Gus Johnson
Gus Johnson
Gus Johnson
Gus Johnson plays all sorts of characters, from Mitchell Robbins to JK Rowling to some guy in God's Country to Imbiamba Jombes to filming videos with his mom to pillow guy to the my pool guy to the shotguns in movies guy to small town reviews to I don't know why I am writing this. I am Gus. I wrote this. Why are you reading this? Go away.
moaning myrtle diss track
21 день назад
your friend who got scammed
Месяц назад
Didn't think I'd have to have this talk...
2 месяца назад
I wrote the Josh Wine national anthem
3 месяца назад
somebody stop him
3 месяца назад
my neighbor is ruining my life
4 месяца назад
this is a big problem
5 месяцев назад
i am ruined
5 месяцев назад
things are going really bad
6 месяцев назад
average day in wisconsin
7 месяцев назад
every old guy fishing
7 месяцев назад
7 месяцев назад
your inappropriate uncle at the baseball game
8 месяцев назад
college theater kids on audition day
8 месяцев назад
god blessed country
9 месяцев назад
your inappropriate uncle at the cookout
9 месяцев назад
if shark tank was in the midwest
10 месяцев назад
driving with your mom
10 месяцев назад
people in survival games
11 месяцев назад
people who write guitar chords online
11 месяцев назад
when frodo drank sam's water
Год назад
"take that jersey off!"
Год назад
the kid who accepted every dare
Год назад
when people fall in movies
Год назад
you really need to hear this
Год назад
@alexbutler1944 9 минут назад
Okay now do one about suggesting videos to full time creators
@TriSci42 13 минут назад
Damn I got tricked by myself. This is me.
@theminingassassin16 13 минут назад
I'm so glad I'm not the only person who feels this way!
@pchonkboyardee956 53 минуты назад
Actually showing this to "The friend" would be sociopathic and probably would end your friendship. You know... it's cool... like.. you can LET things bother you but you don't have to... and I get that this is a joke but this is just for people who take the internet too seriously and get ideas from stuff like this.
@atropa.belladonna Час назад
As someone considering being a professor this is very helpful!
@Exc3ssIv3 Час назад
Yo I feel called out
@cogs7777 Час назад
"i would really prefer if you'd be quiet"
@MDK2k 2 часа назад
I haven't seen a single episode of SpongeBob SquarePants so I can't relate to this. The only line I know from the series is: "My name is SpongeBob SquarePants, You kill my father, prepare to die."
@timekeeper6234 2 часа назад
Is that a bob ross painting?
@chrisb4248 2 часа назад
And just like that, I heard thousands of screams of redditors who dont like or understand social norms.
@jaaqess2525 2 часа назад
I worked with 2 guys and I had to make it a rule they only get 3 SpongeBob references a day
@purplemountainmajesty7534 2 часа назад
@DevilManN111 3 часа назад
Can we get one for the person who keeps asking questions that will be answered if they would shut up and watch the movie?
@zackonvr-gy8fl 3 часа назад
The marker in his mouth💀
@DigitalicaEG 3 часа назад
Gus is pretty much recording a PSA not a comedy sketch at this point. He had this one brewing
@cameronschmit6472 3 часа назад
Social media makes it feel like any kind of behavior whatsoever is annoying and meta. No wonder everyone is walking around so self-conscious
@NumberOneVillain 4 часа назад
Well, damn
@JesusisGodMAGA 4 часа назад
In Jesus name! Amen!
@EllaNonimato 4 часа назад
This is a classic. Finding lumbar support in free stuff.
@dashtothemax5353 5 часов назад
they should play this at brony conventions
@leobender2910 5 часов назад
Play Station 4 is a beautiful console.
@portlyminnow8402 5 часов назад
I think it is cute when people do this. If it is a movie or show I've never seen before I'd be annoyed, but if I am rewatching old cartoons idc if others want to quote the whole dang thing. It's part of the fun. Like going to a theater showing of Rocky Horror or something and everyone is interacting as the movie goes along.
@MahoganyCrafter 5 часов назад
This is correct even down to getting every note wrong
@BeatInMySkull 5 часов назад
Gus straight called me out but pertaining to me watching Hellsing Ultimate Abridged with friends
@fareveningxtgnt 6 часов назад
not just in movies i think this would be real life for me
@bryansnaylor 6 часов назад
Does this count for when you are collectively watching Jurassic Park on July Sixth Park day?
@nwgverified 6 часов назад
So based
@potatopotato7561 6 часов назад
teach a man to fish, learn him how to eat
@Hoopergames 7 часов назад
I forgot about this channel lol
@ijustworkhere1008 8 часов назад
I love how Gus gets a New York accent when he’s pissed off
@juju-vl7oj 8 часов назад
He’s absolutely right, this is ruining our country.
@irishthresher8428 9 часов назад
y'know, somehow i feel like this is directed at me.
@HaleyHearts 9 часов назад
“Fishin in the office, Is not good.”
@RayJmond 10 часов назад
Nobody congratulating Gus and/or Sven winning the Volleyball World Championship. Shame
@Vladd0r 10 часов назад
What friends? 😑
@legendaryskinman7305 11 часов назад
I'm 41 haven't watched. Cartoon is 20 years bro
@KittyCatMo 11 часов назад
"You're gonna wanna git." - Gus Johnson
@KittyCatMo 11 часов назад
I just watched A Nightmare on Elm Street last night and this is literally Nancy's drunk mom lol
@KittyCatMo 11 часов назад
Still my favorite song 🎵
@megamcgee 12 часов назад
Any updates on that Stanley Office spin off?
@TobyWelsh1992 13 часов назад
thanks for this important and helpful tool, could you maybe make more helpful vids like this for a playlist I can watch to make sure I stop being an annoying asshole in every fucking social situation?
@ulol-ud7cr 13 часов назад
not a prank if its court ordered Mr. Johnson
@tomkern6982 14 часов назад
This video was commissioned by my girlfriend I stg
@tyengineer0 15 часов назад
I knew what this was about the moment he said 'old spongebob episodes' and I immediately thought of at least 5 of my dipshit friends I am sending this to. Thanks Gus 🙏🏼
@martincattell6820 15 часов назад
😥 I just want everyone to like me
@Matt-hv6of 17 часов назад
I feel attacked
@austinerb8343 17 часов назад
nachOOOOOOoooOoooo oo
@XneverstopfightingX 18 часов назад
It’s only annoying because you can’t match the tone, cadence, or delivery of the line. If someone is able to perfectly match the timing, inflections, and little nuances of the scene, I’ll give them props for it being impressive. I’ve yet to see it happen, but if the day comes I will pay my dues.
@MagicalSkyWizard 19 часов назад
This is what my dad is like with Seinfeld
@michaelanthony4750 20 часов назад
I'm going to show my friends this and recite the video verbatim with you.