
Monthly News #16 - With public transport to Copenhagen 

One Army
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Some thoughts on the plastic straw ban in Europe, personal motivation behind Project Kamp and visiting a new workspace in Copenhagen with public transport
Story on moulds:
Plexiglass mould video
• Make a ruler with quic...
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/ davehakkens




8 июл 2024




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@TheGooddaydennis 6 лет назад
Nice video, I just want to say I have a company that make furniture from only recycled plastic around 15000kg a month. This winter we will start producing on small scale color planks so we can fill the demand for it. Thanks to you we are make the machine for it. Btw we are a Dutch company.
@dejayrezme8617 6 лет назад
That sounds awesome :) What kind of furniture? And what do you mean with "small scale color planks"? Like lumber or boards for construction?
@TheGooddaydennis 6 лет назад
Dejay Rezme the furniture we make are picknicktables, tables, chairs etc.. the other question: like lumber and small scale like a small amount of colors like lime green, purple, red, blue and yellow. Those are really hard to get on the market and there is only one in Europe that makes it. But its really expensive and not 100% recycled so we are planning to start a small production for 200kg a week.
@dejayrezme8617 6 лет назад
Thanks! Sounds cool. I've also been wondering if you could use recycled plastics to create fiber reinforced plastics to save weight? Would increase stiffness and toughness a lot. Wouldn't have to be glass fiber, maybe natural fibers might work well. I guess the issue would be how the fibers bond to the plastic and how to laminate this together. I thought about this because creating SIPs using recycled plastic, cheap fibers and insulation foam could be a great building material.
@luckym0nk3y 6 лет назад
TheGooddaydennis heb je een website?
@TheGooddaydennis 6 лет назад
luckym0nk3y natuurlijk www.rekupro.nl
@reneahlquist7209 6 лет назад
Nice to see that guys from my country (Lasse and Andreas) are working with Precious Plastic!
@banda4299 2 года назад
I appriciate , you are a hero , God bless you
@987946216430 6 лет назад
great work Dave et al. Cheers from PEI Canada, Bryan.
@sk-op3xi 6 лет назад
Love what you’re doing !
@MrMsnbeats 6 лет назад
you sir. are a hero. may God bless you
@sidarelec 3 года назад
it's just beaurifull ... you make people feel goog in life...thank's...
@hamstarr100 6 лет назад
dave i have started one in Botswana, so drop by when you next here
@santerihiitola 6 лет назад
With that 300 000€ you could maybe try to do something to educate the people living along the rivers accounting to 90% of all plastic waste in the ocean: Yangtze, Indus, Yellow River, Hai He, Nile, Ganges, Pearl River, Amur and Mekong. The Ganges alone is responsible for over half a billion kilograms of plastic each year.
@rigille 6 лет назад
90%? Wow. This really seems like a good idea.
@brokkoliomg6103 6 лет назад
Santeri Hiitola yeah seems like a good idea. I just know the Baltimore Wheel which filters plastic out of a very small part of a river... But yeah better to stop it getting in the rivers before reducing it ;)
@chrisdoyle9271 6 лет назад
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@laurinhahn3873 6 лет назад
Really like, that you talk about flying and your carbon footprint. People need to be aware of what it means for the planet if they are flying.
@genesoler7357 6 лет назад
You are just awesome. i just got to find a way to do that in the Philippines. I just gotta finf my way to funding. Cheeeeers man!
@cavemansmancave9025 6 лет назад
You're doing something really wonderful. Keep it going. Air travel may be a smaller contribution to your carbon footprint than many other forms of transportation, at least right now. Keep in mind that you share the total emissions with nearly 200 other people, on average. Thanks for this video. John
@deakemarschall2992 6 лет назад
The big guys can always learn something from the small, nimble companies like PP.
@bobetalip 6 лет назад
10:38 Pinoy food! Hope to start Plastic-to-Worth WorkSpace in the Philippines soon!
@sofusrnstruppilehave8179 6 лет назад
The powerplant is the place where all the plastic from peoples home is being sent to sweden to be recycled. we dont have a large enough fasility in Denmark to recycle it ourselves. We do sort our trash.
@reneahlquist7209 6 лет назад
@TheFiszerman 6 лет назад
@davehakkens How much were the costs of public transport in comparison with plane?
@santiagocondemorales5567 6 лет назад
i heard in the radio a campain to not use straws in Puebla México, i dont know if you have anything 2 do with that, but im glad there is people out there better than i am haha
@romeond 6 лет назад
Where I could find video about plexiglass mould?
@ffoltak 6 лет назад
Yes please
@ricobalboa5288 6 лет назад
What can you do with the plastic of recycled beer cups?
@Releaserunner 6 лет назад
hey dave, what kind of motorcycle are you riding at the end? :)
@broekspijp41 6 лет назад
I'm also curious what type it is.
@H2Dwoat 2 года назад
Hi, did you calculate the net carbon savings you made by using public transport over the airplane?
@abdulkadir1024 6 лет назад
Do you have a link to the mold making tutorial ?
@xPulse187x 6 лет назад
It's in the video description
@TosterCx 6 лет назад
He forgets a camera on the street at the end of every video.
@cjdvise 5 лет назад
He figures someone else can use it for something more important..
@raybolger9755 4 года назад
Wherever you go there you are...Wherever you go there is... Plastic!!
@cjdvise 5 лет назад
10:57 Dave: You're pretty close to the beer place man on a daily basis thats- .. Lasse: *I don't drink beer* ..Pause.. Both: Nervous laughter..
@stephenvoncrven4319 6 лет назад
well i tried milan - amsterdam on a night DB train... guess how it took
@ateisme3752 5 лет назад
It is so much trash so use every technology, recycling and incineration. Incineration is also good for hygiene in places trash would flow on the streets.
@proudtobewhiteprivileged9530 6 лет назад
I tried to connect to your main website but it wont let me sign up.
@MiguelQuicenoB 6 лет назад
@19pedersen95 6 лет назад
@campbellstubbs1181 6 лет назад
What is that place in Copenhagen called?
@lassehelledi8747 6 лет назад
Hi ! Its called Copenhagen Street Food. You can read about it at www. Reffen.dk :)
@campbellstubbs1181 6 лет назад
Lasse Helledi thanks!
@Skiderik 6 лет назад
One plane trip, or 1 bus, 1 boat, 5 trains and a bike ride
@imacommentj259 6 лет назад
project kamp love the idea but it has big problems i will now list the ones i thought of (sorry for shit english im kinda just a garbage person and english was never my strong suit) first off location arent you going to have to clear cut tree to make an area to build said camp and if you are id imagine your going to use all the trees you cut down for lumber thats good if your going to kill tree better use them but that seems kinda counter productive when you have a huge building already that is perfect for makeing a garden in you have that huge court yard i have seen in your video plus theres an entire roof not being used as for the off the grid part well simple either stop paying bills (they will cut you off) or disconnect your building from the grid and stop useing water then that huge unused roof come into play again turn it into a water collector/ solar collector BOOM GREEN going back to camp now if you do cut all those trees down will you do it ALL by hand if not your useing gas up witch is getting rarer by the day and destroys the eco system plus there are now less trees to eat those emitions up seeing as you just cut them down so now theres less tree and an open field great time to build that parts fairly easy as long as you dont use power tools simple enough pain the the rear sure but can easily be done but what if you buy land with out trees well you can go two routs first buy entire trees (clear cutting somewhere else)end mill them in house or buy lumber 2x4 6x6 what ever you need to get that wood there you need to burn fuel to collect it ship it either to you or to a company were they cut it ship it to the store and sell it to you were you have to buy and ship it useing huge amounts of fuel when again you already have a building that requires no trees to be cut no gas to be used no foot print to be left(extra foot print of new building) it just doesnt seem reasonable to me youll be destroying so much for basically nothing now im looking at this strictly threw the eye of some one who want nothing more than to save mother earth so i get it aint that easy and im all for the camp think it would be awesome but it just doesnt seem reasonable for YOU to do from what i have seen of your beliefs but im not to well informed on the plan and i have no idea on what your finale plan is just your camp video and this so i could be 100% wrong i dont know but these are my thought and what i have seen wrong with the plan regardless have a good day and that chocolate bare you ate last video looked some good
@jorisknuts9662 6 лет назад
im a comment J, good point you bring up. I think Dave is not planning this project only to reduce waste. He wants to escape the capitalist world that brings waste with it. And you can still live in a forrest without killing trees, so thats not really a problem. His idea is great. The only remark I have, is that he doesn't need to buy a specific land. He should keep living in this society and show how it can be done without those dramatic changes. Still, great plan.
@ilozeet 6 лет назад
noo the straw saves teeth from sugar
@rigille 6 лет назад
Loz Turner Maybe skip both the straw and the sugar :)
@Anne-sr1lp 6 лет назад
There are reusable straws made from bamboo or stainless steel as well :)
@frolesti 6 лет назад
Is your carbon footprint really smaller if you take seven trains instead of a single plane?
@frolesti 6 лет назад
honest question
@OneArmyVideos 6 лет назад
was wondering the same thing...
@toochi84 6 лет назад
davehakkens yea, I don't think that particular transfer trip saved anything. Most of the transfers looked empty. 1 plane would have been full. Your push to get people recycling offsets any amount of traveling you need to do for work
@Alexdelannee 6 лет назад
Yeah, best would have been to take a flixbus, carbon footprint in relation to time, but it sucks. I loved the montage!
@BOBOUDA 6 лет назад
I would say it is. Plane is by far the worse, train barely emit much, and bus does but still way less than the plane. Even if the transports were almost empty, the conductor would have driven anyway no matter what.
@CharlesTheClumsy 6 лет назад
Your mom did a face reveal in this episode!
@thijsvanleeuwen 6 лет назад
Next time an E-bike?
@mrMacGoover 5 лет назад
He loses more camera's ending video's like that... kidding! :P
@balajiparthasarathy7714 6 лет назад
Hi @davehakkens I am unable to login to my account , my account I’d “balaji877”. I created the account but I can’t log in. thank you.
@avihaidekalo4623 6 лет назад
Come 2 israel u can do it in the dessert
@avihaidekalo4623 6 лет назад
U can do not only there we have lots of space
@garethronaldo8692 6 лет назад
give the Palestinians there own land assholes .... talking like he own it ...bullshit
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