
The Only Cure for Resentment 

Dr. Mark Baker
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Resentment will Kill you. Lots of research shows it causes ulcers and physical problems. There is only one cure for resentment: Forgiveness. Resentment is not Righteous Indignation, which is moral outrage at injustice. Resentment comes from feeling demeaned and believing your worth has been lessened. So the real problem with resentment is doubts in your own mind about your worth, not the other person out there. Resentment is a problem you have with yourself.



8 сен 2024




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@jamescompany-xf6vi 2 месяца назад
Interesting video, My relationship of 5 years ended a month ago. The love of my life decided to leave me, I really love her so much I can’t stop thinking about her, I’ve tried my very best to get her back in my life, but to no avail, I’m frustrated, I don’t see my life with anyone else. I’ve done my best to get rid of the thoughts of her, but I can’t, I don’t know why I’m saying this here, I really miss her and just can’t stop thinking about her.
@coleman-zx9ne 2 месяца назад
its difficult to let go of someone you love, i was in a similar situation, my relationship of 12 years ended, but i couldnt just let her go i did all i could to get her back, i had to seek the help of a spiritual counselor who helped me bring her back
@DrMarkBaker 2 месяца назад
Sorry to hear that. Grief feels bad, but it is actually good in the long run.
@Kimberly-pi8my 2 месяца назад
Ok. Grow a spine and understand your self worth. Don't listen to that first comment, because, wow! The second comment is basically saying the same as me. Grow up and get a backbone. Please don't even think about dating or relationships until you love yourself.
@Introversion399 2 месяца назад
​@@Kimberly-pi8my You're awful. Someone is emotionally hurt and the best you can do is to kick them while they're down? You're pathetic.
@janakubin2547 Месяц назад
@@Kimberly-pi8my everyone loves him self, if you don’t you’ll not care,
@scotttoner9231 3 месяца назад
A quote I’ve seen a number of times really resonates with me: “Holding on to resentment is like taking poison and waiting for the other person to die.” Pretty great summary
@pkc3168 3 месяца назад
Top comment
@DOGOID 3 месяца назад
Malachy McCourt
@ayush8705 3 месяца назад
It's a quote by Buddha
@grennbalze 3 месяца назад
Love that quote
@DrMarkBaker 2 месяца назад
Best quote
@jaydubyo 3 месяца назад
"I will not allow any man to narrow and degrade my soul by making me hate him." Booker T. Washington-
@spockboy 2 месяца назад
I thought the actual quote was; “I let no man drag me down so low as to make me hate him.” - Booker T. Washington
@clairelaskey5592 3 месяца назад
I don’t hate my abusive mom who abused me since I was 5 yrs old. She told me wished I was never born. Called me a Jesus freak when I found Jesus. Got my siblings to gang up on me like a wolf pack and so much more. Hurt people do hurt others but extremely healthy boundaries help you heal. I forgive her. I love her . I don’t trust her and see her not too much. She has a toxic , unhealed personality. You’re right carrying it is too heavy. I’ve given it to God.
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
Thank you for your courage and your honesty. You are right to set firm boundaries between you and abusive people. What they did to you was wrong. But you forgiving them and moving on is right. I believe others can learn from your example of how to be a survivor, not a victim, of abuse. Some who were abused cling to their resentment, I thank God that you have found freedom from yours. with Jesus as your friend, you will never have to deal with suffering alone again.
@Sipndoodledoodlers1 3 месяца назад
I needed to read this. Thank you.
@louisveracitymedia9881 3 месяца назад
This is horrible & traumatizing😮! Thank God for healing you & saving you through all that.
@AmadeuShinChan 3 месяца назад
We all have a lot to process. You may wanna bring up one word when dealing with her and that is “narcissist” as well as “gaslighting”, if you haven’t yet. Okay that’s two words, but by telling her, you may make her think. And that way make her reflect. Because even though, for you, the status quo may be bearable (but far from ideal), she may suffer from knowing, that she’s projecting on you her anger that she may have on someone else and justified so… just her projecting is the problem (perhaps). She may have hated your father or even herself or someone else and as i said, projject it on you. At least hat’s my experience. I did the projecting and found the source. It’s Satan himself. And that’s scary. And a spiritual battle. All the best to you. May your wounds heal.
@womanofvalor7 3 месяца назад
Love your testimony!!!
@joesphbegley3088 3 месяца назад
Hating people who have hurt you allows them to continue hurting you !
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
Yes! This is what I am trying to get people to understand.
@NuLiForm 3 месяца назад
Yes....& hate is a cancer that will eat you up from the inside out...
@TheArchanan5458 3 месяца назад
I can't stop hating him for what he did to me. How can I truly forgive an SOB?
@rogerthornhill1491 3 месяца назад
Ridiculous, as long as you’ve got it under control. Hate can be as useful as love. divided you have it under control and it doesn’t possess you.
@42smash36 3 месяца назад
@@TheArchanan5458 you don't, if you're a women you should discuss a false sexual harassment lawsuit with your lawyer, you'll shame his name and drag his public reputation through the mud, take everything, his home and dignity, sadist is the only forgiveness
@MariaLuckyxo 3 месяца назад
I cured my decades long issue with resentment by addressing it's core. Being a people pleasing, over giving codependent left me giving my all to takers. Once I learned boundaries, to say NO with no shame or guilt and learned how not to get manipulated by others to say yes when I felt no but they wanted yes. I no longer struggle with resentment, anger or forced forgiveness. Healing & growing is beautiful.💖💜💝
@kathyingram3061 3 месяца назад
~Yes!!!~This is far better than 'forced forgiveness'!!!~
@skindippedingold 3 месяца назад
@juliethomas3523 3 месяца назад
Yes, finding the difference between nice and kind. Nice comes from a place of insecurity, has no boundaries and self abandons and pleases to be accepted or liked and very often gets taken advantage of. Kind comes from a place of honest self worth so can set healthy boundaries and loves self, does not abandon self in the process of helping others. Does things for others from a place of security instead of insecurity. But has no problem and no shame saying no if a task is more than presently able to give. The manner in which we say no is all the difference, as I've recovered from people pleasing I have to learn where the happy medium is. I keep aware that because this boundary stuff is so foreign to me, that it is probable that I will swing too far to the other side of the spectrum into belligerence and contention. As I become more aware of my own needs and fulfill them, I am not resentful, and I know that because there's no desire for retaliation. I can give out of the healthy place in my heart that Jesus is wanting us to give from. We need to stretch ourselves at times, but whether that stretching brings us closer to Him or not is what makes it worthwhile.
@andyf932 3 месяца назад
This is a great comment. So once you learned boundaries, did you ever need to forgive any of those people?
@MariaLuckyxo 3 месяца назад
@@andyf932 My framework around forgiveness is it's not necessary for healing. Forcing myself to forgive caused me so much pain & problems. I can heal without it but *for a relationship to move forward after it's been fractured I need an apology and amends,* which I never received from the various people in my life. I was expected to 'eat it, be quiet & move on'. I realize repair is a major part of healthy, happy relationships. So I set boundaries, gave people the opportunity & space to make amends and since it didn't happen, I moved on. I forgave myself for giving so many chances & being naive but I will never have another close relationship where I'm expected to move on as if nothing happened. I can't make anyone apologize, care or feel bad and they can't make me stay when conflict never gets resolved. Hope that helps.💜
@eclecticd9953 3 месяца назад
I grew up being everyone’s punching bag in my family, and tried to forgive and forget but I couldn’t. I highly recommend reading the book, “ the body keeps the score”. It taught me to channel my grief, and pain into productive hobbies such as yoga and volunteer work. I carried resentment for a long time, my anger transformed into anxiety, into panic attacks, leading into low self esteem until one day I errupted and I realized I needed anger management. I wish you love and healing wherever you are in your journey.
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
Yes, Vanderkolk’s book on PTSD is wonderful. He has spent his life dedicated to relieving trauma survivors of their suffering. It takes hard work, but you can find freedom from your resentment. It sounds like you have found your way out of yours.
@RaymondBastien-li6co 3 месяца назад
Power back in prayer. Tell-A-Vision. The keys. When the Bible was being edited by the Pharisee and Sanhedrin, (who later took the titles Pope and the council of Cardinals) They deliberately broke the Lord's prayer when they instituted the translation in the Latin. They did, infact, turn our Father Creator into a fetch-/-vending machine. Thereby, leaving every part of it up to him. Hallow your own name, do your own will, restore your kingdom yourself. (Think about it.) What of this includes you? None of it includes you. Other than you being a sit on the couch recipient of his deeds, of course. Originally, Jesus had said it in the Greek. And here it is. Our Father who art in heaven. Thy name must be being Hallowed. (That means, you Hallow it.) They Will must be being done on earth as it is in heaven. (Guess who's on earth? You are. It's up to you to do his Will here.) Thy kingdom must be being restored. (Yeah, that's you again. And for the individual, it doesn't mean unto the whole world, it is generational. Lovingly, slowly, repetitively, patiently tell your children. Ten years, that's how long it takes to put it in their hearts. Remember, do not turn it into a weapon. Your neck, the mill stone and the sea.) Give us today, our tomorrow's bread. (The wisdom of Jesus, as though we stood beside him in the present tense.) Forgive us our failings as we forgive those who have hurt us. (Now, what I am writing here will make a lot more sense once you have read, keys to the Kingdom. If you have truly reconciled them unto your heart and forgiven them to the full measure, is this not the first time that this has come out of your mouth in all it's intended honesty? I'm betting it is.) Lead us away from evil, delivering us from its temptation as these are not that which you intended. (This may differ as I could not find the translation for accuracy.) Bottom line here is that you are a required part of the power pack. He goes before us and prepares the way. Is Simply this. You want or need a better position and pay. So, you pray unto the Father and he, because the Father is a mind, he is mentality, (the kybalion will explain this perfectly.) He reaches forth in thought, whispering to the hearts and minds of those who will assist you, to give you that which you have asked for. (In belief. Ask, believe and receive.)This requires you to do your part, go to work. Recognize that the Father wants a personal relationship with you, and he desires that you want one with him. That means, you have your part in this. Do your part. Now, remembering that our Father is a mind, he, when communicating with the prophets did this in visions. So, when you pray to the Father remember, the words are for you to build a vision with. In essence, Tell-A-Vision to the Father. Let him see it in your mind. Be clear, get precise, aim for accuracy. Now, in order for prayer to work, the the Father said, if you have anything against your brother go make peace, really. And you know as well as anyone, in this day and anger age, it's often unwise to do so, in person, that is. Follow the instructions below. The Keys to the Kingdom When one understands reconciliation to its fullest meaning, one understands forgiveness. Without reconciliation, forgiveness cannot stand. Reconciliation kills, on impact, all negative emotion. All of it, from your first breath, unto your last. The only emotion that reconciliation cannot defend itself against, is that of love. Love is energy, your soul is energy. So, if the adage, you are what you eat, is true, then the only thing feeding your soul is love and your soul will mature properly and become love in of itself, as we have been commanded, to become like our Father. Who, in of himself, is love. Vengeance is mine, said the Lord, because when you give him vengeance, he turns it into correction and saves his other child, if they will let him. Imagine how you are going to feel towards your enemy in heaven. If you can really imagine the truest form of that feeling, congratulations, those feelings have just transcended time and space. In essence, you asked, asked to see, that's prayer, you believed what you saw, you received it, you felt it. Again, congratulations, you just asked, believed and received. The Father creator loved us, reconciled us unto himself and forgave us. The steps matter. Unless reconciliation is first, forgiveness falls flat on it's face and dies. Forsake the parade. Go unto the Father yourself and take the walk of life with your hand in his. And consider this, with our Father, I truly believe it's, come as you are and I will change you as I need you. Start your commitment to him with these words if they suit you. Finish the statements. Here I am. I am willing. What is the truth? And you had better be sincere or it's going to fail. (Anger. Let us deal with this for a moment. If you are angry about something that happened three weeks ago, it's because, you have a muscle in your stomach, you know the one, that is a chemical junkie. This muscle was present when that particular memory was created and stored. And it calls out that chemical signature, and forces you to re-live that moment, so it can feed, you have not been angry in a long time, you been duped. And now that you know, what are you going to do, fake angry? As soon as you begin to feel angry about anything from the past, stop it. Just take a look around you, and know nothing happened to you today, unless it actually did. And if it did, that's the only thing you can be truly angry about.) (Do not invite the back stabber to your table, here. What they did matters, they, given the opportunity, will do it again. You have a date in heaven, see them there. Old people bring old habits.) (Live in reconciliation. Do not leave that state of being.) (Live in believe, of ask, believe and receive. This would have been better stated as, ask believe and be given. Recieving means to be given, therefore, it's not up to you to move beyond, believe. That's the Father's right and it also allows for recognition of his works and compassion. Also, Throw away the timer.) (Regarding Faith. Faith is simply loyalty. Loyalty to the fact that you asked, loyalty to the fact that you believed. Stay loyal, stay faithful. Or one might choose to see Faith from the vantage point of, staying true.) (As for the judgement room that we have all heard of, well, it may surprise you to learn that that room is in your head, and it's running constantly. We all have a piece of the Christ Consciousness in our minds. All of us. This is how silent prayer is heard. And anytime you do anything good or bad, your heart has an intention and emotional reaction. That intention and emotional reaction is what's being judged. And your judgement is handed down second to last breath. Because up until then you can change your mind about your intention to our Father. You can come to understand this better if you read the letters on the internet from nurses who have been presant for the death of those patients they have been charged to take care of. Worst death bed passings, you'll find them. And you will find good one's as well. This is why your sincerity in your commitment to the Father and to honesty with him are so very important.) (Do not end your prayers with, Amen. To you, this has always meant the prayer has ended. And in that, your right. It's over. End your prayers with, So Be It. This way the energy moves into the future. And it's the translation of, Amen, but in words that, as you understand, have a whole different meaning.) (Do not judge lest you be judged with the same measure. Meaning, when we judge we will be put in the same situation, doing the same thing that we were judging others for. Break all judgements through sincere intention. After all, people and situations change. So, let it be to you as this, "They are still alive." No further, for the Father has got this.) (Anxiety/Stagnation is common place with our Father. He gives us time for what he is teaching us to take it's place in our lives and become a living part of who we are before adding more of his wisdom to our mindset. If it were not so with man, what we learned would become buried under the new knowledge and become worthless.)
@lisasunshine773 3 месяца назад
This is an excellent book
@leetleshinigami6099 3 месяца назад
I understand the point you're getting at, but I think something to emphasize is that acknowledging one's own feelings (or righteous indignation, as you put it) BEFORE doing any kind of forgiving is important. To rush straight to forgiveness, especially when under pressure from others, is often done only to protect the abuser. Pain, even if it is from the past, must be felt before it is thrown away.
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
Absolutely. Forgiveness is for wrongdoing. There is no forgiveness unless you acknowledge the wrongdoing first. Without that it is just denial and excusing bad behavior.
@sharondoan1447 3 месяца назад
The Bible tells us to honor our parents.This Commandment is too often misused. Honoring a parent does not require tolerance of abusive actions by a mother or a father. The Commandment does not mean an adult offspring is to obey their parents like they are required to do as a dependent child in its formative years. When one becomes an adult, one puts away childish behavior and becomes independent. As an adult we are to recognize abusive traits in parents and find loving ways to set boundaries. Sometimes that involves limited contact.
@leetleshinigami6099 3 месяца назад
@@DrMarkBaker Exactly 💯
@Kayprofessor 2 месяца назад
Oh my gosh!! Yes!!!
@jlea9793 2 месяца назад
​@@sharondoan1447 You are so right! I was terribly abused by my narcissistic dad at a very early age. My narcissistic mom literally saw this and walked away, abandoning me to this abuse. When I was older she stayed away from home as much as she could. To "be fair", there is a long history of incest in both sides of my family, and unfortunately sins are passed down to the third or fourth generation. I understand, obviously, how such abuse and abandonment can crush a soul. I never married or had children. My brother and two cousins had no children either. My other three cousins have children. I'm not sure how the adult children are doing. Anyway, "Honor your father and mother" is a sore point for me. I've had lots of therapy and healing. The anger, guilt and shame are still with me, though lessened. My Christian therapist told me about a friend's healing. She was told to take responsibility for her "part". The woman flipped off her therapist. The following week she returned. The therapist basically wanted her to think and fight for herself - by taking responsibility for her ADULT self let go of the victim mentality, which nobody can do for her. That's where I'm at now. I've carried resentment most of my 60 years of life. Not just for family, but all the bullies as well. It's time to let go of the evil past. I want to take responsibility, trust the Lord with all my heart, and find true healing in Jesus Christ. I WILL be set free in Jesus' name!!!!! 🙏🏽😊❤️ Blessings!!!
@smokingcrab2290 3 месяца назад
Hatred is too emotionally expensive. It's a burden I don't need to put on myself.
@kellye.274 3 месяца назад
I used to be a people pleaser not knowing it or then”why” of it. Now I understand it’s because I was looking for external validation due to childhood abuse, rejection and abandonment. The people I surrounded myself were disrespectful to me and all was well as long as I was the peacemaker. They were never wrong about anything. I finally started seeing the light a couple of years ago, and began disconnecting myself from these fake friends. The last one was when I turned 60, and someone called me to wish me a happy birthday. We spoke on the phone for less then 2 minutes and then she “had to go.” She sent me an e-card, we have been “friends” for 17 years. I go out of my way for her. To be fair she is 87, however when she WANTS to do something important enough, she gets it done. I’ve always been devalued and disrespected by her and some of her family. When I stand up for myself, I’m made to look like the bad guy. She waited 3 and a half days to call me; we generally talk everyday. I’ve decided to disconnect from her. I love who I am, I’m a nice person and deserve to be valued and loved for me and not for what I do for others. I don’t want to be resentful, however, I’ve been shamed in the past into staying in relationships with others who don’t truly love me they just want me around for when they need something from me.
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
You are right to rid yourself of people who don't respect you. Excusing bad behavior is not forgiveness, it is a form of denial that keeps you stuck. You deserve to be valued for the good person you are. Surround yourself with people who value you.
@account_null 3 месяца назад
This sounds very much like she has dementia, which is characterised by very strong selfishness and overall degraded empathy. Not your fault at all.
@sharondoan1447 3 месяца назад
Staying away from toxic people is not only a kindness to yourself, it is kindness to them . I sense that you have a hope that she will change her hateful attitude towards you . Who wouldn’t? The reality is she may mellow toward you a little bit, but will never admit or apologize for how she has treated you. Denial will always be her justification. This will always be painful and bring back memories of all the times she knowingly, intentionally hurt you. Staying away from a flame that can burn you is a good thing.
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
Good advice.
@grietapike 3 месяца назад
No, this is not turning the other cheek
@sharondoan1447 3 месяца назад
@@grietapike Are you suggesting that one is required to accept ongoing abuse? Reread and study the part of the Bible where Jesus was discussing the brutality of the Roman soldiers towards Jews. Remember that Rome ruled Israel. They allowed the Jews freedom to practice their way of life and worship within certain limits. Romans did not love Jews, saw them as weird and barely tolerable, but as long as they kept mainly to themselves ignored them. The Jews were mistreated by being commandeered to carry a soldiers heavy pack or provide food and water on demand. Hesitation to comply resulted in a slap across the face, or a full on beating. The crowd on that morning complained about the Romans. You can read Jesus’ reply. “Go another mile, turn the other cheek.” In other words do not resist thereby bringing worse treatment on yourselves. Study Matthew 5 carefully and understand the times in which the people were living coupled with the Holy promises that are given. Misapplying the scripture can bring suffering to others. Jesus did Not say, “ tolerate abuse from another individual all your life and never protect yourself.”
@bartholetbay412 3 месяца назад
Interesting video content, My relationship of 5 years ended a month ago. The love of my life decided to leave me, I really love her so much I can’t stop thinking about her, I’ve tried my very best to get her back in my life, but to no avail, I’m frustrated, I don’t see my life with anyone else. I’ve done my best to get rid of the thoughts of her, but I can’t, I don’t know why I’m saying this here, I really miss her and just can’t stop thinking about her.
@sparked3113 3 месяца назад
Look after Yourself. It's tough at first but it does get better.
@cohay6248 3 месяца назад
It takes half the amount of time that your relationship was to get over it after it has ended. Wishing you peace.
@Autonova 3 месяца назад
At the end of the day you’ve got to view this act as an act of contempt, and people who show you contempt aren’t worthy of your time. You’ll find someone else. End of story
@bouncin2207 3 месяца назад
Dude, it's been only one month. You sound like you've been mourning her for years.
@GSKYYT 3 месяца назад
Every day gets easier, that woman was there to teach you lessons so that you can be a good husband in the future. Find your wife man
@sylhomeo6351 3 месяца назад
My husband gaslighted me for over 30 years. Never acknowledged me and made me feel ‘less than’. I held on to resentment for a long time and it nearly destroyed me. It took a huge toll on my health. Resentment is what keeps you from letting him abuse you further and forgiveness feels like defeat. If you want to be able to forgive, than you must distance yourself from the abuser.
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
Yes, some people are not good for you and do not deserve to be in your life. We all hang onto resentment as a way of protecting ourselves from our abuser. But as you so accurately stated it will eat you up from the inside. Get away from abusive people, then free yourself from the ongoing prison of resentment by forgiving them and moving on. You are a good example of how this can be done.
@Sheepcakezzz 3 месяца назад
I agree but what is the solution​@@solarydays
@rays7437 3 месяца назад
​@@solarydays Forgiveness isn't about making yourself a doormat
@believewithyourheart5627 2 месяца назад
Sounds like very good advice! I’ll take it 🙏
@erniea4424 3 месяца назад
Probably the BEST explanation of resentment I have heard - outside of my sponsor!! 35 years sober tomorrow! (Assuming I can get through the rest of today without a drink)
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
One day at a time. Thanks for your comments.
@KDBee-ri5hi 3 месяца назад
Wow, way to go! 🎉
@marco-vn8si 3 месяца назад
Nice one! Congrats!
@billyd5317 3 месяца назад
I stopped drinking once, worst day of my life! But congrats, happy for you!
@terilong6889 3 месяца назад
Congratulations 🎈🍾🎉
@user-kl3hi5ov1c 3 месяца назад
A problem with myself in that I did not respond immediately to the disrespect or unfair treatment.
@sparked3113 3 месяца назад
You have good self control, well done.
@user-kl3hi5ov1c 3 месяца назад
@@sparked3113 good way to look at it. I appreciate it.Thanks.
@normang3668 3 месяца назад
@sparked3113 It's not self control, it's timidity. It's being a people​ pleaser. You're supposed to call people out when they've hurt you.
@sparked3113 3 месяца назад
@@normang3668 not everyone (very few in fact) is built to instantly respond to an injustice and call out-the bully or wrong doer. There are alternatives......pick a better time and place......learn to let some things go......develop your awareness/intuition to avoid 'situations'......stop caring......upskill with knowledge on how to handle certain people. Just don't hold onto it, you already know this. Having said all that, I strongly believe that punishment is a critical part of justice. Good luck, watching these videos is a good step.
@user-kl3hi5ov1c 3 месяца назад
@@normang3668 In my case no. It's more complete and utter surprise and not having the words to respond.
@Tackitt 3 месяца назад
Resentment can be about more than just a person.
@blu3j00Ls 3 месяца назад
I liked and agreed to everything except when it was said "the problem is yourself." Nope. Not all the time. It is situational.
@hansludwig4732 3 месяца назад
One day you find that ALL is you and you are the player and the audience. Enjoy the show
@estherann7407 3 месяца назад
"the problem is yourself" is in reference to addressing the shame or the doubts in one's own mind about their self worth which caused resentment to show up in the first place. A person's self worth has been lessened so, if we could look inside ourselves and acknowledge the ding in our self worth, then we could better understand why resentment took hold of us.
@nickochioneantony9288 3 месяца назад
I agree.. The external factor influence how you respond. It just is. It really takes great wisdom to show how you want to respond in a positive manner, it's like bending your character and ego over and over... In the end, you decide whether the problem is worth your while or not, because you know... you either wake up tomorrow or don't, situation may or may not change... but what permanently changed is only you.
@whitepouch0904 3 месяца назад
@@estherann7407 that is hard to process like that when you’re abused as child. my narcissist father would tell us that we’re not smart we just studied and a true smart person doesn’t need to study and I believed that for a long time so I didn’t put much effort in my studies because what’s the point
@LlopmondDunderbridge-nn2xt 3 месяца назад
@@hansludwig4732 so true. Like when you see old people being mugged or assaulted in the news... its THEIR fault. They should just accept it!
@TheDuckHasArrived 3 месяца назад
Other people do not possess enough value in my eyes for me to feel resentment towards them. They've stripped themselves of that "value" treating me terribly throughout my childhood and young adulthood. It took me years to build my self-Worth based on what's inside of me and not what's outside. Today bad treatment of me by others lessens themselves and not me, in my eyes.
@rubychurch3466 3 месяца назад
Oh that is excellent The Duck Has Arrived. I’m going to screenshot this and work hard on this for me.
@anye76 3 месяца назад
My parents were toxic and abusive. I could fill volumes of the horrors I experienced. The 1 significant thing my mother said shaped the entire trajectory of my life. She crushed me at 10 or 11 years old. She told me that I was just like my no good father and God was going to destroy me and make sure she never remembered that I was born. What a vicious thing to say to a child. My parents are both now deceased and I don't miss them. Mom died 8 months after dad, and I was the only one there to care for mom. She never left the hospital. The child she wanted God to destroy was the only there. Until recently it finally clicked that letting go of the pain and anguish will heal me. God saw it, hear it and didn't like it. He will in his due time right the wrong. He will avenge me & I need not fight back. I can now let it all go and finally be free. 💕
@coceanyes 3 месяца назад
God bless you I know what you are talking about.
@jeanetteh.9240 3 месяца назад
My heart aches for you, even though we've never met. No child should have to endure such pain. The fact that you were there for your mother during her final months tells me that she was wrong. If your father was, in fact, "no good," then you are nothing like him. I send you a sincere, virtual hug. 🤗
@Confessions089 Месяц назад
I'm so proud of myself for never seeking revenge on people who have wronged me.
@krillansavillan 3 месяца назад
Perfect and to the point. It's something I knew intrinsically, and I made great progress when I started forgiving. Fantasizing violence is like scratching a mosquito bite. It temporarily alleviates, but causes the itch to be more powerful next time. Forgiveness is the true way out!
@pollyon 3 месяца назад
im at the mosquito itch part :(
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
Hang in there you can do this
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
You’re absolutely right.
@user-xu8ki2kn5x 3 месяца назад
From personal experience...RESENTMENT does kill. Married for 43 years ... Had an affair in the first 3 years of that marriage. It literally killed my wife's and I relationship. I also believe it lead to her severe physical problems...she died of cancer. You may ask how I could come to this conclusion...Five days before her death, while still lucid, she said to me, "I have never forgiven you."...my dear wife neither smoked, drank or used drugs...ate healthy and took care of herself, physically...when the spirit is sick, so will the body be...when the spirit dies, so will the flesh. Indeed, resentment can kill...God bless everybody.
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
I am sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your painful story. I hope others learn from it how destructive affairs are and how necessary forgiveness is.
@AmadeuShinChan 3 месяца назад
Why didn’t you divorce her early? May God forgive you.
@user-xu8ki2kn5x 3 месяца назад
Tried...offered to go through a dispensation. She wouldn't have it.
@AmadeuShinChan 3 месяца назад
@@user-xu8ki2kn5x i see, relationship issues are never easy.
@Paulo-1999 3 месяца назад
Affairs are destructive. Correct. It's good to hear the person that caused great pain to innocent people recognize that their actions were the source of that pain. The role of these people is helping the ones you hurt. That's the very least. If you want the person you severilly harmed to let the resentment go, HELP THEM, HELP THEM, HELP THEM any way you can. Show affection, show that you can be trustworth. Don't EVER ask for forgiveness: SHOW that you diserve forgiveness. That DOES NOT mean "humiliate yourself". No! But show that you're reliable, that you're willing to hear. That's the very least you can do and that is a positive way to help. Remember: this is no longer about you. It's about you working you butt off to fix the person YOU torn apart.
@chielmorssink6950 3 месяца назад
I've watched this clip a couple of times so far and it really blew my mind. It's time for me to confront my own doubts instead of projecting that anger on somebody else. Thank you so much for this video, it really helped me out.
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
Thank you for your kind words.
@Lovely-DeeM 3 месяца назад
I have come to realize that the source of resentment is pride, whereas the source of righteous indignation is love. So we always need to ask ourselves what is the source of what we are feeling. If the source is pride or ego, then we should know that these feelings are not from God, and should definitely not act on them. Like you said the fruits of resentment are destructive: hatred, revenge, and negging. However if the source is love, because we see a wrong or injustice or carelessness/callousness, then it is righteous indignation. The fruits of that are peace; the wrong action/behavior/event dealt with or stopped leads to peace for everyone. In short, never allow negative feelings and thoughts to flourish within you, put it in God’s hands and He will vindicate you. Do not fall into the trap of resentment.
@tonyasargent57 3 месяца назад
I had to watch this several times to allow it to sink in. It definitely hit the nail on the head. ❤
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
Thank you for paying such close attention. You will be a better person for it.
@kylekillgannon 3 месяца назад
Sometimes you resent someone just because they did something you will never forgive. Living without them is often best.
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
There’s a difference between never accepting or excusing something, and never forgiving someone. The issue is whether or not you still hold resentment. Forgiveness is to release you from resentment not to excuse bad behavior.
@panzer00 3 месяца назад
Forgiveness isnt for them, its for you.
@kylekillgannon 3 месяца назад
@@panzer00 so? Some things never should be forgiven. And in fact may make you weaker if you do.
@panzer00 3 месяца назад
@@kylekillgannon thats just pride standing in your way. Pride is not the opposite of shame, but it's source. True humility is the only antidote to shame. - Iroh
@kylekillgannon 3 месяца назад
@@panzer00 this is all just wishful thinking. You either have no children or are way too lax on the atrocities one might commit to them.
@soufwesthoustontx 3 месяца назад
I think this topic is a lot more complex. I believe you can have resentment without hate for another person and people can struggle with resentment and the feel of moral injustice at the same time. For me I hate what I experienced, but not the people that caused it. I wanted justice and accountability and not revenge. It's hard to hate people you thought you had genuine connections with even if you realize the interaction was never genuine on their part.
@wittymystic7361 3 месяца назад
Yes, there is a huge difference between wanting justice and accountability vs having a desire for revenge.
@muggystar 3 месяца назад
anger is energy to solve a problem❤
@lunkerjunkie 3 месяца назад
wow dude, I don't see enough RU-vid therapists saying look at your self.
@TheAleksandros 3 месяца назад
repressed anger is deathly poison. I've repressed so much anger inside I could barely function - you gotta really let it out sometimes
@i.ehrenfest349 3 месяца назад
@@TheAleksandros instead of letting it out when it’s gotten to boiling point it’s better not to feel it in the first place. Sustained anger is an irrational thing, actually. It means you insist that things should be, or should have been, different. But they weren’t. That’s reality. And people are the way they are, and us feeling they should be different is contra reality. It’s like getting angry with the mountain that it’s steep, with the rain for coming down, or with the tsunami for rolling in. It’s trying to change, in your mind, something that’s already happened, or a person that can’t even change themselves if they wanted to. Anger in the moment is ok, it impels you to do something to change your situation. Sustained anger is a toxin, it feeds itself and will poison your interactions with everyone including yourself. It is wholly unhealthy. Reality is what it is, us feeling it shouldn’t be the way it is, leads us on the road to madness.
@TheAleksandros 3 месяца назад
@@i.ehrenfest349 Yes, you are right with what you;ve written - especially with the part of wanting the reality to be different than it is. Now that I think about it - this was most of the time the reason I got angry, maybe even furious. The thing is - I don't believe you can ever really achieve such a state of not ever wanting things to "go your way" and be immune to anger at all - unless you're a weirdo yogi who closed himself off from the world and dedicated his life to it, or maybe beaten down by life so much that nothing is relevant to you anyways. You're proposing here a "stoic" approach to life aka no matter what , while the reality is there's gonna be situation when you will be forced to feel anger - really, how are you going to permamently avoid it?
@i.ehrenfest349 3 месяца назад
@@TheAleksandros I don’t feel much of a stoic, really. I have a temper. But just lashing out with anger to someone else hasn’t served me well, and I wonder why I ever thought it would. If someone gets angry with me I don’t take too well to that. So why did I think another person would react positively to my anger and my accusations and my criticisms? I lived with bitter people in my childhood. I don’t want to be like them.
@mallorystewart6125 3 месяца назад
Totally agree. That's what I feel. He cheated on me and I feel the shame, not him; I feel worthless, not him. I feel humiliated, I feel I lost my dignity. Hence I can't forgive. No matter he repented, no matter he's paid a high price for his mistake, I can't.
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
You have what we call the transfer of guilt (actually shame). The abuser feels no guilt so the abused takes it on. Now you are suffering the the pain that he deserves. Do not excuse or rationalize abuse. Denial will not help. A therapist might be able to help you grieve the losses you have been forced to bear and accept your life as it is now. Forgiveness is for you, not for him. You deserve freedom from the guilt and shame that he should be feeling, not you.
@mallorystewart6125 3 месяца назад
@@DrMarkBaker thank you.
@MrStrocube 3 месяца назад
“It’s a problem you have with yourself.” Yes, without a doubt. It’s one thing to recognize this, but it’s quite another to actually begin to heal the issue. Takes a lot of work.
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
You are absolutely right.
@nocomments5029 3 месяца назад
The solution is either success or revenge. It’s easy to say to others to forgive if you never dealt with something truly unjust. I’ll only consider listening to people who have gone through it and choose to forgive. Also forcing forgiveness is a form of spiritual bypass. It takes a passionate person to resent. The resentment came about because of caring. Time is a factor, people require different closure. U might think you’re forgiving, but trauma is imprinted into the body. The mental switch to forgive does not clear the unforgiveness in the body, by Pressing the feelings of resentment down, it will temporarily be gone but will resurface later. The resentment is like fossil fuel or gas or whatever , you can cover it up, but eventually it will come up. In order to get rid of it, lean into it to burn it all up. The tricky part is when to know if you’ve burnt out of resentment and continuing on another fuel source. It’s not possible for a baby to grow up without being a child first, therefore resentment is inevitable, a period of resentment is appropriate. Allowing yourself to resent gives more peace. You don’t fight against the tide, only when it has subsided that you venture out. The body, listen to the body. Anger is not wrong. Ulcers and body pains, so be it. It’s part of the process of healing, there is no way out but through the storm
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
Thank you for your honesty. There is no path forward in life without it. But make no mistake about it resentment will kill you from the inside out. Yes, it fuels revenge, but you will not find peace afterwards that lasts very long at all. No one can ask you to forgive and no one can make you do it. Forgiveness is for you not the other person. They don’t deserve forgiveness, you deserve a life without resentment. Just because you have been demeaned does not mean you’re worth has been lessened. Do not believe that lie. Stay on the path, but don’t try to go it alone.
@user-zn9jz3zg3f 3 месяца назад
Yes, the solution is either success or revenge.... chooce revenge through success is the answer. It takes time, a lot of time to forget, not to forgive. You take time and move on, slowly, one step at the time. I am on this way right now. I was demeaned, I lost almost everything.... I start over from scratch. With nothing but a scratch, myself. Take your time, try not to hurt eneone through the process of healing. Because at the begining you are burning inside out , if you do so,(cause through healing at the beggining you are full of nals and teeths) ask for forgiveness, dont put nails in your way,...move...Go your way ,forget but NOT forgive , put boundaries, refocus on something else, focus on yourself, built yourself, revenge is a ice plate my friend. The circle will still came around even 10 or 15 years later believe me ,when you start get out of it you will just see....karma exists or if you prefer justice. I m in the healing process, hope was everything I had. Life is a battlefield, choose your friends and enemies carefully.... The most importand your standards and value must never be negotiable , when you realize that you can let go. Wish you luck❤❤❤
@louisetaylor6952 3 месяца назад
Focus on being your authentic self and appreciating your own worth...replace resentment with detachment
@lesleyevans2407 3 месяца назад
I believe the cure for resentment is to replace it with gratitude. Resentment comes from an inflated ego that has no appreciation for what you have. I turned mine around and forgave myself for being so horribly ungrateful for what I had.
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
Gratitude is a central key to happiness.
@TaxingIsThieving 3 месяца назад
Appreciation for what? Isolation and exclusion?
@HereForTheCatContent 3 месяца назад
Right?? For heaven’s sake, there’s nothing wrong feeling a way about it when you’ve been mistreated, our emotional guidance system is there for a reason! Things need to be processed and healed properly of course, and skills learned. But it doesn’t mean you have an “inflated ego” for not being grateful for disrespect or even abuse.
@RippleDrop. 3 месяца назад
The most ignorant victim blaming comment. What you say isn't a recipe for healing. Like your advice would be applicable to every situation. NOT.
@sharondoan1447 3 месяца назад
“ An inflated ego” is an insulting term to use when referring to a victim’s reaction to abuse. More power to you , Lesley, if you can minimize your suffering with heartfelt gratitude that your abuser did not do everything to you that they might have done.
@RedSiegfried 3 месяца назад
I refuse to be resentful because other people's opinions don't determine what my worth is. I create and determine my own worth by acting in a way that I know makes me a good person. They can't change that no matter what they think.
@arlinddedushaj8552 3 месяца назад
Grateful to have found this channel
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
Thank you for watching.
@JS-lx9fi 3 месяца назад
For some reason this made me think about a Mike Tyson interview. I think he said he used to hate people who screwed him over but now he sees everyone as his teacher a lesson. Idk how he phrased it but he said it much better than that.
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
I think you’re saying it very well.
@Deelynn-woohoo Месяц назад
I can't be demeaned-my self esteem is intact. I resent the wasted time! The unfair treatment I didn't deserve. My talent is intact. My kindness, generosity, intelligence-all still here. My time is precious though, and it was wasted.
@ghaliyahansari1557 3 месяца назад
I came to this conclusion myself, but I didnt know it was called resentment. I just knew I couldn't forgive because I felt demeaned. Are you going to do a longer video on this, explaining the cure deeper? I'd love to watch that. Thank you for sharing.
@jencrews 3 месяца назад
I understand and felt the same way. What helped me was realizing that forgiveness means letting go of my feelings about something, versus saying the what happened was ok. It’s hard at first but with prayer I found it got easier. I also started to see how the people who hurt me where hurt themselves - not an excuse but to help me have compassion for all of us so I could more easily forgive and free myself.
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
Yes, I have longer videos on resentment. I also cover this in my book “overcoming shame“
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
Yes, we forgive people for wrongdoing. Wrongdoing is never OK. forgiveness is not excusing someone else it is releasing yourself from the pain of resentment.
@ghaliyahansari1557 3 месяца назад
@jencrews Thanks! Prayer really does help. I appreciate your reply :)
@ghaliyahansari1557 3 месяца назад
@DrMarkBaker Thank you Dr! I'll check them out God willing. Thank you so much for your reply! :)
@mikebiff 14 дней назад
thank you for posting this. through Jesus i know i can fully forgive my parents
@Retr0Dima 3 месяца назад
There are things in life that are unforgivable.
@callycharles2515 2 месяца назад
What timing, I needed this! I'm saving so I can hear it again to remind me that my resentment for another person is not about them, it's about me. THANK YOU!!!
@DrMarkBaker 2 месяца назад
Release yourself from resentment. It only hurts you.
@kategoddard5076 Месяц назад
Wow, thank you so much for sharing this! I shall definitely remember this by writing it down. In others words, when someone hurts us and makes us feel demeaned, we are allowing ourselves to feel that false reality about ourselves. We all have a tremendous dignity which comes from God!
@DrMarkBaker Месяц назад
So true!
@joehamilton4656 3 месяца назад
To put it simply, forgive and forget,or you'll make yourself ill.
@Motherhubbard170 3 месяца назад
Its impossible to forget, what is meant that you purposely don't bring it back to mind, you choose to leave judgement to God
@sarpsays 3 месяца назад
@@Motherhubbard170 Yeah you can't forget, but you should emotionally purge it out with full forgiveness. See it as an objective reel of a memory.
@terrijamison9154 3 месяца назад
Forget makes you susceptible to more of the same. When someone shows you who they are believe them the first time.
@josearzola3070 3 месяца назад
The most usefull 2:10 of my Lifetime.Had I known this as a child the journey of life would of been more joyfull. Thank you for sharring this. Peace and love to all.
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
Thank you.
@bevm.4832 3 месяца назад
Forgiving A Horrible Abusive Monster...Easier Said Then Done! Precious JESUS Said Father Forgive Them For They Know Not What They Do. Well What If That Person Knows Exactly What They Are Doing! I'm Still Working On The Forgiving After 14 Years And You Know What, Even If I Can Never Completely Forgive Him JESUS Knows My Heart And Will Forgive Me! ✝️ 👑 🕊 Thank You Lord ! 🙏❤
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
You are correct. God knows your heart and he forgives you. There is no excuse for the behavior of a monster, and you should never accept it. He does not deserve your forgiveness, but forgiveness is not for him. It’s for you. Some people burn in hell for the things they have done and their lack of remorse for it. He sounds like one of those people. But You should not have to live with the resentment that robs you of peace. Forgiveness has only one goal and it is to relieve you of your pain. it’s not about him at all.
@kathleenwharton2139 Месяц назад
I married a bully. I didn’t check with God First. I now have two dead children and two bully sons because of it. I am repenting. “Please Forgive me. I Love 💕 You. Thank You 🙏 Jesus.” I will never do something with out You. 😊❤
@believewithyourheart5627 2 месяца назад
Thankyou for this timely message… I feel so angry with my husband who has just left me for another woman…. I’m praying I can let it go and that I don’t become resentful 🙏
@DrMarkBaker 2 месяца назад
That is a good prayer. It may take some time, and possibly some help, but you can rid yourself of the resentment. You shouldn't have to keep paying a price for what he did.
@stubby7934 3 месяца назад
While you're probably right...nah. Maybe if I ever got revenge, I might find out for myself that you are completely correct...but until then, I'll keep my resentment, thanks.
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
I appreciate your honesty. I'm sorry for your pain.
@Slymind Месяц назад
I think what hurts the most sometimes it's not even the blow itself, it's where that blow is coming from, when the people that are supposed to protect you (usually your family) are the ones that hurt you the most (and by far), you start seeing people in a diferent way. In any case, great video. As a person struggling with this particular issue for years, i've been treating forgiveness as a process, i wish i could say "ok, everyone is forgiven now.", but, that would be a lie, so i've been trying to take one step at time.
@DrMarkBaker Месяц назад
Thank you for your honesty. You got this.
@thomashughes_teh 3 месяца назад
"demeaned" doesn't cover it. Tell me about kidnapped, tortured, lied to, drugged, punished for team building, told my experiences were not real, and then billed for all of it. My diagnosis wasn't even in the DSM back then but it is now. These things were done to me by Psychiatrists. I will not be asking for any more help. My conclusions are final. There is nothing worth forgiving until repentance and restitution is assured and received. I'm waiting. Psychiatry is relatively new in human history. I'm hoping it's temporary.
@liz0707 3 месяца назад
Thank you for your clear explanation. I needed to hear this so badly and NOW. God bless you for your insight .
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
Thank you, and God bless you.
@patriciasalem3606 3 месяца назад
Get rid of resentment and walk away from toxic and abusive people, yes. Forgive them? Only if you want to. You'll just wind up more of a punching bag if it's forced. Our culture of toxic positivity is foisting this approach on everyone, and it's not always the right (or only) solution.
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
Do not stay in a relationship with someone who punches you and you will not be a punching bag. Forgiveness if for you to be released from resentment, it is not an invitation to allow toxic people back into your life.
@RealRachetteRubies 2 месяца назад
Toxic positivity 😩 Some people just want to sulk in anger to nurture the resentment in their hearts.
@liz0707 3 месяца назад
I do not agree that forgiveness will solve the resentment issue,though.
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
If you watch more of my videos on resentment, you’ll understand how to get free from it
@arkhamtezcatlvii4971 2 месяца назад
Maybe because forgiveness has become misunderstood in nowadays society, is not actually a positive thing to the forgiven person but to the person who forgive, forgiveness doesn't mean you'll be around the abuser, taking care or him or loving him unconditionally, but to don't hold negative feelings within you, life is soft and fresh air after forgiveness.
@yellowdayz1800 2 месяца назад
Hate is a strong emotion, that often insinates itself very slyly through resentment an other hidden ways..
@jans724 3 месяца назад
Good video! I'd like to hear a video about dealing with large-scale injustice. Such as by the state, false allegations etc.
@joelsandler1119 3 месяца назад
Forgiving them encourages more bad behavior.
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
Absolutely not. You must acknowledge bad behavior before you can forgive it. If you minimize, excuse, tolerate or even accept bad behavior you are not forgiving it. You are just in denial. Confront bad behavior first, before you do anything else.
@keithmutamba1395 3 месяца назад
@@DrMarkBaker you do realise many people are testifying how they created a wide berth from their abuse parents. Yet still love them and forgive them. Where is the forgiveness if their boundaries require that they don’t go near the toxicity.
@user-bi3cv3cz5w 2 месяца назад
Of course you can forgive them from your heart, but it doesn’t mean you stick around for more of their behaviour
@stephenperry67 3 месяца назад
You’ve given me a lot to think about and a lot to confront.
@vincentgiambrone8487 3 месяца назад
I watched some of your videos it reminds me of the steps in AA 25 years sober I tried to live the steps I really like you outlook on the situations you express thank you and keep it coming
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
Thank you. Many people have been helped by the Big Book.
@aujax1 3 месяца назад
I agree with Dr. Baker and also with the Commenter below. Ego inflation leads to more anger. A key to overcoming resentments is ego deflation. I found this an outcome of the process of the 12 steps of AA.
@CHANTARELLA 2 месяца назад
This is very true and also why I think that fairness is so very important for peace on this whole planet. But having said that- pretending to forgive prematurely is a trap- it creates the worst kind of hypocrites. So the emotional work of mourning has to be accomplished before we can achieve forgiveness. It doesnt even necessarily have to be forgiveness- it can also simply be letting go and moving on.
@Shastavalleyoutdoorsman 3 месяца назад
I caught a family member.I was supporting talking to themselves about poisoning me. How am I supposed to forgive that...
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
It sounds like the first thing you need to do is protect yourself from that family member. Safety first.
@Shastavalleyoutdoorsman 3 месяца назад
@@DrMarkBaker It was years ago. We didn't speak for years. I still don't trust them. I have a family now and people act like i'm supposed to just pretend it never happened and let them come around... Hard to not resent them all. Is it common to be Spurned by people you have supported? Is it some kind of psychological thing?
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
It is common for family members to be in denial about Abuse. They must pretend it didn’t exist or else they have to confront it and hold the abuser accountable It is not your fault. Do not let them make you feel the guilt that your abuser deserves. You are going to need to set boundaries to protect yourself. Get the support you need from people who understand. Don’t try to do this alone
@Shastavalleyoutdoorsman 3 месяца назад
@@DrMarkBaker thank you.
@punpompur 3 месяца назад
I hated the fact that I was starting to lose my hair very early just after graduating from high school. During my school days I found it quite difficult to deal with body image issues, and just when I had started to get control over it, this hair loss started. It was very frustrating and my confidence was getting low day by day. I found it very difficult to commit to a relationship because of it and whenever someone would joke about my hair loss, it felt embarrassing. It got to the point where I became extremely sensitive about it. When I got the courage to talk about how I was feeling with my family, sometimes they would just tell me either not to worry about it too much, or that it can be fixed but never took steps to actually help me out. As you used the word "demeaned", I used to feel the same way. Now I ask myself after watching this video, who do I actually resent? My family for not understanding my problems and taking action when there still was time, God for giving me this problem so early when I had just begun to get some confidence, or myself for being so weak to let it control my life and having a fragile ego about my image. I had a vision about how things would go for me after graduating from high school, and what happened was completely opposite. I used to ask myself what wrong I have done to go through this so early. Am I just angry at luck and genetics? It just feels very disappointing.
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
Your situation is complicated. You have many feelings towards many things that perhaps are still not resolved I would start by forgiving yourself. You don’t deserve to still be suffering with resentment.
@Sorchia56 3 месяца назад
Brilliant advice! If you don’t let it go your body will suffer for no reason while the person you resent or are angry with are completely fine and don’t give a fat frog’s bum about you! Let it go and be free of negativity.
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
Yes, exactly.
@sirobb 3 месяца назад
This man explains resentment well so begin every day with The Lord's Prayer and a commitment to Humility and you won't need this man's help.
@alxcdc3076 2 месяца назад
He: the problem is not with them; it's with yourself! Any normal person who's being told that: Great, now I feel guilty for resenting the other person when in reality whatever that person did to me means nothing, no matter how terrible or destructive or even traumatizing it was, because the problem is always going to be me, I'm the villain of the story for an unclear reason, even when I did not harm anyone.
@user-qb7lu5ny5r 3 месяца назад
I've been receiving harsh words from my mother especially when she is not receiving money from me. I'm unemployed and I'm making efforts to find one. She mocks my physical appearance, my health issues, my faith etc. She's been like that too towards my father and he left her a decade ago. Before, I didn't talk back, but now I do especially when she's just finding reasons to pour out her anger on me. When she's being so unreasonable. I don't want to wake up in the morning because that means another day of enduring her words. When her mouth starts the session, I stay in the bathroom and block my ears, pay, and cry. During those years when I still had a job, I seldom going home, to avoid this feeling of suffocation. I always hope and pray for God to help me, to rescue me. I have nowhere to go.
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
I hope you find a job and can get away from her.
@KK-mk4wx 3 месяца назад
And what if the reason that caused the resentment is still there? And continuing
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
That’s complicated. If you’re trapped in an abusive relationship, you may need to leave it.
@MusicShade-st1dl 3 месяца назад
I’m first going to work on forgiving myself for staying in a toxic relationship for so long. By putting up with so much mistreatment for so long, I was co-creating a terrible situation.. It absolutely doesn’t “excuse” the other persons behavior, but I think retaking ownership of the role I had in it all is going to be an important step.
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
I appreciate your honesty and your courage. You got this.
@georgemallory797 3 месяца назад
I understand the concept, and they're eating me alive, and I have never made any inroads into stemming the tide. I'm starting to think I am doomed to remain like this. I don't know if I plan on staying.
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
Help is possible. I’ve seen it many times, but you can rarely do this on your own. Reach out to a good therapist. You don’t have to do this alone.
@karablake9200 3 месяца назад
Two years ago I spent seven weeks in a psych facility and two more months in PHP and IOP because I didn't want to stay anymore. I've spent so much time in constant anger anger and resentment, and for good reason. One thing this guy's got right: I assumed all of the shame and guilt my family put on me. I've been working my ass off to connect the dots in my life and my heart and my mind with therapists and fellow survivors, and it's taken all of this time to let that resentment run its course. The key is: I matter. I am just as valuable as anyone else. I am allowed to want things for myself.
@Miss_an100 3 месяца назад
And forgiveness can simply look like, walking away without doing any harm back and choosing to start afresh. Isn’t that the grace? Giving someone something that they don’t deserve? The abuser can say thank you that we don’t want to dish out the same crap they do.
@amac2573 3 месяца назад
​@@Miss_an100The thing is there are too many people claiming to know and represent what they claim (their agenda) God or God's wants and has decided. Bible was written by humans and has been repeatedly altered and edited by humans. "Forgiveness" is open to variated interpretations. I would advise you decide what is right for you....even if that changes as you get further information and time goes on.
@allieaudio9965 3 месяца назад
@@karablake9200 Yes, you matter and don't you forget it. And if you feel anger it is OK, if you feel resntment it's ok, confusion is ok. Sometimes forgivness is not necessary to heal. Therapy is always a good choice. If you can't afford it I suggest Patrick Teahan and Tim Fletcher's channel. Take your time.
@tyler6god 3 месяца назад
Absolutely stellar and true. Will note for anyone reading: this is very common in codependent relationships, and is where I have personally seen it the most
@thefinaldispatch 3 месяца назад
What relationship isn’t codependent
@tyler6god 3 месяца назад
@@thefinaldispatch interdependent * is what you're striving for !
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
Well said
@thefinaldispatch 3 месяца назад
@@tyler6god seems like semantics but full transparency I don’t know enough on this topic
@lowcandy8801 3 месяца назад
TQ for the explanation. I needed to hear this and with this hopefully people are able to understand that its actually they needed to cure themselves
@withlovesany6507 3 месяца назад
Holding a grudge ( resentment) against a person is like trowing a hot coal at another person. Ultimately, you are the one who gets burned and not the other person.
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
So true
@geico1975 3 месяца назад
I worried about this myself, but after watching I think mine is more about "righteous indignation"
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
Good for you.
@SteveJones379 3 месяца назад
Going no contact with toxic family and cultivating new social circles has been very helpful in aleviating resentment. Until there is acknowlegement and request to forgive by the perpetrators there is no forgiveness. Move on without them is my forgiveness. Even Jesus said "Ask, and thou shall be forgiven." You must ask.
@rosemarykennedy5430 3 месяца назад
This makes a lot of sense! Strive to rectify injustice joyfully!
@aliciasmomentsinnature 3 месяца назад
I think making the distinction of recognizing that it's that person's actions not you and realizing you don't have to take other's words or actions personally even if they've made it personal. In other words its not about you so let them keep their issues and don’t take them on as a burden. Forgive is a very meaningful word and you can still reach a healthy acceptance of other's shortcomings without forgiving them. It's really down to having compassion and most importantly respect and love for yourself enough to distance yourself from harmful people regardless of their relationship to you.
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
Yes, having compassion for yourself. Is the central issue. But the test is whether or not you still have resentment in your heart.
@77sunflowers 3 месяца назад
If you know your worth, no-one can make you feel worthless 😊
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
Exactly. When you resent someone you have forgotten your worth.
@markneal-yf4hj 3 месяца назад
You can't get any better life advice than this. This simple 2 min video will most likely solve the majority of your life problems
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
@user_kH9bw3ns1 3 месяца назад
this dude has been making great vids for a while. thanks for bringing even more great info.
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
@spoonsmith9506 Месяц назад
I must forgive those that don't even care to apologize. I'm tired of feeling like this.
@DrMarkBaker Месяц назад
You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. Forgiveness is for you to be released from resentment. It’s not to excuse the other person‘s behavior that you don’t even have to ever see again.
@darren676767 3 месяца назад
thank you. this is a lot for me to digest, but I appreciate your explanation. I am holding a lot of resentment. I just want it to be gone.
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
Sometimes the pain is so great you need help to get free. Don't try to go it alone.
@darren676767 3 месяца назад
@@DrMarkBaker thanks. Ok I will think about this. Hope you are well.
@lovepeace8918 3 месяца назад
Ok I respect this doctor because he has a snare drum, right there that tells me this dude does paradiddles drum rolls, and that is good meditation music is a form of intelligence, and relaxation, and so I trust this Dr. his advice comes from a good place.
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
I have a deep respect for the spiritual nature of Drums.
@mrctzn4557 3 месяца назад
Wronged or demeaned? If your wronged and forgive only to be wronged again you have the right to never trust that person's word. If your demeaned you have an opportunity to forgive without expectation. If your wronged and find a repentant heart in the one that wronged you, you might have a friend. But it's work to find the answer to any of these!
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
Yes, it is hard work. But if you have resentment in your heart, it is very important work.
@1989Mordwin 3 месяца назад
Well the good thing about resentment is that it keeps your guard up, despite the obvious downsides.
@gaycha6589 3 месяца назад
It keeps a negative bias guard up, and that is both limiting and damaging to the individual moving on
@Jon-nt8sx Месяц назад
Keeping up your guard Is actually the closing of your heart. It makes you somewhat numb to pain but it also pinches you off from all the love you deserve.
@naturesquad9174 3 месяца назад
I would say acceptance is more realistic way to deal with resentment. "Forgiveness" is a word that I think has been misused and is not as scalable or universally-applicable as english-speakers make it out to be. Biologically yes resentment can kill you, but there are certain injustices that biologically cannot be "forgiven", they can be accepted/sublimated or redirected into some cathexis (like God)...and as we don't live very long, it doesn't matter, as long as the coping mechanism is durable. But forgiveness? It's not that i don't approve of the concept, or saying you shouldn't "try", i simply don't believe it applies to certain extreme injustices. Nobody really forgives past a certain threshold of abuse. They can accept. I've met many people, very typical for them to say they've forgiven an abuser many years after, and sooner or later it comes out that they don't actually forgive them. The volcano is dormant, it just may not erupt again in the shortness of a single lifespan. We accept things, we sublimate things, we redirect that energy towards other things real or imaginary.
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
I understand that the word forgiveness is difficult for most people because it has a religious connotation and has been often abused. For people to be in denial about their anger and resentment (which comes out later) is not forgiveness. But I agree with it has been abused often in the past. Excusing, tolerating, or even accepting things is not forgiveness. Forgiveness is for you not the other person. Forgiveness is releasing yourself from a prison of resentment. Forgiveness is not allowing abusive behavior to continue, it’s not allowing abusive people to stay in your life, and it’s not minimizing abuse. Those are all different things and none of them are forgiveness. You are correct, most people prefer the word acceptance However, you can accept something and still resent. In most cases that keeps the Abuse alive
@keithmutamba1395 3 месяца назад
@kurbicksan4917 3 месяца назад
I can say this is true. Resentment gave me a ulcer, acid reflux and panic attacks. Thanks for the video.
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
Thanks for your honesty.
@Grace-jb7me 3 месяца назад
I can’t forgive someone. I forgive myself. I try to be kind to myself when I feel resentment. And then I work towards things that make me feel proud of who I am and why I like myself before the hurt. That’s how I move on. It just hurts less when I refocus that energy into something positive on myself.
@BEAUTYFUL18 3 месяца назад
@i_accept_all_cookies 3 месяца назад
Healing starts with forgiving yourself
@Rebelmusedesign 3 месяца назад
Forgive but do not forget ❤
@TheAnniewoo 2 месяца назад
You haven’t forgiven unless u let go and forget
@walters8748 3 месяца назад
c.f. w/ "Why Forgiveness Doesn't Work." Thank you kindly for this viewpoint-it helps to return the seat of power back to the individual. It may not be perfect but it helps to return the cards into one's hands rather than giving them to other people to play out the cards.
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
So correct.
@hellowellallen 3 месяца назад
I never forgive and I’ve never had one ulcer.
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
Never say never.
@purplepenny7977 3 месяца назад
Thank you I needed to learn this today. It is absolutely spot on and I feel like I can start to heal now. Men…I resent men. They have always always made me feel so bad about myself. I have stayed away from them for about five years now and it’s the greatest thing ever. I just know that I have to fix this. I don’t plan on letting any into my life but I would like to feel better. I will learn to forgive. Thank you again. 😊
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
Thank you for your honesty. You may not need men, but you do need to be released from resentment. Move on to freedom.
@klanderkal 3 месяца назад
Dr. Baker Recently.. I made foolish mistakes and decisions that I resent!! I feel so much guilt, shame, and regret. I can't believe the costs and losses I've caused to myself. My wife left, i lost my home, my attitude became very bad and i quit the sport i loved, i sold my classic car, i lost all my savings and investments, and i just lost my career job. All because of my doings. Whether it was by mouth or actions... it was all my fault. It all has caused very bad 24/7 stress. Terrible Anxiety, Terrible insomnia,.. and anhedonic depression. Im unable to do anything anymore. I cry alot, i have insecurities now. The losses are unbearable. The mental suffering has caused physical suffering. I have resentment of myself. I can not get back what i lost ( which was everything important in my life). I feel hopeless and ashamed, guilty and regretful, scared and doomed.
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
The hardest person to forgive is usually yourself. But I think you have a lot of work to do first. I would seek out a good therapist and begin to work on all those painful emotions. We cannot change the past, but we can change ourselves now. You can commit yourself to a process of becoming a better person and doing as much good in the world as possible. Learn from your mistakes and become a better man. But don’t try to do that alone. Seek help.
@klanderkal 3 месяца назад
@DrMarkBaker Thank you for replying, and caring. Yes.... alone is difficult. I have reached out to therapist. They all said it alot of Grief to bare. And the losses besides the obvious... were also my identity, purpose, social interactions, friendships and coworkers... that too is why . After 25yrs years of a great job, that was connected to all aspects of my life... was instantly over. There's the trauma. I know can't go back, but also can't go forward... my foward I had always known was destroyed. Now, I suffer in the present moment. ... im in a bad situation.
@TheAllAmericanSocialistMTR1000 3 месяца назад
Well done.
@Tania-rg7jp 3 месяца назад
So much clarity! Thank you!
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
Thank you!
@brianpso 3 месяца назад
That's so true, first you figure out that you're not less because of what they did, then you make them pay and enjoy both knowing your selfworth and justice being served 👌
@edwardhoffenheim3249 3 месяца назад
This is so true. Back when i used to be with my ex wife i felt resentment towards her bf. But it was really me feeling resentful to myself for being insecure. So i found the courage to tell her to kick rocks and dumped her. I had bought into the excuse that i was too big and in order to feel fulfilled she needed someone with a more humble member that would allow her to participate in intercourse without pain. But no more! Side note. Im still good friends with her bf since i got custody of his and my wifes son. My ex wife and i still speak but she'd rather go traveling with the bf than engage in small talk with me lol.
@pixiegardner8094 3 месяца назад
I needed to hear this! Thankyou Dr Baker.
@yolandaz2706 3 месяца назад
Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Exactly what I needed to learn!
@DrMarkBaker 3 месяца назад
Glad it was helpful!
@Phil-D83 3 месяца назад
Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.
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