Catholic Bible Highlights with Kenny Burchard
Catholic Bible Highlights with Kenny Burchard
Catholic Bible Highlights with Kenny Burchard
I'm Kenny Burchard, a former non-Catholic Pastor who converted to the Catholic Church in 2019, along with my wife and son. My day job is as Director of Development for The Coming Home Network, where I also help as a co-host of the "On The Journey" show.

This channel is primarily devoted to Catholic Bible Highlights -- a video series embracing the credo - "The Bible is the Bridge." If Catholics can help their separated brethren understand that there is nothing Catholics believe that is contrary to Biblical teaching we can help them make the journey into full communion with the Church Jesus founded - The Catholic Church! This takes a lot of work and commitment. Still, it's worth it because we get to spend our time enjoying and learning more about what the Bible really teaches, and how the Catholic Faith and Biblical Christianity are synonymous terms.

Learn more about me here - kennyburchard.com
Talk About Catholicism: Purgatory
2 года назад
@iwansaputra1890 21 минуту назад
from moses to joshua, to judges, to kings there always continuity infalible authority in old testament.
@justinoborrageiro5800 2 часа назад
I always say that the uninformed catholic normally defects to protestism and the well informed protestant will become catholic. Thank you Kenny for giving us catholics deep diving catholic teaching. Unfortunately the alloted to catholic mass does not lend itself to sufficient time to cover these NB teachings of catholic beliefs. God bless you sir.
@dannisivoccia2712 2 часа назад
Sola Verbum Dei.
@jm2679 4 часа назад
Awesome breakdown. Thank you! Can't wait for the next one.
@KennyBurchard 3 часа назад
More to come!
@DoingItTheHardWayAgain 5 часов назад
As a father I found the Catholic Action Bible to be priceless. It is a "must have" in every family home.
@HAL9000-su1mz 5 часов назад
Kenny, please keep posting your policy on trolls! Maybe consider using stars or some other emoticon to draw attention to the 'Burchardian Law of Christian Discourse." I have seen some habitual trolls reply here who - amazingly - have asked rather than accused. Amazing! I have made the suggestion to other Catholic content creators and ONLY trolls answered in the negative! Speaks volumes.
@theyoungrider5449 6 часов назад
Awesome brother Kenny, keep up the good work, watching here in Japan🇯🇵🇯🇵 ありがとうございました
@Boxed4Y 6 часов назад
Thank you Ken. This great stuff!
@KennyBurchard 3 часа назад
Glad you enjoyed it
@josephdalessandro8898 6 часов назад
The Apostles themselves aren’t the foundation, but it’s the words that Jesus gave them to preach which were put in the New Testament. God breathed the words in the Bible
@HAL9000-su1mz 5 часов назад
Why would you say this?
@KennyBurchard 3 часа назад
It's funny to watch non-Catholics add words the Bible that are not there, and take words away that are. Example re: your comment: "Built upon the foundation of the words Jesus gave the apostles to preach that were put into the new testament." You are literally making up your own words and putting them in the Bible. It's funny to watch non-Catholics do this over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.
@susand3668 6 часов назад
Thanks, Kenny! I am always running into people who believe in "sola scriptura" -- even when they think they don't!! (and even as a convert of 52 years, I still have remnants of the heresy in my own mind!!) -- so I know that these Bible verses will come in handy!
@KennyBurchard 3 часа назад
fight the good fight!
@Orthodoxuk 6 часов назад
Why would catholics need a distinct Bible if it was true to the original texts? I do of course apply the same question to any other re-interpreted texts.
@KennyBurchard 4 часа назад
Do you mean to ask why all Catholics don’t learn Greek and Hebrew and just read those?
@2196logan 7 часов назад
Thank you for the walk-through. This channel has made it easy for me to learn how to study the bible from a Catholic side as before I only knew how to study the bible from a protestant side. It's easy to cherry-pick verses and make the bible say what you want it to say when you don't understand history where these men were and who they were talking to 1500 to 2000 years ago. When you start with the premise that the bible is your sole authority in everything you can skip over all the verses that teach a church and men who have the authority to pass on knowledge. I have always wondered why Jesus did not say anywhere to write all His teachings down to pass on to others and why Jesus Himself never wrote anything down if the bible is that important for all of us.
@HAL9000-su1mz 6 часов назад
I began to notice that it is actually "ego alone' and the bible used as support. Of course there is division!
@cvn65almaraz 8 часов назад
Amen Kenny!!
@larrym.johnson9219 8 часов назад
The Ave Bible, is also keyed to the catechism of the Catholic Church. Which is so helpful the rsvce second edition is my go-to II have this edition. So glad that your channel is growing congratulations.
@ThomasMcEvoy 9 часов назад
@KennyBurchard 7 часов назад
Thomas! Awesome. Thanks so much for this gift. This will go right back into the channel. I sure appreciate it.
@ThomasMcEvoy 9 часов назад
Which note taker bible in your Amazon section do you prefer? 2 listed. Thanks. 🙏❤️🙏
@ThomasMcEvoy 9 часов назад
Started watching and looks like you switched to Ave?
@KennyBurchard 4 часа назад
The AVE is now (as of this week) my official “featured” version in this and all future episodes.
@KennyBurchard 3 часа назад
By Popular DEMAND! HAHA!
@raysantos2042 9 часов назад
God bless you and your family always for educating us about our Catholic doctrine.
@jdelarosa89 9 часов назад
The RSV Ave Maria Bible was the first Bible I read cover to cover. I selected that Bible specifically so that I can comfortably mark up the pages. It was a great experience.
@KennyBurchard 3 часа назад
oh awesome. I'm loving it.
@thepic12 10 часов назад
Amen! Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us that need help explaining the Catholic faith.
@KennyBurchard 4 часа назад
You are very welcome
@bw9976 11 часов назад
Thank you Kenny! I'm so grateful for all I've learned from your channel!
@KennyBurchard 4 часа назад
You are so welcome
@jesus_is_my_spotter 11 часов назад
I'm testing myself against your knowledge. I was just in a debate with a protestant yesterday about sola scriptura. I can't wait to see if I used the same passages as you teach here. I know I will learn more because I think I sited 6 passages in that conversation.
@HAL9000-su1mz 6 часов назад
One thing he cannot deny: Christians do not necessarily need a bible. The bible itself proves this. ZERO Christians IN the bible HAD a bible. Believers HEARD the Word. Luke 10:16. So far, no coherent explanations of bible alone. Christians need the Gospel. How did Christ send the Gospel forth?
@jenniferrogoff8459 11 часов назад
That's the notetaking Bible I have too! I would have suggested that cause I dont like nrsv. But I didnt say anything cause that was your choice. But I am so glad you are switching!!!! God Bless you!
@KennyBurchard 4 часа назад
You bet!
@mikewhite3083 11 часов назад
I just found this channel a short while back and subscribed. I purchased the Ave Maria Notetaking Bible a couple of weeks ago and quickly noticed that there were no extra blank pages in it. I have been trying to figure a way to add blank pages for the topical index and just saw this episode this morning. Thanks for the link to the other channel which has the video regarding adding blank pages. Really enjoying your videos and this one has been the best so far. Looking forward to many more. God Bless!
@tamangchristopher5453 11 часов назад
Im learning much from you thank you 😊
@KennyBurchard 4 часа назад
I'm so glad!
@Conor13104 12 часов назад
This is great Kenny! One question that has always confused me is what exactly is contained in Sacred Tradition. I understand it can be 1. The proper way to interpret scripture and 2. Extra-biblical sacred teachings of the apostles. Do you have any examples of #2? When I dialogue with Protestants I always defend Sacred Tradition but I have trouble defining what is in it
@KennyBurchard 11 часов назад
Great question. The mistake is to think of scripture and tradition in this way: Over here on the left, we have a written set of books called Sacred Scripture. These are inspired. Over here on the right, we have another set of writings consisting of lists of things called Sacred Tradition. The impulse is to look for "written things" as proof of Sacred Tradition. This is not to say that these things were not written down in various ways by various people (many were), but there is not a "book of sacred traditions." Rather, Sacred Tradition is seen in two primary ways: 1. The Church's conclusions about the meaning of Sacred Scripture (especially when there have been disputes). So - the BELIEF, for instance that God is a Trinity is a way of interpreting Scripture. It is (as it is called in Titus) "the trustworthy word as taught (1:9). In other words, it is a particular way of understanding things. Other things fit in to this "primary way" such as Mary's perpetual virginity (a way of interpreting the collective data in the Bible and what the Church has always said), the Canonicity of particular texts (Such as the Deutero Canonical Books and the 27 books of the New Testament). There is no writing IN the Bible that says what books go in the Bible. We need Sacred Tradition to sort those things out. 2. The Church's worship and practice. For instance, the way in which the Mass is celbrated and develops can be found explicated in great detail, for instance, in the writings of St. Justin Martyr. There is nothing in the Bible about the step-by-step process for celebrating Christian worship as he explains it and works through it. This is a way of saying, "This is how it was taught to us, so this is how we carry out our public worship." Until Justin writes it down, we don't have a written record. We only have a "lived record" if you will. To summarized (using both ways) Sacred Tradition is seen in how the Church eventually makes conclusions about the meaning of Christian Truth (such as dogmas and doctrines that eventually become defined), and how the Church lives her life (especially and centrall in ecclesial life in worship. etc.). There are WITNESSES to Sacred Tradition in the writings of the Early Fathers, which is why, for instance, John Henry Newman concluded that a rigorous study of early Church writings would lead anyone to conclude that these people lived, worshippped, and believed as Catholics. They say so when they describe their theology and practice beyond what is written down in the Bible.
@Conor13104 11 часов назад
@@KennyBurchardThank you for the very thoughtful and thorough answer! This makes a ton of sense to me. Much appreciated as always- Excited for the next episode!
@HAL9000-su1mz 6 часов назад
The Catechism of the Catholic Church contains the doctrinal deposit of faith. It distills the Tradition of the Apostles as well as doctrinal decisions and developments ever since. The Church collects it, preserves it and promotes it using the Magisterial power granted by Christ. Even the bible is part of the Magisterium, as it could only be written, collected, vetted and published by that inspiration and Magisterial authority.
@funnymovie2827 12 часов назад
To me i always ask to them who made the bible before we discuss every words writen on it. and many of them become neutralize from being aggresive talking about bibble, so that question make them uncomtable to answer becuase if the aswer it it will shown that catholic is mainly the responsable .
@nikocarpenter 12 часов назад
It seems like Peter (in 2 Peter 1:20-21) is *not* saying that we cannot privately interpret scripture, which is already God's word, but that the things the apostles are teaching were given to them by God directly, and not something they've deduced from reading the old testament, Harold Camping style. I think 2 Peter 3:16 is a much better argument against perspicuity of scripture, and thus private interpretation.
@HAL9000-su1mz 6 часов назад
In 2 Peter 1 when he mentions the "holy men" he meant the Apostles and of course, that authority as handed on to the Church and preserved by the Church. Much of what Jesus spoke was solely directed at the Apostles. Context is key to understanding. Do you consult the (online) Rev. George Leo Haydock Bible Commentary? It is a great help in coming to a fuller understanding of the faith and the scriptures. Here is what the commentary states on 2 Peter 1:20 "Ver. 20. No prophecy of the scripture is made by private interpretation; or, as the Protestants translate it from the Greek, is of any private interpretation, i.e. is not to be expounded by any one’s private judgment or private spirit. (Witham) - The Scriptures cannot be properly expounded by private spirit or fancy, but by the same spirit wherewith they were written, which is resident in the Church."
@erlindafields8897 14 часов назад
Love all what you are doing!!!God is love!!!Jesus is love!!!
@philipmarchalquizar7741 14 часов назад
This is my favourite apologitic Catholic Channel. It's relaxing 😊
@HAL9000-su1mz 6 часов назад
Like a coffee break with Christ!
@KennyBurchard 4 часа назад
Glad you enjoy it!
@Catholiclady3 15 часов назад
I just ordered both bibles that you have recommended because my old bible had no room to take notes. I'm going to look at them both and decide which one I like. Are they very different with their wording? Why is the Ave bible a better choice?
@Shevock 15 часов назад
You have a real charism for this.
@TheZebbedee12 15 часов назад
I have a Calvinist friend and we goto lunch once a month and discuss the Bible. I need to get the Ave bible and get it loaded up with Crayola highlights so I can blow his mind next time we meet up!
@DaVinci3333 15 часов назад
John 1:42 [42]And he led him to Jesus. And Jesus, gazing at him, said: "You are Simon, son of Jonah. You shall be called Cephas," (which is translated as Peter).
@HAL9000-su1mz 6 часов назад
Even BEFORE Peter's confession about Christ! It seems that Peter was pre-destined.
@MikeStAmand 15 часов назад
What an awesome way to wake up and have my coffee! Thank you so much for your instruction. You and others are helping me in very many ways as I reignite my love of the Faith of my birth. I am coming to truly love the Bible and the Catholic Church as I did when I was a child (before the "cynical, selfish" me put some distance between myself and the Church.) BTW, I've been using my NRSV Catholic journaling Bible but have been wanting to switch the AVE Maria Notetaking Bible as I prefer the RSV2CE and have been holding off for this. Now I can make the change without reservations.
@Paulusfan 16 часов назад
Titus1: 10 For there are many rebellious people, full of meaningless talk and deception, especially those of the circumcision group. 11 They must be silenced, because they are disrupting whole households by teaching things they ought not to teach-and that for the sake of dishonest gain.
@DaVinci3333 16 часов назад
Study St. IGNATIUS OF ANTIOCH. ORDAINED BY PETER to Bishop. He was instructed via Apostolic Succession by Peter, John, and Paul. Supports what JESUS SAID HOW HE was sending the Holy Spirit to guide them in ALL THINGS!!! John 16:12-15 [12]I still have many things to say to you, but you are not able to bear them now. [13]But when the Spirit of truth has arrived, he will teach the whole truth to you. For he will not be speaking from himself. Instead, whatever he will hear, he will speak. And he will announce to you the things that are to come. [14]He shall glorify me. For he will receive from what is mine, and he will announce it to you. [15]All things whatsoever that the Father has are mine. For this reason, I said that he will receive from what is mine and that he will announce it to you.
@DaVinci3333 16 часов назад
2 Peter 1:19-21 [19]And so, we have an even firmer prophetic word, to which you would do well to listen, as to a light shining within a dark place, until the day dawns, and the daystar rises, in your hearts. [20]Understand this first: that every prophecy of Scripture does not result from one's own interpretation. [21]For prophecy was not conveyed by human will at any time. Instead, holy men were speaking about God while inspired by the Holy Spirit.
@HAL9000-su1mz 6 часов назад
Nehemiah 8:5-8. Ezra and the scribes taught the people and gave them the sense of the Law! Mosiac Law which we "think" is clear, STILL needs to be explained by those in authority. What a concept!
@DaVinci3333 16 часов назад
Romans 13:1-2 [1]Let every soul be subject to higher authorities. For there is no authority except from God and those who have been ordained by God. [2]And so, whoever resists authority, resists what has been ordained by God. And those who resist are acquiring damnation for themselves.
@Paulusfan 16 часов назад
JESUS said to the apostels: Whoever listens to you listens to me; whoever rejects you rejects me; but whoever rejects me rejects him who sent me.” Luke 10,16 Hahaha, i wanted to Tell you this vers, i was first, excuse my bad english
@Paulusfan 16 часов назад
Epheser 2, 21-22 is really exciting❤ for me 😊
@Paulusfan 17 часов назад
Greetings from Germany
@clementartaeq 17 часов назад
Thank you so much for very clear cut explanation.
@claudejean7085 20 часов назад
Hello Mr Kenny! Thank you for your interesting enlightme t. I wish to add a biblic reading in favour of purgatory. It is in Luke :39-48. I recommend that you watch Catholic Production by Dr Brant Pitre on the question.🙏
@KennyBurchard 15 часов назад
Thanks for sharing!
@MW3JMJ День назад
I prefer a "red-letter" Bible, but haven't found one that is Catholic. Would be nice if you did a Bible App review!
@StorytellerUCLA День назад
If I could only get one of these Bibles, for now to annotate and study, which one would it be? And if I could get to which would those two be?
@KennyBurchard День назад
@@StorytellerUCLA I would encourage the AVE note taking Bible (not featured) and the Didache Bible as your study Bible.
@user-eb9yc5cj3z День назад
My on-lap bible is the Douay Rheims.
@ctruly2104 День назад
Can't wait for each and every episode!
@mlast3264 День назад
Very helpful
@KennyBurchard 4 часа назад
Glad you think so!
@doubtingthomas9117 День назад
And of course the canonical norm of the Apostolic tradition is the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament as understood in light of the ancient Rule of Faith. Btw-the mnemonic I learned for Galatians through Colossians is “General Electric Power Company” PS: good video by the way 👍🏻 (From an Anglican)
@KennyBurchard 4 часа назад
Oh love that!!
@Catholiclady3 День назад
I'm loving these! They are so good!