
The Ancient Gods, Part Two (Ultra-Nightmare Run) 

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@liamzeeson576 3 года назад
The absolute power that thumbnail has. Bionicle enemy tier list soon???
@Ben_of_Langley 3 года назад
Thank you I was wondering what the picture was
@TheMcK777 3 года назад
@@Ben_of_Langley Akamai, Toa Kaita of Valor
@Ben_of_Langley 3 года назад
@@TheMcK777 I'm going to assume that those are names of bionicles
@TheMcK777 3 года назад
@@Ben_of_Langley Correct. One of the strongest characters on paper.
@ciromaccarone7494 3 года назад
@@TheMcK777 i only had toys, while i new there was a story, i tought that the fusions were just creations the lego allowed you to do, so they are legit characters of the story?
@gUwU47 3 года назад
@ 2:58:30 EXACTLY THIS! I LOVED 2016's lore and story! Some of Eternal's story moments is cool like Mars Core, Doom Hunter Base and ARC Complex, but I really wish they fully committed to the grit of 2016. Atlantica was a great example of this!
@AntonisVaik 3 года назад
HE PLAYED DOOM 3 IN NOVEMBER 2020. Guess quarantine does things to people
@crazyduplicate 3 года назад
Is there some sort of anti-doom 3 thing on this channel?
@AntonisVaik 3 года назад
@@crazyduplicate Not really but decino says that he'll never play doom 3 and things like that
@pargoman854 3 года назад
@@AntonisVaik I think he'll end up playing Serious Sam 2 after the new update just released
@Krzysiufpp 3 года назад
Doom 3 is one of the best games ID Software did, I love it tremendously. Easly better than first two games.
@tacticaljunk1608 3 года назад
@@crazyduplicate He's gotten requests for Doom 3 content. It's a running gag now because Doom 3 is more of a horror game than an action game and thus not really his wheel house.
@8diva8 3 года назад
That thumbnail is pretty accurate to how I feel about the end boss design.
@andyfriederichsen 3 года назад
I love how the stun animation for the Dark Lord is just like the stun animations in Team Fortress 2.
@Gemidori Год назад
"HeAVy FEel fUNny"
@zerotolerancd8743 3 года назад
Literally anything could've been done with "dark reflection of Slayer" My guess is they used up that idea with the Marauder but they've still could've done something cool with the lord of Hell
@mjc0961 3 года назад
When you compare it to the Marauder, it kind of makes sense. They're both utterly boring traffic light men. Lord of Hell takes a lot more to kill though.
@zerotolerancd8743 3 года назад
@@mjc0961 Personally I find Marauder to be a fun duel, except when Gargoyles are around. I wouldn't know about D.L as I have the Switch version, but even from a outsider perspective it looks dull
@thebigboi5357 3 года назад
@@comet-fy6pd I was honestly expecting and hoping for a boss fight similar to Dusk.
@oldtimegames96 3 года назад
The issue with the fight is not how to make a boss hellish. That is easy, just make the boss a bullet sponge. The difficult part is how to make it even a bit memorable.
@pablopablito3264 3 года назад
@@oldtimegames96 he is a joke bionicle he will be olvidable fast
@SinCity2100 3 года назад
The elite Guards of hell makes the Master Levels look like an actual Master Level
@trashpanda5827 3 года назад
“There’s a cursed prowler” *Pulls out the BFG and fires* I honestly don’t blame you cursed prowlers have ended so many of my runs
@Slaking_ 3 года назад
Your point about the story reminds me of Yahtzee's take on it, to paraphrase: "the gimmick of the DOOM Slayer is that every character is trying to find greater significance and meaning in him where there is none. He just doesn't give a shit and is a purely chaotic irrational character that only wants to kill demons and collect action figures. In other words, he is the player of a FPS game. When DOOM Eternal tried to turn that around and project greater meaning onto him, all it does is turn the joke on the story writers and make them look stupid instead." The greatst tragedy of Eternal's lore fuckup was how it just lost the hilariously self aware tone that DOOM 2016 had. 2016 was self aware from start to finish because it never even tried to take itself seriously, but DOOM Eternal makes itself look stupid by constantly taking it's dumb story seriously. While Eternal imo had better gameplay (even though I find 2016 much more fun to just pick up and play on a whim due the low amount of stuff to juggle) it really sucks that we lost the aesthetic and overall vibe of 2016 in Eternal, because imo it was just better. While 2016 was very gritty, it was still really silly and ultimately provided a good blend of the two. Eternal threw out any semblance of grit to focus on pure silliness, which imo doesn't really work. I still love Eternal, but I'll personally always prefer 2016 because of the atmosphere.
@williamehrhardt918 3 года назад
I'm glad that the community is finally coming around to this lol I said it right at the start and got downvoted to hell lol. Now it seems like the default position.
@a4arick106 3 года назад
I don't really think 2016 actually quite self-aware, i mean 2016 also started the lore of doomguy literally being one man army, making hell tremble and then sealed him in the coffin. Past doom games didn't necesarily do that kinda lore. Eternal's lore pretty much just ramp 2016's lore to eleven.
@naisagathefirstdestronmand8559 3 года назад
@@a4arick106 I think what hurts eternal is that you still have doom guy not giving a shit about things when (for the kind of story that Eternal has) he should. With 2016 being a smaller more isolated case it's more justifiable. UAC is experimenting with Demons when they shouldn't, it's their fault so he has no reason to listen to their crap. Where as in Eternal you got the planet already in the apocalypse, you'd think he'd be more caring about it. That and 2016 was subtle in how it grounded things. The impact compensation, the jump boots, and the origin of some of the demons as experiments. Stuff you can so easily ignore but it's there if you have questions about things. TL:DR 2016, smaller more isolated than in Eternal. The same character trope getting hold and not working with a more complex story, and Eternal being rather blunt in some cases.
@plasmaoctopus1728 3 года назад
Oh good I'm not the only one that just finds Doom Eternal's story to just be extra silly nonsense. I just went with it and gave even less of a shit than even the Doomguy himself, gameplay more than makes up for it. Doom Eternal might be my favorite FPS gameplay-wise, except that final boss in the final DLC actually disappointed me, maybe even more than anything in a long time than other game disappointments. Those at least I got to return or just not bought those games, but when it's in a game that I actually wholeheartedly like pretty much all the way through it stung much harder to be honest.
@mjc0961 3 года назад
👀 Doom 3 is installed 👀
@TakeItEasy2019 3 года назад
Oooh Peter Wanna coop some.....DOOM3? (MEGASPHERE has left the server)
@NoExplosionsMcgee 3 года назад
Bionicle? Damn, what a blast from the past.
@phezza2000 3 года назад
My year long Doomy Ternal arc was completed this weekend too! From having to quit I'm Too Young to Die, then 'getting good' via DOOM 2016, Hurt Me Plenty and UV; I have completed Nightmare = I'm done. Hitting delete! Congrats everyone. Thanks for the great DE vids decino
@rendiorton499 3 года назад
That fusion of Tahu, Pohatu and onua bionicle though, brings tears to my eyes. I miss all six of them, lewa, kopaka and Gali as well. I wish I was more grateful and careful with them during my early days. Thank you Decino for using the bionicle figure as the thumbnail for this video. You have my gratitude, Hare Krishna 🙏❤️
@bigbruhtheorphan9070 3 года назад
decino when dusk haha seriously i very highly recommend it, the gameplay is incredibly smooth and well designed and the visuals are really damn good, im sure you'll like it a lot
@a4arick106 3 года назад
I thought he already did that
@x1teDota 3 года назад
decino finally escaped Hugo's Fun Zone.
@zeubersandvitch8882 3 года назад
For me, the only thing that holds Doom Eternal back is the lack of official modding tools. Seriously, if this game had some official modding tools, the staying power of this game would be fucking INSANE. I adore this game, I have nearly 400 hours in it from just replaying the game and its master levels, looking for new strategies and metas to mess with, but even I will admit that this game really needs modding tools, its practically a staple of this series and I had the same problem with Doom 2016. I really enjoy the master levels and Battle Mode seems neat (never tried it myself), but imo it cant hold a candle to mods. Hopefully they add tools with a future update or at the very least with the next doom game.
@4Wilko 3 года назад
I'm still annoyed Eternal doesn't even have Snapmap to make up for no mod tools.
@maiyannah 3 года назад
I finished Doom Eternal and ... frankly, while I enjoyed the experience, I had no desire at all to go back to the DLC, and frankly even less when I saw people kind of being elitist about the difficulty thing. It's the first level of the first DLC, not the God Machine, and this is Doom, not Dark Souls. It was really discouraging to a lot of the friends I know who played, and frankly I never bothered. Money's always scarce and I don't have much to burn on something I don't think I'm going to enjoy. Something like No Chance on UV is a highly technical and unforgiving fight, but it's a challenge that has been proven to be possible. Compare that to these DLC, where you can have runs where you have pretty much been Zero Master or something, just to fall through the scenery or have some other bug happen and you lose the run if it is nightmare. There is no fun in beating a challenge where the challenge is not fair. In short, I don't mind losing if I'm losing because I suck, or I did something dumb. I do mind losing if the game's just messing with me. Doom Eternal softlocked me twice in the main game (same spot you had the trouble with near the end, Decino) and I just ... didn't feel like dealing with that with DLC people are going on about being super difficult on top of that.
@jorefad130 3 года назад
The fact that doom slayer basically was so pissed he actually spoke just to give the last word to bionicle man
@Auvisome 3 года назад
Biggest tragedy of the year is that Decino no longer plays Eternal. Dame da ne dame yo dame na no yo
@brockpiano 2 года назад
Anta ga sugide, sugi sugi te
@Neo2266. 3 года назад
Can’t wait to see the Immora soldier’s stats
@SeriousGranade 3 года назад
Fun fact - they have a grand total of ONE hp
@naisagathefirstdestronmand8559 3 года назад
@@SeriousGranade The individual trooper or the whole collective?
@SeriousGranade 3 года назад
@@naisagathefirstdestronmand8559 Each individual immora soldier has 1 hp. You can literally punch one of them and it'll die.
@naisagathefirstdestronmand8559 3 года назад
@@SeriousGranade I know, I was joking about that health pool by saying that all of those troopers combined have 1 hp.
@heneedsomemilk655 3 года назад
That was actually pretty cool, how at 1:33:35, the two Marauders circled around from both directions to sandwich you in the middle. Heheh, they made a Slayer Sandwich, heheheh.
@maurostrachwitz747 3 года назад
I was thinking Quake 2 will be a fine addition to your channel, so many memories from childhood.
@wwld9823 3 года назад
so can we agree that doom 3 was good now
@williamehrhardt918 3 года назад
I only played the ps1 doom growing up so I thought doom 3 was a great next step. Now that ive played classic doom and doom 2 i see why it is seen as a departure.
@KamenArts 3 года назад
Decino what's your take on the new lore behind DOOM? I think you touched on it in the video, but I was wondering if this is a decent breakdown: DOOM Classic: Soft worldbuilding. You have some pieces of the puzzle, but much is left to your interpretation. How does hell work? How do the demons make deals? What is it that fuels the Doom Marine's resolve? DOOM Eternal: Hard worldbuilding. Every single detail is given to you. You know exactly how hell works, who runs it, who Doomguy is, and what the Kahn Makyrs are doing. Not ratting on DOOM Eternal, but it's worldbuilding doesn't make sense for the genre. Hell is supposed to be unknowable, as are demons. That doesn't mean you can't make interesting lore about Hell, but Eternal explains each and every demon to the point that they feel like fantasy aliens more than demons. Same goes for Hell itself. I think that what ID Software is missing is that you don't have to answer every question to make an interesting story. Sometimes, the questions themselves make for a better story than any answer could. A good example is the Gman from Half Life. If Valve explained him away, he would lose all of his appeal. Likewise, having Samuel Hayden show you his Netflix documentary about the market value of Hell's hottest stock after giving you a midterm Hell history exam makes Hell the most boring thing on the planet. I wish they focused more on raising the right questions than answering all of the wrong ones. I think 2016 is a good example of doing more with less when it comes to lore.
@decino 3 года назад
Zero interest in the lore, honestly.
@alextcastillo1151 3 года назад
*Decino ends the game in ultra nightmare* Decino: What?? That's it?? Game: yes Decino:Not even a cool story?? Or a new skin?? Game: no
@8diva8 3 года назад
The dlc in general is such overpriced trash.
@ThyBigCheddar 3 года назад
@@8diva8 Say what you want about the DLC, but it’s not overpriced. For 15 pounds you get the most doom eternal content. Every base demon, weapon and upgrade, plus 5 new demons, new weapon and some of the best looking maps, and a boss fight. Difficulty wise it’s a bit meh, but content wise it’s definitely not overpriced.
@shmekelfreckles8157 3 года назад
@@8diva8 it’s not trash and it’s absolutely not overpriced.
@8diva8 3 года назад
@@ThyBigCheddar Every base demon? I had that already... Weapon upgrades? You play the game to unlock those... 5 new horribly designed demons... A pathetic end boss... TAG1 got nerfed... TAG2 was made easy on purpose... And never did I ever want tweety birds circling the heads of demons...
@mjc0961 3 года назад
In terms of people losing interest fast, can't forget the bugs on top of everything else. When I have to restart the final arena because the cutscene advancing me to the simp platform never plays, the _last_ thing on my mind is "Yes, I want to continue to hone my skill and eventually beat this on Ultra-Nightmare." What's the point when my run can get killed by a glitch regardless of how gud I git? Also Chainsaw No Target is still there, wonky Blood Punch is still there, Meat Hook icon signaling a lock-on/available target but then I just get "click click click" instead of Meat Hook when I pull the trigger is still there... I really hope now that the DLC is finished, they can finally go back and squash bugs. Doom Eternal is a good game, and I want to replay it someday in the future, and I hope when I do the bugs are gone. Not much can be done about the over-reliance on traffic light men at this point, but at least get the basic mechanics working reliably, and no softlocks.
@4Wilko 3 года назад
The chainsaw is so moody sometimes. Did they ever fix that bug where you can accidentally choose the same Support Rune twice and permanently locking the one you didn't choose?
@codyvangogh8111 3 года назад
All that's left is Doom VFR!
@decino 3 года назад
@coasterboy3771 3 года назад
I am seriously appreciating how many subs you are starting to get
@iguana9173 3 года назад
Been busy renovating my basement and I missed the livestream but I’ll watch it right now.
@Ben_of_Langley 3 года назад
Yeah I have to agree with you doom eternal is a good game I love it but you are right if it had mod support then it could become so much more and that's what made the original doom games last the test of time because it had content being made by the fans I mean I still enjoy putting on the classic and it's only thanks to your channel that I decided to turn my old pc into a doom mod pc. Which I'm happy to say I'm getting my new pc in October. Valiant, back to Satan X etc will be the first one's I get
@themercianchap8686 3 года назад
As fun as Eternal can be, it'll never beat classic Doom.
@shmekelfreckles8157 3 года назад
Yeah, they really need mod support.
@yourbestfriendinshooters3088 3 года назад
Personally i like eternal more, but the entire saga is a masterpice
@Ben_of_Langley 3 года назад
All three of you are right doom eternal is a masterpiece but the classic dooms have mod support if they gave doom eternal mod support as well just imagine what the fan base could come up with.
@yourbestfriendinshooters3088 3 года назад
@@Ben_of_Langley yep
@jonathanruiz3597 3 года назад
Classic doom for me is more fun and challenging, I like platforming and puzzles makes me think more then just fighting
@giacomogiliberti2673 3 года назад
I'm just here to remind you that I saw amid evil in your library YuU cAn'T HiDe FoReVeR DuCiNo On a serious note i do recommend you to play it, if you already did I would like to hear your opinion on it and I recommend even more dusk since there is Infighting Also I unfortunately missed most of the stream but I managed to catch the ending and it was extremely based
@SpacialKatana 3 года назад
I enjoyed Amid Evil, decent old school shooter, and there's more for it on the way i believe.
@DiamantisGR 3 года назад
I've been playing Sunlust the last few days. I've reached map 18 so far by saving after every major fight a bit like you do on the Sunder livestreams. Only exception was map 32 where I had to save midfight... you know. So I went back watching your playthroughs again, and oh boi, map 15 strength and anger kicked my ass so hard. I beat it after a million attempts for all but the final trap and the arena with the HK on the cliffs. But you did single segment! Crazy! I also realized that my strats are not always the best... However, I can tell that by playing Sunlust I am actually improving. It is a very tough map pack and a few fights are probably unfair, but even then, it helps you hone your skills in crowd control and situational awareness. Anyway, thanks for the videos!
@JohnLee-dp8ey 3 года назад
If I were Doomguy, I'd say "You are DOOMED!" to the Dark Lord
@Neophage 2 года назад
Funny, history does repeat itself. If Doom 2016 is thought of as Doom 1, Doom Eternal follows the same trend the classic series went through (sort of): like Doom 2, it's an improvement over Doom 2016 in all aspects that matter (gameplay). The worrying part is that if the trend continues, the next game'll be another Doom 3. And it does seem to be going that way, they're focusing too much on lore and whatnot. Icarus flew too close to the sun.
@oldtimegames96 3 года назад
In the hands of the Doomslayer, even a shield is a weapon of destruction.
@SeriousGranade 3 года назад
Could you bully the pinkies, spiders, heck knights and barons with it otherwise?
@oldtimegames96 3 года назад
@@SeriousGranade yes you can. Just keep on shield bashing them.
@SeriousGranade 3 года назад
@@oldtimegames96 That's what I meant
@sleepysalandit6270 3 года назад
Damn and I thought my joke about him looking like a demonic Baymax was brutal lol
@mjc0961 3 года назад
Oh man, RAGE. The game that had really nice animations but really terrible enemy AI, and then also forgot to have a final boss and proper ending. And then years later, they farmed it out and turned it into a really pink Far Cry clone. What a weird franchise. Wolfenstein is Machine Games, but yeah that got a bit milked. Especially that most recent one that was a co-op game with shlooter style health bars, all so they could have a microtransaction store to sell skins for real world money (with of course, the extra scumminess of selling you "gold bars" for real money, and then you can exchange "gold bars" for items, which is just more psychological mind games to hope people won't notice how much they're really spending).
@SpartanIceCream 3 года назад
I can't wait to show this thumbnail off to all my battle mode friends
@Soundwaves329 3 года назад
I was actually going to ask you during the stream if you were going to uninstall it when you finished it
@Raber123ful 3 года назад
Do you have a download link from the thumbnail? Its too awesome.
@decino 3 года назад
@Raber123ful 3 года назад
@@decino nice thank you :).
@coolskeleman 3 года назад
Decino is an absolute POWER HOUSE!!!!
@meggillespie2255 3 года назад
Decino. I love watching you. These playthroughs help me out so much. I gave you super chat during this that I don't think you saw. But I hope it helps. I would love you see you do the Colorful Hell doom Mod
@SR-388 3 года назад
It does suck that this games lack of mod support is hurting it, one day i hope it receives that treatment as i see potential for good custom maps in the years to come, there are still some interesting mods for this game if you'd ever be interested to check out decino but i don't blame you for being done and dusted with this game, ah well. Noice vid tho
@SingaporeLoveItachi 3 года назад
I love Doom Eternal, and I really love the environment and the level, and even though I love classic DOOM, i probably would be playing Doom Eternal in the foreseeable future :3 For me, gameplay and combat will always be priority for me
@AzimjonRasulov-ne4mi 15 дней назад
decino has played Borderlands... and Counter-Strike too??? That's interesting!
@SpacialKatana 3 года назад
If I'm not a patron, will I still be able to submit you a map next round decino? Takes me 40 mins to play it, but I am old and f1cked (took me 3 attempts to single segment it UV). Take you about 20 mins I reckon. Peace man.
@decino 3 года назад
You can. Being a patron is not a requirement.
@SpacialKatana 3 года назад
@@decino Nice 1, hope you find it worthy when the time comes.
@patrickenriquez5668 2 года назад
You don't get a Podium if you beat either TAG 1 or 2 on Ultra Nightmare. A completed attempt on either TAG DLC on Extra Life mode will earn you at least a new podium. Not that matters for you anyways, since you've finished with DOOM Eternal and the DLC already.
@ilikestuff3706 2 года назад
Do you think that in the next one they should add snap map again? Or would you like a good multiplayer/deathmatch mode more?
@decino 2 года назад
Don't care about either, really. Releasing an SDK would be much better.
@ilikestuff3706 2 года назад
@@decino that's really interesting, I thought you'd be for snapmap since it allows for more people to make community maps, then again it also limits creativity so I see where you are coming from.
@eggonauttheholungday 3 года назад
Akamai as the thumbnail!?! Swee
@cb9819 3 года назад
Ok, decino. I recently played an add on for doom 1,.REKKR, you should try it. Completely revamps everything you know about doom.
@bitcores 3 года назад
I'm one of the 2% that completed the first level of TAG1 but not the second level. It's not really that I find it too difficult, rather after finishing Doom Eternal's main campaign I basically just stopped playing until TAG came out, and then going into it I have to relearn how to play Doom Eternal and it is such a chore when all the fights are turned up to 11. So I will get there, it's just a chore.
@Thisisthegreatestatofalltime 3 года назад
I’m not even picking up this dlc. I hate this new direction they’re going in. So, I’ll just stay on the pre tag 1 nerf patch until they make something actually interesting. Also, Mayo apparently wasn’t the only one to take down a video, still a lame as hell thing to do though.
@SpacialKatana 3 года назад
I hated the 'shut in room, kill all badies, progress' route they've taken Doom in general, and the frikkin parkour. I played DE, it's well coded etc, but it's just not Doom. Uninstalled waaaay b4 decino lol.
@Thisisthegreatestatofalltime 3 года назад
@@SpacialKatana I’m not sure I’d say the game is well coded, with all the bugs it has.
@SpacialKatana 3 года назад
@@Thisisthegreatestatofalltime Didn't encounter any when I played through it last year. Lucky me eh? :D
@generalkenobidaily4642 3 года назад
I really thought decino rarely played Eternal, but seeing him at level 200 warms my heart
@decino 3 года назад
Probably because I got boosted by a thousand players. I've "only" played for 149 hours.
@joachims4726 3 года назад
@@decino boosters only contribute to events specially their events as they take half YOUR xp (not take from you you still get your full xp but they also get half of it) I don't know what those thousand people expected
@a4arick106 3 года назад
@@decino yeah, "only"
@Kingdramana 3 года назад
Congrats on completing it
@Headcrabman9999 3 года назад
Why the Kaita though?
@JackClockerinos 3 года назад
Only by combining into the Toa Kaita can our heroes beat the evil forces of Makuta- I mean the Dark Lord
@Ben_of_Langley 3 года назад
Just been rewatching this and yeah that bit fighting the two marauders yeah if anything is gunner end my ultra nightmare run it's gunner be that fight because so far in each play through like nightmare, ultra violence etc that fight was the one which messed me up the most not because of the fight itself with the marauders it's those zombies which buff the other demon's when hit I always seem to accidentally hit those zombies which of course makes that fight much harder than what it needs to be 😤. Unfortunately I've been too tired to make an attempt at my ultra nightmare run but hopefully tomorrow I will be. I'm only doing it because I want that slayer skin.
@JTawesome92 3 года назад
So I'm the only one who spent an hour and a half on the dark lord fight?
@a4arick106 3 года назад
@chrism1518 3 года назад
I honestly wished they never would’ve made The Ancient Gods. The story was so dumb, and each and every new mechanic/enemy they added made the difficult cheaper and cheaper.
@shmekelfreckles8157 3 года назад
What? TAG1 is a literal perfection.
@pablopablito3264 3 года назад
Icon of sin was a good final boss and end.
@theultimategamer7906 3 года назад
I finished playing ancient gods part 2 on "Ultra Nightmare Difficulty".It was really tough but it's done🤘.
@cojack9609 3 года назад
doom 3 at 68 billion subs?
@decino 3 года назад
70 billion.
@classicalslayer5524 3 года назад
Congratulations on the run I'm listening to this as I make my own version of the ancient gods part 1 in clay Also what do you think of doom eternal lore is it good or bad
@decino 3 года назад
Really bad.
@classicalslayer5524 3 года назад
@@decino oof I like it
@Hybridtheory2007 3 года назад
Why don't you uninstall Doom 2016 and Doom 64 as well then?
@decino 3 года назад
Thanks for reminding me.
@VagueLuminary 3 года назад
Bye-bye, all of DOOM ETERNAL.
@4Wilko 3 года назад
I guess the fight wasn't so Eternal after all.
@Joseph-Vile 3 года назад
Was that Doom 3.installed? o:
@decino 3 года назад
Did co-op with friends some time ago.
@Joseph-Vile 3 года назад
@@decino oh, was it good?
@decino 3 года назад
See for yourself: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-GVqR_XBcspU.html
@Joseph-Vile 3 года назад
@@decino thanks decino
@WW-zt1zs 3 года назад
If the modding scene will be any better with like new levels IT will be worth it to revisit but i think it will take years
@decino 3 года назад
If it becomes as limited as Snapmap I highly doubt it.
@McRizzle23 3 года назад
Will you be playing the master levels ?? I didn't see a video on super gore nest master level.. I actually enjoyed that one even if it is bullshit hard
@decino 3 года назад
I won't. Not interested in Doom Eternal anymore.
@McRizzle23 3 года назад
@@decino fair enough I'm considering buying it for PC too so I can play protehs Hoard mode.its stale on console without mods. Thanks for reply...have a nice day pal
@nbanextlegend7497 3 года назад
dessinoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo epic
@khaliskhalis2055 3 года назад
i never thought Chicken watch DOOM ETERNAL
@nbanextlegend7497 3 года назад
@@khaliskhalis2055 I am a chicken of culture
@khaliskhalis2055 3 года назад
@@nbanextlegend7497 ok
@khaliskhalis2055 3 года назад
dude seriously you have 67 subscriber without post anything
@khaliskhalis2055 3 года назад
@DrRedrum 3 года назад
Mario 64 with demons
@furnace6441 3 года назад
Toa Kaita but it's a combination of decino peter and coincident
@LOPESYT266 3 года назад
Is part two more difficult or easier than part one? I played part one again and the nerf's didn't make that much of a difference.
@decino 3 года назад
@whatsevenhappening8295 3 года назад
Hey Decino, are you going to make a video about the new Serious Sam 2 update?
@decino 3 года назад
I won't.
@afn9911 3 года назад
If a snapmap mode gets added, will you recover your interest to this again?
@decino 3 года назад
@pangarnek7501 3 года назад
You died only 2 times. I died like 77 times and this number keeps getting bigger.
@SR-388 3 года назад
Lmao that thumbnail
@MeltingData 3 года назад
lots of streams lately. you finally becoming a vtuber?
@decino 3 года назад
Just a fluke.
@oren2234 7 месяцев назад
ur pretty good
@liquidink2413 3 года назад
I think I've complained enough in your other videos about how I felt let down by this DLC so I'll keep my last word on it short: we didn't even fight one of the demon dragons :(
@a4arick106 3 года назад
Yea, but it's still DLC nonetheless.
@khaliskhalis2055 3 года назад
i love the lego
@yesimforreal8655 3 года назад
Question Why do you ❤ every comment on your video's????????????
@decino 3 года назад
So you and I know I've read the comment.
@yesimforreal8655 3 года назад
@@decino witch comment
@yesimforreal8655 3 года назад
Oh wait
@miaouew 3 года назад
I really hate how they turned Doomguy into demonic master chief. Everyone has to be some sort of a superhero these days...nobody can be just a regular guy. It's disappointing. I feel like all the classic series I grew up with are systematically being turned to dogshit. I get that doom 2016 and eternal are "fun" games...but they don't feel much like Doom anymore. Also that stupid hookshot thing on the gay futuristic looking double barrel is the drizzling shits, along with his stupid knife tonfa and predator shoulder cannon. 🤢
@Lazycy2007 3 года назад
Noice man!
@Soundwaves329 3 года назад
Play Homer Simpson‘s “Do’h!” At 41:02 and 1:33:41
@lofvers8907 3 года назад
I completed it in less tries than you on console lmao
@no42x30 3 года назад
Sunlust Ultra Violence Pacifist when?
@TheCinemaphobic 3 года назад
Bionicle :^)
@jonn9953 3 года назад
minecraft tier list when
@DuckAlertBeats Год назад
Doom - Unreal Tournament Edition 😖 ... how is this Doom, really Doom Super Turbo Championship
@DustyEchozy 3 года назад
Decino, how can i unlock the weapon skins? Do i have to master it?
@decino 3 года назад
I believe you unlock most by doing the weekly challenges.
@joachims4726 3 года назад
@@decino these give you event xp Most of the weapon skins come from milestones
@andyfriederichsen 3 года назад
Who else thinks the demonic troopers were made way too weak? EDIT: I mean, the devs could have made the combat in Immora more interesting by actually making the demonic soldiers a THREAT.
@adrianeden8977 3 года назад
They're meant to be idle fodder for the in between arena's portion
@andyfriederichsen 3 года назад
@@adrianeden8977 That's a waste of an enemy that could have made battles more interesting if made correctly.
@andyfriederichsen 3 года назад
Also the same people saying they shouldn't have been tougher are also probably arguing the Dark Lord was a disappointing boss.
@plasmaoctopus1728 3 года назад
@@andyfriederichsen Dark Lord was though, what should've been only 2 phases at most of the fight of having to patiently wait for him to open his weak spot at intervals far less often than Marauders, instead they decided to make it 6 phases! He should've lost the armor in the others and made it feel more like a crazy brawl of just blasting each other and dodging his attacks. Most players that had gotten that far only lost to him due to getting bored to death. They could've made him more fun for both easier and harder difficulties.
@Gemidori 3 года назад
I think they didn't have their minds fully set on where to go when they did Doom 2016 and when they were making Eternal they just went "ok we'll just go ham insane on this script lol". I don't mind it tbh, I still really liked the story of the main campaign though I do think they focused too much on the Maykrs in the DLCs It's kinda like Mortal Kombat lore, I love it just because of how goofy yet awesome it is - except MK kinda sunk into pure dumb territory after the NRS reboot, while Doom by comparison is a lot more fun to follow
@Mr.Banan_monkey 3 года назад
You are a way better doomer than me
@jackroberts4710 3 года назад
How much does RU-vid pay you? Im just curious as you still have a job
@decino 3 года назад
@jackroberts4710 3 года назад
@@decino jesus bro, drinks on you 😏
@joachims4726 3 года назад
@@decino I hope you get to keep this up because RU-vid is slowly becoming RU-vid kids and channels posting pegi18 content might get smited down into oblivion
@plasmaoctopus1728 3 года назад
@@joachims4726 Doom can knock pegi down a peg
@Shortman14 3 года назад
Me: beated the dark lord in ultra-viloce. Decion who beated him in 23m. :*(
@andyfriederichsen 3 года назад
I see you've played Half-Life. :)
@nielsvanboxtel9806 3 года назад
hi do you love quake games
@decino 3 года назад
I like Quake 1 and 2.
@rahulravishankar3152 3 года назад
this is POG. I'm gonna go set up a bot to give you more subs.
@achilletalon4043 3 года назад
Congratulations 😂😂
@Maurilustrador 3 года назад
Aaah the end boss was so anticlimatic and lame :(
@khaliskhalis2055 3 года назад
@kirabad-artist6532 3 года назад
It’s literally just killing one marauder over and over again
@pablopablito3264 3 года назад
a red bionicle the leader of hell nice Writers
@Mr.Banan_monkey 3 года назад
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