedomyogini255 3 года назад
Until the morn...
@MsGarnet77 3 года назад
I’m hoping to find a healthy version of plant based meat. Many of them don’t taste good or have a lot of fat from oil and usually GMO canola oil which is inflammatory. Plus those meats can be higher in fat than regular meat. Impossible burger tastes really good but 14grams of fat with 8 saturated. I try to stay away from processed foods. How are these better than other processed foods?. Plus synthetic vitamins are added. Hopefully healthier versions will be developed. I like the fact that there is fiber and carbs included. Anyone know of other options for those trying to eat less fat and oil? Trader Joe’s has one that tastes pretty good. Most cost a lot more than ground beef too!
@dic6326 3 года назад
BUT if you are still eating animals, what do you think is in your meat? GMOs, antibiotics, saturated fat, heterocyclic amines...(fear, suffering, incredible cruelty). Why people who continue to eat animals think that their animal flesh is more "pure" than meat alternatives is very confusing.
@MsGarnet77 3 года назад
DiC I agree that’s why I’m trying to find an alternative. Grass fed is better but still has its issues. Its not more pure but the saturated fat seems to be the focus from traditional sources. Also we do get better quality Vitamin A in retinol form versus carotene that we can only get from meat (animal products) plus a variety of essential aminos acids. I’m against factory farmed slaughter houses where there’s that cruelty.
@Vipenstrike 3 года назад
​@@dic6326 Not all people get their meat from the supermarket. If you don't live in a city you can raise all your meat in a humane way without GMO anything or antibiotics. If you raise your own you will always know what is in your meat. Real pastured meat will sure as hell be more pure than lab synthesized meat filled with GMO products and vegetable oils.
@dic6326 3 года назад
@@Vipenstrike "Raise all your meat in a humane way"??? Raising animals and killing them for meat is not "humane". It is a cruel, out dated way of getting protein. Why not eat the plants, the animals eat for protein, directly? Also, you still have saturated fat, heterocyclic amines...Realistically people live in cities/suburbs that cannot raise their own animals to then kill them for protein (betray them for taste/tradition).
@MsGarnet77 3 года назад
DiC Not everyone believes it’s cruel to eat meat. Animals eat other animal so does that make them cruel? Even domestic cats will kill birds.. which I can’t stand, but it’s in their nature. It’s very hard to get enough protein from veggies, beans and soy. I tried it and tracked everything I ate meticulously. I was always too low in my protein-even with all the beans and soy-unless I added a protein shake to my meals.I lost hair, nails were brittle, joint issues. Once I started adding meat back into my diet, hair and nails improved, joints got better. We do really need some things contained only in meat.
@ConsciousReggae 3 года назад
If a vegan diet is so satiating and nourishing, why are we growing meat in a lab? Why not just cut it out completely. Cows aren’t the problem either. It’s the way they are raised. Our tilled soils and bare grounds are the real problem here. The soil is shot and so is our food. Holistic grazing and agroforestry is the solution here. Biodiversity is key!
@Wwetitanfan27 3 года назад
Because majority of people insist on eating animals. Most vegans don't feel the need to eat lab grown meat. That's not the target market. It's everyone else. So the meat eaters can have their meat without needing to torture and kill billions of animals a day and destroy the planet in the process to meet that demand.
@keithjames1802 3 года назад
@@Wwetitanfan27 spot on, Dylan. Couldn’t agree more.
@ConsciousReggae 3 года назад
Are you insinuating that the act of killing animals is destroying our planet? Or rather the degradation of our top soil? I agree factory farming is not humane and is a huge source of pollution, but not sold on the methane produced from cows belly’s being the culprit.
@randychin8071 3 года назад
Yes, the podcast was very clear on this point. The gains will be made in the meat consuming lane as opposed to the vegan lane.
@dic6326 3 года назад
What? Did you even listen to this podcast? These products aren't marketed toward vegans, it's for people like you that continue to eat animals. A vegan diet is highly satisfying full of complex carbohydrates (whole grains, legumes, potatoes, vegetables, fruits). Please watch a basic film like Cowspiracy to educate yourself on the use of land for "grass fed" cows.
@kathyirwin5518 2 года назад
Most experts now agree we are in for a population collapse
@c1majesty85 3 года назад
I'm gonna send this video to friends just to say i rich rolled them
@sandrochiavaroBeerCircles 3 года назад
I welcome all conversations about innovative solutions. I rarely hear tech or political sectors talk about how we are going to produce goods in the US and pay workers fair and sustainable wages. The culture demand fast and disposable goods, cheaply made. I understand the demand drives these modern food companies, but it is not changing the culture of what is better for the planet or the people’s health. I eat impossible and beyond products now and then, I use it to bridge the gap with my non plant based family or friends, and see the value. This doesn’t mean I would think cultivated cell meat is a great option long term. Again, I welcome the conversation, I do see tech food venture capital corporations trying to capitalize on a popular movement with out concerns for the long term.
@CgColleenGorman 3 года назад
Your comment really doesn’t make that much sense, I had to read it three times and I’m still having a hard time following you. But what I’m getting from you is that you don’t think cultured meat is a good idea. How do you expect us to ever put a dent in animal agriculture if we can’t offer the meat eaters of the world a viable option? You have no idea how powerful your words can be to the people around you. If you’re putting this product down right now without realizing the good effects that it will have on slaughtering animals by the BILLIONS, then I don’t know what to tell you. But you need to listen to this program from beginning to end all over again. Because I think you missed a lot of the point.
@sandrochiavaroBeerCircles 3 года назад
@@CgColleenGorman thank you for your comment. I guess I don’t understand your comment either😂, but it’s fine, I am not arguing at all. As stated I welcome the conversation. I listened to the whole show multiple times. Often these conversations skip a huge point in my humble opinion. The point is, the words “ we need to make it cheaper, more available, more accessible” shouldn’t be a driving objective I think. That mentality has created the fast food industry and the modern farming practices that promote pesticides abs other artificially fertilized crops. That is a fact I feel we can all agree on. So when I hear this conversation about alternative animal cultured meat, I can’t help thinking, we are making huge technologist breakthroughs, but we are still keeping that old mentality of fast & cheap, regardless it is sustainable for the workers, truly healthier for the consumers…… I say, let’s save animals! Let’s do it fast! Let’s save humans too. Let’s actually save human and animal lives all together, because a large corporation producing lab meat that perpetuate the circle of unhealthy habits may not be the best solution 🤔key word is “May”Maybe I am wrong. Maybe it is the solution to start a massive change towards a better option. I really don’t know. That’s why I am open and don’t proclaims I know or understand it all better than anyone else. That’s why we exchange ideas and point of view respectfully. It was a great show. I am just concerned for this direction, that’s all. To be clear, I do agree that the alternative is currently much worst.
@dinomiles7999 3 года назад
Same time , by design . WAKE UP !
@augm3nt384 3 года назад
I cant wait for Vegless Vegetables !
@bgrune1 3 года назад
Read the peer reviewed position paper on animal agriculture at ClimateHealers.org. We can improve everyone's health, reverse climate change, and prevent the unnecessary torture and death of hundreds of billions of animals just by shifting to a plant based diet and re-wilding and planting trees on land currently used for grazing.
@eddiegill 3 года назад
Brontosaurus burgers
@patriciathornburg5447 3 года назад
It is certainly not the key to a healthy life. Please bring on some regenerative farmers to tell their side of what animals do for our soil and our bodies
@jackscott5887 2 года назад
I hope you're suggestions for the government have been acted on fully what the fuck do they do in parliament all day
@robertopoujol5542 3 года назад
Maybe Bruce´s intentions are good bu GFI is hanging around with all the big industrial players that are responsible for the mess we are in when it comes to our food Systems. Synthetic Meat products are made to be industrialized and just by that fact the interest of the big coorporations will take over any possible good intentions that GFI might had had at the begining. We need to give back the power to the small farmer and also do more of growing our own food.
@CgColleenGorman 3 года назад
You missed the entire point. And you’re part of and going to be part of the problem that stagnates what we’re doing to animals right now and contributes it even more. Because if we have people like you are fighting against a company like GFI (while making unrealistic assumptions) who are trying to change these conglomerate meat factories, you don’t understand that sometimes you have to work with the bad actors in order to get them to change. GFI is doing an amazing job. PS. I grew up in rural Wisconsin on a dairy farm, I’ve been vegan for 20 years. I am an environmental an animal activist. Don’t be part of the problem to change.
@robertopoujol5542 3 года назад
Hi Colleen perhaps your are right in that I am missing the point. I just do not think saving farm animals while maintaing practices that still destroy our soil and environment will get us very far. I hope I am wrong but I Think GFI current model seems to rely too much on mass production of a food ítems and I just do not see that as being very aligned with nature. I am not trying to fight them just voicing an opinion in hopes they can make some adjustments. Thanks for all your Actions to help our environment.
@Cat-sv7zu 3 года назад
Gates will make sure its profitable for him, what does he have now almost 50% of americas farmland? Every idea he promotes increases his wealth immensely. We should second guess anything we are told that is going to add to Gates wealth.. The bigger the profit the more sceptical we should be. Interesting where is the cost benefit analysis? What is the environmental cost to grow the plants needed to replace the equivalent meat? What about a comparison of the energy required to go from field to a packaged product? What about the comparison of peoples health on a diet based on processed food protein vs animal protein Where are the studies on the effect on children and adults nutritionally. You are not a nutritionist and current nutritional recommendations are not supported by studies that medical schools ignore. Food and drug industries being the source for reasearch grants have a huge impact on research out comes to counter studies that results that are detrimental to their profit margin. All i hear is feeling, believing talking points. Its unscientific.The list of ingredients are everything you are warned against. The best diet is based on unprocessed food wether you are vegan or not . Soy isnt healthy. Legumes in general have lutein which is inflammatory for many people.
@PushmoQRXO 3 года назад
When compared to meat, soy is absolutely the more healthful choice. Legumes in general are associated with a myriad of benefits and positive health outcomes.
@markus4887 3 года назад
Literally every Question you asked is answered in the scientific literature today. Look at the studies from Hanna Tuomisto for example. And one big upside of cultivated meat is, that you can have much more influence on the composition of meat and you can make it healthier than conventional meat, without antibiotics and without fecal bacteria (big problem for chicken in the US) and you can choose the protein and fat ratio. Your last sentence shows, that your knowledge in nutrition science is at least incomplete. It is scientific consensus that legumes are very healthy for humans and all major organizations recommend them. The longest living populations on earth eat tons of legumes.
@Wwetitanfan27 3 года назад
Your main point throughout your comment was eat unprocessed and then your big conclusion is soy is the problem? You just contradicted everything you said before that. Unless you're talking about process soy, in which case fine, but idk why you're singling that one out when corn is clearly worse? But it's very easy to find organic tofu and tempeh anyway, which are known to be healthy, and consumed the most in cultures that have relatively long and healthy lifespans
@karunamayiholisticinc Год назад
@@PushmoQRXO You are funny. As a vegetarian I ate a lot of processed junk form of snacks made up of lentils adding to my misery. Rich Roll has a history which I just read about. It is good he has made changes. He likes to live his life on the edge and extreme which is his life's destiny. It may or may not work for him or might help him for time being. Any one who leave extreme wrong path, they find benefit in good. But extreme is still extreme if we are not ready. And I doubt he is since his life depends on supplements and shots. But I prefer to stay silent for he did it out of facing misery in life and as an empath I can not judge his decision but to sit and listen to a talk that is promoting something fake is absolutely waste of time. But I definitely wanted to know what most vegan players in this world influencing people are preaching. He seems to be following his own journey at his own stage of mind's evolution. It is good to see though that he continues to learn and grows within too. But sadly people are misled often and so is he. I will not trust everything on his show.
@PushmoQRXO Год назад
@@karunamayiholisticinc Ok, but nothing you said has disproven anything Rich has said here. And you should stick mostly to whole plant foods, not processed. They seem to be fine on occasion, but most wouldn't advocate eating them daily.
@olivierfrayssineau7237 3 года назад
Levels were off on this one
@trueself62 3 года назад
Sorry, you've lost me Rich. I get the benefits for the Earth, but are you going to eat 3d printed meat? Or meat made in a lab? Is this a panacea in the making, and we have thrown the baby out with the bathwater? It just feels like a wrong turn.
@Vipenstrike 3 года назад
"But nothing could go wrong!"
@francisbertolini2538 3 года назад
Be careful who your god becomes Sir. Science is only part of the view of creation. It’s very important but not the whole picture.
@dinomiles7999 3 года назад
@CgColleenGorman 3 года назад
@marcusknight8952 3 года назад
Dear Christopher Nolan, I know you are reading this. Please make a movie about Viktor Frankl, casting Christian Bale as Dr. Frankl.
@sarah29880 3 года назад
Let’s produce massive amount of mono crops like corn, soy and grain that will help the environment and help people lose weight 😂
@dinomiles7999 3 года назад
Breathriean...... for life . ...
@Cat-sv7zu 3 года назад
Cultivated meat removes the diversity. If they discover there is an adverse affect you have just magnified it. I dont for see effort to determine tbe effect of long term response to diets based on this stuff. Success measurements of cost and taste are profit measurements not health. Renewable energy sure changed lives in Texas this past winter. People died a perfect example of lack of analyses of out comes. Here a life altering policy is promoted but we dont know what we dont know and as all such policies being pushed there will be no a acceptable debate which is what is needed. Now you are a denier no matter your expertise and education if your data doesnt support what is going to make the rich people richer who profit from the policy.Still waiting for specific data you are a food activist not a farmer.
@asldfjkalsdfjasdf 3 года назад
You are kidding yourself if you think there is more diversity than a handful of different breeds which are artificially inseminated and grown for maximum production in the shortest amount of time. No one is limiting lab grown meat to one source anyway. Lab grown meat may also call for the return of less profitable breeds because their meat may be more interesting(tasty) to multiply. I agree with your assessment of renewable energy. It is a waste of money and will in the end hurt our eco system more than nuclear or even gas and coal ever will with their unreliability and short life spans. They should have built more thorium reactors and spend the money on climate mitigation technologies instead of trying to affect CO2 concentrations that will never change. But that lobby group and their propaganda is strong as is the meat industries.
@mihaelam8339 3 года назад
lol. Factory farming is removing diversity. See how many more types of animals were used 50-70 years ago compared to now.
@marlynnbowman1915 3 года назад
This is good news for meat eaters or vegans that like meat texture, but as a wfpb vegan, this does not sound appetizing. Im beyond mock meats at this point. This is purely another processed food that makes you question if it will actually be healthy to consume. Just eat whole plant foods! Buuuut, if we can consume less animals as a nation then I’m all for it!
@KJ-up3sl 3 года назад
This kind of thinking makes me sad. Eat grass fed meat people, it is the best thing for the ecosysten and supports the local farmers not big industry processed food chain which only purpose is to get money out of peoples pocket not your health. Natural way is the healty way.
@KJ-up3sl 3 года назад
My experince is that meat eating has improved my health sifnificantly. All animals live and die. I rather eat a cow that has lived a good full life safe from predators.
@markus4887 3 года назад
Many studies show that grass fed meat is more environmentally harmful than meat from mass animal agriculture (Way more methane and land use). It uses so much land, that its not a scalable solution for everyone. I agree with you that we shouldnt buy meat from mass animal agriculture, but the only scalable environmentally acceptable solution is to remove the animal from the production process and grow meat out of stem cells / cultivated meat. The natural way is to live without heating and air conditioning and dying from a flu, because no modern medicine. I rather use the tools we invented and go the best way for us and the planet.
@Wwetitanfan27 3 года назад
@@KJ-up3sl That argument doesn't make any point really. Humans live n die too, should we start becoming cannibals? Plus none of these cows are living good lives, and we don't need to eat them for them to have good lives.
@rlangton76 3 года назад
Plant-based is the future.
@KJ-up3sl 3 года назад
@@markus4887 if you look at the statistics methane from cows is not really the problem here. If we want we can compensate the methane easily for example by reducing the energy that goes into growing the soy fields which by the way is really a catastrophy for the biodiversity of the soil and the land. We are destroying our land by growing some single plants and using chemicals. We are destroying the immune system of the these plants. This is not natural way of growing food. We destroy 100 plants from the area to grow soy. Does not make sense.
@marynamarousa9729 3 года назад
You are sick! Live nature along, vegetable kingdom and animal kingdom to be in nature, as it been created for us!!!!!!!!! You will make people SICK!!!!
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