Fictional Fears
Fictional Fears
Fictional Fears
Welcome to Fictional Fears, home to some of the most twisted and terrifying villains ever created where we’ll delve into the fear behind fiction and break down what makes a villain truly terrifying.
Doctor Who's 'Rogue' Has a Problem…
21 день назад
How a Smile Became the Face of Horror
Месяц назад
What Makes The Babadook So Terrifying?
2 месяца назад
What Makes King Paimon So Terrifying?
4 месяца назад
The Silence - Fictional Fears
5 месяцев назад
The Empty Child - Fictional Fears
5 месяцев назад
What Makes The Toymaker So Terrifying?
6 месяцев назад
Why are the Weeping Angels So Terrifying?
7 месяцев назад
Madagascar - Five Minute Themes
7 месяцев назад
Shrek - Five Minute Themes
8 месяцев назад
Monsters Inc. - Five Minute Themes
8 месяцев назад
Is Monsters Inc The Scariest Kid's Film EVER?
8 месяцев назад
Can The Anniversary Special Save Doctor Who?
9 месяцев назад
Why Puss And Batman Are Wrong About Fear
10 месяцев назад
Christof Is The Tyrannical Father Of Truman
11 месяцев назад
The True Meaning Behind The Whale
Год назад
@jonathanwatson4484 2 дня назад
you know what more terrifying, it implied that the 456 was just one alien, a single junkie nearly tricking the world into giving them there children. Just imagine that a single alien who had enough resources to dupe the world. also HOW THE HELL THIS HAS 388 VIEWS THIS IS A GREAT VILLIAN ANALYIS.
@Fictional-Fears 2 дня назад
Only Torchwood could come up with a villain like this 😂 it’s such a shame they stopped the show with how much licence they had to explore the more dark gritty side of Doctor Who there’s so much potential. Also appreciate the support 🙏
@jonathanwatson4484 2 дня назад
the nothing more terrifying then facing a being of pure power able to do anything, and they want to play children games expect the chess pieces are your love ones and able piece off the bored means you that love one are dead.
@Fictional-Fears 2 дня назад
@@jonathanwatson4484 yeh you don’t get much more terrifying than that 😂
@59rlmccormack 5 дней назад
We understand it all after recently seeing 1966’s THE CELESTIAL TOYMAKER.
@darthmummy7889 12 дней назад
Do u agree that anything after Matt smith has been ass
@Fictional-Fears 12 дней назад
The recent stuff doesn’t touch the golden generation of Doctor Who 100%, I was hoping RTD’s return would spark it back into life but so far it’s not hit that same chord, and Disney getting hold of it doesn’t fill me with hope 😂
@lukebruton4110 13 дней назад
That consciousness point is a good one, I don’t quite get how they’re able to communicate when there’s millions of individual Vashta Nerada in one swarm, if they do bring them back I’d like to see that explored a bit more
@Fictional-Fears 12 дней назад
Definitely but I wouldn’t go too overboard with it and have loads of proper Dave’s walking around all with their own consciousness and movement, I feel like part of what makes them so terrifying is how there can be millions right there in front of you yet complete silence, having them come together and control objects too much could take away from their chilling nature, but theres still so much to explore two episodes definitely isn’t enough for such a great concept
@vonclarktheshark2279 13 дней назад
Would love to see a good story where they come back, however I fear they would do something stupid like show them in a physical form or give them more powers and ruin some of the haunting aspect to them, similar to the animated weeping angels or the angels possessing images of angels.
@Fictional-Fears 13 дней назад
I legit didn’t even consider that I was thinking about the potential for how good a return could be but you’re right there’s so many ways they could mess it up, like there’s no physical form I think they could create that could make them as chilling as they are now, and if they have the doctor find another weakness beyond poisoning and light it might start to take away from how terrifying they are to begin with so there’s definitely a lot of ways to mess it up, but if they just resist that urge to innovate too too much and stick to the formula they have a return could be so good
@darthmummy7889 12 дней назад
@@Fictional-Fearsdo you agree the new doctor who ( Chibnal RTD new era)
@jackwilliams8900 13 дней назад
keep it up the vids are so good
@Fictional-Fears 13 дней назад
Thank you, appreciate the support 🙏
@brentgrisier1738 13 дней назад
Still one of my favorites. I still get chills every time I watch it.
@Fictional-Fears 13 дней назад
100% definitely in my top 5 creatures of the Whoniverse, I really hope they make a return there’s so much potential left there, I guess the only problem would be how powerful they are so an episode on earth would definitely be a bit risky, it’s not like the doctor can just ditch earth and quarantine it from the universe like funworld 😅
@brentgrisier1738 13 дней назад
@Fictional-Fears True. Probably go the "Pitch Black" movie route, where the doctor is on a commercial ship that crash lands on a planet that has nothing but the Vashta left, and he has to get them off quickly, maybe?
@Fictional-Fears 13 дней назад
@@brentgrisier1738 I’d love something like this, similar to midnight vibe where the doctor is just chucked in with these strangers and has to deal with them as well as the Vashta, although now I think about it although they probably couldn’t touch earth I would like an explanation as to why deforestation on Earth hasn’t triggered the Vashta Nerada yet seems a bit strange they haven’t got even a little more aggressive
@tyronechadsmith5121 14 дней назад
Bro I had no idea there was a spin off about genetically engineering Vashta Nerada that’s insane 😂 I hope they do bring them back because when you think about it the fact they’re literally all around us is kinda swept under the carpet for a lot of Doctor Who
@Fictional-Fears 13 дней назад
100% it seems so strange to me that they’re mentioned as a universal threat in two episodes and then barely bought up again, here’s hoping they bring them back even if it wasn’t as big as the engineering angle even a blink style episode where the Doctor takes a backseat and it’s just classic Vashta Nerada would be good enough
@suddieo1 18 дней назад
What a nice vid. Keep it up.
@jimenaluna6647 20 дней назад
@gferrol118 24 дня назад
Personally I think it'd have been better not seeing what they look like. Keep them more ominous. Plus that way, they could have set it up so they have the potential to come back, since there would be no way of knowing they are all gone, since they could be any of the humans there. Would make a good emotional scene for the Doctor, since he really liked Rogue, and some of them surviving would destroy his sacrifice. Would be interesting to see how the Doctor reacts when finding out
@Fictional-Fears 24 дня назад
Good point. If they had any vision for these creatures moving forward they could of at least had one of the Chudlur hide amongst the crowds. Like the lone slitheen, Blon, surviving and living in Cardiff trying to work out a plan of escaping the planet. The Chudlur could have easily blended into society on Earth until a plan arose., but I guess the love of the spectacle and drama prevented them from having any stealth in the episode.
@enigmatruecrime 24 дня назад
I mean I do love the farting of the Slitheen, it does make me chuckle. But they did lose their scare factor sadly.
@Fictional-Fears 24 дня назад
Looking back on the episode i cant say it doesn't make me laugh but you're right. I cant fear the big claws and the skin suit of their victims when one of them says 'I'm shaking my booty' after farting.
@darinbaker9817 24 дня назад
@emwooding5030 24 дня назад
i think this is a really fair and refreshing critique - i don't necessarily fully agree but this is very valid.
@Fictional-Fears 24 дня назад
There's certainly a middle ground, you can enjoy the episode if you go into it thinking the villain is made to be a light-hearted one with a bit of humour. But if you are really missing that vibe of standalone episode villains like we got with 'Blink' or 'The Midnight Enitity' you can see real potential but the writers just chose to go the other way with this one.
@justtwobrotherspokemon 24 дня назад
That's the issue you had with this episode? If anything, I think the doctor falling hard for a stranger is super out of character. A bi generation shouldn't wipe away the doctors identity, his burdens, seeing so many people he cared about die. It just didn't make sense to me. If anything it's a little insulting. The doctor is gay now so he now is open to hookups doesn't make sense
@ivyburrows9763 25 дней назад
I think the episode is far more comparable to Human Nature/Family Of Blood. Shape shifting Alians that kill people to steal their form, set in the past, gives the doctor a love interest and explores his character, ending with the villains being banished to an eternal fate, both episodes villains have a little styalisation that give their performance away. But no one complained that the Family Of Blood were just green smoke...
@Fictional-Fears 24 дня назад
That's a great parallel for this episode! Went right over my head. I would say the use of the scarecrows, the sniffing and all round uncanny valley features they had made them seem quite terrifying. Like you could see they were human but their traits and body language was off a lot of the time. The family of blood is a underrated villain for me.
@curvingfyre6810 26 дней назад
Nah, they were good.
@MrWayneJP 26 дней назад
Birds have plumage that they tend to draw attention to themselves. Thematically, this species being birds makes sense.
@jimspock 26 дней назад
Dr who's problem is RTD
@sfrilix1781 24 дня назад
Are u saying you like chibnal (I know I didn't spell it right)
@jimspock 24 дня назад
@@sfrilix1781 nope
@sfrilix1781 24 дня назад
@@jimspock ok
@ex0ticSTszen55 26 дней назад
this movie is so confusing to me can someone just explain to me what the movie is abt
@rustybrooks8916 26 дней назад
I thought they were fine. They are a species that live to create real life drama and then "cosplay" the participants. That is already a very "spoiled wealthy child" mentality one would have to have to have in general. I don't think they were ever meant to be terrifying. The scariest thing about them is that there are wealthy people in real life that almost function like this and are able to get away with it.
@Fictional-Fears 26 дней назад
I like your point that the spoilt nature of them fits their character I hadn’t actually considered that, but I can’t help hyper fixating on their plan to overthrow planet Earth merely for the sake of drama and the spectacle of it. With how casual they were about their plan it almost made it sound like they do this on a weekly basis to so many other species. Like there’s this trail of extinction in their wake purely for entertainment. It kind of felt like the gimmicks made them more of a throwaway villain for me but I 100% get your point they intentionally made them less scary and more of a fun antagonist and I definitely see why people are fine with that
@ItCameFromTheSkyBeLo 26 дней назад
I liked the feathery gals... 👀
@Fictional-Fears 26 дней назад
@ItCameFromTheSkyBeLo 25 дней назад
@@Fictional-Fears 👀
@Fictional-Fears 25 дней назад
@@ItCameFromTheSkyBeLo 👁️👄👁️
@tyronechadsmith5121 26 дней назад
Given their camouflage abilities I 100% expected them to be scaly Chameleon like creatures but it was quite a strange choice to make them birds of prey, unless there’s lore behind them we don’t know about
@LunartheDragon 26 дней назад
Reminded me of the cuckoo bird a bit
@Fictional-Fears 26 дней назад
That’s a great shout actually just something that made a bit more thematic sense but also looked a little more scary
@Fictional-Fears 26 дней назад
@@LunartheDragon damn thats such a sick point I didn’t even consider that thematically, I only saw one looked a bit like an owl and another like an eagle, but if there was a hint to the Cuckoo Cuckoo bird that’s pretty cool
@LunartheDragon 26 дней назад
@@Fictional-Fears The main lady is pretty cuckoo coded, at least the grey with stripes plumage. My guess is it’s easier for an audience to tell them apart if they’re all different birds lol
@anotherperson2627 26 дней назад
What were you expecting when the characters started refering to them as cosplayers? The designs are silly, but it didn't take away from the already silly vibe that was going on
@Fictional-Fears 26 дней назад
Do you not think the prospect of them being able to camouflage into any race and cosplay it into eventual oblivion (like they planned to with humanity and causing a civil war of Earth) had the potential to be straight up terrifying? Don’t get me wrong I understand the angle of they meant to make it silly with a goofy vibe, but given how the episode started with quite a nefarious plot built up I was hoping for more, it really did remind me of how the Slitheen episode made me feel where it starts out so promising but they strip away the fear factor for goofiness.
@lisreads4872 26 дней назад
@@Fictional-Fears I honestly think the goofy tone was needed. This last episode was a bit of a palate cleanser after the three more heavy stressful ones that came before it.
@Fictional-Fears 26 дней назад
@@lisreads4872 maybe it’s me just really wanting another solid villain to come out after the Toymaker’s reappearance, I just love it when they churn out a concept like the empty child or the Vashta Nerada it really makes an episode unforgettable for me, but I do get not every villain needs to be a terrifying one. I just feel like it’s been a while since we’ve had one but maybe the finale has something great in store for us
@paulscott9851 Месяц назад
The smile is extremely disturbing. But I do wonder what power it would have over us if it inhibits someone which a less natural smile, like an elderly lady with false teeth, without the teeth in would she really look that terrifying?
@lukebruton4110 Месяц назад
A lot of people shit on the appearance of the entity at the end but I thought the multiple deformed jaws and overall look was pretty scary, although I do wonder whether it could’ve been more effective to do what a lot of horror films do and never directly show the entity itself, you could have it appear just out of site or in the darkness multiple times end end up generating a better scare than ever having it actually appear on screen
@kshitijjayant2776 Месяц назад
Thanks for a genuine interpretation. Most of the top search result videos "explaining" the movie and its ending are mere descriptions of the scenes.
@mtmusicman85 Месяц назад
I did read that Yasmin Finney (Rose Noble) will return to the show briefly and confirm Wilf has passed, I’d like to believe they’ll make a more fitting tribute to him then. 🤞🏼
@Benplanes Месяц назад
Definitely not a mistake
@KingKong1933-wr7ct Месяц назад
Wait I’m confused how come when Alex is in the wild he acts like a real lion but all the lions in Madagascar 2 act just like he does when he’s at the zoo
@tyronechadsmith5121 2 месяца назад
I definitely didn’t appreciate how messed up this was as a kid 😂 I remember being more captivated by Jack’s immortality and how painful it must have been to live through regenerating being disintegrated like that, but man does the combination of using kids for drugs and the fact they’re aliens really top that
@Fictional-Fears 2 дня назад
Imagine they were able to use Jack himself as a high and his immortality meant he had to endure it for eternity, immortality sounds like so much fun until you see someone blow up and live through being excruciatingly pieced back together 😂
@paulscott9851 2 месяца назад
You're bringing back some gems in these videos. I remember getting fired up seeing middle aged men from a council estate going up against the Military in defence of their children. That to me is true British values...
@Fictional-Fears 2 дня назад
@davidlungujr6857 2 месяца назад
That's Probably The Main Reason Maurice Said In The Previous Savage Alex Scene Where Alex Bites Marty's Butt And Everyone Wonders What's Going And Maurice Says He Eats Meat Which Are His "Friends"
@scuffedmusic4004 2 месяца назад
By far one of my absolute favorite episodes, it does everything a perfect doctor episode should, normal set up, alluring mystery, death of a side character to give the doctor motivation and seperating the doctor from both rose and the tardis to in a way back a wild animal into a corner giving the viewers infinite expectations.
@Fictional-Fears 2 месяца назад
This is actually a really good point you’ve basically broken down the quintessential Doctor Who formula for a great episode 😂 it’s also got that classic Doctor monologue at the end that almost every classic episode has
@scuffedmusic4004 2 месяца назад
@@Fictional-Fears i appreciate it, totally forgot another key detail THE OOD!!😂
@lukebruton4110 2 месяца назад
This was such a sick double episode I remember seeing online quite a few people didn’t like it but for me it equalled the empty child for how scary I found it as a kid and rewatching it years later added another layer of appreciation when you understand just how grand scale this episode was love the throwback
@Fictional-Fears 2 месяца назад
Yeh I noticed there’s a section of fans who didn’t like this episode but for me it produces one of the best villains of the series just the idea that the truth behind the myth is locked away inside a planet trapped by a black hole projecting his consciousness out upon the universe with the same image of the horned beast. Such a great concept
@supersheeva08 2 месяца назад
As a massive Doctor Who fan, this "villain" is definitely in my top 5. The whole concept for it is incredible, as it ties into reality. A lot of concepts, from different religions of the devil are similar and almost all of them are described to look the same. This is really one of the best written episodes in Doctor Who history, I remember the chills I got watching it when it came out as a child. . Also, who doesn't love a story about the ultimate evil from beyond time and understanding, it doesn't get much cooler than that
@Fictional-Fears 2 месяца назад
100% I still remember watching the Beast possess Toby as a kid and being terrified of his voice, but also the pacing of the episodes is perfect as they uncover what the Beast actually is they also begin to realise he’s about to escape all thanks to them. This really is Doctor Who at its finest
@PatrickMcGowan-ch4ho 2 месяца назад
I think David sold it, his Doctor is scared of that thing and the Doctor isn't normally scared of anything.
@CMThoughts24 2 месяца назад
Hey. I just came across your channel and as someone trying to make videos. I like the quality of sound your video. What microphone or program do you use for wound mixing? Keep up the good work bro.
@Fictional-Fears 2 месяца назад
Thanks man that’s much appreciated 🙏We got the mic bundle online through Toner, and then we use Premier Pro and Capcut to finalise the audio and make the video, and same to you bro keep up the good work creating content 👊
@paulscott9851 2 месяца назад
When I watched it as a child I didn't see the Devil as that big a deal, I was more scared by the Ood speaking in unison killing people by putting their balls on people's heads. But as I grew I realised that in every cameo of the Ood they are ultimately a victim of more powerful beings using them.
@paulscott9851 2 месяца назад
Making the switch from overaching film themes to focusing on Fear IMO is sick.. Few suggestions from myself, that monkey from Pirates of the Caribbean, Mr Beans Landlord from the series and the Captains Bot from Wall-E (That's ones serious)
@lukebruton4110 2 месяца назад
It was such a great touch that they included that last scene of her feeding the Babadook, they could have easily had her expel it from their lives when she realised she needed to face and internalise the grief instead of denying it but the film stayed true to the theme of grief and how it never truly leaves us and did the same with the Babadook
@Fictional-Fears 2 месяца назад
I think it’s one of the best Horror themes out there and that ending truly was the cherry on top, I think it still would have worked without it but having it really grounded the theme into the reality of grief and the nature of us never truly overcoming it
@tyronechadsmith5121 2 месяца назад
I think if I had a son like Samuel I’d probably just let the Babadook have him 😂 this was such a sick OG film tho I know it was a complete solo film but I’m surprised no ones tried to make another one given its success
@Fictional-Fears 2 месяца назад
I’d be all for an unrelated second film they’ve got the premise to work with and they don’t have to repeat the same flow either they could have a darker more gritty ending where the character doesn’t necessarily overcome their grief as intended, I’d love to see it
@Browncoat7969 3 месяца назад
What about the peg dolls. These things were absolutely terrifying when I first watch it aired on doctor who.
@Fictional-Fears 3 месяца назад
It was that transformation process that really added to how terrifying they were as well it rivalled the gas mask transformation for me! Definitely worth a deep dive
@tyronechadsmith5121 4 месяца назад
I had no idea Open Sesame was an actual spell 😂
@lukebruton4110 4 месяца назад
That Scene where Annie is possessed headbutting the attic door was legit terrifying, that and the scenes where Annie is floating behind Peter, also why is Joan the only cult member not naked at the end in the tree house scene 😂
@juztina7346 4 месяца назад
Paimon 😦
@paulscott9851 4 месяца назад
Hail Paimon Hail Paimon Hail Paimon
@Marcus58451 4 месяца назад
Please tone down the music ..... I can't hear you properly :(
@billcar6805 4 месяца назад
@Fictional-Fears 4 месяца назад
Sorry guys that’s noted for next time appreciate you pointing it out 🙏
@tyronechadsmith5121 4 месяца назад
It’s crazy to me that we don’t get a proper explanation for why the cult summoned Paimon throughout the entire movie, I know one of the pagesAnnie looks at says the summoners are given great fortunes but apart from that it’s all mystery like good familiars or his secret knowledge, they really nailed focusing on a spirit that was already mythological grounded and absolutely nailed the ending
@magnuskallas 4 месяца назад
This was the ONLY issue I had with the cult in the film. The "riches" part was left rather vague considering most of the members of the cult seemed relatively old and settled in this small town. But that said - "It's always the same thing humans summon me for. Whether it be power, wealth, or glory; you humans never have any creativity for anything new, do you?" - considering the film WAS supernatural, it is possible the wish part would have contained "youth".
@tyronechadsmith5121 4 месяца назад
@@magnuskallas that’s a good point youth would be an understandable motive, also where’s that quote from? I could never find any Paimon related quotes. I did also see somewhere that he knows the location of secret treasures on earth so there are plenty of reasons why they’d want Paimon here but not sure why they’re not properly explained in the book, maybe the mystery for some people makes it even more horror like that they did all this to the Grahams and we don’t even know why.
@cameronspalding9792 4 месяца назад
@ 5:06 How do you write that term
@Fictional-Fears 4 месяца назад