Low Carb Love
Low Carb Love
Low Carb Love
Welcome to my channel! I'm Mayra, and I'm a mom to an amazing 12-year old, Nati.

I'm a self taught cook and baker who loves to share recipes to make your life easier.

I've lost over 135 lbs naturally through low carb and keto and have been maintaining this weight ever since.

My mission is to spread body positivity, loving your body as is and accepting you how you are.

I love sharing my weight loss tips, high carb recipes turned low carb and my love of food for you guys! I can’t wait to chat in my comments!

Thank you so much for your support, and as always, I'll see you in my videos! ✨
These Oils Will Make You Bloated!
28 дней назад
Making My Moms Mexican Salsa Recipe!
Месяц назад
@sandylyle621 3 минуты назад
I have a thyroid problem with diabetes so its going to be hard
@jessicadavid6446 26 минут назад
So really no tips other than “don’t eat that” lol
@brendacollazo7740 40 минут назад
where can i find the butter cookies?
@danikeebler1662 44 минуты назад
Speaking of triggers, the graphic detail of junk food is a bit much. Your audience target are food addicts, and it is not easy to ignore the details. I personally would prefer vague words to get the point across without putting acting out thoughts into people's heads. I belong to support groups and we are not allowed to talk about food specifics to trigger the room. In some cases it was romanticizing the bad food.. Yeah remember when we did bad things with xyz foods?? Junk/processes/carbs/ sugary words are more vague but getting the point across.
@manjukaushal6359 Час назад
Wow…very helpful 💕💕
@sophiemccartney6770 Час назад
Can you use this as a pizza base if flattened out?
@Ephidell 2 часа назад
I hope to find a wife that can cook like you sweetheart
@kshejohnson9207 2 часа назад
Ive always loved sugar. But now im 43 in stage 1 liver failure and peri menopause. All my body craves is sugar. My blood sugar is thru the roof the meds make me sick i can't take them & work. I eat super healthy thru the day usually but have to force it bc i never crave rral food. Poptarts cereal snack cakes fudgesicles that's all i want but thru my work day i force myself to eat tuna eggs cottage cheese protein fruit smoothies. I dont sleep im up every hr and everytime i wake up i eat sweets. I turn into a gremlin at night. I also sleep walk. So ehen its time to wake up start my day I've been up every hour eating 4 fudgesicles back to back oreos little debbies and chugging a soda each time. My neuropathy pain from blood sugar is so bad ive went from working 12hr shifts to 4 which had caused money issues. I need a nap everyday after work so i get nothing done and just feel awful n exhausted all day long. Peoppe say don't buy junk n then i end up at a gas station at 3am. Im super active w my dogs but now its me sitting while they play ive always been around 150lbs im now 200. Bigger now than 9mts pregnant
@bevmatthews9443 2 часа назад
Are you still together
@floresbf328 4 часа назад
They look great, but I don't like cottage cheese, smell anything about the cottage cheese. After baking, will they have the taste of cottage cheese? I love your pupusas recipe, that's what I always make and use as bread, tortillas ect. I tried so many recipes for low carb bread ect. and I don't like them. Thanks!!
@phyllisdelre4608 4 часа назад
This is my first day cutting out processed food. Thank you for the information. I'm 74 years old, and I'm determined to be around for at least 10 more years. You've inspired me to think I can do this.
@1234cheerful 4 часа назад
Yes chocolate version please!!
@newleft2254 5 часов назад
He looks like her grandfather. No. Take that divorce money and leave please.
@mrscch1057 6 часов назад
Looks good, what exactly did you use for sweetener?
@JackDempseyOfficial 6 часов назад
Mine just didnt work… i cooked them for the right amount of time, but they just crumbled and fell apart. So annoying and a waste of energy, but still tasted quite nice with chicken and salad
@nataliek6555 6 часов назад
Ooh, any chance you have a link or code for that adorable coffee frother??
@LacedwithLacey2424 7 часов назад
Cottage cheese is one thing that can be used in soooo many different ways! Love me some CC.
@maowong3093 8 часов назад
Can you microwave it with the same result?
@LadyKatz 8 часов назад
I'd probably want a little Tajin in all of them. I am addicted to it lately. (Summer fruit vibes!)
@Carey86 10 часов назад
What kind of sweetener do you use?
@ASMRyouVEGANyet 10 часов назад
They don't add puree they add dehydrated fruit. And why the hell you calling it Starbees? Dumb af 😂
@specialk4227 10 часов назад
I have made pizza crust with cottage cheese, 1 cup with 2 eggs garlic powder and Italian seasoning ,bake at 350 for about 30 minutes. I think it’s pretty good.
@greatjuankenobi217 11 часов назад
I gotta do this pizza now!!!!! Is this crust better than a chicken pizza crust???
@hotdrumchick 11 часов назад
But do those Elements packets have aspartame in them?
@alejandromoreno5056 12 часов назад
@francineeubanks9327 12 часов назад
Blend your cottage cheese and freeze it with fruit or drizzle with chocolate chips melted, or peanut butter, or homemade granola. Then you can cut it or break it into pieces.
@stormygirl1704 12 часов назад
Cottage Cheese is an amazing and versatile food! Love this. I’m trying this. I make all kinds of things out of cottage cheese. My favorite so far is homemade ice cream.
@luckieramos9001 12 часов назад
Not sure if you or the rest of the world knows this MAPLE SYRUP IS 100 percent sugar
@meme-vk1zd 13 часов назад
Please put your hair to the back while you cook..
@fromn.y.top.r.5889 14 часов назад
Great idea. You have been my best discovery for different ideas for meals. My husband and I recently loss weight and we've become bored of the same dishes so thank you for so much help.
@ishouldbesleeping123 14 часов назад
Fyi, magic spoon can make your ass explode. Lol
@desireesmulski 15 часов назад
I loved your videos but never did them to use keto. I used them to learn how to use low carb sugar free ingredients to maintain diabetic remission. Watching you use those ingredients and modifying them myself to fit diabetic macros and create recipes was crucial. I lost over 400lbs just removing simple carbs and refined sugar. Weight loss was never my goal, my health was. I hope you decide to continue your videos to help those of us who are learning to work with complex carbs and alternatives. Thank you for all you do.
@gloriaaraujo1767 15 часов назад
For this recipe can I use 1% milk?
@blu3chav3z8 16 часов назад
I am making my his pizza this weekend, thanks!
@darabethany5309 16 часов назад
My diet was exactly that when I was a kid and now I'm vegan for 6 years but to this day I still crave those junk foods from my childhood like pizzas and pizza rolls. Most people don't understand because it's not like gourmet food. I remember the taste exactly and it's such a struggle. Even if I wasn't vegan I shouldn't eat things like that and I know if I was omni it would be even harder to stay away from + McDonald's and the like.
@cypressblue8877 16 часов назад
I hate when they don't have a version for ppl. who can't have sugar or low carbs. This is awesome I have tried the LMNT - might need to get more later. Stay safe & take care of you all. Thanks for sharing, eh :))
@jeanettehoss7513 16 часов назад
I love this recipe! Fall, winter, spring and summer, yummo!!! TY!
@kristink4530 16 часов назад
Thank you!! This is so helpful. Just picked up a couple of these options. Didn't know they have paleo lines. So great! Also so helpful because I'm out of dinner ideas😮this is great!!
@paularaulinaitis3068 16 часов назад
Have you tried a similar recipe for waffles? We were more of a ‘waffle family’
@ysidrarodriguez1985 17 часов назад
You are AMAZING Mayra!!!! You cannot stop! You have to keep these recipes coming!! I'm trying them all! I get so excited just shopping for the ingredients! You are heavenly sent !!