
The Truth about 1975 

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An eyewitness account, with proofs, of the events leading to the Watchtower Society's false prediction for Armageddon by 1975 with a brief discussion of its aftermath and effect on followers of the Jehovah's Witness religion.



28 апр 2016




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@rawweeks 7 лет назад
I lived thru all the 1975 crap. I was DF'D in 73 and watched the big joke play out. Family selling houses, putting off needed medical and dental care.Leaving jobs and spending all their savings. I remember in 68 the Awake said that us teen-agers would not get old.I celebrated new years eve of 76 with another DF'D friend.When 76 rolled into we cut loose! The other people in the bar thought we had lost out minds!
@steeldutchess 7 лет назад
WOW, I wonder if that Awake is anywhere on the interwebs. Such a damning piece of evidence! JWs have a habit of making a holy look and repeat "we do not set dates, we notice signs". If they really told the 60s teens they would not get old, that sounds like date-setting to me.
@utubewatcher806 6 лет назад
I and many others have the hardcopy pubs and magazines. It was not only magazines that underlined and hyped 1975 but also several published books. As a sidebar note, the Worldwide Church of God (Herbert W Armstrong) also floated a prediction about 1975 being "the end". I didn't realize this until I opened my research into the Watchtower's history, roots, offshoots, and those in cahoots.
@JehovahsElijah 6 лет назад
Herbert Armstrongs PLAIN TRUTH made up alot of pahlic crap too. Says Osiris was the first Pharaoh. But from that statement i did find a truth in it. Osiris means reborn and the Houseo kings became one king as the 11th dynasty based on the excuse of honoring the Saturnalia Osiris (reborn Saturn planet every 30 years since the Flood). 13 orbits of 383 years 2369bc January to 1986bc January. But WatchTowerdom believes the made-up crap from Christendom instead of the calendar and astronomy math of proof. WHY? because the truth was coming from a 9 year old JW who is insolent disobedient if he thinks he knows anything more than WT or an elder or overseer. Everything every week ever said about me from age 9 has been a lie. How can any one person be a JW if they lie about a child weekly from 9 to 16 to 20 to 26 to 30. Jesus would have been dead from 12 to 30 if he was raised by WT.
@googleshitsyt5557 3 года назад
Well done...got baptized in 1975.. .. I am the Firstborn, brought forth. I am identical twins. I am Equal to MYSELF. Adam and Eve in the Genesis account was created for the Last Days; I already said that then ... Genesis 3:15. I AM MELCHIZEDEK. I AM EQUAL-MELCHIZEDEK. I HAVE NO END. I AM THE KEEPER/GUARDIAN OF ALL PROPHETS ON EARTH, FROM AONS TO AONS. Abel, Adam, Eve as HOMO SAPIENS did not exist. Cain is the evil in man, the dark side. Abel is the good in man, the light. This light must be found and explored by humans. The Holy Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation is a concise version of the Vedas to repent the outcast man; compare the Gospel of Mark to the three others. It is the Purpose of MYSELF, is to find yourself. A quest for everyone.
@Lukronius Год назад
@@steeldutchess “Just think, brothers, there are only about ninety months left before 6,000 years of man's existence on earth is completed. Do you remember what we learned at the assemblies last summer? The majority of people living today will probably be alive when Armageddon breaks out, and there are no resurrection hopes for those that are destroyed then." Kingdom Ministry 1968 Mar p.4 "The immediate future is certain to be filled with climactic events, for this old system is nearing its complete end. Within a few years at most the final parts of Bible prophecy relative to these "last days" will undergo fulfilment." Watchtower 1968 May 1 p.272
@suchenliao2710 7 лет назад
This is the most comprehensive video about the 1975 ! Thank you Anthony for sharing and caring
@ant7936 8 лет назад
After posting this video, it struck me that the 1975 campaign was not so successful as I'd thought. Total sales of "Truth that Leads to Eternal Life" (NOT a Bible ! ) -- 108,000,000. Total converts from all that effort -- 3,000,000. Which is less than 3% conversion rate. But a LOT of profit for the Watchtower Society!
@writegillian 8 лет назад
Wow! Excellent video and great stats on the conversation rate. I can bet that today isn't much different which explains the shift from printed publications to JWbroadcasting.
@thmpick 7 лет назад
I'm liking the way you see things Sir!
@justaroundthecorner2883 8 лет назад
What you are saying is factual. The 1975 issue was, and continues to be, a major blunder. The organisation castigates any one who in their opinion is guilty of needless speculation. In this matter they have excelled, its very much a case of: don`t do what we do , do what we tell you, or else. Biblical humility on their part is well over due. regards
@Mayjay1011 6 лет назад
Very well put about Watchtower Society false prediction for Armageddon by 1975 Anthony I remember been a wee girl growing up in the Jehovah's Witness religion from aged 3 in 1963 as I was growing up I would get told that I would not grow old I would be in a beautiful paradise earth getting shown picture of children playing with the wild animals & the prediction for Armageddon by 1975 now am 56 it breaks my heart children are still getting taught this false claim looking at picture I use to look at
@ryoichinakamura1295 4 года назад
They burned all the original literature. I remember when I was about 5 yo My father burned all the books the elder told him to burn form the congregation library. Something tells me he is not the only one who had to burn them.
@ant7936 4 года назад
Yes, I think it was an instruction a few years ago and "adjusting" the digital, online library will be even easier. I had the original 1995 WT publications CD ROM which was a very powerful tool for exposing the GB's lies. Funnily enough, when I was in Livingston congregation, I was given the task of gathering and compiling a library for the new congregation, using any old/ new publications I could find.
@petertocher6845 Год назад
I came in in 1982 and, being in a small congregation in NZ, I found myself as the assistant to the literature servant. We had an instruction from the branch about 1983 to return specific items of literature to the branch, to place certain older books and to burn specific titles. It never occured to me that they were trying to eliminate embarrassing (old light) publications.
@joha790 7 лет назад
Thanks, Anthony, for another interesting and insightful vlog on your experiences and the background to the WT campaign for the 1975 teaching. Listen to this guy, he was there and participated in the events we have only heard of and read about. This is good, sound historical information.
@TallKulWmn1 Год назад
6 years since you posted this. This information is still relevant & still true. Thank you for sharing.
@ant7936 Год назад
Yes, this is what actually happened, between 1967/8 and 1975/6, so it's true! The books and references are still there, to check.
@grhomer2454 8 лет назад
thank you Anthony for take the time to produce a unique video on this subject. excellent job.
@andreabergin3959 6 лет назад
Thank you, Anthony, for sharing about your journey out of JW's. I wanted to share my own testimony, which occurred in the mid 70's. Here it is: It’s always a pleasure for me to re-tell my story, because it’s really Jesus’ story as he has led me to himself. My parents became Jehovah’s witnesses in 1949. At that time, I was four years old, and my sister was a new baby. Prior to that, my mother was a nominal Methodist, and my father a nominal Episcopalian. Neither attended church as adults. I was baptized in 1954, when I was nine years old. I sincerely felt I was dedicating myself to Jehovah, and never veered from that for the next 20 years. After high school, I attended a one-year nursing course, and found nursing to work very well for me as I vacation pioneered many times, and even regular pioneered for a short time. I lived for most of nine years in Brooklyn, specifically because Bethel was there, and I loved being in close proximity to the leaders of the organization. Honestly, I think I felt it somehow made me kind of special because I rubbed shoulders with some of them. During this time that I was in NY, my family in California was really having difficulty. There were four of us siblings now, and my two sisters were into drugs and all that that lifestyle can entail. My brother, who was born with “water on the brain”, was very ill for his entire 17 years of life, and Mom was his fulltime caregiver. My father travelled in sales work, and my parents’ marriage was very strained and unhappy. We had a family friend named Don Nelson. His mother had died when he was a teenager, and he had sort of adopted us when he became a JW at the age of 18, in about 1952. Don was a very devoted witness, and even went to prison for two years, rather than serving in the armed forces. After prison, Don went to Gilead, and was sent as a circuit servant to Brazil. While in Brazil, Don did a whole lot of pure Bible-reading, without reference to the WT publications. He gave special attention to the way the NW Translation had altered some very important aspects of God’s plan for us. For one thing, every time the original language spoke of Christ in us, they translated it, “Christ in union with us” (suggesting him and we cooperating with and agreeing with each other, as opposed to his actually dwelling in us, becoming our very life). Also, their translation of John 17:3 was particularly troubling to Don, as the NWT said, “This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the one true God, and of the one you sent forth, Jesus Christ.” In fact, what it says is, “This is eternal life, their knowing you, the one true God, and the one you sent forth, Jesus Christ.” The JW’s emphasize information, while what is promised is relationship with God, and furthermore, it is not a means to an end (eternal life), but IS eternal life! Really important stuff! When Don wrote about his concerns to the Brooklyn Headquarters, they merely replied that he was to come home to USA, no longer a circuit servant. So, disheartened at their lack of responsiveness, Don returned and tried to show us what he was seeing…..for thirteen years! We thought he had gone a bit “over the edge” and the more we didn’t understand, the more frustrated he became. Finally, in 1972, when my family was literally falling apart, my sisters really messed up on drugs, my brother dying, my parents frazzled, they, Don and Janet, and nine other JW’s began meeting behind closed doors, drawn curtains, to share with one another about God. Don, who had not himself been born again at this time, but who was certainly being drawn toward Christ, was the teacher of the group. I was living in NY, but would join them every time I came home for a visit. This went on for about two years. The times together were absolutely lovely. We considered the scriptures, prayed, sang, ate, drank, laughed, cried. It was wonderful! For me, the “moment” came one evening at Don’s, when we had been considering one of Paul’s epistles. I suddenly realized that Paul had met Jesus after the resurrection, just like me. He had not known Christ as a man, didn’t travel with him, eat and drink with him, etc. Just like me. And yet, I could clearly see that Paul really loved Jesus and had a tender relationship with him, and I didn’t. I wondered why, so I asked Don that question. Normally a man of many words, Don simply said, “Ask him.” Up until that time, I had never spoken to Jesus (only to Jehovah). However, I determined to do just that. That night, at home on my bed, I prayed. “First of all, Jehovah, I want to call you Father.” Until then, I did not know that was a desire of my heart, to be his child, not just his servant. But, that was the first thing out of my mouth. Then, I said to Jesus, “There are a whole lot of things I don’t have straight. I don’t know about the Trinity, hell fire, the condition of the dead, whether I will live in heaven or on the earth, etc. But I do know that you said if I love you that you will come and dwell with me, and that’s what I want. Everything else, I’m putting ‘on the shelf’. I have no agenda, so if any of those doctrines are important to you, I am more than willing to have you teach me.” That was the night I was born again. It was grand, to say the least! That particular trip home to California was for only 9 days, and then I flew back to NY, where I lived. I was a changed woman! And I was still a JW!! And I was still a pioneer! What changed? My message! I continued for six months to go door to door, always with a partner, and now I shared the actual Gospel, both to the householder and to my partner, who couldn’t help but listen to my “sermon”! I continued going to meetings, preparing for every single talk in the Ministry School, in case someone was sick and they would ask for a volunteer. (Sister Bergin always volunteered, much to their chagrin, I’m sure.) Every assignment I turned into a message about Jesus. It was so much fun! I knew that disfellowshipping was in my future, and that my days as a free-speaking JW were numbered, so finally I knew it was time to pack my bags and go home to California. The day before I left, after the Sunday meeting, the presiding elder said to me that he had arranged for me to meet with one of the WT writers, Rhinehart Lingtat, over at Bethel, so he could “answer any questions you have”. I told Charles I didn’t have any questions, but I would be more than happy to meet with Rhinehart. He was the author of the Life Everlasting in the Freedom of the Sons of God book. I had found many problematic things in that book regarding the great crowd/anointed 144,000 question, boiling down to the idea that the great crowd were not Spirit-born, not children of God, not privy to the promises of the New Covenant, etc. I think it was a frustrating thing for Rhinehart, but I was thrilled to have this opportunity. Well, I flew home the next day, and continued having a wonderful time meeting the Body of Christ which we didn’t even know existed, being as closed off from Christians as we had been. In the next year, we were able to share our testimony with 50 different churches and home groups! We were meeting the family! As a side note, about six months after my talk with Rhinehart, Don Nelson was in California, listening to a Christian radio station, and he heard that Rhinehart Lingtat, of Brooklyn Bethel, had become a Christian! Isn’t that just wonderful???? What a gift of God to me! In September of 1974, I and my family were disfellowshipped. There were 14 of us who had become Christians together. Several, who had chosen to “stay below the radar” were not actually disfellowshipped, but I personally am glad I got to be more public. It was a privilege and a great pleasure. Within several years of our conversion, both of my sisters came to know and love Christ, I am happy to say. This April, I get to attend a conference in Sacramento California, with “Witness Now for Jesus” West Coast. I have always wanted to attend one of these, and am really looking forward to it. I’d be glad to write back to you then, and give you a report of the highlights. So, there you have it. I’d be more than happy to tell you anything else you might be interested in knowing. I trust this bit of my history will build you up in your confidence in the One who still walks through walls!
@ant7936 6 лет назад
andrea bergin Yes, exciting stuff! I wonder how often people like you, Carl Olaf Johansson and others contacted Bethel HQ on sound scriptural matters to set them straight and they closed their ears?
@danieljuliomorales7605 6 лет назад
andrea bergin --- fascinating story, thanx!👍👏🏻💥
@Ed30675 3 года назад
@@ant7936 I know two elders who at their own expense flow from Dublin to Brooklyn to meet with the G.B. in order to confirm what they read in media of that time regards the ousting of Ray Franz..... You probably remember all of this happening back in the 80,s... If not, their story is on line and it is a fascinating one.. John May one of two elders was one of the most enthusiastic witnesses one could ever meet...his story is on you tube assuming you have not seen....
@ant7936 3 года назад
@@Ed30675 Yes, I recall that, although I didn't hear it until I left around '98. I can't recall if they were given "an audience", but I doubt it. 😉🤣 Johansson, who wrote "Gentle Times Revisited" sent his manuscript to GB, inviting them to use his research/ notes to clarify 607 BC and 1914. They disfellowshipped him.
@Ed30675 3 года назад
@@ant7936 As regards being given an audience, the answer is no... No one would see them except for Ray Franz.... So a journey of 3, 000! miles at their own expense was futile.... They went with the motive to bolster their faith, but instead it was to break them... And many others in Dublin left also....
@NilDreams 4 года назад
Thank you!! I love your videos. I lived through the 1975 Armageddon predictions. You took me down memory lane with this video and all the books and things you mentioned. Great video!
@RandomPerson-js3rc 6 лет назад
The whole time you were talking about 1975 I couldn't help but think back to when my mother started getting visits from JW women. I believe it was about 1975. I was born in 68. They must have studied with her a while but she never got baptized so eventually they turned to me for a bible study . I started with the Book of Bible studies. And later began that book you are talking about. I did get baptized sometime right after high school. I was eventually DF'd for not meeting with them. I had decided to break free. It is sad they hold my sister against me. The one thing that kept her from buying their message was 1. She had a near death experience and knew we have a spiritual body too. There is a scripture in Corinthians that mentions If there is a physical body, there is also a spiritual one. Of course they twist that too. 2. She wasn't convinced we would know what the truth was till we meat Christ. Thank you for sharing this.
@64genoveva 7 лет назад
Hello Anthony thank you for posting all this, lm still a JWs but will leave soon, because l woke up since the Australian incident
@JehovahsElijah 6 лет назад
this is a division, stick with it, don't take sides, the end is here. I knew Armageddon was not coming the year after I graduated in 1974, but I knew enough by self study that 1975 is year 6000 of Adam, and not it is clear the punishment has been for 40 years 1976-2016. HALF of what I know would not have been discovered on this side of Armageddon had Armageddon started. I will say this that everyone over 20 is needed by Jehovah for anyone under 20 to survive it. BUT everyone over 20 will still grow old and die after Armageddon because it is written in the DNAC-14 (C-14 of DNA). A letter was sent by me from Florida in Feb 1985 stating Jehovah demands a purging of c14 for 30 years from 1986-2016 that they will stop aging by increasing longevity back to 900. The WT is stupid. Ask them questions as a stranger and they will send you a letter saying it is not their topic. Sent them a CC (carbon copy) of an astronomy question asked to the US Naval Observatory and they stupidly replied as if they had been asked. Hang in there just another year. These are all precedings to the jury that will hang and kill all the remnant when they dare to have an assembly of communion partakers. WatchTower will be stripped naked by the USA and cannot hide internationally (UN) and so their choice is let the nations have the money, stripping Jesus naked, or spend the money now to get all anointed to New York where Jehovah will show and prove who is who.
@BrentRF 5 лет назад
It's not just the ARC but worldwide. It's not just one incident, it appears to be endemic to the organization. I got out 30 years ago and I am still sick to my stomach that I was once in that and preaching about it. Glad you woke up. Life is so much easier and pleasant when you get out. 99% you won't realize until you get out. Then it hits real hard. But in a good way. I wish you the best in your endevour.
@googleshitsyt5557 3 года назад
@@JehovahsElijah Very Interesting!!!
@erock3737 7 лет назад
Anthony thank you for this video. I especially appreciated your uplifting conclusion. I think anyone that has been a member of the organization needed to hear this positive conclusion.
@stevengardner7216 8 лет назад
Lovely video Anthony. My parents(living in Antrim NI at the time) were snared in 1971 by a special pioneer couple. I was just a baby at the time but thankfully we all managed to free ourselves 30 years later. So much damage done in that time though. I think the author of the funny RU-vid clip you mention might be my brother🙂. Ive watched a few of your videos now and always find them most interesting. Much more considered than many out there. Thanks again-
@milordlouis-jeune1567 7 лет назад
Thanks for sharing your storie. it helps alot
@mymangobango3533 6 лет назад
Thank you so much for sharing.
@dantoinettetaylor1663 7 лет назад
This is an excellent video by the way. Fast forward to this year's District Convention 2017 to see that they still continue to perpetuate this lie about 1975 not being promoted by the Governing Body
@arthurbarnes8390 5 лет назад
I was in it in 1968, they were all discussing 1975 for the end of the world, CULT, get out while you can!
@christinacollins2652 7 лет назад
WOW! Andrew powerful moving stuff, keeping me on the straight and narrow
@pauljoyquilter359 8 лет назад
Back then the conversion rate was a lot better than it is now. They used to take about 2000 hours of witnessing to convert 1 person. Now it is over 7000 hours of witnessing to get just 1 person to baptism. That is an entire lifetime of preaching at 10 hours per month ! More information available via the Internet is exposing their lies, deceptions and dirty laundry. Young people are doing their research and leaving in droves.
@ant7936 7 лет назад
And if you consider that most converts are offspring, the percentage success plummets!
@darlenesmith1432 8 лет назад
Thanks for the memories....lol when I was little we didnt have a KH so they held meetings in the masonic hall ! excellent video Brother Blessings
@darlenesmith1432 8 лет назад
I never slept in 74 or 75,honestly!
@natashapeeters988 Год назад
Still one of my favorite videos!!!
@dantoinettetaylor1663 7 лет назад
What publication were you reading from?
@skyisthelimit6612 6 лет назад
Excellent video
@schrecksekunde2118 Год назад
great video 😊
@jamesjahavey1681 7 лет назад
Not to o many people understand what Armageddon is or the war of the great day but a great many events had to take place during the period called the time of the end before the final battle so if those events had not happened why would any one expect the final battle to take place? Take these for example>>>. Revelation 15:1 .I saw in heaven another sign, great and wonderful, seven angels with seven plagues. These are the last ones, because by means of them the anger of God is brought to a finish. >>Then you had to go to an assembly to learn about the aspects of these.
@kdrazalotg-usa6345 Год назад
@ant7936 Год назад
Yes, the _Awake!_ magazine that ruined my sea-going career!
@joha790 6 лет назад
Were you reading from Jehovah's Witnesses Answered Subject by Subject by David Reed? That is an excellent book :)
@ant7936 6 лет назад
Levi Mattheus Reasoning from the Bible with JWs Ron Rhodes I also have the Reed book.
@joha790 6 лет назад
Anthony Roberts Cool. Yes I have them both too 😀 like frosties....they're greeat!
@woketointelofjws6670 3 года назад
Hi ant, long time no hear 😀
@robertiannucci1667 8 лет назад
Also Anthony they said a 1976 that it was foolish for those people witnesses to sell the home
@ant7936 8 лет назад
Exactly. My mother sold our inheritance home to fund a move to help an isolated group in SW Scotland.
@patricialynveal4017 Год назад
When you really look, you are told watch for wolves..even now lots of wolves... but even the old shows the growth and your FoS and you can find everything...nothing is a secret and when wrong, they update to come back into line with scripture thought at each time.... Sigh,
@nowandafter3258 Год назад
@64genoveva 7 лет назад
You are right
@janicemorton7581 Год назад
🙂 are you there Anthony? Ive just watched all your videos and want more. Please say hello at least.
@ant7936 Год назад
I'm fine thanks. I haven't had anything to say for a while! 😄 Send me an email if you want/ need to talk. witnessaid@Yahoo.co.uk
@janicemorton7581 Год назад
@@ant7936 thank you xx
@labelle8110 Год назад
Anthony? How are you? We miss you! 🌍🙏🏿
@ant7936 Год назад
I'm OK, thanks. Just nothing to say! Any suggestions? I'll try to think of something....... 🤔
@labelle8110 Год назад
@@ant7936 one in awhile I watched your videos, they touched me. I need to make sure that all is well! You matter, be well!🌍🙏🏿
@irenedavo3768 Год назад
No recent comments
@alvinlevy5502 Год назад
Been watching your videos 📹 ,I must say youv been through a lot and my prayers are with you 🙏 Jesus is the answer, try make friends with christians not ex jws, you left the WT and need to replace it with Jesus , pray 🙏 try to find a bible believing church 🙏 the brothers and sisters in church will support you , God bless you in the name of Jesus , I left WT in 1998 and got saved in 2000 ,when you are free in christ you realy are free 🙏.
@ant7936 Год назад
I left around that time also. I'm fine now, thanks. Life is good!
@alvinlevy5502 Год назад
Fact Jws are not christians an d not Jws they follow the teachings of Rutherford so Joseph's witnesses Jws ,Seventh-day adventists christodelphians ww church of God are all cults all linked to William Miller. American dooms day cults.
@bIindjake 8 лет назад
@64genoveva 7 лет назад
In the mean time lm watching all the videos of all or some of our ex brothers n sisters, l got family there and other will get the plunge but hopely no as me my mother n sister are finding and getting the shock of it from the literature and cartoons and their music and the late theme they put on the paradice video which is from the group EPICA. And the butterfly they use to lure nasty people and do nothing. The Elders came to see me n told them but l dont count cos a woman, other family is in south america is a long story. This is a battle, knowing the truth from the truth.
@ant7936 7 лет назад
Jessica Watson Yes it's painful to realise that we were misled, but better that than to hide our head in the sand. And when we are well, a full and meaningful life awaits!
@Royal-Jaywick 7 лет назад
I have found out my self that in 2 thes 2 .There will be a man who sets himself up in Gods true people the innocent sheep will be shaken from there reason ..As a letter is meant to come from them saying the time has come ..ie 1975 etc ..Its interesting times and the bible is showing all things to me .Jesus starts with the temple of God ..Maybe this is the great awakening ..But a lot will carry on believing in men rather then God and his word .Just remember Judas was sat right with Jesus So we are here again .It all started with Russell mixed truths .That is what the devil does he is the great mixer of truths .,
@jamesjahavey1681 7 лет назад
Jesus has his own method of sorting those who are not really sincere and only serve for what they can get.Matthew 13:47-50 .the Kingdom of the heavens is like a dragnet let down into the sea and gathering fish of every kind. When it was full, they hauled it up onto the beach, and sitting down, they collected the fine ones into containers, but the unsuitable they threw away.That is how it will be in the conclusion of the system of things. The angels will go out an separate the wicked from among the righteous and will cast them into the fiery furnace. There is where their weeping and the gnashing of their teeth will be.
@sleeper2173 3 года назад
Are you still around Anthony?
@ant7936 3 года назад
Hello, yes. And still twitching! Nothing much to add, hence silence.
@sleeper2173 3 года назад
@@ant7936 Are you still studying the scriptures? Where you at, at the moment.Belief wise I mean.. I'm an ex-witness
@ant7936 3 года назад
@@sleeper2173 Well not exactly "studying", but I finished OT for second time and I still read NT. Just finished Acts again. Used to attend church before the Crazy started! I don't participate in JWs sites which, I think, are unhealthy places to be. They're ok for a short time, but it's better to move on. If you/ anyone wants to talk (but not debate) you can write to my email; witnessaid@Yahoo.co.uk
@sleeper2173 3 года назад
@@ant7936 Ok, I sent a message to you
@robbiedudley9572 3 года назад
The new 1975 date is 2022 AD.
@ant7936 3 года назад
Has that actually appeared in print, or just hinted at, leaving everyone to draw their own (wrong) conclusions?
@robbiedudley9572 3 года назад
@@ant7936 LOL. Well, to be brief. 1. Christ returned in 1992 and took 22 years to complete the spiritual temple. That is, seal all the saints into the kingdom. The second temple took 22 years from Passover of 455 BCE to Passover of 433 BCE. So 22 years from Passover of 1993 ends Passover 2015. That is when the "four winds" are let loose, which we associate with Jehovah's Day. Jehovah's Day is a tribulation of 7 years. Thus if we add 7 years to 2015, we get 2022 AD. 2. But also, Jehovah's Day must begin with a rare astronomical event. Two eclipses. A total solar eclipse followed by a total lunar eclipse. That only happens once in 30 years since 1992! Guess what year? 2015!! Guess when the lunar eclipse occurred? Passover! So just based on those two eclipses, if we begin Jehovah's Day on April 4, 2015, it would end on Passover of 2022 AD. So there's no other choice. We have to presume 2022 is the end of the world since it is our only choice as far as those two eclipses. (Acts 2:20). 3. The Bible says when Christ returns, Satan is also kicked out of heaven and is loose in the earth for "a short while". How long is a short while? If it is 30 years, then it will end in 2022 AD. 30 + 1992 = 2022. 4. Then there is the "1975" correction date. 1975 was based on the end of 6000 years of man's existence into the 7th creative day, which is 7000 years long each. The millennium is the sabbath or final 1000 years. But not quite. Two events occur after the 1000 years: a) Satan is let loose for a short while (30 years), and b) Judgment Day, which we will say is a generation of 80 years. So the actual 1000-year reign of Christ is moved up a little, 110 years from the absolute final 1000 years. Additionally, 1975 was based on Eve being created within a year of Adam being created, which is ridiculous. Adam was likely 30 years of age, a full-grown man, before he was given a wife to love and care for. Additionally, 1975 was based on the wrong date for the Exodus, 1513 BCE. The Exodus actually occurred in 1386 BCE. So ultimately if we add 30 years to 127 years, 1975 is some 157 years too early. The true end of 6000 years is 2132 AD. If we then subtract 110 years from 2132, we get 2022 AD. So 2022 AD is our best corrected adjustment to the 1975 date. So 2022 AD is certainly a milestone date in many ways to consider. But as you said. YOU have to be looking and you have to consider that date. Thing is, it doesn't hurt to anticipate 2022 AD as being the end of the world. If it doesn't happen, back to the drawing board. But for now, there is a whole lot saying it should happen by 2022 AD. YOUR CHOICE!
@ant7936 3 года назад
@@robbiedudley9572 Dear God? Did you say brief? 😂😅🤣 Thanks for that (I think.....) I thought I was good at Maths, but you lost me after the first para! I didn't expect it go on so long, but I read to the end, honest. Sounds like one of those awful Watchtower "studies" we used to have where you are wanting to die halfway through and everyone is pretending to enjoy and understand it. It's so convenient that despotic leaders always make Watchtower Jesus return invisibly. But then, like a certain contemporary germ, an invisible return is a perfect way to fool most of the people all of the time.
@robbiedudley9572 3 года назад
@@ant7936 The "7 times" prophecy is about 2520 years in the absence of an earthly representative of God's kingdom. So when Christ returns, he has to return in a physical body,. So his return is secretive and private but not invisible. His appearance will be like "lightning." That means, he is basically secretive and behind the clouds. But on some , he will show forth like lightning and show from horizon to horizon. But lightning is just a flash, a moment. So basically, he shows up in a physical body and goes on national television a couple of times. That way every eye of the "tribes of the earth" to see him on TV. But it is just a couple of times for a few moment or two, then it is over. If you didn't know which channel and what time, you'd miss it. But otherwise, anybody who knew Christ had returned could tune in and see him. So Christ has to return in a physical body and rule on the earth for 1000 years with his saints who are also in physical bodies. That Christ does not return in the flesh is something the antichrist will be saying, thus the WTS is now the antichrist since they say Christ did not return in the flesh in 1914, but invisibly. But in reality, Christ did return in the flesh and visibly on December 25, 1992. BUT..,. you have to be into chronology to know that. If you're not into , you end up finding out too late. The door to the kingdom was closed on April 4, 2015.
@ant7936 3 года назад
@@robbiedudley9572 Yes, I'm very familiar with the mathematical gymnastics of 2520, but thanks for that. I was the assigned reader at many of those meetings.
@r0b0gam3r9 2 года назад
It’s this video gonna stop Jehovah from being God ? Say the GB did say the world was to end in 1975 is Jehovah gonna stop being God? Ps 83:18 Jehovah alone is the most high.
@ant7936 2 года назад
Who's disputing that? Not I !
@64genoveva 7 лет назад
But these parties are pagans and not biblical, lm not celebrating them because Jesus didnt say we could but we get together with the family, we are still learning abd just follow Jesus and do good and help the poor if l see them
@hapymark123 5 лет назад
It amazes me how many people talk about "selling" books by the WTS. I ask anyone, HOW MUCH was the price of a NWT Bible, a Song book, a Watchtower/Awake, etc. I challenge anyone to give me the current going "price" of any one of the Watchtower societies publications. I'll be waiting.
@ant7936 5 лет назад
You don't need to wait. Clearly, the Society no longer makes a specific charge for its books, but when the "contribution arrangement" began circa 1995, we were given clear suggestions of what to contribute when acquiring anything from the Literature Counter in the Kingdumb Hell. I also served as Accounts Servant for 2 years, so I read out the Literature balance owed to the Society each month. I cannot recall exact prices of books/magazines except one -- in 1963, Watchtower and Awake were selling for 5d each to the public and we paid 4d at the Literature Counter and Regular Pioneers paid one penny per magazine. We sold yearly magazine subscriptions for about 5 shillings and the green NWT cost about £1. The large hardback books were about 3 shillings each. Everything had a price and it was listed.
@tanyadepoalo9085 5 лет назад
Anthony Roberts You tell him Anthony! He clearly has not discerned one word you said and his eyes, ears ,heart and thinking mind are tuned out and turned off. Very typical of a JW. Thank you for sharing your experience as you lived through that time period and are a testament to the lies this Society produces year after year after year, with no regard for the individual! It is all about the face of the Organisation...truly sociopathic!
@billyroland2758 2 года назад
@Mark Goler, How come you never replied thanking the person who responded to your challenge?
@shadegreen5351 Месяц назад
Late to the party, but books were sold prior years to 1995. The change to contributions allowed them to keep the 501 c3 status afforded by the IRS. It's like you people don't have a functional understanding of the world around you. I know it isn't your fault, you have been taught to only dwell on the spiritual things and to turn away from the world. I know because I was one of you. You can still not be part of the world while understanding how the world functions. Knowing that, I think, would allow a more fluid path through life and the wisdom to recognize the Enemy's snares.
@r.e.4640 5 лет назад
Fake news! Lol!!!😆
@welchgarcia 2 года назад
did you live it?
@shadegreen5351 Месяц назад
Be careful visiting Apostate information sites, you might learn something.
@barakhammond3058 2 года назад
again the date 1975 was the ending of the 6000 years of creation, we are now in the 7th day of God's creation. 1000 years = 1 day with God, the 1000 years of peace is upon us, it's due to began anytime now. The 1000 years of peace is ruled by Jesus Christ, that' when paradise will be restored to the earth, After the 1000 yr reign, the Kingdom rule will be turned back to the creator jehovah
@ant7936 2 года назад
Yes, "any time now", "soon". That's what we say to a dog or a child, to keep them quiet, when they want something. 🙄
@ericbulman1752 Год назад
The Bible does not say that paradise will be retired and the Bible does not say the earth will be made into a paradise . That's a watchtower teaching not a Bible teaching .
@googleshitsyt5557 3 года назад
I am the Firstborn, brought forth. I am identical twins. I am Equal to MYSELF. Adam and Eve in the Genesis account was created for the Last Days; I already said that then ... Genesis 3:15. I AM MELCHIZEDEK. I AM EQUAL-MELCHIZEDEK. I HAVE NO END. I AM THE KEEPER/GUARDIAN OF ALL PROPHETS ON EARTH, FROM AONS TO AONS. Abel, Adam, Eve as HOMO SAPIENS did not exist. Cain is the evil in man, the dark side. Abel is the good in man, the light. This light must be found and explored by humans. The Holy Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation is a concise version of the Vedas to repent the outcast man; compare the Gospel of Mark to the three others. It is the Purpose of MYSELF, is to find yourself. A quest for everyone.
@yellyman5483 2 года назад
Ant had the nerve to write that he doesn`t support Ukraine.. That makes him a very very bad person to me.
@ant7936 2 года назад
I have never said that anywhere. But why would I want to support Ukraine? And what does it have to do with the subject above? Do tell!
@yellyman5483 2 года назад
@@ant7936 Unless you`re a selfless prick with no empathy you want to help people in need at a time of war.
@barakhammond3058 6 лет назад
@ant7936 6 лет назад
Barak Hammond Then you need to do more honest research - if you know what that is. You didn't watch until the end, did you? The Watchtower was usually very careful to avoid stating that precisely, but all their circuit and district overseers/reps and invited Bethel speakers kept reminding us of its imminence. And numerous articles I mentioned spoke about the "remaining months until Armageddon".
@barakhammond3058 6 лет назад
so what is the big deal??? about 1975??? Are you not aware of Jesus words at Matthew 24: 36 ?? "Concerning that day and hour nobody knows , neither the angels of the heavens nor the Son, but only the FATHER." The Society knows of that scripture so they did not put a year on when Armageddon would begin. Only that the 6000 years of creation ended in 1975. Get it , if not you are stupid and cannot understand plain language stupid!!!!!~!~
@ant7936 6 лет назад
Follow the money. Listen to the full video before you make more ill informed, rude comments which show your own stupidity. Of course no-one knows the day, but everyone wants and hopes for it. Put your arrogance aside and you'll learn something about the fortune that Watchtower made from the interest in the subject and its extra 3 million members between 68 and 75.
@tanyadepoalo9085 5 лет назад
Anthony Roberts I just noticed this was 8 months ago and i replied to that jerk i also realized This guy is a narcissist...he just wants a reaction out of you, that's how they work. They love circular arguments that go nowhere. The insults and lack of knowledge are just part of their tactic to get you to respond. He's a blithering idiot and the best way to get under their skin is to ignore them...as hard as that it it's the best way. I dated one of these things for 11 years and you get nowhere...they love to mudsling and get reactions it's their life blood. Thank you for this video very informative.
@BrentRF 5 лет назад
It's all right here to see for yourself. www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/1975.php
@barakhammond3058 6 лет назад
All your comments about me are completely wrong, Mr. Roberts!!!!!
@ant7936 6 лет назад
Barak Hammond OK! So all of the (one) comments I made are wrong. Why are you so desperately throwing up red herrings? Nothing like avoiding the main points of an argument! When are you going to come up with some evidence to refute the facts?
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