Meer dan 25 jaar onafhankelijke onderzoeksjournalistiek.
Hoe ernstig is de PFAS-vervuiling? | Zembla
2 месяца назад
De omstreden miljoenendeal van de koning
3 месяца назад
The transgender protocol
5 месяцев назад
Het beloofde transgenderonderzoek | Zembla
6 месяцев назад
Het onrecht van de WIA blootgelegd | Zembla
6 месяцев назад
Pilots: European flights are becoming less safe
6 месяцев назад
Strijden tegen stinkende megastallen | Zembla
6 месяцев назад
De gevaren van PFAS in de doofpot | Zembla
7 месяцев назад
Het oneerlijke arbeidsongeschiktheidsstelsel
9 месяцев назад
De strijd tegen vogelgriep
10 месяцев назад
Iran's sanction game
10 месяцев назад
@leonkappert4475 7 часов назад
Weg met deze maffia familie. Heel eng! Ik hoop oprecht dat al dat geteister Karma krijgt.
@dimitrioskantakouzinos8590 15 часов назад
Complimenten voor Zembla en BNNVara. Had het echt niet van jullie verwacht, maar dat maakt het des te beter dat jullie de moed hebben om dit te doen.
@jennifermoore2041 День назад
PROFIT OVER people 🎉 its more important that corporations make money and share holders get rich than stupid podunk children. Who cares?😅
@jacosillevis1383 День назад
Goede docu. Het waren, zijn en zullen altijd wel boeven blijven.
@carladavis807 День назад
Maxima is een slimme meid en verzot op geld! Ze probeert met haar mooie glimlach zoveel mogelijk voor zichzelf te vergaren en de regels gewoonweg te negeren! Het Nederlandse volk wordt door haar, met de hulp van het corrupte ambtelijke apparaat, bij de neus genomen! SCHANDELIJK! Weg met deze Koninklijke dieven van het Nederlandse volk 😡
@oshima6451 День назад
Als die mensen van de fabrikant zouden kunnen kiezen hun leven op te moeten geven of stoppen. Wat zouden ze doen?
@BD-md6zr День назад
Sigrid Kaag weer duidelijk incapabel.
@saal0 День назад
De vraag is nu wat er 3 jaar later is veranderd
@saal0 День назад
Bij de apotheek werd mij destijds verteld dat de grondstof van zantac slecht leverbaar was en dat ik beter even bij het kruidvat kon kijken. Er werd bij niets verteld over verontreinigingen. Ik heb dit middel langdurig moeten gebruiken 🙃 Heb de laatste pilletjes maar weggegooid
@Vochtjes День назад
Tijd om op te doeken.
@sportingact6248 День назад
Typisch oranje bashing vanuit de linker flank. Gelukkig bestaan er nog mensen die respekt in hun lijf hebben want respekt voor anderen is bij de publieke omroep ver te zoeken. Ga een keer een reportage maken over het weggesluisde geld die het bouwen van moskeeën in dit land financiert zoals nu het geval is in Culemborg.
@svoorkest1502 2 дня назад
En het eten?? Wordt ook ondergespoten door die troep.. lekker blijven eten allemaal… ik eet biologisch
@pavelp9887 2 дня назад
Honestly it’s a shame to say it but the truth is for this to stop for good all that has to happen is a 30 foot orca gain enough momentum and fly out of the water and into the crowd
@pavelp9887 2 дня назад
I don’t understand how they never anything about the sonar like these whales are meant to use that and have it bounce off things but there’s nothing in the pool
@pavelp9887 2 дня назад
Ok this guy sitting in the chair, I just started listening to him and I already don’t like him.
@pavelp9887 2 дня назад
I don’t understand one thing. These whales are giants, they have huge organs, their bodies are meant to be supported by the water. I’m assuming that when they would get up on that blue thing in Seaworld to show off, all that weight bring out of the water was unpleasant possibly painful even. How do they transport these orca in those dumb hammocks? Doesn’t it hurt them? Don’t they need a tank with water to be transported and not a damn hammock? We weigh a 150lbs let’s say, these guys weigh up to 12 THOUSAND pounds. I’ve seen wild orca that learned a special hunting strategy where they literally almost beach themselves but few orca can do it, most are afraid to even try it. But I guess if they can beach themselves in the wild to catch a little seal or penguin maybe it’s ok.
@pavelp9887 2 дня назад
Look if humans want to keep any kind of relationship with the orcas then it’s up to us to innovate and improvise. First we have to come up with an idea that will actually work, a 36 foot deep pool for a 30 foot or a does not work. They need stimulation, tons of it, much more than we can ever provide. This means they need to be in an ocean setting. Their sonar needs to resonate off of things and even prey items. Simply put, they make look happy because of their happy looking faces but they are not happy. Now some of the Orcas became mamas. After years of imprisonment and idiotic tricks for some fish just to make money for the owners the mama Orca finally received some Joy in her life with her baby. In the wild they give birth to huge 400lb babies. This little one looked like half that. Still she would swim along with mama and mama was finally happy for a change. Unfortunately, being a baby the young one was making mistakes or something during the show and getting in mamas way. So what do these heartless, inhumane, evil, vile, face begging for a brick bastards do! They decide to sell the baby. It’s not enough that the mother has already made them millions. They had to take the one Joy she had away from her. You can watch the documentary. The mama made noises so loud no orca ever made noise like that. She thought if she could scream loud enough the baby would return. It’s absolutely heartbreaking and I truly would love it for whhoever made that decision to get hit by a bus. Truck or tractor. Better yet throw him to a pod of killer whales, too bad they wouldn’t hurt him. I saw the pain in that mamas eye. And her scream. You don’t understand it is something otherworldly. The orcas brains have a special thing that makes them more empathetic. I guess why no orca has ever attacked a human in the wild. There have been 4 deaths? In the parks right? Something like that? Not many anyway and certainly way less than we deserve for what we have done to them. What they don’t tell you is that there have been well over 00 acts of aggression, and over 80 what they call close calls. This was the Orca showing its frustration. They could have killed, easily, every time but they did not. These animals have forgiven us for what we have done to them. Now Chinas 800 million middle class boom and many want to see what the Americans go to see. Dolphins and whales doing idiotic tricks for fish to eat, while locked in a prison. These parks are going up by the dozens all over China. Their Russian friends are more than happy to provide the whales, even though they have no clue if the whales they are taking from the Ocean are fish eating orca or mammal eating orca. I wonder if Putin himself knows what’s happening. He is an avid animal lover and because of him and a bunch of dedicated people the Siberian tiger population, the largest most beautiful cat in the world, has made a come back from only 350 to 550 Tigers now. Putin saved them from extinction. Perhaps if someone brings this up to him he may be inclined to do something about it. The problem is it’s the Chinese and they are friends and all that crap. But who knows, has anyone even written to him? You know breeding programs are bad enough but catching wild Orca is just like GO FIND ANOTHER JOB FFS! Now these Chinese parks popping up all over are horrible. The tanks are tiny. The places look like American parks in the 50s. It’s just a time bomb. Eventually someone will be killed. You are dealing with the animal that is literally at the top of the food chain. For some odd, unknowable reason they like us. They don’t see us as threats and naturally are curious and want to play with us. And we used that against them. Now we know that there is only so much mercy an orca can show. If it is pushed beyond its breaking point it will attack and you have no clue what that point is. Dawn, thought she did everything right that fateful day and went to lay down with tillikum and just when they are supposed to have their special one on one time, he grabbed her by her arm not like people say the hair, he would have ripped her scalp off if he did that. He ate her arm, broke her bones and carried her around for 45 minutes. why? The truth is we’ll never know but the closest theory is Dawn made a big mistake and the whale felt betrayed. Towards the end of the show, the last trick she told him to do was to swim around with his flipper in the air. When he was not even half way done she whistled for him to return. He did not hear the damn whistle and maze a full 360 with his flipper in the air. He thought he performed the trick perfectly, but he saw Dawn show him the “you messed up sigh” this seemed completely harmless to her, but to him I believe it enraged him. He did the entire circle, he knew he did it right tans still received a “negative reinforcement” which is never good by the way and in this car I believe it was deadly. The other thing that likely angers the whale is that he was hungry. This is a 30 foot, 6,000 pound X behemoth that cannot communicate to you that he is hungry. They are kept hungry so that they perform, I guess they won’t perform if they sre not hungry. At the end of the show there no fish left. The whales know this. They hate hearing the trainer scrounge around in a bucket of ice because they know three no fish. Dawn found two meager fish and fed the whale. He should have bed given 5 buckets full at that point, not 2 fish. If you’re gonna reward performances with fish, GIVE THEN ENOUCH FISH OR BIG FISH! Dawn did not sense anything was off and went and laid down on the red pad for her special time with her favorite whale. Unfortunately it would be her last time. Tillikum wasted no time. He went right for her arm, which shows clear aggression. And well you know the rest. He did this for 45 minute. Every minute he spent with Dawn in his mouth showed his anger. I don’t know if it was strictly towards her, I don’t even know if he meant to kill her. What I do know is that Tillikums life since Jews captured has been unfair. And I know that Dawn made the mistake of telling him that he’s bad when in fact he’s good. They are extremely sensitive. I bet the fish wasn’t even the issue. It was the fact that he felt unappreciated by Dawn. Or it could simply be that he was not fed enough so he was hungry angry. Tillikums punishment was they put him in a tiny pen where he could barely move for an entire year and he died the next year. Tillikum is the father of practically all of sea worlds orcas. If we want to interact with these amazing creatures in anyway we innovate. And we must do it with the well being of the Orcas in our mind first and foremost. We can definitely do it. We’ve put men on the moon ans built $150 billion dollar space station. This needs to be a project similar to that. It can definitely be done. I’m thinking an island surrounded by Orca pens. If it’s possible to do, this may sound ridiculous but perhaps an underwater tunnel that travels the length of all the pens, basically surrounding the island. No dim shows, just orcas is in the ocean. And then, the ones that seem ready can be tagged and allowed out of the pens and into the ocean. They can stay in the ocean or they can return but it will be their choice. Personally, I’ve never been a fan of Orca doing tricks. It just seems silly. The greatest Predator on the planet playing hopscotch and hoola hoop? Idiotic. I would much rather walk through a tunnel and see a 30 foot Orca swim over me. Perhaps he will stop and say hello. We’ve got many of the greatest minds jn the world in the marine mammal business whether it be scientist who study them or trainers who know them and even engineers who know to build what is required. We must work with the Orca together. Otherwise you’ll make your money fine then someone gets killed, people put pressure on you and then what? Why not get the biggest marine mammal attraction parks along with scientists and others and figure out an answer to this. Something that could last hundreds of years. Just imagine a 30 foot Orca swimming above your head, who would not pay to see that?
@Henckio 2 дня назад
Wanneer ik een en ander weglak in m'n administratie gaat m'n kop eraf. En dan gaat het over verwaarloosbare bedragen tov wat hier speelt.
@yordvandamme 3 дня назад
Toen ik hoorde "Wat heeft het leven van deze generatie jongeren..." dacht ik "...voor zin". Denk dat dat genoeg zegt.
@toonlommers834 3 дня назад
Dank zei Ruttje die loog er wel op los en nog voor het tribunaal
@ituber_021 3 дня назад
"Ik heb eigenlijk nog nooit eerder zulke uitgebreide strikt vertrouwelijk en op harde ware feiten gebaseerde informatiev docu gezien, wat Atoom,-en Kernwapens betreft!' Best bloedserieuze en naar mijn mening beetje eng, of redelijk angstaanjagende, zelfs gevaarlijke inhoudelijke Theorieën over over deze (alles) destructieve en massavernietigingswapens!' Echt géén grappen meer...!!!'🤯
@obimk1-ms1jw 3 дня назад
No more Fines, poisoning for PROFIT, death penalties or for life in jail. I had it with these companies, consequences.
@chrisakse8404 3 дня назад
het zijn permanente leugenaars walgelijk , mensen
@chrisakse8404 3 дня назад
het zijn nagemaakte luie kut ambtenaren , allemaal leugenaars , doen alsof ze heel druk zijn , maar voeren geen klote uit , willen allemaal een title , maar als het er op aan komt zijn ze niet thuis , waardeloos de politici
@roscoecoltrane9523 3 дня назад
3M is just as bad. Look into it.
@tarmbruster1 4 дня назад
Its unending. If its not one company its another. We have a mining company who wants to open a facility right next to our local river way and a landfill company who wants to expand their facility by 5X the current size in our small community in California. Keep up the good fight.
@tarmbruster1 4 дня назад
Im not a doctor, but hese men who are ill and one of the symptoms is that of being tired all the time is to issue them a stimulant. Might give them some relief from their feeling of exhaustion.
@johanniebeek6970 4 дня назад
Weg met dat oerwoud tuig
@sharoncoleman3 4 дня назад
Volgens de BBB allemaal onzin natuurlijk.
@paardendichterxoxo6985 4 дня назад
Zembla doet denken aan Nova Zembla (novaja zemlja), een Russische archipel!! Russisch! Dit baart mij enorme zorgen, ik eis een overheidsonderzoek naar de integriteit van Noza Zembla en het lieft om een wijze die zoveel mogelijk imagoschade aanbrengt.
@PonchoPilatus 4 дня назад
De #KoninklijkeParasieten blijven leuk. 😅
@gerritk4687 4 дня назад
Pechtold roept dat de familie Oranje Nassau toch al in een glazen huis woont. Het tegenovergestelde is waar. We weten helemaal niets wat daar gebeurd. Decennia en soms eeuwen later komt de stront naar boven.
@gerritk4687 4 дня назад
Complimenten voor Zembla. Goede journalistiek 💪🏻👍🏻
@gerritk4687 4 дня назад
Ik kom al mijn hele leven in het Kroondomein. Hoe gaat dat jagen dan? Ze maken grote voerplekken, daar omheen op zo'n 30 meter schiethutten. En knallen maar met een stuk in de kraag door Jonge Klare. Veel dieren lijden tijdens het feestje van Alex. Ik heb het allemaal gezien. Wat een helden.
@gerritk4687 4 дня назад
Hoe komt het toch dat de burger geen vertrouwen meer heeft in de politiek en die diknekken die 3 maanden dieren afknallen in ons Kroondomein? Lijkt me duidelijk toch?
@offensivebuddist319 4 дня назад
Ik ben een beetje klaar met dit soort vragen, deze blijven gesteld worden omdat geen enkele journalist het antwoord begrijpt. De koning EN de overheid hebben een hekel aan het volk. Dit wordt ontkent met een hoop leuke worden vanuit de verschillende voorlichtingsbureaus en partij programma's. Echter is elke handeling, elk feit en alle acties duidelijk. Ze hebben een hekel aan je en verafschuwen "de simpelheid". Wellicht terug naar de republiek. Zelfde problemen tuurlijk maar je kan ze wel wegstemmen.... Weg met de koning, lang leve de Republiek.
@toonlommers834 4 дня назад
Geld het slijk der aarde😢
@JoyceKelleyHomes 4 дня назад
Poor Mr. Tennant in West Virginia he shined the light on the evil Dupont was doing on his family farm killed all those poor cows of his 190 cows that poor man buried my heart breaks for him, his family!!!! God bless you Mr. Tennant RIP!!
@JoyceKelleyHomes 4 дня назад
Dupont & 3M are evil companies causing willful irreparable harm to humans, animals health for money, greed. Not to mention the environmental damage that will probably never be repaired. I want to know every product Dupont and 3M make today and never use their death products ever again. All those people who knew the toxic poison being pumped into the environments, ultimately into the food chain, into people’s bodies is heinous. So, sickening!!!
@eddieburrelli 5 дней назад
'𝘁 𝗜𝘀 𝘁𝘂𝗶𝗴 𝘃𝗮𝗻 𝗱𝗲 𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗹.
@robbertdebakker5406 5 дней назад
Sjoemelmonarchie...gelijk aan de Duitse Volkswagen....
@robhuiting1041 5 дней назад
Nja.. als ik een koning zou zijn zou ik ook niet onderoden aan het volk Ik zou gruwelijke schijt hebben en gewoon een dikke mercedes kopen en elke dag uit eten en als iemand zeurt tegen me laat ik die persoon opsluiten
@Mike05121988 5 дней назад
Gewoon afschaffen het koningshuis en alle eigendommen van hun verkopen. Eigendommen die ze ooit bezit hadden en nu bezitten. En dan praat ik over de eigendommen van alle leden van de koninklijke familie (dus incl. Beatrix en diens kinderen en kleinkinderen, haar zussen en diens kinderen en kleinkinderen, haar neven en nichten enz. Enz.
@paradigmshifter3747 5 дней назад
Elke drie jaar en koning kiezen zoals in het oera linda boek staat
@toonlommers834 5 дней назад
Corrupt k.t land triest
@toonlommers834 5 дней назад
De mens vernietigd zich zelf😢
@minajanssen409 5 дней назад
Haha die hormoon dokter pure leugens. Puberteits remmers zijn schadelijk voor jonge kinderen. Ze worden chemisch gecastreerd en er is geen weg meer terug. Pure propaganda van deze dokter
@thomasuitbreda 5 дней назад
De oranjes....CHARLATANS zijn het. Boeven, al generaties lang!!
@pietjepuk2599 5 дней назад
Ik vind erfbelasting sowieso onrechtvaardig. Meer nog voor de burger die eigenhandig voor het geld heeft gewerkt en al genoeg belasting heeft betaald.
@helenooft9664 5 дней назад
Vind dit een hele grote fout van de door ons gekozen regering, het zijn de partijen waar ik al jaren bezwaar tegen maak, nl. VVD, CU, CDA, D66, die het volk moeten vertegenwoordigen i.p.v. de koninklijke familie, zij zijn al jaren bezig geweest om op onze sociale voorzieningen te bezuinigen en de belastingen voor ons te verhogen.