
Preach Reacts to 'Let's go Whaling' - Monetization Conference 

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9 июн 2022




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@MostlyClueless 2 года назад
If you have to say “Let’s leave the morality out of this” it’s probably pretty fucking immoral
@nhagan001 2 года назад
You could get away with ALOT if we ran on that principle!
@derpderpin1568 2 года назад
@@nhagan001 America does. Soda and chip companies are some of the largest lobbyists in control of our elections and government (and thus world-last awful food regulations that allow insanely addictive amounts of sugar). It's pathetic and sad.
@knicknevin9975 2 года назад
An interesting thing to note is that bit about Bartle Types. Because you notice he doesn't really go into how to monetize the 'Explorer' group. That's not by accident- the explorer type of content- story and exploring open worlds and experiences, are very difficult to monetize compared to the other types. Not impossible, but not really worth the effort. So when you see developers or even (sponsored) content creators proselytizing about how story is unnecessary in a game and all that matters is the gameplay, the tone of such a statement suddenly shifts. Now you have to wonder if that's a genuine opinion or just game developers (and their mouthpieces) making an excuse to minimize the part of their games that produce the least revenue.
@derpderpin1568 2 года назад
To me exploration and story are completely separate entirely different ends of a spectrum. Exploring games both in their game spaces and their mechanics is my favorite thing about video games but I don't for a second want a single ounce of story. Cannot stand it.
@baklazan777 Год назад
He does mention monetization of content - to be exact he says that content is difficult to produce and keep up with the demand so it's not the best way to monetize
@Hallothon 6 месяцев назад
For me personally learning what happens next in a good story is what motivates me to make progression in a game. With a few exceptions where the game play is really good / provides me my own avenues to creatively express myself, I'll get bored. My favorite games combine an exceptional story with exceptional gameplay and take advantage of said gameplay to enhance the story.
@marksr1907 2 года назад
If you're in the US please be aware of Report FTC. We need to bring legal and political attention to this.
@charnotaurus2665 2 года назад
Yeah... remember how Blizzard did anchoring for the transfer of classic characters for $30 and then people got mad and they lowered the price? Funny that.
@mchowast 2 года назад
Yea, the problem is all of this shit works. Watch them reduce the cost for a Rift in Diablo Immortal from 25$ to 15$ at some point in the future, when the first big waves of player sending have subsided, and the players will praise them for it and toss in some more money.
@ginacirelli1581 2 года назад
@@mchowast I'm starting to think Blizzard planned this whole thing. After all, no exposure is worse than bad exposure. They'll change everything and say "look how we change things because the players want them, look what angels we are". And most of the stupid masses will believe it. Blizzard has always been a lowest common denominator game maker, and that's why they are so successful. Case in point, EA is still going strong.
@Hornswroggle 2 года назад
Anchoring was used to push MTX as a concept too, on a Meta-Level. Every time you hear "Ah well but in (GAME X) the Microtransactions are not as bad as in (GAME Y)" that's Anchoring in effect. Game Y was the "50$ offer" that was expected to fail - and Game X is the "15$ offer" that then normalized the concept that much more.
@noobkaka567 2 года назад
@@ginacirelli1581 of course it's all planned. It's a business. A business wants to make money. Don't hate the game, just abstain from it. So far it's still working because people keep playing and paying.
@mchowast 2 года назад
@@ginacirelli1581 Since their pricing structure is planned down to a tee, I wouldn't put it past Blizzard to also plan their exposure rate like that. I mean we all know, that negative experiences and negative emotions are easier to remember and stay longer in memory, but that is also the case with totally unexpected experiences and I think Blizzard banked on the latter part. Because most people already expected Diablo Immortal to be Pay2Win, but most reviews also stated, "It's a fine game" or "A good Diablo experience", which IMO will be the part that stays in peoples memories, since it is somewhat unexpected, with most people thinking, that mobile games are just always bad games. And then in a few month or years when Blizzard drops the prices of the ingame stuff, people will play it because "It always was an OK or good game, I just didn't want to play it because it was Pay2Win and now it's 50%(or whatever reduction) less Pay2Win. LET'S GO!".
@OGEETOMO 2 года назад
This is called Neuromarketing, the part he said about how fast it takes your rational mind to kick in is really important you can very skillfully design websites and all sorts of things to get people to buy b4 their rationality kicks in.
@MythrilShotgun 2 года назад
I will say, some of the tricks mentioned in this video do have beneficial uses. Modelling your community to incentivize desirable behaviors utilizes a lot of similar techniques. Commendations helping to label other players as helpful people. The first-time bonus FF uses for sprouts pushes people to include other new people and 'spread' the game to include more newbies. Even the mentor crown, for all its woes, is a manipulation to try and foster a supportive community.
@aliciafraser1835 2 года назад
The thing is, none of those ask you for extra money outside of your sub, and do not ask for extra time, outside of what you were already spending with the game. Nine times out of ten however, these methods are used to part a person from their money at any cost.
@khinzaw77 2 года назад
@rick mel1 Marriage is free, you are actually wrong.
@khinzaw77 2 года назад
@rick mel1 Just don't buy them. Unlike mobile games it doesn't gate you at all.
@velho6298 2 года назад
And then you see people defending this, "Just enjoy the game maan", "It's not pay to win, it's pay for convience". It's designed to be manipulating, that's the reason why people hate it.
@aliciafraser1835 2 года назад
"Pay for convenience has ALWAYS been a bad argument, because games don't HAVE to be inconvenient, it's the creators who choose for them to be grindy, or overly long so they can get people who think that way to part with their money. The money isn't fixing a problem that can't be helped.... it's fixing a problem that was manufactured and didn't need to be there to begin with.
@kuronaialtani 2 года назад
@rick mel1 yes? What’s your point here? Genuinely curious There is nothing the shop offers that you absolutely need to play the game, not in any capacity And unlike most games with shops, it doesn’t constantly shove in your face that the shop is there The free trial is also there if you can’t pay just yet, and if you’re going to buy the game proper you know the sub fee exists by that point Same goes for most any sub-based game, you pay for the game then pay the monthly/whatever-ly sub I realize I reiterated a couple things you called out but. . .it’s true?
@khinzaw77 2 года назад
@rick mel1 The sheer amount of logical fallacy here is astounding. You are just comparing things that are not even close to the same degree.
@kuronaialtani 2 года назад
@rick mel1 ooookay then Have you genuinely had to buy something to play FFXIV outside of the sub fee to feel this way, if you even play the game at all I’m feeling a bit of resentment to the shop, considering how little the game promotes it The main dev team doesn’t even run the thing I’ll give you having to buy a marriage though, that one’s off But everything else? Nah
@kuronaialtani 2 года назад
@rick mel1 Wow that is quite the edit from what you had before Definitely some history there if you're bringing up diablo immortal and genshin to compare to FFXIV I'm sorry you feel that way
@Xairos84 2 года назад
This is half of the equation, the other half is that we as gamers are longing for some persistent, shared-space, seemingly long-term experiences where the 'game' is hard to solve (in mobile's case, it will never be solved). This model keeps us hooked by robbing us of what was once commonplace: the closure of a gaming experience.
@omarcomming722 2 года назад
I look for the exact opposite in every gaming experience unless it's an MMO.
@hexi1722 2 года назад
Just think that these companies have had another 6 years to further refine these tactics
@truton1060 2 года назад
The thing is, some of these points are not inherently evil things, it is just how they are using them. If they applied some of these to in-game systems like having to work for gear and create items and such you will be more attached to it then if you just randomly got it.
@Sobepome 2 года назад
"Is this all rich campbell" no preach, it's all tectone
@erickbennett 2 года назад
other channels exposing a specific game’s predatory practices - good. this channel taking it up to the meta level and exposing the process and psychology that drives it - brilliant. well done.
@alternis 2 года назад
I quit my last job because of this. I was working for a mobile game company as player support, and the blatant scummy monetization methods just got to me and I had to leave. One example is when players pull from a gatcha is that they make the game crash so you don't see what you get, and then they replace it with trash pulls and some times you don't get your pulls at all, this is premium currency that you pay for with real world cash BTW.
@spacejunk2186 2 года назад
How the fuck is that not illegal?
@SadBirbHours 2 года назад
@@spacejunk2186 How do you go about proving it?
@alternis 2 года назад
This doesn't just happen in pulls. Most, if not all of the systems that use premium currency is somewhat bugged on purpose. Note that these bugs are not fixed for years, the inside joke is that the bugs are part of the game but they cause the players money and we rarely give reimbursements due to crashes and bugs, blaming the user devices is standard. It's sickening, and the worst part is that the players keep spending money and they keep playing. We even have tiers of players who spend cash, they are categorized and should be treated differently based on their category. Some of them have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars. The revenue is insane.
@Hornswroggle 2 года назад
I've seen exerpts from this presentation before, and that alone was vomit inducing... but what Mike says at 1:20 is very true: It helps to know the tricks that are being employed. Knowing the Trick behind the illusionist helps dispel the magic and the glamour around it. And once you understand the mechanics of your own brain you can take steps against the exploitation, whether you are able to "just stop" or seek assistance to help you stop compulsive spending. And if and when you do seek help: Don't be ashamed! It is the Explioters' fault not yours.
@TheDwagonHD 2 года назад
only difference between this and magic tricks is that, when you know how a magic trick is done. it seems even more impressive. (atleast for me)
@Miranox2 2 года назад
Very true, the only way to defend yourself against manipulation is by knowing the tricks used to manipulate.
@Rickere91 2 года назад
Magic tricks can be impressive. This is just sociopathic.
@hominid92 2 года назад
Preach, it's in the name! Retainers are to make your retention better and keep you in game.
@Ralticus 2 года назад
they should literally make every US Congress member watch this
@numberjohnny5ive 2 года назад
So they can decry it publicly, take a bigger cut from they lobbyist that support this, and then do nothing about it while pointing fingers at the other side?
@Ralticus 2 года назад
@@numberjohnny5ive I was thinking more so that they can no longer have claim to this bs veil that they have no idea what's going on.
@numberjohnny5ive 2 года назад
@@Ralticus I'm just being cynical.
@Runescapevidproducer 2 года назад
Why? So they can get their slice of the revenue pie from lobbying?
@Nollaz 2 года назад
Any questions? -Yeah, how do you sleep at night?
@RafaelROUNDUP 2 года назад
"And this is how liberty ends...with thunderous applause."
@Gravechylde 2 года назад
1:50 He even puts the Iron Maiden Number of the Beast devil in the slide, lol
@Amphroxia 2 года назад
i like how he talks about this stuff as if its not completely evil and exploitative.
@kvikende 2 года назад
Money doesn't smell.
@nhagan001 2 года назад
Just like the hype train on Twitch (a system for incentivizing you to spend money on emotes), electronic transactions are only as positive or benefit as their creator.
@Improv248 2 года назад
Labeling Technique is used in so many P2W games, that’s call VIP level. There’s a game where they even assign dedicated Customer reps to VIPs.
@serisothikos 2 года назад
Things like this are why I'm deeply suspicious of people who say they want to put public services in the hands of for-profit enterprises.
@ArtBear88 2 года назад
Its hard to take them seriously when their response is "yoU DoNT UNdErStaNd eCoNomiCs"
@pholkhero2145 2 года назад
Yeah. Crassus had a for profit fire service. Either sell me your house that's on fire for a huge discount or let your house burn. Capitalism baby
@jeremyhorner9531 2 года назад
First time seeing this... The only game I want to play is just something I only have to buy once ever
@Sephvion 2 года назад
Start playing older games then. That's what I have been doing.
@Recluse7477 2 года назад
@@Sephvion unironically good advice, you can even see the difference in the content between old and modern games. not having a store or ingame currency that you buy with real money is a fucking relief.
@icebox1954 2 года назад
@@Sephvion Elden Ring only needs to be bought once, and it has a lot of content. Not to mention that you can play it in vastly different ways, artificially making the game seem more expansive than it really is.
@Sephvion 2 года назад
@@icebox1954 Of course every once in a while, a complete experience comes out, but those are becoming rarer. If the trajectory continues, as it is, then what I said will start becoming more relevant.
@AscendantStoic 2 года назад
Diablo Immortal devs must have been taking a lot of notes in that seminar XD
@mchowast 2 года назад
Seen this 'presentation' a few times now, and it gets a bit more disgusting every time. This guy, Torulf Jernström, doesn't seem to care how low he has to stoop to exploit other human beings, as long as he makes some cash from it.
@pinolskun8764 2 года назад
At least he does so without trying to mask it like many companies or people do, i guess
@angelgodric 2 года назад
This is the history of humanity why Europe conquer American? If you are stupid enough to fall for it someone will always try to take advantage of you learn and do better next time.
@velho6298 2 года назад
He is just trying to make money like everybody else..
@pinolskun8764 2 года назад
@@velho6298 No he makes money by fucking people over, very few people do that
@mchowast 2 года назад
@@velho6298 xD Yes, he's just trying to put some food on the table for his starving family.
@violetbliss4399 2 года назад
The art of turning people into data.
@JesperoTV 2 года назад
Weeeell shiiiet... I knew I recognized that accent. Not a good look on us Swedish-speaking Finns for this guy to represent us.
@velho6298 2 года назад
Well at least the dude is spelling the tricks for all of us. That's more than any company in the world. Like blizzard lol
@Ryotbh 2 года назад
4:20 - Ahh the Lost Ark defence... It might be P2W, but its not that P2W! In fact, P2W only matters in PvP now, so it's not really P2W at all!
@askaflamininja 2 года назад
When I started this video I didn't feel sick.
@bobtower66 2 года назад
This is why you should always stop and think before making any purchase in a game.
@kpenn100 2 года назад
this reminds me of those of tobacco companies plotting to addict kids, if i had to title the speach id call it how to make a mess that no on wants to play.
@hub1986 2 года назад
So true Evil but extremly effective
@pholkhero2145 2 года назад
Reminds me of kids and cigarettes here in the states in the 80s and 90s
@kilikx1x 2 года назад
The link to the "original video" is a completely different video..
@rkramer5629 2 года назад
24:35 - I think he just died a little inside right there! 🤣🤣🤣☠️
@shrubninja6444 2 года назад
I said "bread and water" too. We're built different together, Mike.
@restinginn9906 2 года назад
Know your enemy
@andrewshandle 2 года назад
There's a certain space game out there that not only caters to all 4 Bartles, it also has fans of the game will justify the spending way more than the developers do and actively recruit new whales...I mean, players for the game!
@Zilla5k5 2 года назад
I thought water too...
@lukegrim3858 2 года назад
I need to take a shower now
@OG_Fireflare 2 года назад
I need a shower after listening to this
@quotient1685 2 года назад
This is literally just a tutorial for companies.
@rkramer5629 2 года назад
The worst part of this is the constant lip smacking! Am I right!? 🤣 But honestly. Disgusting. “Your saying the quiet part out loud” comes to mind. Not even trying to hide how predatory this shit is
@BlueWoWTaylan 2 года назад
This is the reason why I avoid any mobile game and the late ''Live service, TOTALLY OPTIONAL purchases in-game store'' crap. They are literally designed to manipulate to bankrupt you.
@Kozmokast 2 года назад
I love that some of his chat brings up that FF14 does this as well, in order to bait some sort of argument. Like yea every game can do this to an extent, but there are some really obvious and criminal offenders of this shit.
@TNTspaz 2 года назад
Did this man literally just compare his players to the skinner box experiment lmao
@vidiveniviciDCLXVI 2 года назад
Yeah but Trading cards, can be trading for money or other cards, they have value, your diablo account belongs to Blizzard, no matter how much you spend and they can close it any time they want and for any reason.
@khullane 2 года назад
And that's how I was got majes me sick
@absolute8342 2 года назад
What I'm seeing is a conman showing the secrets of his trade to potential conmen
@thriftingtonpost 2 года назад
"Bread and water" because your brain is wired to think like Vanilla wow. Need bread and water to recover between battles!
@rkramer5629 2 года назад
Plankton? I might fall into the cyanobacteria category… lol
@Toastermann 2 года назад
Stopped Asmon's react to the same video half way through. Swapped to this one, watched from the start, and likely still finished sooner then I would have finishing Asmons.
@Alnarra 2 года назад
Totalbiscuit is slowly seeping into Mike he's seeing the monster that is the industry more clearly
@Chibi-kittenplays 2 года назад
If THAT is from Sweden then Sweden is ashamed.. We are deeply sorry for this. If that is from Finland. .well we are still sorry.
@3ASY355 2 года назад
if there is ever a lawsuit against predatory MTX in the US. This video in court would be hilarious.
@JeanPaulB 2 года назад
Any good salesman knows these tricks, the problem is the disgusting level to which they're applied in these games! It's absolutely unforgivable. If we see such practices in "regular" commerce, we don't blink twice before moving on to the next store. Sadly too many ppl pay for these games to keep the practice going.
@draken4o 2 года назад
Sad reality we live in... Sadly ppl like us that throw up watching this.. we are less than 1% of the target audience of those mobile games. And ive seen clueless people all over the world actually thinking this is normal.. and Diablo Immortal is the best game ever.
@Marsmuncher 2 года назад
I understand the need to understand these types of mechanics to make it easier to spot them and avoid them but everytime I've seen this presentation (a few times now) or others like it I come away from them feeling like I need to take a bath in bleach.
@omarcomming722 2 года назад
Nah this should be just made illegal outright. All manipulative and explorative marketing bullshit, whether it's microtransaction or regular economics. Fuck all of it
@Marsmuncher 2 года назад
@@omarcomming722 I agree. And if it can't be made illegal then any game that has this type of exploitive bs in it should be rated 18 and be subject to the gambling licencing laws of the country and heavily taxed accordingly.
@icebox1954 2 года назад
@@omarcomming722 That's not going to happen, like not even close. There are very few things people need, selling people stuff they don't need, is how to do good business. I was laughing through this whole thing. Good for them if they can trick the primitive brains of people into buying worthless stuff they don't really want. I love it. The best thing about this is that the less intelligent you are, the easier it is to exploit you. Meaning, if you make simple stuff (low skill to make) you can get a huge return from a few ignorant/uninhibited people. It's predatory to the extreme and it pays well. If you're dumb enough to fall victim to a predator then you deserve to be prey.
@omarcomming722 2 года назад
@@icebox1954 Glad that you loved it because you're exactly the type of guy that he was holding the presentation for. It's predatory even if it isn't extreme, you're just setting the bar for outrage and for a boiling point lower, so that it's less likely to occur. Analyzing this bullshit from an economic perspective and from the perspective of basic morality are two separate galaxies with fuck all in-between. No one is arguing that this isn't "good business" because the definition of good business is is not to provide value to people but to extract money for as little of an investment as possible. I also don't give a fuck about either the scumbags profitting or the morons that are paying for it, I'm angry because it's all the rest of us who can't escape this shit anymore because it's everywhere, even if we want nothing to do with it.
@icebox1954 2 года назад
@@omarcomming722 Cry me a river. Your emotions are not valuable. For games it's not as bad as you make it out to be, except for mobile games (which the players of those deserve to be ripped off), so it's just rage bait for the emotionally unstable like you. There are plenty of good games out there that don't engage in this practice. Play them.
@jpbarry93 2 года назад
Part of the reason C&C Rivals was a failure was because it was among the most skilled based mobile games ever made. The Whales got absolutely roasted. The devs accidentally made a really good game.
@SmugHomura 2 года назад
I don't get why so many people act revolted or shocked when every business ever does this. Your local super market mindgames the shit out of you. Any decent store offline or online mindgames the shit out of you to get that little bit extra. Every %off sale is meticulously calculated and timed to generate maximum revenue. This is literally just how business works. Gaming was generally just not affected by it too much because it wasn't as commercialized when it was still the nerds club but now (as in the last 10 years) it makes big bank and all the marketeers start rushing in.
@lostnfound1086 2 года назад
Why is my butt suddenly so sore!?!
@MegaAndyGG 2 года назад
Don't put big dicks in there. Or maybe it's this video. I don’t know, bro.
@weijingburr2392 2 года назад
Granted, This man may be distasteful. He is talking to an audience though and I'd venture to say that no matter how awful what he says is, it's the people in the audience who think it's a good idea, which is waaaay worse. By the looks of it Blizzard was in full attendance, latest news and what not, but in reality, it's every FtP game. This old ass video needs more views, especially by mainstream media, hopefully you watching it will spark more circulation. Thank you for watching it.
@karlklein2263 2 года назад
I dont understand. This presentation made the rounds several years ago. Why are people only now freaking out over it? It was so blatantly craven back then I just don't see how it hasn't been used as proof to shut this crap down everywhere
@peregrine5327 2 года назад
I don't know about other people -- but Mike was talking about Diablo Immortal on his stream, then said, "hey do you remember that video of that whaling guy from years back" and then pulled it up.
@Reldan 2 года назад
I feel like the sad part is that the tricks and manipulation being used aren't some big secret. You just have a massive number of people who believe they're above such things (Marketing doesn't work on ME! I'm too SMART for that!) and that people who get abused by such practices are weak-willed suckers who deserve what they get. People love to rationalize the extent to which they don't think they're rationalizing. True whales like to believe their wealth and power puts them above the crowd, and the hardcore people providing them the audience to be lorded over like to believe they're somehow winning because they've bought in to the idea that if somebody pays $1000 for something you mindlessly grinded for 50 hours, you just got great value from your time. The reality is that for that whale the $1000 might have been nothing, an hour or two of their time at most, and they're laughing at your loser ass that slaved away for 50 hours for something that was trivial for them, because that proves to them how much more successful and better they are than you. You aren't the winner here, you're literally feeding them their power trip. The game company has tricked you into eating shit and convinced you that you like it, then put you on display for rich people to laugh at. The whale wins because it shows the gamiing industry how important they are and drives them to cater to their needs. The game company wins because they make crazy profits that take much less effort and resources than actually producing top quality games. You lose because you're no longer the target audience - you've ceded that to rich assholes. And the worst losers are the ones who can't actually afford to be whales but are addicted and feel the need to compete anyways no matter the cost. You either pay for content, or you are the content.
@sijrichters 2 года назад
The presentation should be titled, "How to Manipulate Gamers".
@ontime9721 2 года назад
i can't believe there's people in chat defending genshin impact, goes to show how bad this shit hooks people. i hope yall find help soon
@BlackPenzo 2 года назад
Pokemon Go is pay to win too don't get me wrong but they at least made a game and give non payers catchups. You can't compete with the whales but you can at least play with them.
@alewis514 2 года назад
These are some really advanced and well thought manipulation techniques. They hire fucking casino directors to guide them how to make addictive gambling mechanisms in their games. And don't you dare say to me shit like 'i'm resistant to this, i'll never buy these egregious mtx'. Zizaran said it well - people aren't capable of following a simple fucking POE build guide, so he doesn't expect them to be resistant to such advanced manipulation techniques.
@tobiasgm2978 2 года назад
How can guys like this justify their actions? I couldn't bring myself to design something like this wtf, I would rather quit my job. I would feel so much shame.
@stevieblunder2656 2 года назад
Because you're not a sociopath. This guy probably is. All the people that do shit like this are. They literally aren't capable of empathy or shame. There's a reason most of them that are smart enough end up in politics or as CEOs, corporate lawyers,etc. You gotta have a below normal capacity for empathy to do all the horrible shit those types of people gotta do on a daily basis... most of us have moral/ethical limits. I couldn't defend a dude in court that killed his family,even though by law he has to have legal representation. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night. These guys don't have that problem.
@andrewpryce659 2 года назад
This is why bad people make the most money
@eyeofthasky 2 года назад
why does this chat continue say he is finnish?! XDXD ... could people not at least try to learn about other cultures or languages? a name like "Torulf Jernström" is as Swedish as the company Ikea is xD ... if he was a Finn his name may more likely be "Tooru Jernnalainen" or whatever :D half of the finnish population couldnt even pronounce his last name with 5 consonants in a row without vowels, that not how Finnish works. even the borrowed english word "stress", stressi, is mostly pronounced only 'ressi' cuz 3 consonants in a row are 2 too many :D .. besides that, just listen him talk, his accent is obviously more swedish than finnish
@YoshisSupport 2 года назад
im so disgusted but i watched for like what preach said knowing what they are thinking
@Tooglespark 2 года назад
So. Disgustingly. Predatory.
@Spika94 2 года назад
It was Genshin that really woke me up to how absolutely insane this money spending in these phone games has become. The fact that Genshin has been allowed to run rampant like it has, absolutely blows my mind. Not only are each and every character insufferably expensive, they also hit you with massive FOMO where every 5 star/good characters are limited, and often takes a full year before showing up again. They also give you such a tiny amount of premium currency that you have to skip several character banners in hopes you can get a single one of them. And the majority (if not all) of the best weapon are also locked behind the gacha, effectively making it pay2win. But of course, the pay2win aspect of it is dismissed because the game is beatable with the lower tier weapons and characters, and that you can technically get it for free. But rolling on weapon banners and character banners uses the same currency, so you can't really do both because of how starved you are for premium currency.
@RainBurner13 2 года назад
The face of evil..man marketing people Are evil after all..oof.
@Rylos277 2 года назад
Not predatory btw
@Keira_Blackstone 2 года назад
See, this is why I actually watch you. This is the opposite of something I'd see from Asmon or Rich. I only occasionally watch allcraft just to watch you shit all over them for being idiots and otherwise keep away from them.
@TheSilverwing999 2 года назад
Ikea is not shit. Who hurt this guy lol. I've had my furniture from IKEA for 4 years now and it's never once broken down. Good value for less money. But I suppose that goes against this guy's ideals to charge more. Anyway this is why I will never pay for anything on mobile games for my kids. Ever.
@WhoTao00 2 года назад
As gacha player i laugh at people that roll gacha for gameplay
@OldManInternet 2 года назад
He said he didn't know of an example of "Labeling" in games, but that it should work. I actually think we have 2 examples of this working in WoW and FF14. FF14 is known for having a nicer community, and on average I would say I encounter significantly less rude/toxic people there (not none, just less.) Granted the fact that FF14 actually moderates their game probably also factors into it, but there's clearly a difference between them and the WoW community. The WoW community (especially in M+ and raids) is far more likely to be shitty, rude, bail on groups, or otherwise toxic. Again, the fact that there's basically no moderation in the game likely contributes to this, but I think the game's reputation as a toxic dump encourages people to feel more comfortable acting shitty towards each other.
@GhostAeonWolf 2 года назад
This guy, who teaches companies how to harpy on people, he should be arrested, together with any company using the things he teaches. Or all their money and property taken away from them.
@scrumpy8192 2 года назад
Ikea is SHIT, unlike my mobile game which is a work of fine art
@Judiacator 2 года назад
1. This is why free to play should always scare you. 2. This type of stuff is happening because games have largely not changed prices for 20+ years. Inflation has went up significantly in that time. So if you are someone that balks at a box price higher than say $60 usd, this is the game industry trying to do what businesses need to do to survive. Generate more profit to counter inflation and grow
@mrs.alienrope5778 2 года назад
i cant even watch. the whole presentation makes me sick. this is why i dont buy anything online. only giveaways. i know thats a marketing ploy but i stop it after free stuff, i dont go out and buy more after i got something free
@prodesu8607 2 года назад
Honestly, I don't blame this guy who's just doing his job and discussing how these things work. He's probably not a gamer himself. I find the fact that we don't regulate it to be the most disgusting part, same with how poorly regulated some gambling is.
@eyeofthasky 2 года назад
dude.. this is a CONFERENCE of people whose work it is to MAKE games to MAKE money --- OBVIOUSLY THEY CLAP AFTER A GOOD TEACHING SESSION! -.- .... but all he said is nothing new, u get EXACTLY that content at any training event of every job in the economic sector ... be it selling clothes in a boutique, working at a gas station, even supermarkets or discounters, or whatever job/company is part of a big corporate group. those will regularily demand all of their employees to attend such training courses. its common standard, you just have to learn yourself to apply those tactics in your own job cuz we all need food clothes and shelter like a roof current and heating, and the providers of all these things _do_ employ those methods, its as unavoidable as breathing oxygen. therefore u _must_ do the same to break even or die decrepit and poor... reality is as it is, to yell "disgusting" is just naive and delusional. .. but if u ask for any method of avoiding that: we had a form of society in which those things wont ever happen, sadly it was not carried out like the inventor had envisioned it .. so it went into the shitter. but if people werent selfish _(wow, the same source that causes the existing problems..so maybe it_ *is* _unavoidable :S )_ and had listened better to Mr. Marx, *_Communism_* would have been a solution preventing all those predatory schemes.
@kvikende 2 года назад
I dont get why people are upset. Like, are people actually shocked that a business, whose purpose is to generate earnings for their owners, wants to earn money?
@Monstercloud9 2 года назад
"It's a business - they should be allowed to be however predatory they want to be!" Imagine being this fucking dense...
@jaxen231 2 года назад
And i do not get it that you wont get it. These dumb "business is for money" execuse. You can make money by a good product.. but you can even more money by abusing everything. You can polute the world, favor child laboring and make addictive personas lose control. So in what world you want to live?
@LordOfCake 2 года назад
There is no reason for a company to exist that doesn't benefit society in some way. Profits are the reward and motivation for businesses to take risks and create value. Generating profits without doing so, or as in this case while actively damaging people's lives isn't valuable to society. As such it's not something anyone who isn't profiting themselves should want to excuse.
@kvikende 2 года назад
@@jaxen231 I want a world where regulators do their jobs and crack down on businesses' predatory behaviour. That businesses do their thing and make money within the boundaries that the regulators have set up is their purpose. Vote for harsher regulations.
@icebox1954 2 года назад
@@jaxen231 Good products are exceedingly rare, risky and requires an awesome degree of effort. Making mediocre stuff is much less risky, costly and difficult. Companies want to make money, investors couldn't care less about random people, which makes perfect sense. Milking uninhibited and dimwitted people is a much better idea if profit is your goal. If you make something really good then people will also expect improvements on that in the future, however, with mediocrity you can stall that process and always be years ahead with plans and monetization. It's just good business really.
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