A catalog of video essays pertaining to western comic book fandom, Japanese culture, and other niche subject matter.
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Kamen Rider Fans Be Like
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Deadman Wonderland is Good, Actually
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the worst post on /a/
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The 2000s Nostalgia Manga
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Skull Knight and The End of Berserk
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Mega Man's Manga is Dope
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The DARK Power Rangers Manga
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Spider-Man's Manga Are Dope
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@thesmilyguyguy9799 4 часа назад
:( D
@thesmilyguyguy9799 4 часа назад
Ok Boss
@thesmilyguyguy9799 4 часа назад
=]( D
@thesmilyguyguy9799 4 часа назад
:<}] D
@thesmilyguyguy9799 4 часа назад
:<{ D
@Nervkeks 5 часов назад
I feel like steppenwolf showed his potential as a main villain in the first arc of the comic. Zack Snyder must have read this and thought what a great idea it was to replace him with evil superman as well.
@nohbuddy1 11 часов назад
Pretty amazing how everyone hates reboots when the Silver Age was all reboots
@HappyMurdock 12 часов назад
superhero names for conner kent (accepting suggestions): super bro, super dude, super punk, super kiddo, super rocker, super meteor, sky ripper, super rebel, rebel of steel, Super Freak (that one rick james song), super man (with an american accent), super guy, super.
@diegodreossi1458 14 часов назад
James Robinson exit really hurt the new Earth 2 concept. It should be a new world to the JSA , where they are legacy characters, instead become a generic world
@TheChadTI 16 часов назад
7:21 "Infamous" W-what? Why??😅 What did he do that i missed?
@_THE_LOG_ 16 часов назад
Justice League on-set allegations by Ray Fischer
@masenguerra7835 18 часов назад
The new superboy mini series from last year is what got me back into comic books. I think it was pretty solid especially that final fight with cyborg superboy and the beam struggle they had. At this point though I honestly can’t see Conner being called anything but superboy. Kinda like how Tim drake feels weird when they give him other identities (Red Robin is such a bad name). The young justice show also kinda reinforced the idea that Conner is the main superboy. Plus the ending of the recent latest series has Conner being okay with the superboy name but that he should see it as something to hold him back but allow him to go out and do more then just what Clark does.
@nwah15 21 час назад
Gay green lantern 👎
@HiAgainTheNameIsStillAyle 23 часа назад
Of course the Green Lantern's love interest got fridged, OF COURSE
@alexnejako777 День назад
the DC Special issue with the first adventure of the Justice Society is great. Batman and Superman are on the team though they werent in the original run of All Star Comics much
@shibumi8 День назад
Yep I remember skipping Worlds End during its initial release. I was already reading Earth 2 and Futures End and didn’t need to get even more depressed. 😢 New 52 editorial really was on a doom and gloom kick back then Read Earth 2, skip Worlds End, read the side stuff for Convergence and maybe give Society a try.
@walkermcdowall9980 День назад
Ron perlman is the og narrator of fallout, and is the news anchor in fallout 4
@nohero1339 День назад
Hawaii Superboy and She-Hulk were the first comics I was ever given
@narenkrishna8116 День назад
3:18 what show it is
@notdio7766 День назад
ranger reject or go go loser rangers , disney+ once again
@kaisoku202 День назад
A simple suggestion: Please read Kamen Rider Kuuga, although it has a slow beginning, this manga is really cool.
@GenghisDon1970 День назад
go back & read old comics
@GenghisDon1970 День назад
he killed Warlord?!?! fuck them it's all less real than elseworlds anyway. I'm going with "didn't happen, nerd"
@GenghisDon1970 День назад
I started earth 2 but petered out about a year in or so
@GenghisDon1970 День назад
wow, that's so...sad
@AstraFulminous День назад
@5:34 Ayo?
@JaycodaJr День назад
I have an Earth 2: World’s End poster hung up on my wall just because a shop was handing them out for free. lol
@shadowone01x99 День назад
Personally , i actually New52's Earth-2 comics.
@charleszp938 День назад
I'd like to speak against changing characters' immutable characteristics, like ethnicity, attraction, and sex. Instead of getting "new takes on characters", we should be granted straight up new characters. There's nothing wrong with creating whoever you want to create, but there is a problem with changing a character's, well, core characteristics. Particularly when we're talking about "new official renditions". You want to make Superman Black? Go ahead, in an Elseworld, of course. What if all of a Sudden, Harley Quinn was unmade bisexual? What if Cyborg was Asian all of a sudden? You get it, don't you?
@bZman 2 дня назад
Those New 52 Earth 2 costumes SUCKED, ESPECIALLY FLASH
@bZman 2 дня назад
I loved those early 2000's yearly JSA JLA get togethers.
@callmebam1521 2 дня назад
hellboy is the american devilman.
@frank_calvert 2 дня назад
i dont want to spoil people on the reveal just before the Act 2 title card but. omg im so sick of this trope
@Straight77751 2 дня назад
Pls tell me where can i read now!!
@Weaver1-s4k 2 дня назад
Wait, doesn't Alan have a son? Obsidian?
@markn-sh9lu 2 дня назад
Why do you talk like Sonic the Hedgehog
@markn-sh9lu 2 дня назад
Why do you talk like Sonic the Hedgehog
@Peremptor 2 дня назад
i got into it back in the day... was good tropey fun. got the og limited series.
@venetianjack1348 2 дня назад
Well when you make a Superman based on an American President that DC people had a fucking leaky rager for, it’s not hard to really see why it failed.
@Michael-nz2qg 2 дня назад
Earth 2 was cool as hell. Woke before woke.
@RetroEternity 2 дня назад
7:00 the irony of using Marvel vs Capcom music in a video about DC comics 😂
@Elyseon 2 дня назад
They ruined Kal. Disgusting.
@commonsense5199 2 дня назад
Really surprising that The Golden Age Red Tornado was never an official member of JSA. Only her granddaughter, Cyclone. I don’t even recall Golden Age Red Tornado met Silver age Red Tornado. 5:11 Fun Fact. Marv Wolfman(the man you thought had died. He’s not dead) has adapted that storyline in DC Crisis of infinite earth movies. He add Batman Beyond and Damian Wayne the movie. And the Batman family fight each other. Like a real family. 6:35 The Thing about Wonder Woman. All her adventures and villains from her Golden age comics was given to her mother, Hippolyta. As I believe when Hippolyta become Wonder Woman, she travel back in time into WW2, pretend to be Diana and join Justice Society. I also believe Hippolyta also dated Ted Grant, the 1st Wildcat. Man, rather than just elevating and reinventing Wonder Woman villains from golden age villains(expect Cheetah, Giganta and Doctor Psycho, *they the most overused Wonder Woman Villains)* and bring them into the same timeline as Diana, DC just give to Diana’s villains to her mother. In fairness, only Queen Clea is only Golden age Wonder Woman villain that stick around to fight Diana. And her new Villains in her Villainy Inc. Including a 2nd Doctor Poison. Do you ever think about Wonder Woman use a sword and shield in modern comics and media that is because Hippolyta use a sword and shield when she was Wonder Woman is where is got popular. Or it could been the New 52. Seeing New 52 Jay Garrick get the magic powers from the God Mercury. Me and other thought is New 52 Jay Garrick is fast as Shazam? 9:59 The actual age of This Jay Garrick was not clear. It stated he is 21 years old but later he said Earth 2 Society issue 5, *Jay said he is 19 years old.* God they can’t get the age right. I do believe that in Earth 2 Society 10:38 Back then I didn’t really minded about the new 52 version of Alan Scott is gay. Cause as Common Sense, I know this a different continuity. It like getting angry an earth 1610’s Colossus from Ultimate X Men for being Gay. Seems A lot people forgot about Ultimate x men made Colossus gay. But now, DC Rebirth wants to retcon the original Alan Scott to be gay. Even though he clearly never intended to be gay at all. It is a fact a slap in the face to the continuity, to Alan Scott fans and his son Obsidian who been gay years before New 52 Alan Scott. Shame DC doesn’t want to elevate existing LGBT characters. Also DC hired a Fool name Tim Sheridan. And he continues to make a fool himself by the video he made. A grown man should’ve known not to give oxygen to the fire. But Tim Sheridan doesn’t know that. And that Alan Scott comic by Tim Sheridan while beautiful drawn it is horribly written. Expect the Red Lantern parts those are good(still doesn’t make sense if the crimson flame bring death why it revive later? 10:57 fridges is a myth. Come on you just mentioned Starman earlier. Jack’s brother, David was murdered. It motivated Jack to be Starman. And that is not fridged? Even the people and Alan Scott’s friend, Jimmy died. And the original Alan Scott become green lantern. Is that fridged or not fridged? Characters died all the time. No matter why gender or sexuality. 13:16 Well objectively need less Batman. Yes we do. But overall I do agree a world without the Trinity is a great idea. It also elevate other DC heroes. 14:07 I Prefer Grail. 15:14 *What About John Constantine visiting Earth 2?* 16:48 I agree Tom Taylor is not a bad writer. He just constantly have his head up his A$$ because he is in fact a Narcissist. Eh… looking back I got say Harley gets to too much immunity. I remember when she gave herself therapy and then she fights Shazam why you join with Superman’s Regime. B!t¢h, this whole thing start be you and joker are responsible for the death of. Jimmy, Lois and all the people of Metropolis. Also Tom Taylor’s Nightwing it is a mix bag. There are good things. But we can’t deny there are also bad things. Like Why Tom Taylor brings back the girlfriend from infamous Ric Grayson story arc. Can believe Thomas Wayne start using venom. Bruce was right to disowned him. 19:55 is it me? Or Marella resembles to Lorena Marquez? We need Lorena Marquez again. 20:50 Does that include Tom King and Brandon Easton’s Mister Miracle comics? 15:25 / 21:52 Well the Portal that Helps Powergirl and Huntress to get back into their home, gave Tanya Spears super-powers. 23:51 I would say Al Pratt is “fridged” Bum dum tss! 25:45 Really a shame that Leah Willams did not read Convergence. Because in her Power Girl House of Brainiac Tie In, she wrote The Brainiac Drones didn’t take Power Girl because Powergirl has different frequency because she’s from Earth 2. Leah Williams contradicts the continuity. Why is that the Big 2 hires writers and editors who don’t read comics? 26:04 Are you thinking about a video on *Telos?* I found out his original human form, Arak, has 50 issues. How this character is not mainstream. 26:52 I mean, you can compare Earth 2 Dick Grayson to Cyborg. Cause you know cybernetic enchantments. 27:22 *New 52 Alan Scott didn’t interact with the other green lanterns either.* He didn’t even interact with Swamp Thing. 30:19 remind me of Zod from DCAU. The son of Justice Lord Superman and OG Wonder Woman. Also reminds of Granny Goodness kidnapped The Son of Donna Tory, Son of Garth and Son of Mr.Terrific from Jeremy Adams’ Flash. 32:28 Or Earth 2’s version Jonni Thunder. She can transform into a Hindu god with four arms like Asura. Why she never joins the society 32:30 *Again, you also left out that John Constantine arc where he also visited New 52 Earth 2.* 33:03 *Val Zod was as a plot device in Adventures of Jon Kent* That is his and Red Tornado Lois’ entire purpose. I don’t care if Tom Taylor did this to make Val Zod involved in Beast Wars. Tom Taylor wasted a big story potential. Like I am a writer instead putting Val Zod and Red Tornado Lois in the Phantom Zone. I would keep both them around as they serve as Jon Kent’s Angel shoulder while Injustice Superman serves as Jon Kent’s devil shoulder while the four them are chasing Ultraman in other universe. Yes I would keep Ultraman alive. And not clear if New 52 Earth 2 Powergirl and original power Girl is the same person. I mean Tanya Spear rescued Power Girl. What you describe about JSA is beautiful. I can New 52 Alan Scott maybe be a Mess and inconsistent but better compare how Tim Sheridan wrote Original Alan Scott.
@steakfromjasefarm 2 дня назад
The please clap jeb reference killed me lmao awesome video man!!
@shanejayell 2 дня назад
I kinda felt Earth 2 just did NOT get the JSA comics. Like.... it would have been so much better if it started in WW II, then jumped forward to 'now' and the successor heroes in a new Earth that actually THOUGHT ABOUT how all the hero craziness in WW II would have changed the world.