Jessica Boss
Jessica Boss
Jessica Boss
I'm Jessica Boss, RU-vid's favorite breakup and relationship expert! My videos will teach you how to get your ex back, how to move on after a breakup, how to have better relationships, and much more. === www.JessicaBoss.com ===
@repulse_wkey4432 6 дней назад
I left her I did the biggest mistake of my life o tried my best to get her back but it didn’t work now I’m paying for my actions
@LoveSpell-ik5bb 7 дней назад
I was able to get back with my wife with Dr.Kwale love spell. Contact Dr.Kwale now on kwaletemple@gmail. com for a powerful love spell.
@WildSkyMtn Месяц назад
Girl was so anxiously attached to me I never even had a chance to initiate conversations or texts. Then she broke up with me because she was anxious. Lol wtf women
@agostinhojose6430 Месяц назад
I it awas amazing i am gonna follow you evrey time you post these topics
@agostinhojose6430 Месяц назад
Thank you Jassica , for this explanation it made me clear about this topic
@ruready705 Месяц назад
Just leave bye👋
@legalfictionnaturalfact3969 Месяц назад
Saying that these misbehaving people don't know what they're doing... Isn't really correct. They don't do it to their bosses. They don't do it to their mommies. Or maybe they do. But they are selective and who they do it to. And that is how you know that you need to DUMP HIMMMMM
@joycegoes266 Месяц назад
Jaante ho we must forgive. Why god said us to forgive? God told us to forgive so that we might get healing. So forgive your ex. Bless your ex. God told bless those who persecute you.
@Americanpatriot-zo2tk Месяц назад
Well, you mentioned the devil that we know yeah it’s pretty bad I can’t seem to get her out of my mind.
@hareshck7202 2 месяца назад
You gave more reasons for breaking up and being single then wanting to save your relationship. how ridiculous.
@Supersleuth0987 2 месяца назад
Dangerous game, I’m going through a breakup right now and I’ll hang on while there’s a chance…but if I find out I’ve been replaced with another man i definitely wouldn’t want her after that.
@jpbart1390 2 месяца назад
oNE RULE FOR TAKING Back your ex: DON'T! There's always a reason why an ex is an ex.
@rubakhaled-zm7uo 2 месяца назад
i got dumped for religious reasons
@jangertvandyk-ht5gk 2 месяца назад
I just want to give up
@brandonwest5841 3 месяца назад
"You will never be good enough for the wrong person." SCG
@dealer77005 3 месяца назад
Good stuff
@sam_so_nice 4 месяца назад
17 to 24? 😂
@ajbgomezwalker8384 4 месяца назад
Me and my ex are broke up yesterday. And he decided to stay friends with me after we broke up. But it's hard for me to accept it cause he started treating me as a friend only and while he treats me as friends, I'm starting missing of how he treats me as his girlfriend.
@duha25us 4 месяца назад
He's honest, decent. But when I told him I had been in a relationship before he started humiliating me he has become so much desrespectful. These days m not having any communication with him . But I dunn wanna lose him. What can I do to mainten my relationship?
@ajward9112 Месяц назад
Walk away from him. I don't know what kind of relationship you two have or had, but honestly - if he's showing his true colours just because you had previously dated someone else, then do yourself a favour and walk away. Any self-respecting guy would still be respectful, unless you had broken up by cheating or something low. I'm assuming it was just a normal breakup (and if I'm wrong, that's not my business either way). If you did right by this guy, and he can't handle his insecurities, then he needs to either step up, own his actions and be better, or you need to walk away to protect yourself.
@nicholasrohmann3132 5 месяцев назад
Horrible video
@tristencampeau6571 5 месяцев назад
But what if I’m tired..
@jessi547 5 месяцев назад
Thank you for the advice
@itumelengmosailane1192 5 месяцев назад
Revenge is best served cold
@samsonite3716 5 месяцев назад
what? you are not hungry but you eat anyways? i lost 8kg in 2 weeks haha
@chearygbangs261 5 месяцев назад
Breaking up have really save my relationship
@EbayvideosR 5 месяцев назад
I messed everything up on Valentine’s Day. This was my first valentines at the age of 41 and I asked her if she would like to be my gf. She said yes. 20 minutes later, I started having doubts and told her. She was upset that I didn’t know how to be affectionate and didn’t want to show me anything. There were also a lot of awkward silences between us. That’s when I told me it’s best for her to find someone that will cater her needs because I don’t feel I’m the one. She ended up slapping the back of my head hard twice, punched my arm and poked my face. She also verbally assaulted me for 2 hours and threatened to get someone to stab me. After dropping her home, she called me and asked me to let her pay her dues and I gave us a chance. Two days later, she was telling me about a guy that was flirting with her and made her feel like cloud nine. She told him if it was a week earlier she’d have gone out with him. Already she was making me feel insecure. Next day, she was telling me about another guy that she had a lot in common. I told her to go for it because we’ve only just started a relationship and nothing happened. One time, I rang her and she was flirting with a couple of guys on the phone. She kept blowing out whenever we were suppose to meet up unless I was spending money on her. I spent £1000 in 7 weeks. She never made me feel that we were in a relationship and I told her it’s best to end it with me because she can do so much better. She accused me of self sabotaging and manipulative. I was insecure, negative and pretty boring to be honest. She was an extrovert and I was an introvert. She’s living life and I let my life pass by me. I ended the relationship out of love for me because I knew I was making her feel sad with my insecurities. Towards the end, there was no spark at all. We were better as friends but never expected this to go down hill. I forgot how to kiss and she was horrified and decided to pull away. Had to learn watching RU-vid videos. I miss her and wanted her back, even begged a few times but she wasn’t interested. I contacted her in November and showed her my car. That’s when she said she was willing to allow me to take her out providing I pay her £225 for her nails, make up, feet, hair and petrol. After paying the money, she blew out three hours before collecting her and told me she had no intentions of meeting me in the first place and just wanted to hurt me so much so that I can leave her alone. My confidence and hunger was completely destroyed. Didn’t expect this at all but I probably deserved it after what I did on Valentine’s Day. Finding all this hard because I have no friends and she was my first ever girlfriend. She told me I was never in a relationship with her and it was a situationship
@raydragerns3657 5 месяцев назад
Whyyyyy do i care what she thinks and feels about me. She is so selfish and immature, she drags me down and gaslights me. She's an ungrateful leech. Why. Do. I. Want. Her. To. Like. Me.
@cm6384 6 месяцев назад
It been 7 months and im still hurting. She did me so dirty with no remorse. Some reason i think about her daily
@johnnycalderon9951 6 месяцев назад
Im nervous af lol
@sharchannel1836 6 месяцев назад
They found someone else or got back with their ex is why...
@zuali111 6 месяцев назад
He dumped but i still don't know what is my mistake. He is so clever. God is with me in this bad times
@Tomgkl 6 месяцев назад
She’s on a rebound a week after . Think no hope for me 😅
@Alexxander100 7 месяцев назад
Call me crazy but i noticed something, I had 3 , ok 4 long 4 5 years relationships , 1 of them was 6 months After every single breakup ( i not even once iniciated the breakup , they left me , as a side note ) ,i was agitated, hole in the chest, constantly thinking about them even when i was not thinking .......until ,one RANDOM day , when everythig stops , NOTHING WORKS absolutely nothing you explained in the video , but every single relationship after 1 2 years , left me , all of a sudden numb, like, puff....GONE , i'm trying to think about her , NOTHING, the mind is automaticaly ignoring her image , something that i couldn't say yesterday for example, honestly feels SO weird, especially when it happend in every long relationship i had, and the weird part is, you cant controll it, my last relationship was 5 years, engaged, ....TODAY , after 4 years, i felt that DEEP mental and psihical ,relief ,like something is over by default , like the burden i was carying for her , was lifted from my shoulders And i wondering if i'm alone in this weird ......stuff
@user-rh4gg4tz5j 7 месяцев назад
I thought i was make it better but i made it worse 😂😂..i forgive myself..she ain't gat noasssatall by then 😂i did that to let her feel good without asss but she 😅😅😅at me
@asmisamaze1234 8 месяцев назад
Dumpers are just people who don’t truly love their ex. They think they did but it was nothing but an attraction They don’t have a heart, they only feel bad cuz they had to do the breakup and look like a bad guy and that’s it. Unless the dumpee cheated, abused, manipulated or did anything unforgivable. Other than that dumpers are just bored
@najim-fx6626 8 месяцев назад
Don't post pictures with other men/women to make them Jealous if you still want them back. Make them wonder if you really seeing someone else by going out and having fun and happy. Posting women/men you just gonna help your ex get over you and move on farther away
@arsenelupiniii8040 8 месяцев назад
Yikes! I have never seen so much emphasis placed on codependency. Love is a funny thing, certainly makes people make bad choices. When people are making bad choices, they tend to spend. The concept of love is cute when folks are young and don't see it for what it is. Too bad "love" is such a money maker for big corporations. For example what are you buying for all your "loved ones" this Christmas?
@Lovedrug96 8 месяцев назад
I will marry her
@steveblackmore8480 8 месяцев назад
I don’t like the frog analogy
@tptendani 8 месяцев назад
Thanks for the best advice
@andrewsnow5007 8 месяцев назад
Shitty thing we call life? Come on now
@SVAsianPhilippinesGo6858 8 месяцев назад
I want someone who will NOT want to break up with me/never want to. I want someone COMMITTED like my parents.
@behroozshahdaftar4209 8 месяцев назад
This is also true of friendships.
@hounddig 8 месяцев назад
Thich tok
@deedee19791 8 месяцев назад
Right, a small piece..
@deedee19791 8 месяцев назад
Options aren’t the issue here, it’s obsession, control freak and a total weirdo is who they are.
@DanteGuerrero-ed6rs 8 месяцев назад
Just imagine then fucking someone else. You over it yet?
@daphne3717 9 месяцев назад
This little heifer yelling at us to get off the couch smh
@EmilyGloeggler7984 9 месяцев назад
The other reason is they decided they prefer their freedom as a committed single person and that’s ok.
@Metafux 10 месяцев назад
Any tips how to get out of the paradoxical loop I find myself in? I had someone recently in my life who I thought is my everything, looking back at it she was just an emotionally manipulative narcissist who also happens to be an amphetamine addict for over 10 years now. I kept blaming myself for everything that happened between us. Even when I knew she was clearly in the wrong I was the one who always ended up apologizing for some reason and it did not feel right but she meant the world to me so I tried to brush it off. We are not together for 3 months now, and I cant help but cry at one point every day because I love her so much. I find myself in a loop where I feel/think like I miss HER, but when I try to rationalize the feeling I rather think that I miss the feeling that she triggered in me, and not her. Furthermore, even when I feel like I am at rock bottom emotionally, I try to imagine her being there with me at that moment and it just does not feel right. It clearly feels like I am not craving her, but the feeling she caused within me. If you had something similar I would love to hear your thoughts, this shit is too tough for me sometimes. :(