Tokyo Portfolio
Tokyo Portfolio
Tokyo Portfolio
Showcasing Tokyo and Japan's most exclusive properties. Subscribe to see the country's most high-end homes and learn more about buying or renting in Japan.
2 года назад
@JosephMorgan0067 20 часов назад
i think that cheap, not richest
@Minamoto1989 23 часа назад
How much did this investment cost? I am curious. Minato ku so I guess rent between 3 to 5k a month? Renovation and furnish about 10 mil yen?
@soygustavobarron День назад
Congrats on your office. I hope at some point to use your services to get a property in Tokyo...
@jiptsu9631 День назад
I have to admit that I overestimated 13M luxury Japanese apartment only to get...
@CC-kl4nh 2 дня назад
Almost looks like cape cod house.
@HMSVictoryII 3 дня назад
Can’t believe this!! I live there and I’d been wondering what was happening to the soup stock for ages! Congratulations, the office looks great!
@agnieszkawitkowska5926 3 дня назад
I don't like it. It looks nice but seems to be very uncomfortable to life. All windows are in wrong place. The most lightened are places were you spend the least time like stairs or bathroom. You won't put desk next to window because theres no place for that. But you have big window right to shower so everyone can see how you take it in the evening. Or in the bedroom, and if you want to invite your guest to balcony they need to go through your bed. Or big one on wall covered by stairs and your living space is in the basement like in the last one. There is no one in bedroom and that halfroom but there are two big in a bathroom instead, yeah why not. God and this washing mashine in the middle of way, why not for example under the stairs (maybe because there is a window and it wouldn't look so nice?) or somewhere in a quite big bathroom, i don't know... Or shelfs above the stair where you risk your life trying put something on the highest one. In all of this flats lots of space is taken away by stairs, wasted or hard to arrange. But when its empty look nice and have wooden floors xp
@Sindrijo 3 дня назад
The Harajuku one by far, although I would probably do some modifications to the shower-room situation.
@KikiThunder-bj1yx 4 дня назад
Yo the way the dude interrupted with drinking coke soda was Priceless hilarious 😂
@doctorderpage2848 4 дня назад
Not sure that a bare cement shower wall will do well.
@lenacoakley 5 дней назад
Gorgeous! But isn't that a vanity/makeup table not a desk?
@realrealwarpet 5 дней назад
Bros a million miles from the camera XD
@Kehlen578 5 дней назад
This gives me begin japanology vibes ❤
@Verklompen 6 дней назад
1,400 sq ft... for a mill? I currently have 1,600 for less than 200k. I'm good.
@fyiicheckforspies 6 дней назад
Love how minimalist the last one is. The clean panel wooden walls are so nice
@akashaofthenile6077 6 дней назад
I just love how deep the baths are,,,in Canada,,the tub is about 12" deep,,,,even being under 5ft, and petite,,,armor off,,the water doesn't cover my squirrel body 😂🤣😅 these homes look very well built and strong. Could you show how that top on the tub looks, so curious how that keeps the water warm. Thank you for the video, very interesting. Sending love to everyone that reads this.❤
@bgyw 7 дней назад
Classic Japanese house design. Spends tons of effort in designing a house to ended up putting a cheap premade kitchen.
@TokyoPortfolio 5 дней назад
Yep, that's how it works
@and_I_am_Life_the_fixer_of_all 7 дней назад
man, I forget how small everything is in Japan
@taz2491 8 дней назад
Congratulations on the new office! Well if I ever need a real estate in Tokyo I know where to go 😂
@costa2k1 8 дней назад
Tell me it does have a bathroom
@andrx074 8 дней назад
Thatched roof with an open fire pit…I’d be so stressed to use that. I’m bad enough checking my oven is off before I go out
@blackflamingo9643 9 дней назад
wall view
@lamia.thira.lowenstein 10 дней назад
big but ugly, the smaller/older houses look prettier than this
@aleksei8884 10 дней назад
I moved to Seoul, Korea a few years ago and i never understood why people are willing to pay so much for an apartment in the city center. Why not just live 40 minutes away from the city and have a nice house? But after living here for 2 years I have really come to understand the 1-2 million dollar price tag on some apartments here. Likely a convenience store on the first floor, a gym, a place to practice golf maybe, a nice spacious parking, a nice place for walks with your dog/kid if it’s an apartment complex. Easy access to everything by car/train within 30 minutes. Coming from a country where a house outside of the city on a private piece of land is the dream, I finally understand apartments
@rohmilchgeniesser 10 дней назад
His fit is criminally bad in this one
@kcpisonet 11 дней назад
Can I loiter all day or even night in your office when I visit Japan in the future? Omedetto Gozaimasu on your new fabulous realty office. PS I dont have college education but I'm flexible enough that you can hire me as your buddy all around hahaha
@lullemans72 11 дней назад
4:06 "nice deep and also large" that's what she said haha
@AnaCaruso9 11 дней назад
23m² micro?!?!
@TokyoPortfolio 10 дней назад
In most places in the world, yes
@susanlo3411 11 дней назад
Congrats🎉I will look for you to help with property selection should we decided to buy one in Japan. We are thinking very hard now ❤
@Hubnero 12 дней назад
congratulations, the new space looks great
@laughingvampire7555 13 дней назад
taking off the shoes is the one thing that stops me from going to Japan, of course besides the money
@HorthornNZ 13 дней назад
Laying on the bed like that, you both made a really nice couple 😙
@latoyapride-cook2648 14 дней назад
Im.suprised by the price of that house its honestly really cheap
@Bobmcjoepants 15 дней назад
11:07 I get its probably a cultural difference but if I was a land lord and my tenant asked if they could put tens if not hundreds of thousands into renovations for free... I'd say yes
@z0ro_62 15 дней назад
Congrats my guy wish my Japanese was better i kinda want to get me a place over there just get me a solid internet connection
@FoxyfloofJumps 15 дней назад
I think the fixer-upper is the best for an investor. It is a prime example of why brain-drain in big cities is a thing, though. The second one was definitely for families. The last one was really only justified based on move-in readiness and location. All the prices reek of overinflation though. The only factor truly setting up these prices is the rush of foreign land tycoons and property holding corporations to buy, buy, buy.
@digitalfracture2938 15 дней назад
1 million for the first apartment? How about no
@zovieviral9724 16 дней назад
A million dollars & ion get a refrigerator or a washer & dryer? I’m good gang
@zovieviral9724 16 дней назад
No ac or Lights either? Nah they tweaking twin, Diabolical work
@zovieviral9724 16 дней назад
I’ll stay in the us
@lheiachoi4506 16 дней назад
It's going to be like that even here in the West , lots of people can't own a house , it's just for the rich now .
@ShineJuly 17 дней назад
Too little space for that kind of money.
@laughingvampire7555 17 дней назад
if you are renting that place you are not going to do the laundry yourself, your maid will.
@laughingvampire7555 17 дней назад
this is so architectural. Architects are a very special kind of individuals, obsessed with shapes and forms and wanna make different combinations of them that are able to create great looking spaces and sculptures of light, the problem is that they are always impractical useless buildings that are great for a magazine photo session and nothing more, they are not living quarters at all.
@GrandMoffJoseph 17 дней назад
That is amazing! I'm so happy to see you reaching another milestone. Congrats!!!
@laughingvampire7555 17 дней назад
I don't trust that lock, looks pretty hackable
@taWay21 18 дней назад
Is it me, does this place look more like a possible dungeon/serial killer home 😂
@SteelyTheVan 18 дней назад
Love the cut away of the cats underneath the table
@SteelyTheVan 18 дней назад
Nice job in showing the house. It looks like they ran out of money to finish it. Reminds me of a clubhouse I built in my backyard when I was a kid. Plywood walls. I guess it’s just a matter of different taste.
@neverstoppulling5169 18 дней назад
japanese construction site look organized and nice asf lolllll
@ddnn974 18 дней назад
Mainland Chinese millionaires are snapping up all small apartment units in Tokyo right now. But I don’t think they will use your service unless you bring in a Chinese employee.
@ddnn974 18 дней назад
Hiroo is really nice 😊