Nerd Space Games
Nerd Space Games
Nerd Space Games
Welcome to Nerd Space Games! This is your resource for everything and anything related to video games! The channel focuses primarily on Survival Horror Games, however every now and then you'll find other content. I do ranking videos, reviews, trivia videos, and even a weekly podcast discussing everything related to horror gaming news.
@Coreisus 18 часов назад
The WORST change(and we all know it's just feminist pandering) was in RE3 remake, swapping out the iconic line when Jill kills Nemesis "You want stars? I'll give you stars!" with "Next time take the fucking hint!" It's especially aggregious considering the line is still in the game but it's in a part where she's running away from him. It's as if they swapped the 2 cutscenes dialog last minute or something cuz the context is opposite for each sentence's delivery.
@blackbird7781 23 часа назад
Was there any doubt who would be in 1st place?
@bluebrolylover22 День назад
Thank you! Seperate ways is the best!
@jayc6175 День назад
Ultimate Abyss and Alexia Ashford definitely 2 of the hardest RE final bosses.
@thegrandxbunny2073 День назад
I can't imagine the will power it took to not just make the script for each entry just be; "Look at it. Look at that thing. All that flesh. And the dang noises it makes."
@NerdSpaceGames День назад
lmfao this exact issue is something I definitely had difficulty with, but even more so in the regular enemy edition that I filmed which will premiere tomorrow at 5pm est haha
@bluebrolylover22 День назад
I would love to see this video as a series!
@NerdSpaceGames День назад
wish granted! Got RE0 & OG RE1 done. Working on RE2 as we speak!
@thehandleisuseless День назад
Why do you keep saying Board games?
@NerdSpaceGames День назад
board games? When?
@prochyCZ День назад
Resident evil 3 remake is my first game, and i think that its very well done, just the fact that its short.
@ohsocinematic8909 День назад
The Remothered series has some great stalkers. Especially the first one.
@damonrichardson3607 День назад
No Jack Baker?! That dude was psycho...
@NerdSpaceGames День назад
One per franchise. Chose X over him from RE
@TheRealAdaWong День назад
Storywise I detest that RE4R left out the power struggle between Ada, Wesker, and Krauser. As they were all working for the Organization, yet were attempting to beseech the Sample for their own advantage. It’s really the actual plot, while kidnapping Ashley for Los Illuminados was just a distraction and a means of getting the Sample onto the playing field from Los Illuminados. As their plan was never going to truly be enacted. Instead it was the bioweapons industry that was attempting to capitalize on the rediscovered Las Plagas in lieu of Umbrella’s downfall. The power struggle between these 3 is the direct continuation of Umbrella’s fallout as we see 3 different agents trying to manipulate one another into obtaining what Umbrella could not have in their heydey. Wesker who betrayed Umbrella for the Organization, which was a ploy in itself for his long term agenda. Krauser who was willing to betray the Organization and Wesker for a stake in the industry, and Ada who was playing them both for the Organization and the Sample. Without the chemistry between these 3, Umbrella’s fallout is a mute arch in RE4R. We’re left without knowing if Umbrella truly fell or if one of these agents are still playing for the company. Though I do prefer the new ending for Ada over the original, which now verifies that Ada did indeed cross Wesker. Though now it’s more-so interpreted as a betrayal and not a double cross since the Organization isn’t mentioned at all in RE4R, we have to assume she was working for Wesker since her mission in Raccoon City. Which would justify her cold demeanor/facade if she was mentored by Wesker whilst spying on his long term plans. As for Las Plagas, Ada did what was morally right even if it was turned over to the Organization, offscreen, since then Los Plagas still never made it to black markets like T or G, and when it did resurface in Damnation, Ada was there to collect again. So it’s safe to say that Ada and her employers most likely gatekeep Las Plagas instead of distributing it onto markets since it still never became the next deterrent in BOWs, thus making NEXBAS and Megamycete the most sought after deterrent in bioweapons since Los Plagas never could be cultivated or re-engineered into a weapon.
@shayoko6 День назад
Add jills personality to the list. She wasnt a girl boss in the original 3. She was a kind hearted respectful person. Also add you want stars? Ill give you stars! The iconic line at the end of the original. Reduced to a throw away line in the renake which could wven be skipped! After that is just my personal disappointment with the i tro of the game and lost potential it had. Her apartment was great. It all went downhill with nemisis showed up there...the original was perfect...it didn't need changes to nemisis introduction...
@vuktosic709 День назад
Leon from the remake has the best one liners
@AC-97.. День назад
They must remake first RE 0 and 1 and after that 5 and 6 i want to buy the full remake franchise as bundle on steam .
all these would of gone so good with these games. Added more difficulty fear and variety.
@bluebrolylover22 День назад
Everything you said about re3, I agree with.
@bluebrolylover22 День назад
I agree Jill is better.
@cataclyzmz1901 День назад
They might might bring Wesker back by using Jake in a future title which could be a interesting theory so he might not be dead fully
@latayesha День назад
I knew Elliot, but i never knew the cop had a name!
@stevenbrown4001 День назад
I remember my mom got me silent hill 3 when I was a kid and I was too scared to play it by myself and she ended up playing it while I watched the whole time. I remember it was so fun just to watch and I was really scared at times. The sounds that the Closers made were terrifying and I remember the hospital and amusement park creeping me out the most. Honestly, the whole game was creepy as fuck. I was playing and beating resident evil games at that time, but silent hill just disturbed me way more.
@revolution_kh8784 День назад
I would Love to See Claire, Jill and Sherry more often. I've seen Enough of Chris Redfield and Leon x.x
@elcomentarista8247 День назад
Pyramid Head?
@NerdSpaceGames День назад
one per franchise and I found Walter Sullivan a better traditional stalker enemy than Pyramid Head. Tbh, I think Pyramid Head barely qualifies as a stalker enemy when thinking about when and how he appears throughout the game.
@austinmakoju6215 День назад
Great list fully agreed, what do you think of Pittsburgh from TLOU? That was also a mind blowing experience running away from the infected and bandits
@GioGalindo-ik4kd 2 дня назад
Mr x drove me insane
@metroplex29 2 дня назад
Tbh Ada's new personality seems infinitely better to me than the one she had before.
@InfamousMemes 2 дня назад
No, seeing the spiders on the RE engine would NOT have been fun
@benjaminbonin 2 дня назад
beat mr x on hardcore first playthrough in 4 tries just gotta memorize attacks ngl
You forgot to mention, which is a big deal to Old School Resident Evil fans was the removal of Jill Valentine’s skirt in the original RE3 Nemisis from Ps2. The remake she has on pants. Beating the remake on a certain difficulty, she has shorts. I feel like if the characters from the original games has certain looks and attires on, that legacy/tradition should be respected. I agree with everything you pointed out.
@NerdSpaceGames 2 дня назад
Yeah I understand where you're coming from, but correct me if I'm wrong, but they do have a classic costume unlockable. I can't really tell if it's a skirt or shorts in that "classic" outfit but I'm at least certain it looks similar enough to fulfill our requests there. As for why they switched from skirt to pants/short; probably because it doesn't seem very practical. The things Jill does throughout the events of Resident Evil 3 doesn't exactly seem plausible to do while wearing a skirt lol
@Mortalx5 2 дня назад
Thanks for free membership so unexpected 😊
@Bean-vu6gp180 2 дня назад
the main reason is because the point with this remakes is to re-write canon it isn´t because the old games are outdated thats the reason to but not the main reason
@porygonzgaming1806 2 дня назад
RE6 should be on here
@shadowlinkbds 2 дня назад
Re4 merchant be like: Aaaaaahhhhhh!!! I'll buy these at a high price!
@justinanderson4315 2 дня назад
Those ivy zombies remind me of the Iron Maidens in re4 original and remake.
@vuktosic709 2 дня назад
What 😧
@stevenbrown4001 2 дня назад
I’m not sure if you’ve done this video, but I’d like to see a top 10 of most disturbing silent hill enemies next. There’s a lot of good ones.
@andrewthomas9520 2 дня назад
Tbh the hardest boss s are the mad house resident evil 7 ones
@dylanm1234 2 дня назад
Unpopular opinion but six holds up a lot better than 5
@jmytv3077 2 дня назад
For me my rankings was these order in my opinion 1 Heather 2 Harry 3 James 4 Travis 5 Henry 6 Murphy 7 Alex 8 The Masons
@porygonzgaming1806 2 дня назад
You cant deny the finale with ustanak (after the boxing match) was so cool
@HuntressX_artemis 2 дня назад
Code veronica has one of the hardest puzzles in resident evil franchise idc what everybody says
@mannyrobles3065 2 дня назад
No the worse was changing the format to first person in 7 and 8.i refuse to play those games as they are tacky as heck, and was made as of to not have to render the MC at all times. Basically they could make the game cheaply as not to have to render a playable character. And the animation on the enemies is wonky also. Guess ill never play a new RE game since it seems thats the way going forward, cheap jump scares with things jumping in your face
@mannyrobles3065 2 дня назад
The removal of branching storylines is as to have a more canonic story going forward. No longer ambiguity in if a character dies or not, or how they died. Specifically to remakes of 2 onward. Since remake 1 was not in line with renales 2 through 4
@willgroody5296 3 дня назад
I wish Lady D had been given an intermediate form between her human form and Dragon form a good idea would be they land in the Chapel and the mould is around and she mutates slightly with it and becomes like Digimon’s LadyDevimon a devil woman. She could have the mould become like leather covering, the blades and can turn mould into bat like entities then after a fight where rely on light and fire she turns into the dragon.
@willgroody5296 3 дня назад
To me James Marcus actually seems he’s ported himself out of a Final Fantasy title instead of Resident Evil
@MRSYMBIOTEE 3 дня назад
I remeber when I played resi 7 when I was younger and was very grossed out by Marguariette
@dimitris5061 3 дня назад
Am i the only who thinks last res village boss fight is the best res boss fight?I like this boss fight because it has a variety of attacks and forms unlike the majority of res boss fights which have only 2 or 3 kinds of attacks or they are just slow bosses which walk towards you and they have only one windup attack
@ray_of_sunshine1 3 дня назад
So gross Very icky and terrifying looking too😳