
Order 1886 Review 

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"Where are the Video Games?"- Will Smith 1993
Twitter: / thegamingbrit
Intro Animation: / lyberty5
Audio Optimising: / kylejohnsonva




3 мар 2015




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@TheGamingBritShow 9 лет назад
Yeah, I didn't see a point in uploading this video at 60FPS...
@maria_remedios 9 лет назад
1 frame per minute dat literary experience ;^)
Über eXe life should be 30 FPS.. only then can you appreciate the details.
@TheCrazyEven 9 лет назад
Nice to see you uploading vids at a somewhat more consistent rate, while still taking great care with your content. As to this thing, I'll admit I was kinda interested in the game before everything that happened to it, uh, happened, and I'm still interested in seeing them take another shot at it. I also originally said I would play this if it went down to 20 something bucks. However, while I'm interested in seeing another entry, after seeing this, these hosers ain't getting a cent from me. They had four fucking years to work on this. What the hell happened?! It's sad to see much of the shit that happened in 2014 has now carried over to 2015, and from what I can tell, it's only getting worse. That Bloodborne game and the new Zelda better make up for it, or else, I will have lost so much faith in today's gaming world. In any case, keep up the good work.
@Cobalt-XIV 9 лет назад
GamingBrit, where is the soundtrack from your video from !?
@SonicKick 9 лет назад
Ha! Thats a solid preformance for a old fart like you! (Not)
@OneTrueNobody 9 лет назад
Walking in games is great... when it's something you're allowed to choose yourself. In a tense survival horror game or a particularly atmosphere piece of videogame environment, slowing to a walk can become a player-voluntary way to express your own feelings of caution and tension, or even awe at the scenery, in-game, and can enhance your experience. It's when games fucking force you into it that things get messy. Bleargh.
@NoobLord9001 8 лет назад
Oh hi, didn't think you'd be here.
@OneTrueNobody 8 лет назад
I'm a fan of both GamingBrit and HyperBitHero, so I watch their videos when I see 'em.
@NoobLord9001 8 лет назад
Lewis Medeiros I just didn't expect to come across a Based BrainScratchCommentator, is all.
@radpunk5144 7 лет назад
So fucking true... When I walk slowly in a world like Skyrim because I find the atmosphere relaxing and beautifull that's my choice. Or when I do that in Dark Souls because I'm scared of enemies that could come from anywhere that's my choice too. But when I don't have the choice, it is just a pain in the ass
@furious_malic7808 5 лет назад
The One True Nobody! Agreed man. At least make those walky talkie segments skippable so on my second through in the future of my next action adventure game probably as Ellie in the last of us 2 I won’t to be able to skip the walkie talkie cutscenes
@VonBoche 9 лет назад
Even the french guy isn't particularly charismatic all things considered. He's the french guy. He's wholly defined by being the french guy.
@OCMOOO 9 лет назад
@MrIsaac95 9 лет назад
@sofija1996 9 лет назад
@VladNorris 9 лет назад
sofija1996 Dude, at least Polnareff manages to be endearing. And he becomes a turtle
@VonBoche 9 лет назад
VladNorris Well it's good he became a turtle cos hell if that fifth arc was full of dull as shit characters, even he was made so goddamn boring before he turned.
@neoman289151 9 лет назад
I seriously don't understand the sudden uprising of "cinematic" video games. I mean, I get some devs are using it as a way of bullshitting us into thinking that the 30 fps is a "design choice", but then we have people like the guys behind 1886 who basically say that they're annoyed with the fact that they're making games. Hey shitheads, if you want to "get around" having gameplay, WORK IN THE FUCKING MOVIE INDUSTRY. It seriously baffles me. What's the point of inventing a new medium, only to mimic the practices of another?
@CruelestChris 9 лет назад
Victor Viridian Lower standards.
@MoffatLee 9 лет назад
Victor Viridian Can't remember where I saw it but I remember reading how a fair few of the directors in charge of making AAA games are aspiring and/or failed film directors. Honestly, seeing what we keep getting that wouldn't surprise me if it were true, so few of them seem to actually appreciate the value gameplay has as a means of storytelling, as far as they are concerned story is only allowed in the cutscenes and dialogue trees and gameplay is just something they have to put up with giving to us.
@CruelestChris 9 лет назад
Lee Moffat Hideo Kojima is, for a start.
@MoffatLee 9 лет назад
CruelestChris Yeah I think Kojima is a funny case, while I think his obsession with cutscenes, exposition, info dumps and characters that feel like textbooks with legs are all horribly annoying. At least he introduces new game mechanics here and there even if some of them play out as gimmicks thrown in to make the games self-aware.
@DraphEnjoyer 8 лет назад
+Victor Viridian "WORK IN THE FUCKING MOVIE INDUSTRY" They can't. That's why they're working in the game industry. This game's story wouldn't even pass for a shitty movie.
@SammEater 7 лет назад
The worst part of this "game" being focused on the story is that the story itself has obviously cut content and lots of setups for a sequel that we'll probably never get.
@emperorgameling5064 3 года назад
@@melxb Cool that doesn't at all change what he said lol
@eastull 9 лет назад
You know how people used to joke about last gen triple-A titles were just linear shootfests with pallets so desaturated that you can't even tell what's what? Remember that? Because seeing this game I just remembered every single one of those jokes and how accurately they describe this game.
@jackdaone6469 9 лет назад
Raul Pubin Novel concept with potential wasted because everything has to be "dark and gritty." It's OverStrike all over again.
@jackdaone6469 9 лет назад
Raul Pubin Novel concept with potential wasted because everything has to be "dark and gritty." It's OverStrike all over again.
@IskandarTheWack 6 лет назад
They were true last gen.
@DevastatorsPissed1 9 лет назад
I'm so glade to see this game getting torn apart by everyone. Now hopefully we can quite with this "cinematic" garbage and get back to making real games.
@drifter402 9 лет назад
So basically it's the representation of everything wrong
@rinnnnnnnnnnrin 2 года назад
and french
@ZZeeman 9 лет назад
This is PS4's Ryse.
@TheHeartThatRunsCold 9 лет назад
CerealKiller Well..because some many people have said it..but I digress..
@johnhurley8918 9 лет назад
Good point.
@ReinAfterDark 8 лет назад
no this is worse
@Omnipotentmonkey 8 лет назад
+ZZeeman Ryse at the very least gave us something a bit different in regards to setting, we haven't had good hack and slash games recently, especially with a historical setting, and it did some mildly interesting things with its set pieces.... Order 1886 is just Gears of War 1 with shallower combat, a shorter campaign, less level variety, less enemy variety, less weapons, no multiplayer, no co-op, and more cutscenes....
@du0lol 6 лет назад
Except Ryse lasts for, like, ten hours. And only maybe one of those hours is spent in pointless cinematics.
@synysterdawn8913 Год назад
You don't need to regret this review, not like anything you said was wrong or exaggerated. And my god, you were right about this being the direction next gen games would be pushing.
@HyperBitHero 9 лет назад
Very poignant video. Decided not to do a follow up video on the game and it looks like I really dodged a bullet watching the footage here because I could feel my stress levels rise as your dude slowly inched his way across the side of a building while hanging.
@lancelot2099 9 лет назад
Oh the uneven and laughably awful pacing of The Order is actually made worse when it asks for so many QTE section, that are active just to make sure the player isn't dead. My favorite of these disjointed QTE section was when the main character defeated two guards in his cell and after he killed the two, looks for the key, and no joke the game decides to railroad the player with a QTE to PICK UP A KEY. Yes the QTE is actually railroaded so badly that simply picking things up is a mundane and monotonous chore.
@ew275x 9 лет назад
HyperBitHero You see it's like a Hitchhock film, man. Except way longer than needed, actually annoying instead of tense, and lacks any substance since you're playing a cutscene instead of playing the part of the game where you can fail. Lancelot I also love QTEs to make your character stand up.
@lancelot2099 9 лет назад
+ew275x Press X to pay respect.
@tamerdp 9 лет назад
The praise this game gets from fanboys is so weird. They say they took some risks in this game and they should expand on it in the next game... NIGGA WHAT RISKS?!
@gekkanshounen5112 9 лет назад
So glad you made an upload. The writings of your reviews are still ones of the best around.
@Heffy_Boi 8 лет назад
What made me saddest of all after playing through the game myself is that I know what Ready at Dawn are capable of. Sure, they may not have been known for their _original_ titles before the release of The Order: 1886 (their hits consisted mainly of prequels, stand-alone and pseudo-sequels to fit alongside other Sony franchises such as Jak & Daxter and God of War) but from the tiny repertoire of games from this studio, I'm still able to gather how much they care about attention to detail, which is a very prominent aspect (if not the only stand-out aspect) of The Order: 1886. To conclude my point on their attention to detail a little, I'll say this. Back when their earlier games were released such as God of War: Chains of Olympus, if someone had handed that game to me while I still had earlier games in the series fresh in my mind (and of course, had no idea of the studio in question), I would probably be under the impression that Chains of Olympus was solely developed by the original God of War team. The thing is, I've noticed as of late that Sony appears to want to put all of their acquired studios to good use in this generation and they seems to expect that each and every one of them can perform to the same standard of quality (for the sake of a quality standard, let's just go with Naughty Dog as an example). What I find worrying about this move on Sony's part is that for studios such as Ready at Dawn or Bend Studio; studios that are far more akin to creating spin off games within other franchises, will understandably have a few growing pains adjusting to developing titles for Sony's main lineup (i.e. developing original IPs). While I certainly can't forgive Ready at Dawn for delivering the same old tripe we've seen too much already in the form of The Order, I feel as though it is just part of them feeling out their new style. Until now, they haven't gotten the chance to really explore their creative freedom with their own projects. So, as disappointing as The Order turned out to be, it still leaves me excited to see what they can cook up next with their new-found capabilities and support to create AAA games.
@dud5606 5 лет назад
Usually when someone says that something "doesnt make him angry, it just makes me sad" it most certainly made him both angry AND sad.
@mravg79 4 года назад
sadness comes after anger... is the feeling of resignation.. when you realize you have to accept the situation as you cannot change it. There is no anger left at this point.
@moodyJules 7 лет назад
The Order 1886: Just play Bloodborne
@Noperare 3 года назад
It is a game where you play as an immortal Arthurian knight fighting werewolves with Tesla steampunk guns. How the fuck did they managed to make this concept boring? This is the absolute proof that an idea is only good as its execution.
@RavenValor95 9 лет назад
£50?! FOR THIS?! I really hope you returned it to get some of that money back so it could be spent on something better, like, literally anything else. ._.
@VintageBalderdash 9 лет назад
***** Oh he got it bundled with his PS4, so returning it is like a £20 gift card with an errand slapped onto it. Also fuck the exchange rates at stores.
@Dullsonic3 9 лет назад
$50 just for 2 very lazy bosses, walking Sim., QTE up your butt, bad gameplay, and only for the epic graphics.
@ew275x 9 лет назад
Insert baffling comment to make this video look like the comment section of a Hyperbithero video. "The order 1886 is very replayable if you die in each cut-scene or use a different gun in a section where you previously X weapon."
@windwaker0rules 9 лет назад
holy crap an upload, this is an awesome late birthday present
@johnhurley8918 9 лет назад
I love how we're all so used to him not uploading that we are surprised when he does.
@bon-xt2js 9 лет назад
the last of us 2: battle for england
@AngelSamael 9 лет назад
Well at least Nintendo knows how to do steampunk properly.
@DraphEnjoyer 9 лет назад
This almost seems like a parody of cinematic games. Save us Kojima
@tamerdp 9 лет назад
Kojima is pretty far up his own ass too.
@SanFran51 9 лет назад
This is why Hideo Kojima always builds the game first then add the story NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND!
@dedeedo9355 9 лет назад
tamerdp Nice avatar. You`re not alexander.
@zhaoyun255 9 лет назад
MrZurata Maybe Yu Suzuki? The master of Shenmue who can actually executed the QTE in unison with gameplay perfectly. Heck, the actual combat was pretty awesome and the QTE customization (which a lot of them being a hidden tech) was way ahead of its time EVEN THIS GEN.
@ParkerH2020 3 года назад
Yeah Kojima...instead of slow walking sections he gave us a slow crawling section in MGSV.
@Captain_Vega 9 лет назад
God I always so happy to see that you've uploaded something.
@silverfox9006 6 лет назад
The developers be like: "Gameplay is shit? Ok, Story is shit? Ok Game is hella short? Not a problem..........But how bout them graphics tho? Hmm?"
@Nocturn3 9 лет назад
Animations good. Graphics too. But there's no way I'd pay 60 bux to watch pretty movement in pretty places.
@Omnipotentmonkey 4 года назад
the fact that this game actually had MUCH less depth to its combat than the original Gears of War (which kind of created the cover-system TPS as we know it) is the final nail in its coffin. it's not even going "back to square one" you've got SUBSTANTIALLY less than you had on square one, it feels like an anaemic prototype.
@MadSkillz76 Год назад
Just saw this review and laughed when he said its the most walking he had ever done in a video game...a couple of years later he prob changed his mind whe death stranding came out.
@jakewolf079 9 лет назад
It makes me sad, just like you said.
@jediphillip4 9 лет назад
*Daily reminder that rentals still exist.*
@Sohberson 9 лет назад
Why the game is so brown though
@Chadius 9 лет назад
Tarre Soberson 2006 called, they want their "realism" back
@tamerdp 9 лет назад
It's cinematic you uncultured swine.
@Sohberson 9 лет назад
But I am canine
@tamerdp 9 лет назад
Tarre Soberson I apologize for my ignorance.
@TheGabe92 9 лет назад
Because of tghe matureness the devs were going for. Don't you know that at 30 your vision will start blurring and the only color you can still see is brown?
@WaddleDee105 9 лет назад
Great review. Great to see another video from you!
@LAZY-RUBY Год назад
I seriously can't believe so many people are retroactively deciding this game was good all along. I got it for free and still wanted my money back.
@MrIsaac95 9 лет назад
I want there to be a sequel to this game since its universe definitely has potential!
@Doomkilla771099 9 лет назад
I believe they are in talks of making it into a franchise or already have decided it. My problem with that is that they should have made the game as a standalone first. A lot of AAA game laziness comes from the "We can just add it in the sequel." mentality when they should be going balls to the walls with this. Don't save it for the next game, use it right now because chances are without it the game will be even more shallow than it already is.
@johnblowme2783 7 лет назад
Oh and look God of War is now being pressed in this mold too....great.
@radpunk5144 7 лет назад
Happy to see I'm not the only one who dislike this change of pace and gameplay
@furious_malic7808 5 лет назад
John Blowme I honestly don’t think god of war isn’t that bad. I played the game and I think as a character the series needed a change and there was no way that playing as Kratos as he did back on god of war 3 would’ve been refreshing, it would’ve been a retread and I’m glad we got what we got. The game was good. Was it repetitive? Yes. But I enjoyed the feeeling of combat, and the story was great. It made me give a shit about the characters, and for the first time I give a shit about Kratos. The New God of War wasn’t that bad. It was decent. I liked it. Here’s hoping the sequel improves drastically on what the last game did. Trust me, it’s far from being as. Bad as the order. But it is alarming a lot of games this generation is trying to be like uncharted, and the last of us with very little care. Unless it has fun gameplay with interesting characters I won’t care.
@forklauncher 9 лет назад
For the first few seconds I wondered why the video isn't 60 FPS, then I remembered what game this is... Also can I just say that slowly walking down a hallway (while talking on the radio) is probably the greatest sin of modern gaming.
@ilexyellowdog 9 лет назад
No, QTE infested final bosses with unskippable cutscenes are the worst game design sin in gaming (namely because it combines so many terrible games design sins into one big one).
@forklauncher 9 лет назад
ilexyellowdog Yeah, but those were around in the PS2 era, so I don't really consider them "modern"
@Szadek23 9 лет назад
For some reason they think it helps building suspense,but in realtiy they are doing the opposite by wasting the players time.
@dftknight Год назад
@@Szadek23 A lot of that is to hide loadings screens tbh.
@Arcademan09 9 лет назад
I see someone's been watching Montage Parodies xDDDDDD I'm all seriousness it's always great to hear from you and I'm shocked you didn't talk about the severe lack of enemy variations as I heard there were only humans and like 4 werewolves scenarios
@BrainSeepsOut 8 лет назад
The biggest flaw of 1886 is that all the characters are dead serious and don't talk like humans. And why do 1886 knights talk like modern commandos?
@eduardogabriel1999 8 лет назад
1886 knights who live ever since king Arthur*
@Darmalarm777 9 лет назад
Oh god the Thatcher cameo was lovely.
@ParrotMan01276 9 лет назад
Let's hope they finally realize that they ARE smart enough to do much better than this game next time....if there is a next time. Knowing Sony, once this game fails they are getting shut down. At least, that's what usually happens.
@mrcenas 8 лет назад
I just noticed that you only have 28k subs... how is this possible?
@mrcenas 8 лет назад
I just subbed a long time ago because i liked the content, didnt even look at the sub count..
@mtotowamidiri 7 лет назад
There are so many channels like this that a saturation point has been reached, this a good channel amongst a sea of great channels
@arkanjoteixeira 7 лет назад
+Joe-Francis Kiaga Personally, I think this a pretty unique channel.
@radpunk5144 7 лет назад
+xkShow➤ By any means, do you know a channel with some content like the ones on this channel? Looks like I can't find another reviewer that gives an interesting subjective point of view on gaming industry like TheGamingBrit
@kobby999 7 лет назад
Akatsubasa clemps, vash the shell bullet, perils of pokey(who uploads rarely)
@sakebinks6818 9 лет назад
the review ive been waiting for they couldve done something amazing with the order 1886, too bad they missed it so badly
@rinnnnnnnnnnrin 2 года назад
FOR REAL! but sadly its just uncharted with basically the same gameplay but slower...stiffer and a cooler setting but with poor story telling.... god i had high hopes for this game before the ps4 came out(im pretty sure it was a launch title), i never ended up getting it but im glad i didnt miss much i guess :(
@unr8ted77 2 года назад
@@rinnnnnnnnnnrin You missed a very underrated game
@TheGavalanche 4 года назад
Now, admittedly it does not hold up well to any sort of game mechanic analysis - but pick this up for a fiver on sale and you start to focus on the positives. I had a good time with it (as I had zero expectations). It's actually starting to get a reputation as a bit of an underrated gem now (probably because it's very cheap). The setting is kind of cool, it does look pretty amazing at times, the plot is no worse than your standard Underworld or Resi flick (if you like enjoyable Monster nonsense + action (which I do)). I think the Order as a franchise/IP actually has a lot of potential. I think they should be commended for trying something a little different. Would be cool to see them get a crack at a sequel (and address nearly every point in the video).
@LAZY-RUBY 3 года назад
Shit, I got to play this for free, but the entire time I was thinking either, "wow they sure did cram a lot of details into these environments yet there's zero reason to explore them" and "OH MY GOD PLEASE GIVE ME A FUCKING RUN BUTTON"
@ragnartheone2387 3 года назад
I absolutely love this game and am still very sorry that it failed. Yes, it has a few issues I cannot argue away but they just do not bother me that much. In short, I understand many of the problems people have with it. But I just love the "heavy narrative leaning" and I also like the weighty gameplay. Still replaying it once a year. It certainly has a bit of an amusement park feeling, it is a super-scripted experience. But, *BUT*, if you are on board of the ride, you can have a lot of fun with it.
@TacticalTop 9 лет назад
Definitely liked the music you put in the video. I just finished Virtue's Last Reward a week ago and the P4 Golden months before that.
@OCMOOO 9 лет назад
Hang in there Gaming Brit, Bloodborne is almost here
@15awesomehighfive 4 года назад
Amazing how good DMC5 looks while having THAT gameplay.
@craftymasterproductions4218 3 года назад
I've only played the demo of DMC5, and I already had way more fun playing that than I would've playing this fucking game.
@ozone_strike3190 4 года назад
I bought this game four or so years ago when it was on sale on the PSN store for $1.99 USD and the “DLC” was actually $2.99 USD so I got that too not knowing much about it, I knew it was costumes but I hadn’t realized that it was only alternate color schemes for weapons and outfits that can only be used in certain chapters of the game, not even when you’re just playing since the weapon and outfit skins are paired together so to use the ones I had purchased as the DLC you had to be playing those specific weapons. I initially thought the game sounded cool when I had seen a dev talk about it a long time before launch and I thought the initial plot sounded really cool and fun (the reveal trailer shows what that was and later ones don’t so that should’ve been a sign), it started out with The Order being the surviving members of the Knights of the Round Table that used the Blackwater from the Holy Grail to live and survive to 1886 and are monster hunters as a really awesome concept and I was really excited for that and to fight monsters plus I like the aesthetic of a Gothic England so visually I thought that it was cool at the start. *SPOILERS* for its “plot” down below; All of that changed when the plot decided that they decided to scrap the monster part and instead have you fight human revels fighting against The Order in shootouts except for I think that it was a maximum of two or three lycanthropes and a scene where you fight a bunch of humans in order to burn down a warehouse of vampire coffins (to which you don’t fight any vampires and it’s a cutscene where you burn them all.) I feel like the game had a lot of potential since as bland as the combat was, the gore aspects especially the Tesla weapons had *I really enjoyed Tesla being in the game as your weapon smith/quartermaster/inventor*, the gore felt a bit satisfying when I blind fired Tesla weapon from cover and it took off the entire shoulder and upper torso and head of a rebel so I felt it had potential and the plot and game itself would’ve been so much better if they stuck with monsters instead of a civil war. The mystery element of the game was predictable and aside from Lafayette and Tesla I didn’t really care about anyone else, not even Galahad too much. The fact the game is about twelve chapters long and at least one of them is a cutscene exclusively it’s very short and not rewarding. I got the platinum trophy in nine hours and would’ve gotten it from my first playthrough if there wasn’t one scene where there are four collectibles and you have to search for them to progress the story but once you get any three of the four the mission jumps to the next scene so if you want all collectibles you have to replay that entire mission to go back to that one scene to get that one last collectible that you were denied the first time. My favorite review of the game that I had read somewhere before buying it was “Its a good movie, too bad it’s a game.” and I find that to be a nice way to describe it, it has a lot of potential to be better than what it was but it wasn’t good at all. The fact it ends on a cliffhanger makes me really hope we could get something better at some point but I doubt we ever will, as terrible as the game was I still like the premise of monster hunting as the Knights of the Round Table in Gothic 1886 England and think they could’ve done a lot more and even a solely linear story experience could’ve been done so much better than what was made but I do appreciate the devs time spent as mentioned in the video since visually it is really nice to look at but that’s just my thoughts and own little review of the game.
@nothing-me1mn 7 лет назад
I actually really liked this. I paid $5 for it, and I treated it like a movie. It was enjoyable, as I came in with no expectations.
@TheChiperSdre34 7 лет назад
What is that outro music? I feel like it's from Persona 4, but I can't quite remember.
@MrJessehalljrw 9 лет назад
Amazing content homie. Subed
@UNGLELK 9 лет назад
Nice video. Is that Zero Escape music I hear on the background? Are you going to do a video about that? 999 vs VLR? :^)
@schmity007 9 лет назад
Finally people are catching on to what I've been reiterating for a while now. Not, that they heard it from me, just that it's a common complaint.
@Zekrom025 9 лет назад
So this is basically the Ground Zeroes of 2015.... except it costs £20 more....
@suwatsaksri7191 9 лет назад
And Ground Zeroes has replay value
@gmaster2647 9 лет назад
At least Ground Zeroes is 90% gameplay and offers loads of replay value. I still can't excuse its length though. Should've just been a free demo. Or at least costed $15 at the absolute most.
@CPalanysamy 8 лет назад
This is a great review with some social commentary as a bonus. I don´t care much about story in games, but I 10/10 agree on the mechanical aspect of this game. Cheers
@reddestroyer9809 9 лет назад
Incoming Sony fanboy damage control tactic "I had a blast with this game"... How dumb do you have to be to approve this sort of game design, I think I lost my faith in humanity seeing how some people defend this game and claim they had a "blast". Something tells me they wouldn't say this if it wasn't a PS4 exclusive...
@Hunterese123 9 лет назад
It's a matter of opinion though, can't dispute a person's feelings of a game.
@anus4122 9 лет назад
Red Destroyer You'd be surprised with what the average gamer enjoys nowadays. Wanna know why this game has bare bones gameplay and little to no variation in it's overall aesthetic? Because it's way easier to market a pretty-gritty game to the the absurdly large demographic that seems to think Battlefield revolutionized gaming. I can't even get mad at the developers anymore, people eat this shit up all the time.
@reddestroyer9809 9 лет назад
An us Tell me about it, and the worst part is how clueless people make statements about the industry "evolving" and producing better and better games... When in reality it's quite the opposite. Most of the big Japanese companies like Square Enix, Konami, Capcom and so on have stagnated and this and most of previous gen's new IPs pale in comparison to most of the old IPs. There are just so many clueless gamers who have no idea what they're talking about or what innovation means. They say how certain games innovate when in reality those games utilize game mechanics that have been done over and over... They think a story that would probably be considered average on the big screen, can somehow innovate and make a game interesting. I've seen this coming, developers producing average games like this and acting pretentious and silly gamers giving them way more credit than they actually deserve.
@anus4122 9 лет назад
Red Destroyer It's unfortunately an issue that seems to be persisting simply because of how people react to these games. Mediocrity has become the standard, and most gamers nowadays are just totally okay with that for some reason. There is backlash against games like The Order, Destiny, and The Crew, but it's just not enough to get companies to stop milking those franchises. What's worse though, to me, is what you said about the stagnation with big companies, because it's so true that it hurts. The Last of Us is treated like some sort of huge innovation in the gaming industry that raises the bar for all forms of media or some shit, but it's literally just Resident Evil 4 when you get down to brass tacks, but instead of the escort being useless and constantly in danger, she can walk right next to the enemies and they will give zero fucks. I'd be more forgiving if the game wasn't just a huge amalgamation of concepts borrowed from other games that ended up getting shoved in as shallow a fashion as possible. Evil Within is like the exact same thing, too, I hate what's happening to gaming. You'd think that games on inferior hardware like the SNES would result in an over saturation of IPs attempting to mimic Mario, but the funny thing is that the SNES probably has double the variety of all the modern console's libraries combined.
@Hunterese123 9 лет назад
An us What's wrong with games, taking a concept or idea from another game and making it better? That's what games are, inspiration from other games in the same genre.
@osmankovacevic6135 4 года назад
You are absolutely right, after 30 minutes I felt I didn't know who is who and what is what, and I felt so bored doing this manual work without any pleasure, it's horrific
@dontworryaboutit6914 3 года назад
3:57 That's it that's the line folks everybody go home it's over.
@PeterEhik 6 лет назад
I gotta ask, if alls that's behind the Extras section is Credits, why not just put Credits as an option on the main screen and get rid of the Extras section? Bad UI.
@christoptheillusiveman9875 8 лет назад
Do you know what I I did not see coming in this video? the rayman 3 and persona 4 music.
@christoptheillusiveman9875 8 лет назад
It's great.
@DolanDuking 9 лет назад
Dat Persona 4 Golden soundtrack
@LukeSparrow221 9 лет назад
Nice use of the Dog Song there GamingBrit!
@random135246 9 лет назад
great review!
@cheezburgerforcats 9 лет назад
Bonus points for use of a Darker than Black clip.
@omgitsbees 8 лет назад
For what it's worth, if you want a platinum trophy, this game makes it very easy to get the platinum trophy. You can do it in one playthrough with a guide. It's also only $20 now and that is totally worth it for what the game is.
@TheKproductionsful 8 лет назад
You definitely have a point about not having balloon gunfights in the game. That sounds like a pretty original idea.
@rinnnnnnnnnnrin 2 года назад
could say the same for borderlands
@soltanalosmi475 8 лет назад
slow walking ... that what I did in the last of us because every freaking part of the game is to gorgeous to run past.
@ACE-gt6yn 9 лет назад
What's the name of the audio track around about the 8 minute mark?
@maria_remedios 9 лет назад
It's funny watching this after buying Garry's Mod wich is a $10 game that has nearly endless replay value. I have 50 more bucks than if i had bought Le Order. Top lel.
@Valkiraun 9 лет назад
the review was longer than the game.
@TheMultiTasker3 7 лет назад
7:53 I am having the hardest time placing this song title, but I'm almost positive I've listened to it before, Anyone want to help me out here and give me the name?
@crimsonowl1420 6 лет назад
TheMultiTasker3 Memory from Persona 4.
@LThanhHao232 8 лет назад
i can hear the music of Persona 4 and metal gear solid in the background, nice :)))
@XxXVideoVeiwerXxX 9 лет назад
It shoulda stayed a tech demo.
@DeMomcalypseLive 6 лет назад
You know, everyone bags on Uncharted amd The Last of Us for not being "real games" but you know what is worse than Uncharted? Games trying to be Uncharted..
@blakecj1 6 лет назад
The Last of us and Uncharted not being real games, the fuck are people smoking The Last of Us maybe on lower difficulty's but on higher ones there are some fantastically brutal encounters and so many close calls. The stealth sections are alot more fun as well. Uncharted is as gamey as it comes at least until 4.
@FATMANDD1 9 лет назад
i love this guy
@jonbrown7737 Год назад
I think I got this for 5 bucks and I was pleasantly surprised by how I felt by the end. I really wished there was more
@junkyardcrow1748 9 лет назад
The editing here really reminds of a YourMovieSucks video. Especially the "static" transitions.
@maxjohansson3633 5 лет назад
I bought this game and I was disappointed beyond expectations
@ZantofDarkness 5 лет назад
Liking the Rayman 3 Globox music at 8:42 in reference to the balloons
@CaptDnaDonut 3 года назад
8:52 Still looks impressive in my opinion.
@AlterAce 9 лет назад
more like The Snore-der yooooooooooooooooooooooooo damn.
@CornishCreamtea07 9 лет назад
If they had released it as a budget titles, like they did with Ratchet and Clank Nexues and Puppeteer, though I think the later deserved to be full price, there would of been little to no backlash. Such a small thing could of saved the whole thing yet no one saw it.
@amongthieves5752 9 лет назад
What song is that 7:54
@realbr1koo Год назад
Sad thing about this game is that the setting and atmosphere and fictious elements are actually so extremely strong that its just a shame to see how they wasted it for such a shallow game. Bloodborne kind of had a similar setting, but The Order is more grounded.
@melxb 6 лет назад
i loved this games story so i didnt mind the gameplay either...to each is own, but its really underrated
@SuperArppis 7 лет назад
This is what you get when graphics are your king and country.
@number1fairfield 9 лет назад
Hi, love your vids, please can you do a review of ninja gaiden black? I think it's better than any DMC game and would love to hear your thoughts.
All these overhyped next gen shit... Watch dogs,Titanfall,Destiny,The Crew.. and now this.. CAN WE JUST STOP HYPING THIS SHIT?
@gmaster2647 9 лет назад
I don't usually hump Nintendo's leg and all, but Nintendo seems to be one of the few companies who actually did not fall for any "modern game design" bullshit. They'd rather care about making interesting and engaging gameplay than telling a story, which is honestly what games should do. I don't mind telling a great story though, so long as the gameplay holds up. Just...focus on making a game first and then create a story.
@ew275x 9 лет назад
No, we still have The Division, Rainbow Six, and Uncharted 4 to contend with.
ew275x The Division..i can't wait to see how much ASS that's going to suck.
@WDSimp 9 лет назад
***** The answer is a lot. A lot of ass.
@johnhurley8918 9 лет назад
Titanfall was actually pretty good.
@tmaxim2651 7 лет назад
Honestly I prefer the graphics of Hyper Light Drifter, Journey, Shadow of the Colossus or the early Devi May Cry games to bland realistic images.
@wanada6938 5 лет назад
I know this is old but you putting in hyper light drifter as an example just made me really damn happy.
@skrillkidd8006 7 лет назад
I like your channel. You are very well spoken
@PauLtus_B 9 лет назад
Just wanted to give out another point about the aspect ratio. "For the more cinematic experience". Well exactly, this aspect ratio only makes sense in a cinema. Further more yes. This game again seems to be exactly the problem with modern games.
@egoborder3203 8 лет назад
my only exception to this is that while I was blown away by Uncharted 2, I only played it because a friend pestered me for weeks. The first game didn't exactly set me on fire. by that token I think The Order at least deserves a look at a sequel though there's much to be addressed
@absa64 8 лет назад
would you recommend the order for 20$?
@_ActionSebastian 9 лет назад
Nice Persona 4 Golden music at the end there.
@melxb 6 лет назад
if u look at it like a telltales type game, shit is way better and more hands on
@TheBmaxsmith 9 лет назад
Good one Gaming Brit..
@willywitchdoctor 7 лет назад
thought it would be a tactical squad based game where u hunted different kind of monsters using wrapons to match their weaknesses and gain gear like xcom. i should never let my imagination wander after watching a teaser wver again
@gmoney9469 9 лет назад
This just goes to show that game play is much more important than graphics.
@RicharbY 9 лет назад
with so many missing mechanics and QTE's, it's almost as if the game is playing you.
@freddo6284 9 лет назад
(Sees video) This gon' be good.jpg
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