The greatest literary mind in the furry fandom.
You Should Read Proud Pink Sky
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Writing Styles and Giovanni's Room
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A Chat with Jordy Rosenberg
4 года назад
Intersex Trapezist Fantasy Novel
4 года назад
A Chat with Redfern Jon Barrett
4 года назад
Polyamory and Pronouns
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Giovanni's Room
4 года назад
The Iliad, but even gayer
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Confessions of the Fox
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A Chat with Peter S. Beagle
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A Chat with Robbie Arnott
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The Most Magical Tasmanian Novel
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Ian McEwan’s Strange Novella
7 лет назад
@NZAnimeManga 20 часов назад
I just finished and really enjoyed The City & the City -- China Miéville doesn't miss (I also loved Perdido Street Station & The Scar)
@hiimpranav День назад
Just strated playing aom retold and its so fun
@sirrola1974 День назад
Supreme Commander FAF has some top players with less than 80 APM. The game mechanics emphasize macro play. Factory can have looped build queues and units can queue commands in a very powerful flexible way.
@WizardyDylan День назад
that cammy clip got me ahahha
@Koifin3 2 дня назад
I play halo wars.
@QuirkyAvik 2 дня назад
RTS are awesome. I used to discuss AOE and AOM tactics during lunch with a friend, unlikely friends as well, I was friends with the "bad" kids while being a good kid and he was in the good kids group. This one thing was the reason we became friends, we would come up with strategies to try and then discuss what happened. It was then I realized there are some people that are very different from the normal and I was one. No one else understood what the heck we were talking about and then we got into DBZ and Pokemon. Good times, didn't stay in touch but have fond memories sure he does as well.
@draelos8570 2 дня назад
Me and my buddies getting into sc2 found PiGs bronze to GM guides very helpful. For context we are all completely new to the genre.
@limbobilbo8743 2 дня назад
The way you describe the narration in heart of darkness reminds me a lot of Umberto Eco’s baudolino, one of my favourite books, which plays around with how the narration of the story being told in the book in the done in a similar way.
@happybeejv 2 дня назад
I used to like a certain magical index but it became hard to follow so i dropped it. Does that show plus its spinoffs count as ergodic?
@KoongYe 3 дня назад
The reason I like RTS games is because its always made by people who are passionate about the games they are making. RTS isn't a highly profitable genre of games. So it really need the passion of the developers since it's also pretty hard to make it in the first place (with all the balancing and stuff)
@gentronseven 3 дня назад
I am pretty sure TheViper doesn't have that high of APM and he is the greatest AOE2 player of all time, they just have high APM because they know what they are doing and get it done efficiently.
@user-shilov- 4 дня назад
I just started playing AoE2 definitive yesterday. I just won my first ranked game but it took a while and I think it must have been another noob. It is ridiculous that it starts you out at 1000 elo. 600-800 would be a lot better.
@GucciNines 5 дней назад
@jackskellingtonsora 5 дней назад
I generally do not enjoy this genre at all. The only RTS game I enjoy playing is Age of Mythology because of the gods and magic and it actually makes you feel powerful. It's a lot less bland than most RTS games, especially the Age of Empires series. Even then, I'm terrible at it and don't play online multiplayer all that much because I lose all the time and it's not very fun to lose constantly. But I do enjoy watching it.
@rylie9374 5 дней назад
@IamStempie 5 дней назад
The orginal age of empires 2 was my first rts game!
@goctexas1444 5 дней назад
I was never good at multitasking but instead go for extreme micro to out attrition my enemies in a RTS. I think this is due to the fact I grew up on C&C and warcraft 2 which were slower pace by modern standards
@Rob-147 6 дней назад
For me, It was just more fun to watch than play. Playing at a higher level was too stressful, i was drenched in sweat after each game (sc2)
@paulstaker8861 7 дней назад
No matter what people say, ("it's not about APM, bla bla bla") there's a definite intimidation factor to PVP in RTS. I played RTS for decades, it's my favorite genre, but just the thought of getting curb stomped alone put me off from PvP. And the very few instances where i dare tried, I got cheesed to death instantly. It's not like FPS where u shoot a rounda few minutes, die & respawn. In RTS it's die in a few minutes, waiting to get matched again & load the map. Or get swarmed after investing 10 minutes into a match. I'm prolly sure a team game mode where each side has only 1 human + at least 2 AIs AS THE DEFAULT STARTING OPTION would alleviate a substantial chunk of the intimidation factor since you don't feel like the match hinges squarely on your noobness.
@DeBoRL 7 дней назад
" players better than me that know more about strategy and the game always win when i play them" almost like thats how strategy games work.
@Cdawg_6969 8 дней назад
My first RTS game was Lord of the Rings bfme
@misterfister7714 8 дней назад
Pff most of the APM is cycling through units, its like something people do in CS with F>R Or they used to do on 1.6 with Q and mouse, it nothing but visual trick. In RTS games you cant take more action then required you can speed up the process you cant do anything, because everything has its waiting time, queuing 5 workers by hand or by swift 1+Q wont change anything because when your brain says i want more workers that's the moment you press the button its not something you do on autopilot, if you adopt the the fact that you need 5 seconds to get 5 workers in queue your brain will realize need for them 5 seconds earlier in comparison if you had 1000 APM and needed 1 sec to do that same task. RTS games are games when your action move your forward not speed, yes speed can help, but APM changes nothing Starcraft started to but emphasize on it, and honestly that's worst RTS game ever made, just like the rest of Blizzard games, again to clarify it, in RTS games speed does not matter, because your brain trains itself to work on your mechanical capabilities and work on that one mechanism, i play RTS games my whole life, and met quite few people in doing so, by far i know 10 very good players from BFME to Rise of Nations and the rest, who literally play only with one hand and use only groups on side mouse buttons and perform very very good, with little to no mistakes, and that's is possible because their brain has been trained to work that way and not the other way around, maybe you will have to adopt to high sensitivity or moving your eyes around like crazy instead of everything being in the center of your screen but that's how it is, best example is League where some players hold space and others don't, that's THE best possible example and the perform the same. Like everything else in life, brain with time and enough repetition will adopt to any possible way of doing things, use only left hand for 10 days and you will forget how to use your right hand its just that simple with RTS games, people expect to win their first games after 10hours of playing while someone has been playing that game or other RTS games for ages.
@YouLikeBosch 8 дней назад
I think I would be more impressed with how few actions per minute a good player could achieve. That's a more boss move than high APM to me.
@oponomo 8 дней назад
Your opinions impressed me, and i'm not sure if i could ever say that from any video i've ever watched. Props my guy! Edit: also, you like feeling like a god? I'm loving age of mythology retold. Do it!
@Tungdil_01 8 дней назад
0:31 Street Fighter 6, let's go
@bbbaalllss 8 дней назад
i like RTS games my favorite is generals or generals zero hour
@bbbaalllss 8 дней назад
my dad told me about the game
@fpvillegas9084 9 дней назад
If APM is a problem....then turn-based strategy is the way to go. 😉👍
@kamekazi1123 9 дней назад
The genre was very much dead until a couple years or more ago. Only recently all these new RTS games got announced. All of the reasons mentioned are good reasons for someone to think the genre would be dead. But I think also as gaming has become mainstream RTS games haven't increased in popularity like FPS and adventure games have and so big publishers are unwilling to take the risk of making an RTS.
@cap3951 9 дней назад
age of empires dawn of the modern world is still my favorite
@mogo-wc7xw 9 дней назад
i recommend kenshi and frostpunk
@jayst 10 дней назад
I tried StarCraft 2 when I was younger and got demolished a bunch of times. I got frustrated and quit. I didn’t know anyone who played it so there was nothing keeping me on it other than wanting to play my birthday present (which I sucked so much at, I couldn’t enjoy). I’ve always wanted to enjoy these types of games, but I just didn’t want to make myself mad and disappointed. Because of this video, I am going to try again
@ptolemy2222 10 дней назад
Will the book club return? I never got a chance to take part, but I really enjoyed the concept.
@TrickyThe0ne 11 дней назад
I just don’t like playing them online very much but have been playing rts games for over 20 years. There are some I play online but people min max the crap out of these kinds of games taking the fun out of it
@_Krush 11 дней назад
13:50 simply protoss. that's how
@crizmeow8394 11 дней назад
To a small scale, there are two pieces of fiction I read that were recommended as having similar themes as house of leaves: where oaken hearts do gather, a small story told in a forum with multiple layers about an old folk song and its meaning, and the northern caves, about the fandom of an obscure children’s author and the final scrip it left behind, that one is less layered, the dionaea house was a fascinating idea told in different internet places, emails, diaries, newspapers, and there is a horror story being published in nosleep called correspondence, that has been going on for around 13 years and keeps getting updated non linearly by different accounts that the readers have to piece together
@houseofmeditation8945 11 дней назад
I'm not afraid of no RTS game, I think they're the most immersive genre there is.
@BrianHall-r9v 11 дней назад
Harvey Hill
@LogoSystemCG 11 дней назад
SC is the goat tho, about APM you can play with 50 but you will struggle on ladder (: plus: your xp on AOE with APM will vary "A LOT" if you go to SC who is more mechanical
@anakin-is-panakin 12 дней назад
House of leaves took me six months of consistently reading lol I wanted to like really dig deep and decipher it all, I even had a notebook. I’m also dyslexic so that didn’t help
@CatsLilaSalem 12 дней назад
3:13 RTS pvp is the Dark Souls of pvp gaming 😅
@michalkusztelak1788 13 дней назад
First of all "I, I, I " is not an argument. Second, RTS is not multiplayer. RTS needs engaging and interesting Single Player experience that will keep players interested and open for watching caffeine addicts clicker androids in multiplayer. But of course vocal minority is multiplayer and genre is moving blindly in their direction losing even more. You are not recent onboard to RTS but recent onboard to RTS multiplayers and it is a huge difference.
@matturner6890 14 дней назад
It's easy to thin a genre's "dead" when its best example came out in 1999 and is still the general favourite.
@potatopotato7882 14 дней назад
amazing vid, want to get into RTS once again after years of not playing sc2 !
@Robert399 15 дней назад
I think when most people say "APM" they actually mean multi-tasking ability. And yeah, that is the biggest barrier for me. My brain wants to finish a thing before moving onto the next thing. Also, when something cool is happening, I want to watch it instead of zooming away to do something else.
@jr.jackrabbit10 15 дней назад
this is the exact video i have been looking for edit: i just found out that this video came out mere weeks after i stopped playing age of empires 2 because i thought it was too complicated. what dramatic irony
@Ser-Vex131 15 дней назад
APM matters for high level play, i've never approached that level of play and i have plenty of fun.
@digitalworms 15 дней назад
I dont get why rts is even dying! Im honestly burned beyond out by third person shooters! I was a huge diablo 1 fan when it came out and was stuck on the game how awesome it was! Starcraft came out and omg was addicted! Counterstrike and day of defeat was my heavier play of fps but starcraft was my zone! Now im older I really want historical war rts like the great war western front or grand tactician!
@alastor-thornehernandez3244 16 дней назад
In the year 2525.... If man in still alive .....
@gkdunch 16 дней назад
my problem is that i like to look at a situation, chill, and make a decision and plan, instead of just reacting, i like strategy games that allow me to strategize, and rts games (for me) don't do that, its closer to an fps where there is a situation that happens, you have to react via muscle memory, and thats the end of it, i prefer the dread of noticing the awful move that i just made and then making a plan to get out of it, tb games allow me to strategize and then react, instead of just needing to always know what to do.
@crumpetcommandos779 16 дней назад
Ever tried total war??
@gkdunch 16 дней назад
@@crumpetcommandos779 yeah, not a fan, glad people enjoy it but not for me