
wing tsun emin boztepe pt.3 

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wing tsun demonstration by emin boztepe




17 янв 2008




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@siqiniqmaupin901 9 лет назад
his assistant is a badass for taking all that punishment. I bet he's a master
@moondragon05 13 лет назад
thank you emin for the great demonstration
@chaos1hell2 15 лет назад
i am a wing chun practisioner from greece and my sifu was one of the best students of cheung and he told me what happened and i agreee absolutely with you.And the camera show only the takedown no what happened after that. keep training.
@abshalom7 14 лет назад
Respect to all people and all martial arts. That's the way of a true martial artist.
@abshalom7 14 лет назад
If you missed one of the earlier posts Ammorthius, Emin Bozetepe has also studied wrestling, boxing, and Thai boxing, so that was his wrestling coming out in taking Cheung to the ground. He mixes other things with his WC, so that's why it appears like that. That's what happens when you mix 4 different styles.
@SumDumGai5 15 лет назад
Looks good and might be street practical. No flowery forms and straight to the point.
@abshalom7 14 лет назад
Snaketatto, you are what we call a HATER. I didn't realize it at first, but now you've been identified. So I realize your hate of wing chun, just further indicates the strength and greatest of wing chun. So I appreciate you being one of wing chun's haters. We need more like you because it lets us know how good our style is. Hater, keep doing your job.
@LarsFischerWildChampagne 13 лет назад
Thanks a lot. Pretty good! Lars Fischer of Wild Champagne
@joergus 11 лет назад
I totally agree!
@karausu 15 лет назад
vale tudo.
@abshalom7 14 лет назад
Duncan was Bruce Lee's friend. Bruce Lee introduced him to Yip Man. But Duncan learned from Yip Man privately, not at the school where the Yip Man taught. And since he was not at the school to practice with everyone else, he had to fight in the streets to test what he learned. Yip Man even sent another wing chun disciple to Duncan to learn how to APPLY the wing chun Yip Man had taught him, since Yip Man was too old at the time.
@abshalom7 14 лет назад
When you give respect, you get respect, no matter what your martial art. Martial arts is about life, not just fighting. If you constantly disrespect people with words or with actions, someone is going to call you out, and one day it won't be over the internet where you can avoid them. With that, my debate with you is over, instead of debating, I'll be training. Peace
@JeetKuneDoBelgrade 13 лет назад
@snaketattoo13 Also,the man who practically invented "MMA" ,Bruce Lee,had Wing Chun as his basis for everything. He then added concepts of other arts to create an idea of fighting. Jeet Kune Do is = MMA. And Wing Chun was it's core.
@abshalom7 14 лет назад
@snaketattoo 1. Notice these rules benefit grapplers most, because grapplers are in range to be struck by very lethal blows. If you shoot in you are in excellent position for a back of the head strike. 12 to 6 directional elbow means your entire body weight drops down into your force. 2. The brain stem and the cerebellum are in the back of the head. They form the primitive part of your brain and control your breathing and heart rhythm. A back of the head strike can cause death.
@ossdemura 11 лет назад
this is not a sport, is a martial art ;)
@Ammorthius 14 лет назад
@snaketattoo13 Yep there are many judo clubs, and i wanted to start training it, but i didn't know whether it's good or not
@abshalom7 14 лет назад
@snaketattoo13 Chunners never turtle, our "theory" is to always face our opponent upright. So back of the head strikes rule doesn't help, not to mention we don't do MMA as a rule.
@abshalom7 14 лет назад
@Ammorthius: Emin Bozetepe has also trained Thai boxing, Turkish wrestling, and boxing. He had to fight growing up, because he was Turkish and a lot of Germans where he lived picked on him. So he had to learn martial arts to survive. Now put him against fanboy snaketatto13, Can-Ryu student, UFC fan. I wish that fight was on youtube. My money would be on Emin Bozetepe.
@megardin 15 лет назад
costaricanhero Yes it is not rumour , Every year some people say something about Dai-Sifu Emin Boztepe. Wing Chung also said about Dai-Sifu Emin . After that Dai-Sifu visited him in his own saloon you know what happend I am a student of Dai-Sifu Emin Boztepe and I met him personally. He is not a man who afraid the chalange
@womblewandering 15 лет назад
I am a boxer who has sparred with 2 wing chun guys and it was pretty even. Now dont start with that "if it was a real fight he would have...." cos if it was a real fight i too would have hit harder, used muay thai elbows and knees and twisted his fingers at certain times. But judging by those sparrings, we were pretty even so hey, i respect wc. But let me remind u that its not only wing chun that is self defence. Other arts like muay thai, karate, kickboxing are used by army too.
@abshalom7 14 лет назад
Video description was wrong if it says that Ammorthius, He wrestled before he even did wing chun. Obviously he took Cheung to the ground with some grappling move.
@irwinhafiz 15 лет назад
wwoww his great! any one know any good videos of him fighting?
@abshalom7 14 лет назад
@snaketattoo13 And just below the crown is what we are talking about when we say the back of the head. If you want to call that the the base of the head you can. WC theory and basic anatomy, yes. Simplicity
@yottky 15 лет назад
...rather an important concept is to control the distance. When we close up the distance, many long range kicks become not effective and I think this is what he want to demostrate. I think the real concepts that we need to know apart from "train as real as u can" is to spend some time understand what other people are trying to do rather than doing wild guess from a short videoo.
@abshalom7 14 лет назад
@Ammorthius I do agree Emin should not have attacked the old man when he wasn't prepared though. Still to say he can't fight at all wouldn't be true.
@MartialArtsCN 13 лет назад
@snaketattoo13 It depends on the fighter and not the fighting style. Wing Chun works if you know how. Peace
@womblewandering 15 лет назад
tyson is a great fighter yes. U like emin, i like tyson. Each have their preferences. :)
@marragonn 13 лет назад
@Svemocn1Vidar good comment, using the easiest way "That's what Wing Chun is about" Thats also what BL was about to teach the world
@MeMama09 13 лет назад
isnt that keith r kernspecht in the yellow shirt? (background)???
@Ammorthius 14 лет назад
@abshalom7 Yeah, it's impossible to break a person's leg if you're a kicker.
@flashlight67 13 лет назад
0:44 Emin kicks ass!
@minasz 14 лет назад
Does he have a website
@abshalom7 14 лет назад
Already looked it up, so who is your teacher and what is your name so I can ask for you.
@chaos1hell2 15 лет назад
do you hae ever practised in wing chun?and are you a martial artist if yes what style?and believe me the chain punches are very strong if you know to do them.and when he admitted it? do you have seen an interview?
@abshalom7 14 лет назад
Its common sense. UFC does assume people have common sense, sorry if we can't assume this about yourself. And rule #22 22. Engaging in an unsportsmanlike conduct that causes an injury to an opponent. Twisting the neck in the manner we're speaking of is not a slow twist, but the sharp twist as if in an attempt to break a neck.
@abshalom7 14 лет назад
@Ammorthius What I said earlier about Emin fighting, was referring to the fact that he would wipe the floor with snaketatto13 and his BS Can Ryu Jujitsu skills. So snaketatto13 needs to go challenge Emin, who by his personality would definitely take the challenge.
@Ammorthius 14 лет назад
@snaketattoo13 Of course there is a need, but u can finish fights vs not skilled fighters in a stand-up with no problem.
@Ammorthius 14 лет назад
@snaketattoo13 heh I wish there were gyms like that in my country ... a dream .. all the best martial arts out there for fighting .. in a schedule .. with pro trainers, meh ..
@abshalom7 14 лет назад
Ammorthius Do you agree with snakeboy that you can strike the throat in UFC? Let me know cause then I gotta put you in the category with him.
@womblewandering 15 лет назад
I respect wing chun anyway so its cool. :) U seen ip man starring donnie yen yet?
@Ammorthius 14 лет назад
@abshalom7 Yes because that fight looked no way in hell like WC that you train. Any1 can fight like that that didn't train a single second. A classic schoolboy fight.
@Ammorthius 14 лет назад
@snaketattoo13 Europe, Serbia if u know where it is
@myjizzureye 11 лет назад
You can use a broom to defend against an attacker in the street. You can be quite effective if you practice for years. Yes you could use it to defend yourself, but its the slowest and least effective method out there.
@Robotnik777 16 лет назад
That poor guy in the black shirt has to take a lot from Emin. Really thine stuff with very good techniques tough
@Ammorthius 14 лет назад
@snaketattoo13 Dude I know but i wanted to see what he would say ..
@Ammorthius 14 лет назад
@abshalom7 Ok, if you say so ...
@rqml0l 11 лет назад
Sifu Emin broke a man's leg in a seminar because he tried to attack him unprovoked. EBMAS Wing Tsun does work because it is not traditional Wing Tsun. If you want to spar with him then I'm sure he would be willing to accomodate that at a seminar. Be my guest and go to one :).
@abshalom7 14 лет назад
Don't you have some GSP and Silva action figures to play with or something?
@chaos1hell2 15 лет назад
if wing chun was ineffective hi wouldn't have insert it in jeet kun do because if you see close combat of jkd is wc.and where have been shown that is ineffective?
@abshalom7 13 лет назад
Correction, the youtube video is called "The Poser of the Century, Snaketattoo13" watch the youtube video about the biggest Bruce Lee and wing chun hater alive. He has made his full time business to hate on Wing Chun and Bruce Lee, and so he actually received an award. Congratulations.
@abshalom7 14 лет назад
@snaketattoo13 He's not wing chun, He's EMIN BOZETEPE. DUH!
@Ammorthius 14 лет назад
@abshalom7 No, I actually can bet that Snake would destroy Emin, but w/e u think.
@Ammorthius 14 лет назад
@snaketattoo13 Ya .. clearly the best fighter now .. trains hard, fights for experience and gets results. Hit me like this .. oh no wait do it a little slower .. hey another leg .. I mean come on wtf you never know what you're gonna get attacked with .. whether it's gonna be kick or punch .. that way of training just doesn't work.
@abshalom7 14 лет назад
@snaketattoo Answer... 2837 Sewells Point Rd Norfolk, VA.
@Ammorthius 14 лет назад
@snaketattoo13 Ya, if WC was so powerful, he wouldn't need to use his "wrestling ability" to beat WIlliam right? Btw the video description of that fight ^^ "Emin proved the effectiveness of ground fighting and integrated some elements of wrestling into his own system of Wing Chun shortly after the fight" lol
@abshalom7 14 лет назад
Duncan Leung is older now and I don't know for sure if age has slowed him down any. But in his prime he would destroy Silva. He would send Silva to the hospital.
@abshalom7 13 лет назад
@snaketattoo13 If you're scared, say you're scared.
@Ammorthius 14 лет назад
@abshalom7 I'm sure he would be able to beat some street bully, but against a skilled fighter ... no.
@Loveride 10 лет назад
@snaketatoo13 bruce lee had 0 ground game? read The Tao of Jeet Kune Do! that book is full of intricate hand drawn grappling applications, drawn by...yeah you guessed it.
@paolociarpaglini9492 9 лет назад
You critized Bruce for a book that is just an incomplete puzzle of writes, ideas, put togheter by Jhon Little. Bruce taken always also in the travels, clipboards for a new way to concept the fight. The result of his study and results are under the eyes of helf world, and are the MMA and the UFC. Emin is probably the most deadly wing chun master living, but his power come also by his body. 185 cm, and 100 kg, against the only 170 and 55 of Bruce. Emin is a true grand master, Bruce was an amazing street fighter, an actor probably the most famous person after Jesus and the Pope.., incredible but is like that, and an amazing piooner about the fight. The majour part of "The tao of jeet kune do" has been write by Bruce during the six mounths of the '70 injury. Is'nt a book, is became, but was'nt before his death. Listen 'the lost interview', where Bruce explaine his point of view on martial art, and the philosophy concepts that at that time, was like went Leonardo told that the Eart was not flat and risk the life. A true revolucionary road. Always in progress, in a continuos state of advance, day by day, mounth by mounth. He was the martial arts, the rest are only practitioners...Do you undetstand "the difference?". Thanks and sorry for my english...
@womblewandering 15 лет назад
TO Jake I actually respect wing chun and martial arts overall. But there is a misconception mma is a STYLE that is a sport. MMA means any mrtial artist can test out their skills as realistically as possible but yet.......not kill each other.
@abshalom7 14 лет назад
Tristar Gym, whose the sensei?
@Ammorthius 14 лет назад
@snaketattoo13 I train Karate and started some kickboxing but i just feel it's not enough. When i finish my school I can't wait to move somewhere to US or Canada and learn all those MMA arts :) There's no MMA here,no Muay Thai and very little BJJ. Bullshit.
@abshalom7 14 лет назад
@snaketatto13: A street fight happens in the street, not in a seminar before many people and cameras. And whose says 2 people represent all wing chun. You've read a book by its cover, but you need to turn the pages and go line by line to get the story. No one should have to prove what works to you, nor should you feel the need to talk about wing chun. Your focus should be your own art, and not attempting to tear down another.
@abshalom7 13 лет назад
@snaketattoo13 I don't even think you train at Tri Star, you're probably the janitor.
@Ammorthius 14 лет назад
@snaketattoo13 Is there a need to go to the ground? xD
@womblewandering 15 лет назад
When people think mma guys cannot break limbs and bones in the streets its hilarious. Bjj has many arm and hand breakin moves but they simply stop and allow the guys to tap out in the ring thats all. But in real life, they can actually break it.
@Ammorthius 14 лет назад
@abshalom7 oh yeah so rules limit your style. But let's say here, in this video, i see punches to the head and some leg kicks and so, not doing only throat strikes, eye pokes, am I right? Ok now tell me honestly, who do u think would win in a fight between Anderson Silva and that Duncan Leung w/e. Just be honest and tell me. No rules.
@Raao1 16 лет назад
Pay atention to the last thing he says about the sircle in the WT skills. Less is more!
@abshalom7 14 лет назад
Well he was pulling his punches obviously or Cheung would have been seriously hurt, which he was not afterward. He went back to finish his seminar. And since you talking about his ground skill, you're referring to his turkish wrestling, not my discussion.
@JeetKuneDoBelgrade 13 лет назад
@snaketattoo13 he said "kick me anything/anywhere" numerous times. So you failed. He IS a good martial artist and a real deal. What kind of a man he is? I dont care.
@Spekzz88 13 лет назад
Honestly I have yet to see my WT Sifu be beaten by ANY other martial arts master. Here is the deal though, MANY people teach WT wrong, they know the moves but when they try to apply them and... oh shit it won't work! It takes a whole lot of practice... and then a bit more of practice
@costaricanhero 15 лет назад
Some years back, there was a rumor in the m.a. scene, that the gracie brothers broadcasted a message to the public, saying that Boztepe would be too scared to participate on the UFC fights. As Boztepe responded, he'd accept the challenge. Suddenly all rumors disappeared, but Boztepe was never invited since today. Someone knows more about that story, or was it just a bullshit spread?
@womblewandering 15 лет назад
mma is not a sport. mma stands for mixed martial arts which means....any fighting style can compete. That includes wing chun my friend.
@ralfbender1728 8 лет назад
Attack the back leg all the weight is on the back!
@Transatlanticism04 14 лет назад
@snaketattoo13 So you believe anything that is negitive to Bruce Lee?
@Ammorthius 14 лет назад
@snaketattoo13 haha just put Anderson Silva vs any of these guys, like Emin .. hahahahaha he'd just start to dance like he did once in a fight.
@abshalom7 13 лет назад
@snaketattoo13 Just like you, you mean. Talking on RU-vid, but can't back it up.
@abshalom7 14 лет назад
You lost the debate, you said its all theory, so I invited you to see first hand since your mind can't comprehend.
@JeetKuneDoBelgrade 13 лет назад
@snaketattoo13 Oh now you talk about Cheung vs Emin incident? That happened 30 years ago? :) lol,right on,wise one! Wing Tsun was enhanced with ground fighting by Emin,so his intent was to take him to the ground. And Cheung got beat up in a unfair circumstances,i agree. However to say Wing Chun is ineffective is being plain ignorant. It is very effective,as much as any striking art if you train hard and use it smart. But i guess it's false that anyone can do Wing Chun. You clearly can not.
@abshalom7 14 лет назад
Wing Chun is not for your MMA. Learn to box if you want to do MMA. Wing Chun is for self defense and like all real martial arts, for spiritual growth as a person. It's not about fighting, though I know people who have used it very well in a street fight. It is said that the greatest warrior is the one who never has to draw his sword.
@KindRegardsNas 15 лет назад
hey ...he is just trying to explainwhy and how it is done.....this is not a class...but an introduction he asnt started anything wiht them yet...so he explains the reason and so on.there is nothing wrong with that.. clearly u r a person with out patience...
@womblewandering 14 лет назад
@snaketattoo13 What i also dont like is that emin is teaching his students how to beat other martial artists and mocks those arts a bit. Thats very disrespectful to martial arts overall. No other martial arts i know of teach you stuff like "you can beat karate, boxing, judo, wrestling". They just teach the art and you simply make it work for yourself.
@zhache 15 лет назад
Fighting in cage ahve rules, this hasnt. Thats why u dont see it in a cage, U see it in special forces interventions though.
@womblewandering 15 лет назад
But as i said, i respect all martial arts including wc. As long as you use it well, it can be effective. All martial arts will make you stronger and fitter anyway and once you learn it, you make it your own. Now dont take this as me back peddling ok? Im only showing respect as a fellow martial artist.
@womblewandering 15 лет назад
wrong my friend. MMA stands for mixed martial arts and all people that compete there are martial artists. They know the deadly street moves but just dont use it in the ring thats all. Who do u think teaches the military the killer street moves? MMa guys of course which means.....martial artists.
@JeetKuneDoBelgrade 13 лет назад
@snaketattoo13 Not true. Anderson Silva claims he trained and used some Wing Chun concepts.Along with Karate and Aikido techniqes he added to his Thai boxing and BJJ. MMA is now proffesional sports,with lots,lots of money (and drugs/roids) in it. Wing Chun is not. It's a Concept of Fighting. Not "Mixing all the best techniques for cage to make a living out of fighting" concept. Learn to differ these things.
@rqml0l 11 лет назад
You're not distinguishing the difference between traditional WC and modern WC. They are not one and the same - they are different. You just see WC and think that they are all the same - that's like me watching an MMA fight and not distinguishing the difference between a striker and a grappler, or someone who prefers BJJ as opposed to boxing. Anyway, I'm not gonna feed the troll anymore. If you have a MMA background or anything similar please attend an EBMAS seminar and spar with Emin.
@thamis20 12 лет назад
He Double kneed the guy on the ground(to the stomach)... Big mistake! ground fighter would of made him lose his balance... sweep
@womblewandering 15 лет назад
When people think mma guys cannot break limbs and bones in the streets its hilarious. Bjj has many arm and hand breakin moves but they simply stop and allow the guys to tap out in the ring thats all. But in real life, they can actually break it. Pls be aware there is no such thing as a RING art cos ALL martial arts are made for self defence.
@BerziOnline 13 лет назад
@snaketattoo13 you have no idea what his skills are ;-)
@chaos1hell2 15 лет назад
let me tell you something.The wing chun fighters are used to hit in the groins you mma fighters are allowed to do that ? hell no. i agree that they have also deadly moves that in the ring use them until a point.But i want to mention that i talk about the wc that i am learning not the other wc that teach other sifus.also they can hit with their fingers in the opponents eyes? hell no.they can press the mouth and the nose of the opponent so he will die from asphyxia ? is sport not survival
@womblewandering 14 лет назад
@snaketattoo13 Hey, emin just said his methods can "easily" beat non wc guys like thai boxers. Ummmm...why not have him or his students prove it by fighting a real mauy thai fighter? lmao Oh well, i guess emin and his students will never do that since they know they will get crushed.
@abshalom7 14 лет назад
Snaketatto13 is no teacher you're right. He's a Can-ryu Jujitsu student who doesn't even know his own art very well, disrespectful to a martial art which he cannot understand and never will. He posts on every wing chun board he can so he can argue with wing chun people. But he wants to be one of us secretly. He dreams about it. unfortunately if he comes to learn at my school, he's gonna get knocked out and dragged outside because he wants proof of what wing chun can do.
@abshalom7 14 лет назад
Bozetepe didn't lose on the ground, so why would you say he knows nothing there. He didn't need to use much ground skill so why would he. Bozetepe continuously struck him. But since he didn't get into a mount position before he hit him repeatedly, you say he knows nothing. It would be interesting to see how you react to being punched repeatedly with no gloves while you are putting a armbar on a wrestler. Your textbook Can-Ryu jujitsu might not work out like you think.
@abshalom7 14 лет назад
They are not masters in applying wing chun, but they are good, and if you think you could fight either, I dare you to go into one of Emin's seminars and challenge him, cause he'll wipe the floor with you. But you want to test your strength on RU-vid. People that can do a lot, don't talk a lot, and therefore we know you can't do anything, cause you are constantly talking.
@Ammorthius 14 лет назад
@snaketattoo13 lol @ that fight. Some chunners said it was an embarassment for the entire WC community ^^ xD .. also it showed how terrible WC really is. Like u said, no eyes throats or any shits like that injured. The fight finished on the ground, where it looked like some 2 street hooligans fighting. Absolute lack of ground game. And they are "Grand Masters" lol. What should we expect of some lower ranks? @abshalom .. open your eyes and train some real fighting ...
@JeetKuneDoBelgrade 13 лет назад
@snaketattoo13 U made this video your "favourite". So,you're hypocrite,since Emin is not good enough for you,right? His kicking is excelent,his physique is excelent,his speed and power are excelent. He is a good martial artist. I dont really care whether or not he would beat a MMA or Karate fighter or whatnot. Wing Tsun is not about that. It's about reacting and pushing forward. It's about forward force and constant attacking. If you're good at it it will work on the street where need it.
@abshalom7 14 лет назад
@Ammorthius Emin is not a master so what he does is not a reflection on Wing Chun.
@rqml0l 11 лет назад
You're the one with the issue with Wing Tsun, not me. What you don't seem to understand is that EBMAS Wing Tsun is not traditional Wing Tsun - it is geared more towards self defence and realistic scenarios. If you want 'evidence' then go search for it yourself. I'm not bothered about it.
@abshalom7 14 лет назад
@snaketatto13 Don't need Duncan to challenge the top guy. The top guy isn't talking a bunch of crap on the internet, because he probably respects all martial arts. Its the crappy guy that keeps talking about WC on youtube. He is the one that needs to find out. Why are you wasting time even watching WC videos. You want to know so badly, find out the hard way since you don't listen to reason.
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