
r/Topposts My Husband's Mistress Attacked Me 

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@jadediquattro5355 4 месяца назад
I love it when rSlash says 'THEN WHY DON'T YOU DO IT'?! it gets me laughing every time. People are so hypocritical to speak up in situations like that.
@munchie3909 4 месяца назад
I too love that classic Rslash line. It’s magnificent
@HexisVonSpade 4 месяца назад
it happens so much, that if he made merch with it on a Tshirt, i'd wear it OFTEN xD it's just so many levels of perfect.
@jamesnorman9160 4 месяца назад
We all know one of RSlash's pet hates thanks to this channel...
@abiean222 4 месяца назад
right, i was thinking the same thing at that old lady. its always so easy to be generous when you aren't the one who sacrifices things.
@momhplyfuk9284 4 месяца назад
I think it adds a year to my life when r/slash screams WHY DONT YOOOOOOOU DOOO IITT!!?? Love this song
@GalliaUchiha 4 месяца назад
First class story: Either of the parents could have traded seats with their kid. And yeah the old lady could have also volunteered her seat. The parents probably thought "oh! There's 3 upgrades available! We'll get it for no money and no points for our son! Just gotta advise people's generosity with public shame!"
@threecards333 4 месяца назад
I tend to be someone who will give up my jacket for someone in need, but if the persons demands and expects me to do so, I get really mad.
@matthewprier4340 4 месяца назад
Exactly! They could have given up their free upgrades and sat with him in economy the whole flight, pretty sure the people next to him would have GLADLY gone to first class. Just because you are selfish parents does not mean it's my problem :P
@JamesDavy2009 4 месяца назад
@@threecards333 _Ask and you may receive. Demand and you'll get nothing._
@FrostedGalaxies 4 месяца назад
Honestly I'm confused on that one anyways, if OP couldn't see the parents, then the parents wouldn't have been able to see the kid. I feel like the best route here would have been to switch the seat of whoever was sitting next to the kid in economy to first class, then the parent would be sitting next to the kid and someone else gets to be happy because they get an upgrade.
@myself0510 4 месяца назад
​@FrostedGalaxies once the boy had a 1st class seat he could have swapped seats closer to his parents. OP was the only other passenger who paid economy and got 1st class. But yeah the parents suck
@SuperNintendoGameboy 4 месяца назад
Story 4: For Kim, the day OP stood up for her was the most important day of her life. But for OP, it was Tuesday.
@angusmacintyre2414 4 месяца назад
Someone had to say it.
@RockinTheBassGuitar 4 месяца назад
This is the best kind of story. OP didn't remember because that's who they are, it's good to know that there are good people like that.
@Tustin2121 4 месяца назад
Had the same thought 😂
@lorilancaster5917 4 месяца назад
@@RockinTheBassGuitarthat’s the kind of person we should all aspire to be.
@RhinoBarbarian 4 месяца назад
Perfect! I bow to you!
@gauchaymerrill3522 4 месяца назад
Once my husband had a 2 week business trip out of the country and I was home alone with my 3 young kids, all under the age of 6. I did NOT miss him because I was too exhausted and overwhelmed and overstimulated to feel anything but irritation. I love my husband! But being alone with the kids and having no one to help out (we had no family close by) put me in a bad place emotionally. When he came home he immediately gave me a weekend staycation at a hotel all to myself so that I could decompress. If he came home and started pushing for intimacy and acting like I should be all starryeyed because I missed him, I think I would have fallen out of love with him as well. That was only a 2 week period, I think 7 weeks would have ruined our marriage.
@Lovesausage269 4 месяца назад
I’m guessing you talked while he was gone and either expressed your feelings or were obviously stressed out and he picked up on that.
@shaereub4450 4 месяца назад
First story: I'm guessing the new wife left him, hence why he wants to go back to the first one.
@alexvalentine5091 4 месяца назад
Or he’s found out that the grass isn’t greener on the other side.
@TomDarkwulf87 4 месяца назад
Yeah that was my first thought too. He probably got cheated on and left by the new wife so he's trying to come crawling back
@ajjean2720 4 месяца назад
The “Let bygones be bygones” was him trying to keep that door open just in case the marriage with the affair partner doesn’t work out.
@lorilancaster5917 4 месяца назад
I’m thinking he still wants to have some control in OPs life and isn’t thrilled that she’s moved on to much greener pastures.
@hmspretender 4 месяца назад
Maybe she cheated on him, I mean, there's this saying for a reason "if they'll cheat with you, they'll cheat on you."
@dracko158 4 месяца назад
Story 1: Don't you guys find this guy to be extremely dumb? He cheated on OP, heartlessly filed a divorce after OP was being treated in the hospital, and he sent a wedding INVITE to the woman he cheated on and divorced? "Let bygones be bygones"? No, I would remember this betrayal forever.
@randomcubes4826 4 месяца назад
The utter balls (or in his case small) on this douche bag, I'm glad op found out about his affair otherwise or who knows how long it would've been till they found out
@Tustin2121 4 месяца назад
He seems like one of those “thrill of the hunt” kind of d-bags, who find the thrill of cheating much more satisfying than anything else.
@DarkEinherjar 4 месяца назад
Not dumb, just narcissistic and delusional. Cheaters never realize or care how deeply they're hurting and disrespecting their partners and think they'll always be forgiven.
@dracko158 4 месяца назад
@@DarkEinherjar Let me rephrase it. He's cold, heartless, a cheater, a narcissist, and an absolute dumba**.
@Josh_the_jester 4 месяца назад
​@DarkEinherjar he's the vary definition of narcissistic, he has that main character syndrome down bad to the point that he doesn't understand that other people have lives, feeling, and a beating heart that doesn't seem to have
@noliva24 4 месяца назад
2nd story: 7 weeks is insane! 2 weeks would be respectable. I really want to know how much they communicated during her vacation.
@mercyt4953 4 месяца назад
I read this on reddit and saw OP commented that she called 3 times during that period.
@mariposa9506 4 месяца назад
2 weeks would still be pushing it.
@SkunkApe407 4 месяца назад
​@@mercyt4953that's less than once a week.
@abiean222 4 месяца назад
i don't understand how anyone can just stay away from their kids that long. going a month without seeing my nieces feels too long, i can't imagine how bad i'd feel if it was nearly 2 whole months. especially when the kids are so young! kids under 3 change so much that in one month they are almost unrecognizable! i don't blame OP for falling out of love with her, and i wouldn't be surprised if the kids developed some abandonment issues because of this.
@Sorchia56 4 месяца назад
@@mercyt4953 Mum of the Year award material there! Gone for seven weeks on holiday and only rang 3 times?!!
@vogelOTG 4 месяца назад
Story 2: Can confirm. I have been seperated from my daughter - complex custody cases, it is being worked out now, but being seperated from her as long as I have been is brutal. Each day has been more exhausting than the last. I could never imagine willingly stepping away for that long.
@ajjean2720 4 месяца назад
I always hear stories about parents who will abandon their children for YEARS. Then come back and are SHOCKED that the same loyalty they showed their kids,is the same loyalty they get back. The entitlement of “I’m still your parent and so I can treat you however I want and you still owe me in the end” is insane.
@professionalinsomniac8338 4 месяца назад
My bio mom is like this, which is why I’ve refused to see her or speak to her for nearly ten years.
@GBunnyG 4 месяца назад
2nd story: Kids are exhausting. I get twitchy when my kid is away for a weekend. 7 weeks?!?!?
@silverflight01 4 месяца назад
Story 3: 17-21 Years too late for that, Bio-"Dad". You can't just walk out of your child's life, start a new family (pecking cheater, I bet), and still expect to be the parent. Sorry, but OP's FIL is her dad now, he stepped up while her bio-"dad" was missing from her life
@charlotteinnocent8752 4 месяца назад
He found out she inherited the house and he wants some of that.
@NemoracStrebor 4 месяца назад
​@@charlotteinnocent8752I was going to say the same thing honestly
@lorilancaster5917 4 месяца назад
@@charlotteinnocent8752and likely wants OP to take care of his kids as well. I wonder between him and his wife if OP has any grounds to file for a RO?
@brendanboomhour7606 4 месяца назад
​@@lorilancaster5917if he keeps badgering OP, then yes, absolutely, I'm not sure how easy or difficult it is to get one on one or two instances of unwanted interaction, but if it's continued harassment, then it tends to be pretty easy to get a restraining order
@LLandS18 4 месяца назад
Typical deadbeat parent. They want the privileges of being a parent but none of the hard work and sacrifices That it takes to be a parent.
@Masenken 4 месяца назад
7 weeks and they didn't talk even once? No wonder he lost all interest in her. She nuked that relationship spectacularly
@in4theride75 4 месяца назад
And I would be absolutely shocked if she wasn't sleeping around at the time as well.
@alexvalentine5091 4 месяца назад
@@in4theride75 the fact that she initiated “passionate hugging” made me think she did so that way if she got pregnant, op wouldn’t doubt as much since “See. We did have “passionate hugging” so obviously it’s yours”
@Masenken 4 месяца назад
@alexvalentine5091 yeah, and it's understandable to want some intimacy after a long trip, but coming back after all that time and no conversations, no reconnecting, just straight to smashing. Yeah, get the hell away from me. I want breaks all the time, but a whole 7 weeks is unconscionable. She abandoned them.
@threecards333 4 месяца назад
Additionally if she need time off, he likely would when she returned. He was working and acting as a single parent for those 7 weeks, perhaps she should give him time off. But no, she kept it about herself
@Masenken 4 месяца назад
@@threecards333 most likely. Any protest and the gaslighting would've come swift. It's good he just pulled back entirely and just told her straight up his feelings vanished. Took all the wind out of her sails
@mv_03 4 месяца назад
Last story: hold on a minute; OP did all that her husband was doing, in front of him and he took a month to notice? How blind is this man? And then he gets angry at what she is doing, like come on, it was right under your nose the whole time and you didn't even see it.
@lorilancaster5917 4 месяца назад
And we all know when he says to cut off social media because it’s toxic, he only wants OP to cut it. I think OP should just leave. He’s as toxic as the ooze from TMNT
@survivedandthriving 4 месяца назад
That's what I was thinking. This guy isn't just a butthole, he is a stupid, oblivious butthole. He cares so little about his wife that it took him a month to even notice that she was behaving differently toward him. I hope she dumps the jerk, gets therapy to heal whatever she has in her that 'needs' to be with this type of guy, and moves on to happier, healthier relationships.
@InMintCondition13 4 месяца назад
Don't insult the ooze like that. XD ​@@lorilancaster5917
@Clyde-S-Wilcox 4 месяца назад
Story 3: This is beyond audacity. So glad the REAL dad is there for OP.
@imarobotking 4 месяца назад
aye the biological father may technically be the OP's father, but he aint her dad.
@dinlupus3196 4 месяца назад
i think he just wants the house and planned to guilt trip and manipulate op in to give it to him,probably believing that since she wanted a dad in her life so badly that the moment he walks in she would welcome him in open arms
@everlasting9292 4 месяца назад
One more hot take for the airplane seat story; op didn’t leave that kid alone for a 13 hour flight. His parents, who took the upgrade when he couldn’t upgrade, left him alone. It’s that simple.
@lornaginetteharrison7168 4 месяца назад
Story 5: There was another story a while ago, I believe it was a Malicious Compliance, where OP had her two very young kids travelling with her, and the airline apparently made a mistake (according to OP’s version of events) and didn’t seat them all together. So OP asked a man who’d booked a specific seat that just so happened to be next to where her children had been allocated to sit, and asked him if he could move. He didn’t want to, as he was tall and needed the extra leg room that he’d booked. And what did OP do? She thanked him profusely for agreeing to look after her brats for the entire flight, started handing him drinks, snacks, books and toys and gave him instructions to come and get her if they needed the loo. Obviously he was horrified at this, and was basically forced by OP into swapping seats with her so he wouldn’t be left in charge of a stranger’s crotch goblins for the whole journey. OP was smugly retelling this, admitting how she’d made her problem this poor random man’s problem instead just to get her own way, and yet all the comments were congratulating her and criticising the man for not immediately moving "because she had kids". I was so angry everyone dumped on this guy, who’d done absolutely nothing wrong. People reacting to these stories are so fickle - sometimes they agree with the person refusing to swap seats, sometimes they condemn them, and there appears to be no rhyme or reason which way they’ll vote.🤷🏻‍♀️
@pumpkinknight5732 4 месяца назад
Airlines are missing out on a goldmine by not offering a $5 "Don't ask me to move seats," option on their tickets.
@DarkEinherjar 4 месяца назад
Story 1: why didn't OP sue the mistress? I'm pretty sure what she did counts as aggravated a--ault.
@kristashafer93098 4 месяца назад
From the post, it sounds like the side piece just booked it. Wasn’t watching where she was going or aware of hitting into OP. Just focused on getting out the door as fast as possible. OP getting knocked over and into the glass shelving was an accident, not an intentional attack.
@emptyvoid4516 4 месяца назад
story 5: as someone that flew as a kid actually alone it’s not scary, flight attendants pay a lot of attention to kids flying alone and you get a lot of extra snacks lol
@SerenaSilverMoon 3 месяца назад
Yeah, same. AND they checked in on me more than just looking over to make sure I was still there. Sure when I flew it was in the late 80's and early to mid 90's and things have changed since then but still, from what I saw maybe 11 years ago (the lasttime I've flown) they still keep kids flying alone near the counter and kept watch on them the whole time not just when they were in the air.
@shadowmewfred09 4 месяца назад
"Let bygones be bygones" I would written on the invite "not even if you both paid for my hospital bills from that night" and set it back with a drawn middle finger on the no
@lorilancaster5917 4 месяца назад
I would’ve blasted him on social media. He says let bygones be bygones yet not only did he not apologize, he filed for divorce while OP was in the hospital due to his mistress’s actions. I hope OP was able to press charges.
@Snailman3516 4 месяца назад
"Bye, now get gone"
@silverflight01 4 месяца назад
Story 6: So it's okay for the husband to like other women's posts and basically be degrading towards OP, but it's not okay for OP to like other men's posts and basically be degrading towards the husband. Like, surely he would've understood once it was thrown back at him, but no he instead went on a rant about toxic social media
@Tustin2121 4 месяца назад
Some people just aren’t that self-aware.
@tonyroca5383 4 месяца назад
At that point in time, I think divorce is the only option.
@LifesGuardian 4 месяца назад
Literally nobody is making that argument. He was being a douchebag by ignoring her requests to stop, full stop. Then she began acting like him to prove her point. He got the point and suggested shutting it all down. So far, so good. He's still in the doghouse and rightfully so and her point is made. Then she decided that she wanted to ignore his request to shut down. That's where she earned her hypocrite badge and got herself her own a-hole score. Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending his actions in any way, in case I didn't make that blatantly clear enough, but when you get down in the mud with pigs, all you get is everyone covered in mud and smelling like poo.
@iPLAYtheSTATION 4 месяца назад
If I were OP in the first class seat story, I would have called the flight attendant over and said that this sweet old lady next to me just volunteered to give up her seat to go sit in economy.
@PurpleRanger12 4 месяца назад
2nd story: my mom was a SAHM to myself and my 3 siblings and my dad, especially when I was younger, has to travel a lot for work. This was anywhere to a day or two to up to a full week. My dad always hated it so much cus 1) he was away from us kids, 2) he was away from his wife, and 3) he knew the stress my mom was under. He’d constantly make sure she had her time where he would take us kids so she could relax. 7 week vacation without your spouse and kids is just…too much
@wasteland5000 4 месяца назад
Life changed story: different kind of ending but it's giving me "when I entered your village it changed your life. But to me it was Tuesday." Vibes and I chuckle thinking about it.
@NotAFanOfHandles 4 месяца назад
Ah yes, good ol' Street Fighter vibes. I do prefer the original quote: "For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday." There's just something so ridiculous, so over the top about the way M. Bison said it, which is just par for the course for Raul Julia, RIP.
@d.phantomfan1216 4 месяца назад
Story 3: OP make your social media private, don’t let him find out more information on you or your wedding. I would also let the family know not to give him any information but part of me is a little worried that you’re gonna have that one idiot that thinks they’re going to be a hero and bring a family back together. The fact he actually tried to blame a 10-year-old child for not chasing after him is baffling, even the worst deadbeat knows not to blame the child for not keeping in contact.
@mythking541 4 месяца назад
Story 5: I recently flew back from a trip. While boarding, the flight attendant saw that a little child was sitting in between two strangers. She asked the mother, who was two rows away, if there was anyone that was sitting there a trusted adult, which she said no. Flight attendant quickly made the father switch with one of the strangers. Point of story: If the flight attendant and/or parents really cared about the child, they could've just had one of them switch from Economy to First Class.
@aelminiatures 4 месяца назад
"your poor planning does not constitute an emergency for me "
@thetruth1816 4 месяца назад
Story 1 : respond with :" New email who's this".. Story 2 : Don't blame ya op.. 7-week vacation alone is incredibly suspicious now she wants to act like a wife and a parent.. nahh.. agree with rslash op probably found out his life without his wife is so much easier .. Story 3 : The " bio dad" is delusional.. dude you gave up the right to be op dad when you pretty much cut contact after the age of 7 now you wanna be dad .. dude wants the finished Lasagna without putting in the work to prepare it.. Story 4 : op yes your awesome and an incredible person but you got to pick and choose your spot because you never know that the dude couldve been carrying.. Story 5 : wouldve just started doing sign language to the flight attendent .. nosy lady :" shame you didnt give up what you earned for someone else lady " op :" then you do it lady" Nosy lady :" ahhh no not me you do it".. Story 6 : nice malicious compliance op.. op husband simply didnt like the mirror that was shined onto him..
@futureblade6099 4 месяца назад
For story 4: She did though, and it paid off.
@buddyburrows 4 месяца назад
Staten Island Guy
@Chuckf66 4 месяца назад
Wife: "I'm off to party for 2 months! Yay me! See Ya!" Hubby: "WTAF? Divorce!" Wife: Surprised Pikachu face.
@ZombieSazza 4 месяца назад
The story of the woman escaping her ex because of a kind stranger reminds me of a time I was the stranger: So maybe 2 years ago this woman could be heard shouting “leave me alone” in my neighbourhood, myself and several others went outside to assist because she sounded scared, she was being chased by her abusive ex who was trying to force her to get in his car after he’d beaten her up. As in literally trying to drag her into his vehicle. My flatmate just shouted “Sarah there’s a lass in distress” and I got my crippled self outside whilst he phoned the police, my flatmate/best friend knows I’m a child abuse survivor with PTSD and will do almost anything to save someone else from that kind of situation and KNOWS I have a fiery Scottish ginger temper. I got downstairs and onto the street to see a neighbour had gotten the lass to stay in her garden (during covid so to keep a safe distance and all that) and had her dog sit next to her, neighbours dog is very protective and offered some much needed comfort. Myself and another woman were challenging her ex, asking why he thought it was even remotely acceptable to behave in such a manner “She’s my girlfriend” “AND?!? That doesn’t give you the right to treat her like that!” “You’re not a nice woman” “Think I give a *** what a piece of **** like you thinks of me? You’re a woman beater and disgusting, **** off and get out my neighbourhood” He was terrified of two women challenging him, but we weren’t playing, the other lady with me had been jogging and looked as angry as I felt and I know straight up she’d have thrown hands with me should it have come to that. I’d never met this woman before but had her back as we berated this sorry excuse of a man. Police got to my neighbourhood quick as there’s a station nearby, one car went after him and the other got witness statements from several neighbours, myself, my flatmate and the woman who’d escaped her ex, and they got her sorted with a woman’s shelter to keep her safe. We heard her shouting for help and we helped, because that’s what you’re supposed to do, you don’t ignore your fellow man and leave them in danger, especially if you’re able to phone the cops. I sadly dunno what happened after that but when she was leaving she was crying, giving us all hugs and thanking us profusely, so I just really hope wherever she is, she’s safe and happy.
@errantwinds-up8uu 4 месяца назад
Good on you!
@SkyEcho751 4 месяца назад
Story 1: I hope OP took him to the cleaners for trying to divorce her after his mistress hurt her. Story 2: I want you to get an idea of how long 7 weeks is. That's roughly 1 and a half months, imagine someone ditching their family for that long, I can see why OP fell out of love.(the inner redditor suspects cheating, but I got no proof of that) Story 3: Making a wild guess, he wants the house OP inherited. Or maybe the rumor mill started and it was discussed how the deadbeat wasn't in the wedding. Story 4: OP managed to help out this stranger by simply calling out bad behavior. She doesn't remember it because she didn't think it would be so impactful, and she does it so regularly. Story 5: Ya the old lady could have offered to be downgraded, and I can understand why OP didn't want to give up her upgrade. Story 6: She needs to leave, get an annulment or whatever. Because this guy will just jump back on the first moment he can, while you are even more in the dark about it. He doesn't few you as an equal so you'll just keep struggling with this kind of stuff.
@mstmar 4 месяца назад
one more thing about the plane entitled ppl. op said "never saw the parents they were sitting far away" so it wouldn't have helped to give the seat anyways. i wouldn't have given my seat either.
@jackwatt8988 4 месяца назад
first class: if the 2 parents are upgraded and not the kid, then one parent can go to economy. Why would they ask OP? that's strange.
@lorilancaster5917 4 месяца назад
And the flight attendant wasn’t being nice if OP kept getting the feeling that staying was an option. Screw her and the old lady. Poor planning on their end doesn’t constitute as an emergency for OP
@louib716 4 месяца назад
Best part of rslash: if you think I should do such and such, then why don't YOOOOOOOU DO SUCH AND SUCH?! It's something I've applied to my real life.
@YinYangAngel55 4 месяца назад
Story 2: 4:45 "that vacation must have been expensive" Yep, it cost her her marriage.
@meganfenton4189 4 месяца назад
A vacation away from major responsibilities for a week or 2 is fine. 7 weeks is overboard, especially when you have little to no contact during that time. You miss so much, even over 2 weeks, when they're little. I can't even imagine how it would be after almost 2 months! What would you even do during that amount of time on vacation? There's only so much yoga, massage, sunning yourself, reading, and eating out that you can do before it becomes too indulgent, and you need normalcy.
@Mr_Timi1 4 месяца назад
However if someone was to play house with someone else for a few weeks... it makes more sense.
@Spongeboyking 4 месяца назад
Story 1 : he really wants to reconnect after he basically left OP in the hospital after she got attacked by this mistress that has to be one of the biggest noes ever Story 2 : this kind of reminds me of the story where the wife stole the money and went on a trip without her husband and didn’t come back for a long time or or the other store where op took a long break from her family and left them for many years and we connected to come back and was laugh right in her face
@ancientsociety79 4 месяца назад
Story 2: This woman abandoned her family for 2 MONTHS. She neglected her partner and her children to the point where a sibling had to step in and help the family out. My question is what was she even doing? Vacationing is great and all, but how can you spend two whole months living out of a suitcase, supposedly alone? I'd bet good money that she cheated on OP.
@reuben3077 4 месяца назад
I was looking for this comment 😂that whole 2 month vacation is a red flag
@tonyroca5383 4 месяца назад
My guess is that she’s probably cheating on him.
@rayannasmith2336 4 месяца назад
I find it funny that the ex wife refused to put her kids in the day care
@dinlupus3196 4 месяца назад
my mother when once in a vacation for 12 days, she said that after the first week she already wanted to come home,it is weird to think that you can get tired of being in a vacation but it does happen, eventually everyone wants to go back home, but she didnt sooo.....yeah, i think you are right she may had cheated .
@Luko8657 4 месяца назад
7 weeks in indeed too long but he couldn’t even do what she did for years before! HE got a substitute "wife", HE had the audacity to just not be strict with those brats for once, telling them to take care of themselves a bit more and then he resents her even though she never did or at least never let it be known. She definitely should have gone about her vacation differently but he's still an a-hole for letting go of her like that the moment he experienced what her life was like
@nucitamoore 4 месяца назад
What do you mean your daughter WAS 2. She was just born I swear 😭
@Fran10969 4 месяца назад
OP 1: I'd say either dont respond or respond with "who is this?" OP 2: I'd feel bad for the kids, but I wouldn't blame him for leaving. OP 3: Bio dad? Nah, he's a sperm donor. OP 4: Aw look at OP being a hero. 11/10. I wasnt expecting a wholesome story but I needed that today. I'm not gonna go into details, but my morning has been shitty. So thanks for throwing that story in, rSlash. OP 5: It's your seat...you dont haveta move. If it was some sort of emergency then *maybe* there'd be some ahole points but it wasn't soooo...NTA. As for that old lady: mind your business. OP 6: Good job OP lmao.
@thegoldenbrick1 4 месяца назад
The world needs more people like the OP in the fourth story. Even a small act of kindness can go a really long way
@MetaDragoon 4 месяца назад
Final story; Yeah, You DO know what to do. You go up to him, sit him down, and STATE DIRECTLY that you've been reflecting HIS behavior. You explain DIRECTLY that what he's feeling right now is what he's made you feel for x months. THEN, if he still fights back, choose counseling or divorce bc a relationship where he's choosing to be toxic over not noticing toxic traits isn't worth the brick it's built on
@MetaDragoon 4 месяца назад
You can't just make a lesson then throw your hands up when they don't "get it". Use your words and explain your issue.
@kninenights 4 месяца назад
Story 5: the whole time I was just screaming “One of the parents should trade seats with someone so they can sit next to their son!” Like bro, it’s such an obvious conclusion. Or, if you just really want your son to experience first class, trade yourself with your son! Once again! Obvious conclusion!
@Richard_Nickerson 4 месяца назад
Airplane story: Not only are all of rSlash's suggestions excellent resolutions to the issue (particularly the comment about the hypocritical, judgmental old lady who had the audacity to make a comment), but *OP did NOT cause the boy to sit separate from his parents!* THE PARENTS caused it. No is obligated to fix your self-made problems for you!
@Arianainthedark 4 месяца назад
Story 1: Should've made sure the mistress caught some charges. Not only was she knowingly boinking her bf in HER house, but then attacked her? Wth!?
@samuelhayes5198 4 месяца назад
In that plane story the parents should have paid for their mistake(lets be honest, they prob planned this for free seat), not op and their kid.
@DestinyObake 4 месяца назад
Story one: send him a wedding announcement. Not an invitation or anything with an address, just something saying you’re getting married and to let bygones be bygones.
@davidw789 4 месяца назад
7 weeks of vacation without your partner is UNACCEPTABLE
@shadowmewfred09 4 месяца назад
7 weeks isn't a vacation that's abandonment
@goblinhero2900 4 месяца назад
Reminds me of another story Rslash has read
@Spongeboyking 4 месяца назад
@@goblinhero2900 what was the story
@StariTheAstronaut 4 месяца назад
@@goblinhero2900 i was thinking of the one where that guy needed "time away" or something and just did not come back. like he took that "vacation" and then was like ummm actually im gonna stay a while. i think they had a kid too??
@DaniS398 4 месяца назад
It really isn't.
@Josh_the_jester 4 месяца назад
Story 3: you haven't been OP's dad since she was 10 years old, pal. If i were in her shoes I'd invite him to the wedding and announce "and here's biological dad, the man who abandoned me when I was 10 years old and only now came back when he realized I was still alive"
@CreamyBoba21 4 месяца назад
You have over 1k+ videos, in two weeks I’ve managed to go through 90% of them, I listen during work and I just wanna say I’m so thankful for you, for getting me through the day. ❤️😭
@stunfire 4 месяца назад
First class story: Rslash is spot on. This was absurd of them!
@JustJeffrey1975 4 месяца назад
Story 2 (Out of Love): I feel bad for the kids. It seems like both parents didn't want to have kids at all. Mom goes on vacation for 7 weeks. Dad breaks down after spending two days alone with them, then pawns the kids off onto his sister. Why did they even have kids in the first place??
@Caffeinatedwife 4 месяца назад
As a stay at home mom, my break away from my kids is a shopping trip for a couple of hours with a friend. Not 2 freaking months away from my husband and children with out contact.
@jrbaxterstockman548 4 месяца назад
Story 4 is like the best possible example of that quote from Bison in the Street Fighter Movie "For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday."
@Fawndolyn 4 месяца назад
I GOTTA know what the hidden motivation Bio Dad and his wife have to suddenly try clawing for a connection after 15+ years of ghosting OP. Maybe they just need a free babysitter.
@spiritwolf3103 4 месяца назад
This was my thought exactly. Free babysitter might be what she is wanting and bio-dad is an a** for thinking he has any right to be in the life of the child he abandoned
@sleepingkirby 4 месяца назад
Story 2: It can also be just be complete exhaustion. That type of exhaustion can lead one to feel very empty and not feel anything. No love, barely any joy, etc. IMO, NTA, but I would say do the marriage counseling. If it doesn't work out, you can still get a divorce.
@gilded_lady 4 месяца назад
I personally wonder what was going on in the marriage before. Given he had zero ability to handle the kids and needed help, was he dumping it all on the wife leaning towards her burnout? IDK. On the face, I get it, but I feel like we're missing something.
@sleepingkirby 4 месяца назад
@@gilded_lady I was wondering that too. If he's completely drained, think about how single mothers feel. But we don't know enough to make a call on that one so I try not to comment on that aspect altogether.
@SkunkApe407 4 месяца назад
​@@sleepingkirbyshe wasn't a single mom, though. She was a stay-at-home mom, whose husband worked from home. Their kids are 12 months and 3 months. She has been a mother for just over a year. Your whole analogy is pointless. She abandoned him and the kids, for two months, with less than a phone call per week. She left him to be a single parent, which is not the experience he gave her. I swear, some people will go to any lengths, just to excuse bad female behavior.
@SkunkApe407 4 месяца назад
​@@gilded_ladyhe works from home and the kids are both infants. She doesn't work. Just how much do you expect the only one working to do here? How does being a stay-at-home mom for a little over a year entitle you to abandon your spouse and kids, for seven weeks? 🤔
@gilded_lady 4 месяца назад
@@SkunkApe407Based on what he said alone, he's absolutely not wrong. That said, plenty of times we've seen working fathers use their work to justify not pulling their weight when it comes to child care or housework or whatever. I'm not saying that's what happened here, but *something* was likely broken in the marriage to lead to her to feel like she needed that kind of break. If it was a 180 in personality, that's concerning for an entirely different set of reasons.
@genma200sj 4 месяца назад
"Let bygones be bygones" - Okay, Bye, I'm gone.
@survivedandthriving 4 месяца назад
A perfect response. Thank you, I am putting this one in my pocket to use when needed.
@Emxicey1 4 месяца назад
Soon as I heard the old ladies comment I was itching to hear Rslash say "YEEEeeeEEeEEeEEEeEW do it." He did not disappoint. :)
@dustypaladin9216 Месяц назад
Honestly the op who helped the girl get out of an abusive relationship not remembering doing it cause it was normal for him is kinda wholesome, like He’s such a good person that he always does the right thing and help people out so much.
@darkmask5933 4 месяца назад
Final story: Good on OP for standing up for her BF acting like a creep, however at this point OP needs to either resolve the problem with her BF or leave. This is a trap you can fall into when you're with a toxic partner, you try and out-toxic them and in the process can end up warping your own sense of being in a relationship. The behaviors you picked up to defend yourself and survive in your last relationship can follow you to your new one, and suddenly you're the toxic partner.
@anonymouse9833 4 месяца назад
The first class story is wild lol either of the parents could've given their first class seat to their kid, but instead of that, they want a stranger to do something for their child that _they are unwilling to do_
@kanelovec4315 4 месяца назад
She left for 7 weeks and didnt contact her husband/kids the whole time. It looks like the vacation shoeed that his wife wasnt that good of a person and caused more problems for him when she was around. Op could used that 7 weeks to get full or majority custody of the kids, so he doesnt have to pay for any more vacations of hers.
@internetuser969 4 месяца назад
Tbh I don't see how that really solves the issue at play. Like let's say he divorces her, gets full custody, now what? Does his sister have to step up full time? Does he get a new partner? (Would probably be very difficult considering his situation) I 100% think divorce should be on the table, but marriage counselling might help rebuild what was lost during her "trip" (7 weeks was insane). If it doesn't, divorce is still an option.
@SkunkApe407 4 месяца назад
​@@internetuser969if he is granted sole custody, she will be forced to pay child support. Those payments will be plenty to hire a sitter or pay for daycare. Don't underestimate just how attractive an involved, caring single father is to many women. It may take some time, but if OP can keep it up, he'll find a wife that actually deserves him. A wife who is happy to be a mom to the babies his soon-to-be ex ditched for two months.
@kentario1610 4 месяца назад
Last story... First of all, it took him a month to notice? Second of all, not an "I'm sorry", not an "I was wrong", just "social media is toxic and we shouldn't be on it". Sure, dude.
@Wolfie713 4 месяца назад
Story about "First class:" That airline attendant must be new, because that couple of using the popular trick of getting a cheap seat and then trying to get a free upgrade by having someone else swap seats. Of course, if swapping seats would only be location, but I would still get first class treatment (ie, services), on top of a full refund, then I'd seriously consider it. But that's just me, and I'm not saying OP should have felt the same way. That said, I hope another airline employee learned of the situation and educated the attendant about that scam so that they aren't fooled by it again in the future.
@charlotteinnocent8752 4 месяца назад
Bio dad story: Lass, he knows you inherited the house and he wants a bit of it off of you.
@samaritan_sys 4 месяца назад
There is a 0% chance that a spouse going on a 7-week solo vacation isn’t having two months of casual flings.
@Mr_Timi1 4 месяца назад
or meeting up at her online boyfriend's house...
@craigwapples4200 4 месяца назад
Story:2 She left for 2 months with low contact I don’t blame him what was she doing with all that time 🤔
@Human-kb6xc 4 месяца назад
That’s another thing that makes it suspicious. Did she just decide she was going to go off and act like she was single and childfree? How did she not miss her babies?
@dudeorduuude5211 4 месяца назад
​@@Human-kb6xcI suspect she had postpartum or some kind of mental breakdown or illness. Or perhaps exhaustion from dealing with a 1 and 2 year old at once. The OP alluded to something like that at the beginning. I think the husband is now experiencing this exhaustion and is equating that with falling out of love.
@jackiewepps4694 4 месяца назад
That life-changing story is about one of the most wholesome things I've ever heard on Reddit. My heart feels all warm. I have a story of my own that is a bit similar but also... a little different. When I first started living on my own, a little over 3 years ago, I was waiting at the nearby station to take the train to my parents' home when a middle-aged man came up to me and we began to talk. I didn't think much of it, because while I'm terrible at starting conversations, I'm good at continuing them, so if a stranger talks to me, I'll happily talk to them too. Then, a couple of years later, I was on the way home after doing some shopping with my aid (she helps me seeing and shopping because of my disability an I don't know what to call her) when the same man approached me and told me that he wanted to thank me, as apparently he had just lost his wife and needed to talk to someone. Apparently, the conversation we had, meant a lot to him and he remembered me, while I had absolutely no clue who he was. My aid and I thought it was a little creepy, mostly the way he talked and the fact that he apparently remembered me so clearly. Still, it was a surprise for me to learn that something that was so insignificant to me, had meant so much to a complete stranger, that he would remember what I look like two years later.
@roowyrm9576 4 месяца назад
Story 4...such an important thing, calling out abusive behaviour! Thank you OP, you make a difference, it it encourages others to do the same!
@MegaMyown 4 месяца назад
I heard the 7 week vacation story before, but I just realized he said he didn’t love his wife anymore, but only cared and was shocked when he suggested divorce. Also, she insisted on 7 weeks and didn’t wanna bring the duration down, *AND* she only called like 2x *_TOTAL_* during the trip.Which to me sounds like she was ok with being in a loveless marriage as long as she still got her free meal ticket off of this poor sucker. She probably doesn’t love him nor wanna be with the kids. And let’s be real, she was probably cheating on him and probably was getting fucked for 7 weeks.
@nickowen7406 4 месяца назад
100% that kid loved being away from his parents on that flight
@survivedandthriving 4 месяца назад
Yup. I also found it very telling that the kid went every hour or so up to see the parents in first class. But, it seems the parents didn't go back to economy to check on him. My suspicion is the parents were also all to happy to make their kid someone else's concern for 13 hours. (esp. when OP noted OP's seat was out of view of the parents, so even if they traded they wouldn't have been supervising him). I hope the kid was well-behaved enough to not torture his seatmate's life for 13 hours (and really, it is almost too bad OP didn't trade, only because if OP had then the kid would have been sharing space with the crotchety old lady...).
@elijoki99 4 месяца назад
In most cases, it is easier to be bio dad than it is to be an actual dad.
@aelminiatures 4 месяца назад
"he may be your father boy but he wasn't your daddy"
@Esiaa 4 месяца назад
Story 1: I would record myself laughing and then send it to him as a reply to his email. He is hilarious. Best comedian ever.
@kdepp90 4 месяца назад
That story of that woman whos life was changed by a complete stranger just goes to show that one person CAN make a difference! Like the story of the kid throwing starfish back out into the ocean. Yeah, what u do might not seem significant to u, bit it was significant to that other person who was helped. ❤
@jimmyrittmann8208 4 месяца назад
"You can't just pretend I'm not your father! " You truly don't understand how much I can pretend. My imagination can kick reality in the ass when it needs to.
@sheilabalderas780 4 месяца назад
The bio dad reminds me of my own dad. I haven’t gotten married yet but I can definitely see him doing this. Everything else is verbatim like my dad
@annabethsmith-kingsley2079 4 месяца назад
That 7 week vacation couple: they both sound ridiculous
@errantwinds-up8uu 4 месяца назад
Rslash crying because he missed his daughter is very sweet. I mean it's not sweet that he had to be sad, lol, but he sounds like such a good dad.
@chronobretz9511 4 месяца назад
A 1 week break is understandable a 7 week break is straight up abandoning your responsibility to do something bad
@Snailman3516 4 месяца назад
"You can't pretend like you're not my daughter" Yes she can lol
@kotlolish 4 месяца назад
When I heard 1st class tickets, upgrades and then him sitting there and the flight attendent going in to ask to change seats... I knew it. "It was a child who didn't get 1st class with their parents and they want to trade." OLDEST TRICK IN THE BOOK! I'll be honest, my mom did a similiar trick on airlines too. She avoided costs by booking seats to save money.. wich means we sit everywhere and nowhere and then ask others to sit at the window for me, sit next to her and such. When i grew old enough to be aware of this. I just stopped switching seats and was like: "Well we paid for these seats" Don't get me wrong, my mom is a great mother with abit of a karen side, but never did she demand others to do things. She just ask if she could and if not, ooh well. That said... this was not for 1st class and just economy tickets to save money paying for a window seat or specific seating. What these parents did... I am almost 90% sure this was the classic 1st class to economy for free upgrade. As Rslash pointed out.. isn't it funny that the CHILD is the one who gets dumped into economy and not let's say the dad or mom? Cause even when seats were split between our family in economy, we atleast switched seats with eachother so that my mom and dad and my brother and I were not seated solely. And they ACTUALLY left the child in economy for EXTRA SYMPATHY POINTS! I can 100% assure you, Airlines DO NOT care if you switch seats between family members on the same flight. They only care if the person who's name is on the ticket is on board and agreed with the switch!
@Anonymous-mf2go 2 месяца назад
5:16 I once heard someone say "If youre trying to court me your rival is my alone time. You have to be better than me being alone"
@WraythSkitzofrenik 4 месяца назад
I would have filed assault charges on the affair partner.
@deborahdicesare9042 4 месяца назад
Life Changed story: She’s 100% right! If you see a person (male, female or non binary) being abused, call them out. No one should ever be allowed to treat another human, inhumane.
@billy9144 4 месяца назад
Story 4: Yep, I love this kind of thing. Abusive men need to be called out for their behavior. I love that OP wasn't scared and just flat out told him. We need more of this and we need men to stick up for other women as well.
@lostshadows768 4 месяца назад
Story 2: Since it mentioned the wife visiting various friends, I'm guessing most of the seven weeks was spent staying with them, rather than in hotels, so it was probably not as expensive a trip as you speculated. Definitely way too long, whatever it actually cost. I do think they should try marriage counseling, since there are little kids involved and no one cheated. If nothing else, it may help the wife understand the divorce is inevitable and make things go more smoothly.
@tophatxcc 4 месяца назад
I’d bet good money that she was cheating on that trip
@DanielGonzalez-qk6sd 4 месяца назад
7 weeks and no communication to the family? Nah she was cheating. Nothing will change my mind there.
@deborahdicesare9042 4 месяца назад
Story 1: I don’t know how to relate to this, when our 2nd child was born (about 4.5 months old) my husband had to move my dad from New York to California. He drove the moving truck. It took a total of 7 days, 3 to get there and 3 to get back, 1 to rest in between. On day one, my husband was crying because he missed us so much. We talked on the phone as often as we could. (1993) no cell phones yet. When he finally got home, it was like a second honeymoon. 😉 We haven’t spent more than a day away from each other since. 35+ years later and we’re still holding strong. ❤
@lornaginetteharrison7168 4 месяца назад
Story 4: This is great that OP was the catalyst for making this woman realise just how abusive her boyfriend was and that it wasn’t right, but you need to be careful in these situations. As with this case, the abusive boyfriend took OP’s criticism of him out on his girlfriend the moment they were alone, and it’s just fortunate that she wasn’t seriously hurt or worse. It’s obviously a good thing to give someone a wake up call to try and make them realise that they don’t deserve to be treated so badly, but just be aware that by doing so in front of the abuser, you may trigger something violent to happen too.
@maygoodcometous1 4 месяца назад
Yes, let your ex's wife know about his request to rekindle things, OP1. Also, and sorry to sound petty, but Karma's a bitch, etc ... Make sure to send your ex (and his wife) some sort of official wedding announcement or, better, the beautiful wedding and honeymoon pics with a note saying:" Thank you, ex, I'm letting bygones be bygones very well, these days!" 😊 Am I the devil?
@IThinkEiFarted 4 месяца назад
I’m in a similar situation as op 3 regarding the father, he completely abandoned her, and its HIS job as the father to keep in contact with her. So as far as I’m concerned OP should really just go NC with him.
@red_goddess2145 4 месяца назад
did the wife actually go on vacation, or did she check herself into a treatment center?, 7 weeks and only 3 calls, leads me to believe she was trying to get the help she needes and wasnt getting at home.
@perhaps1131 4 месяца назад
I spaced out on the vacation story and my brain defaulted to seven days. So I was like, what? He fell out of love with her after just a week? BUT THEN I SAW IT WAS SEVEN WEEKS. And I was like WHAT. Yeah, that woman just completely destroyed her relationship, OP deserves better.
@coramcdonald509 4 месяца назад
It's very strange to me that if your partner is gone for seven weeks you don't love them anymore. Did you ever love them? Seven weeks is a decent time in a relationship but people in the military are separated much longer and still live each other. I have been with my partner for 15 years and every year I fall in love with him more. I could not imagine him leaving and not caring. I don't like to be 7 days away from him.
@torismith9360 4 месяца назад
Morning rSlash !! You always make my mornings so much more bearable!! Love to you and yours. Miss Hugo though :(!!!
@henriflego9574 4 месяца назад
The entitlement of people on flights is absurd. My family and I went on vacation one year and my parents and I got upgraded to first class and my siblings and cousin stayed in economy. They didn’t care, they were just happy to experience flying. One of the first class passengers had a similar situation to the story, but asked my siblings and cousin to switch seats with him, his wife and one of their kids and he gave my brother $100 cash. They got a free upgrade and bonus money. The guy was very nice and even though he was the one that gave up his premium ticket, he was so appreciative.
@LauraFromMarkerQuest 4 месяца назад
Story 3: I was expecting that the fiance went behind OP's back and contacted the father, because I've read way too many stories like that. Very glad that it was incredibly different.
@astrofan1993 4 месяца назад
Story 1: Man, this story reminds me of that Korean webnovel and Webtoon The Remarried Empress. Husband cheats on his wife with a mistress, divorces his wife, marries his mistress, but expects to divorce his second wife and remarry his first wife after a year. But his ex-wife was one step ahead and immediately married someone else once the divorce was finalized. Now the ex-wife goes on to live her best life with her second husband while her ex-husband spends his days pining for her, especially after his second wife turns out to be a complete monster. Sounds VERY similar if you ask me.
@Gear5th0730 4 месяца назад
Second Story: 2 weeks at the most for a single parent vacation. To even consider leaving your 1 and 2 year old for basically 2 months to party shows some undiagnosed mental issues on moms part. Especially considering she was asked to cut the time down and still said no after days of arguing and contemplation.
@Telrynn 4 месяца назад
Always enjoy a " why don't yoooOOOUUUuuuuu do it" Story as soon as the old lady butted in I was waiting for it.
@Outnumberedbykidsandcats 4 месяца назад
“I saw that you were getting married on Facebook” or “I saw on Facebook that you were getting married”? The two are very different 😂
@sustainablesolutions7976 4 месяца назад
Second story: My wife was on a solo vacation for a while and I had somewhat similar feelings, but I got into bed and just started hugging and cuddling and I could feel the feelings rekindle. Does OP think he can find a new partner just like that, it's not just that simple. But she was not away for 7 weeks. 7 weeks is crazy long!
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