

Zelph On the Shelf
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We respond to 3 Mormons (aka Saints Unscripted) talking with Mormon blogger, Greg Trimble, about their misguided views on atheism.
Problems with the Three Witnesses to the Book of Mormon
Restoration and the Sacred Mushroom
Your Brain on God
• This is Your Brain on ...



28 ноя 2018




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@pinkydinky5480 5 лет назад
I'm an ex Mormon, and I don't think I will ever drink alcohol or do any drugs. I don't really care if people do it casually, I just decided that it's not right for me. The amazing thing about leaving the church is that I get to choose what's good for me, and what sits right. I feel more mentally healthier now
@ZelphOntheShelf 5 лет назад
Pinky Dinky Good for you! Live life on your own terms! 🎉
@siddthekid5046 5 лет назад
Isn't it funny that you actually have 'agency' now that you're no longer a member of the church?
@stylis666 5 лет назад
And caffeine? Isn't that a no no in mormonism as well? You enjoy caffeine? I mean, do you avoid all drugs or just the ones that are known to compromise our perception?
@pinkydinky5480 5 лет назад
@@stylis666 I do have caffeine rarely and take prescription medicine that is given to me by my doctor. I was referring more to things like weed, shrooms, and nicotine. I have an addictive personality, and have difficult time with perceptions of time and reality.
@stylis666 5 лет назад
@@pinkydinky5480 I see. Sorry to hear about the addictive personality. That can be very tough. I do have issues with time and reality myself. I have a bipolar disorder and consequently I have had serious issues with existentialism and identity and because of long depressions and the weird way my memory works the chronology and duration of things in my mind don't add up with reality. It's probably completely different from how you experience it, but I just wanted to share it to show that it's not that weird to have a different sense of reality than how it actually is, which is something that we strive for but no one can master, or have problems with how we do perceive it, which hopefully is only the case for some of us. I'm curious though, do you know if mormons allowed to have medication for things like epilepsy? Can mormons have all meds? Or just some? Or none? The caffeine thing strikes me as really weird. Do you think it's possible that it was just added for control purposes, to put a ridiculously irrelevant rule up for the sole purpose of having that cult like control over people? Also, I realize I typed my response in a way that seems as if I think you are still mormon or chose to not do drugs because of some lingering mormon thoughts or indoctrination. I hope that it didn't come across that way, I'm just very curious to your reasons, because you mentioned choice, so I wondered if you chose your drugs to have control. I have heard a few youtubers say that they don't drink or do any other drugs for the reason that they just don't like to have the feeling of not being in control. But it seems you have other reasons. I am pleased to see such well applied wisdom and self awareness.
@mollyjirgal3048 5 лет назад
If fundamentalist Christians go to heaven, I’m fine going to hell. It’ll be a party with all the atheists, scientists, LGBTQ+ persons, and rock bands.
@cakecinema9385 4 года назад
And we'll have all the fun sinful things, like chocolate and beer.
@myotiswii 4 года назад
And it will be seperation from god. So I won't have to be around the murdering, killing and opressive guy.
@Lily-gj8jo 3 года назад
Lmao the gays partying with Queen and AC/DC
@ameliaweixler6976 5 лет назад
God, Greg trying to talk about science gave me a headache. I literally don't know how to respond because nothing he is saying is confluent or makes logical sense. "Prokaryotic cells evolve into fertilizer and fertilizer isn't sentient, therefore Atheists don't have morals." Like what the fuck?
@ZelphOntheShelf 5 лет назад
It is a TRIP.
@etippetts 5 лет назад
Greg, at no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it.
@Lily-gj8jo 3 года назад
If human die, how do emotions?
@naomicarrier1733 5 лет назад
I love the beginning “We look like angels “ she says And he says “ we look like cult leaders”😂
@smdh99 5 лет назад
Having that bedroom as a backdrop, they could pass as cult leaders. 😂😂
@Kiki-vc1xo Год назад
They look like Girl Defined
@tonyasmith1271 5 лет назад
I feel the spirit strongest when I watch ASMR videos or listen to Swedish cow calling.
@tonyasmith1271 5 лет назад
@Noah Scott Sooo relaxing
@IfYouSayStay 5 лет назад
Tonya Smith I second the cow calling. Just beautiful.
@squishy8758 4 года назад
@@IfYouSayStay ok now I'm gonna look up swedish cow calling
@brooklyn4363 4 года назад
I was talking with my very Mormon friend about race and how Mormons believe how black people came to be. I was very heated and talking about the scientific side of race and my friend actually said to me, "I don't believe in science." Like what?
@h.r.9563 3 года назад
Well I didn't believe you could be so cruel to your fellow man is what I would say. You can also follow that up with a simple wow.🤷‍♀️
@werm3169 2 года назад
Ask em if they've ever gone to the doctor. Then drop the bomb that, shocker, *that's science.*
@LeDoubleYou311 5 лет назад
This channel has been the fresh air I've needed. It almost makes me cry to know my exmormon story and feeling is shared.
@ZelphOntheShelf 5 лет назад
Ah, that is so wonderful to hear!
@carlystur 5 лет назад
Atheist here who doesn't drink alcohol. I can't stand the taste, so I don't drink it.
@nomdeplume2213 5 лет назад
Same, i just don't like it.
@rayma66 5 лет назад
It tastes like Lysol. Except for beer. Beer tastes like piss.
@keriezy 5 лет назад
I do not care for the way I feel during and after I drink. I do not like to be around people who drink to excess. I do not like how expensive alcohol can be. I do not need to drink alcohol to be safe from water born illnesses (I'm fortunate to live in a time and place that can treat these diseases and parasites). But all of these choices and opinions are mine and not influenced by a book; for that I am grateful.
@Tammy8008 4 года назад
I try now and then.. like once or twice a year. Good to know I'm not the only one who can't stand the flavor 😂
@Bi_Bye_ 3 года назад
Do you guys feel judged for not drinking? I do sometimes. "Luckily" my partner is an alcoholic, so by not drinking, I'm supporting him, but even he wants me to drink more to appear "normal" in some social situations. Obviously it's not really lucky, but it did take some pressure of me. I do smoke a ton of weed though.
@andykimbrough9019 5 лет назад
I don’t rob rob because sky daddy would be mad at me
@megjones3350 3 года назад
last time I robbed rob sky daddy grounded me. No magical ghost brother feelings for a whole month :(
@flintfoster8010 3 года назад
@@megjones3350 lmaoooo
@koseighty8579 5 лет назад
Transcript of the Ben Stein interview of Richard Dawkins. Not quite what 3 Mormons claim: Stein: whatabout a nice god? Dawkins: well if it makes you happy believe what you like, but its still a superstition, and its liberating to get rif of the idea Stein: what percentage do you place on the existence of god? Dawkins: i dont know. its a bit of a stupid question Stein: who created the universe Dawkins: another stupid loaded question Stein: so how did life first happen Dawkins: we have some idea of the kind of thing it must have been, but we dont know, neither does anyone else Stein: could intelligent design be the answer to anything in science Dawkins: well...i guess if aliens did it, that would count. Even that would be more likely than god.
@kiwibaldy3389 5 лет назад
Are you suggesting that these 3 highly religious people are not representing the conversation honestly. Surely, that would never happen
@smdh99 5 лет назад
Nobody tells a lie more easily and definitely better than a Mormon.
@ZelphOntheShelf 5 лет назад
Some other things we wish we'd said in the video but didn't because BEING ON CAMERA IS A LOT OF PRESSURE: - Alcohol isn't a necessary part of being an atheist, and plenty of theists drink alcohol. Mormons like Greg seems overly fixated on alcohol, and constantly imply that alcohol is what ex-Mormons replace religion with, which is absurd. Who in “the world” teaches that alcohol is what makes you happy?? What makes us happy is love for other people and the natural world. It's connection, relationships, wonder, learning, exploration, GRATITUDE, etc. Alcohol is a very small part of our lives and sure, we have a lot of happy experiences while drinking it, but we'd have happy experiences with or without alcohol. STOP BEING SO OBSESSED WITH ALCOHOL! - We love how Greg reduced the 2nd law of thermodynamics (energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred from one source to another) into "we're just pieces of fertilizer!" “I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with senses, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use and by some other means to give us knowledge which we can attain by them.” - Galileo Galilei
@siddthekid5046 5 лет назад
Very good points. Mormons obsess with alcohol because it's easy. It is easy to say, "Oh they just wanted to party, so they left the church!" and then move on. It's much harder to realize, "Oh, there is tons of verifiable and conflicting information against the church to what we were taught growing up. There are numerous anachronisms in the BoM. There are straight plagiarizations of the King James Bible. Joseph Smith tried his 'rock in a hat' trick and was literally arrested for fraud before he used the same method to 'translate the golden plates.' Joseph Smith didn't even "translate the golden plates" in the manner we are taught in Church. He literally put his head in a hat. He didn't read from the golden plates displayed on a table in a cabin like we see in paintings hanging in churches.The Kinderhook Plates were a complete fabrication. Joseph Smith practiced polyandry and married 14 year old girls so that he could have sex with them." It just goes on and on. This is why it is so much easier for members to just focus on something easy, like alcohol. Then they can close the assumed reason for why someone left without really having to try to understand or empathize. Do you guys have a video on your first temple experiences? Or do you plan to make one? I was born in church but left before I went on a mission, so I never went through. Reading about temple experiences is extremely fascinating to me. The amount of social pressure while you're in there with your family, combined with all of the "WTF" stuff you are being exposed to must be mind boggling and emotionally troubling.
@ScottBub 5 лет назад
Did you happen to see their video in which they had a discussion with an actual atheist? It was much more on point then the video you guys covered. Maybe they learned something from that guy.
@quebeccityoliver4742 5 лет назад
Yes. But one could also say the same about muslims - boy, do they obsess about alcohol, too. But I still like a drink. I think that, maybe, as someone raised an atheist, alcohol doesn't seem that big a deal.
@BrinaRyce 5 лет назад
As someone who has alcoholism in my family (both grandmothers and my father), I'd also add (if you didn't already) you CAN be genetically predisposed to addictive tendencies. But you are correct that it can also be a part of self-medication for people who never receive professional medical help for their trauma. As someone diagnosed with ptsd, I never struggled with binge drinking, but I did develop an eating disorder for many years. Survivors of past trauma are much more likely to fall into drug addiction, alcoholism, and ED--especially if don't seek help. Unfortunately, the health care system in America can make it difficult to impossible for people to afford the care needed.
I've never been religious, but I am absolutely obsessed with how you two deconstruct these harmful worldviews. Amazing content.
@Lepewhi 5 лет назад
Why are Mormons so hung up over alcohol, but not coffee? Don't they hate coffee as well?
@gabrielleiline5757 5 лет назад
Everyone i have seen who responds to 3 Mormons says the fish thing!
@ashm2338 5 лет назад
Save the goldfish from the mormons 2018
@devilishdiamond 5 лет назад
It is painful to watch to be honest, that poor fish seems in distress.
@Lily-gj8jo 3 года назад
Save the goldfish
@h.r.9563 3 года назад
If you're gonna have a pet be nice to it at least
@kaysims8727 5 лет назад
They started out pretty good, but quickly devolved to spewing every stereotypical idea that christians/theists have about atheists. Declaring how a group of people feel and think without actually talking to them to LISTEN to their answers is ignorance. It's like saying all muslims are terrorists or all mormons still practice polygamy, things some people actually believe. They should educate their selves before talking about things they don't know anything about. This is so painful to watch, I can almost feel brain cells dying. One might think they're LDS Inc puppets, reaffirming what good mormons already think they know. I've been out of the church for 12+ years and atheist about half that time.. I'm still not addicted to alcohol or drugs, I still have the same feelings of compassion and empathy for people, I still think killing or harming others is wrong even tho I don't fear going to hell. When I was a believer I never thought people who are atheist were void of morals, so it still baffles me that so many religious people believe that way.
@illumnis 5 лет назад
" Jesus had alcohol" ... I just realized this but.. the justification I was given in my former ward was that wine wasn't alcoholic in the roman days but became alcoholic in modern times... and the only sources I had were from my church days. And I kept assuming that was true even after leaving the church... until I realized how stupid it is to have non alcoholic wine.. that was pretty much just now. These little things just keep creeping up Funny story.. I was telling my sister (who is still Mormon) about how I was trying wine-making and she asked how it would taste if I just didn't add the alcohol.....................
@smdh99 5 лет назад
😂😂Did you tell her it would taste like Welch's Grape Juice?
@th69100 4 года назад
Needless to say (which means you don't need to read this), non alcoholic wine would've made no sense in ancient times. It was preferred over water since people deduced it didn't make your stomach sick.
@somesortofdeliciousbiscuit3704 4 года назад
It was usually made stronger in Roman times as it was usually drank mixed with water (up to 20 : 1). Drinking undiluted wine was seen as very non-u - the Spartans encouraged the Helots to do that so they could point and laugh at the drunks.
@gwenscott535 4 года назад
LOL; Ephesians 5:18-33 KJV - 18 And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;. 19 Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs
@kelleren4840 4 года назад
No one: Mormons: Jesus never drank wine, it's a mistranslation Mormons: Jesus drank wine because before sanitation alcohol was the only way to get clean water and literally no one in ancient history drank water Mormons: Jesus drank wine but it actually didn't have alcohol and was actually warm, unsterilized sugar water grape juice that was safer than water... Mormons: Anyway, while Jesus was at a party, the ancient people were about to drink the unsanitized water which he promptly turned into wine because warm grape juice would be unsafe. Mormons: Oh but also he probably just turned the water into grape juice because he never drank alcohol. Mormons: Joseph Smith didn't have a tavern in his house, and used "grape juice" with the sacrament. Mormons: Brigham didnt have a distillery and if he did it was okay because it was "wine of your own making" and sanitation still wasnt invented but we know he didnt because Jesus didnt and also the distillery was... for... distilled grape juice. Mormons: The LDS faith conforms perfectly to logic and science.
@ChannelPaul 5 лет назад
Those three don't have any interest in actually understanding any non-Mormon views, that was painful. Kwaku actually blocked me on twitter a while back even though we'd never exchanged any tweets with eachother...gotta protect yourself from learning what an agnostic exmo might say on the internet, lest you learn something about other viewpoints, right?
@keriezy 5 лет назад
Or God forbid someone thinks he might sympathize or learn from a non-mormon source. He probably blocked you to protect himself from censor.
@siobhan3043 5 лет назад
Their arguments could have appeared so much more valid and well rounded if they'd invited an atheist into their video and had a rational conversation discussing both sides! They just present these ridiculous generalisations that everyone (mormons) have heard heard at church - and are unsubstantiated. Great video, though 😊
@adambreese9263 5 лет назад
Siobhan X yes! It would’ve also been far more entertaining that way!
@nerakin6679 5 лет назад
"You're a prokaryote cell that turned into a self-replicating cell..." What? Prokaryote cells *are* self-replicating. Does he mean protocell? But protocells were also self-replicating. I'm not quite sure he knows what he's talking about.
@BrettWellsMacGyver2004 5 лет назад
Mormons treat life like a flyover state For those of you who might not be familiar with the term, "flyover state" is a rather derogatory term used to describe the states you must pass through on your way to your destination, but you don't see any reason why someone would want to actually stop there. Preferably, the only way you'd ever see it is looking down from 30,000 feet. I was talking to my dad today, and realized that this is really the way Mormons are taught to view their mortal existence. They're on their way from one place that was pretty great (premortal life) to an even better home (the Celestial Kingdom), but in the way is the desolate waste known as mortality, which must be slogged through on their way to their true destination. The problem with the flyover state mentality is that you actually miss out on some pretty fantastic stuff while you're single-mindedly trudging towards your destination. For instance, if you take Nevada for a flyover state, you'll miss out on all the fun of Las Vegas. This life is incredible and amazing and fun and wonderful. And I'm saddened that so many of my friends and family spend it shuffling along, staring at their feet, making sure they never step out of line, doggedly heading for a destination they can't even prove exists. I think the greatest tragedy of Mormonism is that it causes people to look at the only life we can be sure we'll have as something that must be "endured to the end," rather than enjoyed in its own right!
@andginisin 4 года назад
Brett Wells Thank you so much for this comment. I think this is the reason why I don’t really know who my parents are as people, and they don’t know me either because they were playing roles the church gave them. If we’re a forever family, don’t worry, we have forever to get to know each other. So absurd and sad. I wonder how our relationship would be different if they weren’t so deep in the cult.
@infinitedragonbellyx.x 2 года назад
Missouri is a "flyover state" and its such a beautiful state. Iowa and Indiana have absolutely beautiful parks if you know where to look. Pointless statement, but works with your analogy.😅
@infinitedragonbellyx.x 2 года назад
@Diamond Dave I agree, but I also loved Nebraska. But I only visited Omaha for a day.
@infinitedragonbellyx.x 2 года назад
@Diamond Dave branson is gorgeous. At least its not raining here 95% of the time😑 UK Im sure has plenty of boring and ugly spots. Like, I couldnt really care less about a bunch of old ass buildings. Sure, there are no mountains in the midwest, but it can have its own beauty. Especially in the fall.
@RaptorJesus928 5 лет назад
I lost my husband very suddenly last year, and even though he was being cremated, I was asked if I wanted him "preserved" the thought of them messing with his body, and filling him with horrible chemicals, made me feel sick. I point blank, said no way. He was only 55 and lifetime atheist, the humanist I had at his funeral was amazing. We had been together 22 yrs, I am 15 yrs younger than he was, and the whole time he made me promise I would give him a fancy dress funeral..... so I did.... even the funeral directors dressed up, scooby doo in the hearse, got some funny looks, not everyone understood or honored his request. lots of love and peace to you all..... take care frm the ex-Catholic... or lapsed according to the church.....
@RB-zh1eq 5 лет назад
I remember thinking like these three mormons, as I once was one. So glad to be rid of the idiocy.
@jessicaschmidt8178 5 лет назад
I've just barely begun watching your channel (and by that I mean I've probably watched all of your videos in a week 😂) and it has really helped me with my doubts of me leaving the church when I move out, helping me realize that being in the Mormon church does more harm than good not only to me but also others, thank you.
@megjones3350 3 года назад
Ugh the part about people with depression struggling to feel the spirit makes me genuinely angry, even with the caviat about "its not your fault." Because if we accept that it's not my fault, then why does having a mental illness make me exempt from God keeping up his end of my baptismal covenants? When I was baptized & confirmed, the promises I allegedly made with God were that if I prayed, repented, and did my best to obey, I was guaranteed the gift of the holy ghost as my CONSTANT companion (they very specifically say "constant"). Why does me going through something incredibly difficult and lonely exempt me from having the comfort of the spirit and the atonement when I need it most? How does a supposed loving god justify that? My journey out of the church began BECAUSE the comfort and guidance my brain created, which I called "the spirit," just suddenly stopped like someone cut a wire, when I was about 14 or 15. I know now I experienced those things due to a placebo effect, because I'd been taught so heavily they existed that my brain created the feelings, much as your brain can cure you of an illness when you're given a sugar pill you believe to be legitimate medicine. In retrospect, it probably stopped because of my increasing levels of depression at that time, as well as the general extreme chemical changes my brain was experiencing due to puberty. But I spent YEARS after that begging and pleading with god, trying to be more obedient, desperately repenting of every stupid thing I could think to fault myself for, begging god to help me to know what I was doing wrong so I could repent of it, and at my worst, begging God to let me die so I could move onto an easier phase and all of that, with basically nothing changing, except that my mental health deteriorated gradually, more and more until I left. After years of more painful bullshit, I finally got out, but I gotta say, I'm SO glad no one ever told me then it was normal for depressed people to lose the spirit, because I was in too deep to question it. I simply would have hated myself for being what I saw as "broken" even more, and dug myself deeper into the pits of my depression and suicidal ideation. I barely survived growing up Mormon as it was.
@daringailey9705 5 лет назад
These three remind me of the district leader that I wanted to smack the shit out of for the entire month and a half of my mission.
@cas4441 5 лет назад
Thank you friends. Submitted my resignation today. A challenging day, but I’ll get over it. Keep being good humans!
@tamarasmith9859 5 лет назад
Let's start a drinking game for each time they say fertilizer! They get jello, we get jello shots, the evil alcoholics we all are. 😄🤣
@aleciaharris9578 5 лет назад
One of the statements made by the 3 Mormons was that if we are faithful in this life to a certain doctrine, then we will be rewarded in the next life. This concerns me because it prevents us from living in this moment because we are always waiting for the next life, this concept idolizes death rather than life, and people who do good are only doing it for the selfish idea that they will receive a reward.
@frankwhelan1715 5 лет назад
Well it's same with most ,esp Abrahamic based religions,get the reward, avoid the punishment.
@adamkhan4451 5 лет назад
We all do good things for a reward. It makes you feel good. If you it made you feel bad, you wouldn't do it. If you felt nothing, you would choose to do something that made you feel good/better instead
@frankwhelan1715 5 лет назад
@@adamkhan4451Yes, feeling good is one thing but why would a god think you were a better and more deserving person for wanting a reward, and esp (in christian belief) by getting the reward avoiding (automatically) eternal torture? because there's no degrees in that belief it's either eternal bliss or eternal torment.
@aleciaharris9578 5 лет назад
@@adamkhan4451 I don't disagree, but when people represent they are doing good AND saying they aren't receiving a reward, yet they are doing it for the reward eternity....they then can't claim a moral high ground.
@adamkhan4451 5 лет назад
@@aleciaharris9578 okay cool, what is that moral high ground? Not familiar with any of this stuff so gotta have it explained to me. If somebody did something good and didn't claim a moral high ground than would there be another point to your post?
@tamarasmith9859 5 лет назад
🤦🏼‍♀️ There also could be a tooth fairy. I remember having my shelf break. All I could describe it as at the time was like when you are a child and you find out Santa isn't real. Yeah, it sucks, but then you buy yourself presents. What is most offensive is that those 3 guys assume morality was church made and didn't exist before religion. People only doing good out of fear is a pretty awful way to live. It's called empathy for all living things! I've become more loving for all creatures since coming out.
@kelseyreynolds1548 5 лет назад
Loved this!!! Literally so awesome. Amazing how small minded some people can be. Honestly when they argue keeping the 10 commandments makes them free all I can say to argue that is having more knowledge makes me free!! I was super depressed as a Mormon. Haven’t taken lexapro or had any issues ever since I left. (Although the actually leaving the church was traumatizing) but after a year of recovery it’s been awesome ever since. Thanks for your input! It always helps clarify my own feelings that I can’t put into words
@siddthekid5046 5 лет назад
The stock answer "keeping the commandments keeps you free" is church programming. You're right, having knowledge from more than one point of view is what really allows you to be free and make your own decision.
@aspenmgy 5 лет назад
After watching this I'm certain the 3 Mormons would love the video where Kirk Cameron says a banana proves the existence of God.
@Thundersnowy 5 лет назад
And for the love of God! (Or not) Would somebody get the fish a bigger bowl!
@adriennejohnson4201 5 лет назад
Right?! I noticed that right away!!!! Way too small for that big fish.
@FrogsForBreakfast 5 лет назад
Everyone notices the fish! But the three mormons have commented in the past that the fish is only put in the bowl while they're filming, and has a bigger tank that it lives in normally. Still a little mean to the fish, but not animal abuse.
@ningenJMK 5 лет назад
"If there's a God, I'll meet HIM." Pascal's Wager is so quaint, isn't it?
@Applest2oApples 5 лет назад
Um, how is that Pascal’s wager?
@frankwhelan1715 5 лет назад
@@Applest2oApples Probably because he took out the wager he thinks if god exists he'll be saved.
@RawlzMovies 5 лет назад
The Richard Dawkins clip they were talking about was obviously unfairly edited. The thing Richard Dawkins said was not a response to what Ben Stein sad at all. There was totally a huge segment cut out of Ben breaking Richards balls trying to get him to say something stupid.
@RawlzMovies 5 лет назад
Here’s a link to Richard Dawkins talking about the clip. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-AasyrRULHog.html
@neatflux 5 лет назад
Being atheistic doesn't mean disbelief in a conscience or consciousness. Greg seems to think those concepts are only held by theists?
@defygravity74 5 лет назад
I feel like the whole fertilizer thing is another part of the childishness of some Mormon reasoning. It's the whole thing of, "If you don't follow the gospel and yearn for heaven, you just want to decompose and serve the same purpose as poop does. Heh heh heh."
@jacobopstad5483 5 лет назад
I absolutely love what you said about the spirit and depression. My mom has suffered from depression for many years and, as an active mormon, I have seen her struggle with this. I have wondered about that exact issue on more than a few occasions and kind of reached the same conclusion even before I stopped going to church: if depression can affect people's spirituality, then either depression is a sin (which I could not accept) or there is a problem with spirituality.
@paulbrodie331 5 лет назад
I'm an addiction counselor, if anyone cares about credentials, and in my education and experience I side with Sam and Tanner on the alcohol/addiction comments. Also, "One alcohol please, I'm looking to become an alcoholic!" beautiful line. the situation of adjusting "chemicals" in the brain isn't as well understood as is commonly believed. watch out for big pharma. serotonin seems to be connected with sleep and mood, but the connection between SSRIs and the like aren't firmly determined to be the factor in improving mood issues.
@insightoftheages5571 4 года назад
Jesus didn't only 'drink alcohol, he made it from water so that everyone could drink it. Strange that he would corrupt them in such a manner?
@jacobopstad5483 5 лет назад
Thank you for what you said about the emotions. That feeling I learned to associate with the "Spirit" is still just as strong in me long after I've stopped believing in the LDS church.
@vinx.9099 5 лет назад
i've been an atheist in the Netherlands since i was 9. i never had the drive to take any substance. atheism really has 0 relations to taking anything.
@yahmein 5 лет назад
“Keeping the commandments actually makes you free, right?” I don’t even think he’s sure about whether or not keeping the commandments keeps him free 🤣
@stewieismyhomeboy 3 года назад
Unrelated to this video, but I feel like the true bisexual struggle is trying to figure out if you love Tanner or Samantha more
@kelleren4840 4 года назад
Walking around BYU campus right now binging these and loving every second of the sanity it brings. Thanks for these guys :)
@ZelphOntheShelf 4 года назад
Aww, yay! 💜
@mariajosetorresp 5 лет назад
This is the second time i see an ad for a bible app on an atheist video
@randomname4726 4 месяца назад
As someone who lives in a predominantly atheist country, It's so weird to me how little they know about Atheists. They are so incredibly sheltered.
@thebuddercweeper 5 лет назад
can we just take a second to appreciate the phrase "go out and become an alcoholic". I never thought of this, I'm gonna go out and become an alcoholic as soon as I finish watching the video.
@andreathomas3170 5 лет назад
The three "gentlemen" in the video you commented on is a perfect example of what I call "mormon pride". They've got it all figured out and everyone else who doesn't believe as they do are all screwed! I loved your comments and agree with you. You guys are refreshing to watch, and I especially liked your first comments on emotions you experience as a mormon and as not a mormon. So thankful to be mormon NO MORE!!!
@chantelderequito3123 5 лет назад
I LOVE YOU GUYS! Just got out from this controlling manipulative church I'm an ex mormon now and been genuinely happy :) sending love from the Philippines 😘
@drummerboy105133 5 лет назад
God, your hair looks great, Tanner. You look like a Greek God. (Sorry for the double comment. :D )
@ZelphOntheShelf 5 лет назад
*blushes* Aww thank you!
@andrewenderfrost8161 3 года назад
I was captivated by Sam's beach waves. It was super distracting how pretty she was.
@saigeanderson2516 5 лет назад
Ya’ll are a breath of fresh air
@pinkbunny6272 5 лет назад
I chose to not drink because of a medication I'm taking, also because of migraines. I don't need two types of headache in my life... I also go out almost alone, so being vulnerable freaks me out
@EvadoCouto 5 лет назад
I'm obsessed with Tanner's hair! Great video
@baileyfrancom3279 5 лет назад
please make a video about ex mormons adjusting to real life ex. ordering coffee struggles
@BoldAndBrash 5 лет назад
"Be like Jesus: have a little alcohol"
@vitXras 5 лет назад
Great video guys. New subscriber!
@Cryptosifu 5 лет назад
I love you Sam and Tanner, but I can't strand those Mormon guys.
@TanishaMartin 5 лет назад
That was fantastic! 100% agree about the weirdness that is the assumption that without God there would be mass chaos and harm to others. Seems like we see that anyway. Why? You guys said it -- whatever there is in mormons is also in others -- it's called humanness. Lots of gold in this. I loved the church. And now I'm a 6 on Dawkins' scale.
@nomdeplume2213 5 лет назад
@valerieteilor9654 5 лет назад
I want them to make a response to your response!
@ZelphOntheShelf 5 лет назад
Haha that would be so fun to respond to ;)
@thejiminator8816 5 лет назад
You can be an agnostic atheist, and agnostic theist, agnostic deist etc. People often misunderstand its definition. Agnostic: a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God. Nowhere does that imply atheism, theism, deism, pantheism etc.
@utah133 5 лет назад
Glad you figured out Mormonism (and all other religion) while quite young. It took me a bit longer!
@miguelthealpaca8971 4 года назад
I'd love it if a preacher said in front of his congregation, "I'm fucking filled with the love of Jesus!" Haha that'd be awesome! (I'm referring to something Sam said about 35 minutes in).
@shazaman23 5 лет назад
As an ex Mormon myself, I feel bad for the guy in the middle on the 3 Mormon vid. His question "What would I do if I left the church?" rings true to a sentiment that is pushed hard by the church. Mormons are taught to attach everything good that happens to them to the church so if they ever even consider leaving they're afraid they'll lose all the things that make them happy. That was certainly my experience on my way out. Makes me sad to hear other people reflect the same pain and keeping themselves in it.
@matrixman3733 5 лет назад
Awesome video as always. Keep up the good work
@Ennbra 5 лет назад
I’d be super interested in learning more about Buddhist practices you guys like!
@andynonymous6769 2 года назад
"What's stopping you from robbing people, or killing or raping" Nothing's stopping me. It's just human nature to not really wanna do that shit lol
@ningenJMK 5 лет назад
I'm a very impressionable young lad and so I don't want to watch the 3 Mormons part...but for you I shall.
@TheShadetheory 5 лет назад
Sunday Brunch is so binding!
@Mike-sj9si 3 года назад
Thanks for talking about the alcoholism thing! I agree with you and I think addiction sometimes doesn't have to do with unresolved trauma but it can have to do with genetic physiological factors that maybe aren't related to experiences. Still not the alcoholic's choice but just another way that it can maybe potentially happen
@ningenJMK 5 лет назад
I grew up with someone who's in his late 40s. He's a branch manager and VP at a major bank in NY and he's also First Counselor in the SP...anyways I interviewed for a job at his bank branch and the things he said about his ethos as a financial guy and someone who has to sign people up for credit cards and such...and this guy was and is a member of the Church in good standing. Since his youth he's been a stalwart member of the Church. My guess is he's been earmarked already as GA or Authority Seventy some day as he's got the right secular resume and Church resume.
@thomaschoate976 5 лет назад
Do more reactions to 3 Mormons(oops I mean Saints Unscripted)
@arielkmusic 5 лет назад
Omg getting a Mormon church ad previous to this video!!! 😂🤣😭😭😭😭👎'founded on love' oookayyy... I'm gonna stop before I swear a lot.
@ursaminor9780 5 лет назад
I'm thinking of a new drinking game: any time a religious apologist tries to argue against evolution, take a shot whenever (s)he says "accident," "random," or "chance." I call it the ARC challenge.
@KyleSfhandyman 5 лет назад
Question: The garden of Eden was in Missouri? according to the Mormons. How did humanity spread across the oceans to Europe, Africa, and Asia? And why were they different people who came back to America from Israel in wooden submarines? Wouldn't Adam and Eve's children be the native Americans? It is all so confusing. I know the answer is, the story is not true, but how do they explain all of this in church.
@Geekster1309 5 лет назад
What I have heard is that humanity lived in the americas until Noah, and then his ark travelled all the way to Mesopotamia.
@lambnathan97 5 лет назад
Kyle Sfhandyman members of the LDS faith believe the continents were in the form of Pangea during the period of the garden of eden, and on Pangea, the garden of eden was located at what would eventually become Missouri.
@heidischlenz6381 5 лет назад
thank you for this video! I grew up Mormon and I'm not anymore; I totally hear ya on these things
@dragoniraflameblade 3 года назад
Ask a Mortician has some awesome ethical burial alternatives! I plan on having my body buried in a forest so that area can become a conservation (look it up!). There's also "liquid cremation" (currently widely legal for pets, same qualms from the states as they used to have for cremation). There's also a study of decomposition where your body is left in the elements and studied. It's fascinating.
@MacMoonie 5 лет назад
I don't really understand being Mormon because I never was Mormon... so sometimes I don't understand some of their terms. Like "this is binding"... are they constipated? how is normal, non-Mormon life binding anyone?
@stephanietanniss 5 лет назад
Its here!!
@quacks2much 4 года назад
The three Mormon guys are likeable, but they don’t understand that analogies aren’t proof, but rather a way to help us understand how something works.
Well now I'm gonna study buddhism!
@ag-cj1de 3 года назад
ok the atheism dance bit @ 4 minutes is the best thing ive ever seen actually thank you for that
@sefflikejeff1917 5 лет назад
Where did you film this, heaven??
@ZelphOntheShelf 5 лет назад
That's what Sam's lovers call it, yes. ;)
@sefflikejeff1917 5 лет назад
@@ZelphOntheShelf speaking from experience? Dont lie to me, your mustache is too irresistible ;)
@babypisces1637 5 лет назад
im not sure if this is a cody ko reference, but i sure hope it is sksksksk
@sefflikejeff1917 5 лет назад
it sure is, glad someone picked it up, but...are you alright? It looked like you stroked out at the end of your sentence there
@babypisces1637 5 лет назад
PapaSmerg yeah i did u caught me lmfao
@shawnbradford2243 4 года назад
I love how they don’t apply that science to Mormon archeology! And truth changes when they are proven wrong 😂. Keep up the good work
@carsonottocullen1542 5 лет назад
@zelfontheshelf hi there! I've watched a handful of your videos my girlfriends loves you guys, I'm just curious, as to how much research you have done to any other religions, and if so, was that research conducted with an open mind, meaning is your goal to find truth or simply to prove religion wrong? I was raised mormon, and left when I was 15 and did heavy heavy research for 6-7 years and finally landed, in a spot where I identify with a certain religion, which I won't share at the moment, but im just genuinely curious, about the extent of your research if any into other religions other than Mormonism.... thank you guys, keep posting!!
@Pudding_Patrol 5 лет назад
Oh my god, little factories. I just got hit by a wave of memories of my momo parents telling me that my body was a little hormone factory.
@imphie 5 лет назад
I feel like a better argument for them would have been gambling, not alcohol. I can see gambling taking a harder toll on peoples lives when it comes to feeling like you're tied down as those debts become higher and higher. Not saying alcoholism can't be hard on families and individuals, it very much is, but just that gambling has those feelings of trapped helplessness that would have made their points come across better.
@KyleSfhandyman 5 лет назад
There are so many different versions of the First Vision. The first was with an angel, the second with God/Jesus. Others with a host of angels. So many different stories. I don't know why Mormons depend on it to establish the truth of Mormonism. It changed repeatedly.
@jeremysmith9694 5 лет назад
It never changed. At different times he told about the account, different details were emphasized. When people tell stories to different people they won't say it the exact same way every time.
@sophiathedandilioness 4 года назад
I actually drank alcohol a bit when I was still Mormon. Since leaving the church, I take my health even more seriously and found out I have a condition that makes me sick and it is triggered by lots of things, including alcohol, so I literally can't drink it without getting sick, and there for I don't. I can't even have Kombucha, which makes me sad cause I love that shit xD
@lisaw8619 Год назад
Tanner, thank you for saying that you can be an atheist and an agnostic (or an agnostic theist)! I inwardly screamed that, and then you said it.
@htt232101 4 года назад
The Iliad has more archaeological and historical evidence than the Book of Mormon and LDS Church history.......and the Iliad has Achilles doing battle with a River........so let that sink in.....
@kourt2469 5 лет назад
Please stop the sugar shaming!! 😂
@ZelphOntheShelf 5 лет назад
@ningenJMK 5 лет назад
Greg asks himself and others how we could exist precisely because he exists to ask that. If he hadn't existed, he wouldn't have been able to ask that. It's like that famous Descartes quote. Cognito Ergo Sum.
@ekaterini2957 5 лет назад
God have mercy on us all. God have mercy on me, a sinner.
@anthonypc1 5 лет назад
wow. a pair of heavenly atheists 🙏🏻 nice to discover you zelph and shelf
@losttribe3001 5 лет назад
They started off great and then took a right hand turn into weirdsville. Glad they acknowledged that us agnostic and/or atheist are people, but the rest...
@MaryBearBoo 3 года назад
The real win is disassociating all the shame, guilt, and self hate caused by the church for doing normal things like drinking tea or coffee
@ammontaylor5489 5 лет назад
Hello can I just say really quickly that I'm in love with you guys and everything you do is amazing! :D
@beebanshee 3 года назад
this is very off topic but i need a hair tutorial from sam her hair is so pretty 🥺💗
@ZelphOntheShelf 3 года назад
It’s curled with a straightener! :)
@rexmobley2760 5 лет назад
I have a allergic reaction to Alcohol... Damn You Mormon Jesus ! I want to sin !
@BartvG88 5 лет назад
Just bake some space cake and get... baked
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