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I've been diagnosed with stage two Buzzfeed.
- JLongbone
buzzfeed, feminism, Manspreading, response video, reaction video, sjw, social justice warrior




24 дек 2016




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@ST-gv2hw 7 лет назад
Woman who is taking up a whole row of seats with her legs and a hundred shopping bags: (sees a "manspreader") UGH, THAT IS SO DISRESPECTFUL!
@RobbySk8erBoi 4 года назад
"to the man taking up too much space" *shows men sitting normally, within the confines of their own seat*
@laurene988 4 года назад
These are feminists.. A man taking up any amount of space is "a man taking up too much space"
@ITSTIMETOSTOP 7 лет назад
*M Y B A L L S*
@jackburton1455 7 лет назад
Hey Ants in my eyes Johnson. You don't need to manspread as you don't feel any pain in your balls.
@ITSTIMETOSTOP 7 лет назад
Spam spamster oh shit whaddup
@SailorSabol 5 лет назад
@6:03 man spreading is NOT laying across a whole row of seats, it’s sitting with your legs not touching because MEN DONT WANT TO CRUSH THEIR PRIVATE PARTS
@BelovedCaptain 5 лет назад
I ride the bus every day to go to work. You know who are polite and kind to me on the bus? Men. Women hog the seats with their five bags, and one yelled at me because I was trying to squeeze past her to get out of a crowded bus. Just saying. And yes, I too am a woman. Men will give you space if you need to sit next to them.
@nuclearchezburgr3857 5 лет назад
If a woman has like 5 bags with her, is that "womanspreading"??? Asking the real questions here Buzzfeed, get your meninists on this right away!
@chimpwimp9407 5 лет назад
Well men are pretty chivalrous when it comes to that stuff. Hate to say this but don't expect too many women giving up seats for elders;pregnant, crippled,etc. I once had a lady offer to let me in a bus first and the lady behind her was annoyed.
@imamajesticseahorse2548 4 года назад
I'm actually glad that this comment thread exists. The whole feminist movement cries about women having certain societal expectations, but those exist for men too. The idea of being chivalrous is a male thing. It stems from medieval times when people like knights had a code they had to adhere to. And most of that code was about polite and being a gentleman.
@churka5984 7 лет назад
4:20 That's not even "manspreading". That's a drunk-ass dude sleeping... What?
@wolfhawk1999 4 года назад
Womanspreading - placing your purse and shopping bags next to you, taking up 2-3 seats
@DashcamRiprock 7 лет назад
0:57 The guy they're showing is completely within his side of the seat, and is taking up the same amount of room as the woman in black opposite him. :/
@brittanymartini3168 7 лет назад
I'm "manspreading" right now cuz I'm super pregnant. This is pretty much the only way I'm comfortable, so I sympathize. However these feminists will nvr know what it's like 2 b a man or pregnant.
@nuclearchezburgr3857 5 лет назад
Or what its like to be a pregnant man... That's the biggest spread possible
@Naharu. 5 лет назад
@@nuclearchezburgr3857 buzzfeed's biggest nightmare
@anthonyfox585 4 года назад
Nuclearchezburgr 385 same
@rubydarling7564 4 года назад
The can probably get pregnat though
@sparklesmart5891 4 года назад
How's your baby?
@Aasha 5 лет назад
I think I knew this skinny black-haired girl. Back in 2001 in the U.S. Army Basic Combat Training there was a person that looked _just like her_ (except younger, obviously). I wasn't set on it being the same person until 3:39 when I saw her in glasses. Now it's entirely a possibility that this girl isn't who I'm thinking of, but I believe it's her. In the army she was the one person in the whole battalion during Basic Training that effectively did _nothing._ She found a medical reason to sit out (if I remember right she said her foot hurt) and she just sorta followed everyone else while they did all the hard work. And I mean nothing. I am not embellishing . For 9 weeks she was doing jack all. If the group marched 20 miles she sat in the passenger seat of a car somewhere a ways behind us or in front of us. She didn't talk any to the rest of us in boot camp. She was the distant one. Partially because we were not sharing the same experiences. You don't really feel a connection with the one sitting on the bleachers if you're toughing it out with everyone else. It's good to see she's doing about as much as she did back then.
@roseystudio10 3 года назад
Oddly, that sounds like Tan... Coincidence? I think not.
@Aasha 3 года назад
@@roseystudio10 Tan? Who's that?
@roseystudio10 3 года назад
@@Aasha She's the one with black hair.
@Aasha 3 года назад
@@roseystudio10 Do you know her? Or is she an internet personality?
@roseystudio10 3 года назад
@@Aasha She's on Buzzfeed, they say in the video. She's just the one complaining the most in the videos she's typically in.
@slmndw 7 лет назад
They always say that men can't comment on anything that solely pertains to women, yet they think they can tell men what to so when it comes to things that solely pertain to men. There is fault in their logic, Buzzfeed!
@Its-pronounced-Steel 4 года назад
A woman defending the common man, i salute to you
@jenneacoleman-cubero2365 5 лет назад
A man spreads to ease the pressure of a certain body part and here the BuzzFeeders go and act like he's not letting a pregnant woman have a seat on the bus.
@scooterthelostduckling1356 7 лет назад
Great video! These women (in the video) never bothered to ask men why they had to "manspread", they don't seem to have ever had a lesson in biology or male anatomy, or had any consideration for anyone but themselves.
@tommyjohnson1066 4 года назад
Because no sane men would go within a hundred feet of them
@edthesled8485 4 года назад
Is having a nose piercing a requirement to be a pampered, egotistical and low-esteem feminist? Or is that just a coincidence?
@religiousotaku9926 3 года назад
More like a sign
@chefboiardeeznutz9881 Год назад
@@Daniel-pu6yk not all of them do. And they give the women that wear them because they just want to, a bad name. I love my tattooed, pierced women, but there does seem to be a trend where those women are just completely bat shit crazy. Just gotta find the right ones. Even the women that don't have that stuff at all can be some of the most annoying and insufferable people on the planet.
@robinthrush9672 4 года назад
"...where as men can be these boisterous slobs...." They really need to work on their propaganda game.
@porflepopnecker4376 4 года назад
Gosh, now I feel really guilty for all the times I've taken up two or three seats in public. Which was, like, never...but still...like, toxic masculinity and stuff.
@milmil5350 5 лет назад
*I only hate manspreading when* there aren't any other seats available and the guy spreads (hogging up 2 - 3 chairs). I don't need his knee stabbing my knee or thigh. *Otherwise, I don't care* if they spread far enough to rip in half.
@milmil5350 5 лет назад
*It's especially bad if i was sitting down FIRST.* He plops his butt right next to me and just flat out bangs my leg with his knee. It's bullshit. But, yeah, otherwise, it's okay for them to manspread. I don't see why it'd bother anyone
@loneronin6813 5 лет назад
@@milmil5350 As a man, I think manspreading is silly term, but I get where you're coming from. I'm a tall guy (6ft. 3in. tall) and my legs are disproportionally longer than they should be as well as a broad-shouldered frame that is also more so than it probably should be, (My shoulders tend to stick out more so than my torso) so by nature my entire body takes up more room than some. However, that's why when I'm seated in public I try to lessen that by crossing one leg over the other, often while placing my hands over one knee so that I don't take up too much space when someone is directly next to me, especially in a crowded area. I don't do this because of the manspreading "issue," but because I feel that given my natural state can be somewhat intrusive, I feel it is courteous and respectful to others if I do what I can to not take up too much space despite my physicality. It can be difficult sometimes though because I'm a very fidgety person because I have Tourette's Syndrome and Restless Leg Syndrome, so that's a challenge lol XD Anyway, my point is that I agree with you about how irksome it can be to have someone too close and being blissfully unaware of their behavior despite how much they are invading the personal space of others. I may take up more space than some other guys due to my afore-mentioned physical differences (my legs and shoulders specifically even more so than my height.) but even I do my dead-level best to fit into only one seat. If I can't do that, I will just stand. (Like on a subway train for example.) I don't object to being more aware and respectful of someone's special needs, I just object to the term, "manspreading," mostly because men aren't the only ones capable of lacking common courtesy in regards to being in public. I can understand if a woman has many bags and needs another seat for them, but if a woman is only carrying her purse and puts it in the seat next to her, I don't see why said woman can't just keep said purse in her lap. Regardless of what people call it, this phenomena is not about men or women so much as it is about a lack of courtesy and respect for others while co-existing in public.
@loneronin6813 5 лет назад
I just realized I accidentally typed "special needs" when I meant to type "specific needs." Sorry about that, I need to proof-read my comments better before posting them :P
@Naharu. 5 лет назад
I, for once, only care if we are in a space where people are supposed to sit next to each other because, regardless of gender, race or anything really, l think its rude. Otherwise, you do you honey.
@twigboat 7 лет назад
@ITSTIMETOSTOP 7 лет назад
@mostlysaner5376 7 лет назад
@jimmyclimer594 7 лет назад
Mostly Saner epic lol
@thevoicesaysimalmostoutofm5710 4 года назад
@@mostlysaner5376 Til all these bitches crawl
@GLIEPNIR 4 года назад
You know... Yes, we man has a tendency to do that, sitting down with our legs open to avoid crushing our "family Jewels"... But I'm 99.999999% sure that if you go to that man's seat and ask if you could sit down, they will make space for You, heck, some of us can be a bit slow but we will most likely react on our own and open up space, there's exceptions yes, but it's not a common thing... Anyway, is their pride so ridiculously high that they can't ask or try to communicate?
@erinhess7879 6 лет назад
JLongbone, I am sure you are probably busy calling out all of the crap that you see on youtube (and I agree with you on pretty much everything, and I am a huge fan) but I do have question that I hop you can answer- I consider myself to be a feminist. I believe women have the capability to be equal to men. But I also believe that we should work for that instead of whining about pointless crap and expect others to instantly respect us. I want to focus on the big issues (REAL issues) like insurgents in the middle east, getting women education in third world countries, protecting all of those (men and women) that need help. I hate it when women think it is true feminism if they just whine on the internet about crap that will never matter unless you are an insecure idiot with low self esteem (such as rants about outfits, manspreading, and not enough female actors). So, i was just wondering if you think I sould consider myself a feminist, or not.
@loneronin6813 5 лет назад
I know I'm not the one you're looking for answers for, but I read your comment and it was very well thought out as well as respectful and mindful. I'm not going to tell you what you should call yourself necessarily, but I do think your ideals that you have stated also sound aligned with the Egalitarian outlook, as you clearly seek equality for all and are also willing to earn what you look for, and you seem to acknowledge that in the Western world (as far as I'm aware) upholds the equal right to opportunity in many facets. While it seems to me that you have many principles in common with Egalitarianism, I don't think that you should call yourself one thing or another, but instead focus on your views and only call yourself whatever makes you comfortable. I believe that it's not the term, but the message being spoken behind it with your own voice is what truly matters. I don't really consider myself one thing or another when it comes to my principles, but I still hold true to them and stand up for what I believe is right and I try to do what I can to look out for my fellow human being. What is important is that you stick to your guns, do what you can for those without the ability or voice to do for themselves. Given your comment, you clearly have a good head on your shoulders and you stand up for what you believe, and I get the feeling that you also have the courage to act on something when you know it to be right. I would say that makes you a good person with a mind of your own, and that's all anyone should strive to be. I hope that this comment helps you follow your own guiding light and I also would like to add that I respect you and I appreciate you sharing your thoughts publicly. I hope you continue to succeed in all that you do and that you are living a happy life. ^_^
@0karmaticfrost010 5 лет назад
Rinny Owl this is what we call a 2nd or 1st wave feminist
@caleb6755 5 лет назад
At any rate, may God bless you Ms. Erin.
@letsreallytalk9482 4 года назад
That’s called being a good human being no title required
@rebekahkissel7629 4 года назад
Erin Ruby I would never call myself a feminist. They ruin everything good including themselves.
@catus-cactus 2 года назад
As a straight woman let me say: When I have a dress on I cross my legs at the ankles. Wearing pants or ankle length dress I spread my legs like ‘a man’. It’s so no one can see my underwear. I’m not into flashing strangers
@jacquelineking5783 3 года назад
To be fair my mother did tell me to close my legs. I think it had to do when we might wear dresses as a girl or woman. Since men usually don’t wear dresses not as important.
@darkwonderzz 7 лет назад
Don't they realise by crushing our nuts if feels like your guts have been hit with a hammer. #pain #respecttestes Lol have loved your vids for ages so on point and classic. If you are having trouble getting a laptop maybe set up a patreon page?
@anastasiawright3806 4 года назад
Condolences I'm not a guy so I feel really bad
@thatsiciliankid 7 лет назад
love this fuckin video, I'm a woman and I've been sitting with my legs wide as far back as I can remember. I was only conscious of it when a friend of mine told it's usually men and confident people that do it lmao
@silverscorpio24 4 года назад
I'm such a strong feminist that men riding public transportation with their legs spread apart is emotionally damaging! Edit: To be fair, if that one Tan chick sat on a bus with her legs spread I would just think she was secretly a dude
@stormisuedonym4599 3 года назад
I'm not convinced she isn't.
@chefboiardeeznutz9881 Год назад
I thought that was young Al Pacino for a moment
@bigdad1211 4 года назад
"My balls"! Greatest line ever! 😂
@Starbits7 4 года назад
LOL I remember this topic became viral. I take the bus all the time and have had men do the man-spreading thing, yes it's a pain in the ass. HOWEVER, as soon as they saw me or someone else needed more room, they closed their legs. The ONE time I had an encourage with a man who didn't want to do that, he was an extra kind of special. Me and this other woman were sitting on either side of this empty seat. The man sat down (as it was the only free spot available) and shoved his legs out, squishing my legs and the other woman's. I was like wtf? It was almost cartoonish. So I asked if he could move his legs, he just scoffed at me and kept his pervy legs wide open. Since it was super crowded and we had nowhere to go, I shoved my leg out, pushing his leg into his seat area. The other woman saw what I did and she copied me. After 5 minutes of him grumbling, he finally acted like a big boy and closed his legs. But I rarely have ever seeing this being an issue. Yes it's impolite but men usually just close their legs if someone sits next to them.
@stormisuedonym4599 3 года назад
You _do_ realize how uncomfortable it is for men to sit with their legs together, right?
@FreakyFriday4Phaggs Год назад
school yard rules! All the Boys have done the Simulation training on the school bus, Bus etiquette 101 if you want more of your mates crowded next to you.
@mgheichert 3 года назад
As a boy if I was sitting and a woman was standing I would give up my seat. Even when I walked with a cane I stood up to let pregnant women or older women (not any woman) have my seat. At 6'6" finding airline seats are difficult, I always got to the airport 4 hours hours early to book a seat with longer legroom. Even with the ticket in my hand MOST of the time a small woman was sitting in my seat so she could keep her carry on luggage at her feet. These women expected ME to give up my seat because they were females. A couple of times the pilot had to come back and gave them a choice MOVE or get off the plane. Yes I manspread when I can, I STAND UP if there is not enough seats.
@vannah_04 4 года назад
Girl: I feel like an absolute monster for manspreading! Me: hmmmm *"manspreads" in my bus seat* ummmM THE HELL DO YOU MEAN?! THIS IS LIKE THE INTROVERT'S LUXURY!
@Nepafarius 3 года назад
This reminds me of that Crowder video where he had lady wear a jockstrap that was supposed to simulate the discomfort of having our legs together. Surprise surprise, those ladies were more sympathetic
@cosmos1610 4 года назад
I'm sure they've never been on a school bus. Man spreading is IMPOSSIBLE!
@justkillingtime8622 5 лет назад
Oh come on, don't you guys freak out when guys give up seats to you?
@UlfhedinnNorsk 4 года назад
How in the world this channel isn’t HUGE? 😳 This gal is hilarious and awesome
@religiousotaku9926 4 года назад
6:20 on behalf of dudes, we’d be pissed too if we saw you doing that
@lonelyheartsclub5969 4 года назад
But its okay to put your bag on the seat next to you?
@Tengokuchi 3 года назад
For all their talk of men taking up more space than they need I didn't really see any examples. Like why not get footage from the crowded period of the day? Is it possible that men are actually more accommodating than these obvious lesbian man-haters would lead us to believe?
@llamas9321 6 месяцев назад
The only time my mom told me to sit with my legs closed was when I wore skirts and dresses and never said anything when I wore pants and shorts.
@NerdzTM 2 года назад
As a woman, it's not at all hard whatsoever to either set your bag on your own lap, or keep it between your feet or underneath your seat Women like this are just hypocrites :))
@ErikinMich 4 года назад
Pretty sure reaching in and rearranging the "situation" down my pants is pretty much assault so spreading it is.
@scottstallings6132 4 года назад
@chrisoliver5302 4 года назад
The brief moment of immaturaty made me LMAO! Nice!
@blephegor 4 года назад
I just happened on your channel one day and I gotta say i love your content. You make great points while cracking me up. You're awesome!
@AlgaeEater09 7 лет назад
I love your videos so much lmao. This is comedy. Great reaction videos! (:
@tdata545 3 года назад
People always say it's due to balls, which partially is correct, but it's due more to the skeletal design of the male and female pelvis. Male pelvis splays our legs to prevent squishing our very temperature sensitive balls. Female pelvis brings legs in, to protect the uterus. BUT I do love we have one minority, one white, and one trying hard to be the gender she "hates" the most. And the two extremes have the biggest "don't talk to me" red flag of all, nose piercings, but no extremely colored hair. They're being more reserved than usual. Edit: I was wrong, the blond also had a nose ring, just less obnoxious. That sneaky betch.
@collingreen9517 4 года назад
What guy takes up 3 spaces when there are people who need space
@SpyroTheGerudo 4 года назад
Buzzfeed manspreads all over youtube. you click on 1 video, and they spam your feed with their recommendations.
@mikeyjamieson4715 4 года назад
If any of those women were sane they'd say that sitting like that is surprisingly comfortable.
@Jim87_36 5 лет назад
God damn i love this channel. Heard responses but none neatly as funny as this.
@nostalgiafan1425 7 лет назад
I think even your shirt has had enough of all them crazy feminists.
@Nesca1502 7 лет назад
One of your best videos, I was LOLing so hard. Hope you get your new laptop soon
@richardhalligan7900 4 года назад
Women take up seats with their shopping plus....I have seen women refuse to give up their seats to women who are pregnant or with children, they always expect men to give up their seats. (So where is this sisterhood I have heard so much about?) When I get on the train with my 3 year old son women always look away.
@josephschultz3301 3 года назад
I typically cross my legs so I can have a good balance in my lap for the book I'm reading. What am I missing here? Am I a shitty man or something? Have I failed THE PATRIARCHY by not being a jerk and intentionally taking up as much space as humanly possible? All jokes aside, this is just dumb. When you've stooped to complaining about the way people _sit down,_ then you've officially run out of ammo.
@osamaazam7909 4 года назад
To be honest I think feminist needs some serious help not by making joke but with love .
@gigakuma 4 года назад
Your channel is hilarious its like the equivalent of finding a bowl of skittles at the end of a rainbow. Weird analogy but hey, thats comedy.
@minlow7831 5 лет назад
The man hate from these buzzfeed women
@windyellis8292 4 года назад
I have one memory of my mother telling me to close my legs. I was in a skirt and we were at church and I was showing my underwear. That’s it.
@ronparker8582 4 года назад
I am sitting here comfortably Manspreading while Mansplaining about Manspreading and autocorrect doesn't even recognize Manspreading as a word! What the hell, my Boomer phone is patriarchal..
@TheSwolOne 4 года назад
I fucking dying because “my *b a l l l z z z* ” debunks the entire video
@tamari9966 2 года назад
when ever BuzzFeed uploads I die a little inside
@TheBigBlueBugofJustice 4 года назад
I lost my shit at that Kyle Kulinski cameo LMAO
@soulfull9358 7 лет назад
they made callub in our trains in Finland and many people answered that it is a good thing that manspearing is controlled since when some people sit like that it takes 1 and half seat. The reason was only because how WIDE those men sits....their legs taking other people's feet place. Kind of make sence.
@DenerWitt 4 года назад
thanks Spaghetti God that those strong intelligent hard working people are helping society with the REAL problems in the world
@ravenID429 Год назад
These are the same women who would be outraged at the idea of obese people having to pay for extra seats on the plane lol
@juicebox7372 4 года назад
2:32 That woman doesn't even sit like she sits that way allot she just looks awkward.
@anastasiawright3806 4 года назад
Joan of Arc's ashes are rolling in a full circle right now.....poor poor Joan of Arc the actual sign of empowerment...she's being mocked right now
@andrewphillips8341 4 года назад
Those nose rings make it hard for me to listen to them. I keep thinking of the rings in the noses of water buffalos.
@artisbeauty0822 6 лет назад
love this video
@TheDevilinThePaleMoonlight 4 года назад
Oh JLongbone ur a true gem!!! I fell the fuck out when the camera cut back to u with the ring in ur nose and ur hair are mussed up lol
@SpiritWolf209 3 года назад
Testicles are actually supposed to be at a slightly lower temperature than body temp for optimal sperm production. That's why they hang outside of our bodies in the first place. Sitting with closed legs is not only uncomfortable but may actually reduce sperm count.
@jessefulton8841 4 года назад
They were taking up wayyyyy more space than any of the men they should aside from the one guy asleep on the bus. They’re legs are barely spread in any of the footage 🙄 grow the hell up u passive aggressive waifs
@darkhighwayman1757 4 года назад
I saw a video where the put a thing between their legs that caused irritation if they closed their legs too tight and it was like a lightbulb went off for the ladies. I lolled
@unlimited971 4 года назад
Laying on my bed right now... so much manspreading...
@saywhat5527 7 лет назад
is that second person the karate kid?
@MacabreDaymare 7 лет назад
Holy shit! First thirty seconds and I already love your video. :) Also, I'm a female and I manspread everyday. No one gives a fucking shit if someone does it.
@SwiftNimblefoot 3 года назад
I am truly saddened by the fact this is apparently such a thing, that some stupid cartoon show made an episode about it. I forget which SJW-central did it, maybe Steven Universe or Thundercats Roar or Teen Titans Go? I saw it once and tried to erase it from my mind.
@itziebitziemitzie9029 4 года назад
MAH BWALLS !!!!!!!
@gurlinacoma 6 лет назад
@bittercaramel7652 4 года назад
Insecure speak louder so I guess these “women” are just insecure.
@SandraShani1 7 лет назад
you destroyed them. XD
@cawesomewhatever 3 года назад
I have manspread my whole life, of course you wouldn’t spread your legs while you are wearing a dress because free peep show but I do wear shorts under skirts and dresses because big thighs. 😂😂
@luckytidbit6225 5 лет назад
So what I’m getting out of this video is that manspreading is just men sitting down like they normally do. I’m also getting out of this video that feminist hate when men sit down.
@stevenschnepp576 4 года назад
They just plain hate men.
@megapixzel 4 года назад
yo! 5:54 kicking back and throwing your legs over two whole seats with your back against the wall, thats not even what you say manspreading is. this experiments methodology is wack
@schmidington 4 года назад
An entire sitting area occupied by a few guys waiting for the train with NO ONE else around them. It makes me so uncomfortable and ashamed to be a man! Then there's the guy that had his briefcase between his legs so his knees were apart. Sheesh! Don't you know your supposed to put it on the seat next to you? C'mon, have some courtesy.
@becky3983 2 года назад
I always sit with my luggage between my knees on transport because people steal things from the luggage racks.
@jroggs85 3 года назад
My body? MY CHOICE. Your body? MY CHOICE.
@jamesearlvader6934 4 года назад
Yo I love this woman
@asarishepard8171 4 года назад
5:07 is the girl in a hat that director of "high guardian spice" I saw in that trailer? looks like her.
@gerbill13 7 лет назад
ewwwe Buzzfeed
@jaytheartman610 4 года назад
*m a h b a w l s*
@skp6613 5 лет назад
i always stay up way too late watching your videos and wake my bf up loling a every god damn one 😄i love you hahaha
@lina9183 3 года назад
Go ahead and spread just make sure you wash properly
@tommyjohnson1066 4 года назад
Buzzfeed,the dingleberry on the asshair of life
@joshmartin3555 5 лет назад
Telly from kids does not equal that thing?
@LilLadyAy 3 года назад
Handbags on seats?
@mimikoulik4811 2 года назад
I sit like that all the time I'm I a man? It's a normal fucking way to sit
@PelemusMcSoy Год назад
4:18 & 5:47 These aren't manspreading. These are intentionally taking up two seats (the second of which is the person we're supposed to be sympathetic towards).
@joinsideke 7 лет назад
First world feminism, fighting the real battles.
@PIB2000 4 года назад
Women being killed in the Middle East for showing their faces? Pfff, fake oppression!
@nathanolson4952 4 года назад
It is 4:22 in the morning drinking vodka and this is the most irritating/entertaining thing i have ever seen this early. This chick is dope. Plz marry me...
@camizl3r230 4 года назад
hey Tan stop sitting in the disabled/elderly seat
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Будни в пекарне. Часть 2
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