
What Does Introverted Intuition Feel Like? 

David Badurina
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@michaelzell5905 4 года назад
I was staying in a friend's house one time. He was in the process of moving in and hadn't unpacked yet. The entire house was filled with hefty bags full of his stuff, strewn about everywhere. Everything was leaning on everything else. There was not one thing you could bump into without it falling over-and taking some other stuff with it. Every available surface was covered with a useless jumble of categories. In the midst of this chaos I was meditating in the back bedroom when I heard my friend come in the side door. I heard him put his keys down in a particular spot, and then listened for 20 minutes while he turned the kitchen upside down making his lunch. After he ate, I heard him start to turn the rest of the place upside down looking for his keys, which he had lost track of in the meantime. I could only take so much. I stood up, opened the bedroom door. I walked out and without a word went right to his keys, picked them up, and handed them to him. The look of speechless astonishment on his face was a sight to behold. He hadn't even realized I was in the house.
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
Ha! Michael that's awesome! It's a good point though, sometimes we need a friend who brings a little chaos into our lives and let's us stretch our Ni muscles, and sometimes that messy disaster of a friend is way better off with us in their life as well! This is all a good thing! Thanks so much for this story, it's great! I appreciate you!
@michaelzell5905 4 года назад
@@DavidBadurina Well as you might imagine there was more to the story. It begins with the first time I saw this guy out in public. My immediate, visceral reaction was "I hope I never have anything to do with that guy!" Later on I was formally introduced to him, and against my better judgement became, shall we say, entangled. We caused each other a great deal of trouble for nearly a decade. A couple of years after the incident with the keys, I had moved into a new house at a time when he was knocking around like a pebble in a can. The new house I rented had an old shack in the back yard. It had been built in the 1930s out of scrap lumber and tin. There were no two boards in it that were the same shape or dimension. It was filled with decades worth of toxic dust. And he wanted to pay me $100 a month to squat in it. In the summer, in Tucson. I reluctantly said, ok, and from then until the day he left (and a long bad time after as well if I recall) the mayhem just never stopped. I had borrowed a truck from a friend to aid in my move. It was a decrepit Datsun made of actual rusty metal, and I treated it gingerly lest I break it. My tenant repeatedly asked me if he could borrow the truck from me so he could drive some girl around. My reply was, look its not my truck. If you decide to use it and you break it that's on you. So don't fuck it up. So off he goes in the truck. A couple of hours go by and I'm wondering where he is when I get a frantic phone call. "I'm at the park and I lost the keys to the truck!" So I ride my bike up there (swearing all the way) to find him wringing his hands as the sun went down. I don't remember what I said to him when I arrived. Probably nothing nice. I went directly up into the grass and started walking. Scanning, just letting my feet find a path. I went 3/4's of the way around the park before I found them. Laying in the grass. Imagine that. I do remember what I said to him as I threw the keys at him. "Why can't you do that!"
@adnanabdull4h 2 года назад
That's a great example, we do tend to take in details that people often miss. We can be very attuned to the environment. Which often also leads to overload if we don't learn ways to regulate our mind.
@sarahberkner Год назад
Being attuned to patterns in the environment is Ni, but being able to find where someone put their keys because you noticed the keys or heard them set them down is Se. I'm an ESTJ which means Ni is supposedly my blindspot and it also annoys me that my boss has a messy office and forgets things occasionally so I don't understand how this was a good example.
@mirsaes 5 дней назад
​@@sarahberknerIn his mind he followed and worked out what was happening in the other room.
@barloud9421 5 лет назад
Do others find it hard to put into words and vocalize the intricacies that encompass your mind but when someone else, elegantly , vocalizes it your like "Exactly!! but why cant I explain these things to family without it all coming out rushed and jumbled and generally not making much sense ??" I'll be using your videos from now on :)
@DavidBadurina 5 лет назад
Joe! The ONLY reason my videos come out a little more elegantly than an off-the-cuff explanation is because of the editing! I'm chopping out all the bits where I'm staring into space saying, "Uhhhh ..." for like 2 minutes on end. You be you, the explanation will get out there and people will hopefully understand! Best to you and thank you for watching and commenting!
@nicholasjh1 4 года назад
I used to find it hard. I was married to someone that insisted I explain everything and I've become much more eloquent about my insights. I took several years of effort and probably even emotional therapy to gain that expressive skill
@nicholasjh1 4 года назад
BTW I still get stopped up if it's a very new concept
@jenofire8724 4 года назад
Joe Stevens saaaame.
@mairaleal2709 4 года назад
Joe Stevens ...THANK YOU!! That’s been killing me for years. That’s exactly how I feel. Finally someone put this into words.
@KT-xo4xp 4 года назад
INFJ's have very good pattern recognition. It's unfortunate sometimes, when INFJ's ignore their intuition, because it's usually right in hindsight
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
That gut feeling is there for a reason!
@LMHBuss 4 года назад
Yes!! And because we unconsciously KNOW our friends patterns we know when they deviate from them in tiny ways that indicate something major is going on. Hard to keep secrets from us.
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
Loraine! That's an excellent point, thank you!
@juliette9714 3 года назад
I totally agree w/ this. I think it becomes easier to "know" when it comes to family. I'm always able to tell what my sister is thinking about bc I'm so used to what she does and says that it's like second nature to me. I never really knew why or how it clicked until now tho I thought it was just a sister thing
@DuTubeable 5 лет назад
I identify as a Jedi... so I'm sticking with that...
@DavidBadurina 5 лет назад
Look, I'm all for that. I'd love to sit down at a Starbucks and snag my coffee off the counter using the force! ;-)
@CarissaJenkins 3 года назад
the J in infj stand for Jedi ;) INFJedi 😂
@Neo-Midgar 9 месяцев назад
Introverted intuition, to me, feels like my subconscious is some great and powerful, but inscrutable and sometimes painfully slow clockwork machine that constantly processes all the inputs, experiences and simutuli of my day to day life, digests them down to find the common, recognizable patterns, and then just kinda poops insights into my conscious mind, unceremoniously and without warning. It can be quite abrupt, lol. 😂 -an INTJ
@HotSeat17 4 года назад
You are so great at explaining difficult concepts and staying on topic. No small talk or inconsequential chatter. Yea!😊 Such a refreshing change for my brain. 😊
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
Thank you! I appreciate that very much!
@finnfemme870 4 года назад
I have had a strong intuition since I was a young girl - I just "knew" things without even trying. I was shocked when I finally realized that most other people did not have this ability!
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
It's good ... when you listen!
@finnfemme870 4 года назад
@@DavidBadurina Yes, I usually get into a bad situation when I don't listen!
@improvingman6866 4 года назад
Same, I remember when I was 6 and we were in a traffic jam before the airplane was taking off and I knew we were gonna be late and my mom kept assuring me no but I was right. I was so sad and worried it would affect my life because I had school the next day.
@CarissaJenkins 3 года назад
same here! i'm 16 and until recently, it would often frustrate me when others (my family specifically) couldn't comprehend things that i thought were so obvious. Now that i've learned about the world of Myers-briggs, I realize that it's my Ni-- that most people don't have! :/
@edwardzhou8590 3 года назад
@@DavidBadurina gotta pay attention. Meditate
@longbelinda 4 года назад
i found out yesterday that i was INFJ. when i was young and inexperienced i had "thoughts" about people and their secrets. those thoughts came to my mind while watching or talking with them and seemingly out of the blue.For instant: this person has a secret lover , or this person abuses children....I tossed those thoughts , thinking why i think so bad about people, my thoughts are bad. Turns out my thoughts about people where always right ! Now i am much older and i do generally trust my intuition. i am still fighting in my head with those intuitive thoughts , and over the years i wished i was bolder about speaking it out aloud .to help not only the victims, but also the person doing it. i useally do not confront but look for ways to bring it out into the open if it needs to be. what drains me the most is people trying to manipulate others, every minute,every hour,everyday it is happening to different degrees,and it is soooo draining.
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
It's VERY draining Belinda! I try to find ways out of it the best I can, hope you can as well!
@rubystone2804 4 года назад
Ohhhh David you are so right being INFJ can be a curse as well as a wonderful gift. In school other kids avoided me and thought of me as a know it all, bossy and pushy. Adults thought I was amusing and often had fun at my expense. Now at 64 I have of course found a sense of peace and a way to let the other stuff go. I am glad I found your videos and am enjoying your to the point information about INFJ. What a complex world we live in and even though as individuals we all need moments of quiet alone time to reflect, we also need each other to grow. Thanks for the time you are putting into these videos I understand and know from experience how difficult it is with all the complexities of being an INFJ to stick with what you are doing. I applaud you. Thanks I will be back
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
Thank you so much, Ruby, this sentiment means a lot to me! I appreciate you and hope to see you around these comment threads again soon! Best!
@itude1237 4 года назад
Another story... In my twenties (many moons ago) I was dating someone. The relationship had been going for about a year. At the time I was still naive and hadn’t fully trusted my intuitive abilities yet (at that stage I thought everyone experienced things similar to me). This girl was a few years older than me. She wasn’t a full disclosure type person, but I never really pressured her to open up about her past. I definitely sensed that there were gremlins in the closet though. I woke up one morning after an uncomfortable dream and was in that infj distant mood trying to process my weird dream (and awkward accompanying emotion). My girlfriend kept asking what was wrong. After initially trying to brush it off (it was just a weird dream after all) I told her that I had dreamt that she was previously married which made me feel strange. Well... her face turned pale and she became awkwardly uncomfortable. I asked her what was wrong. After a few moments, she hesitantly said the infamous words “... there is something I have to tell you...” Turns out she was secretly married in court for about a month some years before I met her... she had the marriage annulled after realizing her mistake. She hadn’t told anyone. Not even her somewhat close family knew about this. It was a part of her life she had completely tried to block out for years. You can imagine her staggering amazement (and mine) that I had tapped into that through a dream. This was when I really began understanding my gift (and sometimes curse) of intuition. Since then I started to trust my gut feelings and develop them... which had been there since childhood. Thinking back over this story many times, there is noooo waaaay I could’ve sensed that exact situation cognitively, or subconsciously. She was so secretive about it. I knew there was something about her past, but NEVER contemplated a previous marriage as a possibility. Coincidence?... possible. However, in hindsight after learning to trust this, I truly believe a much deeper 6th sense was at play.
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
It's amazing stuff, no doubt. And I understand wanting to attribute it to a 6th sense. Perhaps it's just the label for the same thing: deep intuition speaking to you. Personally, I will always argue against calling it mystical, ESP, 6th sense, what have you. A tuned intuition that you trust and have learned to listen to? Sure. And we do tend to focus on the times where it speaks to us the loudest (I have those moments too), and we quickly forget the moments where something obvious happened that we did not see coming. I'd be even more hesitant to describe the rare moments as 6th sense, and those moments of absolute blindness to what was going on as coincidence. I believe it would be the other way around. It is more likely that there was a thing that you noticed (subconsciously, not consciously) that started putting those puzzle pieces together to eventually draw that conclusion. Perhaps a feeling, perhaps something that was said, perhaps a look or a micro-expression she gave in terms of talking about prior relationships that started that puzzle being placed together? I'd say that's the most likely circumstance. Ultimately, we're just talking about a hunch and the underlying reason it appears. I get that. I'd caution against anyone translating subconscious processing into magic and mysticism because I think it's ultimately unhealthy from a standpoint of self-growth. But again, we all have our own way (I'm certainly not begrudging yours, I hope you don't take it that way). Either way, I appreciate your contribution on this page and for discussion! I'm curious to see if others respond as well!
@payitforwardpoetry3316 3 года назад
I 100% agree. We are connecting to the universe that feeds us.. no just reading people's energies and later processing all the pieces together to conclude.. We do think outside the box..
@SarahJEveryday 5 лет назад
You describe this really well. It makes me feel weird/uncomfortable when people talk about introverted intuition like a sixth sense. You're totally right; not a magic power, but we are picking up on so much data that others aren't attuned to. That said, it is really awesome to have a brain the processes this way! Thanks for the video!
@DavidBadurina 5 лет назад
Hi Sarah! THANK YOU! It's SO frustrating when people talk about it as a mystical power. It isn't! And yes, I'm grateful to know how it's processing, though sometimes it's frustrating! Thank you so much for watching and commenting! I appreciate you!
@jencgold 4 года назад
Yeah. It was very scary. I would seem to be able to predict things and it would spook me. But I figure. I’m really picking up on things. Just not realizing it. 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂 I do that with songs. Restaurants. Lol. 🤣🤨😂😂 things that happened yrs ago. The weirdest though are things that come to pass. That you knew were going to happen. That’s spooky. But I agree. A scientific explanation. ☺️☺️❤️❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻
@AmayzinOne 4 года назад
I have a gut feeling that I will be a very popular speaker one day. It is a weird feeling because it scares me as it seems overwhelmingly exhausting, but I feel like I know it’s going to happen. Maybe this is because everyone tells me I am great at speaking when I speak at churches and leadership conferences (though I feel uncomfortable receiving compliments). Also, since I was a kid I have felt like I would have a lot of money growing up and could use it to help people. A company I have cofounded just raised 1.4 million dollars. Neither of these two intuitions could become true as the company could fail or I could not gain any traction with speaking, but it feels like I know deep down they will. I can’t really explain it.
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
This is awesome stuff, thank you!
@IYKYKtwins 5 лет назад
I have never been able to put introverted intuition into words...I am saving this video as reference in case I ever have to try and explain it.
@DavidBadurina 5 лет назад
I appreciate that, thank you!
@melissa.simplystatedcoaching 5 месяцев назад
You explained this so well and I most often use the analogy of a puzzle. I find it to be around people that need all the other evidence because it’s not how it works for us. It’s not a conscious activity that we embark on to prove something. when you know you know. Some people really think I put in effort to knowing stuff that took no effort at all, and that I didn’t even know I knew till the moment I knew it lol. it’s exhausting to even attempt to explain . Some people have even gone to the extent of stalking for lack of a better word because they think I’m stalking them I guess or … as if I’m dedicated to finding out whatever it is that I literally would never do because I’ve never had to and that would be weird.
@richardmorrison2686 4 года назад
Every time I enter a room with people there already , it’s like I am reading all thier emotions, I. Can’t shut it off happens every time
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
It can be a flood of stimulation, for sure!
@whalestar1 2 месяца назад
I’m an INFJ and I have had some pretty strange things happen to me because of my intuition. The one that’s hardest to explain has to be that time when I touched the door handle on my car and I just knew that was going to be the day I got a speeding ticket. Who knows, perhaps it was a “self fulfilling prophecy” or something. But I had never had a speeding ticket before or since lol.
@jessicascorpio1 4 года назад
I do that ALL the time!! They are like “How did you know what I was going to ask?!”
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
Exactly! It happens a little too often to be a coincidence!
@thekeytoyournewride 5 лет назад
It is an uncanny ability. It is a blessing and a curse imo. Can I at least identify as a Jedi? I mean it's 2019, I could identify as a toaster if I wanted to.
@DavidBadurina 5 лет назад
Toaster Jedi! I bet a lightsaber could make a mean grilled cheese sandwich if you handled it carefully enough...
@lucyswannsunsafespace7313 4 года назад
You can apparently identify however you like, but don’t expect the rest of us to pop some bread in your mouth and wait on you to spit out crispy goodness 😂 My apologies. Couldn’t resist 🤣
@MattSavina 4 года назад
Agreed, and only funny because it's true..
@sdm4783 4 года назад
@Katfeaver 4 года назад
I have 1 polydactyl cat that identifies as a dog (when your cat does a single bark sound and alerts you to something going on outside a certain window it's a little freaky), a kitten that identifies as a parrot, and one who is the sweetest cat you could ever hope for. Every day is special and new in her world. I'm starting to develop a phobia from my kitten landing on my shoulders from wherever she was above me. She jumps on my shoulder and wants me to walk around the house so she can look for new places to land on me from. That's going to sound very 5150 in therapy though. Two of our cats survived the Camp Fire and left with me during it. We're in a small rental that's definitely not a part of Mr. Roger's neighborhood, so it could be part of why he is always guarding. I don't think they got much smoke inhalation (whole damn town was burning and exploding but our poly was traumatized as we caught him on the last chance before being forced to leave him behind so he left in a pillowcase during the fire. He was the last thing to ever leave our home. Teaching him to beg was my doing but it got so bad my friend couldn't open the fridge without him sitting up begging for a treat when she was here. Oops. So you are definitely a Jedi. Use the force. You are the chosen one.
@andrewb1986 Год назад
I've clamped down on that... Seen enough fear and vulnerability in others eyes...
@ScottishLeo 5 лет назад
I tried to describe this intuition to my husband as I'm a walking Bluetooth hub & everyone I come into contact with plugs in, without any conscious effort on my part, & a constant streaming of emotions, energies flood in, it's so odd to know how why what ppl are about. Thank you for bringing us together! 😍
@DavidBadurina 5 лет назад
That's excellent! Like a walking hub! Like public wifi, only I really wish I was just alone watching cat videos! ;-) Thank you so much! Best to you!
@danielamiottotrainer Месяц назад
Yeah - I’m Older too and I’ve learned that it’s just pattern recognition. I’m also a movement teacher - was interesting to know you are a martial artist … optimal training for pattern recognition … my clients think I’m a savant the way I can see what’s going on and how I can see what’s going to happen next - but I tell them - I just remember what I’ve seen and it tells me what’s gonna happen next.
@josephchetwood3860 3 года назад
Hi David! As someone who recently came to the understanding that I am an INFJ I find your videos very insightful, many things I just nod at because it's right on target with me and I appreciate having this "outside" explanation of how my inner workings actually run. And we do use the Force! Lol
@DavidBadurina 3 года назад
Great to have you here, Joseph!
@infjcupcake 4 года назад
*binge watching all of your vids* 👏
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
I'm being binged? This is weird! (AND THANK YOU!!)
@LauraLouLou 3 года назад
I really like that you explained how we can figure the intuitive connection. I don’t worry about it much but sometimes I chased down those connections too. I also want to comment about picking up on people’s feelings. Occasionally, with people I’m really close to, I’ll call them out and they often deny they’re having those emotions, I don’t know if I’m wrong or they are unaware. And I think you meant ‘nothing ‘mystical’ or course it hardly matters after the fact.
@DavidBadurina 3 года назад
@puffyevergreens 2 года назад
They do deny. Which makes you doubt but you know you're intuitating their vibe. I do believe there's something really spiritual about infjs
@christopherj5780 3 года назад
Oh. Thank you for bringing this down to earth.
@DavidBadurina 3 года назад
You’re welcome!
@christopherj5780 3 года назад
@@DavidBadurina i feel i comment too much. I feel like a burden on this world. I know this is not true. But i feel it. You know. Then the thought of maybe ill never speak again comes up. Ni ti loopy. Lol together sweet sweet infjs we can something. Im hard coring on over-infjing with the spidercows. Love the terminology
@al3x 3 года назад
May the force be with you....
@margauxtepartage 4 года назад
We are like walking radars, personally I am discovering this concept of infj since a couple of days that videos popped up on my RU-vid feed, and wow, I don't know if I am one but I definitely relate to what you just presented! I am always the first or the only one to recognize certain things going on in people and all this gathering of information, the more I grow old the more I feel like I can tell so many things about people but I wouldn't be able to explain because I know it comes from logical cues but is is so fine and tiny addition of so many things that no one would be really interested to know where I am coming from. And listening things about this infj concept makes me realise or let's say, put in perspective so many aspects of my personality that I never consciously could grasp but which definitely in most settings makes me be the odd one, the one who is going to bring up the issues, the one who will speak about what no one bothers to deal with but which definitely is an issue. And one bigg problem I face with this '' intuition '' is that really sometimes you are so aware about someone's issue, that you feel the urge to deliver the message to that person but more often than not, that person is really not a tuned with him or herself and really not ready to listen and will discard and become extremely defensive and I think sometimes people feel violated really. And I start to understand that I should probably sometimes accept more to allow people to come to their truth at their own pace otherwise as right as I may be, I can be way too ahead, and it is a journey of self discovery that I have to respect for people to have. But it is so hard because I feel this urge to share all my science about certain things when people really are not interested or not ready... Brefff...the issue is complex... But that's crazy to discover that some people (you guys) know all this about me now, I never thought that my peculiarity had been already studied and could be scientifically presented to me... It feels weird... All those things I never could name about my own functioning is now externalised that's so... Undescribable... So many things about my personality that I always felt odd about are magically being named, described, rationalise, and all linked haha which I neve r really thought about
@catherinebranson1469 4 года назад
I have memory like you too, when it comes to detailed information. Crazy! Some people think I am psychic. I say, it is just intuition. I sensed a waitress in a restaurant was upset about perhaps her husband when I did not know her personally. I found out later, that her husband was very ill. INTUITION
@natalierullmanward9137 4 года назад
I jokingly say, I'm Anunaki! My daughter would tell you I'm an "earth angel" (not sure what that is) but, it sounds cool!
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
That sounds super cool! Anunaki! :-)
@VengefulPolititron 3 года назад
it's aliens. aliens are demons. a variation of that name is in the Bible
@kristingale9838 4 года назад
I'm usually good at picking up on people's bad intentions WAY before other people see it. I've lost friends, then they come back a month later like... I should have listened to you. Lol its interesting!
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
Haha it IS interesting! Sometimes you just don't wanna listen!
@Cloudss9 Год назад
Introverted intuition is an entertaining experience. To me it’s like my life is the movie Inception while understanding Inception from inception. I literally can not imagine how other people function without this function. Introverted intuition is one reason why I can self-entertain 😅 I’m busy enough with myself and some people don’t have insight into their own insight 😅 .. so I’m like.. what are we even doing in this moment 😂 And yet I am an extroverted introvert who works intimately and effectively with people most days. I love people and I love solitude. Great video. Also, David, I think you are attractive.
@darfoster7773 10 месяцев назад
My 18 y.o. son asked me if I was a Jedi, but I said , "if I were I couldn't tell you ", and then I laughed!
@julieolson1402 5 месяцев назад
I have had such a difficult time trying to understand the concept of Ni. However, your explanation makes it joltingly clear. Which is weird because I'm an INFP. It happens infrequently to me, and completely without warning, leaving me in a complete loss of understanding. I't leaves me feeling like I just stepped into the Twilight Zone. I was a critical care nurse when I experienced a bizarre example of this. I walked into an E.R. full of gifted veteran staff members, and was immediately aware that a patient wasn't breathing without examining him. I automatically began resusitative measures, signally to the shocked E.R. staff the gravity of the situation. It felt like what some label a synchronicity. I was no more skilled than any other member of the E.R staff. It just happened. And instantaneously! Thank heaven I'm not an INFJ. My heart couldn't stand too much of that kind of thing. Whenever those moments happened they always involved other people in a person to person contact. I never had any ability to predict future events.
@Katfeaver 4 года назад
Does anyone else always freak people out when you give them the perfect gift and they're trying to figure out how I knew they wanted it? I just remember things like someone randomly commenting at some point about how they would like whatever item they saw when we were together 5 months ago. I just listen and remember enough odd factoids about someone enough to freak them out.
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
I'm pretty good at remembering those little details. Definitely comes in handy around birthday times!
@ElvenWisdom 4 года назад
It feels like you are always in a dream, but wide awake and fully functioning..lol. Symbols, signs and messages you attune closely to pop into your mind and process like a story that unfolds and tell you things that have a great chance of coming true or being true right then. Today, I had to ask my husband-“is this a dream?” He looked at me with an odd look and I gave him a laugh.
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
"Are we in the matrix?" I've uttered that one a few times. :-)
@ElvenWisdom 4 года назад
haha! One of my favorite sci-fi movies that reflects reality in many ways for me, I even named my one dog after Neo. :)
@nikkid7963 4 года назад
My best friend tells me all the time, get out of my head. 😂
@No-ny9yn 3 года назад
@DjinnDesinja84 4 года назад
Spot on
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
Thank you!
@desertforest2221 Год назад
"As an older INFJ..." Okay you're allowed to say this when your beard is grey. :P
@jeanettemchenry505 4 года назад
This is the BEST explanation I’ve heard that helps me understand how introverted intuition works! Thank you!
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
Thanks Jeanette! I appreciate that very much!
@katieandnick4113 2 года назад
There are quite a few people in my family with either ASD or ADHD. I briefly wondered if I could have ADHD, until I actually learned about what ADHD is, and realized that my executive functioning might actually be the opposite of those with ADHD, meaning it works extra well. I did have OCD as a child, that started very early and was very intense(fortunately it’s not that bad anymore), and I think there is probably a connection between being INFJ and having OCD. I’m going to attempt to give my son, who’s 12 and actually has ADHD, the MB test today. He’s excited. My daughter has aspergers and is INTP(we are very compatible), which is fortunate. Actually, I read a few days ago that OCD is kind of the opposite of ADHD, if that makes sense. I’m gonna look into that some more. Damn, I say “actually” too much.
@TrainedOldSkool 2 года назад
Yeah I've had these types of "premonitions" since I was a kid and they started out very small like just suddenly thinking about something like a toy for example and suddenly a commercial for that toy would pop up on tv and it only got stronger as I grew up. Now I recognize that feeling when I am about to get "premonition" or rather the Ni is working.
@DavidBadurina 2 года назад
Interesting thoughts on it. I think there's danger in calling it a premonition so to speak, only because we cannot ever predict a future event. More like subconsciously recognizing patterns and experiencing a moment where a likely scenario would occur. For each of those, there are many more instances where we have those thoughts, and they do not come to fruition. I am dead set against INFJs and the mystical "jedi power" folks that are out there saying we can read minds and tell future events, but intuition works in very cool and strange ways and it's pretty awesome when it clicks and you've listened!
@hazeldecker622 4 года назад
I honestly do not know how people navigate the world without intuition. I guess you don't miss what you never had, but still.
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
As natural as it is for some people, seeing the world logically (ew) is quite natural for others, I guess!
@lindateuling7862 4 года назад
As an INFJ. I've found myself to be a theoretical mystic and a practicing skeptc
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
Always good to be comfy with who you are, Linda!
@lindateuling7862 4 года назад
@@DavidBadurina As a "baby boomer?" INFJ (IOW, considerably. over 21 years old) I have puzzled people all my life - including myself. It used to bother me, but at this stage of my life, it's kind of fun - even though I don't do it on purpose.
@hanttulanttu5142 4 года назад
So agree, loved this! I felt so annoyed about theseother vids and statements that we have some sort of super powers. Does make me laugh when ppl always ask me "where's this" or "What's the song".. we just know 😆 Fab vids dude, love the way u r able to explain it all. My brain is a bit of a mess and not that long since I found out I'm an infj, everything just makes more sense now. Can't wait to listen more 😁👍
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
Hi Hannele! Thank you so much! I'm glad it resonated! My brain always feels like a messy room, but for the most part I can find anything in the piles of junk! :-)
@pamcurrie7828 4 года назад
My daughter is always telling me that I am a mind reader, but, I don't realize I am doing it. It just KNOW. Great video. Good to know I am not the only one.
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
So great Pam! Now she can wonder if you know she's up to trouble! That's what I do with my boys haha.
@purpleiris1114 4 года назад
Gonna try to get all my responses in one post. 1st though, I need to say that I AM trying really hard not to just binge watch your channel because I DO like to comment a lot, and well, it's better spaced out...for the both of us probably. ... My brain is 80 % song lyrics. I can usually find a song to go with pretty much anything. ... I intuit a lot of things a lot of the time. I second guess myself a lot though because people often tell me I'm being paranoid (if it's a negative thing), I'm flat out wrong, Im imagining things or I'm being a know it all, maybe because they don't see what I do or they don't want it to look like they missed something. It actually causes me stress and/or social anxiety ... I can't tell you how many times I've said something and the person I'm talking to looks at me crazy like, "how did you get there from what I just said?" To which I say, "you have NO idea the enormity of the chain of thoughts that just ran through my head in 2.5 seconds flat" ... I love your videos ... The end😊
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
Hey Sue! COMMENT AWAY! I like to reply to every comment, so it can be a challenge heh. Ditto on the song lyrics. There's a little too much in there, I think. "you have NO idea the enormity of the chain of thoughts that just ran through my head in 2.5 seconds flat" - HA! That's it right there. That is exactly it! And thank you! ...to be continued!
@thynisia396 4 года назад
Lol yeah. Like today we saw a relative outside with my parents. The aunty asked my mum at some point that she should teach her "that thing um" she did last time... My mum replied hastily with the name of a lullaby she sang to the grand son of the aunty. But the aunty said, "no, that thing with the fish"- as soon as she said that, I blurted out "the Tahitian salad!" which my mum repeated after me and the aunty confirmed with excitement. I still have no idea how I reasonated it, but now I remember that my mum did do a Tahician salad on the occasion of the aunty son's birthday. I truly have NO idea how I came up with that answer hahahah. It's not even like my image of Tahician salad is strongly linked with fish. I know it has it, but I view it more with it's visual appearance and taste than its ingredients. The brain is truly amazing haha.
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
Haha this is great! Tahitian salad! Those are intuitive connections, aren't they fantastic when you see them work?
@thynisia396 4 года назад
@@DavidBadurina absolutely lol
@HotSeat17 4 года назад
This facet of me makes me great at customer service. Many times my spider sense kicks in before a customer would be so rude, mean and upset out of nowhere, that another person would take their attack personally. Those are times I look deeply into their eyes, feeling what might be going on, looking past their attack. I would ask them if they were ok. I'd say, "I mean, are you REALLY ok?" Within minutes they would be crying on my shoulder telling me their life story! Sheesh... This happens a lot. My boss thinks it's funny, but my sales volume is thru the roof. People sense that I genuinely care about what they buy, how they spend their hard-earned money, and about them. I can't help it. My INFJ eyes bore into a person's soul and their data flows in on what they want and need. It's weird how the processing of data takes just nanoseconds. Making longtime friends from customers is a bonus. I truly love this gift, and people. Life is never boring!
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
Never at all and these are great points, as long as you don't exhaust yourself from all of that interaction!
@HotSeat17 4 года назад
Good point! As long as I have at least two days off from work to regroup and energize, I'm ok. Sometimes I just rest in my head...mental breaks help with exhausting energy-suckers. And lots of physical no brainer work. Thanks! You're a great guy! I really got a lot from your videos. I'm going to watch some more.😊😊😊🌈🌈🌈
@RuroniSage_1111 2 года назад
I believe I’m INTJ, but there’s enough I’ve got in common with INFJ related talking points, like with Introverted Intuition. It’s very enlightening to have something I’ve seen and felt within myself, exemplified somewhere that isn’t just my “headspace”. I’m skeptical of how some of these connections clicked so easily for me, but the judgement of those ideas and feelings probably come from the same place. A very busy intuition, what I usually called a “hyperactive mind”, when people would notice my ways of thinking. What I’d call a double edged blade. Is self awareness a consequence of having a dominant Ni?
@DavidBadurina 2 года назад
I don’t think self-awareness is related but it’s an interesting question. It’s hard to see the world from that non-Ni perspective, so I can’t really say for sure. Gave me something to think about, thank you!
@RuroniSage_1111 2 года назад
Your welcome 🤓👍✨
@Broukas 3 года назад
I have never been able to put it into words, and when I’ve tried it doesn’t make sense. Thanks for the video.
@aims_plays 4 года назад
It almost feels like socratic theory happening live! I love it.
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
Glad it resonated! :-)
@tigerhen7346 4 года назад
It's kind of frustrating that I'm able to predict the future and noone believes me until it's to late for an easy fixing. Because when they ask me how I know, I don't have an answer - I just know. No magic, I collect trillions of details and put together a trend chart in my head - fast! Frustrating part: It's beneath me to say "I told you so", but man do I want to some times!
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
Haha I NEVER go the "I told you so" route. If anything I might do it in a cheeky way like, "I wonder where I've heard that before ..." Everything is delivered better with a smile, after all. :-)
@dannaputnam 5 лет назад
Exactly. thank u for putting it into words, bro.
@DavidBadurina 5 лет назад
Thank you for watching!
@AmberBoutilier 4 года назад
I understand it as we have advanced pattern recognition which helps us to connect the dots and see what's happening. At least in part. ❤
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
I do think that's part of it! What's maddening (sometimes) is that it's all on a subconscious level! So most of the times I feel like a complete goof until it all comes into focus then I'm like, "Oh. Right. I knew that." :-)
@AmberBoutilier 4 года назад
Aahaha. Right 😊
@GS-st9ns 4 года назад
Love this video. Excellent explanation of who I am. Love the guitar in the background, my brother is custom guitar maker, but you suspected that, didn't ya
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
Rock on! :-)
@christopherj5780 3 года назад
One time, my friend invited me dinner. She said guess what im making? I said lasagna. And it was good. Thankfully she is very understanding. I share some of your vids with her. Ty
@DavidBadurina 3 года назад
@shelbysongy2666 4 года назад
ha I am struggling with that gut with my own therapist right now!
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
It can be a struggle for sure! Stay strong out there!
@nipsy_lafett 4 года назад
Yes yes yes 100000times yes. I’ve “guessed” that kind of stuff with my wife all the time and then like you said rework why in reverse in my head. I’ve been able to tell my wife that her friends boyfriends were cheating on them out of nowhere and be right. But just because I’m hyper aware of the minute details without realizing it at the moment. Oddly enough. My current job that I’ve fell in LOVE with (and now know why) is an Analyst in two different fields.
@nipsy_lafett 4 года назад
Btw fuck grammar
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
Fascinating stuff! I find that data analysis for me lets me work those puzzle-pieces muscles in a really cool way! I've become a great problem solver as a result of that intuition being left to run free!
@MeforHim 4 года назад
Um, I'm definitely Jedi. I wish I could control it though( I guess that means I'm not Jedi). I can guess other people's thoughts with zero input. Like at a party with people I barely knew, we played a game where we had to guess what someone would say as their favorite actress... I have no clue how I knew to this day and it was Rochel Welsh lol. I'm not even old enough to know what she looks like. I had to google it later.
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
That's a random guess for sure! Haha. I don't know if Obi Wan could pull that off, seriously. ;-)
@camilkyblog 4 года назад
Alright, I've decided that your explanations of all these functions and traits and stuff are amazing, throughout all your videos. I mean... Really. I've never seen somebody put Ni into words as well as you did, and I've been reading up on MBTI for quite some time. Thank you for that.
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
Thank you so much, I appreciate that! I'm glad they resonate!
@HBippy 4 года назад
I love love love the puppets at the end of your videos ☺️😀
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
Thank you! :-)
@huzaifapatel7508 4 года назад
I like how you explain
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
@giordi729 3 года назад
Yeah, I know we are not Jedis..... but the force is strong with us :-)
@trinitymarieM Год назад
When I saw the title of this video- first thought- torture. I think this function could be part of the exhaustion( at least for me) after going places with a lot of stimuli. It can take an indiscriminate amount of time processing the input, sometimes it feels like too much data Super power, or force....sometimes I know things Example, (at my current job) I hear what a person is going to order just before they order it I think the " magical force thing" can be similar to the video that was made about infj's not fitting in a box. Maybe our " alleged superpowers function or express differently per each individual. I believe in "The Force. 😉 I was also taking in your background, is that an optimus prime helmet behind you?
@jasoncampbell3955 4 года назад
I really don't think introverted intuition is something that a naive person would want. INTJ here. Just imagine living inside of your head playing with abstract ideas constantly. It can be difficult to concentrate and stay present to the physical world or doing your job, unless it is a job that utilizes conceiving such abstract ideas daily (computer science, philosophy, psychology, math, science, etc. It's a lonely lifestyle because few people can relate to you, as you always search for patterns which apply to the abstract world within your mind. Where people are thinking about talking about the banality of their external world, an INTJ or INFJ focuses on the meaning of large systems, understanding the meaning of life, religious belief systems, why groups of people behave a certain way... Concepts few people ponder in their daily lives, so it becomes very difficult to form relationships with others because we are not driven by the same stimuli as most.
@daisydingbat 16 дней назад
Well said, and so very true.
@jeanross7430 4 года назад
For me, absorbing information is a constant. I remember weird facts and random data about people and things doesn't everybody? I know for example that Marmite (English toast spread) is a by product of beer , specifically Guinness ale). Why, because I know it, if I knew how I know things like this, there would not be enough room in my head :-) :-), my memory is pretty good. If I can't instantly remember a name for example, I mentally go through the alphabet, or try to recall by association of things and people. Here it gets weird, I obsess about it until I remember (no cheating with Google) I am old, so there is much more to sift through, but I get there ) There is sadly no time limit on this and it may take a while so the middle of the night can happen. I really hope other people can relate to this.
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
I certainly can to a degree - be it song lyrics or random facts, there is a huge amount of information just below what feels like a conscious level that bubbles up when it's the right time. Like the fact that ALF's home planet is Melmac. It's not something I think about more than maybe once every few years, but it's there. Okay maybe not a perfect example, but you get the idea. :-) Thank you for the comment!
@slatterthematter 4 года назад
Had that many times before. Ine i remember the most. Was at work went outside 2 go smoke. Sat on sidewalk looking at my car. Bunch of guys walked up. They were about 2 instal wifi. Dude walked up 2 me asked for a sigarette and made some coment about smoketime. Immediately well my skin crawl and realised its because this person is having very strong negative feelings towards me. Even after giving him a sigarette. I could feel my skin crawl and just wanted 2 leave hes presence. He also made a racial comment. But i just ignored it. Then walked 2 my car 2 lock it and put sigarettes away. As i was walking in n just knew that trouble was coming. I did not know what. I just felt it... and boom going out for last smoke break of the day. Find my car scratched. I could only sit down be sad. But then started 2 laugh cos it all was so crazy and i knew trouble was coming coz i could feel it in my gut. Well hahaha. I feel this around certain people. On a daily
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
Hey Herman! Sometimes you just get that feeling! I try so hard not to ignore mine!
@slatterthematter 4 года назад
@@DavidBadurina thank you for the advice. Thing is. I trust the gut feeling i sometimes just feel like i cant be rude in any way towords people whom make me feel this way. Somehow i end up always asking myself if im being fair. Why am i feeling like this. It it even me feeling. Or am i just the passive witness of a happing in and around me that i cant control. Cos i cant switch it off.😂 but ill never want2 change. I love my alien self.
@hsryu2219 4 года назад
Cleary the things you said in this video are happening in my life too. There is a call but I couldn't answer it. When I tried to call back, I suddenly knew what the other person had said to me. The idea just popped up in my head and I knew. Nonetheless, I am not always saying these senses to others because it is not always correct, I often know what the other person says and it happens one on one rather than in a group.
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
That sounds like some intuition at work! It's cool when you can recognize it for sure!
@Kindness808 5 лет назад
Force wielding INFJ here...Lots of Jedis on the INFJ spectrum. ;-)
@DavidBadurina 5 лет назад
Hi Victoria! You know, there are days I wish I could force choke ... just saying. ;-)
@williamhughes5194 4 года назад
@@DavidBadurina “Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will.”
@t.c9537 4 года назад
I'm starting to feel like it's getting boring to know things before it happens or to know what a person is going to say...like...come on people...surprise me 😬
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
Add a little variety, right? Like bust out a clone nose and an accordion or something! :-)
@t.c9537 4 года назад
@@DavidBadurina yes 😁...or pretend like you're going to say something and then don't say anything...maybe I'll be like...what the 😯
@hugmc 4 года назад
A mature INFJ you are. We are not ninjas . We can pick things up because we are observing and picking up vibrations and so forth. But I am not superman or Harry Potter or a mind reader. 😂🇮🇪
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
Thank you Hugh! I mean playing Quidditch looks like fun though, right?
@user-tr6sy5lm8l 4 года назад
I don't need caller id on my phones...I always know who's calling most of the time..
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
@mjrmanson1 4 года назад
My husband does field service and every third week he is on call at night. I will often say to him either, "you aren't going to get any calls tonight," or "I think you're going to get a call tonight." I am right probably 90% of the time. I think I have just seen the patterns of when he is most likely to get called but I can't articulate how I know. I just know and it boggles my husband's mind. Also I am not a jealous type but a number of years ago I told my husband to be careful around a certain female coworker. Over the next couple of years she had affairs with two different male coworkers one of whom ended up leaving his long time wife for this younger woman. Thank you for helping me understand how I just know things. :)
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
That's some intuition at work, Michelle, for sure! So glad you enjoyed!
@3yallogz287 5 лет назад
good stuff cant wait to watch the rest of your stuff
@DavidBadurina 5 лет назад
Thanks for checking it out, I appreciate it!
@haileyk4772 4 года назад
Well i'm personally in a very early stage to actually trust my gut and intuition because i'm not always right about it after all, but what i always trust are my dreams. They hold some type of meaning that i figure out later on. Our subconscious is VERY trustworthy tbh.
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
Awesome points, Hailey! Remember too that Intuition is a subconscious process as well! It's trustworthy but it depends on how you listen, right?
@haileyk4772 4 года назад
@@DavidBadurina Definitely ! It's a blessing.
@sherryrileys9178 4 года назад
I have something interesting. I recently started a new job, I felt very comfortable with the couple. I mean, like they were old friends. I have never felt that at ease at a job interview before. Well, weeks later, interacting the him and watching his interaction with others, I feel he has no emotions. Well, ok. My manager said he can get mad. I have not seen it yet. Narcissist? I have had my share, but this, I feel nothing when looking in his eye. It's creepy.
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
Hi Sherry! Interesting. That can be a little creepy and would definitely put me on guard!
@cameron-kami-kaze-gilmore 3 года назад
well atleast i understand whats goin on now :) and i thought i could read minds lol peoples actions/intentions started to become as transparent as glass through my eyes.. almost like a predictive insight into their true intentions!!!
@melissaminder5534 3 года назад
I'm not a Jedi (or am I?). We don't tell.
@samanthacotty5431 3 года назад
I have 2 "favorite" INFJ's and when the 3 of us get together it becomes hiliarious as each of us finish what the other one is about to say!!!
@irisloveadventures 4 года назад
Lol love your videos! Keep it up!
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
Thank you so much!
@jenofire8724 4 года назад
My husband really likes your videos about INFJs! Lol he’s an ISTJ and anytime I try to explain these things to him, he looks at me like I’m an alien 👾. See what I did there? Ok, not funny....
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
Ha! Jen! That IS funny! I'm fortunate enough now that I'm a (slightly) more mature INFJ that the people around me are established and they get me because we've had these talks. They know I care about them and need to understand who they are and how they work, and in return they care about me and know how I work. So it's cool to be an alien, as long as the important people around you understand that you process things just a little different. The trouble are the n00bs. They're not going to get it. Just always remember ... you are a gift!
@jenofire8724 4 года назад
David Badurina well, that’s awesome you have people around you who embrace your alien ness. I have a degree in behavioral health, and still can’t explain these things very well. Well, to my husband who doesn’t get my intuitive processing. “I just know” isn’t an acceptable answer for him. 😂 Anyway, great content.
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
@@jenofire8724 Ha! I'm not surprised "I just know" doesn't fly with him! Thank you so much!!
@legr9754 4 года назад
OK I just stumbled upon your channel and now I'm binge watching all of your videos... So, sorry for all the comments under all the different videos (I need to do my homework anyway now, so wish me luck that I'll be able to stop procrastinating)... But anyways, moving on to what I want to say 😂 This video was quite interesting to me. Because anytime someone "gets it right" (whatever it may be, concerning the workings of my mind or especially Ni) I don't actually realise it immediately. This has made me question whether I really am an Infj several times (at this point I know I am, but it took a lot for me to realise that that's definitely me). But I guess this just has to do with Ni being something that happens subconsciously... When I read on the internet that Infjs are reading something into anything they see or using metaphors a lot or all that kind of stuff, I was always confused because I never thought of myself this way. But as soon as I actually started thinking about it conciusly, it all totally made sense. I'm not going to get into details about all the "facts" about Infjs and how they apply in my case or not, but I wanted to add my experience to the pile of information people are gonna be reading in the comments. Just so everyone can enjoy my wiseness... OK right 😂 So when I watched your video and read some of the comments from other fellow Infjs, a story popped into my head and I just realized now that it was Ni at its finest in that story. My mum and dad got divorced a few years ago. I'm totally fine with it now, but at the time I was obviously devasted since that was all new, I was younger and of course I wanted my parents to stay together. So when they told me that this was their final decision I wasn't very happy about it. Of course I wasn't angry, but I was just sad. When I was at my grandparents I talked to my grandma and told her "if mum or dad have a new partner and they are going to be my stepmom/-dad I am going to hate them". This was mostly based on TV shows and stories where the child and the new stepparent didn't get along with each other, but also on the fact that I loved both of my parents very much and didn't want anyone else to "replace" one of them. But when my mum talked to me afterwards and explained it all again, she asked me what I meant exactly when I talked to my grandma (the must've talked about it) and why I thought that way. I couldn't really explain but I already started to get a feeling something was up. Then she asked me what I'd do if there already was a new partner. I instantly knew there was someone else and I just blurted out "is it *name of partner*" and her face just froze and she asked me how I knew. The thing is that I had only met this person once in my life and it was about a year or so before I had that talk with my mum. He was a college of hers and I met him when she took me to her Christmas-take-your-children-with-you-party at the office. She showed us everything and introduced us (me and my brother) to everyone, so there wasn't even something special about him. But somehow a few years later I just knew it was him. It now seems absolutely crazy to me to think this is what my introverted intuition is capable of doing and you could say it was just a coincidence. But "coincidences" all have an explanation and today I realized what caused this one... Years ago 😅 kind of mind blowing. Oh by the way, don't worry... I got to know him very slowly and they've been married for about three years now and I never hated him. It's just normal the way it is now. I have my dad and my mum and she just happens to be married to another person now, who I get along with quite well 😉
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
I love this story! And YES, that's exactly how it seems to work for me as well! Your brain is putting all of these puzzle pieces together and you really have no idea (subconscious level) and then WHAMMO it's in front of you and you're kind of just as stunned as everyone else for a time! Fantastic, and I am so happy for you that you're seeing it with such clear vision and feeling. Best to you! Oh, and stop procrastinating! ;-)
@noosy530 28 дней назад
Just because you personally don't believe there is a spiritual reason for the ability to intuit certain knowledge doesn't mean that it isn't a possible truth. I agree the sensationalism can be absurd sometimes to reel people in but I can't relate to your dismissive response to that. You can't deny that intuition is a gift that is rare enough to astound people and also differs in proportion, some people are capable of intuiting beyond the examples you gave at a very young age with little experience.
@nikolealgea4981 5 лет назад
Ppl try to deny what we have investigated trying to deny and it a fact pretty much
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
Thank you Nikole!
@momolee5054 4 года назад
Anyone see WHERE DID YOU GO BERNADETTE? It's an introverts paradise.
@Quraishy Год назад
How do intuition of an INTJ compares to that of an INFJ? Is there any difference?
@DavidBadurina Год назад
Intuition is intuition, some people are in tune with it, some aren’t. Everyone has it to some degree, it’s just a matter of how well you listen. The type matters less than individual personality and how well you know yourself.
@dalideltoro1375 3 года назад
🤣🤣🤣🤣 🤘👍thanks!
@edixasanchezpacheco3692 3 года назад
6:30 when an INFJ have children this feeling can be anguishing. Because you can feel energy coming from other people, even if you are far away from them.
@marksundawg8592 4 года назад
Ok, you do a much better job at describing how it works. When people ask me how I know something that I shouldn't, I usually try and explain that through keen observation, I've seen the 'pattern' or relation between the information(movie, song, action, whatever) and a circumstance enough times to just know what the 'thing' is. For example, just a few minutes ago, I texted a buddy and said, 'Early haircut?'. His reply was a humorous(?) 'Stalker, quit getting all psychic in my private business. lol kidding'. I already knew it wasn't meant humorously. I was compelled to explain that it wasn't stalking and I'm not psychic. I answered, 'Not stalking, not psychic.I know from past conversations you get your hair cut on Tuesday with your cousin who lives very close to me. Since it's Monday, and you're only 1 mile away, I guessed you were getting an early haircut because you're going out of town in a few days for Christmas.' Of course he didn't remember talking about any of that, so to him, yeah, it seemed a little creepy. I didn't even know how I put the information together until I thought about it. So yeah, it's more about sub-consciously connecting information together than some mystical mumbo-jumbo. So in the future, I think I'll just explain it that way; sub-consciously connecting information together that I may or may not be aware I know. Short, sweet, and accurate.
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
Thanks Mark! I'm glad it resonated and at least provides a better answer than "I'm a Jedi" though ... I'm sure we can all agree that would be way cooler.
@marksundawg8592 4 года назад
Oh don't think for a minute I don't have a little fun with it sometimes :-). The reason why my buddy mentioned me being psychic in the first place was because it happens frequently enough that I get tired of trying to explain so I just say, I'm psychic (always with a grin) and leave it at that. I also play dumb sometime. I'm enjoying your videos and the way you speak. It's comforting to know I'm not the only alien on Earth... WITH Jedi skills 😎 LOL
@VortexThePrime 3 года назад
I know this is an older video but I have to wonder. The topic of betrayal and infidelity comes to mind. I am usually spot on with my intuition, problem is after finding out about an affair and working on healing the relationship... How the hell do I tell if I'm actually right or if it's just paranoia/PTSD from the trauma, you know? I feel like betrayal must stick with us longer than a lot of other types since our main way of perceiving the world is now thrown into question. How do you trust yourself at that point? Not really expecting a concrete answer so much as this being something to ponder or converse about.
@aham9570 5 месяцев назад
Hi fellas! Drop mbti and read psychological types by Jung!
@janberry4516 5 лет назад
Explain this: My daughter told me to come to her work and have lunch with her. I arrived at her work and realized I didn't know what floor her office was on. So I closed my eyes and waved my hand over the elevator buttons and finally mashed one. When I stepped off there was a telephone on a desk. I picked it up and when the operator came on I asked for my daughter. I told her I was in the lobby. She comes out the door and exclaims" What are you doing here? I thought you'd be in the downstairs lobby. How did you find me?" When I tell her how I found her floor she just rolls her eyes which means "weird MOM" in the nicest way possible I guess. Oh and when dressing my kids for school years earlier I would try to direct them to things that came into fashion about two years later. They always talked me out of these things, always the crowd pleaser I'd give in.
@DavidBadurina 5 лет назад
Hi Jan! Sounds like you've got the force going on! Or just luck at hitting elevator buttons! Hahah! I get the weird Mom thing, because I'm totally the weird Dad to mine! Thank you for watching!
@rosecoloredglasses3053 4 года назад
Can someone tell me how to deal with people who are not telling you the truth and you know but their significant other sides with him. They both tell you that you read things into it and its all in your head. Then this happens over and over with them. I know I'm right. It bothers me. Please please help. I used to do readings for people no charge but it was exhausting. Girlfriend is genuine but is scared of husband. She and I make plans. She drives to my house and we go to olive garden which is five miles from me. Then I follow her to her house and rides with me to thrift store which is a mile from her. Then he says to her let her drive over here. So she texts me and says I should come get her. I ask him why he says I don't know. She comes to get tools of his because he's working on my kitchen. I ask her what is he working on? She says I don't know. Then I find out the reason he didn't come on that weekend was because he had another side job. I don't care but tell me the truth so I won't think I'm crazy because I get an unrest feeling I know but I don't. So many times she covers him in his lies. Sorry to vent.
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
That's a tough one Pamela, I hope you get some replies!
@rosecoloredglasses3053 4 года назад
Thank you
@BinaBina221 4 года назад
We ARE magic and I like you but I don’t like that you are down playing our genius! Yes be humble but also don’t be afraid to be freakin AWESOME!! 💖☺️✨
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
I'll agree about the awesome, but genius? I'm not sold on that one. ;-)
@ericherman5413 4 года назад
I'm a 1 with 2 wing on the enneagram. I wonder how many other INFJ's fall within the gut triangle of 8, 9, and 1...
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
I'm a 4w3. I don't understand the Enneagram all that much, but I've scored that a few times.
@silentecho4445 4 года назад
How can i leave my shell once in while,or take my head outa the sand. I tired of being lonely......
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
All a matter of finding people - hopefully with similar interests - spending a little time with them without any expectation, and fostering some friendships that way. Safe people that get you is key!
@kip_knomore 4 года назад
But I want to be a Jedi...😞
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
You and I both, and totally not because I want to force-choke people. 😂
@Rokiotop900 4 года назад
That explain why INTJ are organized
@DavidBadurina 4 года назад
Good point! Every INTJ I know is real big on organization!
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