The Chris Cuomo Project
The Chris Cuomo Project
The Chris Cuomo Project
The Chris Cuomo Project is the official podcast of award-winning veteran broadcast journalist Chris Cuomo. Chris’ independent voice provides listeners with an up-close view of politics, global affairs, and American culture from a vantage point uniquely shaped by decades of insider experience.

Every Tuesday, Chris presents his signature take on today’s pressing current events - and explores how these stories are being covered by all sides of the media - through in-depth interviews with newsmakers, tastemakers, and other influential figures.

On Thursdays, Chris shares insights into subjects that deeply matter to him personally, and answers RU-vid comments and listener phone calls.

Free from the constraints of a traditional media organization, The Chris Cuomo Project is home to independents, free agents, and those who don’t fit nicely on one side or the other.

Let’s get after it.
Why The VP Pick Could Actually Matter In 2024
2 месяца назад
@rickprice7192 17 минут назад
This day, today I must say one should 'Trust No One, Question Everything' radical extremism of the Far-Left and Far-Right has made everything impossible to discuss and come to agreement through compromising, the art of communicating discussing agreeing and disagreeing and solving problems through compromise to find solutions to definite problems, everyone wants everything to go only their way and are angry and become destructive when it doesn't. We have all been morally and politically brainwashed. We have lost the need to do what is right for the common good of everyone, our selfish and self-centered, me me, got to have everything now attitudes have drove us into a deep ditch and everyone refuses to help pull winch or hoist us out of the ditch we drove ourselves into, we all had a hand putting us there but we all deny we are responsible to fix or solve the problems that are self-inflicted. Many people don't realize that Chris Cuomo and Dave Rubin along with many others are all Talking Bobble Heads who are making tons of money to play their games 'Working From Home' dividing our nations citizens, they will never solve anything, they are only there to benefit themselves and help our elected representatives brainwash us even farther, the 'Swamp' are these people. and we help stock the swamp with Swamp Monsters by listening to their phony rhetoric and bullshit. All of the news and social media are paid huge amounts of money to displace the citizens thinking through Brainwashing.
@chakakhanrikaandjack2586 34 минуты назад
Chris, you and Lemon vilified people that didn’t want the jab. You also vilified and perpetuated ivermectin as a dewormer solely and not admitting it’s a Nobel prize winning anti-viral med. and you refuse to own up to it. I refuse to give you any credibility until you admit to being a CNN toadie puppet. Apologize to Rogan. Apologize to those who chose not to get the COVID vax.
@minniemaklin4372 54 минуты назад
Love you Chris ❤
@rstevensmd 57 минут назад
Pulmonary emboli cause severe dyspnea, even small ones with no rheological impact. That's my diagnosis for your long-COVID patient with shortness of breath.
@Awebreeze-zm3st 59 минут назад
Because of Biden the borders are open, all on welfare as tax paying Americans take care of them, the Abraham Accords is shit now, we're involved in Ukraine, Israel and Philipines wars sending tons of money our country can't afford, more Americans homeless & jobless and let's thank Biden for his support. How many Hamas has crept over the borders? We didn't have these problems when Trump was president. Wake up people.
@martindylan3332 Час назад
Cuomo is a hack. Plays the nice guy role, but is a total piece of shit.
@gmck91204 Час назад
Dave Rubin is such an embarrassment. I used to like the guy, I must have watched thirty or forty of his interview shows prior to November 2020, even bought a copy of “Don’t Burn This Book” (which seems like an overwrought title in retrospect). At that point I noticed he was just another MAGA election-denier and belatedly realized he wasn’t actually a reasonable anti-Lefty skeptic after all but was just another absolutist in the tank for Trump and MAGA, moreso than he had ever been a dyed-in-the-wool lefty Democrat. It’s only gotten worse since then - everything is now Black and White. My impression is that Dave has been hitting the bottle a little more than he should, with that edge in his voice and the shiny forehead.
@elmichael009 Час назад
I tried to listen to Chris but he’s just so annoyingly wrong and full of himself that’s I just couldn’t keep going. 27 min mark and I’m out
@Anabasques58 Час назад
God bless you and protect you. We cannot be with one leg in our native country and one in now our beautiful USA. Wake up people .
@HasbiksRightHand Час назад
Who paid this fool
@kenrdavis2266 Час назад
Diversity of cultures is bad for any country. Cultures don’t mix well nor should they be changed.
@kenrdavis2266 Час назад
Faucci funded & hid Covid research
@brother.teresa Час назад
Dave's the kinda guy who says seatbelts don't work if one person dies in a car accident wearing one. These people have no concept of risk minimization. Everything is a zero sum game to them.
@kenrdavis2266 Час назад
Faucci hid where Covid came from! Covid was an accident from weapons research as announced by China before the outbreak Faucci was a sponser of the research.
@sailorx72 Час назад
Incorrect. Footage from 2020 recently showed Faucci saying that the weapons research and lab leak theories should be investigated by the appropriate intelligence agencies.
@kenrdavis2266 Час назад
US did worse because of Terrible Governors who put Covid sick patients in Senior Rest homes!
@traceyingham1087 Час назад
When as parents we fill out the paperwork to send our children to school & hand in immunizations…ummmm that’s not invading privacy. If immunizations are bad…where’s smallpox? Measles? Rubella? Ohhhh okay then
@user-jq2jp7cn3f Час назад
NY is horrible and was not run good under Cuomo. I think you mean to say it was safe and better under Rudy Giuliani !! In saying that, glad to see Chris is more open minded and not just a mouth piece for the elites anymore.
@Grannysbabygirl05 Час назад
I love you Chris keep telling the truth!!!!
@kenrdavis2266 Час назад
Entire science of a mask is wrong! If your exposed to Covid and it lands on your mask your walking around breathing Covid all day! Covid Virus is so small it will penetrate most masks!
@sherryrepp9541 Час назад
@kenrdavis2266 Час назад
I never watched the apprentice and had only seen Trump casino in Vegas. I still voted for him since 2016
@lisad6612 Час назад
1:06:45 no one said ivermectin was going to "cure" covid
@CharlesMicheleCuozzo Час назад
Cuomo needs another 5 years before he realizes some things…
@user-io4ur8vk5o Час назад
Rubin seems pretty blank. No rhyme or reason.. I’m from Florida it may be good for him (tax bracket). Florida has dementished school, highway nothing but trash. Low pay for police, firefighters and teachers. I moved out of the state. Trump is a coward.. he talks about Putin and China president like he wants to French kiss them he would, he bows to them. This dude probably still believes seatbelts don’t save lives and he injected some bleach because the Con Man told him to. I left my house during COVID. Sounds like Florida would have arrested you if you went out during COVID according to him. Sorry, but he sounds like a shallow guest to me.
@kenrdavis2266 Час назад
Last time I watched CNN was during Iraq war! They have nothing worthwhile to watch. Totally leftest propaganda
@carpenjk 2 часа назад
Good lord the right is obsessed with calling someone they disagree with "evil." It's so lazy and weak.
@stevenrobinson9095 2 часа назад
Hi free thinkers, why converse over political left/right you missed the point, "main stream" 80 % voters.
@stevenrobinson9095 2 часа назад
Hi free thinkers, USA government with election vote by the people mandated compulsory draft/conscription military Service includes females, joking? People protest for civil Rights. Covert 19 medical conscription now military conscription. Lead us not into temptation & lead us from evil.
@ld844 2 часа назад
Sometimes small weak men are stronger than the broad shouldered thick necked men !!! It's a personality thing not a physical. At first sight he's correct but after ..... it's personality.
@lisad6612 2 часа назад
41:40 i was ok with 2 weeks to stop the spread....then i listened to independent media and doctors and wow that was a game changer. Then drs were being silenced....I listened to the cdc and big pharma committees and that was frightening to listen to. It was a game changer of common sense not to get the jab being healthy or give it to the youth. Don't listen to the mainstream news...do your own research.
@Boz510 2 часа назад
Don’t trust the media that has investigative journalist but trust RU-viders? Ok got it 😆
@DouglasHarding-hu1jc 2 часа назад
🤦‍♂️. Are you inclined to trust corporate media with an agenda, clearly carrying water for one political party or the other…. Or trust independent media whose sole purpose (usually) is to seek the truth. Because clearly, there is no truth in corporate media given the division in the country. You can usually tell who someone will vote for by asking: do you watch CNN or FOX?
@DouglasHarding-hu1jc 2 часа назад
Hahaha! ‘investigative journalists’? The same who peddled ‘Russian collusion’ for three years when it was clear that Hillary’s campaign funded the Steele dossier. Those guys?
@Boz510 Час назад
@@DouglasHarding-hu1jc I watch both sides of the media, cspan, and independent media so I can see who is lying to their audience. These RU-vidrs just site msm do no investigative journalism. Just give you their opinion.
@lorrainescandia6267 Час назад
What really bothers me about what this guy Rubin is saying. it was very dangerous for people who were transplant recipients many people have died, or their transplanted organs failed on them because of Covid. I am myself am double organ transplant recipient. my transplant doctor told me that because they weren't sure about how it would affect my transplanted organs, he suggested I wear a mask and try to stay away from crowds. I am lucky that I never did get Covid and everything is fine. There was another issue with this because transplant recipients take antirejection drugs and they weren't sure if the vaccine would be rejected. Mind you they also met with the virologist and infectious disease experts on a regular basis. I'm just saying.
@lisad6612 2 часа назад
39:42 follow the money....follow the money. That runs the show.
@walterstevens5678 2 часа назад
The face of a proven lying rat!
@lisad6612 2 часа назад
36:22 i blame trump for not firing Fauci and Berks.
@DouglasHarding-hu1jc 2 часа назад
When your advisors and everyone tells you: these are our governments best people… Now he realizes, not only are other countries not sending us their best, our government is not elevating and recruiting our best.
@lisad6612 2 часа назад
31:50 it's no one's business...yet if you weren't jabbed you got the scarlet letter. Nothing like being healthy and getting told you have to get tge jab or lose your job. Seriously how did that not sound ridiculous.
@johncollins5186 2 часа назад
what’s aat issue here is a leader directing a mob he encouraged to be violent and aggressive with lies that the election was stolen from them to attack the capital building and commit crimes to stop the election and overturn the election results stealing the election by use of fraud and a violent overthrow of our nations citizens right to a fair and legal election where all of our votes count. Donald Trump decided he had the right to by illegally means void the real vote count and fraudulently declare himself the winner of the election. This is a treasonous criminal act that he still is trying to enforce his lie upon the public that the election was stolen from him and this makes his treasonous insurrection upon our nations capital to attack the election vote count taking place. This was a serious crime and he directed others to commit these crimes violating constitutional rights of voters and his presidential oath to protect and defend the constitution from harm from enemies both foreign and domestic. He violated all of these things in a treasonous attack that cause the deaths of innocent people he has shown no remorse for and has threatened even worse if he isn’t elected president in this Comming election. Should he get to be a canadate even though he violated our nations election to enact another one of his criminal acts of fraud against the American people with this insurrection against the people’s accurate vote count he intended to void an claim he won the election after directing his mob to stop the vote count and kill Pence because he told the mob at his rally that Mike Pence committed treason and should be hung for his betrayal refusing to toss ballots and announce Donald Trump the winner of the election with the most voted as he directed Mike Pence to do, but Mike refused to toss ballots so Donald Trump tagged Mike Pence as a traitor refusing to do his part in taking back the election that was stolen from them. Should Donald Trump get immunity from his failed attempt to steal the election just because his inspection failed ? Well let’s look at what would have happened if he had succeeded the way he planned and directed his supporters in committing these acts of violence to win the election by fraud as serious crime and betrayal of trust of the American people in an attack on our election to defraud us of it’s true results and with the stopping of the vote count he said to kill Pence and his supporters would have done as DONALD TRUMP directed them and assassinated Mike Pence the vice President for treason betraying Donald Trump by not committing the crime of tossing ballots to commit fraud with a false ballot count that Mike Pence refused to do. Donald Trump showed no mercy when he directed the mob to stop the steal meaning stop the vote count and kill Pence. The evidence shows he refused to call of the attack on the capital until he heard the notice that Mike Pence had been escorted to safety and only then he knew his assassins had failed to get ahold of Mike Pence in stopping the vote count and assassinate him as he had directed so Mike couldn’t testify that the election had been stolen by Donald Trump. The evidence shows that Donald Trump directed this insurrection to stay as president by fraudulent vote count and directed the assasination of Mike Pence for not tossing the ballots and act he considered treason and a betrayal worthy of death that he directed to be carried out as he planned. His plan failed but his intent was to have Mike Pence assasinated and that should still be evidence of attempted murder and conspiracy to have a murder carried our by hired assassins that Donald Trump organized and directed to go and attack the capital building to stop the vote count of the election taking place. Donald Trump has never shown any remorse or an apology to peoples families of those killed during this insurrection he created and directed.in showing no remorse or mercy towards the death penalty he directed to be carried out on Mike Pence in this treasonous murderouse conspiracy to steal the election why should Donald Trump be given an immunity shield from all of his crimes that day and get a stay in his trial until after the election as if innocent of this insurrection he directed that included the attempted murder of the vice President. These are beyond serious crimes and more on the order of treason to the American people and an attack on our electoral process as an enemy of democracy. No person should be given immunity for such betrayal and willful acts of war upon our democracy..let the trial go forward and let the American people see all of his crimes before he gets to be elected for another term as President. Don’t let anyone interfear with a criminal having a fair trial with due process of evidence being the facts to convict this criminal of his crimes and sentence him according to the law as fair justice for the nature and intent of his crimes. Or let him be President again so organized crime can run our country in their favor from the White House under the directions of a crime boss President that is immune from crimes committed as a sitting President.
@lisad6612 2 часа назад
29:00 "vaccines" are given one time or once a year. This jab was not a vaccine. And if you listened to the doctors that were silenced...it was common sense that this jab was not going to stop the virus and it should be a choice.
@gmck91204 2 часа назад
I see Dave still thinks it’s cutting-edge to routinely inject the term “Democrat Party” into conversation whenever “Democratic Party” would be considered standard usage. It’s not a good look Dave, it gets to be boring after a while and only makes you look silly. It’s almost as bad as Megan Kelly using the term “woke” in nearly every other sentence, imagining she’s supremely cool for doing so.
@DouglasHarding-hu1jc Час назад
As opposed to?? Democrat party?
@lisad6612 2 часа назад
23:55 wrong...being a celebrity turns most people off. He was voted in because he was not a politician...he was a businessmen and wasn't politically correct when he spoke to the people.
@effinray 3 часа назад
Not impressed with Dave Rubin. Just another Trumpster. Chris appears to have a better grasp of facts. Dave wants Fauci in jail, yet can't state specifically what crime he committed. I'm referring to crimes according to the law, not crimes that the conservatives carry around in their heads.
@amaddenmind4597 3 часа назад
Cuomo lost all credibility on CNN unbelievable any still follows this guy...im here for Rubin
@DarylDSpivey 3 часа назад
Dave says the Founders were “Fighting for equality” leaving out that the only people who could vote for almost 100yrs in this country were those who owned land. White males couldn’t vote if they weren’t land owners. The founders cast off the monarchy and established an aristocracy which exists to the day.
@DouglasHarding-hu1jc Час назад
Let me do your critical thinking for you… Back in 1776, only land owners could vote. Women couldn’t vote. Slaves were property. Our founders took what was at that time, and put us on a path toward a ‘more perfect union’. They realized ‘times changed’ so they included an amendment process.
@mishalansdown7408 3 часа назад
Love it. So good.
@DarylDSpivey 3 часа назад
If Dave had smarter people around him, he would know what second generation means.
@chrisofficer4292 3 часа назад
Dave Ruben is such a dork - grifter hypocrite. I know these guys have followings but seriously, who wants to listen to this guy every day. He's a gay Trump guy - he is never able to rationalize his views in any coherent way. Chris is trying so hard to be inclusive that he sits down with a guy like this and has to pretend the guy has good ideas. It is painful. I think it is great that he is trying to bridge the gap but he should maintain a minimum standard. I can't stand Tucker but it is facinating to see those two talk it out whereas there is no value in talking to this bum.
@joesamm1190 3 часа назад
cuomo is an 1D10T on covid
@rogerledoux4741 3 часа назад
Cuomo just proved why people despise him. He's a complete jackass. And this look at me Im 230 pounds. He is an arrogant POS. He can't tell the truth even when its proven hes lying.
@standup3718 3 часа назад
Cumo is so dulited he still spits Cnn talking points. Crazy how he can never admit fault. Be plz keep doing these interviews. You expose yourself everytime
@dannymadrid1822 3 часа назад
Chris has came a long way, happy 4 you bud.
@rogerledoux4741 3 часа назад
You must be watching something I'm not seeing. He is still a jackass.
@noraabramson7054 3 часа назад
Chris doesn’t understand that DEI is Marxism and my family suffered together with millions of other Soviets. And we see Marxism in DEI and its EVIL! But it takes one to be subjected to Marxism to recognize it!