
Questions The Calvinist Cannot Answer! (Calvinism Is Not Biblical) 

Yankee Arnold Ministries
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4 окт 2024




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@fredmcelroy2839 8 лет назад
In these last few weeks I almost killed myself because of how crazy these doctrines made me. I felt like I had to beg God to save me and give me this miraculous experience to PROVE that I am really saved. It really bothered me because I know I am not perfect. I am so glad I left the church I was going to...which btw the pastor basically told me that I am not a Christian because I don't go to his church anymore due to their works salvation. Even one of my good friends from that church called it works salvation.
@lusievanderlinden2178 8 лет назад
glad you are free from that bondage. The nexrlt step is to get that filthy tulip doctrine out of your brain. John Calvin played with our intellect by explaining words wrong. it's called brainwashing and at the same time misusing scriptures to keep people in bondage. a very dangerous doctrine!!!! no calvinist can be saved if he refuses to believe The Gospel. Which means GOOD NEWS. Calvini has no good news. And they blasphemy God by saying He is double minded. Let people be born in order to go to hell for His glory. Waith till God gives you the believe. You have to be elected.... Calvinist are not rightly dividing the KJV Gods word. They use John Calvins Phylosophy lies to read the bible. And by the way. Faith without works is dead. But the person with dead faith stil has faith. He is not doing anything with it. No light in the world.
@fredmcelroy2839 8 лет назад
I am glad to. But now I'm trying to actually grow in church.
@lusievanderlinden2178 8 лет назад
You need to grow in the word of God.
@fredmcelroy2839 8 лет назад
That happens in church lol not just in church but its apart of it
@lusievanderlinden2178 8 лет назад
daveme7​ Realy??? I don't think so my friend. It were the 7 states of Holland that time who organized it. Reason was because argument between remonstrant( followers of Jacobus Arminius) and contra remonstranten like Gomarus. Even the prince of that time agree with contra remonstrants. In Holland we say : you talk out of your neck. I am Dutch, and what you say is not the truth. That there were calvinists who helpt translating the bible in English(King James) is true yea. But John Calvin wrote Institute, were he mentioned Augustine a Rome Catolic.
@redeemedsinner8091 2 года назад
“If you must persevere in the faith, how do you know when or if you are saved?” -Pastor Ralph Yankee Arnold
@franciscafazzo3460 2 года назад
that passage is from the milieu reign of christ. they are given new hearts to endure to the end, of the age.
@timothykeith1367 2 года назад
"Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure." Philippians 2:12-13 Some have dispositions that tend to struggle, maybe due to health problems. It is normal to have difficulties to live as a Christian ought.
@EDD519 Год назад
@@timothykeith1367 satan is always DOUGHTING !
@johnjarrett5592 Год назад
God preservers the saints .
@MrOwen11 8 лет назад
Some of the comments I have seen clearly show that many Calvinist do not know what Calvinism is. So why do they refer to themselves as Calvinist ? - Discussions with numbers of people around the world reveal that many sincere Bible believing Christians are Calvinist only by default. Thinking that the only choice is between Calvinism (with it's presumed doctrine of eternal security ) and Arminianism ( with it's teaching that salvation can be lost), and confident of Christ promise to keep eternally those who believe in Him, they therefore consider themselves to be Calvinist. It only takes a few simple questions to discover that most Christians are largely unaware of what John Calvin and his early followers of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries actually believed and practiced. Nor do they understand what most of today's leading Calvinist believe. - Dave Hunt
@gregb6469 6 лет назад
Check out the Dave Hunt vs James White debate on Calvinism.
@johnmorgan692 4 года назад
Lynn M".. CUZ" ROMANS 11V5. 6 says ...GODS comming for a REMNANT " ..I believe MILLIONS" are really trusting" In THEMSELVES".
@tonydardi332 2 года назад
If going to Heaven depends on our performance NOBODY is going to Heaven.
@friendlyfire7509 2 года назад
Ouch, but true.
@markbirchall2060 6 лет назад
To all Calvinists commenting here. Since no one EVER properly understands Calvinism. This is the place to set the record straight. All I see here is calvinists whining about how the non- calvinist never quite understands TULIP. Yet none of you can simply explain it. The truth is that TULIP is self-explanatory. That is why it was invented. We do understand how TULIP is applied, but we simply dont agree with it. And how could we? -We are not pre-destined to understand and are there fore "unelect". But why then all the frustration at the fact non - calvinists dont understand????
@markbirchall2060 6 лет назад
David Yes it helps that I have discovered a calvinist who does not resort to condecension and insults when they cannot get others to understand TULIP. Most of you are great at dividing christians into 2 separate groups. And constantly badgering anyone who disagrees with them. Calvinism has sucessfully done this since it was "invented". Before it became an organized dogma, christians were not subjected to its rigors and yet millions were saved before all the Synods, Acronyms, and Confessions of Faith were ever written. Not to mention the dogma is named after a man who bragged about putting "heretics", or "non calvinists" to death. During the tyrants reign ( John Calvin's), hundreds of christians were burned alive and imprisoned for simply disagreeing with the dogma. Calvin believed he was doing God's work. This meets the defintion of a Phsycopath. Sorry, I cant ever associate Calvin with Christ. They dont go together. But thank you for not treating me as a heretic like most of you do.
@markbirchall2060 6 лет назад
Yes I know that the catholics did the same to protestants (both Arminians and calvinists,) as John Calvin did to Arminians or any who Calvin considered heretics. That is what earned him the name "pope of Geneva" He burned those who he decided deserved to die. At least the popes thought they were infallible and spoke for God Himself. How Calvin rationalized mass murder of christians is because of TULIP. He recognized that if they did not agree with his doctrine that they must be non elect and so were doomed no matter what. It was calvinism itself that resulted in all this evil. Your last sentence to me suggests that I do not believe "ALL of His words" and so I am not actually saved. Thank you for exposing this, as all of you must. You dont consider others saved unless we agree with you on ALL of His words and what you say they mean. You assume I have not studied" for years" and am therefore illiterate biblically, and that I "dont take the subject seriously". You take the position of the educated teaching the uneducated without knowing anything about the person. You fit the calvinist pattern perfectly.
@tommiephips7886 6 лет назад
mark birchall TOUCHÉ!
@dennishagans6339 5 лет назад
@@markbirchall2060 for me, a truly biblical doctrine must apply to all Christians of all ages and times even those first century Christians, therefore calvinism must be a doctrine that the early church in the time of the apostles held to and believed. oh wait a minute they could not have been calvinists because calvin didn't show up with his dogma until the early 1500s, 1509 to 1564! so until calvin there was no calvinism or tulip! so that dogma was not among the early church. if they did not have it and preach it then it is not biblical, because God made sure that the early church had EVERYTHING it needed for all matters of Faith and Doctrines.
@motruthhunter 5 лет назад
As the Scriptures says, "To you it has been given but to them it has not been given".
@wtom04 8 лет назад
Calvinism is the epitome of Satanic evil. Check out what the following Calvinist apologists had to say regarding sin and evil: 1) Loraine Boettner - "Even the fall of Adam, and through him the fall of the race, was not by chance or accident, but was so ordained in the secret counsels of God" - In his book, "The Reformed doctrine of Predestination, page 234 2) Jerom Sanchius - "Surely, if God had not willed the fall, He could, and no doubt would, have prevented it; but He did not prevent it: ergo, He willed it. And if He willed it, He certainly decreed it." - In his book, "The Doctrine of Absolute Predestination" page 88. 3) A.W. Pink - "Plainly it was God's will that sin should enter this world, otherwise it would not have entered, for nothing happens save as God has eternally decreed. Moreover, there was more than a bare permission, for God only permits that which He has purposed." In his book, "The Sovereignty of God" page 147, (1961). 4) A.W. Pink - "Not only did His omniscient eye see Adam eating of the forbidden fruit, but He decreed beforehand that he should do so." In his book, "The Sovereignty of God" page 249 5) Edwin Palmer - "It is even Biblical to say that God has foreordained sin. If sin was outside the plan of God, then not a single important affair of life would be ruled by God." In his book, "The 5 Points of Calvinism" page 82 6) William Shedd - "Nothing comes to pass contrary to his desire. Nothing happens by chance. Even moral evil, which He abhors and forbids, occurs "by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God." In his book, "Calvinism: Pure and Mixed, page 37, 1986. 7) J. Gresham Machen - "All things including even the wicked actions of wicked men and devils -- are brought to pass in accordance with God's eternal purpose." In his book, "Christian View of Man, page 46, 1965. 8) William Shedd - "Sin is one of the "whatsoevers" that have "come to pass", all of which are "ordained". In his book, "Calvinism" Pure and Mixed, page 31, 1986.
@gregb6469 6 лет назад
So what's the problem? You would prefer a "god" who is powerless to stop sin, or too ignorant to know it was coming? God sovereignly allowed sin to come because He would be more glorified in defeating it than He would be had He not allowed it to come.
@losnfjslefn8857 Год назад
​@@gregb6469 I thought God was already maximally glorious. So He needed man to fall to get *more* glory? He didn't have enough of it already? If that's the case, and all this was according to plan, then why was God grieved by all this? Genesis 6:6 KJVS And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it GRIEVED him at his heart.
@st.christopher1155 Год назад
Here are several that come to mind immediately: 1). What does the word “All” mean? 2). What does the word “Every” mean? 3). What does the phrase “the world” mean? 4). What does the phrase “the whole world” mean? 5). What does “dead in sin” mean? 6). Why do Calvinists insist that regeneration precedes faith when scripture clearly teaches otherwise in many places? ✝️📖🙏🏼
@franklinbross2602 5 месяцев назад
Calvinists believe God predestined you to salvation BEFORE the foundations of the world
@franklinbross2602 5 месяцев назад
This preacher puts mcarthur and all the calvinists to shame. They don't know the 25:26 SALVATION doctrine as the Bible presents it . Their shameful and a hindering the GOSPEL
@EDD519 Год назад
John 20; 29 says it all ,for believers in JESUS !
@kelvinnguyen8686 7 лет назад
You know you talking to a calvinst when they say: "That's not what we really believe" Or " This person herminutes are wrong".... The same answers the same problem.
@kelvinnguyen8686 6 лет назад
Dave G Satan knew and quoted scripture too.
@kelvinnguyen8686 6 лет назад
Dave G Technically we aren't saved BY faith, we are saved THOUGH faith, but not by faith Ephesians 2:8-9 Ye are saved by grace through faith, no of yourselves but a gift from God, not of works lest any man should boast. So scrpiturly we are saved by the grace of God. Now faith is the channel to God's grace, but faith doesn't do the saving.
@R.L.KRANESCHRADTT 5 лет назад
@@kelvinnguyen8686 It is the demonstration of the Grace of God that any man can be saved..... IF and ONLY IF he BELIEVES (puts his faith) in what the sacrifice of death and the victory in the resurection of Christ accomplished. For He/Christ is the propitiation(the appeasment to God) for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.1John 2:2
@FabledNarrative 2 года назад
@ Kevin Nguyen If someone says, "That's not what we really believe" wouldn't that be proof that you are misrepresenting them? Setting up a straw-man argument of a weak position that you can dismantle, misrepresenting the other side. Scripture says, "No one can come to the Son unless the Father draws Him." (John 6:44) Scripture says, "No one knows the Son except the Father, no one knows the Father except the Son, and to whom ever the Son choose to reveal Himself to." (Matthew 11:27) God said NO ability to come to God until God chooses YOU. NO freewill to come to Christ. This is glorious news, because I can't do anything to mess up my relationship with Him. He saves me completely and I will NEVER be lost, including my sin and bad judgements.
@phillipgoodson2057 Год назад
Romans 8:28-31 King James Version 28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. 29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. 30 Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified. 31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us? No Arminian heretic believes the Bible. Corinthians 1:26-29 King James Version 26 For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: 27 But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; 28 And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are: 29 That no flesh should glory in his presence. See that? God does the choosing!
@jaybonham5641 7 лет назад
Right, Calvinists hate certain bible doctrines such as "unlimited atonement" (even though there are many, many passages that support it). Everything has to go through the Calvinist filter first; and it is amazing how much whey have to twist certain bible passages to fit their theology.
@gregb6469 6 лет назад
Are you a universalist? If the Atonement is unlimited, then everyone will be saved, whether they believe or not.
@gregb6469 6 лет назад
You are thinking like a humanist, not a Christian. Man is not autonomous. He does not have free will, in the sense you understand the term. We all come into the world dead in trespasses and sins. We are not free; we are slaves to sin.
@bobtaylor170 4 года назад
@@gregb6469 , that is an illogical conclusion, sir. It boggles my man how triumphantly Calvinists brandish this unprovable thing, which the Bible gives the intellectually honest no reason to believe is true, as if it were the decisive sword stroke for them.
@gregb6469 4 года назад
@@bobtaylor170 -- What exactly is my illogical conclusion?
@Асяня-я1р 5 лет назад
How can I find a church with traditional views on soteriology?
@joel_i_was 3 года назад
Search Zac Poonen on RU-vid. He has a balanced view.
@koriclaypool9548 8 лет назад
The idea of a person wanting to be saved but being unable to, due to not being one of the elect, is absolutely foreign to the Bible. No one seeks after God’s plan of salvation on his own accord (Romans 3:10-18). Those without Christ are blind to their need for salvation (2 Corinthians 4:4). This only changes when God begins drawing a person to Himself. It is God who opens eyes and enlightens minds to the need for Jesus Christ as Savior. A person cannot repent (change the mind about sin and the need for salvation) unless God grants repentance (Acts 11:18). Therefore, if you understand God’s plan of salvation, recognize your need for it, and feel compelled to receive Jesus Christ as your Savior, then believe, and you are saved. If you have received Jesus Christ as your Savior, trusting Him alone for salvation, believing that His sacrifice is the full payment for your sins - congratulations, you are one of the elect.
@josephgarrett3075 8 лет назад
I'm not a Calvinist myself but I get upset as to how badly people misrepresent (probably intentionally) their views concerning salvation. I really appreciate your post and agree with you whole heartedly in your last sentence. God bless :)
@koriclaypool9548 7 лет назад
***** thanks. I am trying to studied and understand God's word.
@christcrucified6385 7 лет назад
Joseph Garret How do people misrepresent their views? Any true Calvinist believes in limited atonement. They believe that people were destined for Hell or Heaven before they were even born and that God chooses who goes where. They believe that God created men to go to Hell to demonstrate His justice. How can this horrible doctrine be misrepresented?
@JohnQPublic11 7 лет назад
dave --- Yamaha is absolutely right. All Calvinists, past and present, teach the Calvinist god condemns innocent people to hell. Institutes 3:21:7:5 ...... Its the 15th paragraph down from the top of the page.
@koriclaypool9548 7 лет назад
JD Yamaha calvinist believe we all deserve hell but by the grace of God he decides to save some. You use words that make calvinist look cruel. That is how you misreprent it.
@billhesford6098 7 лет назад
I know many arminians who became Calvinist and none the opposite. I am sure some are out there. It is a growing process. I was an Arminian and kept asking questions in my church. All those whole chapters. Many dead in sin verses. What is this 'righteousness of God'. What do I do, to get that? "What about the clay and the potter? And on and on. All I ever got was one or two verse, out of context answers. Most ( pastors) would say something like, "Well for those who need security, once saved always saved is fine. For those who understand they need to approve their salvation -work at it! How much work? What sort. Will I ever have peace?Then Calvinism is not for them" Arminianism is a works religion.
@markdecoto6046 5 лет назад
Arminians are wrong too. That is a false dichotomy. OSAS is what the Bible teaches.
@raymatthews4319 3 года назад
@@markdecoto6046 Arminians believe in works to remain saved, Calvinists believe in works to prove that they are saved. Both teach Lordship salvation, only the reasons are different. Calvinism and Arminianism are both wrong.
@markdecoto6046 3 года назад
@@raymatthews4319 yes I know.
@timothykeith1367 2 года назад
@@raymatthews4319 Lordship salvation does not require that anyone be perfect.
@losnfjslefn8857 Год назад
"I know many arminians who became Calvinist and none the opposite." I know there are plenty of people who once were Calvinists, but are Calvinists no longer. They didn't become arminians, they just left Calvinism and decided to simply believe scripture. "What is this righteousness of God? What do I do to get that?" Romans 3:22 KJVS Even the *righteousness of God* which is BY FAITH *of Jesus Christ* unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:
@tonyshumway7652 3 года назад
Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. Daniel 3:29 Therefore I make a decree, That every people, nation, and language, which speak any thing amiss against the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, shall be cut in pieces, and their houses shall be made a dunghill: because there is no other God that can deliver after this sort. Joel 2:28 And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: Luke 13:3 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish. Hebrews 2:3 How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him; 2 Thessalonians 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Galatians 2:20 I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.
@ericb.1384 22 дня назад
Are you able to cite a single verse within context? Because everything you showed is talking about a different subject.
@jimkraft9445 6 лет назад
Ephesians 1:13 In whom ye also trusted, after ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also AFTER ye believed, ye were sealed by the Holy Spirit. We were not regenerated by the Holy Spirit until after we believed. Not before. Romans 11:6 Romans 4:5 No amount of good works and keeping the law ever saved anybody. Keep up the good preaching Yankee.
@robertcarter8186 6 лет назад
jim kraft Amen brother, you have an understanding! Interesting to me why a born again Christian would call himself a Calvinist, or any other? Just stand in the gospel as revealed to the apostle Paul as revealed to him by our risen Saviour for doctrine of our 'membership' in the body of Christ. God bless!
@gregb6469 6 лет назад
No Calvinist teaches that good works and law-keeping saves people. We all teach that justification is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.
@jimkraft9445 6 лет назад
Are you saved because you believe the gospel, First Corinthians 15:1-4 or are you saved because you believe you were chosen. If you believe you were chosen, then you are not depending on what Jesus did for you, but are relying on the fact you were chosen by God and given the faith to believe. John1:12 But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the children of God, even to them that BELIEVE ON HIS NAME. We have to believe HE died for all our sins to be saved. And when we believe it we are given eternal life. First timothy 2:4 Who will have all men to be saved and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. That Christ died for our sins and gave us His righteousness when AFTER we believed we were sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise. Ephesians 1:13. Calvinists believe they are regenerated by the Holy Spirit before they believe. But the bible says we are not regenerated by the Holy Spirit until after we believe. the gospel of our salvation. Bible believers are neither Calvinists or Arminians. We believe what the bible says. The bible does say we are saved forever when we believe, but not before we believed. Every Calvinist preacher I have ever heard says that we are saved without works, but if you do no good works you are not saved which means they add works on the back side to grace' Romans 11:6 You can not add works to grace. If we have to DO one thing to be saved but believe the gospel, then grace is no more grace and salvation depends on us instead of What Jesus did for us. When a person believes the gospel of our salvation, and dies two minutes later, thery go directly to heaven. If they die 100 years from now they are still just as saved but not because they were chosen or because they kept the faith, but because they received the free gift of salvation by grace when they believed the gospel. My salvation is based on what Jesus did for me, not on anything I do or do not do, my works. Matthew 7:21-23 are the two scariest verses in the whole bible about people who believed they were saved because of their works, instead of doing the will of the Father. John 6:40 And this is the will of Him who sent me, that all the seeth the Son, and BELEIVETH on Him, may have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day. We are justified by faith alone apart from any works. Romans 3:28 Bible believe the bible, not doctrines made up by men. Calvinists, Arminians and Lordship salvaionists make up their own doctcrines instead of just believing what the bible says. First John 2:2 And he is the propitiation for our sins, but not ours only, but for the sins of the whole world. But we have to believe it to be saved. If we could do anything to save our selves, then Christ died in vain.
@gregb6469 6 лет назад
No one knows he was chosen/elected before believing the Gospel, so your initial question makes no sense. Also, you have confused being regenerated by the Spirit, which precedes conversion, and being sealed by (or with) the Spirit, which follows conversion. Saying that good works will necessarily follow being saved by grace through faith alone is not the same as saying works are necessary for salvation. Those who are truly justified without works WILL go on to exhibit good works in their lives. It's just supernatural! Can a genuine believer who shows no evidence of the Spirit's work in his life be imagined? If the Spirit is not working in the life of a person to make him more Christ-like, it is because the Spirit is not in that person's life, for he is not truly saved, no matter how many times he has walked the aisle and prayed the magic sinner's prayer.
@inthedark334 6 лет назад
jim kraft amen there seems to be a lot of Calvinists in the comments they all keep saying roughly the same thing I don't think this man's ever talk to a real calvinist I used to be one and I'll tell you right now these people are lying he's breaking Calvinism right before their eyes and all they can do is Puff out their chest as Paul would say your puffed up they have no Doctrine they have no verses that would justify their cult belief system and so they're going to take the Bible in Twisted pray for these people nothing is more sad than watching somebody think they can earn salvation I wasted almost 30 years of my life doing that they live in such a shame such pain the truth is right before them but they won't accept it it's truly sad
@tjhoss6729 3 года назад
In Romans 9 Why was apostle Paul prepared and said before any remark could be made.... What shall we say then? Is there no injustice with God? Why does "your" position "not" raise that same question???? Was Paul confused????? When he asked that question???? Notice he asked the question and then answers it????? Before you call the Prince of preachers out And say that he is unbiblical you should speak with fear and trembling. And you don't!!!!! Google: Jacob I loved and Esau I hated by Charles Spurgeon. Repent!!! And believe the gospel... Acts 17:30.
@edsnyder2801 2 года назад
That's right TJ. Paul writing through the Spirit of God, had anticipated much opposition in regards to the Word Of Promise to the Children of Promise.
@kennethsoriano537 8 лет назад
This was a strange one. It's perseverance of the SAINTS! SAINTS implies salvation in the acrostic Tulip! This dude is defending some thing it seems, but he is not refuting Calvinism. Why don't they just say Luther, Luther was more Calvinist then Calvin was. I'm sorry I don't even know what to defend, because he's not representing a reformed theology. I think he's refuting semi pelagianism?
@JohnQPublic11 8 лет назад
Irrespective of what Calvinists think they know and believe, and regardless of what Calvinists claim Calvinism is, the end produce of what an outside observer would naturally conclude from the musings, doctrines and explanations of Calvinists apologists, can only lead to the following conclusions. This is the soteriological scheme of the Calvinist god as it is taught by Calvinists. *PRIOR to CREATION* the Calvinist god conducts a surreptitious lottery drawing whimsically deciding the fate of the elect and the non-elect! *PRIOR to CREATION* the Calvinist god decides he will, eventually, at some random moment, enter the mind of the lottery winner elect person and alter it in such a way as they *MUST* believe and repent, the lottery winner *CANNOT NOT* believe; thereby, subjugating and enslaving the Calvinist elect, against their will, to Heaven, forcing them to become robots performing the acts assigned to them by the Calvinist god! *PRIOR to CREATION* the Calvinist god decides he will *INTENTIONALLY neglect and discriminate against the non-elect;* thereby, purposefully and deliberately subjugating and enslaving the non-elect, against their will, to *Total Depravity* and HELL, forcing them to become robots to sin and evil, performing the acts assigned to them by the Calvinist god! *PRIOR to CREATION* the Calvinist god *HATES* those he *INTENTIONALLY neglected and discriminated against and intentionally condemned to Hell!* *PRIOR to CREATION* the motive of the Calvinist god to *INTENTIONALLY HATE AND DISCRIMINATE AGAINST* the non-elect and condemn them to Hell is for his own selfish glory! *PRIOR to CREATION* the future satisfaction to be derived by the Calvinist god when he *INTENTIONALLY HATEs AND DISCRIMINATEs AGAINST* those non-elect whom he condemns to Hell is for his own sadistic good pleasure! These are *NOT* the acts of a personal all loving GOD! These are *NOT* the acts of the greatest GOD imaginable! These are the acts of an impersonal, whimsical, hateful, discriminatory, selfish, sadistic monster of robots.
@kennethsoriano537 8 лет назад
thank you for your detailed response, i will get back to you, but im working at the moment. But i want you to know that i appriciate the time and effort in your response.
@christcrucified6385 7 лет назад
If you refute what John said then you are not a true reformed Calvinist. They believe exactly what John said!
@christcrucified6385 7 лет назад
Kenneth, Have you been working for six months? There is no defense for what John said. It is an exact representation of the sick doctrine of Calvinist. The only difference is that a Calvinist would word it different to make it sound better.
@JasonKoonaak 7 лет назад
Uhh...no. What John said is ridiculous and derogatory, not towards Calvinists, but towards Almighty God, and is no more deserving of a response than the rest of the mindless drivel on youtube.
@rookandpawn 2 года назад
"According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love - Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will," - Ephesians 1:4 talks to saved Christians who are now predestined to adoption, not unregenerated non-believers. This is inescapably clear and why Calvinism is flat bold faced lie. Adoption to a new body - Romans 8:23 - not adoption to salvation. The ignorance perpetrated through manipulation by Calvinists SHALL NOT STAND.
@trinabarnes2236 8 лет назад
I think this message was the best explanation of Calvinism being unbiblical. those that disagree, obviously didn't listen , Dr Arnold gives God's Word from the Bible, chapter and verses.
@Red7Ent 5 лет назад
trina barnes he also misrepresents Calvinism and seems intent to lie about a view he doesn’t actually understand. My challenge to debate this man stands.
@pamelacoulter3922 5 лет назад
@@Red7Ent Yankee doesn't mispresent Calvinism. I know this because I sat under Calvinism. It was just a plethora of misquotes from the Bible. If you're happy enough to misquote Gods word back to Him, fire ahead. You should probably be aware you're sitting under Gnosticism which started with Augustine who indoctrinated Calvin. You could also purchase 'Confronting Calvinism', by Dr Anthony Badger. He preached Calvinism before recanting his beliefs.
@Red7Ent 5 лет назад
@@pamelacoulter3922 Augustine died over a thousand years before Calvin was born. Dr. Arnold is not accurately presenting this viewpoint. If there are misquotes I've used or that you presume I have used, please tell me. Blanket, general statements won't help any of us, so if there are specifics you could give me, please do. I don't want to misrepresent God's holy Word. And if I have, I will publicly repent. That said, Yankee is absolutely wrong about what Calvinists believe. I sat under Arminian theology my entire life, and I heard the things he's saying. I believed the things he says in this video. I later became more Molinistic in my theological viewpoints, because I was so ANTI-Calvinist. Specifically in regard to soteriology. Because in evangelical circles, Calvinism has a harsh stigma attached to it. That comes mostly from teachings like the dispensationalist John Nelson Darby. Arminianism (which is what Yankee ascribes to) is semi-Pelagianism and is rooted not in Scripture, but in philosophy. It begins with the presupposition of man's free will and goes from that framework when looking at the Bible. That is called eisegesis or reading into the text. Calvinism (which I do not ascribe - rather I am reformed) is different. It begins with the text and works forward. Calvin certainly read Augustine, but to label all of Augustine's work as gnostic is not only dishonest, but it is actually fundamentally un-Christian. How? I'll break it down: Augustine of Hippo was a gnostic. He repented and became a faithful scholar and teacher of God's Word. Saul of Tarsus was a Pharisee who murdered Christians. He repented and became the most prolific writer of the NT. You were once a sinner who was unsaved. Assuming you are saved now, you repented and became a Christian. Marking someone as what they were prior to their conversion is to deny the saving work of Christ in that person's life. That is wrong, dishonest, and antiChristian. You should reconsider your statement, and repent of that portion. And when you read this, please give me specific examples of misquoting God's Word so that I may do the same.
@johnjames3908 5 лет назад
Us poor saved by the Word of God never seem to understand Calvinism.
@TheBluegoatman 4 года назад
There has NEVER been a calvinist who didn't have to torture scripture to believe his theology. Not a single one....... All means some Whosoever means just the elect Whole world mean a select few And I have never met a single calvinist that spread the gospel without covering up his theological teachings.
@bobtaylor170 4 года назад
Exactly. It's been pointed out that Spurgeon, a Calvinist, preached the gospel as a non - Calvinist would. This is no surprise because preaching a Calvinistic gospel obliges the preacher to explain to the audience that Christ Jesus probably didn't die for most of them, maybe any of them, but who knows? he may have died for one or more of them. This, of course, is the reason Calvinists turn the world upside down wherever they go.
@JasonKoonaak 7 лет назад
Titus 2:12 does not have the word "should" i the Greek, it was added to make sense in English. In the Greek it says, "having denied (past tense, completed action) ungodliness and worldly passions; discreetly, righteously, and Godly living in the present age." The structure makes sense in Greek, but is cumbersome in English so many English translations added the word "should" to make it more readable in English.
@YankeeArnoldMinistries 9 лет назад
Evidence for salvation? Regeneration before faith? The elect? Calvinism is not biblical and these questions will cause a Calvinist to think twice about the doctrines he holds to.
@305look 9 лет назад
Bibleline Broadcast Network I never labeled myself as a Calvinist and only knew what it was in last few days, but the question is not the evidence for salvation but the genuineness of it, as referred to in James 2:17-20 faith without any works shows it to be dead faith, and dead faith is evidence of unreal salvation, so then works are not meritorious for salvation but proof that true salvation is there. Total depravity of man is the fallen state of humanity after the curse from Adam's free will to sin and became spiritually dead who could only produce a dead humanity, which means by our fallen nature our free will won't choose God, 1 Cor.2:14, so left to ourselves hell is all our destination. Regeneration is never a before faith event, only the genuineness of the faith.
@305look 9 лет назад
***** Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Belief in Christ does not change us from being sinners, it change us from rationalizing sin and to repent from it. I’m perfectly committed to God even in my imperfection. My sanctification is a lifelong endeavor Matthew 5:48 Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.
@305look 9 лет назад
***** You have cut and paste that quote you said I made, where I said repentance of sin, which I never said. My point is and always has been the genuineness of it.
@305look 9 лет назад
***** You confuse my point, the genuineness of faith is from the human perspective, not from God's.
@305look 9 лет назад
***** if you're not satisfied with my answer, then you'll have to go away dissatisfied, goodbye.
@TheBrownsberg 3 года назад
Faith is a gift of God, calvinism is right...We can't make a decision when we are dead in sins. we make choices but God determines who will be saved. It is not a choice of man.
@losnfjslefn8857 Год назад
"Faith is a gift of God..." Ok. But is it an EXCLUSIVE gift? Scripture says no. Being "dead in sins" does not mean a person cannot believe the Gospel once presented to them. "Regeneration precedes faith" is *not* stated in scripture.
@destroyingtheworksofthedev9349 7 месяцев назад
@@losnfjslefn8857 Read John 3:12 and realize that Jesus NEVER told Nicodemus he MUST BELIEVE to be born again, he told him several times, you MUST be born again. You didn't choose to born of your parents anymore than you choose by your will to be born of God, John 1;13.
@losnfjslefn8857 7 месяцев назад
@@destroyingtheworksofthedev9349 People with Calvinistic beliefs tend to bring these verses up a lot, but let's take a look at them: John 1:11-13 KJVS [11] He came unto his own, and his own received him not. [12] But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: [13] Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. 🔸Important questions: 1. *In what way* did those in verse 12 RECEIVE Jesus? *In what way* did the people in verse 11 NOT RECEIVE Jesus? 2. WHAT specifically is God *giving* to the people in verse 12? 3. In verse 13, exactly WHAT is happening by God's will? What it says: ✅John 1:12 KJVS But as many as *RECEIVED* him, to *them* GAVE he power *to become the sons of God* , even to them that believe on his name:✅ 🔸These people in verse 12, contrary to the ones in verse 11, HAVE faith as evidenced by the fact it says they *received* Him and believed on His name, and *because* they had believed, they were *given* the power to become sons of God. The way those with Calvinistic beliefs seem to see these verses compared to what they ACTUALLY say: ✅John 1:12 KJVS But as many as *received* him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that *believe* on his name:✅ ❌John 1:12 Incorrect Version But as many as were sons of God, to them gave he power to receive Him, even to them that were chosen in eternity past:❌ ✅John 1:13 KJVS Which *were born* , not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.✅ ❌John 1:13 Incorrect Version Which *received* Him, not of their own will, but of God's .❌ 🔸In verse 13, the will of God is in regards to making us His children. It is NOT in regards to the will of men to receive Christ so as to be given this right to become children of God.
@losnfjslefn8857 7 месяцев назад
@@destroyingtheworksofthedev9349 "Jesus never tells Nicodemus he must believe to be born again, he told him several times, you MUST be born again." Ok, So couple of questions: 1. You must be born again... To what? Answer: To see the kingdom of God. John 3:3 KJVS Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, HE CANNOT SEE THE KINGDOM OF GOD. 2. HOW is one born again? When reading John 3, the author assumes you've already read what is in John 1, particularly John 1:12. This verse, John 3:3, "builds off of that" in a way. John 1:12 KJVS But as many as *received* him, to *them* gave he power to *become the sons of God* , even to them that believe on his name: God gave the power to become sons of God to who? To those that received Jesus, those that believed on His name. These people became born of God (born again) only AFTER they had received Christ. It says it plain as day in John 1:12. So by the time the reader gets to John 3, this concept is (or should be) already in the reader's head. So when Jesus says "you must be born again" the reader *should* be remembering how in John 1 people were stated to have been given the power to be born of God (born again) AFTER *receiving* the true Light (Jesus). 1 John 5:1, 2 Corinthians 5:17 (when "In Christ" you are born again), 2 Corinthians 5:7 KJVS (For we walk by faith, not by sight:) In John 1:13, the will of God is in regards to making us His children. It is NOT in regards to the will of men to receive Christ so as to be given this right to become children of God.
@losnfjslefn8857 7 месяцев назад
@@destroyingtheworksofthedev9349 My comment seems to keep getting deleted, so let's try this again. Calvinist comment: "Jesus never tells Nicodemus he must believe to be born again, he told him several times, you MUST be born again." Ok, So couple of questions: 1. You must be born again... To what? Answer: to see the kingdom of God John 3:3 KJVS Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, HE CANNOT SEE THE KINGDOM OF GOD. 2. HOW is one born again? When reading John 3, the author assumes you've already read what is in John 1, particularly John 1:12. This verse, John 3:3, "builds off of that" in a way. John 1:12 KJVS But as many as *received* him, to *them* gave he power to *become the sons of God* , even to them that believe on his name: God gave the power to become sons of God to who? To those that received Jesus, those that believed on His name. These people became born of God (born again) only AFTER they had received Christ. It says it plain as day in John 1:12. So by the time the reader gets to John 3, this concept is (or should be) already in the reader's head. So when Jesus says "you must be born again" the reader *should* be remembering how in John 1 people were stated to have been born of God (born again) after *receiving* the true Light (Jesus). 1 John 5:1, 2 Corinthians 5:17 (when "In Christ" you are born again), 2 Corinthians 5:7 KJVS (For we walk by faith, not by sight:) In John 1:13, the will of God is in regards to making us His children. It is NOT in regards to the will of men to receive Christ so as to be given this right to become children of God.
@bradholbrooks 5 лет назад
This is one of the best, most clear sermons I've ever heard. I hear conflicting messages all the time from preachers who say, "you're not saved by works," but then turn around and say, "If you do this," or "If you don't do this, you're not saved!", or "you have a false profession!" It's very frustrating. And these aren't Calvinist preachers that I'm hearing these statements from, but they have obviously been influenced by Calvinism. That type of message changes the gospel to a works salvation, and it's as purely antichrist as Calvinism.
@johnmorgan692 4 года назад
Turb"... WELL SAID!
@erickanter 5 месяцев назад
This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.
@JasonKoonaak 7 лет назад
Why did the Apostle Paul write, "I beat my body and make it my slave, lest after having preached to others, I myself might be disqualified," if he was not concerned about persevering to the end? Why does Jesus say several times in Revelation that those who endure to the end will receive a crown of life? If Jesus & Paul were that concerned about perseverance, perhaps we should too. BTW, perseverance & repentance are not synonymous with perfection & sinlessness, you're refuting an argument that no serious person is trying to make.
@christcrucified6385 7 лет назад
Jason Koon, I agree with you and despise Calvinism but Paul said he beat his body in the context of not allowing it to stop him from fulfilling His call to preach the Gospel. His body did not like being beaten, stoned, shipwrecked, imprisoned, etc. It wanted to quit. He was not going to allow it because he did not want to lose the reward for his work in Christ. He was not talking about salvation in that chapter. I do believe we need to endure by fighting the good fight of faith. The flesh on the other hand HAS BEEN crucified with all its affections and lusts. The only way to overcome it is by walking after the Spirit who constantly points us to the finished work of Jesus. The strength of sin is the law. When we come out from under it and live by faith in the finished work, sin loses its power over us and those who live by grace have dominion over sin. I thought for many years I had to crucify my flesh and as a result I lived by works without knowing it. It created anxiety and condemnation at times and it took the Holy Spirit a while to give me true freedom. I had to get all the misguided religious teachings out of my head and actually learn the Good News from the only one who really knows it fully, the Holy Spirit.
@JasonKoonaak 7 лет назад
I agree that most of Chapter 9 is not about salvation, but he seems to shift gears in v. 24. Much of the language following that echoes passages that clearly deal with salvation in books like Hebrews and other parts of Scripture. He talks about receiving an imperishable prize. Also the Greek word translated disqualified in V. 27, means spoiled, ruined, or cast-off. In the following several verses, He compares people to the Wilderness Generation being "overthrown" or in the greek "scattered to the ground", another clear allusion to death. I believe it is true that once a person is saved they can never lose that salvation, but as Jesus said, not everyone who calls me Lord will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. That being said, I'm glad that you have found freedom in Christ through Grace. This teaching, that Salvation is God's Work, that we add nothing to it, but it is a gift from Him is at the core of Calvinism, and more importantly at the core of Biblical Theology. We are free in Christ, it is His work in us, we add nothing to what He has done and He is doing and that is something to be thankful about and to give our lives to Him in worship and in Service. It's so freeing to know that we serve Christ, not to earn His Love, but Because it has already been freely given. Blessings to you Brother.
@christcrucified6385 7 лет назад
I believe a person can lose salvation by turning back to the Law and rejecting the work of Christ. I don't argue about that though because I see both sides and I believe the balance is in the middle. I do argue against modern reformist Calvinism though because of how it portrays the character of God. He died for ALL, not just a few. Limited atonement is an insult to the amazing finished work of Jesus Christ!
@beatadukaviciene4211 5 лет назад
When Paul talks about disqualification he's not talking about salvation, please read the context. He doesn't want to be disqualified as an apostle among people. Read all chapter. If we serve the Lord after we're saved we receive rewords, and some of them are crowns, and if we dont we'll lose rewords but not salvation . Read 1cor chapter 3. It's all about the context. Salvation is not a reword it's a FREE GIFT, just receive it by faith
@raymatthews4319 3 года назад
@@beatadukaviciene4211 Amen. People who don't know scripture love to take that out of context, just as many misquote Matt. 24:13.
@phillipgoodson2057 Год назад
No arminian heretic believes this scripture, it makes them foam at the mouth. Who do you think is wrong? God or the arminians? Romans 8:28-31 King James Version 28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. 29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. 30 Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified. 31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?
@firstnamelastname2552 8 лет назад
i have been studying Calvinism for a few years now and I must say this gentleman does not understand what they believe. I've watched a few of his videos about Calvinism and he consistently misrepresents it. I don't know of any Calvinist author or preacher who believes what he presents as Calvinism.
@oracleoftroy 6 лет назад
I see this sort of response to this sort of comment all the time. I've taken to recommending critiques of Calvinism to stick to confessions like the WCF. It's just too easy to forget an important part or misconstrue the focus of one of the points of Calvinism, or importing one's own ideas that are foreign in Calvinism. Basing the critique off of a well-regarded and time-tested confession helps ground the argument on something concrete. Plus, the WCF is rather concise and easily referenceable.
@RealJustinReed 6 лет назад
Strawmen 101: If you can't refute what someone says, then lie about what they say.
@jackal1115 6 лет назад
Firstname Lastname I thought I was going to come here to learn how people refute the doctrines of Grace and Calvinism. This guy was all but useless. He says things that I have never heard a calvinist or someone who believes the doctrines of Grace say. And every point that he brings up that even comes remotely close to refuting Calvinism is easily rebutted.
@jackal1115 6 лет назад
It's kind of hard to defend Calvinism and refute this guy at the same time because what he presents as Calvinism is not Calvinism it's like you have to make two separate arguments
@bownoworbowlater8870 6 лет назад
Yeah, yeah, yeah, anyone who disagrees with Calvinism "just doesn't understand Calvinism". Then, let's just stick to the simple gospel our Lord Jesus. He is risen, Calvin's still in the grave.
@foechicken8023 5 лет назад
Calvinism is a doctrine of man and is not of God not can it save you. OSAS and it is EASY TO BE SAVED Just believe as the scripture says.
@reynaldodavid2913Jo 5 лет назад
FO Chicken, What will you do if you read some scriptures that you cannot understand? Your statement suggests that anyone including you can easily understand all the scriptures.....
@johnmorgan692 5 лет назад
FO"... True the devil loves Complicated RELIGION .. ..in time... THE HOLY SPIRIT WILL enlighten "... HE. has me" for many years" ...people who try to figure GOD out with the power Of their inteligense" ...GOD will oppose " Matt 18v2. GOD Bless"
@djohnson3093 4 года назад
@@reynaldodavid2913Jo That's not what he's saying. He's saying, "just believe; as the scripture says". Not "understand everything the scripture says".
@reynaldodavid2913Jo 4 года назад
@@djohnson3093, How can you believe if you cannot understand? Do you understand everything written in the bible? Even the bible scholars do not understand it completely that's why they always debate...
@djohnson3093 4 года назад
@@reynaldodavid2913Jo I was referring to what I thought you were asking about Foe Chicken comment. We're told to believe in Christ Jesus. That He came. He died for our sins. He rose again and ascended. We aren't told to understand everything in the in God's Word. But we are to have faith in what God tells us. Do you understand how God existed before anything? That He has no beginning or end? I don't understand it but I believe it. I don't understand why or how Jesus could love someone like me so much that He was willing to pay the price for my sins. But I believe it. There's so much about God and His Word that we are incapable of comprehending, but I believe every word of scripture is God breathed. So I have faith that it's true and good, whether I understand it all or not.
@markcopeland9881 5 лет назад
Romans 10-9,10 2nd Corinthians 5-17
@cfoles1 5 лет назад
Romans 4:5
@justinwilson3694 9 лет назад
you know because JESUS died on the cross and was raised.
@randym.7238 2 года назад
I'm a Calvinist and I CAN answer any question you may have that is explained in Scripture. We do not believe in a works based doctrine. The Scripture says a Man will be known by his fruits. The fruits of the Spirit. I know I'm Saved because I believe in the Promises of Jesus Christ as do all Calvinist.
@edsnyder2801 2 года назад
That's right Randy, the Lord's Promise For His People Shall Never Be Made Void.
@losnfjslefn8857 Год назад
Where in scripture is it stated that "regeneration precedes faith"?
@teamrecon2685 Год назад
​@@losnfjslefn8857 John 3, when Nicodemus was told he must be born again.
@losnfjslefn8857 Год назад
@@teamrecon2685 The words "regeneration" and "faith" don't even appear in John 3:3. (Please take the time to think about *why* you would understand that verse in that way despite it not having the words "faith" or "regeneration" in it.) The word "regeneration" only appears 2 times in the KJV (and it's only in the NT), but there are plenty of verses in scripture that have the word "faith" in it. Are you telling me, for as important as a topic concerning salvation is, you can't find even *one* that says regeneration comes *before* faith?
@teamrecon2685 Год назад
@@losnfjslefn8857 perhaps the teaching salvation is solely a work of God is as shocking to you as it was to Nicodemus. You played no part in your natural birth, just like you play no part in spiritual birth. It is something that happens to the dead, lost, enslaved sinner.
@TheHillrat4wd 5 месяцев назад
Anyone confused? Remember God is not the author of Confusion. That should tell us all we need to know.
@brotherderek 6 лет назад
"What use is it, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but he has no works? Can that faith save him?" - James 2:14 It seems that James is showing that saving faith, without works, does not exist. This is not to say works save us, but rather demonstrate saving faith. Was this addressed here? I didn't hear it.
@jamesrey2940 5 лет назад
That an exhortation that his brethren do good with their salvation not a call to salvation but a call to share the gospel in deed. None of which saves you
@gregb6469 6 лет назад
Here's the difference between Calvinism and Arminianism-- if men are separated from God by a wide, deep canyon, the Calvinistic bridge over the canyon is somewhat narrow, but it is solidly built, goes all the way across the gorge, and those who are on it are taken across in wagons called FREE GRACE, while the Arminian bridge is very wide, but it is rickety-built, and only goes part of the way across the gorge, and those who are on it are expected to complete their own personal bridges with their wet. moldy straw free-will faith.
@phillipgoodson2057 Год назад
You know you are part of the elect if you believe the gospel. 1 Corinthians 1:18-31 King James Version 18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.
@jimkraft9445 6 лет назад
First John 2:2 That Christ died for our sins, and not for ours only, but for the sins of the whole world. Jesus draws all men to be saved. First Timothy 2:4 Who will have all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. First Corinthians 15:1-4. Romans 1:16 It is to everyone that believeth, to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace ye are save, (how) through faith, (when we believe the gospel) and that not of yourselves, (we did nothing for it,) It is the GIFT of God, not of works, lest any man should boast. If faith was a work, then it could not be used in the same sentence. It is faith without works. Ephesians 1:13 In whom ye also trusted, after ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also AFTER ye believed ye were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise. Notice, We were not regenerated by the Holy Spirit until we believed. Faith comes from us. not from God. We have a free will to either believe the gospel and be saved forever, or reject the only way of salvation by grace. If you are trusting in the fact that you were chosen by God to be saved, you may not be saved because you are trusting in being chosen and not on Jesus blood sacrifice for all your sin. Calvinist believe in eternal security, but for the wrong reason. If you believed the gospel and were saved before you believed that you were chosen, then you are saved. But if you believed in John Calvin for salvation, you are not saved. Actually Calvinists and Arminians believe the same thing only in different ways. According to the bible way of salvation neither one are save and are trusting in their works. Bible believers, believe what the bible says, not what some man says the bible says. John 6:47 Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me HATH EVERLASTING LIFE. He did not say those who are chosen by me are saved. Calvinism is refuted by one verse. John 3:16 For God so loved the world, (everbody) that He gave His only begotten Son, (Jesus) that WHOSOEVER, (ANYBODY) that BELIEVETH IN HIM, SHOULD NOT PERISH BUT HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE. Whosoever believeth, not whosoever is chosen. Calvinists come to the bible believing a doctrine and then try to prove it by scripture. Bible believers read the bible and let it speak to us.. Predestination means just that. When we believe the gospel we are predestined to be raised at the resurrection. Not predestined to be saved. And we do not persevere in the faith to stay saved. Second Timothy 2:13. What if we lose our faith? If we believe not, He abideth faithfull, He can not deny Himself. (the Holy Spirit that lives in the believer.) So if you are trusting in the fact that you were chosen by God to be saved, then you might not be saved at all because you are trusting in something that can not save you. What if a person believes they were chosen by God to be saved but never believed His blood sacrifice covers us from all sin? They are not saved.
@JayG1911 5 лет назад
Calvinism is man trying to understand God's salvation through the mind of God. Arminianism is trying to understand God's salvation through man's own mind. From what I've noticed in Calvinism, people seem to have a rather sufficient amount of pride to believe that they can understand God's ways with their own mind. Isaiah 55:8-9 King James Version (KJV) 8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. Make no mistake about it, trying to understand the mind of God with your own corrupt mind is impossible, and to think that one can do so is sheer pride and arrogance and that is exactly the very thing that they try to do, because they always take you back to the beginning, trying to explain the omniscience of God, trying to explain the very thinking nature and motive of the Lord God. Every single time I see a video from a pastor speaking out against Calvinism, the video has over twice the views as that of other videos from the same pastor. It has, in some cases, quadruple the comments. People become hateful with their comments, the very same people that claim to believe that it does not matter either way, because it is outside of man's own volition whom is to be saved and who will not be saved, and seems to provoke them to perpetuate their beliefs on others with such vehement desire, revealing a much more sinister nature and motive behind this movement. In plainer words, it's got Satan written all over it, and I will never have anything to do with this satanic movement.
@greglitteral4802 5 лет назад
Justin h I really appreciate what you said in your opening paragraph. I’ve done so much research on this lately with an open mind to find truth, nothing more, nothing less. I do agree also that a Calvinist or a prideful , self centered Calvinist can certainly end up arrogant about election but in that very second, they are absolutely wrong, just as with Christians of the free will crowd gather pride and arrogance for other reasons. Both sides have factions that are a prideful mess. Again though, your opening paragraph makes the most sense I’ve heard from anyone, thank you
@wtom04 8 лет назад
The following quotes come from eminent Calvinist apologists that show the connection that Calvinism has with Roman Catholicism. If you were to do your own research, the best you could do is go to history books, interview scholars and "theologians" in Calvinist and Roman Catholic circles, public libraries, journals, etc, but there is no way you can take a time machine to go back in time to verify your research. 1) Richard Muller - "John Calvin was part of a long line of thinkers who based their doctrine of predestination on the Augustinian interpretation of St. Paul." In his book, "Christ and the decree" 1988 page 22. 2) Alvin Baker - "There is hardly a doctrine of Calvin that does not bear the marks of Augustine's influence." In his book, "Berkouwer's Doctrine of Election: Balance or Imbalance" pg 25. 1981, 3) Gregg C. Singer - "The main features of Calvin's theology are found in the writings of St. Augustine to such an extent that many theologians regard Calvinism as a more full developed form of Augustinianism." In his book, "John Calvin: His roots and fruits" , 1989, pg. viii 4) B.B. Warfield - "The system of doctrine taught by Calvin is just the Augustinianism common to the whole body of the Reformers." In his book, "Calvin and Augustine", page 22, 1956. 5) Loraine Boettner - "Calvin and Augustine easily rank as the two outstanding systematic expounders of the Christian system since Saint Paul". In his book, "The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination" page 405, 1932. 6) John Calvin himself - "Augustine is so wholly with me, that if I wished to write a confession of my faith, I could do so with all fullness and satisfaction to myself out of his writings" In the book, "Calvin's Calvinism:"A treatise on the eternal predestination of God" written by John Calvin in 1552, Translated by Henry Cole, page 38, 1987. 7) B.B, Warfield - "Augustine is in a true sense the founder of Roman Catholicism" In his book, "Calvin and Augustine" page 313, 1956, It was Augustine who invented his own twisted interpretation of "PREDESTINATION/UNCONDITIONAL ELECTION" in his book, "City of God". Augustine states,"That owing to one man all pass into condemnation who are born of Adam unless they are born again in Christ, even as He has appointed them to be regenerated, before they die in the body, whom He predestinated to everlasting life, as the most merciful bestower of grace; whilst to those whom He has predestinated to eternal death, He is also the most righteous awarder of punishment." - "The City of God" On the Soul and its Origin - 4.16 Again, it was Augustine who invented "IRRESISTIBLE GRACE" in his book, "The City of God" - "On the predestination of the saints" -7, 8, 16. Augustine errantly believed that the will of God became the cause of all things - In his book, "City of God" - under "Enchiridion" - 95, 96, 100, 101. Augustine errantly believed "that no man is saved unless God wills it." In his book, "City of God" - under Enchiridion - 103. It was Augustine who invented what is now known today as the 5th point of Calvinism which is "PERSEVERANCE OF THE SAINTS": Augustine states, "We, then, call men elected, and Christ's disciple's, and God's children, because they are to be so called whom, being regenerated, we see to live piously; but they are then truly what they are called IF they shall abide in that on account of which they are so called." In "City of God" - "On Rebuke and Grace" - 22. Augustine states, "It is, indeed, to be wondered at, and greatly to be wondered at, that to some of His own children--whom He has regenerated in Christ--to whom He has given FAITH, hope, love, God does not give PERSEVERANCE also." - In his book, "City of God" - "On Rebuke and Grace" - 18. Augustine states, "But they who fall and perish have never been in the number of the predestinated." - In his book, "City of God" - "On Rebuke and Grace" - 36. Augustine errantly believed that salvation can be lost and he taught that only those who are regenerated by God and PERSEVERE, or in those that have lost their salvation that only after they "persevere" that the grace of regeneration is restored, are finally saved. - In his book, "The History of Christian Doctrines" - Louis Berkof - page 136, 1937. Now, does that not sound like what Calvinism currently teaches? Augustine's version of "predestination", "irresistible grace", and "perseverance of the saints" sounds identical to what MacArthur, Piper, and what Sproul teaches which are 3 of the biggest names in Calvinism/Lordship Salvation today. Are they not? Is that not what Calvinism teaches? Calvin's idol was definitely Augustine. The Bible teaches that God "predestinated" people who have willingly believed on Christ and His finished work on the cross and are saved to be transformed into immortal physical bodies of FLESH/BONE at the Rapture when Jesus returns which is a future aspect - 1 Cor 15:51-52, 1 Thess 4:16-17 These will be eternal physical bodies just like Jesus resurrected physical body described in Luke 24:39, 1 John 3:2. Christ's resurrected physical body is the prototype of what all saved Christians will be transformed into at the Rapture. The Biblical passages on predestination like Ephesians 1:4-5, 11, and Romans 8:29-30 all need to be read in light of 1 Corinthians 15:51-52, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17. and 1 John 3:2. What Augustine and Calvin did was take Ephesians 1:4-5, 1:11, and Romans 8:29-30 in ISOLATION and eisegeted those texts and read their "theology" into the text falsely teaching that God "picked and choosed" whom He saves in eternity past and whom He damns in eternity past and that there is nothing man can do about it. Is this not identical to the Islamic belief of FATALISM? Is it not identical to Stoicism's belief in determinism? Are these not all the same thing, but under different names? In regards to true Biblical election, God elected those that are already saved for SERVICE/MINISTRY. God "elected" Moses to lead His people, God "elected" Abraham, God "elected" King David, God "elected" King Solomon after David, God "elected" Paul to be the apostle to the Gentiles, God "elected" Simon Peter to be the apostle to the Jews, etc, etc. God did not "elect" people for salvation/damnation in eternity past which Calvinism falsely teaches. "Irresistible grace" is refuted with Acts 7:51. The Pharisees and the teachers of the law resisted Jesus in Matthew 12, Mark 3, and the unbelieving Jews resisted Jesus in John 10:33, and John 12:37 despite His miracles/healings in their very presence. Jonah resisted God. The Pharisees accused Jesus of being "demon possessed" and performing exorcisms by the power of Satan. The unbelieving Jews in John10:33 accused Jesus of being only a "mere man" despite His miracles which verified that He was indeed God in human flesh. "Perseverance of the saints" which is Augustine's original twisted concept is also refuted with Scripture. King Solomon did not "persevere" at the end of his life, but became a serial polygamist and demon worshiper - 1 Kings 11. Does that mean that Solomon was "never saved to begin with?" NO. Christians who don't persevere and who even die in that state are still eternally saved. John 10:28-29 - 28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. 29 My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. Romans 8:38-39 - 38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. 2 Timothy 2:13 - 13 If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself. Saved Christians are not kept eternally secure because of their own faithfulness which will always be susceptible to faltering and failure, but they are kept secure because of an UNFAILING SAVIOR.
@MisterKilogram 5 лет назад
wtom04 Thank you. This is helpful.
@jessejimenez1793 4 года назад
How I know if I am served it’s because of the Holy Espirit I know
@robertzeurunkl8401 9 лет назад
"Behold, the LORD'S hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; ..." WHO's arm is it asked of?
@thinkaboutit7664 8 лет назад
It has just struck me that this guy has either NEVER spoken to or Calvinist or is DELIBERATELY distorting what he knows they believe! I can't answer his questions because I have never needed to - they HAVE nothing to do with the Calvinist (Biblical!) Gospel. THIS is the experience of a Calvinist: Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee; Let the water and the blood, From Thy riven side which flowed, Be of sin the double cure, Cleanse me from its guilt and power. Not the labour of my hands Can fulfill Thy law's demands; Could my zeal no respite know, Could my tears forever flow, All for sin could not atone; Thou must save, and Thou alone. Nothing in my hand I bring, Simply to Thy cross I cling; Naked, come to Thee for dress; Helpless, look to Thee for grace; Foul, I to the fountain fly; Wash me, Saviour, or I die! While I draw this fleeting breath, When mine eyes shall close in death, When I soar to worlds unknown, See Thee on Thy judgement throne, Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee. (A M Toplady)
@gregb6469 6 лет назад
Good, solidly Biblical song; too bad it is usually only heard at funerals.
@johndisalvo6283 6 лет назад
Are you using this beautifully Biblical song to support calvinism??? There ain't no T.U.L.I.P.'s inTHIS hymn! Thinkaboutit.
@gregb6469 6 лет назад
Augustus Toplady (who wrote the lyrics to this song) was a leading 18th-century English Calvinist preacher and Bible teacher.
@johndisalvo6283 6 лет назад
I already knew that, and there STILL ain't no TULIPS in this hymn! Thoughtaboutit, and you're NOT gonna make me dislike this hymn , no matter what you say about ol Augustus!
@gregb6469 6 лет назад
Why would I want you to dislike this hymn? You seem to have gone out of your way to misunderstand what both Think Aboutlt and I have posted here.
@MariusVanWoerden 5 лет назад
If we had a Free Will no-one would be saved. That is Biblical. It is Grace and the free gift of God. It is said: Who works first we know last. The Holy Spirit. Never Lost Is Never Saved. Jesus seeks and save that which IS LOST. Not the lost seek after Jesus. This because they are lost and cannot seek.
@correctionneeded8826 5 лет назад
Marius VanWoerden so faith comes by hearing the gospel, who's hearing?
@juliedunham9400 6 лет назад
I’ve read through a lot of the comments and what I noticed is that I became even more confused than before. Can someone please in the most simplest form tell me what calvinists believes is the truth in receiving salvation? Because to me it seems that they believe that a person needs to cry out to God for salvation and hopefully God reveals that I’m saved through a “light bulb” moment. So calvinists don’t believe Romans 10:10 for salvation?
@masongoodknight1572 2 года назад
Friend we believe that all who call upon the name of the Lord will be saved. There is a simple dividing line. After the gospel is preached, Arminian/Synergists say this, "Repent, believe the gospel, and be born again and saved." Calvinist/Monergists say this, "You are born again by God's grace then you repent, believe and are saved."I was once an angry anti Calvinist. I am now one who embraces the Doctrines of Grace. I do not value fighting endlessly online so I'm not here to do so but I hope I answered your question. Blessings.
@bobby7771117 6 лет назад
Yes,I do know if I'm saved,because I have believed on Christ to be my Savior and Lord! I've asked Christ to forgive all my sins by the precious Blood of the Lamb. Finally,I surrender to the Lordship of Christ in my life! So,being a calvinist,I am totally convinced of my salvation in Jesus Christ!! Peace and grace to all! In Christ's Agape Love,Bobby
@johnjames3908 5 лет назад
People never come to Calvinism by reading or hearing Scripture, but faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. If Calvinists are saved it happened before they were introduced to his heresy.
@franvincent2399 7 лет назад
that is a lie that we don't have to live holy!!! Without holiness NO ONE SHALL SEE THE LORD they will go to hell
@laserfalcon 7 лет назад
Fran vincent How holy do you have to be, let's say on a scale of 1-10 ten being perfect holy, what level are you?
@laserfalcon 7 лет назад
Truth Bingo
@christcrucified6385 7 лет назад
You have that right. Without Jesus we will burn in Hell. There is no holiness apart from the Life of Christ. The only work for us to do is to believe on the one the Father sent. If we eat of Him and drink of Him then we have His holy Life inside of us! Of course that will manifest in our natural lives but the way you are wording is as if our good behavior will get us to Heaven. That is not the Gospel.
@laserfalcon 7 лет назад
JD Yamaha So many are blind to this simple truth, they keep arguing that their works will save them
@laserfalcon 7 лет назад
Fran vincent And that holiness is found in Jesus Christ, you can't do that by works
@jimkraft9445 6 лет назад
In my study of comparing scripture with scripture, I came across this. Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace ye are saved, through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the GIFT of God, not of works, lest any man should boast. Some believe the GIFT is faith. But if we compare Romans 6:23 we see this. For the wages of sin is death, but the GIFT of God is eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. The GIFT is eternal life when we believe it. The GIFT is not faith. Faith cometh from hearing, hearing by the word of God. John 3:16-18 is true when we believe it. It is not true to us until we believe it. John 6:47 is true when we believe it. John :37-40 is true when we believe it, John 10:28-29 are true when we believe it. All of those verses are true whether we believe it or not. But Jesus can not lie.
@ianmcdonald8648 5 лет назад
jim kraft Where did that faith come from? If the faith comes to us, then it means that we did not have it in the first place. ...everything that God has provided through His Son Jesus is a gift including Jesus Himself. The faith that comes by hearing the Word, is something that we did not have in the first place. It came to us. And where did it come from? It came from God -Romans 3:22; Galatians 3:22. The faith OF Jesus Christ. Yes there is to be faith IN Jesus Christ, but that faith was given to us in the first place. We can love God not because we had that kind of love when we were enemies of Christ - we can love God because we have received of His love and we give it back to Him. This is the same with that faith that we must put in Jesus Christ. The faith that comes by hearing God's word, did not come from ourselves, nor did it come from thin air - it came from Jesus Christ because it is His faith just as it is His grace. We believe because God provides us with faith that belongs to Him and His Son Jesus Christ. It is not a natural faith, it is a different kind of faith, and it comes to us. It is up to us each one of us to use that little bit of faith and put it willingly and deliberately on and in Jesus Christ. Salvation is a gift, grace is a gift, and the faith is a gift. Every act of doing good and perfect gift comes down from the Father of lights. James 1:17 Paul says to believers in Rome - God has dealt (given) to every man a meaasure of faith. This faith is to do with spiritual realities, for each member of Christ's body has been given the same 'substance' in order to compliment, help strengthen every other member of the body of Christ . Rom 12:3 2 Thess 3:2 - here Paul speaks of the wicked - unregenerate, which we all were at one time. The wicked do not have the faith that is needed to trust in God and obey Him, nor do they have the grace of God, or the peace or the love. And God knows it. Therefore He gives it freely in due time. be blessed in Jesus
@sovereigngrace9723 3 года назад
That is not exegesis, that’s plugging 2 verses together to paint your picture... exegesis goes verse by verse, finding the original meaning
@sovereigngrace9723 3 года назад
@Winter Ellis a measure of faith has been given to believers, the audience in Romans 12 is believers. Not every man ever
@jimkraft9445 3 года назад
Everyone has faith in something. Gods word says, without faith, it is impossible to please Him, Why would He say that if He gives us the faith to trust in His word. And faith is not a work. IT is faith apart from works. Calvinist do not believe a person can read John 3:16-18 and believe it unless God gives them the faith. What? John 6:47. John 6:40 John 6:29 First John 5:13. That is why I learned to read. So I could read the bible for myself and not rely on corrupt men to interpret scripture for me. Faith comes from hearing, hearing from the word of God. First Corinthians 1;21 God saves those who believe of their own free will. God in his sovereignty gave man a free will to either accept His free gift of eternal Life or not. Once we accept it it can not longer be changed back. Romans 11:29 For the GIFTS, (eternal Life) and the calling of God, (John 12:32) are without repentance. Irrevocable. Can not be changed back.
@jimkraft9445 3 года назад
Read Romans 11:6 and Romans 1:16 and Romans 4:5-8. Then tell me you do not believe what Gods word says in the gospel. First Corinthians 15:1-4. Galatians 1:7-9 If anyone preaches another gospel let HIM BE ACCURSED. Matthew 7:15-23 Wolves in sheep's clothing preach salvation by works. True preachers of the gospel preach salvation by grace through faith apart from works for the free gift of eternal life. They preach salvation by grace, but then turn right around and say true salvation will always be accompanied by works. The Thief on the cross. Faith alone apart from works. Romans 4:5 But to him that worketh not, but believeth on Him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness We have to be as righteous as God to go to heaven, and no one is. He imputes His perfect righteousness to us the second we believe.
@SavedInANanosecond. 5 лет назад
Amen a million times!!!!!
@motruthhunter 5 лет назад
If indeed mankind is ever found guilty of committing at least one betrayal, then there must exist a means to remedy that betrayal, and no part of that remedy can come from the betrayer, or anyone else who has betrayed. This is were only a true Savior can mend what was broken. And that "savior" must be impartial and not be concocted by humanity. A Savior who is not in the least impressed by piety, for even that is but self deception and arrogance. So what would a true Savior have left to choose from? No one, and yet there are the unworthy few who become chosen of the Savior and ransomed (but only at a great cost of the Savior).
@mercibeaucoup2639 5 лет назад
@motruthhunter 5 лет назад
@@mercibeaucoup2639 What does it profit anyone that He died for them if they spit on His grace?
@motruthhunter 5 лет назад
@@mercibeaucoup2639 Isaiah 45:7 (KJV) "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create EVIL: I the Lord do all these things."
@motruthhunter 5 лет назад
@@mercibeaucoup2639 Merci, are you French? Just wondering (because it would explain your thinking). It is good to try and figure out Scripture, for in doing so you understand who and what we are having to deal with. There are three problems with it all. 1. the very translation we are reading. 2. the preachers we have learned from. 3. Our own inability to understand greater truth. Now here is a greater truth. The Almighty does as He pleases in Isaiah 45:11. He does not have to do what we consider as RIGHT. Whatever He does is RIGHT. (and as it says in vrs 11, all is for His own pleasure). He created Satan did He not? Did He know what Satan would do later on? If He knew, then He created what Satan would DO, and for a reason. Same with SIN, for if there was no SIN, there would be no need for selection, and mankind and the Almighty would have been mediocre "buddies".
@motruthhunter 5 лет назад
@@mercibeaucoup2639 Never disagree with a Frenchman!!!! Now, just to check myself, I contacted a Hebrew scholar today about the Lord creating evil and he said, yes indeed the Hebrew verifies that it means as it says....EVIL. So there is no argument about the meaning.
@babayaga9570 Год назад
How do you then explain Matthew 7:21-23? Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ 23Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you workers of lawlessness!’
@TheHillrat4wd 5 месяцев назад
Because everything they said was regarding their works, not their faith in his.
@beauxdodson642 6 лет назад
(12:27) All sin are forgiven, past present and future- since salvation is never of works because Christ finished it on the cross for you. And again- Reformed Theology doesn't teach that salvation is done by works but by the grace of God- it is a gift. Does this guy truly understand of what Reformed Theology actually teaches?
@JerichoLeon 6 лет назад
Amen! We must turn from our sins not to be saved but because we already have a relationship with a living and holy God who desires us to.
@peterbarjona6150 5 лет назад
Agree 100 percent.
@jeremymccglasson8338 4 года назад
The word is should, not must. Should and must are two different things.
@stephenwebb124 5 лет назад
One interesting observation is that all Calvinist and all arminians , all protestants, Catholics and "modern" Baptist believe that eternal salvation is mediated thru the church eithrr by the sacraments or the preaching of the gospel . Only the primitive Baptist believe that Jesus is the ONLY mediator and means of the salvation of sinners. Another misrepresented group
@jimkraft9445 6 лет назад
There are a lot of unsaved people in our churches because the truth of the gospel is not preached. The gospel. First Corinthians 15:1-4 That Christ died for our sins, according to the scriptures, that He was buried and rose again on the third day, according to the scriptures. Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace ye are saved, (what Jesus did for us) (how) through faith, and that not of yourselves, (We did nothing for it) it is the GIFT of God, not of works, (what we do or do not do) lest any man should boast. We have nothing to boast in but the cross. Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, (and we all sin because no one is perfect.) but the GIFT of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Faith is not a work. Once we believe the gospel we are saved forever. Sealed by the Holy Spirit unto the day of redemption. We are predetermined to be raised at the resurrection. Not predetermined to be saved. John 6:40 And this is he will of Him who sent me, that ALL that seeth the Son, and believeth on Him, may have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day. We have to believe the gospel to be saved. We are not chosen to believe but after we believe we are chosen. Predetermined to be raised at the resurrection. Now our salvation depends totally on what Jesus did for us, not on what we do or do not do. Our works. Romans 11:6 It is all grace, (what Jesus did for us) not works, what we do. We can not save ourselves by keeping the law or doing good works. After we are saved we should do the good works that we are called to walk in. Not to save us. Romans 4:5 But to the one that worketh not, but believeth on Him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for RIGHTEOUSNESS. His righteousness, not ours. We are counted righteous by faith in Jesus finished work on the cross. Hebrews 13:5 He will never leave us or forsake us. Romans 8 Nothing can separate us from the love of God. John 10:28 And I give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. And neither out of my Fathers hand. Double eternal security. John 5:24 We have passed from death unto life. We are partly in heaven already. Colossians 3:3. Our life is hidden with Christ in God. Galatians 1:7-9 Those that preach another gospel will be accursed. There is only one gospel that saves sinners which we all are. First John 5:13 These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God, that ye may know ye have eternal life. AMAZING GRACE, JESUS PAID IT ALL AND WE PAID 0. IT IS FREE. ROMANS 11:6 All we have to do is believe it one time to be saved forever. Second Timothy 2:13 If we believe not, He abideth faithful, He can not deny himself. Once we have been sealed by the Holy Spirit we are saved for ever. Ephesians 4:30.
@eagleclan75 5 лет назад
Then James says if you continue to do and call yourself a Christian you're a liar. What about that?
@davewilson3897 5 лет назад
I know that mindset they have I was there ,and it was misery thank GOD for THE TRUE GOSPEL JESUS GOD HIMSELF TOOK ON FLESH 100%GOD PERFECT MAN SHED HIS BLOOD DIED WAS BURIED ROSE FROM THE DEAD and HE did this for the forgiveness of sins past,present, and future of all mankind it's a free gift Ephesians 2:8and 9for all who believe on HIM personally and receive HIM as saviour because HE died for ALL mankind every one we CAN believe IT IS A CHOICE WE HAVE FREE WILL AMEN
@abckids3476 6 лет назад
People who believe in Free Will might want to think about this..... You celebrate your birthday with parties and gifts yet you did not conceive yourself or birth yourself. Why not celebrate your eternal birth of being born again with even greater parties and gifts for yourself. Think about it. You humbled yourself and moved your heart and mind to choose God all on your own doing . Shouldn't you be extremely proud of yourself? After all, your actions caused you to receive God's Gift of Eternity? Isn't that worthy of a greater party and gift to yourself then your flesh birthday which you had nothing to do with? Anyone think they CHOSE to conceived themselves? Interesting that Jesus would use the born analogy to describe who comes to Him. Even the fool talking to Jesus directly knew he could not birth himself. You did not chose to be born the first time but somehow you can choose to be born again? Jesus should have picked another analogy.
@abckids3476 6 лет назад
Dave G His earthly father maybe
@abckids3476 6 лет назад
Dave G I thought you were talking about the guy in the video. The author of John was making an analogy in chapter 3?
@johndisalvo6283 6 лет назад
Proud of myself ? For saying "Yes Lord"? I should be PROUD of myself for receiving Him????? Are you serious? What kind of TWISTED thinking is this???...Oh yeah, calvinism!
@abckids3476 6 лет назад
john disalvo Well if he offered it to everyone and you are smarter than the rest of the them to say yes then why not be proud of yourself? We're talkin Eternal salvation here. You're the one you said you make the choice to accept it not me. Why shouldn't you be proud of your choice?
@johndisalvo6283 6 лет назад
Saying "NO" wouldn't be too smart, would it? Your reasoning, if you can call it that, makes no sense at all- just like your doctrine. If you throw a drowning person a life preserver ,does it make him smarter than everyone else when he grabs on to it??? Take off your TULIP colored glasses and read Scripture in CONTEXT. You're the one who's satisfied to believe in a puny little weak god, too afraid to give his creatures a free will. Maybe calvinists were preordained to be severely lacking in God given common sense. I boast in NOTHING but the cross of Christ and His precious blood. If you can't understand this, find a saved little 10 year old to explain the SIMPLE Gospel to you.
@jacksmack77 7 лет назад
RC Sproul and John Mac are not saved. All Calvinism does is damn souls.
@orvillewright548 7 лет назад
jacksmack77 Hey Jack, I was listening to the Dividing Line the other day. James White really ran your understanding of Calvinism through the shredder didn't he?
@beauxdodson642 6 лет назад
Jacksmack77 a true Christians do not judge some one to hell. The Bible forbids such thought. Be very careful whom you judge.
@gregb6469 6 лет назад
Jacksmack77 is a pride-filled Pharisee.
@albusai 6 лет назад
jacksmack77 John mc athur already said a mayor lie , that even if some one takes the mark of the beast he can still be saved, not biblical at all
@beauxdodson642 6 лет назад
albusai: Do you believe in the Sovereignty of God?
@beauxdodson642 6 лет назад
Anyone that persevere in the faith- means a course of action is taken by the believer not to justify his or her action that could assure their salvation- because salvation is NEVER BY WORKS, but is a fruitful action taken by the believer that Christ demand us in Mark 16:15 or perhaps better known as the Great Commission. In John 15:10 "If you keep my commandments- ye shall abide in my love. And by keeping His commandments does not justify salvation but it is our commitment to Him, James 2:14, "What does it profit my brother if someone says he has faith- but does not have works." It is a faith that continues to persevere in our lives, however having this faith while we continue in our works NEVER JUSTIFIES SALVTION. If a believer does nothing then James 2:14 "Can faith save him?" That means, can a believer in Christ not be fruitful or do anything to advance the Kingdom of God- by NOT proclaiming the Gospel, can he or she truly believes in themselves to be saved. Some uses that verse to justify of thinking salvation is of works- they are misunderstanding the scriptures. Its never of works.
@randym.7238 2 года назад
The Doctrine of Calvinism is proved time and time all through Scripture. It's simple to understand, but hard for Prideful Man to accept. The fact this Preacher believes that Calvinism teaches that one must maintain One's Salvation by works, proves that he knows very little about Calvinism.
@stephenbussey3156 9 лет назад
Amen brother yankee
@chrisscheidegger8059 8 лет назад
mr arnold, im assuming in #2 that your saying calvanist teach you can lose your salvation? Because that is not what they teach... they actually believe like you... that you can't.
@franciscafazzo3460 2 года назад
the same can be said for you who do not believe christ is enough apart from your faith, so called
@franklinbross2602 5 месяцев назад
So. do I understand this right ? You can be a " calvinist " whether you know it or not ? In otherworldly can you be a calvinist and not know it ?
@TheHillrat4wd 5 месяцев назад
I believe Calvinism has infected the minority of churches they may not claim to be calvinist nor do they even hold to the Tulip but it is muddled with different facets of Calvinism including works and your ability to lose your salvation.
@TheHillrat4wd 5 месяцев назад
I meant to say majority not minority sorry voice text
@jimkraft9445 6 лет назад
John 12:32 And if I be lifted up will draw all men unto me. Just as moses raised up the brass serpent on the pole so must the Son of man be lifted up. And all who look to Him who have been bitten by sin, all of us, shall be saved. Calvinists believe in eternal security, but for the wrong reason. They actually believe the same thing Arminians believe.That you have to persevere in the faith to stay save. Second Timothy 2:13 What If we lose our faith? If we believe not, He abideth faithfull, He can not deny Himself. The Spirit of God that lives in the believer. Romans 8:9 Without the Spirit there is no salvation. With the Spirit we ate saved forever. Second Timothy 2:19 Nevertheless, the foundation of God is sure, having this seal, (The Holy Spirit) the Lord knoweth them that are His. John 6:39 Jesus has never lost one. Hebrews 13:5 He will never leave us or forsake us, There are no conditions. Once we BELIEVE we are sealed by the Holy Spirit unto the day of redemption. Ephesians 4:30
@jimkraft9445 6 лет назад
Calvinists do not believe Romans 11:6 or Romans 4:5 Matthew 7:21-23 are the scariest verses in the bible. Depart from me, I never knew you, Not I did know you, now I don't, I never knew you. Why did Jesus say that? He tells us in verse 21.Theyi never did the will of the Father. What is the will of the Father? John 6:40 And this is the will of Him who sent me, that ALL that seeth the Son, and believeth on Him, may have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day. But they trusted in their works to save themselves by what they did instead of what Jesus did for us. They thought they would be save by keeping the law and doing good works. But they never believed the gospel of all grace for salvation. Romans 11:6 Both Calvinists and Arminians are both trusting in their works and are not saved. Salvation can only be received as a free gift of God by grace. Not by anything we do or do not do. Our works. The only reason anyone is saved, is because they believe that Jesus paid it all and we paid 0. It is amazing grace, not amazing works. True bible believers believe we are no longer under the law but under grace. Where there is no law sin can not be imputed. Romans 4:6-8 He has imputed His righteousness to us through the gift of the Holy Spirit when we believed the gospel of our salvation, and will no more impute sin to our account. We have nothing to boast in because we did nothing for it. It is a free gift of God to all that believe. Not chosen. We are to let the bible speak to us, not believe a doctrine and try to make the bible say what we already believe.
@jimkraft9445 5 лет назад
I if I give you a new car, and you receive the gift, do you have the gift? if you had to do something for the gift, then it would no longer be a gift, but something you earned. Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the GIFT of God is eternal life, through Jesus Chris our Lord. If you have the gift, why would you persevere to get the gift you already have. John 3:16 For God so loved the WORLD, that He gave His only begotten Son, Jesus, that WHOSOEVER, believeth in Him, should not perish, but HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE. First John 2:2 And He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only, but for the sins of the whole world. But, only those who believe are saved and can never be condemned again. John 3:18 First Timothy 2:4 Who would have all men to be saved, and come unto the knowledge of the truth. First Corinthians 15:3-4 is the truth of the gospel by which we are saved. What if we lose our faith? Second timothy 2:13 If we believe not, He abideth faithful, He can not deny Himself. The Holy Spirit who lives in the believer. Ephesians 1:13 Romans 8:9 Without the Spirit there is no salvation, with the Spirit we have eternal life. Perseverance is works We are saved without works. Romans 11:6 and Romans 4:4-8. We can only receive the free gift by faith alone plus nothing. AMAZING GRACE, JESUS PAID IT ALL AND WE PAID 0. IT IS FREE TO ALL WHO BELIEVE. John 6:47 Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that BELIEVETH on me, hath ever lasting life. Jesus can not lie.
@jimkraft9445 5 лет назад
I have no problem at all. Since I am a believer I was ordained to preach the gospel of all grace to them who believe. Romans 1:16 to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. Acts 16:31 Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Period. No works. Free gift to all who believe. We are not regenerated by the Holy Spirit until we believe the gospel. Ephesians 1:13 Not before.
@mrnoedahl 4 года назад
Continuing in the faith has nothing to do with works of the law, since your not saved by works of the law. If any man will come after me let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. These are not works of the law.
@faith_alone 3 года назад
You've added the words 'of the law'. Romans 4:5 is talking about works in general, as the context is Abraham, who lived 500 years before the law.
@okchawk2k 8 лет назад
Believers beware... I don't know what form of Calvinism this guy is railing against but it's not the accepted and historically taught version. In fact, he totally misses every point. Intentional deceit? I don't know but I do know he's bearing false witness. He calls Calvinist's liars while lying about what the believe.
@wtom04 8 лет назад
+Kevin Warren Your comment - "Believers beware... I don't know what form of Calvinism this guy is railing against but it's not the accepted and historically taught version. In fact, he totally misses every point. Intentional deceit? I don't know but I do know he's bearing false witness. He calls Calvinist's liars while lying about what the believe." My comment- He's right. Calvinists are LIARS when it comes to saving faith. Calvinists cannot exegete Scripture correctly in the right context, but instead rely upon eisegesis based upon presuppositions and philosophical precepts of man. John Calvin was a mere man whose "doctrine" was heavily influenced by Augustine who is one of the main founding fathers of Roman Catholicism. Colossians 2:8 - Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.
@kennethsoriano537 7 лет назад
I agree
@kennethsoriano537 7 лет назад
All opinion on your part, I am a liar, and a thief, and the chief of all sinners, but isn't that you as well? If you are going to call brothers and sisters liars, know you will be judged how you judge. I can point the same scripture at u? dose not solve anything, reminds me of vain babbling. now if you are gonna call me and my brother and sisters of the one true God liars, come correct, instead of this peanut in the booty opinion stuff! Are you saying that we are purposely lying?
@wtom04 7 лет назад
+Kenneth Soriano Calvinist doctrine is not Biblical because none of the 5 points of their "tulip" system line up with Scripture. Each point is a lie that was originated by Augustine whom John Calvin heavily emulated and idolized. Augustine was the father of Roman Catholicism. Yes, I am a sinner, but there is eternal hope for sinners who believe in the right gospel which is John 3:16 in its simplicity. Calvinism does not teach John 3:16, but "John Calvin 3:16". The "Jesus" and "God" of Calvinism is not the same Jesus and God of the Bible. Calvinism falsely teaches that no one can be saved unless God had already predetermined them in eternity past which means that a person's eternal destiny is fixed way before they were ever born and that they have absolutely no control over their eternal destiny, whether it's heaven or hell.
@wtom04 7 лет назад
+Kenneth Soriano I will show you that all 5 points of Calvinism came from Augustine based upon Biblical passages taken out of context and eisegeted. 1) Calvinism's false teaching of "TOTAL DEPRAVITY" and "TOTAL INABILITY" to accept or reject God's free gift of eternal life comes from Augustine's book under "On Original Sin". The whole idea behind "total depravity" and "total inability" lies in the Calvinist belief that in order for God to get all the credit and glory for eternal life that man must be UNABLE to accept or reject the gospel of John 3:16. Calvinism stresses that man has no free will in regards to eternal life as a result of "total depravity" and "total inability". In other words, man only has free will to do evil and other things, but not in regards to eternal life. Many Calvinists are obsessed with the idea that if man has the ability to respond to the gospel by willfully believing then this robs God of His glory. The teaching on "total inability" can be found in the Westminster Confession of Faith under Chapter X, "Of Free Will", Section 3, states, "Man by his fall into a state of sin, hath wholly LOST ALL ABILITY of will to any spiritual good accompanying salvation: so as, a natural man, being altogether averse from that good, and dead in sin, IS NOT ABLE, by his own strength, to convert himself, or to PREPARE HIMSELF THEREUNTO. "Total depravity" and "total inability" is also echoed in the Canons of Dort, III IV :3 which states, "Therefore all men are conceived in sin, and by nature children of wrath, INCAPABLE OF SAVING GOOD, prone to evil, dead in sin, and in bondage thereto, and without the regenerating grace of the Holy Spirit, THEY ARE NEITHER ABLE NOR WILLING TO RETURN TO GOD, to reform the depravity of their nature, nor to dispose themselves to reformation." My comment - The Bible clearly teaches that man still has the image of God in him and can still respond to God by believing. Romans 1:19-20 - 19 Because that which may be known of God IS MANIFEST IN THEM; for God hath shewed it unto them. 20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; SO THAT THEY ARE WITHOUT EXCUSE.
@jimkraft9445 6 лет назад
Calvinism does not agree with the bible. We are saved when we believe the gospel. We were not chosen to believe, after we believe we are chosen. We are predestined to be raised at the resurrection. All we have to do to be saved is believe the gospel of our salvation. First Corinthians 15:1-4 and Ephesians 1:13, 4:30 and Second Timothy 2:19. Romans 8:9 Without the Spirt there is no salvation. When do we get the Spirit? When we believe the gospel. John 3:16 Since That verse is true, then I know it is for me because I am one of those He came to saved. He did not come into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. John 3:18 Believers can no longer be condemned, but unbelievers are condemned already. It does not say those who are not chosen are condemned to hell. Only unbelievers. So, salvation is to everyone that believeth and that faith has to come from us. We have to believe it to be saved. What if we lose our faith? Second Timothy, 2:13 If we believe not, He abideth faithful, He can not deny Himself. The Holy Spirit that lives in the believer.
@jimkraft9445 5 лет назад
Matthew 7:21-23 Many will come before me on that day, and tell me about all their good works, but, they have never done the will of my Father. John 6:40 And this is the will of Him who sent me, that ALL that seeth the Son, and believeth on Him, may have everlasting life, and I will raise him up on the last day. Perseverance of the saints is works salvation. Salvation is a free gift from God without works. Romans 11:6 it is all grace, not works, if it was by works, it would no longer be grace, and if by grace, it is no more work. Jesus paid it all and we paid 0. It is a free gift from God to all who just believe on His name. First John 5:13 These things have I written unto you that BELIEVE on the name of the Son of God, that ye may KNOW YE HAVE ETERNAL LIFE. God will save anyone who just believes on His name as the only way of salvation by grace. Our sin debt has been paid in full, and we can no longer be condemned. John 3:18 I have eternal life. You can not lose eternal life, or it would not be eternal. And it is not based on any thing we do or do not do, but on What Jesus did for us plus nothing. Romans 4:5.But to him that worketh not, but believeth on Him who justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. Without His righteousness no one will see God. I have no righteousness which is by the law, but I have His righteousness which is by faith. Salvation by works never works. Only by faith are ye saved through faith, When we believe, And that not of yourselves, we did nothing for it. It is the GIFT of God, not of works, lest any man should boast. Believers have nothing to boast in. You can not boast in free. Repentance. Change your mind and quit trusting in what you do to save you, and trust only in what Jesus did to save you plus nothing. AMAZING GRACE. If you are trusting in your perseverance, you are not trusting in Jesus alone by faith alone plus nothing. Jesus saves those who trust in Him plus nothing to be saved.
@mercibeaucoup2639 5 лет назад
@jimkraft9445 4 года назад
Romans 4:5-8 But to him that worketh not, but BELIEVETH on Him who justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord imputeth righteousness apart from works. Blessed is the man whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin. The second we believe the gospel, First Corinthians 15:1-4. We are sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise. Ephesians 1:13-14. Our guarantee of eternal life. Ephesians 4:30 And grieve not the Holy Spirit in whom ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. Romans 4:2 If Abraham were justified by works, he would have something to glory in, but not before God. Abraham was justified before God by faith alone apart from works. He was justified before men by works. Ephesians 2:8-9 You can not boast in free. Romans 3:twenty six,-28. Jesus paid it all and we paid 0. Salvation is a free gift from God by faith alone apart from works. Discipleship is for rewards in heaven after we have received the free gift. First Corinthians 3:11-21.And if a born again believer goes off and lives in homosexuality, God may just take their life, but they are still saved so as by fire. First Corinthians 3:15. No one can earn eternal life. We can only accept it as a free gift. John six:40 And this is the will of Him who sent me, that ALL that seeth the Son, and believeth on Him, may have everlasting life, and I will raise him up on the last day. John six:29 Romans 11:six. AMAZING GRACE, JESSUS PAID IT ALL AND WE PAID 0. IT IS FREE, or not at all. First John 5:13 These things have I written unto you that BELIEVE on the name of the Son of God, that ye may KNOW YE HAVE ETERNAL LIFE. John 3:18 First John 1:8.
@jimkraft9445 4 года назад
We are all living in sin to a degree, because we are not made perfect in the flesh. First John 1:8. That is why we need a savior. First Corinthians 5:5 Turn such a one over to Satan to kill the flesh, so that his Spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord. This was a born again believer, Ephesians 1:13, that was sleeping with his fathers wife. First Corinthians 3:15. He was about to lose his life, and the rewards he could have had in heaven, but he was still saved so as by fire. The GIFT of God is eternal Life. Not a reward for good behavior. Eternal life is a free git from god by faith alone. Rewards or lack of rewards are earned. John six:47. Once we believe and are sealed by the Holy Spirit we have eternal life. Even if we never believe it again. Second Timothy 2:13. If we keep the faith, we will have a reward in heaven. Hebrews 13:5 He will never leave us or forsake us. He may chasten us a children, but will not condemn His own. John 1:12 and Romans 1:sixteen. John 3:18. Believers can no longer be condemned. Jesus plus nothing equals salvation by grace. Ephesians 2:8-9 Romans 11:29 For the GIFTS, eternal life, and the calling of God, are without repentance. Irrevocable. Can not be changed back. John six:40
@jimkraft9445 4 года назад
No, God has given us a free will. John six:40 And this is the will of Him who sent me, that all that seeth the Son, and believeth on Him, may have everlasting life, and I will raise him up on the last day. The gospel. First Corinthians 15:1-4. The second we believe that gospel we are sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise. Ephesians 1:13-14 Our guarantee of eternal life. We can lose our life, and our rewards in heaven, but not eternal life. First Corinthians 5:5. This was a born again believer, Ephesians 1:13, that was sleeping with his fathers wife. He was about to lose his life, and his rewards in heaven, but he was still saved so as by fire. First Corinthians 3:15. Only his works were burned up. Ephesians 2:8-9 Romans 3:twenty six-28. We have nothing to boast in because we did nothing for it. Jesus paid it all and we paid 0. You can not boast in free. Romans six:23. The warnings to believers is God does chasten His children. John 1:12 but never condemn us. John 3:18. We still reap what we sow.
@EdKidgell 4 года назад
Exactly right!
@chrisscheidegger8059 8 лет назад
this sounds nothing like calvanism... i cant understand what your trying to say. everything you said that calvanism teaches is not in line with what calvanism teaches.
@Ally-ur2rr 6 лет назад
I Thank God for you!
@beaudidly5347 Год назад
Ralph you are very confused as to what you think Calvin taught. Your knowledge of the reformation is very limited, to say the least. You need to go under the tutelage of James White, John MacArthur, or Steve Lawson. Only then will you learn the truth of scripture and the reformation.
@stashe9106 6 лет назад
The only thing i disagree with your ministry about is the pre-trib rapture - I think we will be here until the lord returns ONCE. Apart from this, you are one of the most helpful preachers I've come across in my short christian walk, thank you for your work and God bless you - I was almost hooked in a works salvation cult - SDA and after I started finding some contradictions between lordship salvation and grace that I realized how wicked I still was and how i can never ever achieve perfection, which left me with the only other option - Trust and believe in Jesus that he will take them away and cleanse me from them.
@gregb6469 6 лет назад
Lordship salvation does not teach sinless perfection.
@stashe9106 6 лет назад
It totally does mate, teaching that your works have a part in your salvation inevitably leads to the question "How much works?" Once you get this mentality, then you keep on adding works to "make your salvation more sure."
@gregb6469 6 лет назад
Lordship salvation does NOT teach that works have a part in your salvation, that is, in the obtaining of salvation. That comes by grace through faith alone. What Lordship salvation DOES teach is that when a person is really saved, Christ becomes Lord of his life, and that such a person will live a life characterized by Spirit-motivated and empowered good works. Such works are the fruit of salvation, not the root. You don't appear to have actually read any Lordship Salvation books. May I recommend three to you? THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO JESUS by John MacArthur, LORD AND CHRIST by Ernest Reisinger, and LORDSHIP SALVATION: SOME CRUCIAL QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS by Robert Lescelius.
@stashe9106 6 лет назад
Excuse me mate, but I wound never ever come close to a book of John MacArthur - calvinism is not biblical, nor is it logical, since it makes God the author of our sins. Tell me, will God be more insulted at us if we are wrong or at you? Yes, we diminish from his "ability to exercise his sovereignty," but if you are wrong, you are making him the author of sin. I am not willing to take this risk, just from a logical point of view, without the BIble. When I add Scriptures, it just helps arrive at the same conclusion, because there it is said God is not the author of sin.
@gregb6469 6 лет назад
So you are afraid to read anything you don't already agree with?
@franvincent2399 7 лет назад
That is true that you have to turn from your sins; God is not going to save anyone unless they do that;
@gregb6469 6 лет назад
Repentance is part of the Gospel.
@LAStreetPreacher 8 лет назад
TULIP which is also known as the five points of Calvinism is a summary of Biblical theology held by the faithful church since the days of the apostle Paul but formalized at the Synod of Dordt in 1618-19 “The Synod gave a very close examination to the ‘five points’ which had been advanced by the Remonstrants, and compared the teaching in them with the testimony of Scripture. Failing to reconcile that teaching with the Word of God, . . . they unanimously rejected them. They felt however, that a mere rejection was not sufficient. It remained for them to set forth the true Calvinistic teaching in relationship to those matters which had been called into question. This they proceeded to do, embodying the Calvinistic position in five chapters which have ever since been known as the five points of Calvinism." (Steel and Thomas, The Five Points of Calvinism,
@loganross1861 8 лет назад
@LAStreetPreacher 8 лет назад
. A note for both Calvinists and Arminians who both claim to be saved. Examine yourself in the light of the following taken from the venerable Westminster Confession of Faith. Of the Assurance of Grace and Salvation Although hypocrites, and other unregenerate men, may vainly deceive themselves with false hopes and carnal presumptions: of being in the favor of God and estate of salvation; which hope of theirs shall perish: yet such as truly believe in the Lord Jesus, and love him in sincerity, endeavoring to walk in all good conscience before him, may in this life be certainly assured that they are in a state of grace, and may rejoice in the hope of the glory of God: which hope shall never make them ashamed. II. This certainty is not a bare conjectural and probable persuasion, grounded upon a fallible hope; but an infallible assurance of faith, founded upon the divine truth of the promises of salvation, the inward evidence of those graces unto which these promises are made, the testimony of the Spirit of adoption witnessing with our spirits that we are the children of God; which Spirit is the earnest of our inheritance, whereby we are sealed to the day of redemption. III. This infallible assurance doth not so belong to the essence of faith but that a true believer may wait long and conflict with many difficulties before he be partaker of it: yet, being enabled by the Spirit to know the things which are freely given him of God, he may, without extraordinary revelation, in the right use of ordinary means, attain thereunto. And therefore it is the duty of everyone to give all diligence to make his calling and election sure; that thereby his heart may be enlarged in peace and joy in the Holy Ghost, in love and thankfulness to God, and in strength and cheerfulness in the duties of obedience, the proper fruits of this assurance: so far is it from inclining men to looseness. IV. True believers may have the assurance of their salvation divers ways shaken, diminished, and intermitted; as, by negligence in preserving of it; by falling into some special sin, which woundeth the conscience, and grieveth the Spirit; by some sudden or vehement temptation; by God's withdrawing the light of his countenance and suffering even such as fear him to walk in darkness and to have no light: yet are they never utterly destitute of that seed of God, and life of faith, that love of Christ and the brethren, that sincerity of heart and conscience of duty, out of which, by the operation of the Spirit, this assurance may in due time be revived, and by the which, in the meantime, they are supported from utter despair.
@inthedark334 6 лет назад
Brother Carlton I'm sorry but comparing Calvinism to the Apostle Paul and the church back then is laughable Calvinism was made by John Calvin that's why it's called Calvinism Calvin why did the early Christians call themselves Christians the first people who call themselves Christians were the apostles Calvinism is a cult it throws out Grace and throws out the blood of Jesus and says well now that you're saved you got to do works it's not about works I used to be in Armenian then I was a calvinist then I was a Catholic then I was a Pentecostal all of those so-called religions are cults man-made and made to take you away from the love and from the power of the blood of Jesus
@1Corinthians15_1-4 3 года назад
Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven you only have to BELIEVE in what He did for you. Please get saved now, time is running out. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, Ephesians 1:13
@raywinsor3948 5 лет назад
He has not said anything that contradicts the biblical Doctrines of Grace (Calvinism),
@jimalexander1896 5 лет назад
Thank you for the Clear Bible teachings!
@narrow-gateministries7645 6 лет назад
what I find disturbing is he is speaking out against a false system of Calvinism (with terrible arguments I might add), yet supporting another false system of easy believism. About the only thing he got right in the video is that those who will perservere will do so because they cannot do otherwise once they are chosen.
@MrHowdeedodee 6 лет назад
Like all people who want to take credit for their salvation, this man has no clue what the bible actually says. His mind is darkened, and hopefully someday God will loose him from the ignorance that has him bound.
@beauxdodson642 6 лет назад
Romans 8:16 His Spirit witness to our spirit. That question can be ask to any believer. How we persevere in the faith? Because salvation is never of works, we cannot maintain salvation through works, for it is all one for us. Not a hard question to answer.
@beauxdodson642 6 лет назад
2nd How do work prove salvation is by works? It's not it's never by works. No person is ever saved by works.
@beauxdodson642 6 лет назад
3rd to persevere by faith in not by works, it's never by works? Since salvation is never by works to achieve, it's only by faith in Christ, whom he has given to us- then we cannot lose. If he thinks salvation can be lost- then you would say salvation is by works, because you did not maintain to keep it by works. Which is it's never by works but by grace. It's a gift. Just as Christ have said, "All that the Father has given me I lost none! Not some, or lost a few, but all. In 1 Timothy 2:4 (Whom desires that all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of truth.) All, not some or a few. Therefore, to understand this text, is to fully understand the sovereignty of God. Isaiah 55:10, His words or it will never returns to Him void but shall accomplish what ever His will is! That's for everyone to be saved and have the understanding of truth. The question I would ask this guy is, "Is it the sovereign will of God or man?
@beauxdodson642 6 лет назад
He is not asking asking the right questions because he does not understand Reformed Thelogy, I never head any teaching or teachers practicing Reformed Thelogy based on works alone to be saved.
@beauxdodson642 6 лет назад
Not trusting Christ? But trusting in the individual's faith? Seriously! The faith anyone receive is given to us, how can we trust our own heart? The Bible informs us the heart of man is desperately wicked! Being spiritually dead before the regeneration we cannot have this saving faith. Salvation is never of works! Any Reformed Bible student knows that already!
@beauxdodson642 6 лет назад
Again with works! This sermon should be for those Mormons and Jehovah Witness, this man does not have any understanding of Reformed Thelogy! Just five minutes listening to this; knowing he is completely using eisegesis and not using proper Biblical hermeneutics- its all based on his feeling, he pick and chooses and trying to destroy a form of theology- in which he has NO UNDERSTANDING to begin with.
@beauxdodson642 6 лет назад
The word elect is in the Bible and it's not Biblical? Regeneration before faith, I suppose anyone who is not saved could believe while thier are spiritually dead? Ever read Isaiah 48? The problem here, is this man either denies the sovereignty God and has no understand in the doctrine of total depravity. He wants to be in control. Jesus said seek God in spirit and in truth. Does a person while spiritually dead can seek God in spirit and in truth? Remember, Jesus said, the flesh profits nothing, the words I speak to you is spirit and life. It's all in the manner of the spiritual realm. God does all the work, not man. You are NOT in control.
@garyhiggins6933 5 лет назад
Election is a biblical doctrine that comes from God Himself in fact, He commands the believers to make their calling and Election sure for if you do this you shall not fall. 2 Peter 1:10. Folks, this shows us a fact just look up words like, Elect, Election, Chosen, Ordain, Predesinate. All these words come from the Bible will you reject those words of God? Trust in God's word not man.
@tommiephips7886 6 лет назад
When the requirement for personal choice of Jesus as Savior is negated, then the cross He died on and His resurrection from death are of no affect, then Jesus doesn’t really matter at all, then there is no Christian faith, then there is no hope for the human race in totality and the church has no mission. Calvinism sounds like something the devil cooked up to get rid of Jesus. Jesus said: And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all [ALL] men unto me. John 12:32 KJV (Emphasis added) Any religion, philosophy, theology or doctrine that doesn’t have Jesus at the center and complete substance is of the devil.
@christophersmith7412 5 лет назад
Jesus also said in John 6:37-44 that it is The Father who draws us and gives us to Jesus, and whoever is given to Jesus will not be lost and will be raised up to glory on the last day. If what you say is true and Jesus draws every man, woman and child who has ever lived, then every man, woman and child who has ever lived will be saved. John 6:44 clearly states that all those who are drawn, are saved. If everyone is drawn, then everyone is saved. Since we know that not everyone is saved, we can logically conclude that the drawing of [all] men is not a universal drawing.
@KletosMinistries 6 лет назад
That Jesus gives eternal life to a man, yet the man can somehow lose eternal life is a contradiction. If that is the case then 1 John 5:13 is a lie, and that no one can know for sure if they have eternal life.
@raywinsor3948 5 лет назад
Is says they already have faith. Then, explain why Jesus said, "No man can come to me except the Father who has sent me draw him " (John 6;44, compare John 6:63, 65). He is cherry picking scripture to build his theological deck but ignoring the rest of scripture.
@tractorfone5567 5 лет назад
The kingdom Gospel was for the Jews.
@reylambarte3124 5 лет назад
Sir you boast too much by claiming you have the rigth interpretation of john 3:16 that God loves all men. I want you to apply your interpretation if it will stand to the parable of Jesus in mat 13:24-30, the parable of the tares, and the interpretation of Jesus in mat 13:37-43. I ask you now the question, how do you know that you are teaching the correct word of God? Please be inform that all of your questions are elementary to all who believe and love the Lord. I found no conflict in the bible, if i follow your arguments against the calvinist belief i found a lot of conflicts to the words of God. May the good Lord blesses you.
@jackal1115 6 лет назад
What is the source material that this guy is asking these questions from? Where did he get them where can I find them? Because nothing that he's saying represents Calvinism or the doctrines of Grace. It's almost like this guy picked up a flyer that was trying to refute Calvinism and because it had the word Calvinism at the top of the flyer he mistakenly thought it was a flyer for Calvinism.
@obeedm872 6 лет назад
I see some answers are really pointless. Just answer the question he asked; how do you know you’re an elect? If you calvinists think you’re superior and above all Christians, because you claim that you know it all from your big deal TULIP myth, then answer that simple question! are you an elect? How is it that John Calvin, a murder of his best friend because he didn’t believe in what he believed and John is a deceiver of the truth of the Word of God; how is he considered second to God and the most genius on earth? John Calvin Mis-quoted the Bible verses and mis-quoted Christian fathers sayings such as St Augustine and many others.
@apriliandia9274 7 лет назад
how can it not be Biblical? let me expound to ya all.. the doctrine of grace - TULIP T= Total Depravity; Romans 3:11 kjv 1611 There is none that vnderstandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. Romans 3:23 kjv 1611 For all haue sinned, and come short of the glory of God Romans 6:18-22 kjv 1611 Being then made free from sinne, yee became the seruants of righteousnesse. I speake after the maner of men, because of the infirmitie of your flesh: for as yee haue yeelded your members seruants to vncleannesse and to iniquitie, vnto iniquitie: euen so now yeelde your members seruants to righteousnesse, vnto holinesse. For when yee were the seruants of sinne ye were free from righteousnesse. What fruit had yee then in those things, whereof ye are now ashamed? for the end of those things is death. But now being made free from sinne, and become seruants to God, yee haue your fruit vnto holinesse, and the end euerlasting life. Ephesians 2:1-5 kjv 1611 And you hath hee quickned who were dead in trespasses, and sinnes, Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the aire, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience, Among whom also we all had our conuersation in times past, in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh, and of the minde, and were by nature the children of wrath, euen as others: But God who is rich in mercie, for his great loue wherewith hee loued vs, Euen when wee were dead in sinnes, hath quickned vs together with Christ, (by grace ye are saued) John6:44 shows it all kjv 1611 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me, draw him: and I will raise him vp at the last day. John 3:1-21 kjv 1611 There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Iewes: The same came to Iesus by night, and said vnto him, Rabbi, wee know that thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can doe these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him. Iesus answered, and said vnto him, Uerily, verily I say vnto thee, except a man be borne againe, he cannot see the kingdome of God. Nicodemus saith vnto him, How can a man be borne when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mothers wombe, and be borne? Iesus answered, Uerily, verily I say vnto thee, except a man be borne of water and of the spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdome of God. That which is borne of the flesh, is flesh, and that which is borne of the spirit, is spirit. Marueile not that I saide vnto thee, Ye must be borne againe. The winde bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tel whence it commeth, and whither it goeth: So is euery one that is borne of the Spirit. Nicodemus answered, and said vnto him, How can these things be? Iesus answered, and saide vnto him, Art thou a master of Israel, and knowest not these things? Uerely, verely I say vnto thee, We speake that we doe know, and testifie that wee haue seene; and yee receiue not our witnesse. If I haue tolde you earthly things, and ye beleeue not: how shall ye beleeue if I tell you of heauenly things? And no man hath ascended vp to heauen, but hee that came downe from heauen, euen the Sonne of man which is in heauen. And as Moses lifted vp the serpent in the wildernesse: euen so must the Sonne of man be lifted vp: That whosoeuer beleeueth in him, should not perish, but haue eternall life. For God so loued the world, that he gaue his only begotten Sonne: that whosoeuer beleeueth in him, should not perish, but haue euerlasting life. For God sent not his Sonne into the world to condemne the world: but that the world through him might be saued. He that beleeueth on him, is not condemned: but hee that beleeueth not, is condemned already, because hee hath not beleeued in the Name of the onely begotten Sonne of God. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loued darknesse rather then light, because their deedes were euill. For euery one that doeth euill, hateth the light, neither commeth to the light, lest his deeds should be reproued. But hee that doeth trueth, commeth to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God. U=Unconditional Election 2Timothy 1:9 kjv 1611 Who hath saued vs, and called vs with an holy calling, not according to our workes, but according to his owne purpose and grace, which was giuen vs in Christ Iesus, before the world began, 1 Peter 1:2 kjv 1611 Elect, according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit vnto obedience, and sprinkling of the blood of Iesus Christ: Grace vnto you and peace be multiplied. L=Limited Atonement Matthew 1:21 kjv 1611 And she shall bring forth a sonne, and thou shalt call his Name Iesus: for hee shall saue his people from their sinnes. John 10:11 kjv 1611 I am the good shepheard: the good shepheard giueth his life for the sheepe. Mark10:45 kjv 1611 For euen the Sonne of man came not to bee ministred vnto, but to minister, and to giue his life a ransome for many. I=Irresistible Grace Jeremiah 3:13 kjv 1611 Only acknowledge thine iniquity that thou hast transgressed against the Lord thy God, and hast scattered thy wayes to the strangers vnder euery greene tree, and ye haue not obeyed my voice, saith the Lord. Acts 16:14 kjv 1611 And a certaine woman named Lydia, a seller of purple, of the citie of Thyatira, which worshipped God, heard vs: whose heart the Lord opened, that she attended vnto the things which were spoken of Paul. P=Perseverance of the Saints Philippians 1:6 kjv 1611 Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you, will performe it vntil the day of Iesus Christ: 1Peter 1:5 kjv 1611 Who are kept by the power of God through faith vnto saluation, ready to be reuealed in the last time. Jude 1:24 kjv 1611 Now vnto him that is able to keepe you from falling, and to present you faultlesse before the presence of his glory with exceeding ioy, ☕☕
@starsthedog 2 года назад
Thanks for the teaching
@jackal1115 6 лет назад
Preservation of the Saints doesn't mean the Saints will never send it means the Saints will keep the faith of Salvation in Jesus Christ by the grace of God alone until they're dead and resurrected again. I don't know what pamphlet this guy read from to get his idea about the doctrines of Grace but he has no idea what any calvinist or person who believes the doctrines of Grace really mean when they talk. I'm kind of concerned that this guy might be starting to go senile.
@fastlane6096 7 лет назад
Pardon me but I cannot let this go by unchallenged. In attacking John Calvin and Calvinism this man is exposing his brazen stupidity. His attacking Calvin is a ruse; Let me explain: In attacking Calvinism he is also attacking the brightest and best Christians to ever walk this planet. He is attacking Augustine, John Knox, Martin Luther, John Foxe (author of Foxe’s Book of Martyrs), Matthew Henry, John Owen, Charles Spurgeon, Jonathan Edwards, John Bunyan (author of Pilgrim’s Progress), John Newton (author of Amazing Grace), William Carey (father of modern missions) William Wilberforce (human rights activist 1859-1833) he was Abraham Lincoln’s hero in his fight to end slavery, D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Francis Schaeffer; this to name only a few. All of these great men believed as Calvin believed. Were these men all deceived? I think not. Are we being indoctrinated by a better informed bunch represented here on the internet? Spare me! I was raised in a Christian home and I was held prey and harassed by this mixture of concocted ignorance. God allowed me to be spiritually sifted for about seven years; I cannot explain the depth of agony that I endured. However, by the grace of God, and in his own good time, he brought me out and away from this brand of stupidity. I guarantee that if God sifts you, as he sifted me, you will then graduate a Calvinist. You will then fully understand the great truth: That all you are and all you will ever be is by the grace of a sovereign God. Unfortunately, Protestantism is more deteriorated now than ever. America’s pulpits are peopled with this man’s brand of arrogant ignorance. However, this is not the end of the story. It remains to be seen what God has in store for his world. “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands.”
@305look 9 лет назад
You quote Lev. 4:1 as ignorance to sin but you need to go further back to where no law was giving as yet to Adam in which God commands and Adam disobeyed from that pint on God's written law was in conjunction to the law Adam had already broken making the entire humanity criminal including Israel so ignorance of God's revealed law has consequences to Israel, but the Gentiles could not be responsible to a law they didn't know, but they like Israel are still criminals by their genes from Adam. You quote a law directed only to Israel, not to be superimposed on the New Testament of grace. The answer is Eph. 2:8-9 accept the free gift of grace, and what you do in that grace is evidence of it being real. Faith if it's real will produce fruit Jesus confirms this in the parable of the seed in good ground genuine faith will produce fruit some low some high but always something Mt.13:8.
@tractorfone5567 5 лет назад
If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself.
@inthedark334 6 лет назад
No only thing I would have to disagree with there's a dispensation difference between David and us today okay David did nearly lose his salvation back then people could lose their salvation but when Jesus died on the cross people now can't lose their selfie
@markcleveland5275 5 лет назад
It's the same grace then as it is now .
@cschristan1 6 лет назад
LOL... you deleted my post, how convenient then of you to justify your freewill theology.
@oaoalphachaser 5 лет назад
You don’t understand calvinism. It is a system of theology to explain What the Bible teaches.
@peterbarjona6150 5 лет назад
@johndisalvo6283 6 лет назад
ESV...Entirely Sproul Version
@gailgunderson5163 5 лет назад
Yep. Look who's behind the scenes in the EVS. Translators, publisher, etc. Calvinists!! My ESV will get dust on the shelf. I won't read it!!
@anumba1 8 лет назад
King James Bible But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name. the word might says it all. Very little scripture to back up what he teaches. Not surprising as he is in error.
@lusievanderlinden2178 8 лет назад
anumba1 realy?explain. what does might mean?
@johnmackinnon7321 6 лет назад
To believe is more than a mental exercise ! "Trust in YeHoVaH with ALL your heart and lean not to our own understanding" Proverbs 3:5
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