Ariah & Jay
Ariah & Jay
Ariah & Jay
Hello everyone, welcome to our channel! While our focus is primarily on let's plays, we have been known to step outside of that medium (haha) for a very special and specific piece of media.

We used to upload daily before we burned out hard and realized that it was unreasonable to put out over an hour long content every single day while balancing work and school (since we make 0 money from RU-vid currently). We've just recently jumped back on, but we're definitely uploading less than we once did.

That being said, we have no plan on stopping anytime soon, so we hope you'll join us on this incredible journey!

Our current series:

Let's Play Hollow Knight ~ Every Monday!
Let's Play Hiveswap Friendsim ~ When we can!
Dashing Exploration | Hollow Knight [3]
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Hornet | Hollow Knight [2]
10 месяцев назад
The Eternal Kingdom | Hollow Knight [1]
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Trilby | 6 Days a Sacrifice - Day 3 [3]
11 месяцев назад
Into the Hub | 6 Days a Sacrifice - Day 2 [2]
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Optimology | 6 Days a Sacrifice - Day 1 [1]
11 месяцев назад
The Soul | Chzo Mythos Countdown Trilogy [2]
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The Body | Chzo Mythos Countdown Trilogy [1]
11 месяцев назад
Catching up with Chzo Mythos | Countdown Trilogy [0]
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Ganon's Castle | Ocarina of Time [24 - Finale]
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A Heartfelt Reunion | Ocarina of Time [23]
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Brony Ursula | Hiveswap Friendsim [6]
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Shadow Temple | Ocarina of Time [22]
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Spirit Temple | Ocarina of Time [21]
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The Phantom Guide | Ocarina of Time [20]
11 месяцев назад
The Eye of Truth | Ocarina of Time [19]
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Young Again | Ocarina of Time [18]
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Water Temple | Ocarina of Time [16]
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Fire Temple | Ocarina of Time [14]
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He's HERE!? | Ocarina of Time [12]
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Forest Temple | Ocarina of Time [11]
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Lord Jabu-Jabu | Ocarina of Time [9]
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@lunarpop_ 12 часов назад
just wanted to check the very first page because of april 13th, which just so happens to also be my birthday. I thought the website somehow went through my calander lol
@lunarpop_ 12 часов назад
now I feel like I want to go through the whole game(?) bc of that
@lukemeister8098 4 дня назад
i would like to comment here on a specific statement made that dirk is essentially a perfect character here in the epilogues, minus the misgendering stuff, but i would argue it is important to dirk's role and character. it ties strongly to the themes of gender and heroism within homestuck proper which naturally continue into the epilogues. gonna try to explain what i mean here. to start with, lord english is The Man. like, The Man as in the phrase "stickin' it to The Man." he's capital, he's oppression at large, but perhaps more than he is these other things he is patriarchy. he's also The Narrative, sorta. davepeta, who is singled out as a combination of people lord english should be particularly vulnerable to, is the one canonically transgender character in homestuck up until the epilogues, they transcend the gender binary altogether. dirk specifically values his masculinity strongly. he's "a bro". he is particularly invested in ideas of heroism and narrative. when he praises roxy, it is a deeply emotional moment, but he does over-valorize her in a heroic tone, making it sound like she completely stopped her drinking problem by herself with no help from anyone else, which roxy has directly contradicted just beforehand! he makes a point of exasperatedly making claims of his Total Confidence In His Own Masculinity, and he is taking control of The Narrative, yet seems as well to be a slave to the concept as well, feeling the strong need to reproduce The Narrative by becoming the villain, creating conflict to drive More Narrative. this can all be seen as repeating cycles of abuse, reproducing patriarchy. dave Needs to be the Strong Hero in dirk's worldview, he NEEDS dave to cut off the villain's head, even though he knows dave hates having to fight in the first place, dave suffers for what masculinity and heroism is forced upon him. when roxy is nonbinary, transcending the gender binary, dirk is uncomfortable. dirk ostensibly seems more chill with roxy being a man because hell, sure, a masculine hero role fits the kind of valorizing he does of roxy in his mind. this is, to an extend, absurd and foolish of dirk because obviously roxy is still fairly interested in transcending all kinds of gender bullshit. roxy models himself after dave, as dirk once did, but after the REAL dave that he knows in person, the dave who knows the suffering of patriarchy and heroism, rather than how dirk modeled himself after an idealized heroic masculine figure of a dave he never really knew. i could probably go on more at length but i think this may be incoherent enough as is lol. anyways these videos are great ive really been enjoying going through all your homestuck (and psycholonials!) content.
@M1ntyS4turn 4 дня назад
im excited to see yall read the epilogues!! i loved them alot my take on why some people hate them is they forget that homestuck only sies like 7 days total of these peoples lives half of which were incredibly stressful and traumatic, and once they finally get the chance to settle down and process it all and grownup of curse they're gonna change! and not in ways that are good or wholesome (ie jane and dirk)
@Grevnor 4 дня назад
Sawtooth and Squarewave showing up all the way back when we first get to see Dave's room isn't at all random. They are a reference to an older Hussie comic, whose name eludes me at the moment, but it was about rap-battling robots specifically. He just decided to introduce them into the comic as actual characters much later. How they in-universe wound up as a poster of Dave's wall is probably just down to shitty time travel shenanigans, as usual.
@lukemeister8098 6 дней назад
i had so much fun watching this big readthru of homestuck, i feel like i had stronger reactions to some of the big emotional moments than i did on my own first readthru cuz of your big ol' emotions!! you two are fun folks to follow along with.
@VedaVedo 8 дней назад
Of all the weird decisions that hussie makes in act 6 the assertion that the reader was meant to view scenes like Bro and Dave's anime sword fights as child abuse instead of comedy scenes in an comedy webcomic is the most offensive to me. I can understand wanting to have some drama for their reunion or whatever but Jesus Christ his fridge was filled with final fantasy sword pngs not hard drugs.
@AriahAndJay 6 дней назад
I don't think the reader was meant to view those scenes as anything other than comedy, but I do personally like this decision. Homestuck has a really interesting sense of self-awareness, so taking what the comic definitely wanted the reader to see as comedy and actually dissecting it and treating it as seriously as we would if that situation genuinely existed in the real world is EXACTLY the kind of thing Hussie does in this comic, and something I quite like. It really is child abuse, although that takes many, many forms. Bro neglects Dave, leaving him to his own most of the time, and when he doesn't, it's to prank him and kick his ass in swordfighting. He doesn't seem the type to teach him things or be there for him when he needs it. But that's just my perspective! - Ariah
@M1ntyS4turn 8 дней назад
'how did dd get the ring' the page right before clearly implies he asked the condesce for it
@Grevnor 10 дней назад
Star-heart-horseshoe is a Problem Sleuth reference. And that Vriska monologue is fantastic.
@Grevnor 10 дней назад
Caliborn sucked so hard at playing chess, it somehow turned into a game of pool instead.
@M1ntyS4turn 14 дней назад
33:49 dude. in previous logs Kanaya has made it so very fucking clear shes in love with vriska
@M1ntyS4turn 15 дней назад
i really am loving this but no offense yall have abbysmal memories even with a few pages ago 'i wonder if aradia lives in the same building as sollux' when just a few pages ago it says she lived in the frog temple
@AriahAndJay 13 дней назад
Yeah, I know both of us have issues focusing sometimes, and with the sheer quantity of information this comic threw at us each episode, I found it difficult to retain a lot of that information. I'm sorry that it caused frustration! For what it's worth, I think we understood most of it (at least what was important, which was a lot of it) by the end of it thanks to the people commenting as we were posting, notes, and looking back when editing. - Ariah
@Grevnor 17 дней назад
Fun fact: The apparent color of the Martian sky is a light pink.
@M1ntyS4turn 19 дней назад
4:25 since yall have already finished the comic i can say tbis pretty sure that it was meant for momlonde when she was still a baby and presumably set up by grandpa harley
@Grevnor 23 дня назад
All jujus exist as a sort of self-contained bootstrap paradox - they might have had a beginning once upon a time, but have been so tangled up in time paradoxes they cease to have any meaning - their existence is an endless moebius double reacharound clusyerf*ck. The bunny from Con Air, if it had turned out the original prop somehow was created by one of the characters in Homestuck, would have also been a juju at that point, but as it is, even though it's complicated, the bunny still has a discernable beginning and end. Lil' Cal does not. Nor do any of the jujus possessed by the Felt. And as you've finished the story by now, you know exactly how convoluted Lil' Cal's role in the story is. I'm just sharing my thoughts as I read along the story, again. Can't escape the Homestuck, I guess, even nearing 40 this supposedly juvenile story still has me hooked. It ruined my life. It enriched my life. You probably know exactly what that means.
@Grevnor 25 дней назад
Hussie has gone on record describing HS as a shitpost epic, so...???STUCK is a shitpost of a shitpost?
@hangmanxo8332 26 дней назад
watching a homestuck read where the readers frequently use the word "yeet" feels like opening up a time capsule and receiving a VHS tape with a recording of people opening up a much earlier time capsule /pos
@AriahAndJay 17 дней назад
Haha I have no idea why it was so prevalent in our vocabulary, I'm pretty sure it was dead even then 😅 - Ariah
@Grevnor 28 дней назад
Pabloe Scobar is a valid troll name.
@Grevnor Месяц назад
"Moirails with benefits". Ew. Tbf, completely in line with Cronus' character. Double ew due to some fanfiction I read, where "pale pailing" is technically possible, but considered something akin to incest in human culture. Still scarred from that bit of literature, and that line legit gave me flashbacks, lol.
@gummybeef Месяц назад
38:01 38:37 foreshadowing
@Grevnor Месяц назад
Don't know if that is rain or static in the background, but it sounds enough like fire to be a suitable backdrop to the super duedly red shit and fires literally everywhere. Probably not at all intentional, but I found it very apt.
@Grevnor Месяц назад
In one popular fandub, Meenah has a New Jersey accent for whatever reason. The strangest part is it actually fits her. Which also means The Condesce / Betty Crocker has a New Jersey accent, which is just all kinds of weird - alien empress fish hitler...from New Jersey! 😛
@Grevnor Месяц назад
The fenestrated planes goes all the way back to Problem Sleuth. They would function as normal if powered, but lead to a dark void-dimension if not. Then again, that entire comic runs on bullshit dream logic.
@Grevnor Месяц назад
And there we have it folks. The longest Brick Joke in world history, well over 5000 pages between setup and punchline.
@Grevnor Месяц назад
Seeing as I know you already finished the story, I can say this without spoilers. So, SPOILERS for anyone who is reading along for the first time, I guess? I find it fascinating both Roxy's and Dirk's introduction spoils both of their titles, if you know what you are looking for: For Roxy: "rogueish demeanor" and "filling the void" = Rogue of Void For Dirk: "philosopher prince" and "don't have the heart to hold it against him" = Prince of Heart
@Grevnor Месяц назад
Gamzee's lusus is an actual capricorn, or in more mundane speech, a sea-goat.
@Grevnor Месяц назад
No matter how many times I watch this, Cascade always hits me right in the feels.
@Grevnor Месяц назад
Dave's accidental incest innuendos has to be one of the weirder running gags in this story.
@idiotbomb Месяц назад
my favorite episode of Ai & Jay is when they talk about Ben 10 for a LOOOONG time
@Grevnor Месяц назад
Lil' Cal is based on an actual puppet, owned by Hussie himself since childhood. I have seen pictographic evidence of this monstrosity, and it is a lot creepier in real life.
@Grevnor Месяц назад
Must have rewatched [S] Jade: Wake Up three or four times in my first readthrough, just vibing. It's not even that hard to understand, if you remember the primary maxim of cosmic horror: there is nothing TO understand. Much like an ant would struggle to understand us, for some cosmic-scale entities, we are the ant in this analogy. Welcome to the Noble Circle of Horrorterrors. Leave your sanity at the door. Iä, iä! Cthulhu fhthagn. 😉
@Grevnor Месяц назад
I find it interesting that you saw Rose's face up close and didn't make the immediate connection that the human kids' text color is also their eye color (I think this is the first hint this is the case). Which you wouldn't notice with John or Jade, as blue and green eyes are naturally occuring, while red and pink eyes are extremely rare to non-existent.
@Grevnor Месяц назад
Having created them all in the ectobiology lab, John is simultaneously both of his own grandfathers, Jade's brother, Nanna and Grandpa's son and father, Dad's half-brother, both of Jade's grandfathers, Mom and Bro's father, and both of Dave and Rose's grandfathers. ...wait. Why do I hear banjos?
@Grevnor Месяц назад
Hemophilia is simultaneously not as bad as it sounds, and worse than it sounds. It's not a weird fetish, rather it's a genetic blood disease, common in European royal lines (because marrying your cousins all the time was a GREAT idea) that prevents blood from clotting properly.
@chaoticsorcererztc 2 месяца назад
12:02 woah. Serenity was there too!? I had no idea and I've watched people read Homestuck multiple times and read it myself
@Grevnor 2 месяца назад
It's spelled bologna because it's named after a town in Italy. Americans are the only ones who pronounce it that way, however, most everyone else going with the more phonetic pronunciation.
@CalamitasCalliope 2 месяца назад
The "How did you tell your friends line" both still gets me emotional, but it is also insanely funny because Dirk *didn't* tell his friends. I think the only person i could reasonably see him come out to in a normal way to is Roxy. Roxy was the one who told Jane, and Dirk "came out" to Jake because a robotic alternate clone of himself was flirting hard with him.
@Pablo360able 2 месяца назад
The word you have read several times as "berates", 8ar8s, is "barbs".
@Pablo360able 2 месяца назад
watching [S] MSPA Reader: Mental breakdown twice in a row and then confidently saying "Doc Scratch is not Lil Cal" is next level istg
@AriahAndJay 2 месяца назад
hahahahaha - Ariah
@Pablo360able 2 месяца назад
No matter how many times you two see the scene of Vriska's cue ball exploding, you will never realize she lost an arm as well as an eye. Unless you read about it in this comment, which I know you will because you've read all my other comments.
@AriahAndJay 2 месяца назад
I definitely realized that at some point before now, although I can't remember if it was during the comic, if I knew and just never mentioned it, or what. Either way reading this now I'm like "yeah of course, she was holding the cue ball after all." - Ariah
@Pablo360able 2 месяца назад
@@AriahAndJay Did you ever read the Paradox Space bonus comics? One of them is about Vriska getting the robot arm, so if you hadn't realized by then, hopefully that would do it.
@AriahAndJay 2 месяца назад
@@Pablo360able We read all the ones on our channel in the two live episodes for them, but haven't read any other ones - Ariah
@Pablo360able 2 месяца назад
Jay: "How many trolls have I created by just saying things, dude?" My shitty thinkpan: "Saying Things is a valid troll name"
@Pablo360able 2 месяца назад
Yeah. I always cry when I get to this part of the comic. Hell, I'm crying as I write this comment.
@Pablo360able 2 месяца назад
Your friends misremembered what happened with the Vast Glub. The Condesce alone was never in danger from it. It killed the Helmsman while she was on her way *toward* Alternia, to try to provide support as it was bombarded with meteors.
@Pablo360able 2 месяца назад
I love the name reveal for Caliborn. It's so understated and out of nowhere, yet climactic and ominous. It doesn't even directly say what the name is, but everyone who reaches that point immediately knows what it means.
@AriahAndJay 2 месяца назад
Yeah that's one of my favorite moments honestly! - Ariah
@Pablo360able 2 месяца назад
PSA: Never, ever try to make a pedantic or technical point by saying something isn't a vegetable, or implying so by saying it's a fruit. Vegetable is not a botanical category, so the botanical definition of fruit has no bearing on whether something is a vegetable. Tomatoes, squash, and other such fruits are completely and unmitigatedly vegetables.
@AriahAndJay 2 месяца назад
Very true, I've grown a lot since then, please forgive me lol - Ariah
@Pablo360able 2 месяца назад
@@AriahAndJay Yeah, no biggie, it's a pretty common mistake.
@Pablo360able 2 месяца назад
I can't believe Lord English killed Jay's audio
@Pablo360able 2 месяца назад
57 is also not a prime number. Hint: 5+7=12.
@Pablo360able 2 месяца назад
Huh. Jade's using passwords to ensure people can't have conversations out of order? I wonder where else we might have seen such a password-based system... (I mean by this point you already know about Terezi's password system)