
Will Bloodraven be the reason Young Griff falls in Winds of Winter or A Dream of Spring? 

The Grease Goblins
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Hey Guys hope you all enjoyed this video!. In this one we go over Bloodraven and how he could possibly reveal who Young Griff really is in Winds of Winter or A Dream of Spring.
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7 сен 2024




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@ghostt2086 Месяц назад
Bloodraven can never pass up the chance to foil another Blackfyre rebellion lol
@aegorbittersteel2154 Месяц назад
Young Griff is gonna defeat that tree monster
@nickstar0074 Месяц назад
Interesting, I’ve never thought about bloodravens reaction towards the mummers dragon. Personally i wouldn’t mind if they’d team up. The dragon has three heads, so why not. Let bygones be by Gomes I say. They’re both practically orphans anyways
@nicokrasnow1851 Месяц назад
I wonder a few things: 1- Bloodraven might've throw his resentment towards the Blackfyres away after being transformed into the Three Eyes Crow. We're seeing how those experiences are transforming Bran so it's possible that Brynden doesn't have his original mindset of being an extremist Targaryen loyalist and certified Blackfyre hater. 2- What if Jon is Rhaegar's son but a bastard one, doesn't that make his claim to the Throne as void as the one the Blackfyres present? 3- Following points 1 and 3, what if Bloodraven's manipulations aren't to put a Targaryen on the Throne but just a ruler who would be good for the Seven Kingdoms from his PoV
@ashleyofnaath Месяц назад
Awesome video Grease. If like me you believe Moqorro's dragon vision from ADWD describes two dragons opposing each other- one that's old/true/bright and one that's young/false/dark- then Bloodraven absolutely will play a role in fAegon's downfall. Not to mention, I think Varys taunted Bloodraven in the ADWD prologue during his soliloquy about fAegon to Ser Kevan, and that will have consequences. It's my tinfoil theory that Varys's message wasn't really meant for Ser Kevan; it was meant for Bloodraven, who was observing events in the solar through the Citadel's raven that was noted to be in the room at the time. Hence my belief that Varys was taunting. Again, good video Grease.
@TheGreaseGoblins Месяц назад
Oh Ashley do you have a video on that? I am really curious how Varys would know about the warging stuff
@ashleyofnaath Месяц назад
@@TheGreaseGoblins No, I don't. Sadly. It's on my list...if I ever get around to it lol.
@TheGreaseGoblins Месяц назад
@@ashleyofnaath Ashley do you any social media I can message you on I would love to hear more of your thoughts on the theory to make a follow up video on it!
@wo0t7 Месяц назад
“Where are we in the story?” Still waiting years later… Very cool topic though, never thought about bloodraven living on through bran
@elpsykongroo8308 Месяц назад
I hope that is not the case and that Bloodraven as the wierwood tree guy has more important things than who sits on the Iron throne, those were the worries for the then southern guy involved in KL politics. Besides, I don't think he would have to do anything to bring down fAegon, Grrm already has that covered by giving Jon Con the grey scale. For a gardener writer Grrm does like to put his finger on the scales a lot when it comes to how the story is going (not complaining about that, its his story he should be able to do that), we see this with a lot of the more fantastical elements being introduced or characters suddenly making stupid decisions or others having insane plot armor. eg. Stannis with Mel's shadowbabies just handing him a win against Renly, all the mistakes that Starks did leading to their end in the Red wedding. For fAegon, it seems clear he is going to sit on the Iron throne, mainly because of Cersei's incompetence and all the competent people being dead...and its clear that Jon Con having greyscales will have something to do with dooming his campaign. What his role will be in the long night/others story line...idk.
@luminyam6145 Месяц назад
Excellent video, thank you.
@leehughes3075 Месяц назад
Brilliant piece of content, been watching your videos for a while now! I’ve been binging asoiaf content creators stuff for about 8 years, so not the most seasoned person but getting there lol. Anyways history of Westeros, gray area, joe magician, David lightbringer, alt shift x, glidis! You’re up there with them now in my book! Would love to see you colab with some of those guys some day! Voice of old town is cool too, was introduced to him through yourself! Keep it up man!
@TheGreaseGoblins Месяц назад
Thank you for the kind words, means a lot to me. Someday maybe haha!
@jclaburn Месяц назад
If all my theories are true, then Mance Rayder (who is Arthur Dayne) knows everyone's true identities: He was the one Rhaegar ordered to switch babies and take Aegon VI to Braavos. So he knows the real Aegon VI is a faceless man (Jaqen). Then he returned to Westeros via Dragonstone, where he slept with the queen and fathered Daenerys. So he knows that Dany is really his daughter and a Dayne-Targaryen rather than the daughter and heir to the Mad King. Then he went to the Tower of Joy, where Howland Reed stopped Ned at the last moment from getting killed by Arthur. So he knows that Ned took Lyanna's baby and Jon Snow is Rhaegar's youngest son. Then he went north of the wall, on orders from Rhaegar, and found a dying Night's Watchman, Mance Rayder, and took his identity to set about unifying all the free folk over more than a decade to come south of the wall and be Jon's personal army in the War for the Dawn. Then he convinced Jon to take up two-handed-sword fighting by beating him with a two-handed-sword while glamoured as the Lord of Bones. Now he's come to Winterfell as Abel the Bard--and the true Ghost in Winterfell (who Theon meets and talks to while walking the tower)--sowed dissension among the Northmen there, and helped Theon escape with fake Arya, Jeyne Poole to break up the unity of the Northmen behind the Boltons. Mance's fake identities during this story as Ratteshirt and Abel--and his ability to seamlessly pull those off--supports this notion that he had other faces before Mance, namely as Arthur Dayne of the Kingsguard, and as the queen's secret lover that Aerys always suspected and accused her of having, and as Rhaegar's agent to smuggle his oldest son and heir to safety during Robert's Rebellion. Mance Rayder is a key to the story with many faces. This does raise the issue, if I am right, was it Bloodraven who sent those instructions to Rhaegar and Arthur, as opposed to Rhaegar coming up with them on his own based on dragon dreams. That's a real possibility. It's very possible that Mance Rayder / Arthur Dayne has been Bloodraven's principal agent acting on behalf of the true Targaryens for the past 15-years as well as the 15-20 years before that when he was in the kingsguard and Rhaegar's closest friend and mentor growing up.
@jclaburn Месяц назад
A Theory of Ice and Fire here: Jaqen H'ghar, with Arya's help, will ultimately be the reason Young Griff fails, because he's the REAL Aegon VI Targaryen. Note that "Aegon VI" may not fail at all; it may be the case that Jaqen simply takes his face and identity at the right time. How do we know that Jaqen is the real prince? --He plays the role of Strider when Arya meets him; their meeting is intentionally modelled on Frodo meeting Strider in Bree. --Their word play in Harrenhal: Jaqen asks her to name the "king" (meaning Joffrey). She instead says "His name is Jaqen H'ghar." The referent for his is "the king." Then Jaqen makes her unname him. Everyone remembers this interplay. But they don't pay attention to the actual words. It literally wasn't about naming the next death. It was about naming the king of Westeros. That's because Jaqen came to her and suggested he kill the king for her. --Who is Jaqen out to kill? It's the Lannisters. He doesn't say this, but he does better. He gives Arya three lives and offers to kill Tywin, Cersei, and Joffrey as his suggestions. Normal faceless men are not supposed to do anything like this!!! They don't just give away lives; they don't suggest victims; they don't kill monarchs without reason or price. They kill a monarch only if the chief priest in Braavos and the Iron Bank are okay with it and a huge price is paid. But here Jaqen just offers to a 10-year-old girl to do it. That's because THESE THREE PEOPLE ARE ALREADY ON HIS OWN KILL LIST. And why does Jaqen have a kill list with all the top Lannisters on it... --Because he's Aegon VI Targaryen and he want's revenge for his mother and sister killed by order of Tywin Lannister. --Why did Arthur Dayne miss Robert's Rebellion? He sure as hell didn't spend a year twiddling his thumbs at the Tower of Joy for Rhaegar. Rhaegar had a much more important mission for him! He was "far away" across the narrow sea on the one mission most important to Rhaegar...saving his son...who Rhaegar tells Elia in Dany's vision has the song of ice and fire as his song. Aegon VI was more important to Rhaegar than his own life by a mile. He was everything to Rhaegar. --In Ned's fever dream Arthur literally tells Ned he was "far away" from the battles in Westeros, not "here" or "at this tower" or "guarding Lyanna." --Rhaegar ordered him to secretly switch babies, just like Rhaegar's younger son Jon does at the Wall later with Mance Rayder's son, and take the heir to the Iron Throne to Braavos and make a deal so that the baby was raised safe and protected as faceless man at the House of Black and White. The Waif's father made a similar deal: he also gave over his child to be raised by the Faceless Men as part of his arrangement, so it's something they do. --Jaqen H'ghar is the real Aegon VI that Young Griff is pretending to be, so when the time comes, he is going to take his own identity back. Arya will get there first: she'll take the identity of Elia Sand or Arianne Martell, as I have written about, and probably end up married to Young Griff--doing this secretly on orders from the Faceless Men and acting as their agent. But eventually, Jaqen H'ghar is going to take his identity back and wear his true crown as Rhaegar's oldest son and Jon's older brother. How did Rhaegar come up with the master plan to send baby Aegon VI overseas to protect him--like Jon's plan for Aemon Steelsong 15-years later--so as to be raised as a faceless man? That's an interesting question. That could have been Bloodraven's idea implanted in Rhaegar's dreams by him or sent to him as a message in some way, certainly.
@Ilargizuri Месяц назад
The Wetnurse most likely Wylla, why does everyone always forget the Smallfolk? And no I don't count Wylla, Jon's and Edric Daynes Wetnurse, as Part of House Dayne, there Family, I do count her as Part of the Household.
@DieNetaDie Месяц назад
will the dragon's accept him?
@1handedtyper Месяц назад
How would the three-eyed crow know fAegon isn't on the up & up?
@DieNetaDie Месяц назад
why save the prince yet leave the princess to die?
@redtube8667 Месяц назад
Unless Aegon is actually Rhaegar's son, I feel like people are way too quick to accept the show's explanation for Jon's parentage
@thatoneblackdude3333 Месяц назад
Jon is definitely rhagars son gourge said d&d guess his parentage right he's more likely a Targaryen basterd instead of f being legitimate.
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