The Grease Goblins
The Grease Goblins
The Grease Goblins
A Huge Nerd of ASOIAF, who likes to talk about Dragons and Wars. I cover everything HOTD related too
Every A Game of Thrones POV Ranked!
21 день назад
@ryanwilliams9751 57 минут назад
Bro you gotta slow that intro line down lol. Every video it's "the greasegoblinUDoochannel" lol
@deonjames1041 2 часа назад
The thirteenth Lord Commander wasn’t necessarily a Stark. The only possible way that will be confirmed is through a Bran chapter.
@nont18411 2 часа назад
No. 0: Jon Snow He was supposed to be the king in the north and the king of seven kingdoms but his realm was being undermined by his half-sister Sansa and half-brother Bran. Both of them sentenced him to exile thanks to him killing Daenerys (and because he’s a bastard. They hate him for being a bastard, just like their mother Catelyn) then usurped his throne. Sansa became queen in the north and Bran became king of the six kingdoms. Don’t forget that another of his half-sister Arya also stole his victory against the Night King as well. So the Starks took everything that was rightfully Jon and banished him into obscurity. It’s so generous from Jon that he didn’t commit another red wedding on them as a retaliation.
@jessjess23brooks89 2 часа назад
While he will also probably get screwed over in the book or probably die a hero, I pretend none of that fanfiction ever happened.
@kai_johnsonn 7 часов назад
I have thought that the hooded man may axtually be Ramsey in disguise
@UncleRuckus2134 7 часов назад
Rhaenys is overrated really, I think Aemon the dragonknight or Rhaegar ( even if hes quite flawed ) should go before her. She just talks about patience and peace when the war is basically begun and theres no compromise, you have to strike first and hard instead she keeps giving Rhaenyra bs advice and praising her for allowing the blacks to get put on the backfoot. If Daemon wasnt such a chad Rhaenyra would get caught completely unprepared. "This is Stannis Baratheon. The man will fight to the bitter end and then some.”- Tywin Lannister “I should havecome sooner. If not for my Hand, I might not have come at all. Lord Seaworth is a man of humble birth, but he reminded me of my duty, when all I could think of was my rights. i had the cart before the horse, Davos said. I was trying to win the throne to save the kingdom, when I should have been trying to save the kingdom to win the throne.” - Stannis Baratheon
@jessjess23brooks89 2 часа назад
Book Rhaenys is my favorite character from that section of F&B and would have prevented the Dance. Show Rhaenys is silly billy.
@kenchin77777 7 часов назад
Jon Targaryen #1🤐
@nont18411 2 часа назад
D&D did the impossible. They managed to make me hate the Starks.
@aegorbittersteel2154 8 часов назад
Blackfyres would be better great video though
@jessjess23brooks89 2 часа назад
Aegor darling, you would have been the only decent ruler out of the bunch.
@aegorbittersteel2154 2 часа назад
@jessjess23brooks89 while I think you for the compliment, King Daemon Blackfyre the 1st was a leader that inspires people.
@jessjess23brooks89 Час назад
@@aegorbittersteel2154 You inspired sell swords for generations to fealty to the Blackfyres. Westeros need diplomacy, dedication, creativeness. Not just a pretty face with a fancy sword.
@aegorbittersteel2154 54 минуты назад
@jessjess23brooks89 That is true and very kind of you to say. But King Daemon Blackfyre was not just a pretty face he was the stuff of Legends his charm could bring even his enemies to his side and his skill would crush anyone else. It would definitely help having such a loyal strong and handsome brother by his side😄
@colbyadamski8139 8 часов назад
Everything would’ve been fine if Baelor Breakspear lived… he was the one
@UncleRuckus2134 8 часов назад
yeah but he may have perished in the spring sickness.
@leehughes3075 9 часов назад
Brilliant piece of content, been watching your videos for a while now! I’ve been binging asoiaf content creators stuff for about 8 years, so not the most seasoned person but getting there lol. Anyways history of Westeros, gray area, joe magician, David lightbringer, alt shift x, glidis! You’re up there with them now in my book! Would love to see you colab with some of those guys some day! Voice of old town is cool too, was introduced to him through yourself! Keep it up man!
@TheGreaseGoblins 9 часов назад
Thank you for the kind words, means a lot to me. Someday maybe haha!
@josephlarkin7167 14 часов назад
Daemon is more calculating he took out the heir and an extra dragonrider who has a large dragon that would probably make the greens stronger but he weakened them and the calculated blow to the heir was not only out of revenge for lucerys but a strategic plan if they have no heir they would continue fighting with no heir and a king needs a heir if not his legacy is diminished... maybe they would give up.... daemon plays with people emotions his strike isn't pathetic or has no effect 😂 everything he do in my opinion is a calculated thing.. he the most dangerous man in westeros better than some the targaryen kings one of the greatest targaryen fighters.. he looking vulnerable weak and foolish.. my criticism on the show is the characters arcs and the events of the war.. how is it started from confusion and mishearing of words.. and the events are weakened in my opinion doesn't make sense to me..
@josephlarkin7167 14 часов назад
Daemon was better than this not so eager to prove himself desiring of the throne and emotional and foolish in the books dude was in harrenhall already so rhaenyra and daemon didnt have a fall out about this stuff the past things its war now why is all this happening...he wasnt like this in the books..all the characters was great in they own way even down to the greens their plan was a blood oath to take the throne from rhaenyra and hand power to aegon if only to steer his decisions because he can be manipulated... rhaenyra can't be she was more ruthless in the books although she was worthy of her fathers crown and her grandfathers while she wears the crown she is a good ruler one who is patient and capable of maintaining peace but she not so weak... but daemon is a calculated man who is experienced at war educated and battle tested in the art of war of all rhaenyra enemies combined he said "let us see who our allies are" he wasn't calculating how many dragons they have compared to the greens this was rhaenys the most experienced dragonrider than all of them... daemon said their is other ways to use the dragons better ways... daemon should be better even haelena how will she go mad...and aemond wasnt so calculating or patient how will he be so angry then to slaughter people in a one sided battle.. daemon has man loyal to him already in the most valuable places he the most dangerous man in westeros he should be better..
@JasperLane 15 часов назад
Honeslty the more I think about it, the more I dislike it though I had higher hopes for the second season I have to say I have somhow been disappointed even more
@redtube8667 22 часа назад
Unless Aegon is actually Rhaegar's son, I feel like people are way too quick to accept the show's explanation for Jon's parentage
@DieNetaDie День назад
why save the prince yet leave the princess to die?
@DieNetaDie День назад
will the dragon's accept him?
@Ilargizuri День назад
The Wetnurse most likely Wylla, why does everyone always forget the Smallfolk? And no I don't count Wylla, Jon's and Edric Daynes Wetnurse, as Part of House Dayne, there Family, I do count her as Part of the Household.
@tomtucker4157 День назад
Y do people call fans voicing their opinions "review bombing" when its just the natural reaction to a bad show
@sillylittlesheepjax6009 19 часов назад
but it was review bomber by middleeast fans after that kiss, u cant pretend it was just negative opinion. even if u didnt like it you would not score it 1/10 as the worse thing on tv ever
@realdaggerman105 54 минуты назад
Because it isn’t their genuine opinions.
@tomtucker4157 30 минут назад
@realdaggerman105 whatever you have to tell yourself bud. It's completely fine to like whatever you want, the same way it's completely fine to dislike whatever you want
@realdaggerman105 10 минут назад
@@tomtucker4157 Let me rephrase: Some do feel that way, but it isn’t an honest review of the episode as a whole. If you look on IMDB it sits at a 6.1/10. This is from 37k votes. Of those, it has 14k 1 star reviews. In the top 5 countries by review, it goes Saudi Arabia, US, UK, Iraq and Germany. Saudi Arabia has given it 7.6k 1/10 star reviews. This dwarfs the two next highest reviews, of 2/10 (646 reviews) and 10/10 (522 reviews). Next most reviewed country is US, with 2k 10/10 reviews, and 1k 1/10. UK 655 reviews left 10/10 with 334 being 1/10 reviews. Iraq 802 reviews of 1/10, next highest being 154 reviews 10/10. Finally, Germany has the top 3 most rated numbers being 10/10, 8/10 and 7/10 respectively. The US, UK and Germany all have a strong positive trend. Many more viewers thought it was above 5/10 than not. Iraq and Saudi Arabia break this trend, basically having no interaction besides 1/10. This is not normal. I agree, it is not a 10/10 episode. I’d give this episode probably a 7-7.5/10. Better than last episode, not as good as the others. But these numbers are not normal. You would expect a negative trend towards numbers 1-5/10 if people largely didn’t like it. But it spikes at 1/10 and then becomes positively skewed. This isn’t a natural review trend. It’s clearly review bombing.
@1handedtyper День назад
How would the three-eyed crow know fAegon isn't on the up & up?
@jclaburn День назад
If all my theories are true, then Mance Rayder (who is Arthur Dayne) knows everyone's true identities: He was the one Rhaegar ordered to switch babies and take Aegon VI to Braavos. So he knows the real Aegon VI is a faceless man (Jaqen). Then he returned to Westeros via Dragonstone, where he slept with the queen and fathered Daenerys. So he knows that Dany is really his daughter and a Dayne-Targaryen rather than the daughter and heir to the Mad King. Then he went to the Tower of Joy, where Howland Reed stopped Ned at the last moment from getting killed by Arthur. So he knows that Ned took Lyanna's baby and Jon Snow is Rhaegar's youngest son. Then he went north of the wall, on orders from Rhaegar, and found a dying Night's Watchman, Mance Rayder, and took his identity to set about unifying all the free folk over more than a decade to come south of the wall and be Jon's personal army in the War for the Dawn. Then he convinced Jon to take up two-handed-sword fighting by beating him with a two-handed-sword while glamoured as the Lord of Bones. Now he's come to Winterfell as Abel the Bard--and the true Ghost in Winterfell (who Theon meets and talks to while walking the tower)--sowed dissension among the Northmen there, and helped Theon escape with fake Arya, Jeyne Poole to break up the unity of the Northmen behind the Boltons. Mance's fake identities during this story as Ratteshirt and Abel--and his ability to seamlessly pull those off--supports this notion that he had other faces before Mance, namely as Arthur Dayne of the Kingsguard, and as the queen's secret lover that Aerys always suspected and accused her of having, and as Rhaegar's agent to smuggle his oldest son and heir to safety during Robert's Rebellion. Mance Rayder is a key to the story with many faces. This does raise the issue, if I am right, was it Bloodraven who sent those instructions to Rhaegar and Arthur, as opposed to Rhaegar coming up with them on his own based on dragon dreams. That's a real possibility. It's very possible that Mance Rayder / Arthur Dayne has been Bloodraven's principal agent acting on behalf of the true Targaryens for the past 15-years as well as the 15-20 years before that when he was in the kingsguard and Rhaegar's closest friend and mentor growing up.
@elpsykongroo8308 День назад
I hope that is not the case and that Bloodraven as the wierwood tree guy has more important things than who sits on the Iron throne, those were the worries for the then southern guy involved in KL politics. Besides, I don't think he would have to do anything to bring down fAegon, Grrm already has that covered by giving Jon Con the grey scale. For a gardener writer Grrm does like to put his finger on the scales a lot when it comes to how the story is going (not complaining about that, its his story he should be able to do that), we see this with a lot of the more fantastical elements being introduced or characters suddenly making stupid decisions or others having insane plot armor. eg. Stannis with Mel's shadowbabies just handing him a win against Renly, all the mistakes that Starks did leading to their end in the Red wedding. For fAegon, it seems clear he is going to sit on the Iron throne, mainly because of Cersei's incompetence and all the competent people being dead...and its clear that Jon Con having greyscales will have something to do with dooming his campaign. What his role will be in the long night/others story line...idk.
@jclaburn День назад
A Theory of Ice and Fire here: Jaqen H'ghar, with Arya's help, will ultimately be the reason Young Griff fails, because he's the REAL Aegon VI Targaryen. Note that "Aegon VI" may not fail at all; it may be the case that Jaqen simply takes his face and identity at the right time. How do we know that Jaqen is the real prince? --He plays the role of Strider when Arya meets him; their meeting is intentionally modelled on Frodo meeting Strider in Bree. --Their word play in Harrenhal: Jaqen asks her to name the "king" (meaning Joffrey). She instead says "His name is Jaqen H'ghar." The referent for his is "the king." Then Jaqen makes her unname him. Everyone remembers this interplay. But they don't pay attention to the actual words. It literally wasn't about naming the next death. It was about naming the king of Westeros. That's because Jaqen came to her and suggested he kill the king for her. --Who is Jaqen out to kill? It's the Lannisters. He doesn't say this, but he does better. He gives Arya three lives and offers to kill Tywin, Cersei, and Joffrey as his suggestions. Normal faceless men are not supposed to do anything like this!!! They don't just give away lives; they don't suggest victims; they don't kill monarchs without reason or price. They kill a monarch only if the chief priest in Braavos and the Iron Bank are okay with it and a huge price is paid. But here Jaqen just offers to a 10-year-old girl to do it. That's because THESE THREE PEOPLE ARE ALREADY ON HIS OWN KILL LIST. And why does Jaqen have a kill list with all the top Lannisters on it... --Because he's Aegon VI Targaryen and he want's revenge for his mother and sister killed by order of Tywin Lannister. --Why did Arthur Dayne miss Robert's Rebellion? He sure as hell didn't spend a year twiddling his thumbs at the Tower of Joy for Rhaegar. Rhaegar had a much more important mission for him! He was "far away" across the narrow sea on the one mission most important to Rhaegar...saving his son...who Rhaegar tells Elia in Dany's vision has the song of ice and fire as his song. Aegon VI was more important to Rhaegar than his own life by a mile. He was everything to Rhaegar. --In Ned's fever dream Arthur literally tells Ned he was "far away" from the battles in Westeros, not "here" or "at this tower" or "guarding Lyanna." --Rhaegar ordered him to secretly switch babies, just like Rhaegar's younger son Jon does at the Wall later with Mance Rayder's son, and take the heir to the Iron Throne to Braavos and make a deal so that the baby was raised safe and protected as faceless man at the House of Black and White. The Waif's father made a similar deal: he also gave over his child to be raised by the Faceless Men as part of his arrangement, so it's something they do. --Jaqen H'ghar is the real Aegon VI that Young Griff is pretending to be, so when the time comes, he is going to take his own identity back. Arya will get there first: she'll take the identity of Elia Sand or Arianne Martell, as I have written about, and probably end up married to Young Griff--doing this secretly on orders from the Faceless Men and acting as their agent. But eventually, Jaqen H'ghar is going to take his identity back and wear his true crown as Rhaegar's oldest son and Jon's older brother. How did Rhaegar come up with the master plan to send baby Aegon VI overseas to protect him--like Jon's plan for Aemon Steelsong 15-years later--so as to be raised as a faceless man? That's an interesting question. That could have been Bloodraven's idea implanted in Rhaegar's dreams by him or sent to him as a message in some way, certainly.
@bluemoonpeak День назад
I'm very close to dropping this series as fast as I dropped The Boys after its horrible 4th season. All I have left is Reacher and Invincible. People are tired!
@realdaggerman105 52 минуты назад
But the Boys season 4 was good :(
@aegorbittersteel2154 День назад
Young Griff is gonna defeat that tree monster
@luminyam6145 День назад
Excellent video, thank you.
@hallowedlegacy День назад
I didn't care that Rhaenyra and her spy master kissed (I don't remember her name) I just think that it came out of nowhere and was like... but why, what is thr point other than to have it happen? I was more annoyed with how Rhaenys and Maelys died. Like really? A second sneak attack from Vaeghar who couldn't have hid anywhere else other than over the massive cliff? I preferred the book version because it made more sense. It was also a massive screw you to Rhaenys that in the middle of a battlefield, she let her guard down when she is a vetran as is her dragon. Aemond is one of the only reasons I keep watching. He has become an interesting villian, especially given we saw his childhood and how he was shunned and teased for not having a dragon and the desperation to have one and prove himself. But it also caught me off to see him give his brother the speaking council orb (?). Its the kind of relationship that I imagine Viserys and Daemon could have
@wo0t7 День назад
“Where are we in the story?” Still waiting years later… Very cool topic though, never thought about bloodraven living on through bran
@nickstar0074 День назад
Interesting, I’ve never thought about bloodravens reaction towards the mummers dragon. Personally i wouldn’t mind if they’d team up. The dragon has three heads, so why not. Let bygones be by Gomes I say. They’re both practically orphans anyways
@Papakhan9636 День назад
Seasmoke said "all Valeryons look the same" im sorry bad joke
@CristianMartinez-yc6pr День назад
Even if this went to war I think the war would be difficult Jon Arryn stays out storms end is depleted. The Starks would be with dorne the riverlands and the north and the reach would join to a simple betrothal of Jon and Margery who was born at this time plus with Viserys and Daenerys as marriage pieces Robert is cooked
@eric2500 День назад
I think he's human. Roose is detached. Did he ever have human feelings? When did he lose them and become the who the hell cares person we know and hate today? I think that is a better story.
@Haakonisak День назад
I loved this episode, one of the best builders of the series. Whoever don't like it cannot have liked the first seasons of Game of Thrones either. The Daemon storyline have solved a lot in his growth, but I understand if people, especially the Marvel generation find it boring. If it is the Rhaenyra/Mysaria scene that made peope go nuts is it even worse. Can they really be good with Laenors lovers and incest, even amongst brothers and sisters, but go bonkus about the kiss between those two? How crazy are people because of their religious double standards.
@scemat День назад
The kiss is the reason. If you look at the details of the imdb vote, it seems like a lot of the low ones come from Saudi Arabia and Iraq. I 100% agree with all you've said, this episode had some of the best scenes of the series. Daemon, Larys & Aegon, the lovely dragon chase.
@ajaysworld93 День назад
I also loved this episode
@michaelirwin6137 День назад
The episode was trash and sunk whatever remaining interest I had in the meandering plot so fast and i hate to be that dude but yeah the forced DEI components are definitely a huge part of the reason
@Yannis-ms4vl День назад
You're definitely one of the people who just want to see dragons, maybe marvel movies are more your speed.
@bluemoonpeak День назад
​@@Yannis-ms4vl doesn't marvel also do the same DEI stuff? I'm a Mexican girl myself and the way they ham fisted a Mexican girl as the main hero in Multiverse of Madness kind of ruined Dr.Strange for me. He was my favorite! Disney thought they'd make me happy by "showing someone just like me" on the big screen and it just made me feel disappointed.
@michaelirwin6137 День назад
@@Yannis-ms4vl its funny, i was just about to say HOTD is reminding me of a CW show. I dont give a fuck about the dragons, i want the george rr martin writing experience but this is decidedly not that by a very, very, very wide margin
@tomtucker4157 День назад
​@@Yannis-ms4vlthats a stretch, the shows is just bad
@Yannis-ms4vl 17 часов назад
@@michaelirwin6137 Then you should like this episode more than the last few, your statement speaks for itself.
@CristinaGarcia-xx4gy День назад
If the dragon Rhaena ends up bonding with is Sheepstealer and not still Morning, I will be a little disappointed the one and only cannonically pink dragon will not be making an appearance. The fact that Fire and Blood basically confirmed thatpinks dtagons are a thing in the Song of Ice and Fire universe never fails to amuse me.
@leehughes3075 День назад
People are soo dumb. Do I have some issues with how certain things have been written, especially as a book reader*.... course I do. Do I think this completely ruins the show? - naw. Am I still enjoying the show, course. My biggest gripe was how Rhaenys and Meleys went out, feel like Meleys was too quick to be taken down with a sneak attack and Rhaenys too experienced a dragon rider to not have scouted out Vhagars postion before attacking the second time round. However, I still enjoyed the shots from that episode, especially Vhagar and Meleys dancing before the initial scrap.
@dirtyduck10 День назад
That is a practical take
@ponod День назад
@lucyfaire1980 День назад
Yeah the '10sec Tik Tok generation' didn't like it...
@fletcherw32 День назад
I’m 25, I read the books, I didn’t like last week’s episode. The improvised kiss is absolutely insane and shows that the writers of this show care more about drama than tonal consistency. All they want is that surprising ending of the episode. Everything else will die on that principle.
@Yannis-ms4vl День назад
@@fletcherw32 That's a valid criticism, yet nowhere near as big of an issue with a kiss scene than Rheanys bursting through the dragon pit with no repercussions last season, where the overall rating for that episode was rated 8.7/10 vs the 6.1/10 for this episode on IMDB. The backlash for this specific episode remains absurd.
@booktubeadvocate 2 дня назад
I’d be curious to see if a lot of these people who are complaining about the slower episodes this season will change their tune come Season 3. Granted, Ryan Condal might change things from Fire & Blood, but we are in store for at least 2 big dragon battles next season if F&B is to be followed
@nshwyandkchagqj День назад
because they’ve moved the fall of kl and battle of the gullet to s3, they wont have any money left to do the other battles so they’ll change them or resolve stuff off screen so we can get another scene of alicent doing nothing
@nshwyandkchagqj День назад
sure they’ve kept core events pretty much the same but all the smaller stuff surrounding that completely changes the board and the stakes so nobodys character motivations make any sense anymore
@nshwyandkchagqj День назад
and forcing this woke shit down our throat is the final straw, rhaenyra kisses her after she recounts being graped by her dad💀💀 couldnt have made a better example of the woke mind virus if they tried
@Stephie_L 2 дня назад
I've been thinking about the Daemon plot being the main criticism. I still think a Daemon character development arc would've been better in S3, however, it would've worked better this season if it were more grounded and less abstract? Bran's visions worked great in S6 for that reason (in my opinion). I would've had Daemon be more effectual in the Riverlands and have that be the reason he thinks he's better fit to rule. Have the visions be more grounded, focusing the visions with only Viserys and young Rhaenyra. For me personally, it would've been nice to see Daemon and Viserys before he became King so we see their relationship as brothers and have Viserys talking about how he didn't want the crown, maybe? Then keep Alys mysterious, in the background with a few cryptic clues, no lecturing. And in terms of people wanting more action/ battles, you're right, early GoT didn't have that, but then I look at S3 and there were meaningful conflicts happening that affected everyone and the stakes were constantly raised. In Robb's arc, it was Cat releasing Jaime, Talisa complication, Karstark complication, Bolton. Actions affected both the plot and the relationships. Episode 6 did that quite well with the Greens, but overall the domino effect may feel less impactful because there's less attachment to characters, as I said in the stream. I kinda wish we focused more on the Hightower family this season. I honestly would've loved to see Otto, Daeron and Gwayne all interact or to see Old Town at least. Looking back on S1, it was the family dynamics that made it compelling to watch. Anyway, thanks for the fun stream!
@Stephie_L 2 дня назад
I love the discussion point about pacing. I loved S1, but with the way I've been feeling this season, it's crazy to think they rushed us to get to this point where people are not doing much (or as someone in chat said, things moving too slow or too fast). In S1 the argument was, we need to skip time to get to the actual dance, and now we're there, we're stuck with a bunch of filler moments. I don't know the details but book readers have vaguely mentioned there's a lot of battles to come and they all seem to look at it as beats we need to hit. The problem is, if we're not emotionally invested then it's going to be back to back deaths without emotional pay off. I think I would've rather gone the GoT route and build the characters more and then start the dance in S3 because I can't say that I'm that emotionally invested in anyone in this show compared to GoT (even though I still like this show). I found all the characters far more interesting in S1 (apart from Aegon, they did beautiful character work with him this season).
@TheGreaseGoblins 2 дня назад
Yeah I definitely see your point but I think season 1 did great for some characters it also setup issues with other characters. For instance I think Alicent was perfectly written till the very end of episode 8 and that plot point has made her character slow down dramatically. Rhaenyra is another issue she was written to be the hero in season 1 when she never was in the book. So I think Season 2 is in a weird place where the characters of the book and show don’t align so with the show trying to cover the book events it doesn’t work as well. The characters are much worse in terms of ethics, and the show has kinda changed them to be much more human but that is a double edged sword bc some plot beats it works great but others not so much.
@Stephie_L День назад
@@TheGreaseGoblins You're right about Alicent. Making her mishear Viserys to make her more sympathetic was the beginning of the end for her. There were some interesting things in ep 9 when she didn't know Otto was planning to install Aegon and when she realised she was just a chess piece. S2 it's been quite nice to see her question her actions as a mother as well. But yes, both woman have loss their edge. And Rhaenyra maybe wasn't a hero in the books but I miss the fire she had in S10 (scene with Otto). I wish they just went full on ruthless with her after Luke.
@mh4lly941 2 дня назад
Diversity and inclusion?
@cosmo1boi 2 дня назад
My boy Seasmoke got TASTE.
@SzaboB33 3 дня назад
I haven't read the books but here is my impression about Laena: - She wants to go back to Driftmark (this is fine) - Saying some toxic wife things "we are meant to do bigger things" whatever that means while Daemon would have started another dynasty with dragon blood abroad. It was not enough for her - During giving birth there was a chance that the child would survive but she did not want to bear the pain of it so she chose a maybe even more painful death: death by fire - Made the creature that loves her the most execute her - Vhagar probably felt the pain of burning alive, she probably knew it and she did not care - She also killed her baby giving it no chance to live I think she matches the personality of a B and someone that Vhagar would like.
@kal-el-fornia2479 3 дня назад
Seasmoke doesn't want no white boy riding him
@kemikemi 3 дня назад
Seasmoke to Addam: Ride! or Die!
@craigbloxham8344 3 дня назад
I mean like, wow, wonderful grasp of the obvious you have.
@TheGreaseGoblins 3 дня назад
Bro this was made for people who maybe haven’t read the books or are new to the community that maybe asking this question.
@jahmarksx9018 3 дня назад
My issue with addem getting claimed is that the valerions arent dragon riders and thats a fact knowing that no rider was valerions until after Rhenese khz she was targarien. So what if alyn is corlys and addem is leanor
@TheGreaseGoblins 3 дня назад
Maybe that is a cool idea given that Alyn tries in the book and is unsuccessful
@ZerMushroom 3 дня назад
Racist dragon
@Mmm-nj5dk 3 дня назад
He was chosen cause they needed more black characters😂.................(no they are not really supposed to be black but whatever wokeness kills substance). Same with Rhaynera turning lesbo now in the middle of the war 🤡 People are rooting for these clowns...........cause the writers are pushing limits to make her look like a saint.
@TheGreaseGoblins 3 дня назад
Idk why I said Maegor in terms of Vhagar brain fart!
@Papakhan9636 День назад
You fool how dare you make a mistake. You should be perfect all the time...amateur
@Stephie_L 3 дня назад
I'm glad you did a video on this because I've been thinking about what happened to Steffon and why. I do think Seasmoke was willing but I think when Steffon said "I did it", that implies control and as you mentioned, Viserys did say, control is an illusion because... "a dragon is not a slave" (Dany). Steffon also sees dragons as Gods, whereas Targs grow up with the idea that they are special, young Rhaenyra S1 said something like people think "we are closer to Gods than men." There's a boldness that comes with the idea that you are born to ride a dragon and that being a Targ makes you special/ chosen. Steffon didn't grow up thinking he could ever mount a dragon and doesn't identify as a Targ. As for Addam, I'm guessing he has Targ blood because Velaryons intermingled a lot with the Targs. He didn't grow up a Targ either but Velaryons were from Valyria so the connection is probably closer and maybe the dragon can sense it? Also as you mentioned, Addam is closer to Leanor's personality. But I'd be interested to see what the show does with the lore in regards to dragon riders. What if the histories lied? Jace said in ep 5 that maybe the Valyrian dragon lords controlled information to "gild them in glory." Would you like that angle? That maybe anyone can ride dragons? I'd personally be sad if that were actually true...
@TheGreaseGoblins 3 дня назад
I mean I think the interesting part of the Dragon seeds plot is that very issue. Are the Targaryens really above regular people if these people who may have loose ties to their family can claim and ride dragons. I find that to be fascinating. It really takes center stage with Nettles but unfortunately we are not getting her
@Stephie_L 2 дня назад
@@TheGreaseGoblins I agree it's fascinating. Although after what happened to Steffon I'm more interested in the dragons themselves. On the surface it looks like claiming a dragon is like taming a dragon (like a pet), but it seems like the dragons are the ones choosing. Do the dragons choose on the basis of blood or was that never important? I really hope these questions get answered on the show. PS: I'm not a book reader but I know a lot of people are sad about Nettles
@kenchin77777 3 дня назад
Either Velaryons could always ride dragons but never had access to them, or the intermarriage with the Targaryens gave them then the blood of the dragon
@jahmarksx9018 3 дня назад
Thats my problem