The Salukie
The Salukie
The Salukie
What’s cooking guys?
theSalukie - Survival Tactics (gangsta rap)
5 месяцев назад
He Robbed A Bank in Israel! 🇮🇱
7 месяцев назад
How I Escaped Jenin, Palestine 🇵🇸
10 месяцев назад
@malakyd 2 часа назад
i really wish to us to live together, deeply in my heart i believe that it's passable, Hebrew sounds pretty ! i wish to learn it and being able to speak it in a country that can respect us all, for all of us to be able to go to haifa and Nablus at the same day ! to make friendship a way of living instead of wars. from a palestinian
@Amanvloggingexplorer 9 часов назад
you gotta come to Dubai bruv
@benjamingolen1399 2 дня назад
I'm sure that you love Latin America, and all those lovely ladies love you.
@Nandyfull1987 2 дня назад
These videos of yours cause me a revolt that you cannot imagine. You make several videos with girls having fun in Tel Aviv at a time when the whole world knows that people die every day in Gaza, the occupied West Bank, and these girls from Russia, Italy, etc. are having fun. What kind of human beings they are!! I am a Portuguese woman, from Lisbon, which is very far from the East. I wake up and the first thing I see is the news and tears fall down my face when I see what they are doing to the Palestinian people, I have seen this for many years, as long as I can remember existing I have seen these people suffer. And you, with a channel with so many views, have a duty to show what television doesn't report. I applaud just two of your publications, that you entered the Palestinian area, the man who took you and shows us his olive oil and honey, but also shows us what the settlers did. They cut down all the centuries-old olive trees planted by Palestinians. Children are dying in Gaza, with skin infections that are easily cured but without food, without water, without anything, they will end up dying. This is what an English doctor said who recently arrived from a hospital in Gaza and gave interviews. We are watching a holocaust, While you have fun. Israel has an army, Gaza does not. They should be ashamed of sending so many troops to a place 50 km away. How unfair it is to have checkpoints where a white person with clear eyes passes through without any problems, but a Palestinian is already pressed against the wall to be searched and humiliated. There are BBC documentaries where you can see inequality. What a shame...
@Ken-he3dv 3 дня назад
you're asking for trouble with that fake blonde hair and plucked eyebrows... you can come to my neighborhood and get run out too
@sabat8068 4 дня назад
How can West support this injustice... I don't know.
@conangelo5462 4 дня назад
@justinandrewhook7046 4 дня назад
Iddo! I'm so glad to see you got clean & sobered up as far as the drug use goes! You are an amazing young man & you truly have an incredible gift as a journalist!!!! We all mess up in life & learn major lessons! We all reap what we sow. I fully believe you can become a full time journalist at the right time, but you will need to pay your dues & rebuild integrity, it's just the way life goes. We do need true journalist like who you truly are inside! I can share from personal experience of how I spend many years having to own my bad decisions & pay off loads of debt & also seek major healing in my life from years of abuse. Wholeness is possible. I can also share many stories of super close friends of mine who I helped through horrible drug addiction & psychosis episodes. Bottom line drugs are never the solution. In all your travels from the beginning you are a natural bridge builder & have loads to share! We love your honest heart & genuine acceptance of all people & courage to go off the beaten track & report in honesty of what main stream media don't share. You have loads to offer. Praying for u dear friend. Love from Australia.
@xs8mokie661 5 дней назад
@MrCGerson 5 дней назад
As an Israeli, i pray for peace.
@brucerisen9825 6 дней назад
My favorite trans racial 🎉🎉🎉🎉
@joshlitemann4187 6 дней назад
Esta chingon tu canal carnal, eres machin eres poliglota, pero no te e visto tomar mate???? Saludos desde Chicago Illinois!!!
@yaseensharawi8034 6 дней назад
Nothing is worth the The state of conscious mind Benzodiazepine destroyed my brain and made me unbalanced
@ExpAll1 6 дней назад
love your editing, what did you use?
@Yomi2012 7 дней назад
Why does that wall have George fentanyl Floyd (a criminal ) face on that wall? I dislike when I see American political propaganda problems in foreign countries
@judittfeinstein7678 7 дней назад
Hi Ido, I just saw your video one yrar after you have posted it. Its amazing, thank you ❤ Where are you now? Israel or Palestine? I wanna visit Ramallah and Nablus this week.
@youzaryoti4966 8 дней назад
Welcome 😂
@mathewhosier9739 9 дней назад
Ppl who throw stones and spit on you aren't real conservatives, those are the far right, two different things, that's like saying liberals and far left radicals are the same thing
@mathewhosier9739 9 дней назад
Why would you live in Israel if you don't believe in the idea of Israel itself? We'll I can definitely agree with refusing to settle in the West Bank, but at the same time Israel is recognized by 90% of the world's countries, Israel isn't going anywhere, it's either going to be status quo or 2 state solution and we will never have 2 state solution with radicals controlling Israel, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, moderates need to take up power in each if it's going to work, I don't even know If that's possible, there will never be peace with Netinyahoo in power, there will never be peace with Hamas in power, there will never be peace with the PLO in power, this is what thousands of years of conflict will do to a region, the most radical people in each area have all the power
@deanl0 10 дней назад
Salukie doing the things that he's best at.. 🎥📸
@kineret4030 10 дней назад
Glad to see you're better. Go do some volunteering, whatever it is, start paying your debt to society.
@oshriplays9753 10 дней назад
The Jewish people ethnicity is not "Arabs". I'm also an Israeli jew (my grandad is from Yemen) , and in Yemen we were "Jews", not "Arabs". Same thing with European Jews and Jews from Arab countries.
@All.Eyes.on.Palestine 11 дней назад
@SilverfoxJB 11 дней назад
Dr Drew always said Weed is a gateway drug, seems in your case he was right #loveline. I hope you are back to normal Bro
@jubernardi23 11 дней назад
This is true, this neighborhood and zona sul don’t belong to the Jws, and Brit’s, yeah they bought later some parts but not all and they not created or build História de Ipanema e Leblon: Em 1857, Carlos Leblon vendeu suas terras da “Fazenda Copacabana” ao tabelião e empresário Francisco José Fialho, que adquiriu a parte que ia da atual Rua Barão de Ipanema, em Copacabana, até o pico Dois Irmãos. Vinte e um anos depois, Fialho vendeu suas terras, dividindo-as em dois grandes lotes. No início do século XX, o Leblon começou a ser loteado. Era constituído de cerca de 100 chácaras, desmembradas da Fazenda Nacional da Lagoa. Suas únicas ruas eram a rua do Sapé ou do Pau (atual Dias Ferreira), a Travessa do Pau, o Largo da Memória e o Caminho da Barra (ligando a Praia do Pinto à barra da Lagoa). Nas décadas de 1910 e 1920, surgiu a Companhia Industrial da Gávea, responsável pelo loteamento inicial do Leblon e pela abertura da Praça Dr. Frontin (atual Antero de Quental), das avenidas Ataulfo de Paiva e Del Vecchio (atual San Martin) e das ruas Rita Ludolf, General Urquiza, Aristides Espíndola, Acarai (José Linhares), a Avenida Afrânio de Melo Franco, a Rua José Ludolf (Humberto de Campos), entre outras. Com a chegada do bonde, em 1914, o bairro se ligava ao resto do Rio de Janeiro. Em 1918, acontece a primeira ligação do Leblon com Ipanema, pela praia. Posteriormente, foi feita uma ponte sobre a barra da Lagoa ligando as Avenidas Vieira Souto, em Ipanema e a Delfim Moreira, no Leblon. Our country is Iberian America and luso-brasileiro🫡
@zoomonkeydotcom2005 11 дней назад
For this guy to complain about any living quarters and the conditions must mean the place WAS MISERABLE 😂😂😂. I remember him literally sleeping in a bush with rattlesnakes in some West Bank town like Ramallah, homeless. He’s basically a living miracle to the point of us needing to eat Matzah to remember his suffering. His ancestors must have suffered horrible things for him to be able to put up with the places he’s slept. So bringing it back to my point, with all the kvetching about the mental institution over everything, the place must have been atrocious
@oliversteiner4761 11 дней назад
Get well soon! All the Best from germany. You did incredible work with you videos and you will be back. Concentrate on your strength. It is possible. As I was in your age I was in the same situation with the same reason.
@dennis_r3 13 дней назад
Is he still making videos
@Algiers2030 13 дней назад
You're a true jewish bro you are welcome in Algeria
@alexsolomonov564 14 дней назад
Salukie you made my day..❤
@HanyHany-ez9rq 14 дней назад
I might be coming to Palestine in Oct if things get better
@GilSasi-vm3ky 15 дней назад
You look so thin though brother, start eating
@user-kk5jt2po5o 15 дней назад
Free Palestine 🇵🇸 ❤
@ChuckAmadi 15 дней назад
Wow, enjoyed your visit to Huwara.Those Palestinian folk and business owners showed kindness and demonstrated humanity beautiful, sincerly hope Israeli and Gazans/West Bank make peace and build a Mecca and be happy and prosperus in these lands.
@PapaVikingCodes 16 дней назад
Drugs can sweep you away. But your opinions and sensibilities are gold man. Those two aren’t mutually exclusive.
@user-rs1zb8iy5i 16 дней назад
A Jewish brother showing the beauty and hospitality of the Palestinian people..god bless you my brother!
@mariatheresa8839 16 дней назад
You’Re in the Westbank right? I wonder what would happen if you ‘re in Gaza and they will know that you are Jewish? Are they as friendly as the Palestinian from West Bank? Just asking.. praying for peace!
@steviemac9055 16 дней назад
I hope you're keeping well, friend.
@dewalddewet759 16 дней назад
So the farmer has the reason for apartheid ending all wrong. He said the whites only capitulated because of pressure from the rest of the world. Yes there was pressure, but the main reason was that whites voted in a referendum that the government must go ahead with talks to make everybody equal. This fact is always deliberately left out. We are not the white devils we are made out to be.
@tsarawalcott7804 16 дней назад
The world wants to kill you because it hates God. But God is Love. I went through a time when I wanted to die, and I almost did, but before I did (kill myself) I prayed to God in the name of His One and only Son Jesus Christ (before this I hated the God of the Bible, I even said outloud before that I would rather DIE than ever accept Him as my Lord and Savior because following the God of the Bible seemed like a form of slavery to me). But when I had no one and nothing to save me, and I was going to die, I prayed to God in Jesus' name and He saved me. And He can save you too. The God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob is the One and only God. Everything else is of this world, temporary, a mirage, and hostile to God. It's been a few years since then. I met many "Christians" who I found out later to be not really trustworthy. But it's ok. I don't have anyone else, just as you don't either, and no one else on this earth either. We each only have ourselves, as a human being, and God. So my brother. I encourage you, if you ever feel alone, or out of answers, do the craziest thing (The thing that makes no sense to this world) by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Pray to Him though you can't see Him now. Have faith in something not of this physical universe, yet the One Creator of it all, and the source of your Love. May you be blessed now and forever, and may your Love grow and grow as your draw water from the wellspring of Eternal Life that is found only in following Jesus Christ. Amen.
@colingriffiths3091 17 дней назад
Extremities on both sides are as bad as eachother. I have no time for people like that. Im for the people trying to live there lives. Thats man woman and children. What Hama's did is a war crime wjat Israel is doing is genocide of the every day person just like me and you.
@bcboaz 17 дней назад
The Palestinian- American farmer Richard Saud is a great man. He have a philosophy in his ways. The future is with men (woman) like Richard . God bless him. Let there be a co- existence happen.
@gilshininger2018 17 дней назад
Video shows exactly where all the money goes, not to building roads and developing a society, everything looks like shit. Terrible economy no infrastructure… 3rd world… Billions of dollars Arabs get from all over the world and what do they do with it? Where does the money go? This is the reality of these people ! Will never have a future ! Only busy blaming and feeling sorry for themselves. Why you don’t make peace and develop a future for your people instead of hating?? And this idiot filming is unbelievable, knowing they will slaughter him if they knew he speaks Hebrew.. Young and stupid
@eldadesign 17 дней назад
@avivlohiet9839 18 дней назад
'wanted' its a big word
@ENDfalse-tine 18 дней назад
A jewish man was targeted in kalkiliya. Hope it wasn't you.
@UserQQ7018 18 дней назад
Why are you so akward my guy
@Maniac-Sarah 18 дней назад
@Codetech.43 19 дней назад
Palestinian not hates you 💕
@abrahamyehoshuafrias3390 19 дней назад
The fact they are laughing at him