Light over Dark Ministry
Light over Dark Ministry
Light over Dark Ministry
This channel is devoted to counter cult apologetics. Fixing the errors and lies that people have been fed from false religions, and using the Bible to do so. Covering Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, Unitarians and more coming soon.

Please feel free to contact me for whatever reason, questions, concerns, prayer request, or just need help.

Jehovah's Witness "Christ's Presence" Exposed
2 месяца назад
Jehovah's Witness Armageddon Exposed
2 месяца назад
Fired by Stephen Lett
4 месяца назад
Why Jehovah's Witnesses are wrong on Baptism
5 месяцев назад
Jehovah's Witnesses Beard Update ( Reaction )
6 месяцев назад
7 Questions Jehovah's Witnesses Can't Answer
6 месяцев назад
Jehovah's Witnesses Celebrating Thanksgiving?
7 месяцев назад
Why Jehovah's Witnesses Misread The Bible
7 месяцев назад
Jehovah's Witness Teaching Requirement Exposed
8 месяцев назад
The Jehovah's Witness War doctrine disproved
9 месяцев назад
The Secret History of Jehovah's Witnesses
10 месяцев назад
The Latter Day Saints' False God
10 месяцев назад
Jehovah's Witnesses, Are They The Truth?
11 месяцев назад
@jackthomas6952 4 часа назад
My mother always said it will happen this way because God will put it into their hearts to make all this happen……
@jeffnoble9757 13 часов назад
You could say this about any religion, they all cherry pick scriptures, I worked with a very religious guy and asked him why the word trinity was NOT in the Bible, he told me it was? But couldn't find it in his Bible! A couple of days later he admitted the word trinity is not in the Bible but showed me John 1:1, only ONE scripture he said proving the trinity and I said that doesn't prove the trinity there's only two mention there. I noticed you used the name Jehovah several times this guy I worked with told me God's name is NOT Jehovah. This is why there's a 1000 Christian religions they all cherry pick scriptures
@ronhansen8471 14 часов назад
Who is wrong about all the triune gods of pagan religions since Nimrod? Rome had multiple triune gods. Rome was the power that created the Roman Catholic church that created Christendom and no doubt included one of their many triune gods.
@jeffnoble9757 15 часов назад
Jehovah's Witnesses are the only religious group of people that have the backbone to go door-to-door, most so-called Christians hide behind their front door in fear of talking to Jehovah's Witnesses, you're opening LIE shows an emblem of the Cross Jehovah's Witnesses do not use that emblem of torture! Watch the movie SPOTLIGHT with Michael Keaton.. it's shocking
@LightoverDarkMinistry 13 часов назад
Don’t Mormons go door to door?
@jeffnoble9757 11 часов назад
I'm talking about people like you, you don't have the backbone to go door-to-door. I was in Vegas for the super bowl and saw several groups of Jehovah's Witnesses clean-cut well-dressed polite, also saw several Jesus people screaming at people with megaphones on the sidewalk you're all going to hell over and over again like mental patients, I tried to talk to one but he was screaming with his megaphone a foot from my face, he couldn't act civilized for even one minute
@jeffnoble9757 11 часов назад
@@LightoverDarkMinistry watch the movie SPOTLIGHT with Michael Keaton you'll be shocked.. guaranteed
@joemann5353 19 часов назад
Michael is Jesus.. not hard to prove and makes the most sense in God's logic..
@bobbybearing1767 День назад
My sisters bungalow became somewhat of a commune for ex JW's in the mid to late 1990's. We would congregate there and smoke weed.
@bobbybearing1767 День назад
It is best to avoid any form of social contact with a Jehovah Witness.
@GThePreacher День назад
Calvinism is also heresy and a false gospel There are 2 Gospels one is true one is false 1)Gospel(Good news) says:God so loved the world he gave his only son that WHOEVER BELIEVES in him shall not perish but have everlasting life 2)Gospel(terrible news) says: God so loved the predestined elect that he sent his only son to die for those whom he chose before the foundations of the world to be at his side while he damned the rest to Hell Which ones the true gospel(Good news)?both can't be correct,one sides wrong the other is right Are these the same gospels? BE HONEST BEFORE GOD LIEINGS AN ABOMINATION If not then ones under a curse according to Galatians 1:6-9,which ever sides right must not fellowship with those who preach a false Gospel,and are we going to fail like the Corinthian church failed in 2 Corinthians 11:1-4 an easily put up with those who preach a false gospel and another Jesus that has not be preached? Stop following popular Christianity and let's follow scripture The truth is IF YOUR a CALVINIST/REFORMED THEOLOGIAN and are HONEST YOU would have to come to the same conclusion I have and forsake fellowship with non Calvinist because they preach a different good news then the one you preach, if anyone is preaching opposite of what you may believe the true gospel is (Calvinism) then you can't consider non Calvinist saved according to galatians. Its very saddening that anyone holds this demonic view of God and I pray they repent, because it seems that in the same way the pharisees rejected Gods will for their lives and his knowledge so as to be saved is the same way many calvinist have been given over because they refuse to heed to true gospel for the sake of being apart of a bearded club of false Greek gnostic philosophy
@racheledmans507 День назад
Unfortunately they are so so brainwashed they won't listen, theu just believe that you are evil and this is a test etc
@SonShines1 2 дня назад
An honest lady going through a lot but steadfast
@brucehurt2521 2 дня назад
Thank you, Shaun. Awesome sense of humour after all this. Amazing!
@nito2137 2 дня назад
First born means first born. Doesn't mean they're lying, it means you lack understanding.
@MrZeuqsav 2 дня назад
The scriptures were written which are intended for physical Israelites, then, to the spiritual Jerusalem,the Jw's, org, from partial until perfect prophecies, new lights, @1st, Cor, 13:9-11
@jeffnoble9757 3 дня назад
No man has seen God and yet live.. yet men have seen Jesus.. God is all-knowing.. Jesus is not God cannot die.. Jesus died, Jesus said the father is greater than I am.. that's crystal clear, and the word trinity is not in the Bible, and Jesus NEVER said he was God.. NEVER
@LightoverDarkMinistry 2 дня назад
Jeff if you believe I’m lying and deceiving people, I’m more than happy to have you come on my channel, and we can discuss it live or have it recorded, and I will post it publicly so the world can see. Just email me and we’ll get it moving. Lightoverdarkministry@gmail.com
@jeffnoble9757 3 дня назад
Is fast talking guy is misleading you, people wear crosses that's idolatry people display a fish that's idolatry, the Bible NEVER describes what Jesus looks like and yet you see pictures of Jesus at every Church, a handsome white man with long hair and often blue eyes. And Jesus never asked for money or passed a plate yet these are common in churches today, worshiping the ALMIGHTY DOLLAR
@jeffnoble9757 3 дня назад
This guy is lying to you. You'd never ask a Democrat what Republicans stand for because the Democrat would exaggerate everything like this guy does. Watch the movie SPOTLIGHT with Michael Keaton, there's something to really complain about
@JC-be5cc 3 дня назад
Great video! Who was the last Jw who debated? As an ex member who loves Jesus, I've noticed a lot of exjw's become atheist. This religion is honestly the antichrist.
@johncolage1651 3 дня назад
The Bible clearly states that before humans appeared on the earth, only Jehovah's family of witnesses existed in the universe. Thee first witness to leave the family was the angel who became "Satan" the first apostate. Today, either one is serving Jehovah or the adversary Satan. There is no sitting on the fence.
@Differenshit 4 дня назад
Jesus said in Matthew 12:25 that every kingdom-every house-divided against itself is brought to desolation. It cannot stand. When the enemy goes hard after your family using division, the answer is reconciliation. We should not try to cause divisions we should love and help each other, spirit has a mind so can also have personhood.
@MitchJenkins-uv7lj 4 дня назад
BIBLE TRUTH 1 "Jesus and the Holy Spirit are God" 2. "Three persons one God' 3. "Jesus said that he's going to raise himself from the dead" 4. "Three internal persons" 5. "Jesus is equal with Jehovah" 6. "Shares Jehovah's Glory" 7. "Jesus is God" 8. "Jesus is the Creator" 9 "Everything God was the word was" *Nowhere in the Bible does it state these expressions used by Jeff and the commentator listed above 1. through .9 CHALLENGE - show me scriptures to all these expressions and words listed above. It Doesn't exist, you would not be able to find it. Trinitarians use a lot of counterfeit expressions and words not mentioned in any Bible. God incarnate, God in the flesh, god man, Christmas and Easter etc. These tiles or expressions sounds like something religious or in the Bible but it doesn't exist. This was prophesied about by the apostle Peter. Preaching counterfeit words 2 Peter 2:3 At John 1:1 'in the beginning was the word". Trinitarians say in Greek, it is embedded in this text that it means the farthest in the past. This is incorrect, there is no Greek word listed at John 1:1 that ties in*forever in the past" in meaning. In reality Arch", Greek word it's used in a normal vernacular as we use it in our vernacular in English meaning the Chief or leader. There is no connotation or text permission to such thought of "farthest in the past" at John 1:1. Jehovah doesn't have a beginning. So the question is, what are they talking about, beginning" it is something for you to review. I could explain the beginning but that's another story. Trinitarians believe that Jesus Christ and Jehovah is a Mighty God, so, therefore, the same person, really? Mighty God,(El Gibbor) is a relative word. Other words, it can be applied to any person or thing. Example, the mighty mountains, mighty Angels, mighty Sea, mighty warriors etc. In definition only - Jehovah's mighty meaning with great power, great strength or much responsibility. The demarcation between Jehovah and Jesus is the word "Almighty" God. You would never find this title attached to Jesus Christ. This is an absolute word since it can only be applied to Jehovah God. Almighty is supreme the highest in power and authority. Exodus 6: 3 Genesis 6:4 Revelation 19:18 2 Thessalonians 1:7 2 Kings 24:14 Trinitarian state, Jesus is claiming to be God in relation to John 8: Here at John 8: 56 to 59 Jesus is not identifying himself as God the "I AM" of Exodus 3: 14 based upon the discussion that was going on between Jesus and the Jews. They were not talking about IDENTITY but they were talking about TIME. How so? John 8:57 the Jews said to Jesus "you're not even 50 and yet you seen Abraham"? This is why the Jews wanted to Stone Jesus because he's not even 50 and yet he's saying he saw Abraham which would make him hundreds and hundreds of years old. Get it? The King James version, the vernacular is sometimes ambiguous, it's difficult for the scripture to be understood properly. Here's a few Bible translations that will help you get the correct understanding of John 8:56 to 59 Jesus said to them: “Most truly I say to you, before Abraham came into existence, I have been" -New world translation of the Holy scriptures 2023 1935: “I existed before Abraham was born!” The Bible-An American Translation, by J. M. P. Smith and E. J. Goodspeed 1869: “From before Abraham was, I have been.” The New Testament, by G. R. Noyes Straight to the point. Jesus is the son of God in a normal manner. If you take a look at Isaiah 9:6, it's latter portion. It mentions that Jesus will have a PRINCELY rule. Emphasizing on PRINCE, WE DON'T HAVE TO DEFINE WHAT A PRINCE IS BECAUSE WE ALL KNOW WHAT A PRINCE IS. JEHOVAH, OUR GRAND CREATOR is not a PRINCE. The only existing beings in the heavens referred to as a prince are angels, and that's inclusive of Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 4:16 Daniel 10:13 Therefore, Jesus is a king and a prince or King angel. So do the Bible ever mentions a king angel? Yes! Turn over to Revelation chapter 9 verse 11. This is no other than, Jesus Christ. Hear this angel is a king at the same time!!! Jesus said, at Matthew 28: 18 "all authority has been given me in heaven and earth"and that would include the abyss. Genesis 3:15 the first prophecy uttered says that Jesus will crush the head of Satan, ultimately killing him. At Revelation 9:11 it gives the angel of the abyss two other names ABADDON, Hebrew for destruction and A·polʹlyon, Greek for destroyer. The demons know that Jesus will soon destroy them. Mark 124 Some religions teach that the angel of the abyss is Satan. Really? Turn over to Revelation chapter 20: 1-3 Emphasizing on a KEY that was given to the angel of the abyss here's the key again and this Angel which is Jesus Christ is chaining Satan and throwing him into the abyss. The demons know that Jesus has the authority even over the abyss Matthew 8:31 Trinity has been shown to be fraudulent and it acquired its start at the council of nicea of 325 A.D it's full blown version at the Constantinople meeting of 381 A.D. the decision made at the Constantinople meeting, were they correct? According to the bible, absolutely not. Frankly, at Isaiah 40:25 the Bible States Jehovah God doesn't have an equal. So if God doesn't have an equal, how could he be Trinity? Also, first John 3:2 the Bible States that even the apostles didn't know what God's elaborated form was. The elaborated detail of God's form, his Spirit body is not granted for us humans to know. This scripture above is mentioning that once a person dies and is granted access to heaven and appears before God's person, then he will come to know the elaborated form of God. He has granted us that he is a spirit John 4:24 BIBLE TRUTH Jehovah God is not a trinity in any variation. He doesn't have an equal Isaiah 40:25. Nor is he three and yet one Deuteronomy 6:4 Besides, Jehovah says at Isaiah 46:9, 10 ' I am God and there is no one else, I am God and there is no one like me and I will do whatever I please". In contrast, Jesus says "I cannot do whatever I please"and you wonder why? Just as it is with other angels and humans, we cannot do whatever we want to. Not even demons can do whatever they want to. Jehovah, our grand creator is the ultimate in authority that we all will answer to. Romans 9:28 Jesus is the son of God in a normal manner. Matthew 16:16,17 At Isaiah 9:6 in the latter portion he will have a PRINCELY rule. Since he is a king he will also be a PRINCE a king prince or a king angel. Angels are sometimes referred to as a prince Daniel 10:13. Jehovah God is never called a prince in this sense and we know what a prince is, it needn't be defined. Isaiah 9:6 states that Jesus will be a king, as well as, he will have a princely rule. He then is a king Prince or King angel. Does the bible ever mention of a king angel? Yes!!! at Revelation 9: 11 the Bible talks about the king Angel of the abyss, this is Jesus Christ. Revelation 20: 1-3 3 He also has two other names mentioned in this text which means in essence a destroyer or destruction. The first prophecy Genesis 3:15 Jesus will soon crush the head of Satan the devil destroying him. And so this Angel of the abyss is given these names meaning he is designated to soon destroy Satan. Since Genesis 3:15 says Jesus will kill Satan, do it make sense an angel will do it? Jesus is the Angel of the abyss. It is up to you to be humble and accept what God is telling you this day. For the Bible and it's truth can remove deeply false entrenched things. 2 Corinthians 10:4 simply put, the story of Abraham and Isaac foreshadows the reality above. Jehovah, our grand creator, is the greater Abraham. Jesus, our appointed King by jehovah, is the greater Isaac. No more no less. It was a great sacrifice that the almighty sent his first born son Jesus other known as Michael to the Earth that through him him we have the hope of everlasting life. The sacrifice of his dear son was the greatest pain the almighty have ever experienced that Satan inflicted. Satan would love to destroy his chief enemy, which is Jehovah God, but he can't. So he does the next best thing for himself, he hurts those whom God loves, therefore, he hurts God. Get it? And as long as people believe in Trinity. Satan hides this greatest act of love of God; that he sacrificed his only begotten son for us. John 3:16 .So this is what Jehovah has said get up and get out of the mist of her if you do not want to receive the plague that is destined to come upon her, false religion 2 Corinthians 6:17
@LightoverDarkMinistry 4 дня назад
Thanks for the comment Mitch, just one question, are you a Jehovah’s Witness?
@MitchJenkins-uv7lj 4 дня назад
@@LightoverDarkMinistry yes I AM
@LightoverDarkMinistry 3 дня назад
@@MitchJenkins-uv7lj You seem to know a lot about the Bible, and I honestly don't want to misrepresent someone's faith, but especially never present something that isn't scriptural. I think you I would agree, that whatever God has revealed about himself, is found in the Bible, and we need to get that right, otherwise we could be worshiping a false God. I would love to have a conversation with you to understand your position. Can you email me, and we'll go from there. Lightoverdarkministry@gmail.com
@deleteexistence6175 4 дня назад
Jehovah's Witness is an American religion that isn't even 200 years old.
@welchgarcia 5 дней назад
I was a child raised JW. 1965-1975 I left at 17 years of age. I remember the JW’s preaching that they were NOT an organized religion.
@delemaitreful 5 дней назад
I genuinely believe that Russell was inspired by demons; I have an original copy of ‘The Finished Mystery’ but would certainly not have it in my house as it is an occultist work that I believe to be the work of a spirit that intends to lead people away from The Lord. I would urge anyone, please do your homework on this particular cult because their own history is their worst enemy. They concentrate on pulling apart Christian teachings as a mode of detracting from their own very dubious and occultist beginnings!
@stephenskinner7207 5 дней назад
I will argue that the early church was an organization, as there are many New Testament passages on how it is to be run and how leaders in it are to behave. BUT, it was not JUST an organization; it was much more than that. And certainly not an organization like the JWs envision.
@Hector_x2 6 дней назад
AMEN!!! Preach it brother
@peace-be-unto-you. 6 дней назад
Please Shut up. 🤔ok then Jesus is not GOD? 😡no no no he had two Nature. 🤔who had two Nature? 😡 JESUS. 🤔WHO IS JESUS? 😡JESUS IS GOD INCARNATE. 🤔WHO INCARNATE? 😡GOD. 🤔SO JESUS IS GOD THEN. 🤔and he said ''My God and your God.'' 😰⚡CHRISTIANITY IS FINISHED..
@MoureeneTaylor 6 дней назад
Gossip is not a sin. It's one od the 4 food groups for JWs. Their "spiritual food" causes chronic stress. And, even their bible has additives
@TheFightingSheep 7 дней назад
Most Christians worship their pagan trinity. JW's isn't even worth talking about, it's fridge cult.
@Nadiaviotto 7 дней назад
The Bible says do NOT TRUST IN MEN who cannot give salvation. So what do Jw’s do? They disregard the Bible and trust in men who cannot give them salvation! These men claim they are going to give “life saving instructions” to their congregants. They are completely in opposition to scripture and profane Gods word!
@Mr.DC3.1914 3 дня назад
@johncolage1651 8 дней назад
The Bible clearly states that before humans appeared on the earth, only Jehovah's family of witnesses existed in the universe The first witness to leave the family was the angel who became "Satan" the first apostate. Today, either one is serving Jehovah or the adversary Satan. There is no sitting on the fence.
@yolutilaw4610 9 дней назад
Confusing religion
@Motivation.ForYouDaily 9 дней назад
The word in the greek bible is an upright pole …
@cortezduran5874 9 дней назад
Love what you do keep it up. My dad unfortunately is too far gone and its in his heart still, but I thank the Lord for saving me from that cult.
@vusimngomezulu2500 4 дня назад
Which church are true according to the Bible in this world? Because many churches are not true according to this scriptures, Matthew 7:21-23,Roman's 10;1-3,2Corintians 11:12-15,2thimoty 4:3-4,2Peter 2:1-3,1John 4:1.
@cortezduran5874 4 дня назад
@@vusimngomezulu2500 one that doesn’t try to prophecy about our Lord and savior coming back
@Mr.DC3.1914 3 дня назад
Most truly I say to you, a slave is not greater than his master, nor is one who is sent greater than the one who sent him.q John 13:16 . Jesus was SENT BY GOD - and called as SERVANT OF GOD. Acts 4:27 WHO IS OVER ALL? Ephesians 4:6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. GOD and FATHER is OVER/ABOVE ALL and that "All" includes the SON so they are NOT EQUAL THE BIBLE teaches that Jesus was MADE As Lord and Christ and as Son (ACTS 2:36, Prov 8, HEB 1:5), CREATED/PRODUCED/INSTALLED (Prov 8) , COME INTO BEING/MADE (Mat 21:42 - egeneto) and GIVEN LIFE by the Father - John 5:26 and it uses TODAY (Heb 1:5), and uses future tenses and is a prophecy in Isa 9:6 (Isa 9:6, - WILL BE) . If you are called MADE AND CREATED AND GIVEN LIFE, and NEVER CALLED in the BIBLE as Creator or Maker , then you are A CREATION. ALL FROM THE BIBLE From the Lord was this (this is referring to the chief cornerstone who is Jesus) , the word WAS is egeneto (made or came into being) - Matthew 21:42 and the exact Greek word used in John 1:3 - MADE, egeneto (came into being) - JESUS WAS MADE/CAME INTO BEING FROM THE FATHER , yes, Jesus was MADE/CREATED!, See also Acts 2:36, Heb 1:5, 1 john 5
@fivenightsatfreddys9369 9 дней назад
Muslims remember God 5 times a day ; means we remember God a lot more than you ( once a week). Do you realize how we have less chances to sin? Yes we will anticipate your egoistic responses christians..
@NitishKumar-wd2gp 5 дней назад
Are you assuming that Christians don't pray for 3 hours a day, cause I myself do that. I am not saying all Christians do that but surely not all muslims do prayer 5 times also, AKA terrorists
@darkopranjic7713 9 дней назад
60 questions? 60 lektions? from bible with 66 parts? to many 6-is !!! BBBlessings 888 &&&
@mattgardiner614 10 дней назад
If your definition of what a prophet is, is wrong. Then your whole argument collapses. If you had a 'smoking gun' like the GB or Russell saying 'Jehovah God told us/me to say...' then for sure you would have used it. The Brothers made some calculated guesses from the scriptures and sometimes they hit on something, and other times they were off. (Incidentally, end times prophecies have been made by the following: Presbyterians, Seventh Day Adventists, Baptists, Anabaptists, Methodists, Fifth Monarchists, Puritans, Anglicans, Calvinists and Catholics - including at least two popes. And also such big names in Christendom's history as Irenaeus, Martin Luther and John Wesley) By your definition of 'Prophet', weather forecasters, scientists, pundits (Especially around election time), and the hosts of live sports matches are prophets too. Also often false ones. Not a sin to make an educated guess or prediction and be wrong. The disciples often were. In understanding, and in their actions at times. (John 21:23: Galatians 2:11-14, for example) Even Nathan, an ACTUAL prophet, spoke presumptuously at 2 Samuel 7:1-3 and apparently was none-the-worse for it.
@MR-gx3gc 9 дней назад
Didn't Russell, Rutherford and their successors defame all other religions, and first and foremost the Catholic Church, as heretics, while presenting themselves to the public as God's mouthpiece or God's only channel of communication? No one is forced to publicly present themselves as God's only channel of communication. Therefore, the Watchtower Society should not be surprised if it is measured today by attentive contemporaries by the standard it has set through its full-bodied self-portrayal in its worldwide publications. Above all, it is downright tragic that you are obviously not aware of the effects and implications of these repeatedly failed end-time predictions of the Watchtower Society. On the one hand, the Watchtower Society pretends to honor the God who cannot lie with its teachings and public activities, while it is not willing to take responsibility for all failed end-time predictions itself, and thus publicly assigns the authorship of these false prophecies to the God it claims to honor. Do you not realize that all the leaders of the Watchtower Society, beginning with Russsell and Rutherford, would have deserved the death penalty during the Old Covenant period according to the Mosaic Law, that is, according to Jehovah's declared will? Do you now love and honor Jehovah and his Word, or do you primarily love and revere imperfect humans who have proven to be damnable false teachers according to Jehovah's standards? Question to the Bible scholar ======================== Are you aware of the undignified way in which the Governing Body of the Watchtower Society buried the once incontrovertible doctrine of "the generation of 1914 that will not pass away" in the November 1, 1995 Watchtower article? And do you also know how unworthily the Watchtower Society treated the critics of this doctrine in its own ranks before 1995?
@LightoverDarkMinistry 9 дней назад
Matt, we aren’t talking about perfection of character. The apostles made mistakes sure, but they could preform miracles, so we know the Holy Spirit was with them. In Samuel, he’s already confirmed as a prophet, giving encouragement to David, not saying “thus says the Lord” God talks to him immediately after and tells him to say “You are to tell David, he will not build my house.” Nathan was correct. The different lies in the testing. When someone claims to speak for God, they must be confirmed by miracles, including accurately predicting the future. Again a prophet is someone who is claiming special revelation. Aka, God spoke to me, you need to listen to me. That must be confirmed. There’s a difference between being a imperfect man trying to follow God, and someone who preaches following them only is essential for eternal life. If that’s the case, you need to test it to confirm God, and only God is speaking. I’m using the test of the Bible, prophetic claims with failed predictions are an instant fail. JW’s are using the test set by the Faithful Slave, prophetic claim with failed predictions are just mistakes, no big deal. Why are you giving them a pass?
@Mr.DC3.1914 9 дней назад
@@LightoverDarkMinistry The GB NEVER teaches that they are PROPHETS that FORETELL the future, as they even teach that the GIFT OF PROPHECY has ENDED. understand what ENDED means? so to apply Deut 18 about false prophets to the gb is just false judgment from you.
@Mr.DC3.1914 9 дней назад
@@MR-gx3gc main point is, everyone makes mistakes, and as long as we fix those mistakes GOD forgives us, unlike many other religions which do not fix their mistakes. Look at the congregations in Rev 2 & 3 after fixing their mistakes, GUESS WHAT, THEY WERE STILL GOD's PEOPLE
@MR-gx3gc 9 дней назад
Watchtower of 1990 Oct. 15, page 20, paragraphs 23 and 24, Be Thankful-Jehovah’s Messianic Kingdom Rules 23 Ever since 1919, faithful anointed Christians as a group have zealously obeyed the command involved in Jesus’ words at Matthew 24:14: “This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.” As a result, nearly four million of Christ’s “other sheep” have devoted their lives to serving Jehovah in unity with the anointed remnant. (John 10:16) Christendom, under the influence of its clergy, continues to reject the Kingdom message. Its preference for human political schemes and its persecution of Jehovah’s Witnesses parallel the shocking treatment of Christ by the first-century inhabitants of Judea. Just as Jehovah executed his judgment upon Jerusalem, so he will do to antitypical unfaithful Jerusalem, namely, Christendom. And as the generation that heard Christ’s judgment message lived to experience the destruction he foretold, s o t h e p r e s e n t g e n e r a t i o n s i n c e 1 9 1 4 “ w i l l b y n o m e a n s p a s s a w a y ” before the foretold “great tribulation” comes.-Matthew 24:21, 22, 34. 24. To survive into God’s new world, what must we do? 24 W h a t m u s t w e d o t o s u r v i v e t h e g r e a t t r i b u l a t i o n and live on into God’s new world? Regardless of wrong expectations any of us may have had, we must guard against falling asleep as to our Christian duties. (Habakkuk 2:3; 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6) Those a b l e t o r e c a l l e v e n t s f r o m 1 9 1 4 are becoming ever fewer. Thus, w e n e e d t o b e a l e r t ; t h e r e i s n o t i m e t o l o s e . (Matthew 24:42) All who want to survive the end of Satan’s wicked world must act now in a way that shows agreement with the inspired words: “We thank you, Jehovah God, the Almighty, . . . because you have taken your great power and begun ruling as king.”-Revelation 11:17.
@jimjuri6490 10 дней назад
The prophecy about Jesus was that God wouldn't allow him to remain dead. God would resurrect Jesus before his body began to decompose. (Acts 2:27) because you will not leave me in the Grave (hell - KJV), nor will you allow your loyal one to see corruption. Jesus' mission as a human sacrifice was ended. He logically couldn't get back what he had sacrificed. God resurrected Jesus back into his angel SPIRIT form. 1 Peter 3:18. In such a form, Jesus could walk into locked rooms, disappear at will and return to heaven.
@ericolmos7816 10 дней назад
Great video!! There's to much money in it for them to close shop! Plus the Governing Body loves the worship they get from fellow JW's! I heard they even autograph bibles now lol
@NewCreationInChrist896 10 дней назад
Next year is Jubilee year. Surprised they haven’t announced and proclaimed Armageddon. The rapture is imminent. Hosea 6:2 🪔👑
@shirleyprestidge4649 10 дней назад
The only thing that witnesses got wrong is timing they are on look out Jesus said to watch out for it because no one knows day or hour God did it ii Noars day he flooded the earth do you think he going to allow people like you to stop his purpose the Bible says in last days people would be rediculesss Jesus ward s so be care full it will be bad on that day for people who mock Godthats what u doing the world is going from bad to terible look at wars how long do u think God goind to let this go on jw know the bible Jesus said you will know the truth and the truth will set you free
@elly1964 10 дней назад
What they got wrong is that they spoke falsely in Gods name. How many false dates have been printed and distributed by wt in the name of the "truth" ? Spoken from "Gods channel", only to be proven as lies? Its not bad timing. Its lies. Misleading lies. And you have attached God to these lies. Provide a verse that gave wt more knowledge than Jesus to predict any date!!!!!! Its people like you/wt that Jesus warned us about. Those false teachers that would rise up. We Christians do not mock the delay of his return. We Christians faithfully and patiently await His return. We watch and remain on the lookout as false prophets claim dates that fail. It reveals their lack of patience and faith. It reveals they do not have the backing of Jesus, in fact it reveals they have spoken above him. So, yes, the truth of Jesus Christ and our salvation in Him has set us free.
@shirleyprestidge4649 10 дней назад
Yes that’s because no one knows the day or hour yore false prothet they was on right way just timeing it will come soon and guess what u be in fire ing then because you are laughing at those that book was good pasta was good man who searched for the truth all his life he was well respected in his field what he said will one day come true they know there bible no that’s not true he did not say that he did not have manthion he worked hard How will God feel about you They are trying to help people one day you will regret all this we di nother like that
@charlesoverton 10 дней назад
He's coming to independence, mo. All mormons know that is fact.
@Mr.DC3.1914 10 дней назад
Most truly I say to you, a slave is not greater than his master, nor is one who is sent greater than the one who sent him.q John 13:16 . Jesus was SENT BY GOD - and called as SERVANT OF GOD. Acts 4:27 WHO IS OVER ALL? Ephesians 4:6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. GOD and FATHER is OVER/ABOVE ALL and that "All" includes the SON so they are NOT EQUAL THE BIBLE teaches that Jesus was MADE As Lord and Christ and as Son (ACTS 2:36, Prov 8, HEB 1:5), CREATED/PRODUCED/INSTALLED (Prov 8) , COME INTO BEING/MADE (Mat 21:42 - egeneto) and GIVEN LIFE by the Father - John 5:26 and it uses TODAY (Heb 1:5), and uses future tenses and is a prophecy in Isa 9:6 (Isa 9:6, - WILL BE) . If you are called MADE AND CREATED AND GIVEN LIFE, and NEVER CALLED in the BIBLE as Creator or Maker , then you are A CREATION. ALL FROM THE BIBLE From the Lord was this (this is referring to the chief cornerstone who is Jesus) , the word WAS is egeneto (made or came into being) - Matthew 21:42 and the exact Greek word used in John 1:3 - MADE, egeneto (came into being) - JESUS WAS MADE/CAME INTO BEING FROM THE FATHER , yes, Jesus was MADE/CREATED!, See also Acts 2:36, Heb 1:5, 1 john 5
@RowanTasmanian 10 дней назад
"It's the false prophet's telling you they're allowed to make mistakes. God's law says the prophets can not make mistakes in their prophecies, or they are false prophets." quote from D H. I notice there is no response from you as you agree you are following a False Prophet. You allow this Prophet to make mistakes in their Prophecies and you claim it's okay. You are NOT a part of God's People. God does not use a False Prophet. Never has and NEVER will.
@Mr.DC3.1914 10 дней назад
@@RowanTasmanian twisting again I see. Have you told your wife that ONE WIFE means THREE WIVES?
@Mr.DC3.1914 10 дней назад
@@RowanTasmanian REV 2 & 3, those congregations MADE MANY mistakes and after fixing them, guess what THEY WERE STILL GOD's PEOPLE
@MR-gx3gc 9 дней назад
@@Mr.DC3.1914to your paramount comment:REV 2 & 3, those congregations MADE MANY mistakes and after fixing them, guess what THEY WERE STILL GOD's PEOPLE --------------------------------------------------------------- In this case, you must also be willing to classify the Catholic Church's erroneous interpretations of the Bible as excusable sins that Jehovah will forgive the Church in his boundless benevolence and long-suffering.
@Mr.DC3.1914 9 дней назад
@@MR-gx3gc the question is, the Catholic Church FIXED their wrong doctrines? so you are wrong. for you GOD DOES NOT FORGIVE. you are wrong
@Mr.DC3.1914 10 дней назад
main point is, everyone makes mistakes, and as long as we fix those mistakes GOD forgives us, unlike many other religions which do not fix their mistakes. Look at the congregations in Rev 2 & 3 after fixing their mistakes, GUESS WHAT, THEY WERE STILL GOD's PEOPLE
@Mr.DC3.1914 10 дней назад
Most truly I say to you, a slave is not greater than his master, nor is one who is sent greater than the one who sent him.q John 13:16 . Jesus was SENT BY GOD - and called as SERVANT OF GOD. Acts 4:27 WHO IS OVER ALL? Ephesians 4:6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. GOD and FATHER is OVER/ABOVE ALL and that "All" includes the SON so they are NOT EQUAL THE BIBLE teaches that Jesus was MADE As Lord and Christ and as Son (ACTS 2:36, Prov 8, HEB 1:5), CREATED/PRODUCED/INSTALLED (Prov 8) , COME INTO BEING/MADE (Mat 21:42 - egeneto) and GIVEN LIFE by the Father - John 5:26 and it uses TODAY (Heb 1:5), and uses future tenses and is a prophecy in Isa 9:6 (Isa 9:6, - WILL BE) . If you are called MADE AND CREATED AND GIVEN LIFE, and NEVER CALLED in the BIBLE as Creator or Maker , then you are A CREATION. ALL FROM THE BIBLE From the Lord was this (this is referring to the chief cornerstone who is Jesus) , the word WAS is egeneto (made or came into being) - Matthew 21:42 and the exact Greek word used in John 1:3 - MADE, egeneto (came into being) - JESUS WAS MADE/CAME INTO BEING FROM THE FATHER , yes, Jesus was MADE/CREATED!, See also Acts 2:36, Heb 1:5, 1 john 5 Isa 9:6 the word Prince in the Prince of Peace means PATRON ANGEL also Leader. WHO IS the ONE LEADER that we have? Jesus. Now, that same exact Hebrew word was used for Daniel 12:1 which is used for Michael the Archangel. So are you saying there are MANY LEADERS now
@RowanTasmanian 10 дней назад
Everyone makes mistakes EXCLUDING Prophets. Prophets who makes mistakes are False Prophets You say it's okay The bible disagrees. Deuteronomy 18:22 (NKJV) WHEN A PROPHET SPEAKS IN THE NAME OF THE LORD, IF THE THING DOES NOT HAPPEN OR COME TO PASS, THAT IS THE THING WHICH THE LORD HAS NOT SPOKEN; THE PROPHET HAS SPOKEN IT PRESUMPTUOUSLY; YOU SHALL NOT BE AFRAID OF HIM. Show me a verse of Scripture Mr Jehovah Witness where God says "It's okay to tell everyone that you are a prophet and then prophesy in my name and get the prophecy wrong and get it wrong again and again and again and again.............. Hmmmmm Where Mr Jehovah Witness ????
@LightoverDarkMinistry 10 дней назад
It's the false prophet's telling you they're allowed to make mistakes. God's law is says the prophets can not make mistakes in their prophecies, or they are false prophets. You are choosing the words of men, over the words of God.
@RowanTasmanian 10 дней назад
@@LightoverDarkMinistry Brilliant response D H. Much better wording than how I worded it. Thanks.
@Mr.DC3.1914 10 дней назад
@@LightoverDarkMinistry Most truly I say to you, a slave is not greater than his master, nor is one who is sent greater than the one who sent him.q John 13:16 . Jesus was SENT BY GOD - and called as SERVANT OF GOD. Acts 4:27 WHO IS OVER ALL? Ephesians 4:6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. GOD and FATHER is OVER/ABOVE ALL and that "All" includes the SON so they are NOT EQUAL THE BIBLE teaches that Jesus was MADE As Lord and Christ and as Son (ACTS 2:36, Prov 8, HEB 1:5), CREATED/PRODUCED/INSTALLED (Prov 8) , COME INTO BEING/MADE (Mat 21:42 - egeneto) and GIVEN LIFE by the Father - John 5:26 and it uses TODAY (Heb 1:5), and uses future tenses and is a prophecy in Isa 9:6 (Isa 9:6, - WILL BE) . If you are called MADE AND CREATED AND GIVEN LIFE, and NEVER CALLED in the BIBLE as Creator or Maker , then you are A CREATION. ALL FROM THE BIBLE From the Lord was this (this is referring to the chief cornerstone who is Jesus) , the word WAS is egeneto (made or came into being) - Matthew 21:42 and the exact Greek word used in John 1:3 - MADE, egeneto (came into being) - JESUS WAS MADE/CAME INTO BEING FROM THE FATHER , yes, Jesus was MADE/CREATED!, See also Acts 2:36, Heb 1:5, 1 john 5
@Mr.DC3.1914 10 дней назад
JWs made mistakes and at least they fixed their mistakes unlike other religions which remain in their mistakes. Just like the congregations in Rev 2 & 3, after fixing their mistakes, guess what, They are still GOD's people
@RowanTasmanian 10 дней назад
"It's the false prophet's telling you they're allowed to make mistakes. God's law says the prophets can not make mistakes in their prophecies, or they are false prophets." quote from D H. I notice there is no response from you as you agree you are following a False Prophet. You allow this Prophet to make mistakes in their Prophecies and you claim it's okay. You are NOT a part of God's People. God does not use a False Prophet. Never has and NEVER will.
@Mr.DC3.1914 10 дней назад
@@RowanTasmanian Most truly I say to you, a slave is not greater than his master, nor is one who is sent greater than the one who sent him.q John 13:16 . Jesus was SENT BY GOD - and called as SERVANT OF GOD. Acts 4:27 WHO IS OVER ALL? Ephesians 4:6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. GOD and FATHER is OVER/ABOVE ALL and that "All" includes the SON so they are NOT EQUAL THE BIBLE teaches that Jesus was MADE As Lord and Christ and as Son (ACTS 2:36, Prov 8, HEB 1:5), CREATED/PRODUCED/INSTALLED (Prov 8) , COME INTO BEING/MADE (Mat 21:42 - egeneto) and GIVEN LIFE by the Father - John 5:26 and it uses TODAY (Heb 1:5), and uses future tenses and is a prophecy in Isa 9:6 (Isa 9:6, - WILL BE) . If you are called MADE AND CREATED AND GIVEN LIFE, and NEVER CALLED in the BIBLE as Creator or Maker , then you are A CREATION. ALL FROM THE BIBLE From the Lord was this (this is referring to the chief cornerstone who is Jesus) , the word WAS is egeneto (made or came into being) - Matthew 21:42 and the exact Greek word used in John 1:3 - MADE, egeneto (came into being) - JESUS WAS MADE/CAME INTO BEING FROM THE FATHER , yes, Jesus was MADE/CREATED!, See also Acts 2:36, Heb 1:5, 1 john 5
@Mr.DC3.1914 10 дней назад
@@RowanTasmanian STILL NOT FIXING your mistake that ONE WIFE IS NOT THREE WIVES! O MY
@misterauctor7353 День назад
"The statement you provided contains a logical fallacy known as “Appeal to Emotion.” Let’s break it down: Appeal to Emotion: This fallacy occurs when someone tries to persuade others by appealing to their emotions rather than providing logical reasoning. In your statement, the emotional appeal lies in the contrast between “JWs” (Jehovah’s Witnesses) fixing their mistakes and other religions supposedly remaining in their mistakes. The implication is that the listener should feel positively toward JWs because they corrected their errors. False Dichotomy: The statement sets up a false dichotomy by presenting only two options: either JWs fixed their mistakes or other religions didn’t. In reality, religious beliefs and practices are diverse, and it’s not accurate to categorize all other religions as stagnant or unchanging. Confirmation Bias: The statement assumes that JWs are the only ones who have corrected their mistakes, ignoring any evidence to the contrary. It selectively highlights one group’s actions while overlooking the complexities of other religious traditions. Circular Reasoning: The reference to the congregations in Revelation 2 and 3 implies that because they were still considered “GOD’s people” after fixing their mistakes, the same applies to JWs. However, this reasoning is circular: assuming the conclusion (that JWs are still “GOD’s people”) based on the premise (the congregations in Revelation). In summary, the statement combines emotional appeal, false dichotomy, confirmation bias, and circular reasoning. Critical thinking encourages us to examine arguments more objectively, considering evidence and avoiding fallacies."
@Mr.DC3.1914 День назад
@@misterauctor7353 that is just your OWN FALSE JUDGMENTS. Indeed, a lot of OTHER RELIGIONS do not fix their mistakes, they remain in them, such as teaching 1=3 for Trinity, GOD is a torturer, that JEHOVAH is MORE THAN ONE JEHOVAH, and that GOD the FATHER IS NOT SALVATION, etc. Do you use the terms I am, me and myself for ONE LITERAL PERSON OR THREE PERSONS? And still other religions say that those terms can be used for MANY LITERAL PERSONS. so you are wrong.
@johnharper9433 10 дней назад
Good video and thanks for what you do, To anybody that reads my comment, please leave a comment, the more comments the more the goverments of the world wont be able to ignore this destructive CULT. John Au
@Katiegirlluv 10 дней назад
Despite false prophecies, they continue to make excuses for failures. It's like an abusive relationship!
@Mr.DC3.1914 10 дней назад
main point is, everyone makes mistakes, and as long as we fix those mistakes GOD forgives us, unlike many other religions which do not fix their mistakes. Look at the congregations in Rev 2 & 3 after fixing their mistakes, GUESS WHAT, THEY WERE STILL GOD's PEOPLE
@marcusdeuter5226 11 дней назад
U r the best! 💪🏻😎
@totobey176 11 дней назад
It's not their prophecy, the prophecies were already told in the scriptures. Its how you discern its fulfillment. The scriptures specifically the letters from apostle Paul, reminds all Christians to be awake (spiritually) at all times because the end is like a thief in the night. No one knows the exact date and time, but if you observe whats happening around you, you can prepare. Just like a storm, typhoon or hurricane forecast, its just an estimation but with due diligence you can be spared and will not belong to the casualties. There are wrong expectations.. But its the will to carry on does matter.
@LightoverDarkMinistry 10 дней назад
Did the world end in 1925?
@totobey176 10 дней назад
@@LightoverDarkMinistry Didn't, but let's look ahead, and keenly observe the signs of times by studying thoroughly and heeding the prophecies already foretold in the scriptures.
@LightoverDarkMinistry 10 дней назад
@@totobey176 Should I follow someone who's a false prophet?
@totobey176 10 дней назад
@@LightoverDarkMinistry Do you say that Jesus is a false prophet? As I have said, its already been prophesied, its not their prophecy, its Jesus' prophecy,, its up to us to discern the fulfillment of those prophecies through studying and observance of the signs of times.
@RowanTasmanian 10 дней назад
@@totobey176 Dear Mr Totobey, can you please describe to me the definition of a False Prophet. From a biblical standpoint, what is a False Prophet ?????? Do you agree with the following quotes ???? “Jehovah . . . will put all false prophets to shame either by not fulfilling the false prediction of such self-assuming prophets or by having His own prophecies fulfilled in a way opposite to that predicted by the false prophets.” PARADISE REST., pp. 353-54 “. . . their prophecies to date have not come to pass; and that alone is strong evidence that they are false prophets.”LIGHT, Vol. 2, p. 47” What is your answer ??????
@MrZeuqsav 11 дней назад
The scriptures were writen which the rules and commandments were intended for physical Israelites only, But then, due to their failure to do Jehovah's will, they were rejected, and abolished the commandments, Deut, 4:1-2/ Lament, 2:1-8, Then Jehovah formed his new Spiritual Israelites, The Jw's, no other ,
@misterauctor7353 11 дней назад
@MrZeuqsav 10 дней назад
They are the Magog,Ezek, 36:24/ 39:6,while their spiritual enemies are Gog,which God prepared a symbolic burial place , migido, Ezek,39:11, /Zac, 13:9-13,​@@misterauctor7353
@manny2032 7 дней назад
JW are not spiritual Israelites. No one is qualified. I hope when God split the Pacific Ocean, and allow all bogus JW to cross, He won’t release the split around them.