
The Messed Up Politics Behind those Gambling Streams 

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26 сен 2024




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@loner419 2 года назад
Was a surveillance investigator at a casino for almost a decade. You'd see the same people there every day, mindlessly staring into the slot screens, not having any fun as you mentioned. Per house rules, the most anyone can ask them is if they're having fun and if they respond no then give them a pamphlet for a help line. At one point a woman, who had been a retiree of a local company that had saved millions to retire on was one of them. We saw her every day, spending at least 10k a day there. Her children came and begged the casino to do something, but they never did. One day she stopped coming in and I wondered why so I looked up her account. There was a note. "Ask for a loan from the casino; banned for 12 months." They banned her because they tricked her out of everything. They fucking suck.
@lanzinator4734 Год назад
Jesus that's awful.
@ttthecat Год назад
I was told by a judge (who became addicted to gambling and then later fought against casinos being introduced to my state) That roughly 80% of the casino's profits comes from the 15-20% of people who are addicted to gambling. These are not rich people and they lose everything. And the casino management knows this and doesn't care.
@piccalillipit9211 Год назад
They are total s(um - I hate them. My ex GF worked at one - even the staff get screwed. TECHNICALLY she worked 14 days a month - only she didn't, she worked 14 SHIFTS a month, cos the shifts were 12 hours and the casino provided transport it was about 15 hours door to door and the shifts nearly always crossed midnight, so you were actually working 28 DAYS. There was only actually ONE weekend off in a month. But it classed as part time when you were away from your home for work for 210 hours a month and had 1 weekend off... Whereas a full 40 hour week with a 30-minute commute wold be 195 hours in total
@khosrow Год назад
Why do people even go to the casino? I'm in my 30s now. I never felt the desire to play at a casino. I hate games of luck and I hate them even more when the odds are stacked against me and I have to bet on my own money. It just sounds a whole lot like being a sucker. Yet people treat it as great entertainment and it is glamorized in media.
@loner419 Год назад
@@khosrow I think it came down to the type of folks who liked them to begin with. You'd never see me in a casino gambling because I also see it as a waste of money, but some enjoyed hanging out with friends and maybe making a bit of cash in the meantime. The addicted ones however you could tell were not there to socialize or have fun. It was almost a job for them and they'd drag themselves in every day with the enthusiasm of a robot, go to their machine they'd always go to and just sit there for 10 to 12 hours feeding money into it. Again, the most we were allowed to do is send a person over if the addicts looked distraught and have them ask if they are having fun and if they say no give them a little card for the gambling help line. Usually, once one has started losing enough money to no longer be playing at the same level they used to with larger bet spins, they'd start attacking the machines. If they broke anything, they'd get the option of paying for the damages or be charged with property damage. If they had the money to pay they'd be allowed immediately back into the facility the next day but now 2k more in debt. If they didn't they'd go to jail and put them further in debt I'm almost certain.
@AlanQSmithee 2 года назад
Learning there are these mega-popular streamers who have millions of dollars and I've never once heard their name before is like suddenly finding out there's a bunch of giant planets in the solar system that everybody else knew about, and also they're all made of piss and shit.
@dunjunart Год назад
this is only tangentially related to your point (which i agree with entirely) but apparently they've been finding tons of moons orbiting Saturn since like 2000 and they're up to 83 and I just learned this last night and it's blowing my goddamn mind
@AlanQSmithee Год назад
@@dunjunart I suppose statistically there must be at least one celestial body somewhere in the universe made of piss and shit
@spinecho609 Год назад
​@@dunjunart literally every rock orbiting Saturn is a moon, I'm not sure there is a lower size limit 🤔
@piccalillipit9211 Год назад
HAHHAHAHHAHAHAH "they're all made of piss and shit" HAHAHHAHHAHA
@retrohanska4441 Год назад
I had this realization a while ago.I'm digi native. I've been gamer all my life. I sometimes easily spend +10 hours on youtube per day. But when I checked Socialblade for top 100 gaming channels for some reason, to my horror I realized I know maybe 10-15 by name and out of them I barely even watch any. Apparently I'm that out of touch.
@MelTheMuppetslayer 3 года назад
People don’t realize how addictive gambling is. My father has had a serious gambling problem for 50 years now. Thank you for this, you’ve blessed us with your class and sass on this Friday afternoon.
@divaprincess98 3 года назад
I never understood how or why people gambled knowing it’s all rigged until I went to Vegas for my 21st birthday. I earned $35.17 in just a few minutes on the slots. When I tried to win again, I lost $21.00. Thankfully, I knew better than to keep going, but the temptation to continue playing was still pretty strong. I walked around the casino afterward and saw so many people who had already earned thousands of dollars, yet they still kept playing to try and earn more. If you’re broke and only make minimum wage, gambling can feel like a golden ticket to instant wealth. Too bad the house always wins. Not to mention there were no windows or clocks in that place, so you could spend hours in there and not even know it.
@LibraInSeattle 3 года назад
I’m sorry about your father, that must be rough. I’m in recovery from rx drugs for 13yrs now. I have a friend in recovery who is addicted to gambling as well and he is struggling even buying or trading stock in his 401K. He has had to,bring his father in to help him for fear of gambling relapse. Addictions have so many side effects people don’t think about. I am wishing your Dad well. 🙏🏼💜
@nope9182 3 года назад
My dad does too. He had a massive breakdown a couple of years ago and was very close to losing his house. I'm still helping him recover, but I doubt it will ever happen. I'm so happy he never did this shiz online
@clairepettie 3 года назад
My inlaws have the same problems, predominantly in the native American casinos where we grew up. I am terrified that they will discover the easy access of gambling online. It's so much more addictive. Perfectly engineered to destroy lives.
@LunarEleven 3 года назад
My friend's family was big into it. He took me to a casino and gave me $60. I played roulette and won $35. I was like "cool 👍 let's check out that buffet." He said I wasn't getting the "experience" and that I had to gamble all of it. I was so mad, I just picked a slot machine and mashed buttons until the money was gone. I ate a pile of crab legs and 6 creme brulees at the buffet though! I asked why his parents got all these free "comps" and VIP status and he said because they've lost $20,000 just that year. I almost threw up... gamblers who can afford it say it's OK because they enjoy it, but that money can buy so many things that you can continue to enjoy for YEARS instead of hours!
@tjet34 9 месяцев назад
I'm a therapist and have several child clients that are obviously addicted to gambling in the form of loot crates and similar game mechanics. I've literally had to explain these things to parents because they can't understand why their kids are stealing credit cards and charging hundreds of dollars at a time in $2-20 increments. These are 10 and 12 year old kids facing legal charges for theft because they *need* to try for some skin or special weapon or w/e.
@WhatWillYouFind 6 месяцев назад
Not just the gambling, its also the phones and other devices these days too. Everything is designed to be addictive, convenient. My own wife can't be bothered to be pulled away from her iphone to play with her daughter. We live in a horrible dystopia and I hate everything about this modern world. I remember the advent of the internet with AOL for mainstream consumption. The places, things, and ways to engage with PEOPLE along with the benefits of the developing online shopping access allowed me to see and do so many things. These days? 5 websites basically run the planet, with everything else copy and pasting or using AI generated nonsense. Ads were bad back in those days, but they were invasive and annoying . . . these days you get spoon fed ads every waking moment of your life even moreso than before and the worst of it all is that its framed in a way that it is subtle as opposed to what used to cause rage clicking to delete the ad boxes. Imagine a kid getting an iphone as young as 3 and their mom allows them to play a bright and flashy game with ads and addictive daily activities that amount to nothing without that credit card. It isnt just the older kids being addicts, it starts from the bottle.
@thanjay1867 3 года назад
I'm a compulsive gambler and these scenes make me remember a lot. Standing at tables for hours at a time, no food no water, just throwing dice and cards and chips. Its sad really. The money means nothing, the drug is making the bet, not winning the bet, and it is absolutely captivating. Its only on the broke and lonely drive home that you realize how truly emotionally and spiritually depleted you really are. If you are a young person watching this, please dont start gambling.
@MouAresounTaPneusta 2 года назад
Where is the border between game and gambling in your opinion?
@Ezeudu 2 года назад
This. The drive home is the worst, especially if you live more than 30 minutes away from the nearest casino -- more time for you to marinate in all of the worst thoughts and set the stage to come back the next time.
@charlestona3865 Год назад
Thank you for sharing your experience. I’ve always assumed people just really believe they will get lucky at some point. I didn’t realize that while that may be true for some, the addiction might actually be to the thrill of the bet itself.
@thanjay1867 Год назад
@@charlestona3865 they have rules for slot machines regarding "near wins" (results that don't pay, but look like they are really "close") because those results reinforce addictive behavior more than actual big wins.
@illzzu Год назад
This absolutely. I was a teen when these gambling videos started popping up. I knew it was stupid as f*ck, wondering why these grown-ass men are spending 100 g's like it's nothing, and then watch them get nothing in return after 6 seconds of enjoyment. Regardless, I wanted to give it a try myself - I was always fond of games with chance. So I stumbled upon a CS:GO gambling website that required no identification / KYC. This was the key factor that dragged me into the scene as a youngling. I used paysafecard to make deposits - I had no credit card back then. I was winning first (obviously), and then it got very addicting pretty fast, to the point where I'd have wagered 1-2 g's after a couple of months. After my bad habit had begun, I remember I'd never have any money left over for the things I actually wanted, which in turn only strengthened my addiction. Please, enforce / tighten KYC regulations better...
@KarlMarcus8468 2 года назад
dude so check this out, shit sucks, after my grandma died, my papa like went through this horrible depression and started playing black jack at the casino. he lost all this money, then started racking up credit card debt. This went on for years but he managed to send his grandsons' a little 10 dollar check in the mail our birthdays (as a 28 year old man). He started getting sick and finally my dad called and said "Alex, you need to call papa because its likely he's not gonna be here tomorrow" So I did, and my papa was in tears saying how much he loved us and how sorry he was. "sorry for what papa?" I say, and he says "I spent every dime I had on cards, all the money for you and your brother, all the money I worked 60 years to save, its all gone. Can you forgive your papa?" That was the last time I spoke to him. Dad had to fly out to Colorado to sell his house to pay back all the debt. gambling ruins good peoples lives. I'm deeply saddened to see the techniques casinos use to manipulate people. And yeah, btw I forgive you papa.
@sageschroeder Год назад
That’s deeply heartbreaking. He must’ve felt absolutely horrible about himself. Yet he was just looking for some excitement or joy to fill that void from such a heavy loss. I’m sure that casino was more than happy to take it all without a second thought. They’d say he chose to do it, and there’s some truth in there…but that’s what so predatory about it. They design it to trap you and take it all, but its not like it’s their fault they end up with all your money. I don’t know what regulation could be done to reel them in…maybe some kind of system where they are required to look at your financial situation and only allow you to gamble with a fixed percentage of your wealth, so people don’t get taken for all they have. Otherwise it’s just incentivizing them to squeeze people completely dry, turn around and blame them for losing everything. I’m glad you forgave him, and I hope he found some peace with it at the end.
@KarlMarcus8468 Год назад
@@sageschroeder hey thanks for the kind words. He was a good man, raised a great kid who become a great father to me. Yes you are 100% correct. Every little detail you could possibly imagine in a casino is specifically designed for the purpose of player retention and dopamine hit to keep you gambling. Everything from not having windows or clocks that may remind you its time to go home, to sounds and lights and screens that promise its just one more spin away from the real jackpot. In an interesting, but sad story, a former gambling addict named Bill Friedman is responsible for many of the tried and true player retention techniques that every casino uses. He got help for his addiction but instead of helping others kick the habit, he designed, , and of course sold his ideas to casinos and was pretty successful. Gambling addiction is pretty serious and even though its not quite as many people who suffer from substance abuse issues at about 10 million Americas, its extremely harmful for the person and the family because so much money can just be gone in an instant. Again thanks for being kind, and the more people who understand gambling abuse issues and can empathize with the human beings being effective, the better the world can be.
@VERY_TALL_MAN 9 месяцев назад
Starting this comment with “dude so check this out” is insane
@KarlMarcus8468 9 месяцев назад
@@VERY_TALL_MAN lol I guess you gotta maintain some small amount of levity when reality is staring you in the face.
@PropheticShadeZ 9 месяцев назад
Why did your dad have to pay off his dad's debt?
@jodajoda2863 3 года назад
Lol Trainwrecks really went, "Actually it's fine since I'm only promoting it to people who already have a problem with gambling" lol. Personally, I sell alcohol but since that's kinda icky I only do it outside of Alcohol Anonymous meetings since they already have a problem.
@jjcoola998 3 года назад
“I only sell fentanyl outside of the detox building; don’t worry bro!”
@drawgam2946 3 года назад
He has problems and is a piece of shit without them too.
@billieeisenhower406 3 года назад
trainwrecks should be banned permanently. screw that guy.
@drawgam2946 3 года назад
@@billieeisenhower406 And get some help too that he does not do anything else ridiculous.
@retinapeg1846 2 года назад
You'd be shocked how many NA meetings have dealers in that everyone knows about as a place to relapse for free.
@mutleylaugh 2 года назад
I worked at a casino in Australia and there was a death at a slot machine every 8 weeks from someone who had literally played themselves to death. They are kept quiet and played off as other incidents, but that shit was extremely sinister.
@sylviahawthorne8745 Год назад
I really hope theres a crackdown here. Its too morbid to walk through RSL’s and pubs just to see the raggedy looking older folks dead eyeing a screen. Especially when you see how nice the building is in contrast
@j.f.christ8421 Год назад
@@sylviahawthorne8745 I lived near a small RSL that one year installed pokies. They now have so much money they just keep building it bigger and bigger, I think they've taken over the entire block now, so they'll need to add another few stories instead. Looking at their annual report you can see exactly when they got pokies, no profit at all for decades, and then suddenly it went exponential.
@ItsJustDoctor 4 месяца назад
@@j.f.christ8421 Cleveland RSL?
@j.f.christ8421 4 месяца назад
@@ItsJustDoctor Hurlstone Park in Sydney, but can probably apply to every RSL in Oz. I hate pokies, they killed live music.
@divdesmitpieci6767 3 года назад
I used to work as a game presenter on an online casino, and that compilation of them falling asleep at the tables is so familiar. It's not human trafficking though. Just working a boring, repetitive job for another nightshift in a poorly ventilated room. My least favorite job ever. And I've worked several service jobs.
@CatsMeowPaw 3 года назад
At my local casino the dealers are changed every 40 minutes for this reason. They get regular breaks and are rotated between tables. Because the work is so boring, the people you're dealing with are often nasty, and you know you're getting money from people who have no understanding of basic mathematics.
@cptfullsack6373 3 года назад
It's still very much a possibility. it really depends on the casino and where it is. I've worked on construction projects that got shut down because a contractor trafficked his entire workforce...so it's not beyond a casino to do the same
@backwardsbandit8094 Год назад
Yeah most of the people assuming its human trafficking are young people who have never worked long hours and/or nightshift
@raichutoyou Год назад
Aww yeah. Night shift workers have it the worst. I was night shift when I started. You're new and you're working with sometimes drunk nasty people.
@airplanemaniacgaming7877 Месяц назад
@@raichutoyou Christ, I'd rather go back to my midnight shift job working at a factory that the company of is ran by the father of the owner of the temp company I worked for. Side note, Magna and HCR. Look 'em up, and realise that they break labour laws by shuffling temps between 2 factories to bypass a law that requires temps be hired on full time after having been employed at that occupation for 6 months.
@kristinayoung8070 Год назад
I’m from the state of Kansas, and sports gambling was recently made legal. The sheer amount of tv ads promoting sports gambling was absurd and frankly disgusting. I couldn’t help but feel like I was watching the equivalent of cigarette commercials.
@dsnodgrass4843 Год назад
Same in Ohio.
@Speederzzz Год назад
Same in the Netherlands, they try to make gambling seem "hip" and "cool" hirering huge football stars and big celebrities. They also use celebs especially famous with the youth, while technically not focussed towards youth, you just know the intention.
@eotheka Год назад
exactly, it's absurdly predatory
@nman551 Год назад
Yeah it’s vile
@anatolevilbois9210 10 месяцев назад
I feel you, sports gambling was deregulated in France in the last few years and we are absolutely bombarded with advertisements that specifically target those who risk ending in poverty the most, dangling the promise of a big payout in front of them, of securing their future and their family's future
@soonsims 3 года назад
I literally don't understand how this channel is at 50k when I feel like I'm watching at least 500k quality channel. It shocks me every time I watch a video.
@katyr2382 3 года назад
I know. Come on YT Al Gore rhythm
@LiquidShivaz 3 года назад
Wholeheartedly agree with you!
@audreyt6745 3 года назад
Feel the same exact way
@pvanpelt1 3 года назад
@@katyr2382 Now I’m imagining Al Gore old-white-guy dancing. Thanks, I hate it 😂
@jenmdawg 3 года назад
Right?! How does Creepshow Art still have more subs than Mune?
@divaprincess98 3 года назад
I never understood how or why people gambled knowing it’s all rigged until I went to Vegas for my 21st birthday. I earned $35.17 in just a few minutes on the slots. When I tried to win again, I lost $21.00. Thankfully, I knew better than to keep going, but the temptation to keep playing was still pretty strong. I walked around the casino afterward and saw people who had already earned thousands of dollars, yet they still kept playing to earn more. If you’re broke and only make minimum wage, gambling can feel like a one way ticket to instant wealth. Too bad the house always wins. Not to mention there were no windows or clocks in that place, so you could spend hours in there and not even know it.
@mahiru20ten 3 года назад
I wonder if there should be a legislation that casinos MUST have windows and clocks in every side of the building. Backlashes would sure happen, but it would only come from the casino owners.
@FisherAthleticFan 3 года назад
@@mahiru20ten They would just get around it by saying we allow users to have clocks on phone or watch
@AveChristusRex789 2 года назад
That’s why I only gamble with sports that I got real knowledge on, I’ve defo gained more money than I’ve lost. All these games however just seem almost always predetermined to make you lose
@huckthatdish 2 года назад
The trick is to only gamble once. The day you’re going to retire go to a casino, put your retirement accounts on black. And boom instant double retirement. Or lose it all. But what are the odds of that?
@Tabako-san 2 года назад
​@@mahiru20ten There are but it all depends on where you live, Las Vegas obviously has some of the most lax gambling legislation in the entire country due to how much lobbying power casinos have with gambling being practically the only thing Las Vegas has to offer. It's like going to Macau where gambling legislation is like 99.99% less harsh than it is in the rest of mainland China.
@sheepladybaa 3 года назад
I used to work at a casino (in Canada) and let me tell you, it destroyed my soul. Watching people throw money away everyday was just so sad. Sometimes more money than I would make in a year. And yeah, I was basically a minimum wage worker. At least we made tips, because usually that was where all my money would come from. Luckily, as an employee of the casino, I was part of a union, so the union was decent at fighting for our rights and wages, but of course the company didn't want to pay us any more than was necessary (even tho it's a casino, they basically print money) Casinos prey on everyone.... customers, workers, and the community they serve. And they do bring in a huge amount of money for the government too, so the people at the top won't do much about it. If you do decide to go into a casino and gamble a bit, PLEASE HAVE A BUDGET. If you decide you want to spend 20$, stick to 20$!
@NickolaiPetrovitch Год назад
I’m from Victoria but I visited Halifax a few times and I was there for my 19th birthday so I went to the casino there. I stayed for like an hour before I was bored, and seeing all the old people just put coins into the slots was so sad because you know they were there the entire day.. and night. But after that my husband and I met some super kind people and when they heard it was my birthday they invited us over to a gathering they were having! We got to experience a real maritime shed party haha. I think maritimers are probably the kindest people I’ve ever met, so welcoming. The couple that first invited us ended up being a bridesmaid and a groom at our wedding :) I don’t wanna paint halidax shitty just bcuz of a casino hahaha, so don’t get me wrong it’s my favourite place besides here in BC. Nothing beats the rainforest and mountains here :)
@l0rf Год назад
That's one thing my school did on the final year, we had stochastics courses and after most exams were done, we went to a casino to show us in person the disconnected between human psychology and what we had learned about statistical probability. And we were all 18 or older and had several teachers to supervise. They definitely drilled into us the fact that casinos only benefit casino owners and you will, inevitably, lose money. Otherwise, they wouldn't exist.
@brandonking1737 9 месяцев назад
I don't know what it's like where you are in Canada, but in Alberta, charities can apply to run casinos. It makes good money (like about $80,000k from a two day event every two years), so I've worked quite a few for my marching bands. One time I worked as a cashier, and we were warned by our advisor not to comment on a customer's chip balance because we don't know whether it's a win or loss. One customer brought $5K of chips to cash in to the other cashier and she slipped up and said "Oh, some good winnings you got there!" The customer painfully smiled and replied, "Yeeeah, I came here with $20K..."
@yvechapman9342 3 года назад
I remember our home being close to repossession by the feds for back taxes, the power being shut off, and no food in the house. I remember my mother crying her eyes out over a pan of crackling cornbread which was all she could scrape together to make us for dinner. And then finding a stack of hundreds in my father's glove compartment. Him threatening me if I dated tell her. Gambling addiction destroys families.
@hashy0x43 2 года назад
What the a absolute f**k?!
@Trainskitsetc Год назад
Truly, that sucks. I got nothing else to say other than thanks for posting that for someone to hopefully read and think about their actions.b
@Praisethesunson 11 месяцев назад
​@@hashy0x43Gambling is a vice different from drugs. Drug users ruin their own lives. Gambling addicts ruin their whole families lives.
@Camustang 3 месяца назад
Thank you for sharing.
@emilycurry8348 3 месяца назад
Thank you for sharing your perspective. This is very eye opening
@conorm9575 3 года назад
i like how the sub licensed casino owners couldnt think of any names for their business so they just named it different temperatures of steak
@zbsfm 9 месяцев назад
steak like stake like staking a bet ;)
@firefly314 3 года назад
I worked for a casino out of college and it just becomes so sad seeing so many people sitting at slot machines all day. Because the majority of the patrons are not wealthy people but low to middle class and will leave with less money. As the phrase goes, the house always wins.
@divaprincess98 3 года назад
I never understood how or why people gambled knowing it’s all rigged until I went to Vegas for my 21st birthday. I earned $35.17 in just a few minutes on the slots. When I tried to win again, I lost $21.00. Thankfully, I knew better than to get going, but the temptation to keep playing was still pretty strong. I walked around the casino afterward and saw people who had already earned thousands of dollars, yet they still kept playing to earn more. If you’re broke and only make minimum wage, gambling can feel like a one way ticket to instant wealth. Not to mention there were no windows or clocks in that place, so you could spend hours in there and not even know it.
@sasamafrass 3 года назад
I used to work in a bank and it was sad to see the bank accounts of gambling addicts. You would see them not have money and keep trying to withdrawal money from the ATM until they overwhelm the system and get the cash and then be upset that the bank "let them" take out money they didn't have. Or the customer that takes out the max $300 withdrawal over and over until their account is at $0 and be upset all of their bills get rejected and then come in to tell at me about it. Sometimes I would tell them they can go to the casino and asked to be banned and they wouldn't want to. So sad and frustrating 🥺
@firefly314 3 года назад
@@sasamafrass that’s correct. You can 100% ask the casino to ban you and yes, hardly anyone ever does it. I noticed many people that were regulars made friends with other patrons and it became a social event to meet at the casino and that just made things worse; your social outing means spending money you don’t have. And now having streamers appeal to young kids that gambling is awesome is scary. Many of the casino patrons we had were elderly that came everyday so their scenario is different than kids potentially going broke before like, 25 years old.
@sasamafrass 3 года назад
@@firefly314 ugh I just found out that a cheap, gross casino is being built down the street from a proposed luxury senior living apartment in my town🤦 So much wrong with what whole sentence 🤦🤦🤦🤦
@Zanooz 3 года назад
@@divaprincess98 same, went when I was 21 for the first time too, played the slots right in the airport. Won 300, then took that and my other spending money to treasure Island and proceeded to wreck their blackjack tables for 12k. Get out when you're ahead.
@MrAngrynarwhal 3 года назад
As a recovering gambling addict, I started gambling on video games like cs go and it altered the trajectory of my life. Influencers played a huge role when I was a kid in romanticizing cs go case openings, no one really talked about the downsides. It’s terrifying to think how many kids will become gambling addicts because of these twitch streams, so many suicides because of gambling a year it’s crazy.
@Jeroensgambling 3 года назад
They are breeding a new generation kind of "ready" that gambling is a normal thing.
@backwardsbandit8094 Год назад
My god the damage that CSGO gambling did to kids was so fucked up. My best friends little brother was getting threatened with a knife by his friend because he gambled away $400 of his money. He was like 15. He wasnt the only one.
@AnonymooseWasMyName Год назад
Ridiculous to start gambling in the first place.
@TheYasmineFlower Год назад
@@AnonymooseWasMyName Yeah, no shit. Bet anyone with a gambling problem can tell you that. Any other pearls of wisdom you have?
@spacebassist Год назад
​@@AnonymooseWasMyNameridiculous predatory ads and influencers and deep hooks in our culture, and a ridiculous chunk of land in Nevada dedicated to it. So ridiculous, surely nobody can profit from and encourage its continued existence
@etiamemura3886 3 года назад
"actively reduce the rate of VIP attrition ... spotting signs they are at risk of lapsing, implementing strategies to retain them." i had to pause and stare at that for a second that's fucked six ways from sunday
@NotAnotherKuromi 3 года назад
It's like saying make sure a heroin user stays on just enough to get high but not so much they spend all their money in one go or overdose. Only your the heroin dealer & don't give a damn about the clients.
@RhianKristen 3 года назад
@@NotAnotherKuromi It’s not like that. It’s exactly that. So fucked.
@ThatGuyW3s 2 года назад
Thank you for talking about this topic. I lost my father to his gambling addiction (suicide over debts), so I'm always grateful to see someone engage with the gambling industry critically.
@gameplaygirl3268 3 года назад
Great video. I also hate that in the UK, gambling companies advertise during daytime TV, purposely targeting stay at home mum's and those unemployed or unable to work due to illness or disabilities- targeting those who are bored but also low income. Also commenting to boost the Al gore rhythm because the quality of your videos need to get into the recommended vids
@NotAnotherKuromi 3 года назад
The amount of bingo ads I used to see during the day was ridiculous. Also playing into the whole "community" you will make friends etc element reminded me of MLMs, it's scummy.
@bigollameo 2 года назад
Until recently - in the past two to three years - it's looked like one out of two or three Premier League and Championship League football teams were sponsored by gambling websites.
@dis_joint_ed5167 2 года назад
@@bigollameo it was more...11/20 so 55%
@-Eternal-Damnation- 2 года назад
man bear pig!?
@tahas8261 2 года назад
@@bigollameo it’s crazy whin you think that even giants such as Madrid and Milan were sponsored by bwin which is so dangerous considering the wide audience these clubs have
@cafe_rae 2 года назад
I lived in Vegas and worked in the casino for a few years, alongside the VIP hosts. Addicts are 100% encouraged in every way possible, I could write an essay on how much ugly shit goes on behind the scenes. The employees are extremely overworked and underappreciated. Those same hosts who have VIP members dropping $100K a night all have a second job or end up sleeping with their guests to get more off the record tips. Because of this a lot of employees are also gambling addicts. Gambling is NEVER fun, it is nothing but sad and disgusting, I'm so happy I'm out of that.
@Riviwriter 3 года назад
Thank you SO much for making this video-- I actually really needed it at the moment. I have been playing a gambling game on my phone and the charges are definitely adding up. Because of this video, I just withdrew all my funds, deleted the app, and hid it from my app suggestions.
3 года назад
@jenmdawg 3 года назад
And that’s how you get to live a better life. Bravo!
@shytendeakatamanoir9740 3 года назад
Congratulations! I am so glad you could leave before it's too late!
@sasamafrass 3 года назад
Congratulations, you got this 🥳🤩
@G-L-O-R-I-A 3 года назад
Well done!
@Mousy677 2 года назад
"Is [Chopin] dead now? ... L." As a classical musician I can confirm that this is exactly how we all actually talk.
@kwastimus 3 года назад
The UK is horrendous for it. I watch sports and it's all betting ads, they're the shirt sponsors of so many football clubs. I hate the fact that the stereotypical "poor" street has a pub, a corner shop and a betting shop on it all next to each other. All that needs to happen is that it's made illegal but no, we can't do that... because???
@sophie3382 3 года назад
it’s always so sad seeing a street with three betting shops and a pawn shop
@tomthomassony8607 3 года назад
@@sophie3382 and a Food Bank.
@Jeroensgambling 3 года назад
Tax revenue. It's the only reason why the intensity is so there.
@voltaireisamadlad7007 2 года назад
I agree, the fact that they're allowed to advertise on tv is absolutely insane.
@dayoldbaguettes 2 года назад
Sports is exactly the same in the states too unfortunately. Every other ad is for the state lottery, fanduel, or draftkings.
@jthom0027 Год назад
The fact that these twitch gamblers will make more in a year than I will make in my entire life while doing irreparable damage to people's lives is just about as American as something could possibly be.
@FuglyStick Год назад
Americans didn't invent gambling, or scamming. So sounds like you've got an obsession with Americans.
@jthom0027 Год назад
@@FuglyStick That's an...interesting take. Considering I am American and have lived in America since I was born I guess means I have an obsession with Americans. And even if I did, that wouldn't make my original post be wrong. You may want to learn how to argue a point. The first step is trying to have one to begin with.
@FuglyStick Год назад
@@jthom0027 lol, what kind of "point" is "scummy, predatory behavior? I bet it's the AMERICANS!!" You're a parrot, kid, coughing up "America Bad" memes even when there's no connection to "America," you're just repeating what you're told to, ad nauseum, like the good drone you are. God knows there are plenty of things to be critical of America over; why don't you start with a logical premise to make that case instead of "something bad, must be America."
@issecret1 Год назад
Let me tell you, being from a poorer country and seeing this shit, when your middle class salary is less than the minimum wage in the US, it's even worse
@thewhitefalcon8539 11 месяцев назад
Wait until you learn about CEOs.
@jskd2953 3 года назад
As if watching Jim Sterling's videos on micro transactions and loot boxes in video games wasn't blood boiling enough! This is a whole other level of greedy scumfuckery... Thank you Madam Munecat for another superbly researched exposé.
@priwncess 2 года назад
@anonymousbosch9265 2 года назад
My grandma and grandpa both moved to Vegas upon retirement and died rather quickly from severe health problems exacerbated by neglect that was rooted in gambling addiction
@ameliag8574 4 месяца назад
i’m really sorry, i hope you’re doing ok xx
@anonymousbosch9265 4 месяца назад
@@ameliag8574 thanks but they moved to Vegas when I was 5 and died when I was 22, so like 20 years ago
@jeltje50 3 года назад
Those dealers looking miserable is so incredibly sad and infuriating.
@nman551 2 года назад
I want to give them a hug and tell them they can stop. Fuck casinos fuck em to hell
@Praisethesunson 11 месяцев назад
That means they are just reflecting the customers.
@IXSICNESS 3 года назад
As someone who managed several bookies when I was younger there is no industry I despise more. Ignoring the working conditions, which are atrocious, it's just a disgustingly predatory industry with a business model of exploiting the desperation of the vulnerable. There is no worse feeling than having a grown man begging you in tears to give him his money back because he lost track and put his entire months wages in the roulette machine and now his family will go hungry this month and you cant do anything, except suggest the person with an addiction decides to fill in a self exclusion form and ban themselves. Edit Did the guy who was debating Hasan and ethan really argue that it's not so bad because only those already addicted and vulnerable are being exploited?
@xBINARYGODx Год назад
Yes, they are shitty human beings - and I really will never care if anything bad ever happens to them.
@Jartran72 Год назад
Yes.. yes he did..
@cr0nes611 Год назад
What do you mean you managed bookies
@IXSICNESS Год назад
@@cr0nes611 I managed a bookmakers shop, I was the store manager
@Greenberet. 3 года назад
some games are 100% rigged in favor of the streamer...(seems like in the middle of the game a dev will turn the jackpot rate to 100% for that streamers then back down again) As someone that was and still is in a dark place in life financially trying to help my mom, i almost fell for it watching the Pepega playing (XQC) i was like "oh damm he is winning so much, that game seems to be paying a lot, maybe i can turn my life around with a 100 bucks"... I was actually about to deposit my last 100 dollars on that site, then i stopped took a step back and thought "WTF i am doing, hes getting paid big time to promote that shit and no way i will be that lucky" Almost fell for it, the urge was really strong.
@Jeroensgambling 3 года назад
Streamers where caught with casino "demo" accounts, basicly it's like a test or dev enviroment with appearantly favoured gameplay. Truth is even i cant reach the level these streamers do; and like 8 out of 10 deposits are a straight loss for that. Dont fall for it.
@thewhitefalcon8539 11 месяцев назад
Game owners don't get rich by giving away free money.
@thesyrupdude 10 месяцев назад
@@thewhitefalcon8539 no, they get rich by having the streamers show thousands of people how they too can win big, and having those thousands of people dump their money into the site while winning nothing. its like giving a famous person free clothes for them to wear, the free clothes lose money, but the people seeing that person and buying the clothes makes way more than the free shirt
@vickysterling3342 9 месяцев назад
@@sarvar5796 that retort doesnt work if its actually personal testimony. i hope you one day grow a sense of empathy.
@juliettedemaso7588 2 года назад
Interesting that while I theoretically knew all of this about gambling, I did not realize how the current retail environment uses identical psychology to exploit consumerism. Birkin bags being the most extreme example, but even the promo bucks and “VIP” shopper crap, the game-ifyng apps, (ie: animated graphics of stars etc when you “earn” or “win” points) the saturation and inundation of tailor-made emails “courting” you based on what the data miners figured out you like.. 😡 thank you, your videos are so particularly effective. 🤙
@TearD6 3 года назад
The sad part is, it's not even limited to casinos anymore... The gaming industry has added their whale-hunting mobile games and AAA loot boxes to the mix. "It's not gambling, it's 'surprise mechanics'." YES. And that's the impulse behind the addiction. Just what do you think gambling IS, you idiots!? GAH. 😖
@NickolaiPetrovitch Год назад
Calling them idiots and condescending to people with addiction issues instead Of showing compassion isn’t going to o get them to listen . You arnrt better than anyone for not having an addiction. You’re also not a better person if someone isn’t as intelligent as you. That’s not the measure of a person.
@TheBonkleFox Год назад
​@@NickolaiPetrovitchthey're calling the people who add the mechanics in idiots.
@Dext3rM0rg4n 11 месяцев назад
I disagree, not that gacha and lootbox aren't immoral, but it's a much lesser evil than casino. The most dangerous part of a casino is the sunk cost falacy, that's what make people spend their entire life saving in months, but in a mobile game there's no way of winning your money back so that's less of a thing. Lootbox make you spend hundreds, casino make you spend everything you own.
@AdumbroDeus 10 месяцев назад
​@@Dext3rM0rg4nthey're using the same psychological tricks. In large part because the gaming and gambling industries are deeply tied.
@jayspeidell 8 месяцев назад
I'm hoping that shit gets banned before my daughter is old enough to play games.
@sealeo5772 Год назад
I came across one of these streams by accident when I was bored and browsing twitch categories. I came across the slot machine category with thousands of active viewers and thought huh, that's really weird. I clicked on one stream to see what was going on and it was just a guy who wasn't speaking clicking a button then letting the slots do their thing while the chat was *super* active and cheering for him. I don't know how to describe the feeling of massive discomfort, pity and anger it gave me.
@aja968 3 года назад
“Dude, where’s all your stuff?” Made me laugh; bit of lightness in a serious video. Very well researched, another great video! …but why is Liz staring into my soul??
@OpqHMg 3 года назад
LOL just noticed her 🤣
@snugglyduck6534 Год назад
I wanted to add too there is a great documentary that covers how the McDonalds Monopoly game that ran for years in the states was completely hijacked by a security guy who took all the winning pieces for the big prizes and sold them to a guy connected to a mob family who gave them to friends, family and acquaintances to claim and took the majority of the winnings. It went on for at least over a decade until the FBI got off their arses and finally followed up with an anonymous tip - it's like there was never a legitimate winner in the history of the game.
@nystria_ 3 года назад
My Dad watches youtube videos of people who go into casinos and play the slots. He's a (recovering, I hope) gambling addict so on one hand it seems like a harmless way for him to get a fix, but on the other it's still concerning af.
@Jeroensgambling 3 года назад
You know that streamers these days do give-aways... and frankly the give-away is signing up to the casino and giving away money ONTO the casino, which obvioulsy has to be played quite a few times before even a withdrawl can be done. Keep an eye on your father.
@Jartran72 Год назад
This is not harmless. He should not get a fix since that only leads to troubles down the road. He should really quit that world alltogehter. Sincerely, a gambling addict. I may have not touched gambling in a couple of years but once you are an addict, you are an addict for life since you can't touch whatever you are addicted of and not relapse. I am both an opiates addict and a gambling addict since they work very similary. I hope your father gets permanently away from this. I know that when I started looking on websites again just to see the current odds of X.. or watch some yter.. thats when a relapse was about to happen. Atleast I am a single guy who only destroys his own life.. I hope your father gets away.. truly..
@NickolaiPetrovitch Год назад
That’s not harmless. That’s temptation and it’s what will make him relapse. He needs to cut himself off completely from the culture.
@pewdiepiebro35 Год назад
Hope things are going well with him, i just thought i'd recommend you someone who's genuine and honest with their gambling, tells people its not the norm (not like train) when he does win, its bandit slots, probably my favourite as an ex-addict myself. Keeps my cravings away without feeling like "Ooh i could have that"
@jazerasor1455 Год назад
Bro that's like trying to stop watching porn but then you go to the irl section on twitch. Only going to make him itch, -sincerely someone who had 30,000 at 20 and is broke and living with his mom now.
@vylbird8014 3 года назад
Slogan: "When the fun stops, stop." Implication: "Gambling is fun."
@osamaobama293 3 года назад
Gambling is fun yes
@philippulliam 3 года назад
The going rate for a soul seems to keep getting more and more affordable for the morally and ethically bankrupt. No amount of generic, sterile looking penthouses and $10,000 couches should ever be enough. Sadly, for some with bad taste and judgment, one is apparently enough. Side note: I have honestly never held a conversation, as an adult, where I have advertised the cost of my lifestyle while describing it. I think most decent humans probably don't do that.
@maryellenparmenter9303 3 года назад
I mean I brag about how cheap I got my tiny apartment but otherwise, same
@deltasaves 3 года назад
@@maryellenparmenter9303 but who doesn't like a good deal?
@NotAnotherKuromi 3 года назад
I mean no one with class, heathy self-esteem or sensible priorities would brag about such shallow things. I've also noticed the people who tend to flock to such flex culture content tend to be quite ignorant about brands & what are actually high quality items. It's like they are impressed at a big number or big brand alone, rather than actually liking the desgin of said object. It's sad.
@tiajoseph7309 3 года назад
@@maryellenparmenter9303 I wish I could brag about that. Lol.
@snippets981 2 года назад
@@NotAnotherKuromi This. This is going through my mind almost ceaselessly, these days. Very VERY sad. (And baffling.)
@cyrus2395 2 года назад
I went to the casino for the first time a couple days ago with some friends. Spent 20 bucks, won an extra 20, it was a pretty alright night. But lately I've been finding myself wanting to go back, cuz some part of me is drawn by the temptation of doubling my money again, but with a *bigger* payout. It just pops into my head every now and then and lingers for a little while. I never internalized the idea that I could become addicted to gambling - I always assumed it was other people who did that, surely not me - but the reality of it is scarily close, and I think I'd rather cut my losses and quit while I'm ahead.
@alexn5743 Год назад
I worked for one. There's a reason we unironically tell our friends we hope they lose the first time so they don't fall into that
@swimmyswim417 3 года назад
Ngl I loved that house tour. If I was a ridiculously rich teen influencer, I don’t think I’d be able to resist clearing out the wine cellar to display my amiibo and Pokémon plush collection. I guess this is also a cautionary tale to not put pressure on teen influencers to be the main breadwinners.
@TheAstip Год назад
I always find gambling ads uncomfortable. It's ironic that at the start you mentioned Twitch was stopping affiliate links for gambling, since I was watching a stream before watching this and I got an ad for an online casino
@DeannaJacksonDJsDelectables 3 года назад
I'm a truck driver and I've seen at least one coworker lose his entire paycheck at a casino. Not surprised at casino streamers at all.
@tomthomassony8607 3 года назад
Such a shame about your co-worker. Gambling companies target the most vulnerable.
@FuckYourSelf99 3 года назад
I shared a house with a casino croupier. She took a ton of speed just to stay awake, was pale as death because she never saw the sun and was twitchy and irritable from sleep deprivation. I can't imagine a more miserable job.
@sudevsen 2 года назад
Was she also drinking blood and allergic to holy water?
@TheKingWhoWins Год назад
​@@sudevsenhonest I actually need to know the answer
@vez3834 4 месяца назад
​@@sudevsen This joke was sponsored by GamblingTotallyBad Inc.
@AkionYasamatsai 3 года назад
This video was super informative and interesting, thank you for making it. Also, as someone suffering thru stage 4 cancer, thank you for the ending skit/song, it's one of the rare times I've laughed as hard as I did (tears in eyes) since my diagnosis at the start of this year.
@ionia2376 2 года назад
Hope your treatment goes as well as possible!
@spectralspiders 4 месяца назад
Hope your treatment goes well and you come out of this alive and strong much love ❤
@ameliag8574 4 месяца назад
@keesalemon 3 года назад
You're like a female John Oliver. Spitting depressing facts with a healthy dose of humor.!! Loving the Lizzie cut out in the background
@ArtisticlyAlexis 3 года назад
OMG You're right! Watching the skit at the end reminded me of his skits, like his fake church bits. Can't wait for her to get _discovered._
@NotAnotherKuromi 3 года назад
She is a great example of good British humour!
@WanArk86 3 года назад
That's the person thats this whole video made me think of but could put my finger on who it was
@orlandbadillo3429 3 года назад
210 likes thats some delusional people😂john oliver is probably one of the best people at pushing fake agendas
@MintyDragonfly 3 года назад
But funnier and she does all the work herself :)
@Nodsbane Год назад
My mother had addiction issues that ended in her ODing and when she'd have a vacation or something, nobody could peel her away from slot machines. It's sad that those are totally legal and are made to extort addicts.
@Cathonis 3 года назад
Of all the things to appreciate about this video, uh, here's two of them: 1) "I'm pretty sure the wine is out of date" - Subtle joke 2) how side splittingly hilarious the postman pat skit at the end was. Thanks for the video!
@Bryzerse 6 месяцев назад
To be clear though, Curaçao is categorically not an independent country and still very much under Dutch control. They have no more autonomy the Wales or Scotland.
@lud3445 3 года назад
In my country bingos, and gambling places are illegal since the 90's. So I never got really the gambling sirens. Fun fact: some former casinos are STILL embroiled in legal hell, so they've been left empty ever since. So in some major avenues there's a giant abandoned empty building with gaudy statues... Oh. And if there is a way for the game to be rigded in favor of the company behind your back, you can bet there is.
@snippets981 2 года назад
Just out of curiosity, may I ask what country you live in? Your comment causes me to want to search all the countries that gambling is illegal in...
@lud3445 2 года назад
@@snippets981 I'm Brazilian. But gambling still happens. It's just not out in the open. There are even cruises that go just beyond international waters line so the gambling can be done "legally".(wish I could say before pandemic,buuut....prob not) And we can also gamble online (since the whole, it's not really gambling, but it is line is blurred as heck)
@snippets981 2 года назад
@@lud3445 Isn't it fascinating what people will do, to be able to gamble?? I've lived in Utah a lot and gambling is illegal here, too, but it's legal in Nevada... so there's this town right across the "border", only an hour an a half or two hours away from the main Utah city, and it literally pretty much only exists for all the Utahns who want to gamble. It's so funny to me (and sad) but so many people go to Wendover for "fun"...
@zadig08 Год назад
So ive been gambling on US football. Hearing you say "near miss hits like a win" is very very true and it is def the hook they caught me with. Im not a problem gambler yet, but ive got some introspection to do now. Ty.
@vegronica9006 3 года назад
I'd love to see a collaboration between you and Jim Sterling, who has covered the damage done by video games with gambling mechanics (like lootboxes) in them to those with gambling compulsions/addictions.
@bumblingbongo7969 2 года назад
JSS and mune cat collab YES
@LikaLaruku 2 года назад
Hell yes.
@FirestormMk3 Год назад
There is a lot of fuck capitalism those two could get up to together
@seekittycat Год назад
The JSS video with all the victim impact statements is what I think about whenever I see online gambling and gambling mechanics in video games.
@khosrow Год назад
No that would be too much entertainment and sassyness for me to handle.
@wildjamart 2 года назад
My granddad had a terrible gambling addiction and this really opened my eyes to how much easier it is to expose younger and younger people. It makes me so so angry and sad.
@sisuka6505 3 года назад
I love how you cover serious issues, but use comedy and music production to make the point in a hilarious way (kinda just commenting to boost the algorithm)
@carolinemarie4654 Год назад
In North Carolina we have had a huge spike in “fish tables” and other online sweepstakes gambling houses popping up everywhere. One of my friends got so hooked on it, I saw him walking into the place near my house and stopped to talk. He said he was down 8k and still going to gamble more 😢
@sleepycowboy18 3 года назад
The gambling meta was so wild, ppl are all malding with hot tub streamers while the gambling streams, that is way harmful than the hot tubbers, some ppl went out of their way defending it
@miguelcondadoolivar5149 10 месяцев назад
Hot tub streamers are really bad... But gambling streamers are even worse, so you are right about that.
@chrisball3778 3 года назад
Honestly, this is one of the best RU-vid videos I've ever seen, if not THE best. It's well-researched, informative, opinionated, musical, educational, shocking, illuminating, balanced, humane... probably plus a bunch of other positive adjectives I've missed... and fucking funny as hell. I am genuinely in awe of how good this little film is.
@k.poe.edwards_836 3 года назад
My partner and I work at casinos, the biggest thing they taught us is to notice the signs of gamboling addiction. I’m not speaking for all casinos(obviously, this is my first) but I’m in the restaurant side. We’re told to strongly encourage people that if they loose x amount of hands, it’s time to call it quits. Same with selling alcohol. I’m not trying to defend casinos, but some of us do actually care! Hope this helps
@questionablebackyardmeows 3 года назад
Yeah, I actually think that there's a difference between gambling in some contexts and in others, like there is between almost anything similar (drinking, drugs). These online casinos are *not* how to do it safely.
@k.poe.edwards_836 3 года назад
@@questionablebackyardmeows very true! No, online casinos are the worst. In my state we just care haha
@NotAnotherKuromi 3 года назад
That's good to hear, I hope there are other casinos which have a similar policy. I have a question, if you see the same person who shows up & drinks too much, or looses a lot, how are you supposed to handle that? Or is it just a one time thing policy?
@k.poe.edwards_836 3 года назад
@@NotAnotherKuromi we do a thing called a 52 where security will escort them out of the casino and get them an Uber home. We have a lot of policies to keep us protected as well as to make sure the guests are safe. We also are taught to be able to gauge how much one can drink. My usual cut off is 2-3 even if you look like you can handle more. I’m not trying to be responsible of over serving someone
@Jeroensgambling 3 года назад
Yes, your talking about a landbased casino. Online casino however is a fully isolated experience and games are designed in such way to tilt players even faster. What more can i say about it. The dose of your fix is just extremely high in Online play. Its just baffles me still that you could spend over 50 grand in one night and not one manager or employee reaching out to you, online. Nope.
@firebrand36 3 года назад
Seeing all this really gives me pause for the coming rise of sports betting here in the states. To the point where a major casino chain bought the naming rights to a major network of live sports channels. Mune, I’d love to see you take that on later down the road - especially through the lens of the history of sports betting in the UK.
@beanski.7250 3 года назад
Oh! So the re-naming of Fox Sports to Bally's isn't Bally's like the gym. Naming it after what I thought was a non-existent gym seemed weird to me, and I hadn't done much digging on it since I heard about it yesterday. But this makes sense... unfortunately. I hate all the betting commercials that pop up everywhere now -- it makes me very uncomfortable. And I especially dislike that they advertise that you "get money" for your first bet or whatever, when it's just credit to bet more.
@1993TheDuke 3 года назад
They just legalized sports betting here in Tennessee, and the advertising around it is everywhere, and I hate it.
@taranullius9221 3 года назад
It's getting worse in Australia too. Mark Wahlberg riding a rocket whoohooing (not kidding) into wealth and fun shilling for Ladbrokes on TV of an evening makes me sick. We by law have to have this tiny disclaimer at the end in hurried voice "Gamble Responsibly" and a help-line number in tiny fine print that you can't even read but what does that matter in the face of constant glamorisation? I think we have time codes too - you can't advertise during the day but the ads start far too early and are embedded into the sports now too so the kids are watching football of an evening and they're telling people to gamble to increase your odds right now!. Eck I really hate gambling. Some things American puritanism got right (you're not going to hear me say that often I tell you). Pity it's being relaxed for you too.
@taranullius9221 3 года назад
If we can completely ban advertising for smoking and advertising for prescription medication (that's something you guys in the US need to do), then we should completely ban gambling ads imho.
@firebrand36 3 года назад
@@taranullius9221 Rocket Wahlberg is now going to haunt my nightmares! Seriously, you hit it right on the head. It's not so much the advertising that bothers me so much as the placement. Sports are in the DNA of many, many childhoods. And, by association, advertising during sports becomes part of that DNA. And, yes, I was exposed to MANY beer and cigarette ads growing up, so I get both arguments for/against. But ... it just feels like gambling on sports is a different, more dangerous animal. Maybe I'm "won't somebody please think of the children"-ing a bit, but there's a fine line between advertising big wins during the day on a sports network and showing that same (arguably misleading) advertising during the event itself. And another thing entirely naming the damn network after a casino chain.
@purelysmetalnightcore 2 года назад
I was visiting my parents in Michigan and was so shocked to see the amount of lottery/gambling ads that would play. There would be two minimum at each commercial break. I've seen both sides of the political spectrum want to restrict gambling though it comes ACROSS as more protected by the GOP, yet Michigan is a very Democrat-heavy state. Also here in America many casinos are owned by indigenous people because their nations don't have to abide by all federal laws, on TOP of every state having different casino restrictions and gambling laws. It seems the situation here may be a lot more complicated compared to other countries.
@halkiierid4084 Год назад
The tribal casinos (which we have in my home region, too) give very little back to the communities that they're based out of. They take advantage of laws that are supposed to grant greater autonomy to Indigenous nations to take advantage of people financially, then hoard the money so that only a few benefit from it.
@xandermin 3 года назад
thank you for covering such an important topic. gambling addiction is so insidious, gambling is more accessible than ever, & many ppl have probably become more susceptible to developing gambling addictions bc we all want an escape from the absolute state of the world. i wonder how many of the big bosses from the gambling industry are now investing in video games? cos loot boxes in video games are literally just another form of gambling that very directly targets kids.
@patiotaiza 2 года назад
I think it's important for you to know how much your work is making the world a better place. You're incredibly smart and funny, and the amount of research you do for every video is astounding. I just found your channel two days ago and already admire you deeply. Keep it up 💕🌻
@agentshawnee 3 года назад
I don’t think people even know what virtue signaling is. Dudes who pretend to be feminist while using that reputation to take advantage of women is an example of virtue signaling. Not anyone who disagrees lol
@eKko0 Год назад
when you think youre the best human ever created and dont have any virtues it must look like signalling when someone below your awesomeness has them
@Mystiqux 2 года назад
Great video! I myself got roped in to this gambling phase and now find myself struggling to stay out of the casino. I have lost a lot, a lot of money. Money I cannot afford. It’s built up debt which I am currently repaying. Over the past few weeks I have been working on myself and sorting everything out including finances. Stay away from gambling! I see myself a strong willed person and have always been like that but even somethings are difficult to overcome and this is one of them!
@rnovember8 3 года назад
Thank you so much for this! I used to work in a store that sold scratch cards and lottery and I couldn’t believe how much people who were nearly homeless spent on those things. I felt awful having that job, yet it was still more ethical than those sites you talked about since we actually checked if people were minors or not. I really hope more streaming platforms will ban these gambling games, and more countries will make it illegal to advertise them. It IS immoral to profit off addicts in such a blatant way while actively making them more and more addicted every day.
@realityDUBSTEP 3 года назад
The only time I gamba is with twitch channel points and boy do I lose. If I used real money I'd be broke
@icp7201 2 года назад
Yeeeah. The twitch channel points gambling addition made me lose all possible gambling compulsion. I realised really fast I`d be broke as shit
@morbid1. 2 года назад
my country is very strict with gamba so I can't even do that with fake points.. I can participate but it's more like a vote, because you can't bet any points
@kylegonewild 2 года назад
Back when SaltyBets was still popular that's where the gambling on Twitch was. It was actually entertaining and exciting whether you won or not because M.U.G.E.N was a chaotic fighting game full of user-created computerized demigods. You could sub for a steady supply of points to bet or just play for free. Feels like ages ago.
@michalovesanime 3 года назад
My parents are from Curaçao , I'm afro Dutch so this hit in a way I didn't expect it to when I started watching this video.. It's just sad how underdeveloped the Dutch kept the island...this is the result of it... It's painful to see.. The island still has segregated area's...
@Jeroensgambling 3 года назад
We kept them underdeveloped? Get lost ....
@dr.archaeopteryx5512 2 года назад
@@Jeroensgambling Yes, actually. Do they not teach you kids how neocolonialism works in school anymore?
@thepassingstatic6268 Год назад
@dr.archaeopteryx5512 no of course not. That's something you learn after school. Very few school history courses cover the WHOLE story. I learned about Tuskegee and Black Wall St well after my school days
@ng.tr.s.p.1254 Год назад
@@Jeroensgambling gambler spotted
@AxelLeJeff 3 года назад
I worked at an "internet cafe" that was centered around putting these 'games' in front of people, and nobody got as animated about these numbers showing on screen. They often just kept tapping that spin button until it was gone again.
@laragallahue7127 3 года назад
I am so glad to see your covering this topic. Your research is amazing and your humor amazing
@jodyfieldhouse6420 2 года назад
I worked in the casino industry, face to face, and I would fall asleep standing at the tables on a regular basis, as did some of the other people I worked with. we earned minimum wage, promotions would include a pay rise at one of the casinos I worked in (2p an hour) and not at the other. I couldn't afford to drive because I was paid so little, so I would frequently finish at 3 or 4 in the morning and be left waiting until public transport started again (6 or 8 depending on the day). It was a hard job, customers blame you when they are losing and managers blame you when they aren't. I would do an 8-hour shift with "20 or 15-minute" breaks which typically would be a lot shorter because you are expected to work through the initial part of your break and be back in the pit before the next person's break is due to start. It was common for people to do whole shifts without any food beyond energy drinks and maybe junk food becuase you just had no time for food.
@okdude3957 2 года назад
Amazing video! I have always felt like I could never get into gambling, but Genshin Impact, a gacha type game where I went in knowing the tricks they use to part you from your money, has made me worry about how much I want to spend money on it. Please be careful people!
@nervousbreakdown711 3 года назад
I don’t think the employees are being trafficked (though definitely be on the lookout for ones that look very young and/or scared) but I imagine they’re being exploited by being heavily overworked, which is still bad.
@Jeroensgambling 3 года назад
Eastern-europe. Low wages.
@hamilcarluxemburg5266 3 года назад
I really love the observation that real estate hasn't adapted for modern internet celebrities. I've never thought about it and I don't watch their videos but it is painful watching them stand around in these places they clearly aren't comfortable in.
@YaHaHeeHooPondue 3 года назад
I'm in Melbourne, Australia and was getting pretty low today (we're back in a hard lockdown and a curfew has been implemented again recently), so seeing you'd uploaded a new video was a very, very welcome sight. Thank you! Oh and your hair looks divine 💛
@MiloShaw9190 2 месяца назад
Getting a gambling ad on this video is palpable irony
@JohnPreston888 Месяц назад
Just the one? I was "treated" to at least three. I wasn't sure whether to laugh.
@DaveGuyon 3 года назад
Such a great channel. Münecat’s presenting style reminds me of the equally brilliant hbomberguy.
3 года назад
hes a legend. thank you
@MrJimmydiedtoday 3 года назад
This is actually great journalism. Thank you for researching all this and teaching me something new.
@heathercalun4919 Год назад
I don't think it's that kids are "impressed" by money. I mean that too, but more they're desperate for it? Like we all are?
@vesuvianvomit 3 года назад
soupy sales, a children's comedian & entertainer's was completely cancelled, his whole career dead in the 70's (when cancel culture wasn't much of a thing). all because he joked on air "hey kids, go in to mommy & daddy's room & get some money & send it to me". Now this is most kids content on the internet 😂
@java4653 10 месяцев назад
When cancel culture wasn't a thing? The 70's were filled with prejudice, which is pre cancelling. Besides, there's no such thing as cancer culture. That's a RW propaganda term that you're controlled by. Anyone using it is "cancelling" a whole range of people and ideas. Performers lost popularity all the time in the past, with purges of entire genres happening quickly. You really live in a bizarre world with your post. What else do you get wrong? What other problems are you responsible for without realizing it?
@vickysterling3342 9 месяцев назад
@@java4653 i think they mean the show was cancelled, which is where the term originates, and brought up cancel culture's lack-of-entering-public-lexicon to pre-empt those who may reply bitching about it being responsible in earnest
@maryellenparmenter9303 3 года назад
Honestly how they treated that piano was the worst part. What a travesty
@OpqHMg 3 года назад
@iliakatster Год назад
Look man, i might be using heroin on stream, but I'm telling my viewers its a bad thing. Why am i being paid to inject heroin on stream by drug dealers? Probably because I'm such a good PSA against drug use and they want people to stop.
@Flowertot Год назад
@AnnaCN78456 3 года назад
One of the best videos Ive seen lately on youtube. What you did here is at the level of investigation journalism. Really well done! Congrats!
@SD-oi9gr 3 года назад
“250k is nothing” lmao. That’s a life changing amount of money for the vast majority of the population. Hell, 1% of that can change people’s lives for billions of people.
@triadwarfare 3 года назад
If you gave 250k to every person who thinks they need it, that'll contribute to shortages and inflation... even if that money came from billionaires. People like to hoard, may it be GPUs, real estate, and even food.
@Zoeila 2 года назад
i got shown this video yesterday its aged like a fine wine
@camillegb7493 3 года назад
A masterpiece! So well documented and interesting and funny and I love your songs. Also his apartment IS empty and your bangs ARE amazing (or do you say fringe in the UK ? We say "frange" in France !)
@NotAnotherKuromi 3 года назад
I agree his apartment is empty, it looks like a show home rather than where someone actually lives. Also we do say fringe, interesting you say the same in France, now I'm wondering what most countries call it...
@zzhoward 3 года назад
@@NotAnotherKuromi It's fringe in Australia as well.
@just-mees 8 месяцев назад
I love that the problem gambling slogan made by casinos is "hey, we know this is like, really fun☺️☺️☺️ but when you don't want to do it, then don't! 😲😲" like what the hell, that's so blatantly malicious
@mattymaple1976 3 года назад
How u got the Queen Mum to join you is simply mind boggling. And your neon münecat signs are amazing!
@auto117666 3 года назад
Came here after The Serfs covered your brilliant video on this. I instasubbed and am now going through your content. I am shocked at the quality of research and care taken on each subject. Great job and keep it up. Also, you have opened my eyes to new methods of pouring beer.
@Marie-um7ot 3 года назад
Fortunately I don't have a gambling addiction but I can definitely see how addictive it can be with the colors, sounds, lights, etc. My advice to first-time gamblers out there, have a set budget for yourself (I bring around $20 and play the cheapest slots) and stick to it. If you win, that's great and you have a little more money in your pocket; but if you lose, it's not going to be a huge hit financially.
@EliteSniperTV 2 года назад
Better plan? Watching grass.
@soundsgood9 2 года назад
You have described a bop it. Someone should go buy a bop it instead of gamble.
@Magnulus76 2 года назад
The problem is alot of people play with money they can't afford to lose, they steal it from their families or children.
@MiadasSchaf 2 года назад
I only gambled at a casino twice and the first time i lost my entire 20$ and felt like shit afterwards and the second time i played 5 minutes in total and left with 23$ and I never really wanted to go back 😅 it really wasn't easy to stop especially since my friends kept playing the whole time
@ingridc0ld 3 года назад
I finally looked at the screen at 18 mins in and was scared for a second because I wasn't expecting the queen to be there 😅
@OpqHMg 3 года назад
She's returned resentful following the last two videos, hungry for revenge
@redlightmax 2 года назад
Hey, it could've been worse - imagine finally looking at the screen and seeing 34:02 the queen wearing a shirt saying "gaslight me, daddy"
@KlaximumSkroeft 3 года назад
fuck me this is quality content, such an underrated channel. And from a beer drinker as well, it warms me Belgian heart.
@mrcat5179 2 года назад
such a well done video! The algorithm threw your channel at me for some reason, I've been enjoying your content very much. This is probably my favorite of yours I've seen so far. Really excellent presentation.
@JakeHambyZ80 3 года назад
Great video on a maddening topic. I’m glad you mentioned slot machines programmed to show near-wins more often and wins less often than you’d expect if each position were equally likely to land on. I learned from the book Addiction by Design that this “virtual reel mapping” has been used for decades even with slots with physical reels. The pseudo-random number generator is “fair”, but then gets mapped onto the reel positions unequally, so the house can set the odds to whatever they like. That enabled casinos to set up progressive slots with bigger jackpots that seem far easier to hit than reality, because you’re led to believe, wrongly, that the reel positions are all equally likely to land on.
@Jeroensgambling 3 года назад
Duh. Or a "small" win to "keep you going" which basicly is just a loss from your last spin. It's all about building the better mouse trap. The better the higher the revenue.
@SerasChan 3 года назад
I used to work surveillance for a casino. It wasn't a large casino by any means, but it was crazy how many regulars would show up on a mostly daily basis. Gaming addiction is a serious addiction and can take over a life quickly. I will occasionally play blackjack on the very rare occasion I'm at a casino, but I'll only buy in for a set amount and thanks to my time working for a casino I can somewhat count cards 😅
@idontknowher8698 3 года назад
i don't get why youtube's algorithm doesn't want to pick up your videos to mainstream audience. they're lengthy, they're entertaining and also they're very informative and well researched(which i can't say about some of these long viral videos). man the way social media and all of these platforms work is frustrating.
@nman551 Год назад
@theunemployedyouth9311 Год назад
My late grandpa took out a second mortgage on his house and lost everything. Tens of thousands of dollars just gone. My entire family had to come and bail him out and my grandma almost divorced him over it. Ever since then they struggled for money, their house fell into disrepair and grandma became very ill and died a few years later. My grandpa took it very hard and couldn't cope. He lived on social security and assisted living and barely scraped by. My mom died last year and he just lost all hope and stopped caring about life. He found out he had cancer and died a few months later after my mom. He never tried to fight it, he just accepted his fate and stopped caring about living. He was in his 80's.
@Stiffybeaver 3 года назад
I used to be a security guard for a large casino and hotel. I actually got to a point where I was pretty used to hearing about people who committed suicide.
@hdhdu7634 3 года назад
Education or entertainment? With Munecat, why not have both😎💚
@hazzajamesb Год назад
My uni flatmate was addicted to gambling would be in the casino every night but couldn't have a conversation with him as he would always claim he made money even when it was clear he lost
@elainelouve 3 года назад
You're so incredibly talented!
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