Tony Turner
Tony Turner
Tony Turner
@StrangeThoughts7 21 час назад
Dude was an asshole, but he shouldn't have gotten that title on the premise that he had a preference.
@axelwust9376 День назад
Funny thing is, Zoey episode couldve easily been about how some people who you think are reasonable can be tempted to join the bad people. Zoey is not the prettiest girl and suddenly, that guy chose her over anyone else and her friends went livid over that. If they really wanted to hammer it home, have a scene of him openly tell her stuff about hhwat he doesn’t like about black girls and have her hesitate, since he makes it seem that this was true based on their actions.
@MindOfACouch День назад
Wow I had no idea that that was the same guy. I feel like maybe he shouldve been introduced as a new character while still keeping og Michael around, but then again some people do a full 180 on their personality once theyre out the closet so im kinda in the middle of what they did with his character
@bluebird_618 День назад
Literally, I thought they were dead/ghosts, not ashy. Idk that’s how my child brain rationalized the color difference.
@tiredmc4440 День назад
I am a very pale person people always call me racist because of my skin color and said I said the N word when I didn't even know what it was and I got called racist because I made a salmon Brown that was the species of salmon I was doing that for a science project it was supposed to be a poster about food chain and I just can't understand why I'm being put on to this plate of biased I never put biases on anyone and I can't understand that and I honestly feel like I'm a bad person because my ancestors but then I remember that the white side of my family didn't even come to the United States they came to it right after slavery ended and they were Scottish and Irish that's why I miss pails of paper found my mom's side you have more taner skin my mom is part native American and something else so I have a Native American facial structure but everything else my dad's DNA took over
@melclibra День назад
Aaliyah was the best singer out of all of them. Check her on RS magazine 200 greatest singers of all time! By the time she did Are u that somebody, Brandy and Monica were slowly fading
@patrickemery5077 День назад
When I was in tech school 4 years ago I had a roommate who happened to be black and he told me that everyone is racist to a certain degree and this was right before he told his mother on FaceTime that his roommate was an Eskimo. Which at the time I was a little annoyed because I'm from a different tribe in Alaska, and I'm mixed too so depending on who I'm talking to they might not even "count" me as such. However my roommate said all that jokingly and we're still good friends however I've been genuinely berated for being mixed and openly Alutiiq by mostly 2 ethnicities and one of them claims that they can't be racist
@videos2011inthehouse День назад
Parehas maganda
@MindOfACouch День назад
I've seen this argument somewhere. Probably by idiots online or in the media, but I've seen people say that being gay is fine, but raising a kid is a no no because now you're "poisoning their minds into thinking being gay is okay". Like "we tolerate you for being different, but you don't get the same rights as us straight people".
@angelnyambio5704 День назад
It’s very likely that Noah just had a preference, but he didn’t act colorist towards either Dijonay or Penny. What’s really messed up about this so-called colorist argument about Noah liking Zoey, was the way Dijonay belittling Zoey as if Noah didn’t choose Penny either, or if she doesn’t have a boyfriend. Honestly, I wish they expanded on what she meant by “You just don’t get it”, because looking back at the old episode where she put a pillow in Zoey’s pants, it was giving “nice and pretty but not worth checking”. Like, they should’ve expanded on that line when the girls left Penny’s house. Also, I wish they expanded on Zoey and Noah’s relationship, instead of just ending it in one episode
@TheCrazyWolfStory День назад
As someone who grew up within a toxic family, this resonates with me. There are so many shows and movies that make the argument that "family is everything", but that certainly doesn't jive for people who had to grow up within family's who only ever spread rumors, and lies about one another, instead of doing the things that might seem obvious to others, like being kind to your own family. Well, here's a dose of reality for people who may not know this, some family's are better off abandoning. Not all of them, but some of them. It all depends on if the family genuinely cares for you, or if they only care that your a certain way, and believe certain things, and behave a specific way, and... I think you get the point. Blood isn't thicker than water. Toxic people are toxic people, and you should avoid them no matter what, because they only ever want to drag you down with them. I was trapped with a family member who mentally and emotionally abused me (physically to if you consider being force fed pills physical abuse), and kept me under constant surveillance while I was in college. I was pressured and ridiculed as a measure to make sure I couldn't call for help, and was expected to act a specific way, think a certain way, and believe in certain things, and if I did so much as breathe the incorrect air, I would be met with verbal lashings akin to if a psychotic child skinned the neighbors pet dog. Like, I don't think I deserved any of that, but she would constantly remind me that I was the one that had a problem, and that she had to "fix me" because I was so "broken". Tell me that family matters, when THAT is my family. I'm not the only one who's been through this, but at the time, I certainly felt alone, and trapped, and afraid for my own life. I only managed to escape because when covid hit, the college kicked us out of our dorms, and my family in that state refused to let me stay with them because they were too afraid that I'd infect them. I had to move upstate for a time, so I stayed with my sister (one of the few sane members of my family), and when she realized what was going on, she did everything in her power to protect me from going back to that place. I had to abandon finishing college, but I wouldn't be hurt anymore, and that seemed the better trade off. To this day, I KNOW it was the right decision to stay, and flee my abuser when I had the chance. I got lucky, and I think about that a lot. If you are being hurt by family, just remember this. You have no obligation to love your biological family. You have the power to choose your family. You have that freedom. If you resent your family for hurting you, you are absolutely valid to think that, and don't let them trick you into thinking that it was YOUR fault that THEY hurt you. Some family's see a perfectly good person, and choose be horrible to them. I don't know why, but that doesn't really matter. We can't control how other people behave and act, but you can choose for yourself if you want to engage with it or not. Don't be afraid to be yourself, and surround yourself with people who love you for being who you are. Even if you feel alone right now, there are people out here who care about you, and want to see you get through the tough times. We're rooting for you, and remember that brighter days are ahead.
@Thegenderbartender День назад
Nah Zoey deserves better friends honestly like that is literally a toxic friendship like Zoey isn’t a mind reader
@alivreeland8521 День назад
Delicious nuance, gotta watch your other videos now!
@TonyTurner День назад
Thank You ‼
@fifi_mari День назад
for I sec I thought Micheal said the be word in plural, but he said vicious😭
@champagnegold8614 День назад
Not all parents love their children. The Bible talks all the time about parents who sacrificed their children in the fire. There is nothing new under the sun. I do believe that Aaliyah was a good, sweet, genuine person. I also sadly believe she loved her mother and just wanted to please her mother. I also strongly believe that it wasn’t reciprocal on her mothers end. The level of jealousy Aaliyah had to deal with in her life is so tragic and heartbreaking.
@Mr.YasQueen 2 дня назад
I agree that just because you try to look at all sides it doesn't mean people should deny the black experience. I also think often times us as black people point the finger at the wrong white people. I don't think it's productive to point the accusatory finger of white supremacy at some white orphan living in the trailer park for example when I can point it at actual white people in power. The issue I notice is we want to point it at everyone, even the white homeless dude in the street. Privileges do exist, but sometimes people are exceptions and don't have the luxury of benefiting from those privileges.
@KendallClark-te9pf 2 дня назад
I have autism and really appreciate this episode. I’m just glad it wasn’t like in Girl Meets World when Farkle learns he might have autism and everyone around him acted like he had Stage 4 Brain Cancer
@yomama3622 2 дня назад
As a white person, you basically have to realize there are some black people who will just always want to hate or guilt trip you over your race, and nothing you can do will get them to actually like you for you. If you don't realize this, you're gonna have a lot of trouble finding actually nice black people to be friends with. It'll lead to you excusing a lot of bad behavior, and it's almost like an abuse victim mentality. Too many white people have this dumb desire to be "hip with the black folks" without realizing there are just shitty people out there who will take advantage of you and will manipulate you into hating yourself. Regardless of their race, just look for the good people who will treat you well, whether they're white, black, asian, or whatever. You don't have to try and be friends with people because you feel guilty over stuff you didn't even do. If I was Zoey, I would stop being friends with these girls because they really showed their true colors when they were jealous of her.
@ethanpeeples6187 2 дня назад
You gotta indoctrinate then young for it to stick. Thats why
@EmotionalDamage910 2 дня назад
"Black people cant be racist" these people obviously never met Nation of Islam.
@kellygreen7236 2 дня назад
I love your cat, very sweet!! I couldnt take my eyes off the little furball, grooming and moving around ❤🐾
@melclibra 2 дня назад
I came across a real ignorant comment on Facebook on how Aaliyah didn't have self-respect like Selena did for hanging around with certain men. I had to criticize how retarded and judgemental that was. As a Selena fan too, it's been a while ppl put her on a pedestal. Just like how ppl say about Aaliyah, if Selena would have not been so gullible and listened to people's advice about Yolanda, she probably would have also been alive today!!! And btw, while I love Selena's and Aaliyah's voice, Aaliyah was ahead of her time. She was like the future.
@Goofygoob-lu9sg 2 дня назад
I think people like this(the show not the RU-vidr)need to search up the definition of racism
@MrAGNTJ 2 дня назад
i think at this points its too obvious this reboot is some type of propaganda device for youngh black kids to become more hateful towards literally everyone
@Darkstalker1012 2 дня назад
Aside from the fact that D.W. gets away with any and everything. Can we also talk about how this one episode specifically plays into the “younger sibling gets away with everything” ish? Let’s keep it real, stuff like this happens irl. And it causes a bunch of resentment (the older sibling has) for not only the sibling, but also to the parents. Because for some odd reason, there’s some parents out there who let their special little golden child (younger sibling) get away with any and everything. But god forbid the oldest sibling lashes back and defends themselves (via: hitting them, yelling, etc), now they’re the bad guy..This episode left me confused. Edit: Also, in case it wasn’t clear. I’m on Arthur’s side. D.W. should’ve listened when he told her not to touch his plane. When someone tells you to STOP 🛑 doing something, you do just that, STOP
@kellygreen7236 2 дня назад
I always thought Zoe was just swept up in being noticed by an attractive kid her age. She's a teen, it so easy to let everything else fade away when you're experiencing romance at that age. Does it mean she was racially ignorant? Idk, but I think they were too hard on her. If they instead blamed the light skinned asshole who only dates a certain race, and held him accountable for his shit, this would have been a better episode. White guilt can be a tool, people should be held accountable for their actions. But it isn't always necessary. And this was an example of unnecessary white guilt. The statue episode? Also an easy fix, the dad could have said, "oh shit, that's horrible, and I didnt know. It would make sense given the time, and we should move forward from that. That statue doesn't represent today's values as well as I thought. What can be done legally, safely, and intelligently?"
@mileslugo6430 2 дня назад
Colorism still sounds like racism to me. Like there is no rhyme or reason to it it's just ignorance stacked on prejudices.
@mileslugo6430 2 дня назад
There's only a backlash when one prospect is black. White people don't care about race, Asian people don't care about race, Latinos don't care about race; Usually. I'm probably missing some families that focuses on their kid's dating within the same culture but the kids don't really care about that as much as their parents and definitely not more than their culture.
@MrAGNTJ 2 дня назад
bro you know the people that say "black people cant be racist" are the same people that say "oh the jews at Israel cant be like hitler" even though they are literally in the process of doing a hole genoside against the population that has lived there for longer than they have
@VampirePumpkins 2 дня назад
They could have done something with zoey having a blind spot when it came to her own allyship because white people are going to have those no matter how good their intentions, but a guy being attracted to her because she's white is not it. A new teacher showing her favoritism because she's white would have made more sense imo
@ashlaybuffalo 2 дня назад
So no offense but this is coming from a black guy if he says that he only dates white girls there’s nothing wrong with that like people are attracted to the people want to and you can’t change that
@KomaaGod28 2 дня назад
I'm glad I found your channel man, this is amazing content
@TonyTurner 2 дня назад
Thank You ‼
@sadbong2215 2 дня назад
I’ve never actually watched the Proud family, but watching this, I actually kinda relate to Zoey… I never had a situation where a guy wanted to date me because of my race or anything, but I guess the subtle way she’s treated by her friends.
@brandoncole5533 3 дня назад
It just always feels half assed and the people and situations they portray is just too cartoony. Ik its a cartoon but when youre trying to directly adress an issue to kids, you cant be half-assed or zany. Like that "do something with your white privilege" line is way too cartoonish but they treat it as if its a serious moment but it feels like a joke
@valentinoesposito3614 3 дня назад
I hated that show so much. Propaganda
@PeregrineST 3 дня назад
I'll never really understand but why do so many things that try to empower black people just always fall back on shitting on white people, thats not empowering at all and it certainly doesnt help race relations? Whats the real aim with these shows? Does the media not want us to get along...?
@dj4dayz 2 дня назад
How much more can you empower a certain race nowadays without cutting another down? Why is everyone focused on "power" nowadays instead of, oh idk, being empathetic?
@majingogeto1435 3 дня назад
It’s about programming a false narrative into the minds of the youth. How do you completely control and reprogram the nation? Turn the youth against everyone else and fill their heads with false narratives.
@majingogeto1435 3 дня назад
It’s funny because we’re in such a witch hunt for white privilege and people having white guilt that a lot of things are skewed into a witch hunt for racism. Example: aunt jemima. Her great impact culturally and her family depended on that money for their original land. We’ve gotten so sensitive and people claimed racism so they changed the logo and brand entirely and cut funds for their land. It’s not about black history anymore, it’s about this witch-hunt for racism. Also, historically speaking, it wasn’t as common as people think that white people owned slaves. And it was only the English descendants during the time… what if Zoey wasn’t English? What if she was Irish?? Not every ethnic group was responsible. It’s just wild this is even an issue
@ImComingToHelp 3 дня назад
every community has been in slavery at some point the best we can do is let go and look forward
@ugly_gojo 3 дня назад
This reminds me when these strangers were meeting. And this black lady said her name was Nancy. The white lady laughed saying that’s her mother name. Nancy immediately followed by say my dad named me after my great aunt who was a slave. And to which the white lady apologized.
@ashes_and_f1re454 3 дня назад
i feel like the way that episode couldve made SUCH a difference if after zoey apologized, someone said 'don't be sorry zoe, you didn't do anything, we're the ones in the wrong for immediately pushing that superior persona onto you, we're sorry' or SOMETHING like that
@SamMDrews 3 дня назад
I'm not going to take responsibility for something I didn't participate in the past I'm just going to treat you like an equal because of my morals
@jeffgoode9865 3 дня назад
In the neighborhood I grew up in, the black kids and hispanic kids would beef all the time. Some of them broke off into gangs. I heard a lot of prejudice and racism from and towards both sides.
@DinoGoofHybridHero7531 3 дня назад
As a black person I can say we can DEFINETLY be racist XD
@Pastry_bakery001 3 дня назад
So Zoey’s friends are hateful idiots because they got mad at her for being white and existing because a popular kid asked Zoey to a dance that the others liked (even though they already have boyfriends) just because he likes white girls and instead of telling Zoey about this they just get mad (in Zoey’s eyes) for no reason because they never told her why they are mad even though she did nothing wrong. And even when Zoey got mad at them they didn’t explain why, they just say “ you don’t get it” …… of course she doesn’t get it because you don’t even tell her what “it” is . And you know how stupid it sounds when you say “ I’m mad at my friend because this cute guy likes her because she’s white” it’s like getting mad at a deaf kid for not hearing you they can’t control it that’s how you know Zoey needs to find another group.
@jordanthomas5222 3 дня назад
While I can understand Trudy since i know she does everything around the house and oscar making income anyway he can but even so they always put Penny in charge of this twins and mostly out of nowhere even do taking the twins to school or field trip with no choice but i dont want penny to resent the twins when she gets older into her adulthood but like they have other relatives they can depend on like suga mamma Bobby, Papi, or Sunset like i dont understand this that It will affect penny into her adulthood
@CasIsCuriousAboutScience 3 дня назад
proud family is such peak propaganda that it failed to be kid friendly
@Strxwb3rry3 3 дня назад
@caylya7869 3 дня назад
The whole Tyla situation reminded me of this episode in that black people aren’t always the victims, especially in every situation. Especially when they don’t really understand the history of “race”, and especially if they (black Americans) feel that only their experience counts. With the situation that I mentioned showing black people can be racist, and not only towards on group, but their own group history because they don’t understand the term of where “black came from, and inadvertently denied the black experiences in South Africa on why black people their might get offended of coloured person identifying as black. Different experiences and treatment there.
@KB-si5fx 3 дня назад
Oscar was 100% RIGHT, but I didn't fully realize it when I was a kid. D: The guy who made that comment about Penny and her friends looks like an adult too. That's creepy.