Guardsman Hanan
Guardsman Hanan
Guardsman Hanan
This channel covers everything Astra Militarum!

I upload videos covering the hobby, tactics and lore of Astra Militarum in Warhammer 40,000. This includes hobby basics, building and kit bashing, painting, tabletop tactics and the lore of the Imperial Guard.

I'm also a former Australian Army soldier with Infantry training and deployment experience. This helps me understand what life in the Astra Militarum would be like.

Current Patreon Platoon roll call:
*Tank Commander Glen
*Tank Commander Mitchell
*Tank Commander 'Watchdog' Van Etten
*Lieutenant Birk Nielsen, Smith
*Colour Sergeant Dupont
*Sergeants Erdal, Scott, 'The Colonel' Merrell
*Veterans Gibson, Hall, Lundeen
*Guardsman Beard, Coquillon, Hills, Malak, Netton, Nguyen, Tonkin
*Conscript Coubrough, De Paz, England, Evan Giang, Goodwin, King
@bopaintsminis 3 дня назад
For the algorithm! For the Emperor!
@michaeltei4173 5 дней назад
Pistol on the Vindicare is under rated. you roll 3 6s to hit then 3 6s to wound. you can one shot a landraider or a dreadnought. Its insane
@michaeltei4173 5 дней назад
Vindicare assassin is always an auto include, but I play blood angels. I think he is neat. You roll some 6s, you got some dead enemies
@michaeltei4173 5 дней назад
what on earth, an Aussie 40k?! instant sub
@GuardsmanHanan 2 дня назад
Haha much love! Cheers bloke
@Pestilencemage 6 дней назад
Is there a vanus assassin? ...just makes it so any time the enemy knocks over a piece on accident, it's actually dead? Pieces you can remove without the opponent noticing count as dead?
@GuardsmanHanan 6 дней назад
@Pestilencemage haha cool idea. Obviously there is a Vanus miniature for Horsey Heresy. Would be interesting to work up rules for a unit that essentially is a computer hacker
@Pestilencemage 6 дней назад
...all these units do exactly what they're supposed to. Most of them require you to do that though. To use them for precisely what they do, how they do it. Be that snipe off valuable units and disappear, drop off dangerous psykers instantly, charge in and cause chaos, or ninja around dropping commanders or swooping objectives. It's mostly a question of WHICH you think will be of most help. I personally either need something to charge in turning tides or disrupting enemy plans on those that do... ooor perhaps pick off priority targets to essentially debuff via ending buffs. Guard seem to be an attrittional army. Playing the cold logistics of war seems to win battles. Efficient use of points... is best aided by making enemy points less efficient.
@Pestilencemage 6 дней назад
Eversor assassin is a high probability pick. But I don't think I have the points to spare for him and he costs more than a scout sentinel. But all it takes is for one change to be made and he'll be a good fill. Dropping a minor officer along with a change in artillery composition or so... can easily find "...for this and an eversor." Can be a thing.
@Pestilencemage 6 дней назад
Shield breakers? Couldn't be used on the apostate cardinal... Don't think that's what hit Fulgrim... that was a needle. Maybe the group that went out after horus... the one that dropped his proxy.
@GuardsmanHanan 6 дней назад
@@Pestilencemage ah yes, I remember now the novel which explains this
@Tehquall 7 дней назад
Watching this whilst oiling my lasgun
@GuardsmanHanan 6 дней назад
Good, weapon inspection at 0300. Any rust on your Lasgun will be punished with 4 weeks latrine duty, Orgryn latrines....
@Tehquall 5 дней назад
@GuardsmanHanan Ogryns have latrines sir? I've never seen an Ogryn use one
@Pestilencemage 7 дней назад
...Catterchans are good 1st wave for getting into the field fast. Kriegers are good for marching into hell and advancing anyway. Good 2nd wave. Prime target for reinforcements so they can be the 3rd too. They endure more than your enemy planned for. Cadians are more stealth and tactics. They don't like to be shot or stabbed. They prefer to be base of fire troops. ...someone had to cover the rear and the gear! ...but they'll also provide special operations.
@Pestilencemage 7 дней назад
Flamers... premium target for punitive overwatch.
@Darkja 7 дней назад
Culexus is also an absolute beast agains Tyranids, Swarmlord, Hive Tyrant (and Winged), Neurotyrant, Tervigon, Broodlord, Maleceptors, Zoanthropes and Norn Emissary. I think now that Hive Tyrant/Swarmlord are more popular than before, and the Neurotyrant+Zoanthropes combination is a go-to, and Maleceptor (already used everywhere) he seems like a pretty nice inclusion. I have put him to good use lately, while i didnt have him on a guard list (yet) i was playing him on a Imperial Knights list, and i played 3 times against tyranids, each time he did the work. First game i shot+charged a Swarmlord and killed it in one go, i think it overkiller it by like 4 or 6 wounds. Second game, shot at a unit of 6 Zoanthropes + Neurotyrant and just with that i presicion killed the Neurotyrant, then charged the Zoanthropes killed 1 + dealt 2 wound to the second on, and they did nothing in return, and then punched them again and left 3 i think in the unit, they did nothing in return again. After that he did get charged and killed by another unit, but he did his job. Third game same as the first, but killed a Hive Tyrant. Im planing to make space to run him on my Guard soon.
@GuardsmanHanan 6 дней назад
@@Darkjadidn't think about Tyranids as I don't often play them. As you say, the Culexus does great work into them
@zombiedad 7 дней назад
I really like the evesor. I think your assessment is correct. Good stuff. Thanks
@GuardsmanHanan 6 дней назад
Eversor gets maximum cool points as well
@joelwashere5382 7 дней назад
Callidus works good for secondaries 👌
@davidsarram5126 10 дней назад
Hands down Rogal Dorn is the best!
@Pestilencemage 10 дней назад
...ok, I need to know by role. If I were to take a bombard, it seems it's intended to roll with the punches. I'm worried 40" won't pick off back troops holding points... and it looks like my arty is also supposed to occupy the rear to prevent flanking maneuvers.
@Pestilencemage 10 дней назад
...I don't want a bombard. I was just using it as a clearly different kind of arty than the rest.
@GuardsmanHanan 9 дней назад
@Pestilencemage it's a good point on the Bombard. It's anti vehcile / monster 5+ would trigger dev wounds which could be decent but D6 shots is terribly inconsistent
@Pestilencemage 10 дней назад
...ty. I needed rules explained outright. We ain't even through assumed knowledge and I've got a nice referance that cuts the BS and provides knowledge. I'm expecting a lot from you now cuz I'm confident you'll deliver. Of course, numbers seem subject to change frequently. But honestly, if I'm just given a good idea of what my options are and what role they forfill compared to the other options... I like to do unconventional crap like see if there is an arty that can bullet sponge and potentially negate indirect fire by moving ahead. ...sometimes it can knock off their secondary asset and honestly soak up damage from more essential units to work off it's points cost. Logistics wins wars.
@marcialrodriguez6285 10 дней назад
Taurox prime can also transport CHARACTER UNITS... think about it! xD
@GuardsmanHanan 10 дней назад
Hmmm actual wording is character models so that adds a wierd limitations I guess to it
@marcialrodriguez6285 10 дней назад
@@GuardsmanHanan ups, sorry!
@sephrus7784 10 дней назад
I think everyone has that same wheeled conversion kit on thier tauroxs. Those mini tracks look so dumb.
@johnmossfordmacgregor973 11 дней назад
Local RTT ruled only one order by Creed in Chimera and two on disembark Jury maybe still out on the wording of this one
@johnmossfordmacgregor973 11 дней назад
Sly Marbo has a reactive move Regarding Overwatch firing deck ability can only be used in your shooting phase so no over watch with firing deck In the shooting phase add the weapons from the two models to the vehicle
@GuardsmanHanan 11 дней назад
Ah of course! How could I forget Rambo!
@coldsteel.and.courage 11 дней назад
I love Sly
@mrgray3608 11 дней назад
Officer issuing orders from a Chimera can only do as many orders as per their data card, ie Platoon Commander can issue 1 order, so can do from inside Chimera or when set up after disembarking.
@nraketh 11 дней назад
Hey nice to see you back. For the Emperor!
@rodneygaul2227 11 дней назад
Sadly . I agree with your list
@bopaintsminis 11 дней назад
Forty-two minutes? I am not going to need a snack to go with this video. I'll need a full meal. Edited: Of all of the guard transports, only the chimera is viable? Sad.
@GuardsmanHanan 11 дней назад
No meals allowed, watching of my videoes requires you to be stood at attention the entire time 😁
@bopaintsminis 11 дней назад
@@GuardsmanHanan Just don't lock your knees if you don't want to take a header into the parade deck, trooper.
@GuardsmanHanan 11 дней назад
Good, wiggle your toes, squeeze your butt checks
@steelxspider5274 12 дней назад
Something to also keep in mind is that the Rogal Dorn Battle Tank's Ability can also blank Devastating Wound Attacks!
@douglasbeveridge1861 12 дней назад
the smoke discharger under the front hull looks like it was just stuck on there, straight out of the box, as an afterthought. It should have been modeled with some of the most drastic weathering details. Tanks and APCs in real life get a large amount of wear and tear in that area
@rodneygaul2227 14 дней назад
Rogal Dorn is the way to go until the "nerf" bat comes around
@sterkdrage9034 14 дней назад
I felt so freakin clever when I discovered the LR Exterminator / Fields of Fire / Hellhound combo where everything has 3 more AP against one target.... but all my friends play Knights, Admech, Sisters and Necrons and in some of those armies *literally* everything has an invuln, so -2 AP is the same as -7. And I have to get the world's specialest cogboy to get just one invuln, it's criminal I did run a game in TTS where I shoved as many Scions as I could into a Stormlord, the insane baneblade variant with 48 transport slots and firing deck 24, to have a single Solar order buffing my entire army. The techpriest protecting it got charged down and died, and then the Stormlord got one-rounded, all the Scions inside spilled out like an accident on a clown highway, it was hilarious. I wish Baneblades got to have an army rule, or a detachment rule, or hit on 3's naturally, or had an invuln save at all, or......
@GuardsmanHanan 13 дней назад
Sounds glorious, all those hot shot lasguns spitting out the back, pew pew pew. I can vaguely remember that the baneblade models were semi decent at one point recently however can't remember exactly when....