
This Bible Passage Makes MANY Believe You Can Lose Your Salvation... 

Gospel Partners Media / Wretched
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If there’s one passage in the Bible that’s most likely to cause a Christian to think they can lose their salvation, it’s this one…
Todd Friel dives into Hebrews chapter 6 to help us understand if it’s actually saying Christians can lose their salvation, or if there's a deeper context that’s being missed.
Wretched TV and Radio are hosted by Todd Friel. On the show, you will see and hear live witnessing encounters, discussions of tough theological issues, and Christian commentary on current events. We might even make you laugh.
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31 янв 2016




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@HisLostSheep Год назад
I've been struggling with this topic so much. This has horribly impacted my walk with God... I am now putting my COMPLETE FAITH and TRUST in GOD... I was wrongfully putting so much of the burden on myself to the point that I was treating my salvation like works without knowing it. I backslid real bad for almost 2 months. Couple of weeks ago I finally rejoiced over my salvation. Don't get me wrong... just because I believe in once saved always saved, doesn't mean I can live a carnal life. It also doesn't mean I can't stumble. I've analyzed myself and I am so blown away how much God has transformed me... not me, God. Thank God for Context.
@YankeeValleyOutdoors Год назад
Conditional security.
@christsavesreadromans1096 11 месяцев назад
You’re just believing falsely, why would Paul warn baptized christians (Gal 3:26) of not inheriting the kingdom of God (Gal 5:19-21) if one couldn’t lose their salvation? Repent and join the Catholic Church.
@446redred 11 месяцев назад
​@@christsavesreadromans1096 it's better to be a non believer that didn't hear gospel than to be a part of catholic Church. For the Bible says that people that knew about truth and yet reject them will suffer severely more than others in hell. Hope you start reading your Bible and not your catholic tradition that's been stuffed into your brain
@liamc1102 10 месяцев назад
The catholic Church is of Satan@@christsavesreadromans1096
@mamawlife7852 9 месяцев назад
I can relate to your comment. I was "saved" when I was 12. I'm 53 now. I lived my life thinking I was saved and lived worldly. I was on the fence, I was lukewarm, carnal. It wasn't until almost 3 years ago that I realized I was lost. If I died in my sins, I would have gone to hell.
@briankady1456 10 месяцев назад
I remember the first time I read this passage. And it scared me to death! Thank you for clarifying this.
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 4 месяца назад
If you tell everyone that you are a carpenter but day in and out, you do the work of an accountant are you truly a carpenter? No, you are an accountant. Likewise, a Christian by name who lives contrary to Jesus’ teachings by living sinful/worldly is not a real Christian. 1 John 5:18 We know that whoever is born of God does not sin; but he who has been born of God keeps himself, and the wicked one does not touch him.
@troyadam72 Год назад
Gods grace is nothing to take for granted! God is a Holy God that abhors sin!
@savedwretch Год назад
@exactly brother ! Hebrews 10:26-29 "26 For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, 27 but a fearful expectation of judgment, and a fury of fire that will consume the adversaries. 28 Anyone who has set aside the law of Moses dies without mercy on the evidence of two or three witnesses. 29 How much worse punishment, do you think, will be deserved by the one who has trampled underfoot the Son of God, and has profaned the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified, and has outraged the Spirit of grace?"
@syrsafox32 Год назад
@@savedwretch This has always been a passage that has troubled me for a while now. For the longest time, I lived in willful sin even though I knew that it wasn't right. Finally, about half a year ago, I finally realized how much trouble that I was in and repented. And yet I have never gotten over whether or not I can be forgiven for such acts. I feel awful. I know that I've done wrong and I want to get back to God. Is it even possible now? Is it too late for me?
@savedwretch Год назад
@@syrsafox32 Good to see you've turned from your sin....please guard yourself and keep on the straight and narrow road. No it's not too late unless you suddenly die (which 106,000 people die every minute young and old) and didn't make right with God. I was saved as a teenager and my pastors told me there are w no way to fall away. Most of my life i titled myself a "Christian" and listened to OSAS (Once Saved Always Saved) preachers After my water baptism in my teenager years fully believing in Jesus...I thought to myself "well these charasmatic/pentecostal preachers told me once i am saved, i'm always saved"..."so why worry about being righteous and holy and the so called, hard narrow road ?!". I fell into a lifestyle of sin..being a drunk, getting high, sex addict, using foul language... practicing sin. My weakness like my father's was...is women. I was constantly looking at porn making perverted jokes with friends etc even while being married and having 2 beautiful young kids. I knew deep inside OSAS is WRONG. I gave up all other practice of sinning except for pornography(which almost ruined my marriage a few times). I couldn't stop being adicted to porn ! In the shower i would sometimes feel so guilty and start to cry to God, asking for forgiveness and that i promise i would never watch porn again,....to only break that vow the next day...so on and so on.. in early 2021,..i was diagnosed with a stage 3 brain tumor early, i was immediately booked for surgery since the tumors were so big, it caused un imaginable headaches and seizures. I had to come to terms with..."this could be it ! i asked myself honestly"If i die now, would i go to heaven or hell?!". I KNEW i'd be going to hell!...i knew those OSAS preachers were wrong, but i loved my sin. So I sincerely repented and totally turned away from practicing sin,...so much so i don't even check out a revealing clothed woman in public out. With my hard-headedness, i had to look DEATH in the eyes. i was so full of joy and motivated to learn more of my God,.. picked up the Bible and studied it night and day ever since. I wanted to know the truth!...and everything about Jesus and getting truly saved. Many sleepless nights went to searching for truth. Since i didn't work, i had all the time to research everything i could that had anything to do with Christianity,..i searched and read many scholarly texts and history. when the surgeon asked me to sign a form that i had to aknowledge that i could die or come out of surgery paralyzed or brain-dead. They operated hours long and stopped...it was a failure! they couldn't remove any tumors! the tumors had invaded the whole right lobe of my brain and has roots into the actual stem part of the brain which controls motor functions like breathing, heart beat etc. They said they had to stop or i'd be paralyzed or dead. I didn't have balance anymore, and i couldn't sing and talk anymore..only whispers came out. I was put on strong chemo therapy and the strongest possible radio therapy which all ended last year Nov (2021). Each new MRI scan showed that the tumors are rapidly increasing in size by 400% while doing all therapies. The docs gave me max 6 months to live (expiring Dec 2021) as all treatments were failing to help....my cancer doc even looked me in the eyes and said "i don't want to see you again, i can't do anything else for you" similar patients dies within weeks to a couple months if the treatments failed like mine did. I am writing this in Nov 2022 (1 year after my death date given by docs). 1 month ago i visited that cancer specialist again. He fell back in his chair and just stared at me, he said it's impossible that you are walking, talking, laughing! He looked at mu MRI pics and said "i don't understand!...your tumors are getting smaller!" I am booked for another MRI scan in Feb 2023. Being born-again for over a year now and living in righteousness as God demands us to,... what an adventure!!!...painful, but worth it ! I sing now for the past 11 months in our church band as one of the lead singers(yes, God gave my voice back), also the past 6 months i rollerskate with my wife in Christian Performances where i lift her up and so on(yes, God gave my balance back). I live my life for God now, my family loves the "new" born-again me. Obeying God's Commandments is not hard to do anymore, it is a pleasure honestly. I can't thank God enough everyday for giving me a second chance... something many are not so fortunate to have. Jude 1:7 7 just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire.
@savedwretch Год назад
@@syrsafox32... James 5:19-20 "19 My brothers, if anyone among you wanders from the truth and someone brings him back, 20 let him know that whoever brings back a sinner from his wandering will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins." NOTE: you see my friend, it is not too late, but truly repent and never go back again. Fight the good fight until your last breath enduring temptations to sin. Keep God's 10 commandments (John 14:15 "If you love me, obey my commandments). i prayed for God to give you strength in times of temptations,may God bless you Syrsa.
@syrsafox32 Год назад
@@savedwretch Thank you. You too. C:
@lesterpenner8786 Год назад
Well explained. If Salvation could be lost then the first sin committed after being born again you would be hopelessly doomed.
@jameslow5536 Год назад
if it were possible it would more likely be the willful falling / turning away from Christ / God as in the willful disobedience of the original sin that brought the original fall from grace.
@Toni-ed6oi Год назад
Stop sinning men . Don't take It easy . If you have in your mind :" Let's sin more for we are under grace" , you are geting It wrong . Flee from sin
@therealdeal7 Год назад
Why do some people think Hebrews 6 is talking about just backsliding? It's not talking about if you sin again because you will. But if you're truly saved you will be chastened and feel miserable about it and won't want to do it again. No one in sinless. It's talking about losing your faith, it's talking about no longer believing in Jesus and his sacrifice for our sins on the cross. Plain and simple. Be careful once saved, always saved gives unsure people the license to stay in sin.
@douglaidlaw740 Год назад
Not necessarily. The Jews crucified Jesus, for political reasons. Jesus was about npopular with them as Trump in America is now. Are they going to change overnight, like Jonah's Nineveh?Why do Churches still have prayers of confession? This brings you back to your original "saved" (whtever that means) status. Sins that are forgiven are wiped off the record. If you believe otherwise, this guy would tell you: "Don't read Hebrews, or anything else except Genesis." That is no answer. Hebrews was written to explain Christianity to Jesus' own people, to those over whom Jesus wept. Nobody knows whether they are saved or not until they arrive at the Pearly Gates and ring the doorbell. That leaves no time for worrying about their status. They need to get away from their books, and start being what God wants them to be. "Faith without works is dead." This guy's rhetoric simply shows how wrong he accepts that he is. Basically, he has no understnding of human psychology. He thinks this way, but he can't believe that nobody else does. He is talking like Jonah before Nineveh. They don't even speak his language, far less Jewish eschatology. God may be Supreme, but still does not take away human fee will.
@Toni-ed6oi Год назад
@@therealdeal7 Hebrews 6 is for those Hebrews Who from animal sacrifice came to Jesús the new and only sacrifice for sin, they believed It , and afterwards they went back again to the animal sacrifice again . For this people there is no forgivness anymore because the animal Blood cannot wash away the sins . Remember that the book of Hebrews was not writen to the romams , but to the HEBREWS speacially , also for us. For those Who does not understand Hebrews 6 , the responde of this whole chapter is verse 9 . To understand this Book , you need the guidance of the Holly Spirit of God . I strugled 2 years almost to understand Hebrews 6 and 10 . Now i understand 🙂 Good bless you
@kolton1688 Год назад
Thank you so much! I really needed to understand this! I’m crying so much right now that I understand Gods love! I’m pressing on!!! Glory to God
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 4 месяца назад
If you tell everyone that you are a carpenter but day in and out, you do the work of an accountant are you truly a carpenter? No, you are an accountant. Likewise, a Christian by name who lives contrary to Jesus’ teachings by living sinful/worldly is not a real Christian. 1 John 5:18 We know that whoever is born of God does not sin; but he who has been born of God keeps himself, and the wicked one does not touch him.
@er4327 10 месяцев назад
Thank you so much for this, Todd. I would've grabbed hold of Him anyway as scared as I would've been. But "blessed assurance Jesus is mine." Thank you and God bless you.
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 4 месяца назад
If you tell everyone that you are a carpenter but day in and out, you do the work of an accountant are you truly a carpenter? No, you are an accountant. Likewise, a Christian by name who lives contrary to Jesus’ teachings by living sinful/worldly is not a real Christian. 1 John 5:18 We know that whoever is born of God does not sin; but he who has been born of God keeps himself, and the wicked one does not touch him.
@Rira145 Год назад
Thank you, sir, for this video and all others that speak on this issue. This has been the most helpful in my walk with Jesus. I used to attend a church that believed one can lose their salvation and it was hard. I’m using these videos to help retrain my mind to know the truth. I appreciate all your teachings on this. Sharing this on social media. Thank you.
@rudolphferdinand3634 2 месяца назад
How can a person lose their redemption when that salvation has saved them from sin? Jesus Christ saved us from ALL of our sins. All sins will be forgiven you, all! The only sin not forgiven is a rejection of God’s salvation through Christ Jesus, the work of the Holy Spirit.
@joycegreer9391 Год назад
Thank you for this great explanation. I have seen this passage used often in discussions about once saved always saved.
@donkeymama2 Год назад
I agree with once saved always saved, but he doesnt. He believes in preservation of the saints (those who are truely saved will never commit apostasy)
@joycegreer9391 Год назад
@@donkeymama2 You don't think that is essentially the same thing?
@donkeymama2 Год назад
@@joycegreer9391 no its not. Once saved always saved is the arminian (though not shared by all) stance that holds even if one commits apostacy (leaves the faith) and dies faithless, they would still be saved. Preservation of the saints is the calvinist doctrine that states true believers will never commit apostacy and will die faithful, those who do leave and die faithless never had faith to begin with and are thus damned to the lake of fire for eternity
@lisadooley3872 Год назад
Thank you for explaining this in detail and showing me what proper context means because this has reaffirmed my faith in Christ and I know now that I can’t lose my salvation!!! I was worried about that because I had heard from others who said that you could lose your salvation but now I realize thanks to your explanation that the verses aren’t talking about me but others who have yet to make their decision about who they are going to follow!!!
@richhuzy6592 Год назад
Yes you can loose your salvation. Read Romans 11 16-24 please. Even king David prayed for God not to take his holy Spirit away. The elect, foreknew, predestined people are the Israelites. Anybody can be cut off if you don't stay in his good graces.
@joycegreer9391 Год назад
​@@richhuzy6592 No, that is not right. It is Jesus who holds secure all whom the Father has given Him, and we are sealed in the Holy Spirit. It is not in our power to save or keep ourselves saved. It is all GOD. God is not capricious. It is not "staying in His good graces". King David was before Messiah came. Scripture says we were chosen before the foundation of the world, so that was long before the Israelite nation. See Ephesians 1:3-14 Romans 11 is referring to the Gospel, those who believe and those who reject it. If you have true saving faith, then be sure in your salvation.
@richhuzy6592 Год назад
@@joycegreer9391 it all depends on if you have received the holy spirit. John's baptism only for repentance of sins fulfill righteousness. However not everyone gets the gift of the holy spirit. If you don't endure to the end, you will fall away from his grace
@richhuzy6592 Год назад
@@joycegreer9391 and you are wrong. The Israelites are the ones God took out of Egypt and set free. They are the elect, the foreknow, the predestined.
@richhuzy6592 Год назад
@@joycegreer9391 and you are wrong. The Israelites are the ones who God took out of Egypt and set free. They are the elect, the foreknown, the predestined.
@mixedmahem4240 Год назад
@Felicia_Beaux Год назад
Thankfully, God is faithful, as we are not. Good video!
@scottmccloud9029 Год назад
Thank you very much, Todd. Explained so very well.
@shawnmcfadden8641 Год назад
I love this teaching It has helped me understand this picture more clear thanks so much God bless you Amen!!!
@aylinayala5686 11 месяцев назад
Exactly, i dont go to church much cause they dont speak truth most of the time, I learned the truw Gospel with the holy spirit and it is ebedded in my heart that God does not forsake us, he has a plan and he will finish it.
@john14_63 2 месяца назад
Surely you can find a church where truth is spoken. 😊
@Warfeist Год назад
Thanks Todd, no one is perfect, we should persevere in attaining bettet defenses by reading the Word of God and let Jesus help us.
@MC-blessed 10 месяцев назад
This was wonderful 🙌🏽 thank you!!!
@ericnazario8486 Год назад
Thank you for the teachings!!
@jameshughes2911 Год назад
Nicely done. This is encouragement to the genuine believer living in the midst of serious spiritual battles to hang on and trust God to finish that good work and stern warning to "tire kickers" who think by association alone they're ok.
@sunshineflowers1831 Год назад
hahaha "tire kickers" I love that saying, I use it sometimes, and get confused looks.. 😅
@briankady1456 9 месяцев назад
Had the same thought in mind too. "Tire kickers" sounds about right.
@pilindriqui Год назад
Thank you for this, Todd!
@LeeLeeB5 Год назад
So true! Context is everything!
@c0c0jam Год назад
The book of Hebrews was written to Jewish Chrostians who are under persecution and tempted to go back to their old ways of salvation. The verses in question mean that if a person who believed that Jesus is the ONLY way, and then eventually changed his/her mind, meaning Jesus is NOT the only way, then that person actually loses salvation. We do not lose our salvation because of sin. We lose our salvation when we stop believing that we are saved ONLY by grace through faith in Jesus (Eph 2:8).
@andymiltner1713 Год назад
Yes. Its quite interesting to me how many pastors and modern teachers strain to convince people that they cannot lose their salvation, when in fact our salvation is truly not known to us until the final day of judgement. Why else would the Bible focus so much attention on "Fearing God" and "remaining faithful" and "finishing the race"?
@randyochandler Год назад
​@@andymiltner1713 1 John 5:13 These things have I written to you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may believe on the name of the Son of God. Everything before this verse is written so we can know we have internal life. Eph 2:4-7 AKJV 4 But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love with which he loved us, 5 Even when we were dead in sins, has quickened us together with Christ, (by grace you are saved;) 6 And has raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus: 7 That in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus. Because of his great love he saves us and causes to sit in heavenly places, so that in the future he can show the riches of his kindness towards us in Christ.
@richardpoonarian8674 2 месяца назад
Not convinced the passage is talking about non-Christians. Cross-reference Hebrews 6:4 with Hebrews 2:9, and do a Greek word study on the word taste. Geuo- to experience or receive in the figurative sense. If these people were unsaved, then it means these people came short of experiencing salvation. Likewise, it would mean that Jesus came short of experiencing death, and that is total heresy. If Jesus never died, then he could never have resurrected, which means you have no hope of an afterlife. Also, if you can’t be renewed to repentance, that means you’ve already repented. An unsaved person has never repented. If I renew my driver’s license, it implies I’ve had one before. If I renew my magazine subscription, it implies I’ve had one before. How could you say these people were never saved?
@richardpoonarian8674 19 дней назад
Well done. My former pastor never liked the phrase “lose your salvation”, he would prefer to say you can leave it, willfully turn your back on it , or walk away from it. The problem is on our end, not His end. Compare Hebrews 6:4 with 2:9 and do a Greek word study on the word taste. (Geuo) It’s a checkmate argument that settles the meaning of the passage once and for all.
@missmiami7027 Год назад
Thank you for you’re explanation. I was mistaken I needed that enlightenment of my salvation & repentance.
@merrylloyd8723 Год назад
Well taught! Thank you!
@DavidTron63 2 месяца назад
Agree 100%. Context is key. The enemy loves to take advantage of this verse to accuse us and convince us that we have committed the unpardonable sin. In another verse Jesus mentions the unforgivable sin, which sounds like its directed at the Christian, however it concludes with "he said this because they (the Pharisees) said he had an unclean spirit", after seeing his miracles. THIS is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit the bible refers to, which a Christian cannot commit because we have all experienced the Holy Spirit when we were saved, and so we know better than to make such a claim.
@richardlira3895 Год назад
I appreciate you trying to explain away... but the key, I am convinced, is in the word repentance( to change one's mind). In other words, there is no more they can learn or experience of God's goodness, they know God is good and he died on our behalf- they know! There is nothing more they can learn or experience, they are willfully walking in disobedience! There can be no more repantance(change of mind or new info to aquire), but hopefully there will be REMORSE through conviction and they won't die as an unrepented prodigal son-
@brandedforchrist Год назад
Reading your comment brought a scripture to my mind that best explains what you’re trying to convey.. . . . “For if, after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overcome, the latter end is worse for them than the beginning. For it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than having known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered to them.” ‭‭II Peter‬ ‭2:20-21‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ . . It’s sad watching how brother Todd was trying his possible best to twist truth in front of the children of God, I couldn’t bear to watch it anymore
@jaredhammonds8255 6 месяцев назад
This is the only explanation that I have heard that actually makes sense.
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 6 месяцев назад
If you tell everyone that you are a mechanic but day in and out, you do the work of an accountant are you truly a mechanic? No, you are an accountant. Likewise, a Christian by name who lives contrary to Jesus’ teachings by living sinful/worldly is not a real Christian.
@kac0404 Год назад
Hebrews 6:4-8; 10:26-39 - The inspired writer of Hebrews also gives us clear and simple statements of the possibility of apostasy and of losing our very salvation. If one loses one’s salvation it is not God’s fault it is their own fault and they have no one to blame but themselves for their sin. The writer talks about those who were once “enlightened” who have “tasted of heaven” and who have “become partakers of the Holy Spirit” and who have “tasted the good Word of God and the powers of the age to come” - if these aren’t true believing Christians who is? - and IF they “fall away” they are only good for being “cursed” and “burned” in hell. Later the writer of Hebrews goes even further when he says that we can “sin willfully” (the background for “willful sin” is found in Numbers 15:30-31,32-36) and if we do we will never be saved, only the wrath of God and hell awaits us. Notice all the ways that the writer says we can and will be lost if we turn against the Lord. That is why the writer of Hebrews says this: “Therefore we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it. For since the message declared by angels proved to be reliable, and every transgression or disobedience received a just retribution, how shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation?” (Hebrews 2:1-2)
@lucianos4720 9 дней назад
Does your answer wants to say you agree with Todd Friel, or disagree with his here given teaching? I do not agree with him.
@kac0404 9 дней назад
@@lucianos4720 I agree with the word of God and not man.
@michellecheriekjv4115 8 месяцев назад
I have sent this to soo many people...💥 📖✝️
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 6 месяцев назад
A tree is known by its fruit likewise a real Christian produces good fruit. Suppose you have a apple tree and a peach tree both growing, how do I know which is which? The tree that produces peaches is the peach tree and the one that produces apples is the apple tree, likewise a so called Christian who is worldly/sinful is not a real Christian. Matthew 3:10 And even now the ax is laid to the root of the trees. Therefore every tree which does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire
@kingdomquest2521 10 месяцев назад
When I hear people worry about losing their salvation we can always remember if we confess Jesus is the Son of God we will overcome.... I advise all to not reject the Son of God because the Son is the only way to the Father.Most people believe in God but only one faith believes that God has a Son.
@MarvelousSquad Год назад
i have a question though, why does it say "renew"? it says: "it is impossible to RENEW them back to repentance" If they were never truly christian, what is there to renew?
@tonyrussell5058 Месяц назад
I think these are the people who were “on the fence”. They were used to the old traditions of the ceremonial law that pointed forward to Jesus, but never took the step forward TO Jesus and went back to their old ceremonies that don’t lead to salvation. They never truly repented. They rejected the Gospel.
@ProdigalSon_8 Год назад
Factssssssssss❤ 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 I love how you broke it down thank you I try to tell people about this. Jesus paid for our sins he just want us to have faith in him and know he is the only way to heaven and love one another
@savedwretch Год назад
@Factsss.... OSAS is not Biblical. From Adam and Eve to the apostles there are warnings and demonstrations after warnings and demonstrations about apostasy. How are you people so blind ?! While we draw breath there is always a chance we might abandon God...that is why Paul says at the end of his life "i have have finished the race, i have fought the good fight, i have kept the faith". What would happen if he decided not to have finished the race?...or to not have fought the good fight?...or to not have kept the faith?....yea....so easy to go hide in your OSAS little boxes and pretend you are saved ! It has always been about having a continuous relationship with God,...if you don't obey Him, you forfeit the relationship...not Him. You are in His grace only by conditions...John 14:15 "If you love me, obey my commandments"..if you practice sin (constantly break His commandments) no sacrifice is left for you on Judgement day! Repent and keep turning away from sin.
@ProdigalSon_8 Год назад
@@savedwretch obey is to believe and love one another nothing more
@ProdigalSon_8 Год назад
@@savedwretch John 13-34:35
@ProdigalSon_8 Год назад
@@savedwretch that’s his command
@ProdigalSon_8 Год назад
@@savedwretch Ephesians 2-8
@oldplace2844 Год назад
To a large degree, it's a language play. We use the phrase "they were never saved" or scripturally, we have John 2:19 They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us. For there are many people who to all appearances are "saved" but their love lay elsewhere. Truly God is the one that knows. For us to make a call, sometimes even about ourselves, is often short-sighted.
@jameslow5536 Год назад
the only part I go 🤔wellll about is when it is stated one can not be brought into repentance again as it would be like crucifying Christ again... this kind of does imply a saved person who falls away not being able to be brought into repentance again.... again being the defining term
@HeidiRobinson-gs6ct 8 месяцев назад
Thank you for this video.
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 6 месяцев назад
A tree is known by its fruit likewise a real Christian produces good fruit. Suppose you have a apple tree and a peach tree both growing, how do I know which is which? The tree that produces peaches is the peach tree and the one that produces apples is the apple tree, likewise a so called Christian who is worldly/sinful is not a real Christian. Matthew 3:10 And even now the ax is laid to the root of the trees. Therefore every tree which does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire
@adonaisservant1592 Год назад
Hey Ethan from wretched how are u doing today
@joshtinpowers Год назад
Wonder if Todd would apply his explanation of "enlightened" in Hebrews 6.4 to Hebrews 10.32 where that exact same word is used again? Not convinced that his definition fits the context.
@davidbenson9944 Год назад
God predestined His elect. He will not lose one of us. He inhabits eternity and sees the end from the beginning. He knows who are His and knows who will be saved. Our jobs are to go and share Jesus to find out who they are. It says in the book of Jeremiah 3:14 that the Lord is married to the backslider. He beckons them to return. God draws them back
@kcc3090 Год назад
Where in the bible does it discuss predestine the elite?
@davidbenson9944 Год назад
@@kcc3090 elect. Not elite
@davidbenson9944 Год назад
@@kcc3090 elect. Not elite . Romans 8 29-30.. They're are a bunch of scriptures, that clearly state predestination. Hyper calvinists don't bother to share Jesus with a why bother mindset. This is dreadfully wrong. Predestination is a very lofty topic that very few have a grasp of. Lukewarm christianity runs rampant in the western world because of the once saved always saved doctrine. I said the sinner's prayer and got my ticket to heaven so now I'm going to live the way I want. Push comes to shove, Jesus is much more strict than lukewarmers imagine.
@Illycrium Год назад
@@davidbenson9944 Romans 8 is directed at unbelieving Israel, not the world more generally. (8:1-2) Same with John 6. Jesus is talking to unbelieving Israel, not the world at large. Context matters.
@kettch777 Год назад
I firmly believe that God knowing who His children will be does not mean He predestines them. He exists outside of time and knows the outcomes; but that does not mean He makes them happen. We DO exist inside time, and have free will. He may know what we will choose but we are still free to choose what we will. There is no one who wishes to be saved and chooses Jesus that God turns away because they are not "predestined".
@burkholdst.rudderberg3574 Год назад
Per John 3:16, when a person trusts in Christ for their salvation and becomes an authentic Christian they receive eternal life. If a Christian could lose their salvation they would also lose their eternal life. Logically, a Christian who lost their salvation had TEMPORARY ETERNAL LIFE! Temporary eternal life is a concept so alien to orthodox Christianity ( and even secular logic ) that not even the cults embrace it! They went out from us, but they did not belong to us; for if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us. However, they went out so that it might be made clear that none of them belongs to us. ( 1 John 2:19 ) People who lose their salvation never had it in the first place!
@user-kc9ku1rp2c 6 месяцев назад
Awesome teaching! One question though, which translation are you using? I'm using four, KJV,NKJV,NIV and NLT neither of these are translated the way your using.
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 6 месяцев назад
If you tell everyone that you are a mechanic but day in and out, you do the work of an accountant are you truly a mechanic? No, you are an accountant. Likewise, a Christian by name who lives contrary to Jesus’ teachings by living sinful/worldly is not a real Christian.
@Nihit_Arora777 4 месяца назад
If salvation could be lost there remains no distinction between moses and Jesus. But PRAISE GOD the truth is that the Grace and the law can never go together.
@Jair222 6 месяцев назад
This helped a lot thank you 🙏🏼❤️
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 6 месяцев назад
If you tell everyone that you are a mechanic but day in and out, you do the work of an accountant are you truly a mechanic? No, you are an accountant. Likewise, a Christian by name who lives contrary to Jesus’ teachings by living sinful/worldly is not a real Christian.
@Jair222 5 месяцев назад
Amen 🙏🏼
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 4 месяца назад
@@Jair222 Enjoy I have some underlying health issues which can lead to premature death, so I heard about fasting can help fix many issues so I decided to give it a go by dry fasting (no food or water) I could only do it for 1-2 days a week without feeling too weak, but a few months in my heart started racing and it let weaker and weaker. When I would eat something unhealthy it would race hard. One night it was racing hard and a tall figure in white appeared and was praying towards the picture of Jesus in my room, he said something like “please don’t let him die from a heart attack”, then soon after he disappeared and I heard the audible voice of God tell me some stuff then that voice stopped then I felt my body being lifted and life being pumped back into my heart and I was healed thank God, Jesus is God and He is very loving and a miracle worker.
@pawsometales6507 6 месяцев назад
You can not loose the gift (it is a gift, not earned), but someone could foolishly choose to throw the gift away = Many will cry out Lord Lord, but I do not know you
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 6 месяцев назад
If you tell everyone that you are a mechanic but day in and out, you do the work of an accountant are you truly a mechanic? No, you are an accountant. Likewise, a Christian by name who lives contrary to Jesus’ teachings by living sinful/worldly is not a real Christian.
@DavidTron63 2 месяца назад
Wrong. The verse says "I never knew you". Not "I knew you and now I longer know you".
@AgapeMinistries54 7 месяцев назад
We are made righteous throught the blood of Jesús! Only the unrighteousness will not inherit the kingdom of God
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 6 месяцев назад
A tree is known by its fruit likewise a real Christian produces good fruit. Suppose you have a apple tree and a peach tree both growing, how do I know which is which? The tree that produces peaches is the peach tree and the one that produces apples is the apple tree, likewise a so called Christian who is worldly/sinful is not a real Christian. Matthew 3:10 And even now the ax is laid to the root of the trees. Therefore every tree which does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire
@allegory7638 5 месяцев назад
Very good teaching, verse by verse expository teaching is how people come to understand and appreciate God's word. Also, since salvation is God's work whereby He saves a person who has come to belief in Him (...and Abraham believed and it was reckoned to him as righteousness.... as an example) then how could a mere human have the power and/or ability to undo a work done by God?!! As believers, can we get seriously out of fellowship, even getting so far into sin as to receive the discipline unto (physical) death? Yes! But lose salvation, nope. If we didn't enact the salvation then we can't undo it.
@edmundmorris1855 7 месяцев назад
Context and hermeneutics yes but the whole chapter gives full assurance of our hope of God who is impossible to lie! 6:18-20.
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 6 месяцев назад
A tree is known by its fruit likewise a real Christian produces good fruit. Suppose you have a apple tree and a peach tree both growing, how do I know which is which? The tree that produces peaches is the peach tree and the one that produces apples is the apple tree, likewise a so called Christian who is worldly/sinful is not a real Christian. Matthew 3:10 And even now the ax is laid to the root of the trees. Therefore every tree which does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire
@DavidTron63 2 месяца назад
@@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 Why are you spamming this thread with such heretical doctrine?
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 Месяц назад
@@DavidTron63 Sin takes you to hell so repent today In one of my visitations to hell, Jesus showed me a person who was a Christian (Jesus said “he was a Christian like you”). But the guy unfortunately started sleeping around (1 cor 6:9). He died middle aged and went to hell forever it was dark but Jesus lit up the area, he asked Jesus for another chance but unfortunately it was too late for him, Pretty sad, Repent and ask Jesus to help you with your struggles (James 4:7)
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 Месяц назад
@@DavidTron63 Repent
@sharonmadden634 Год назад
Thank you
@lucidlagomorph5809 9 месяцев назад
I want to say I was heavily backslidden but since that felt the presence of the holy spirit again unmistakenly. Just dont play with sin its not worth it I am member of a 24 hour gym now so when I get tempted I just go out for a workout.
@residentialandhousing7900 5 месяцев назад
Would love to hear your story if you would be willing to share. Going through a similar battle at the moment
@sunshineflowers1831 Год назад
Having been brought up Catholic ,for most of my life,{ I am now Born Again and have accepted Jesus as my Savior} The catholic church totally messed with me growing up ,scare mongering and making works more important than scripture. This is the first time I have ever come across a man of God, who has taken the time to break this scripture down correctly and have it make sense. I thank you.
@bobbyrice2858 Год назад
What made you leave catholicism?
@anthonycalipjo8669 Год назад
😅😂😊 good to watch this guy, just to hear him makes you laugh...
@therealdeal7 Год назад
Why does Todd think Hebrews 6 is talking about just backsliding? It's talking about the person that falls away. How can they fall away if they haven't fell forward? Hello? It's talking about the person that once believed and repented which is required for salvation. Then trials or temptations come and they fall from the FAITH. THEY FALL FROM THE FAITH! Not accidentally sinning again. Which we will, but should be chastened for it and not do it again. That's the only way you can lose your Salvation is FALLING AWAY FROM YOUR FAITH. Period! God Bless everyone to understand this.
@Luke-tk9lm Год назад
By “falling away from your faith” I don’t think you mean sinning again. If that were the case then we’ve all fallen away and can no longer be saved. I think falling away from the faith means not believing the Gospel anymore, even to the point of professing disbelief in the gospel of Christ. I know persons who have done this. We’re they ever saved? Did they ever truly believe and receive salvation? I doubt it. We all stumble in many ways and can even fall into overt sin, but a person who truly believes could not stop believing and profess unbelief.
@user-br9os5jv2v 2 месяца назад
Hey, I have I question a while ago I started coming to Christ and then I believed and I was obedient to the Holy Spirit , it got to an extremely difficult point and I started backsliding, I barely read the bible anymore I’ve been falling into lust and want to repent, can I still be save or am i now going to eternal hell?
@DavidTron63 2 месяца назад
You were saved and sealed with the Holy Spirit when you first believed. You have eternal life. Seek God, repent and God will forgive you.
@user-br9os5jv2v 2 месяца назад
@@DavidTron63 thank you ❤️ God bless you
@MonogoMango 7 месяцев назад
The Parable of the Prodigal Son
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 6 месяцев назад
A tree is known by its fruit likewise a real Christian produces good fruit. Suppose you have a apple tree and a peach tree both growing, how do I know which is which? The tree that produces peaches is the peach tree and the one that produces apples is the apple tree, likewise a so called Christian who is worldly/sinful is not a real Christian. Matthew 3:10 And even now the ax is laid to the root of the trees. Therefore every tree which does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire
@user-dg8uv5ij4n 2 месяца назад
If you're not saved forever you're not saved at all.
@Mary-sp9dp Год назад
I got rebaptised and then read that verse I got scared ngl gonna watch this completely through
@cohendavidson3510 Год назад
If you are in the church then you are part of the body that is saved (Acts 2:47). Hebrews 3 and 4 carry the same concept as this text is Hebrews 6. The letter to the churches are inundated with this same terminology. Jews and Gentiles alike were carrying much of their old ideas into their new life. Jesus himself spoke to Christians telling them to leave their false teaching and life of sin or else they would lose their salvation (Rev. 2-3). Peter did the same in 2 Peter 2:20-22. Salvation is secured to the faithful. Hebrews was written to Jewish Christians. If they went back to the Old Law then they would not find Jesus's sacrifice there. Therefore, they would lose the atonement.
@DavidTron63 2 месяца назад
Wrong. If your doctrine was true, then we are not saved by grace but by our ongoing good works.
@apollosapasar8987 Год назад
Your context is not supported from the preceding chapters of Hebrews. Nowhere does it says that the writer of the Hebrews is addressing three different groups of people. You are just assuming that without prove, of course, to support your position in OSAS. Try looking at these scriptures too: Revelation 3:5 2 Peter 2:20-22 Galatians 5:4
@keithbirdwell 2 месяца назад
1 Timothy 4:1 In the latter days, some will depart from faith and turn to deceiving spirits and doctrines taught by devils. This is just one of many verses that prove you can lose your salvation. You can’t depart from faith if you never had it in the first place.
@DavidTron63 2 месяца назад
That verse refers to Christians who are deceived after being saved, but it makes no reference to them losing their salvation as a result. There are many pastors who teach 'another gospel' such as Kenneth Copeland. However I believe he is still saved, albeit deceived.
@keithbirdwell 2 месяца назад
@@DavidTron63 so your saying you can pervert the gospel and still be saved? I mean that’s not what the gospel teaches. Cf. Galatians, Revelation Like I said you can’t depart from God if you never had him in the first place. Hebrews also teaches this. Revelation “I will spit you out of my mouth”. The whole well they were never saved in the first place is a cop out. God doesn’t take away our free will. No one can take away your salvation, but you on the other hand can give it up freely. I mean look at Judas. There are plenty of people in the Bible who fell away/departed from the faith. The faith they had in the first place was genuine… it wasn’t a fake faith.
@dpenman1313 7 месяцев назад
Thank you!
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 6 месяцев назад
A tree is known by its fruit likewise a real Christian produces good fruit. Suppose you have a apple tree and a peach tree both growing, how do I know which is which? The tree that produces peaches is the peach tree and the one that produces apples is the apple tree, likewise a so called Christian who is worldly/sinful is not a real Christian. Matthew 3:10 And even now the ax is laid to the root of the trees. Therefore every tree which does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire
@Perktube1 4 месяца назад
Actually Hebrews 10:26 - 31 always gats at me, and i often worry if ive crossed that line, joping i havent. It's been a greay strain on me for 20 years.😢
@DavidTron63 2 месяца назад
There is no line to cross. We can still sin but God's mercy knows no bounds and will forgive us of all sin. You were sealed by the Holy Spirit and moved from death unto everlasting life when you first believed. As the video says, move onto maturity.
@larry7781 Год назад
It says to bring him back that means they must have been there to start with
@SoundEngraver Год назад
You mean their faith wasn't strong enough the first time? How could anyone tell then of their own faith?
@achilla19 5 месяцев назад
Keyword, context. And that's when I was like "Yap, that's it"
@DavidTron63 2 месяца назад
Satan loves taking scripture out of context and using it against us.
@germanwulf40 Год назад
Our salvation can never be taken from us, and we certainly can't lose it by accident, but we most certainly CAN voluntarily give it up. First off, if after we are born again we change our minds and reject God, God's not going to say to us on the day of judgment "sorry, you have salvation so you can't reject me - welcome to heaven, you sinner!" Second, look at Exodus 32:33 which says "And the LORD said unto Moses, Whosoever hath sinned against me, him will I blot out of my book." So when you read the entirety of this passage, you'll see that this was the time when the Jews made a golden calf and worshipped it. Moses begged for God's mercy on their behalf, and even offered to lay down his own salvation for them. In verse 33, God pretty much told Moses no, because honestly, no one is or even can be resonsible for anyone else's salvation. Keep in mind, however, that God is not saying that if we continue to screw up and commit sins after we've accepted His gracious gift of salvation that we lose it - God knows we're imperfect beings, be we saved or not. What this IS saying is that our salvation is not a free ticket to live in whatever sinful way we please, and if we knowinging and willfully treat our salvation as such, we void our own salvation.
@OfTheiAm Год назад
You see.. I hear this a lot from people on the middle ground, They still want to cling to some form of Loss of salvation doctrine. This incorrectly assumes humans have a choice to undo any of Gods work in the first place (we aren't that powerful, our salvation is of his will not ours) But lets look at the only bible verse you need to confirm this People who dropped the faith - "They went from us but they were NOT truly of us for IF they had been TRULY of us, They WOULD have NO DOUBT remained" -- This verse says there isn't any doubt that a saved believer of the the faith would no doubt remain, Also Gods seed remains in us, If we can drop Jesus, A new process has to occur, You now would need to be Un-Born again, This would be like cutting a vital organ and staying alive, You are a new creation, You would now need to be Un-made and demoted back to your old creation. The problem is these are not metaphorical, We actually are transformed into new creations, the old has already PASSED away, It died, The holy spirit would now need to leave the believer and the part of us seated with christ would need to be brought down low again, - The bible says the holy spirit is sealed until the day of redemption. --- The bible doesn't support us having a choice in the matter, Instead we learn that there are false believers who can fall away from the faith - the great falling away is the group that will say lord lord on judgement day, It is the group that has one foot in and one foot out, It is the 2 Seeds that yield thorns, and that fall by the way side, --- Scripture explains scripture, Than we have God saying "For HE who began this GOOD WORK in you WILL COMPLETE IT TILL THE END" --- You are saying God will not complete his good work. God says he predestined us before the world was made- and those he predestined he justified - sanctified - and will one day glorify -- These steps all would need to be undone. -- God also says salvation Belongs to him and it is him who calls and draws - Gods work of salvation is full, Humans are not sovereign over their salvation - God keeps those who have answered, that choice is made and sealed. God already mentions we don't have a free SIN ticket, God literally has an insurance plan against that, The holy spirit is called our "Downpayment" The holy spirit prevents the christian from loving sin, and it is the spirit that will curve our direction when we stray, He will make a sinful life miserable, uncomfortable, and fill us with sorrow and repenteence. The word used is "downpayment guaranteeing our inheritence" -- Exodus and the blotting out has nothing to do with the new covenant and the better way in jesus and the book of life, Notice there is never one incident in the bible where God says he will take the holy spirit from us, cancel our salvation out, etc. Nothing can contradict "grace through faith not of yourself"' Any contradiction to that is simple, It's a wrong interpretation. How lucky are we that he even addressed people who LEAVE the faith - "They went from us" -- we have to stop this looking for a reason to lose salvation, it corrupts the picture of how powerful and full the cross is, and how WEAK we are to resist God.
@elmerfudd1883 Год назад
Can we be 'UN-BORN? John 15:16 You have not chosen ME, but I have chosen YOU! I'd like to think that the Omnipotent God, who spoke the world and a trillion stars into existence, is powerful enough to guard and keep my soul when seeds of doubt fog up my mind from time to time. Quote: THE MAKER OF THE STARS WOULD RATHER DIE THAN LIVE WITHOUT YOU.
@germanwulf40 Год назад
​@@elmerfudd1883 And yet in that desire, He will not force you to spend eternity with Him against your will. Even if you're born again! Let me put it this way - you find salvation and live for years as a great example to Christianity. Then you have such doubts in your faith that you begin a journey that leads to you becoming a genuine atheist. Now do you really think that, should you take that atheistic belief to the grave that your having found salvation years prior would still save you and get you into heaven? If so, then I seriously encourage you to look at that passage in the book of Exodus and really study it. Don't simply read it, but dig into it - look up the original language and what it means, look up other scriptural references, etc.
@romanicvs Год назад
Romans 11:29 For the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable.
@elmerfudd1883 Год назад
Ezekiel 36:26 A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you, and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh and I will give you a heart of flesh. 27) And I will put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes, and you shall keep my judgements and do them.
@spiderrico7709 Год назад
What happens if I die during my season of sin say for instance worshiping the idol of money am I saved then
@davidochiengbuoga7165 Год назад
Yes saved forever
@AbdielSalas 11 месяцев назад
Sin has nothing to do with Salvation if we received Salvation by Faith and by Grace alone, So any body can be proud to reach by efforts a Salvation given by grace. Salvation is only by grace by his promise alone. Sin has power over the flesh but not in the spirit, we believed Jesus brought our salvation is not our effort. "For the promise to Abraham or to his descendants that he would be heir of the world was not through [observing the requirements of] the Law, but through the righteousness of faith. Rom 4:13" and "For the law of the Spirit of life [which is] in Christ Jesus [the law of our new being] has set you free from the law of sin and of death. Rom 8:2"
@DavidTron63 2 месяца назад
@richardnewell8478 Год назад
I don't see how Hebrews 6 is addressed to unbelievers when the previous paragraph in chapter 5 implies they are at least taking in milk but not solid food, and that they have become dull of hearing. I would have expected an unsaved person to neither hear for feed on any thing. There's a similar sentiment in 2 Peter 2:20-21 "For if, after they have escaped the defilements of the world through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ [clearly born again], they are again entangled in them and overcome, the last state has become worse for them than the first. For it would have been better for them never to have known the way of righteousness than after knowing it to turn back from the holy commandment delivered to them."
@Machman31 Год назад
Hi Brothers and Sisters! :) I say this with love in my heart, we need to stick with what God's word says. There is no such things as once saved, always saved. We're saved and sealed when we remain in Jesus/God. Now it doesn't mean we'll be perfect after we truly believe in Jesus/God as that's not possible... Some people claim they are without sin anymore and they're only fooling themselves... :( But!! we're NOT to make a habit of practicing sin in our life. We also know what God's word says about the Lukewarm. God knows our heart and every motive and emotion so there's no fooling God.... If someone is choosing to willfully and habitually make a habit of practicing sin they are no longer saved according to God's word, this is ultimately for Jesus/God to decide. Please read God's word below and pray about this, we don't want to mislead people, God Bless you!! :) (1 John 3:4-8) NLT 4 Everyone who sins is breaking God’s law, for all sin is contrary to the law of God. 5 And you know that Jesus came to take away our sins, and there is no sin in him. 6 Anyone who continues to live in him will not sin. But anyone who keeps on sinning does not know him or understand who he is. 7 Dear children, don’t let anyone deceive you about this: When people do what is right, it shows that they are righteous, even as Christ is righteous. 8 But when people keep on sinning, it shows that they belong to the devil, who has been sinning since the beginning. But the Son of God came to destroy the works of the devil. 9 Those who have been born into God’s family do not make a practice of sinning, because God’s life is in them. So they can’t keep on sinning, because they are children of God. 10 So now we can tell who are children of God and who are children of the devil. Anyone who does not live righteously and does not love other believers does not belong to God. Ezekiel 18:23-28) NLT 23 “Do you think that I like to see wicked people die? says the Sovereign Lord. Of course not! I want them to turn from their wicked ways and live. 24 However, if righteous people turn from their righteous behavior and start doing sinful things and act like other sinners, should they be allowed to live? No, of course not! All their righteous acts will be forgotten, and they will die for their sins. 25 “Yet you say, ‘The Lord isn’t doing what’s right!’ Listen to me, O people of Israel. Am I the one not doing what’s right, or is it you? 26 When righteous people turn from their righteous behavior and start doing sinful things, they will die for it. Yes, they will die because of their sinful deeds. 27 And if wicked people turn from their wickedness, obey the law, and do what is just and right, they will save their lives. 28 They will live because they thought it over and decided to turn from their sins. Such people will not die. (Isaiah 65 12) Now I will destine you for the sword . All of you will bow down before the executioner. For when I called, you did not answer. When I spoke, you did not listen. You deliberately sinned- before my very eyes- and you chose to do what you know I despise. (Romans 6 1-3). Well then should we keep on sinning so that God can show us more and more of his wonderful grace? Of course not! Since we have died to sin, how can we continue to live in it? Or have you forgotten that when we were joined with Christ Jesus in baptism, we joined him in his death?
@rosegraham7045 7 месяцев назад
We are sitting in heavenly places with Christ the moment we’re saved we’re sealed. You can’t get sealed unsealed kicked out of heavenly places seated with Christ, written unwiteen written unwritten. No you never earned it in the first place you can’t lose what you didn’t earn. You can lose rewards that’s it
@Machman31 7 месяцев назад
@@rosegraham7045 Hi Rose, here's what God's word says. :) We'll never be perfect but we're also not to make a habit of practicing sin in our life. I would not play games with your salvation and God. It's very important we truly follow God's word and live as righteously as possible, God Bless! :) (Ezekiel 18:21-28) New Living Translation 21 But if wicked people turn away from all their sins and begin to obey my decrees and do what is just and right, they will surely live and not die. 22 All their past sins will be forgotten, and they will live because of the righteous things they have done. 23 “Do you think that I like to see wicked people die? says the Sovereign Lord. Of course not! I want them to turn from their wicked ways and live. 24 However, if righteous people turn from their righteous behavior and start doing sinful things and act like other sinners, should they be allowed to live? No, of course not! All their righteous acts will be forgotten, and they will die for their sins. 25 “Yet you say, ‘The Lord isn’t doing what’s right!’ Listen to me, O people of Israel. Am I the one not doing what’s right, or is it you? 26 When righteous people turn from their righteous behavior and start doing sinful things, they will die for it. Yes, they will die because of their sinful deeds. 27 And if wicked people turn from their wickedness, obey the law, and do what is just and right, they will save their lives. 28 They will live because they thought it over and decided to turn from their sins. Such people will not die.
@rosegraham7045 7 месяцев назад
@@Machman31 I think that he was clear on that though, he said it’s not a licence to sin but you cannot lose your salvation once you gave your life to Jesus, your sealed by the Holy spirit. I think God is greater than our unbelief. Grace is greater than all our sin. That’s an old hymn. God bless.
@Machman31 7 месяцев назад
@@rosegraham7045 What does God's word say above? We have to stick with what God's word says :). Now I'm not saying it's like well you messed up here and there so someone has lost their salvation... This is all for Jesus/God to decide ultimately as there's no fooling God as He knows our every thought/motive/emotion.... He knows our heart. if someone chooses to willfully live a sinful habitual lifestyle and turn their back on Jesus/God and His word/teaching then based on God's word they're not one of his children.... There's so many lukewarm and we know that God's word says He'll spit them out of his mouth... (1 John 3:5-10) New Living Translation 5 And you know that Jesus came to take away our sins, and there is no sin in him. 6 Anyone who continues to live in him will not sin. But anyone who keeps on sinning does not know him or understand who he is. 7 Dear children, don’t let anyone deceive you about this: When people do what is right, it shows that they are righteous, even as Christ is righteous. 8 But when people keep on sinning, it shows that they belong to the devil, who has been sinning since the beginning. But the Son of God came to destroy the works of the devil. 9 Those who have been born into God’s family do not make a practice of sinning, because God’s life is in them. So they can’t keep on sinning, because they are children of God. 10 So now we can tell who are children of God and who are children of the devil. Anyone who does not live righteously and does not love other believers does not belong to God.
@Machman31 7 месяцев назад
@@rosegraham7045 (Revelation 3:15-19) New Living Translation 15 “I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish that you were one or the other! 16 But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth! 17 You say, ‘I am rich. I have everything I want. I don’t need a thing!’ And you don’t realize that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked. 18 So I advise you to buy gold from me-gold that has been purified by fire. Then you will be rich. Also buy white garments from me so you will not be shamed by your nakedness, and ointment for your eyes so you will be able to see. 19 I correct and discipline everyone I love. So be diligent and turn from your indifference.
@essenceguilliams2147 Год назад
You have to be in the Book Of Life in order to be blotted out. Exodus 32:33, Psalms 69:28
@YankeeValleyOutdoors Год назад
Matthew 5:30
@robertshy Год назад
@jd-gw4gr Год назад
what about Jesus removing the candlestick and deny me before man I will deny you before my Father who is in Heaven
@DavidTron63 2 месяца назад
He was referring to apostate churches not individuals.
@asmrjeweler9237 Год назад
If you think it is problematic that a fallen away Christian can't be restored through repentance, it is perhaps more problematic if this is referring to Jews who are on the fence and haven't gotten saved yet - because it is suggesting they can never be saved if they fall back to the old covenant and it's rituals.
@leebarry5181 Год назад
Before the coming of Christ, Israel was the elect of God. That's how they thought of themselves. Now Jesus comes and they begin to see that he is the messiah, but he doesn't fit their preconceived ideas. So now, they begin to doubt Jesus and want to return to Judaism. If they do, it's like they are re-crucifying Christ. This is a unique situation, in that the promises of God to Israel are being transferred to the church and some Jews are struggling with that.
@douglaidlaw740 Год назад
The Old Covenant was still available to Jews who chose to obey its conditions. Ths preacher HAS had the rain fall on him. His brain is soggy and rotten.
@ZealousEZRA 4 месяца назад
”My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me,is greater than all, and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand. I and the Father are one.”“ ‭‭John‬ ‭10‬:‭27‬-‭30‬ ‭ESV‬‬ …and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand… Should make on feel safe and comfy in the hands of God. In His grace we graze on green pastures He leads us besides the still waters and renews our souls. We are sheep and under the protection of our shepherd. Would he let us get away? No I don’t believe so
@robertemard9452 4 месяца назад
The promises of God apply to those who believe and not to those who do not believe or no longer believe. Your John 10 reference specifically refers to those who believe. We cannot ignore all of the other verses in the bible about the need to continue in the faith, persevere, endure, finish the race, not return to the vomit, not let sin mature. And all of this is specified in the bible as refering to salvation.
@DavidTron63 2 месяца назад
@@robertemard9452 How can one no longer believe once they have believed? For we died and our life (past, present and future) is hid with Christ in God.
@robertemard9452 2 месяца назад
@@DavidTron63 To answer your question: by exercise of free will, by blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, by matured sin which leads to death (James 1:15), by rebellion (1 Cor 5:1-5), by wandering from Christ (James 5:19-20), by renouncing Christianity, by turning to Baal, by not persisting (1 Tim 4:16), by not enduring (2 Tim 2:12), by not continuing in the faith (Colossians 1:23). All of these verses describe for salvation and not just rewards.
@HadToAlt Год назад
Yeah, this scares me to be honest. Long story short, 2016 baptized, I fell back into sin years later, then joined the masons in 2022. Afterwords I felt like I did something horrible against God and ever since I left them in Dec 2022, I've been getting attacked/ a lot of anxiety about going to hell now because I feel like I fell away and this verse just, yeah... I'm trying to fix that relationship between me and God but it feels like there's nothing I can do. It worries me a lot. =/
@A_Man_Named_Mark Год назад
I understand exactly how you feel. I sit here, reading the texts, and I'm worried as well. But, the texts also says that God reprimands his children that he loves. So if we are having these feelings, and desperately wanting to do right by our father. Then I have faith that it's due to our father doing what fathers do... repreimanding us, because he loves us. Have faith brother... not in yourself, or your ability to be sinless. But in Jesus' ability to forgive, and strengthen you. Keep seeking, keep knocking, keep asking. I pray for you, and all of us, that God shows us his way, and fills us with his peace. We all need it. We will all rejoice one day together in heaven. So keep fighting the good fight brother!
@HadToAlt Год назад
@@A_Man_Named_Mark Thank you, I believe that also. I am thankful that he corrected me and didn't let me go deeper into the darkness. I've heard that before too, it hurts but is necessary. Like Job, even though I was going through some stuff like that, I can't blame God, it was my own self that got me in that situation ya know lol. I reckon he knows what it takes to get us back to where he needs/ wants us. It hurts but we just love him so much that after something like that, we don't want to hurt his heart again. I reckon sometimes he knows that's what it takes lol. Saving grace I suppose. Thank you bro, I'm gonna keep fighting and I'll pray for you also. All glory to God.
@agape832 6 месяцев назад
@@HadToAlt I know this is kinda late but thought I would share this with you James 5:19-20 Brethren, if anyone among you the truth, and someone turns him back, let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save a soul from death and cover a multitude of sins. The word used for "wanders" is planethe, which can mean to stray. The root of this word is planao, which means "I lead astray, deceive or cause to wander". I had a look through the scriptures to see the context of other times this word is used, to see if I could glean a better understanding of its usage and meaning. Titus 3:3 For we ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, , serving various lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful and hating one another. Here in Paul's letter to Titus, he is speaking of how we used to be, before we were saved by the mercy and love of Christ. The word used for "deceived" is planomenoi, which has the root "planao". So it is the same root word as what is described in James 5:19-20. Which means the scriptures teach us that if anyone came to Christ a while ago, but ended up being led astray/deceived/wandered from the truth, a sinner CAN turn from the error of their way, and have their soul saved from death. We still must take our Christian walks seriously, because God will not be mocked. But if you have recently come back to the faith and are struggling a lot, scripture right here tells us there is nothing to fear. There are consequences for sin (e.g. example of King David and Bathsheba), but I hope this reassures you that anyone who comes to Christ will never be turned away (John 6:37-39). So this must mean the warning from Hebrews means something other than "if you fall away from the faith, there is no hope for you". God bless.
@Loverofgod123 4 месяца назад
@@HadToAlt how ate you doing now?
@Loverofgod123 4 месяца назад
@@A_Man_Named_Markhow are you doing now?
@kac0404 Год назад
Romans 8:12-13; 11:19-22 - Again notice that Paul says that IF we (believers) live according to the flesh we will die but IF we (believers) live according to the Spirit we will live. We believers thus have a choice to make - even we who are already saved! Our salvation is thus conditionally based by and on God’s terms. And so it is possible that a Christian can be “cut off” and thus lost. (Notice the conditional statements in Romans 8:9,10,11,13,17; 11:17,18,21,22,23,24; etc.)
@ananias- 5 месяцев назад
So you are saying Salvation is not by FAITH only but your deeds additionally?
@kac0404 5 месяцев назад
@ananias- Salvation is not by faith alone and yes, your deeds or works are part of the salvation process.
@BobbieHarmon-lu1yo 3 месяца назад
Salvation is by grace alone, in faith alone ,in Christ alone. Not of works lest any man should boast. Ephesians 2:8,9.
@kac0404 3 месяца назад
@BobbieHarmon-lu1yo By Grace (God's role) are we saved by faith (man's role). All that God did in making salvation possible is a gift that cannot be earned, merited or received as a result of man's works. What God did for man was God and God's alone and man had nothing to do with the planning of it or the implementation of it. Man did not deserve it, could not earn it, and can never repay it. But we are God's workmanship (the result of His labor) Created In Christ Jesus unto good works, works of obedience, works of righteousness, for the purpose of our walking in them, a chosen conviction which results in a lifetime of commitment. Our faith saves when it obeys. The wondrous, unmeritable, unearnable, totally undeserved gift of God's grace becomes available when we become obedient to the faith.
@DavidTron63 2 месяца назад
@Luke-tk9lm Год назад
How could it be possible for someone who was never saved to be “renewed again unto repentance”? If the aren’t saved then they never had repentance in the first place.
@PhantomNites Год назад
Repenting means to change your mind. Maybe it’s referring to people who were enlightened by the message and thought it could be true but then they turned away from the truth and rejected it before getting saved.
@user-bi5sk5tj6k 11 месяцев назад
​@@PhantomNitesBut how does someone like that change their mind, thinking some could be true is not enough for true repentance. True faith leads to repentance.. A doubtful dead intellectual faith does not. This is why anyone living in habitual sin after regeneration does not have true faith and continue living in darkness for they have not tasted the truth of the Lord. They can experience repentance because they can still by the work of the Lord experience the truth of their depraved condition for they have not seen it yet, even if they think they have. They are not fallen away although they may believe they have, the fact they desire to know the Lord, to end sin in their lives. Those are works of God and His Spirit...I have lived in unbelief for 3 years after being born again.. And only recently realised I have been living in unbelief.. The whole time I thought I had faith but I did not and Mt life or fruit proved it.. Now I know I did not know the Lord, I did not trust Him and it pains me to realise what I've done to Him. My heart has hardened because of the way I have loved but I am still given grace and understanding.. I still have faith coming from the Lord to me, undeserved, and that is what I need to change my life and produce good fruit. The fact my mind can be changed on my unbelief and habitual sin and understandinf it all is no testimony to me but to His and His unfailing love, commitment in pursuing such stubborn and unbelieving people such as me.
@neilsolis1335 11 месяцев назад
What about 2 Peter 2:20-23?
@2Timothy2-25 7 месяцев назад
Serve and be obedient to our Savior TODAY…. Be SAVED TODAY…
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 6 месяцев назад
A tree is known by its fruit likewise a real Christian produces good fruit. Suppose you have a apple tree and a peach tree both growing, how do I know which is which? The tree that produces peaches is the peach tree and the one that produces apples is the apple tree, likewise a so called Christian who is worldly/sinful is not a real Christian. Matthew 3:10 And even now the ax is laid to the root of the trees. Therefore every tree which does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire
@DavidTron63 2 месяца назад
Careful, your statement makes it sound like our salvation is based on and retained by good works. That isnt what Jesus taught.
@jlettizard6465 Год назад
If we could lose our salvation, that would mean we did something to gain it and that’s not what scripture says.
@rlhicks1 Год назад
The book of Hebews was written to the Hebrews telling the Hebrews to stop being Hebrews.
@kediasjackson101 11 дней назад
If these people are not true believers then what are they falling from? By the way the Therefore in Hebrews 6 is a follow up of what the writer wrote in Hebrews 5:12-14 not all the preceding 5 chapters
@diosdadoapias Год назад
That is the problem when verses can mean one or other thing. But let us understand the verse/s of its meaning as can be plainly and clearly read; and then relate it in the context of the whole chapters. Hebrew 6:4 - 6 clearly states those who were once enlightened, tasted the heavenly gift, made partakers of the holy ghost, tasted the good word of God, and powers of the world to come, if they fall away, to renew them again unto repentance is like crucifying again by themselves Jesus, putting Him in shame. This verse tells, as one writer of OSAS is a warning, the possibility of falling away from their faith and salvation. It is therefore not impossible for one to lose salvation. But by faith and patience the promise can be inherited. Once Saved, Always Save(OSAS) is not absolutely true.
@larrybedouin2921 9 месяцев назад
When the righteous turneth away from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, and doeth according to all the abominations that the wicked man doeth, shall he live? All his righteousness that he hath done shall not be mentioned: in his trespass that he hath trespassed, and in his sin that he hath sinned, in them shall he die. {Ezekiel 18:24} Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel? {Ezekiel 33:11}
@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 6 месяцев назад
A tree is known by its fruit likewise a real Christian produces good fruit. Suppose you have a apple tree and a peach tree both growing, how do I know which is which? The tree that produces peaches is the peach tree and the one that produces apples is the apple tree, likewise a so called Christian who is worldly/sinful is not a real Christian. Matthew 3:10 And even now the ax is laid to the root of the trees. Therefore every tree which does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire
@lucianos4720 9 дней назад
Todd mingles also two things : falling away on purpose from the gospel and failing + getting up again 7 times I feel pitty for all those Christians that surf their way to hell with peace of mind, believing this trash of that once saved is always saved. Trapping in wrong teachings like this is just caused by a lack of relation with God.
@scottpalmer829 11 месяцев назад
I find this video hard to listen to because of all of the histrionics but I'll try. Now I will say that the speaker is correct that if one could lose their salvation based on the conditions in the passage, then they never could get it back. I think most people who believe one can lose salvation also believe that a person can get it back; this contradicts the passage from Hebrews.
@sethebrown Год назад
Salvation is a promise we cling to in faith. Regeneration leading to irresistible grace is a very common error. I don’t say this to be contentious, but I just want to bring clarity. John 15 says that we abide and REMAIN in Him. Romans 8 says that there’s no condemnation for those who are IN Christ. In Hebrews, it says that TODAY if you hear His voice don’t harden your hearts. It is possible to fall away from the faith, even after sharing in the Spirit as a regenerate person. None of this contradicts assurance. I have full assurance because of the blood of Jesus. I am not scared I am going to loose my salvation. He who begins a good work will finish it. Once Saved Always Saved is error. Again, it is possible to share in the Spirit and shipwreck. The Bible makes this clear again and again. The question we have to ask ourselves is not ‘have I been saved’? It’s ‘am I in the faith right now?’ 1 Timothy 1:19 Matthew 24:10 Hebrews 2:3
@nathanielmartin9892 Год назад
How many times does God had to save you. Can a sheep turn into a goat? No we’re you a she or a goat before Christ found you…. You were a lost sheep not a lost goat
@thatWitchywoman Год назад
We are sealed unto the day of Redemption, by the HOLY SPIRIT, when we are Saved. No one, no erroneous theology, no thing, no spirit is stronger than the HOLY SPIRIT, and can not break the LORD'S SEAL. What exactly do you believe saved you and keeps you? JESUS ATONEMENT FOR OUR SINS is what saved you. TETELESTAI. If you don't believe JESUS'S atonement was enough to SAVE you or that we can lose our salvation, it's like saying HIS sacrifice doesn't matter. EPHESIANS 2:8-9. As much as you strive to "keep" salvation through works or whatever else you deem necessary, it's all in vain. JESUS wants you to TRUST in HIM. By your own words, "HE who begins a good work will finish it" EXACTLY. HE SAVED YOU. GOD IS TRUTH, NO LIES. HE says NO ONE can snatch us from HIS hand.
@nathanielmartin9892 Год назад
@@thatWitchywoman I agree 100,000,000 percent.. the wages of sin is death but the gift of GOD IS ETERNAL LIFE IDK WHAT WE DONT AND CANT SEE
@tonyrussell5058 Месяц назад
What if you don’t understand Chapter 1-5 either?
@hannacastaneda8219 Год назад
You can't lose your salvation like losing a pair of keys. That's the wrong phrasing. But I believe you can walk away and forsake the faith. We have free will
@hannacastaneda8219 Год назад
What is the point of all the scripturea warning us about false teachers,false teachings, wanting about sin etc etc.anyways...?!
@davek6949 Год назад
Love the Wretched videos but am curious if you realize you occasionally add an additional "uh" sound to the end of some of your words. As an example, when you say the word "to" at about the 0:37 mark at the beginning of the video. You say "The wretch the song refers TO-UH" instead of just "TO".
@jimstewart919 Год назад
. . Hebrews 3:6,14 . . something is true of us now - we have become partakers of Christ - if something will be true of us in the future - we continue trusting in Christ to the end . . so that means if someone does turns away from trusting in Christ, they were never really partakers of Christ - they never genuinely believed/trusted in Him . . as the example of the Exodus generation, verses 3:15 - 4:3
@jimstewart919 Год назад
. . correction - “turns” or “does turn”
@berndmayer1765 Год назад
You cant loose your SALVATION! See Pastor Kim
@thatWitchywoman Год назад
You can't lose your Salvation See- the WORD OF GOD.
@berndmayer1765 Год назад
@@thatWitchywoman 😅👍
@mikyl-fo8rh Год назад
You can't lose your salvation like you lose your keys but God gave us free will whereas people can deliberately forsake our relationship with God. Read Hebrews chapter 6 again. The writer is describing 6 ways to Sunday a Christian who is forsaking their relationship with God.
@DavidTron63 2 месяца назад
We can forsake our relationship but we cant forsake our salvation. We were given eternal life which was sealed by the Holy Spirit when we first believed.
@mikyl-fo8rh 2 месяца назад
@DavidTron63 salvation and relationship with God is synonymous.
@user-bd9qt4vu4b 3 месяца назад
Why it is true. If you Practice sin you will not enter into the kingdom.
@freakylocz14 4 месяца назад
False prophets fail to notice that, if this passage does indeed teach that a saved person can lose their salvation, then that also means you can never get your salvation back after losing it.
@marshallgiles6255 6 дней назад
That is not a true statement. Peter repented and ask for forgiveness.
@lucasmiller664 Год назад
I don’t think I can accept the “elementary principles/foundation” as being Old Testament practices… The hermeneutics of each of those words doesn’t take you to these practices
@houstonevangelicalministries 4 месяца назад
What about Hebrews 10:26-29?
@DavidTron63 2 месяца назад
What Christian in their right mind, fully understanding the gift of salvation and their righteous standing with God would wilfully do that?
@jameslow5536 Год назад
I don't think "sin" or a sinful act is what this would refer to ... in the case of a saved person it would mean that person turned away, willingly and deliberately, from salvation
@sandman9390 Год назад
But wouldn't that mean that man is Sovereign, rather than God?
@markreed2576 Год назад
The Old Testament was foundational but waning. Read Hebrews 8:13
@Luke-tk9lm Год назад
“Falling away from your faith” doesn’t mean sinning again. If that were the case then we’ve all fallen away and can no longer be saved. I think falling away from the faith means not believing the Gospel anymore, even to the point of professing disbelief in the gospel of Christ. I know persons who have done this. Were they ever saved? Did they ever truly believe and receive salvation? I doubt it. We all stumble in many ways and can even fall into overt sin, but a person who truly believes could not stop believing and profess unbelief.
@thatWitchywoman Год назад
I agree with you. The WORD says "They went out from us because they were never of us". As Christians who have received and accepted the beautiful gift of Salvation through JESUS CHRIST (not shouting, I capitalize to show respect to GOD) are repentant, we will not ever want to leave HIS fellowship.
@36742650885 Год назад
The 60’s Hippie Free Love movement disintegrated rather Quickly
@garysuplee5092 2 месяца назад
Google 32. Jeremiah Shepherds Student.
Stuff Christians shouldn't say.
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