The Nugget Climbing Podcast
The Nugget Climbing Podcast
The Nugget Climbing Podcast
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Hello friends, this is Steven Dimmitt.

I love podcasts. I love to be a fly on the wall, listening to conversations and learning from people who have different perspectives than my own. For years, there was a climbing podcast I was dying to listen to, but it didn’t exist. Eventually, I decided to make it myself.

This is a podcast about climbing and self-improvement. But beneath that, it is a podcast about being a human being. I truly believe that everyone can teach us something. We just have to ask the right questions.

Listen to all 200+ podcast episodes with the world's top climbers wherever you listen to podcasts! Just search 'The Nugget Climbing Podcast'
Johnny Dawes on his LEGENDARY No-Hands Climbing
7 месяцев назад
@peacelab2266 16 часов назад
Story of my climbing life 😢
@dannycane9717 17 часов назад
What time is this on the podcast?
@Productionbrikfilm 18 часов назад
When is this in the podcast?
@Productionbrikfilm 19 часов назад
Some wise words!
@petitpanierdosier3206 20 часов назад
@maxrumovicz1523 21 час назад
More people need to hear this!
@jasonsterner922 День назад
Still luv ya James!!!!!!!
@julienarrijs День назад
That's pretty cool!
@BetterExplanation 2 дня назад
An awful place for human rights let alone women rights. Let me remind you that this place is one of the most repressive places in the world.
@cooperchapman2907 2 дня назад
Lol closet
@herrar6595 3 дня назад
Imo it's also the difference between most beginner and more advanced climbers, people are also more likely to stick with the sport when they are more content with falling... Though there are notable exceptions of course
@elfriederich 5 дней назад
Strong shoulders beget strong fingers
@benda18 5 дней назад
This is one of the things that makes the sport toxic and turns people away. If you can do it, be happy. If others can't, don't piss on their socks
@jamescushway6374 6 дней назад
* Looks down *, "Yea that's probably 5 inches or less, I'll measure it later" 😂
@williamedwards8493 7 дней назад
Alex plz stop. We love you and you have done enough brother. Teach the kids to follow you. Your knowledge is worth saving. God bless
@jlc9671 8 дней назад
Homelander telling me what to do
@OrionDuCros 8 дней назад
Whats so surprising about Ollie is that he understand the anatomy so well, but has the absolute worst exercise selection.
@wiesono2221 8 дней назад
How so? It seems to me that he is recommending stuff people are missing. Like everybody is doing pull ups, there is no value on saying it again and again
@OrionDuCros 8 дней назад
@wiesono2221 he's right that those muscles need training but, his exercise selection for those muscles is far from optimal. Climbers often do not understand basic training science when it comes to strength vs hypertrophy vs endurance.
@PunyDragon2 6 дней назад
@@OrionDuCros what alternatives would you suggest
@elfriederich 5 дней назад
​@@OrionDuCros also interested in better exercises - feel free to share
@statue9639 8 дней назад
bmi is meaningless. a more relevant health metric for female is fat ℅.
@paulgaras2606 9 дней назад
A great side quest for any climber is the ability to overhead press their bodyweight. It tends to not be a high interference lift but the returns in investment are really high.
@ttgeralt8189 3 дня назад
That's interesting. Two question if I may: 1. What are the benefits? 2. How far am I from this goal in your opinion if I can do 3 sets of 7 reps with 50% of my bodyweight? I never tested my one rep max
@Chillehhhh 9 дней назад
Do a ton of Lu raises and really try to control the weight on the way down
@emmneto 9 дней назад
So interesting
@matthewsevers5862 9 дней назад
I’ve really enjoyed going through my usual warm-up routine on rest days. I get my body moving and temp up, maybe do some very light finger stimulus and then call it. Feels really good. Or scoping boulders and lightly pulling on holds is a great rest day :)
@thenayancat8802 9 дней назад
Damn, I've got 15cm pretty much on the button. I think this is the first strength or flexibility benchmark for climbing I've ever hit, and I don't even train it!
@ayuminor 8 дней назад
Same, now if I could frog my legs more than 45°, that would be swell :D
@thenayancat8802 8 дней назад
@@ayuminor Yep! When I show people my frog or pancake stretch, they tend to say something like "Oh your jeans must be restricting you". I wish :D
@derekcraig3617 9 дней назад
with the knee to wall test do you have to keep your heel on the ground the whole time?
@deci 9 дней назад
yes. heel needs to touch the ground. don't get too caught up on the actual measurement from the wall relative to other people since foot length vs shin length affects this. the main thing is just to try to decrease the ankle angle and just improve your own foot distance from the wall.
@MrWill830 9 дней назад
@@deci appreciate the answer mate, I was doing it with heel lifted and was like "wth this is easy" lol
@Morpheah 6 дней назад
@@MrWill830 Try "tibialis raises" along with both standing (straight knees) and seated (flexed knees) calf raises/stretch
@thenuggetclimbing 9 дней назад
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@kaboomsihal1164 10 дней назад
Everyone here being upset that BMI isn't a great indicator needs to fucking chill. It's an indicator. It's a warning sign. It's literally doing nothing at all from their side except saying "ey btw that person is underweight maybe check on them". That is never a bad thing at a BMI of 17. That is low af even for a very young teenager.
@YourNeighbourJack 10 дней назад
If 17 is considered low should I be concerned about my bmi of 15.4?
@apersonontheinternet222 11 дней назад
Watching Laura Rogora in these recent Olympic Qualifier series makes me concerned for her health. She cant be more than 10%
@simonhawkins7384 11 дней назад
This man should be revered for his accomplishments, in a world where what you do supposedly counts for something, well, he should be in the absolute elite!!!!! WOW WOW what on the FK man!!!!!!!!! I can't find the words
@clawwestfall8799 12 дней назад
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't bouldering kinda naturally evolves from the very thin body ideal by simply having lots of dynamic, strenght requiring boulders, even for the women? Kinda seems like the meta isn't to be as thin as possible, but to have decent muscles, similar to Janja. I'd also assume that with modern times, something more advanced, like Inbody fat and muscle ratio measuring device could be used for this in place of BMI.
@l.c.8475 10 дней назад
A lot of female athletes plateau during puberty, a common way to avoid that is to develop an eating disorder, which means they keep having a linear progression in their sport through their teenage years like their male counterparts, but do lasting damage to their bodies in the process.
@ejl74 12 дней назад
I climb at NJRG his original gym. Don’t know him personally but been around while he’s been there. Cool dude!
@ptowzapotato4157 12 дней назад
people saying 17 isnt low isnt conidering how much mucle ways
@ashhodson2063 13 дней назад
His articulation of climbing is next to none. He's literally evolving the language we use to describe climbing and it's nuances faster than anyone else out there. What a contribution thus man is making to our crazy artform! P.s. Shout out to Cinematic Orchestra
@luvmeany 13 дней назад
Just watched this Olympic event, and i think we were done a diservice as viewers, and the athletes were done a diservice on their first ever Olympics having to suddenly be able to compete with world class athletes in categories that they had very little to no experience in. Plus we only got to see 3 boulder problems, probably because all of the events were mashed together and there's obviously a time and peak performance limit. Glad they separated speed from the other 2 events. Hopefully lead will be separated from bouldering soon so we can get the best of each category competing in peak condition.
@breadtoasted2269 13 дней назад
Even Native Americans solo mountains for hundreds of years and you can find paintings in really high places only people like him can see
@hakzima 14 дней назад
thats rad! she can chalk up her head if she ever need to send a project includes head smearing or somthin
@Elijah._.7 12 дней назад
That's really insensitive. She has alopecia.
@madmonk4214 14 дней назад
nice insights
@madmonk4214 14 дней назад
i love the macro micro discussion and the leg swing example is great context
@Queenfisher444 14 дней назад
Everything this woman says is stupid.
@ValeriePallaoro 14 дней назад
It’s because it’s become increasingly clear that bmi doesn’t make sense. How are they measuring it??
@YoutubeCommenter1 14 дней назад
Calling 17 crazy low is crazy
@PaulFilmer 12 дней назад
Depends on race. It's not super low for asians
@alias5281 11 дней назад
It is crazy low, especially for guys.
@nilsp9426 11 дней назад
It is crazy low if you have about 5 kg of muscle mass more than the average person. Idk if you have ever lost or gained 5 kg of fat. Imagine being a regular person at BMI 17 and replacing 5 kg of fat with muscle mass. You will be left with 0 fat and a potentially lethal problem.
@l.c.8475 10 дней назад
I was at that BMI once, it wasn't healthy. Obesity kills you slowly while starvation takes you out much faster. Even if there's a way to be healthy at that BMI it should warrent further investigation.
@YoutubeCommenter1 10 дней назад
Saying that its "crazy low" makes it sound like no one could possibly reach it without doing crazy diets. Many people are under weight just following their natural appetite. No one would say a bmi of 26 was a "craaaazyyy high" number
@Luke-Ho3r0 14 дней назад
Warm up? Must be a different magnus
@jamesramondetta 15 дней назад
what if you dropped one of the shoes!
@kimwinter3864 15 дней назад
17 isn’t even that low, that’s my bmi
@alias5281 11 дней назад
Varies by race and gender. Asian cultures for instance promote very low BMI although unhealthy.
@nilsp9426 11 дней назад
Do you have the same muscle mass as a pro athlete? Now imagine having to sacrifice 1 kg of fat for every kg of muscle mass you lack compared to a pro climber. How many kilos do you really have to spare before you are a case for the hospital?
@l.c.8475 10 дней назад
It's ok for a teenager as long as it doesn't delay or prevent puberty, but dangerously low for someone in their mid to late 20s or older.
@Hala93 15 дней назад
this dude straight up getting enlightened while climbing! so awesome to hear him talk about it
@MadinabonuSaidbekova 15 дней назад
Wondering tiger 12
@AlexeiDrummond 16 дней назад
Absolutely amazing climber. Also he really *likes* discourse markers. He utters approximately 147 "like" filler words in this ~10 minute segment. So 1 every 4 seconds or so.
@nickkealiiclimbs 15 дней назад
did you count???
@michaellam6612 15 дней назад
It’s hard to watch seriously now
@SkiingIsBelieving859 16 дней назад
i mean from what i’ve seen in the US it’s the same…
@garymccreath2773 16 дней назад
You epitomise hipster climbing gym
@ianjaggi 16 дней назад
@henrygilbert3798 16 дней назад
Bet he'll do the whole "the grade isn't important so I'm not gonna grade it" bullshit
@ianjaggi 16 дней назад
@@henrygilbert3798 it’s not bullshit, he said they’re around V17 but he wants others to try it before he establishes a grafe
@spiroxylo2247 2 дня назад
@@henrygilbert3798 it's not bullshit, do you go on a route for the grade or for the experience?
@myka788 16 дней назад
Bmi isnt a great indicator. I had a pretty bad eating disorder and was very very thin, even hospitalized. but my bmi was in the healthy range.
@zacharysprunt3398 15 дней назад
Yeah but I think that most/all the people who do have a BMI < 17 are dangerously underweight
@myka788 15 дней назад
@zacharysprunt3398 true, it's probably best that they are trying to reach out to the worst cases. I wish there was a better way to identify and discourage eating disorders in our sport.
@CoolHandLukeVol 14 дней назад
Depends how you are measuring BMI. Several ways to do it. Some more accurate some less.
@michael1 13 дней назад
No, it wasn't.
@PaulFilmer 12 дней назад
There is zero chance. Before I started lifting I had zero muscle mass as I didn't do labour or stimulating sports and I was about .5 to 1 over the min healthy bmi at 15-16ish% body fat. You aren't being hospitalised while being a healthy weight via bmi unless you've previously gained a ton of muscle