Prostate Cancer Research Institute
Prostate Cancer Research Institute
Prostate Cancer Research Institute
The Prostate Cancer Research Institute provides resources for prostate cancer patients and caregivers looking to gain understanding, insight, and hope. Get honest answers from science based data.
@robwells230 2 часа назад
Treatment bias??? Dr Shultz is quick to tell about the lucky men who have no, or minimal ADT side effects.. but never about the other extreme. ....Support groups are full of men who have refused further ADT because of the horrific quality of life destroying and life shortening side effects of this cruel and barbaric treatment. They routinely say " I would sooner be dead than continue to suffer on ADT". I think it is biased and unethical to obfuscate all the facts about ADT CASTRATION. We have a right to FULL DISCLOSURE, not big pharma sales propaganda. It's easier to cope with the hellish effects IF we know that the treatment plan was OUR choice, and not something we were coerced, deceived, extorted, and intimidated into. Patients are grown men who can handle the truth. Stop treating us like concentration camp inmates or like little children.
@robwells230 2 часа назад
Studies show that after 18 months or more of ADT CASTRATION, 75 percent of ALL MEN WILL NOT RECOVER THEIR TESTOSTERONE LEVELS EVEN AFTER A MEDIAN TIME OF FIVE YEARS. Please have the integrity to inform patients about the very long and unpredictable recovery time after ADT. This information is essential before patients can give FREE AND FULLY INFORMED CONSENT.
@robertheath453 2 часа назад
Help! G9 LN MET. Had radiation and 2 years ADT and zytiga. STAMPEDE seems to suggest 3 years ADT. MO insist 2 years enough. Thoughts?
@donaldwbarkey7458 3 часа назад
Prostate cancer can be a silent killer for men even in their 40’s if not detected early by regular annual PSA blood tests. All men over 40 should be tested for PSA . Many cancers begin in prostate for men unfortunately . Many Dr’s do not place credence on PSA tests which is a trigger for biopsy of prostate cancer. Patients must demand biopsy if PSA is over 6 just to be on the safe side.
@paulwasilewski4526 4 часа назад
Thanks for posting.
@wongsiang1133 7 часов назад
Dr. MARK Scholz and Miss.Alex thank so much for this chemotherapy discussion because later on I need to decide whether need to go for chemotherapy after my Pet Scan report is being verified.I am having prostrate cancer too.
@kevinford1856 9 часов назад
I just completed my six-month review following diagnosis of stage 4 PC in December 2023. At that time, my PSA was 86 and I had numerous lesions in my prostate, lymph nodes and multiple bones. I had triple therapy consisting of docetaxel (Taxotere), degarelix (Firmagon) and darolutamide (Nubeqa). I completed 5/6 cycles of docetaxel before the side effects became too great. These included loss of hair, energy, taste and appetite, diarrhoea, neuropathy, and bleeding under fingernails. I also needed several blood transfusions for low haemoglobin count. Side effects are slowly diminishing. After six months my PSA has fallen to 0.02, swelling in my prostate and lymph nodes has reduced, and I have no new cancer sites. No further chemo is planned for now, I will continue with degarelix and darolutamide for the foreseeable future. I had thought that the chemo would kill off the existing cancer in the bones, but that has not happened. My oncologist says that it not atypical. At least the cancer in the bones is not growing or spreading. Any thoughts on this? I am overall happy with the report. I no longer feel that I am in imminent danger.
@duggartaiwan786 10 часов назад
@rubencostanza6379 11 часов назад
Buenas tardes doctor, tengo 61 años y en una biopsia tengo los puntos de muestra 8, 9 y 10 con un Gleison 3+4=7, con 20%, 50% y 20% de incidencia... con dolor lumbar... ¿Qué recomiendas como tratamiento? Gracias
@shorttrackstoriesbyrickcro260 11 часов назад
How many months must you be on Lupron before you can take a vacation? I had a two year vacation 7 lymph node metastasis throughout. Went back on Lupron psa immediately undetectable and lesions shrunk. Can I go right back to intermittent therapy?
@Eclectic_RN 12 часов назад
If you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail...........If you're a surgeon, everything..........
@williammack571 13 часов назад
I sm 4 months into adt with a starting psa of 121 rising to 230 while I waited for an appointment w ith a urologist. My psa has dropped but rate of dropping is decreasing. My mental health has never been worse. I cannot find a reason to live. I feel that the best outcome available will leave me in a level of misery where i will wish evrn harder to die. What to do?
@jaktao6044 13 часов назад
what a tie! Mark's got style.
@dianeferguson357 15 часов назад
Pluvicto stopped after second treatment PSA doubled after first and shot up to over 2000 after 2nd. They talked about lower dose or adding more time til next treatment but blood tests before 3rd treatment weren’t great for hemoglobin, white cells, etc. Just had first treatment of Cabazitaxel and doctor said this is the last card up his sleeve. Anything left in your opinion?
@CharlieStokes-hw8rw 13 часов назад
Find another sleeve.
@kaikai9542 16 часов назад
I , age 62, had Leuprolide & 6 cycles of Docetaxel. After the 5th cycle my PSA dropped from 291 ng to 1.38 ng , ALP dropped from 1,195 U to 138 U. My Gleason score is 10 with bones mets. The doctor will add Abiraterone after chemos. How long can I live ?
@CharlieStokes-hw8rw 12 часов назад
Me: Gleason 9 with bone mets, PSA down from 224 to .3. Oncologist gave me 2 years 3 years ago. How long can I live? Until I die.
@stitcheruk1150 11 часов назад
@@CharlieStokes-hw8rwWhat was your treatment and what ADT are you taking ?
@CharlieStokes-hw8rw 10 часов назад
@@stitcheruk1150 Lupron plus enzalutamide (Xtandi) for 24 months. Went on holiday in January (against advice). PSA nadir 0.1 in January. PSA in March 0.3 with T=88. PSMA scan in April showed met on 7th left rib with substantial uptake. Next decision point: August 24 meeting with urologist. These are the questions: back on ADT? Spot radio on 7th rib? Chemo or immunology? I'm 72 but looking for cure or durable remission without further ADT (which has been very debilitating for me).
@kaikai9542 6 часов назад
Leupron ​@@stitcheruk1150
@GCASDTech 17 часов назад
Any advice for a 53 year old Prostate Cancer patient dealing with Autoimmune disorders (rheumatoid arthritis)? Gleason 9 treatment (radical prostatectomy, non-nerve sparing, radiation, Docetaxel, Lupron). Have had undetectable PSA for two years. Oncologist will not agree to let Rheumatologist prescribe methotrexate injection to alleviate symptoms. Currently surviving on prednisone and would like to stop steroids. There is little to no information to help guide decision making.
@kczbluesman 11 часов назад
@gcasd. Look into honeybee venom therapy
@TERRY-cb2ku 17 часов назад
Got my biopsy done on Wednesday and will get the results on July 2nd. My PSA has come down to 3.3 in the last few weeks. I'm hoping what was seen on MRI was just a calcification. Anyone who is a believer, please pray for me.
@ncvman 16 часов назад
dont need to pray. you will be fine. 3.3 is fine. I have that and been through so many biposy and mri and have nothing.
@thomasbrady63 15 часов назад
I will keep you in my prayers. My PSA went from 2.5 to 5.4 from March 2023 to March 2024 . Then 6.2 in April . 2.9 June 3 and 2.9 June 15 . I had an MRI in April 2 lessons 1 Pirads 3 and 1 Pirads 5 . I have a biopsy scheduled for July 11 . I’m a bit nervous. Good luck . 🙏
@ncvman 15 часов назад
@@thomasbrady63 biopsy is piece of cake. You have time do your research.
@dianeferguson357 15 часов назад
@CharlieStokes-hw8rw 13 часов назад
Prayer? Just spitting into the wind. Do it if it helps you feel better. Just stick with the facts Jack; get a new scan Stan (PSMA); watch who you deploy Roy (medical practitioners are a racket); you need to discuss much and get on the bus Gus (PCRI and others); find your own key, Lee, and just it let be.
@foropera 21 час назад
I don't find anything said about a loss of orgasms in the days following low dose brachytherapy. Will it come back, and what are the stats about this point( without erectile disfunction)?
@4truth69 21 час назад
I must have a case for medical malpractice or even negligence since none of what he said about early detection being extremely rare prevented my bone metastasis. Anyone out there know a good attorney for me to contact about this ?
@Ekimssiew 22 часа назад
I had a TURP done in May for an enlarged prostate. The pathology came back with 6 of 133 samples indicating 4+4=8 Gleason score. My PSA went down after surgery, and I'm peeing like a 25 year old (I'm 67 years old). My next step is a MRI in one week. I'm very anxious. By the way, I feel Great! Thanks for your videos!
@michaelrichmond3315 День назад
Grateful for Dr Sholz and for this fine young lady host they are really educating me to the point people are being referred for me for advise on prostate cancer and i am a chiropractor
@threeftr3349 День назад
My husband had Dr. Ankit Agarwal perform his LDR brachytherapy in the Phoenix area. He tremendously helped us, along with our local oncologist, urologist come up with the best treatment for my husband's prostate cancer. Dr. Agarwal is an amazing doctor, very highly rated and skilled specialist. He is very compassionate, and easy to talk to. He even called my husband a couple of times after the procedure, to check up on him. We are grateful to have found him.
@theobauer4845 День назад
Is ist possible to get a BPH after radiation ? And which treatments are than available?
@jim6658 День назад
My PSA is 16. MRI showed a lesion. Targeted biopsy showed 3 samples of stage one cancer. A PET scan was done. Gleason is 3+3. Now I'm getting 39 weeks of photon radiation and lupron. Does that sound right?
@CowboyStag День назад
Whole person??? As opposed to the half person Weird
@toma7744 День назад
once you understand how anti-tumor immunity works, mainstreams "hormone therapy" makes no sense at all ....
@dmcarden День назад
Just wondering why they can't avoid the neurovascular bundles and internal arteries or using less radiation on those.
@josephmaher1350 День назад
Excellent information.I’m on active surveillance, awaiting genetic results.
@charlesblumenstock9160 День назад
Yes getting one this week had a bad one and two good now hopeing for a notmal one.
@charlesblumenstock9160 День назад
A trus test is much better 6:52 6:52 6:54 6:55
@charlesblumenstock9160 День назад
Getting trus test is great for density 4:20 4:21 4:21 4:22 4:24 4:25 4:25
@charlesblumenstock9160 День назад
Yes active surveillance is 1:43 1:45
@fshafferma День назад
Dr Scholz and Alex are incredible in reducing the anxiety and raising the hope and awareness for anyone with a prostate cancer diagnosis. It would be nice to see a video about the difference in biopsy procedures(transrectal vs transperineal). I only wish their videos were required viewing for all urologists who often are matter of fact and often not hopeful. Thank you both for your dedication, time and information. It makes a world of difference to every patient. I encourage everyone to donate to PCRI to insure more videos can be forth coming.
@svenkataraman4950 2 дня назад
I had 4+3 Gleason score. Had surgical removal of the gland in 2018. BCR in 2021 . Has completed 3 years of ADT + Apaltutamide . PSA0.01. What next?
@SimonSayez-kz5tu 2 дня назад
I am prone to having kidney stones. I cannot imagine having radiation that most certainly affects the ureter after this. But I am undergoing radiation, and yes living in fear of this.
@dmcarden 2 дня назад
I took it for 2 months but even after stopping, effects lasted 3 years. Post-finasteride syndrome.
@tnvol5331 2 дня назад
i am told a PSA after surgery of .01 is not considered undetectable
@tnvol5331 2 дня назад
is a PSA of .01 considered undetectable or does it take less than .01 to be undetectable?
@tnvol5331 2 дня назад
how long to be on hormone blockers if PSA is .01
@SimonSayez-kz5tu 2 дня назад
Just now going through the same and no body said anything about this type of damage. Why not. Very negligent of my radiation people to not tell someone this.
@insanecnc 2 дня назад
I am 61 and my Dr. recommended I get an MRI with contrast of my prostate because my PSA was at 4.4. The MRI showed a couple lesions so my Dr. recommended a biopsy. Out of the 12 or 13 core sample biopsies taken 9 of those samples came back all Gleason 6, 3+3. I am considering just doing active surveillance for now and do a PSA check every 6 months. But what makes me nervous is that 9 out of the 13 samples were considered cancerous 3+3. My Dr. went over a list of options but suggested removing the prostate may be the best option. As far as I know there is nobody in my family history with prostate cancer. My dad passed away at 90 years old but not from cancer and I do not believe he ever had a PSA test in his life.
@bobmilo2786 2 дня назад
Outstanding video. Very informative. Thanks for what you all do. Great information.
@williammack571 2 дня назад
4 weeks on adt and I want to die. I've had an OK life and if 66 years is all it is that's that it's like the part of my brain that feels enjoyment and happiness is dead.
@williammack571 2 дня назад
Make that 4 months. There's another side effect
@pauljohnson7770 2 дня назад
I’d just give you both a big thumbs up. The cure is obviously death but until then life. One of my docs gave me 5 years. My first thot was I was dying but my next was no I’m still living. That was 12 years ago.
@williammack571 2 дня назад
I am on orgovix for 4 months now. My psma scan was clean. It's hard to say whether it's the facts or the chemistry but I do not want to live anymore.
@barbarameehan113 День назад
My hubbie has been on active surveillance for a year now he will be getting radiation. I have aggressive endometrial cancer. We are on a journey. I am sad that you don't want to live anymore. I know all this can be overwhelming. Pl. keep in touch.
@vanman3752 2 дня назад
This video is now 5 years old, do we know more about Metformin now? Or are we still waiting for more studies?
@jbiv6218 2 дня назад
As much as I appreciate Dr. Scholz and his talks, but he’s a medical oncologist. Can we hear about radiation therapy from a radiation oncologist?
@johnmchale8308 2 дня назад
Yep stress incontinence described by two of my friends that had prostates removed
@imxploring 2 дня назад
The unintended and often delayed side effects that RT can cause down the road REALLY need to be discussed at length when choosing a path to treat Pc.
@mekinhobh 2 дня назад
I’m from Brazil. Age 61. Gleason 9. Surgery 3 weeks ago. Planning to Start radioterapy in 3 months + 3 years of hormone therapy. It will be a long battle !! I’m catholic with a huge faith in God !