CLR Bruce Rivers
CLR Bruce Rivers
CLR Bruce Rivers
3 месяца назад
@greebuh 5 часов назад
Expired tags don't nullify the 4rh amendment.
@greebuh 5 часов назад
Cop should have minded his oath to the constitution and not searched the guys car.
@danieljordan9004 5 часов назад
I’ve been an addict for 20 years with periods of sobriety and periods of relapse along with nearly dying from an OD. In my opinion this guy is probably dead. I don’t think there’s any way a guy with this kind of internet fame just disappears for what is now at least 3 years, even if in jail. For sure if not, the financial reward is just too great. Hope I’m wrong but if we are hearing from this guy directly or someone that knows him or knows of him, he’s very likely dead.
@jallekulmala1370 5 часов назад
not a bomb
@judygantz1005 5 часов назад
@robnutile4338 5 часов назад
Bro, get off yet fake moral high horse. You defend gangster rappers. But they got fat pockets so that type of evil is fine for you to defend as long as they pay well, right
@OvelNick 5 часов назад
He gay, 100%.He HATES himself but at the same time he doesn't have the stones to unalive himself. He should... 🍻 Here's to hoping that he finally grows a pair.
@zoundstreetop 6 часов назад
Ask for money to detail your car, Michael. 😂 business expense.
@ung427 6 часов назад
Did this lady's husband invent the DC03?
@BILL-vi7vd 6 часов назад
Screw the court if you got the RIGHT to remain silent you got the RIGHT the RIGHT
@johneven318 6 часов назад
The judge belongs in prison
@simbaeast6846 6 часов назад
I myself could never be a prosecutor because I can't see putting people in jail.I would want to keep them out of jail.I don't want people to be put away from petty.Petty things period it's just so petty I myself cannot send someone to jail being a prosecutor
@sydneysovern 6 часов назад
The narrator reading the “no face no case, fuck your homie dead ass” sent me 😂 Brady reminds me so much of the kids I hung out with in high school. Although my friends stuck to yelling stupid shit of the harmless variety.
@deep5811 6 часов назад
The corruption displayed from this judge snd the da in this case is beyond criminal. This needs to end.
@Kiya-me 6 часов назад
I love him and his sarcasm. He could have raised me. We sound exactly the same
@OvelNick 6 часов назад
The blind ignorance of his mother tells so much!
@forgetmeshots 6 часов назад
Crazy in the head, crazy in bed. 💯👍🏻
@deep5811 6 часов назад
Why is that lady sitting with her face in her hands like that, during a questioning of a witness, suspet? 😂😂😂 she watched to many tv show crime dramas or something. 😂😂😅
@deep5811 6 часов назад
This whole case, trial, is a sham. How is it continuing. After he said "most definitely" how does the trial go on? Also, why is fanni fann fann falsey so hard up on this case ? Is it just a distraction? Why hasnt this been tossed yet? What's their end game? Everything happens for a reason
@johneven318 6 часов назад
This judge is a moron
@Cotten- 6 часов назад
*_Lucci better trade his "Key To The Street" for a key to the jail lol._*
@robnutile4338 6 часов назад
Throw away the key unless you get a liberal activist judge. I just watched the Biden appointed fed judge be questioned by the Senate who allowed multiple time child rapist who created child porn get a two year sentence. Another chronic rapist who produced child porn, who was allowed to call himself a woman and be sent into a woman’s prison by that same judge. Guess what happened to a women in that prison? Yep, you guessed it. Raped and impregnated by the newly identified woman. You would think a judge like this would never get appointed, but you would be wrong because 51 Democrat senators voted to confirm. That’s what you get when people support Democrats. But you Democrats wouldn’t know any of this because you fall for propaganda. Just like the CLR
@mallori6610 6 часов назад
They are wearing different clothing for the search warrant so were the kids taken when they did the search warrant?! That means they left those kids alone with these monsters even after cps told on the kids to the abusers… OMG that’s horrifying
@landonpoindexter114 6 часов назад
OK, that cop boy 👮‍♀️ 🧒 is acting all dramatic with the water bottle
@Mr50403 6 часов назад
Thug hurt black people. I dont care how you cut it. Thug said the stuff. Thug is a criminal.
@allenfitzpatrick8485 6 часов назад
Im getting motion sickness watching this.😅
@zellanutellaa 6 часов назад
Update! her 8th lawyer wants to resign lmfao
@OvelNick 7 часов назад
Cop's Wife - "Hey baby! How was your day?" Cop - "I had a blast!" 💀💀
@crystalturner152 7 часов назад
Those paddles brought back awful memories 😪
@All_Loves_Lost 7 часов назад
The cops on Long Island are ridiculous every time i have been pulled over- one time for a “tail light out” that wasn’t actually out- once for going 43 in a 35- twice for tinted windows- and every single time they searched my car without even giving me the option of saying no. They claimed they had to search the car for “weapons” “for their safety” and they found nothing any of those times but still immediately searched my car despite my not consenting to it.
@jeffmurphy1610 7 часов назад
As much as I don’t like hunter Biden was it really nessesary to use such a petty case lol. The presidents son is a crackhead , who’s kid isn’t lol
@kevinkevarson9513 7 часов назад
My question is, you find a sealed Contraption like that with a valve in the middle.... why in the hell would you attempt to take it apart and/or turn valves?
@chrisgraham2327 7 часов назад
Second dude was definitely the bitch in prison for sure. Not saying it like he deserved it but there was a reason he did not want to go back.
@Anxietye 7 часов назад
You know when cops first come to the window and ask, “Do you have any bombs, guns or drugs in the vehicle?” Turns out my man literally had all three. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 this has GOT to be a Florida traffic stop. Lmao.
@Harrisboyuno 7 часов назад
Michael and Bruce this one was GOOD! THANK YOU FOR THE AWESOME CONTENT. Im sure I speak for all of us here in the comment section when we say you both are so appreciated.
@lalalevej2478 7 часов назад
@JamieMcgee518 7 часов назад
The cop sounds like a jerk. The cop sounds like Dr. Phil.
@crystalturner152 7 часов назад
This broke my heart. I was physically and sexually abused as a child, too. At 3, I threw up and was msde to change my bed and eat more food. I had guns pulled on me. I had to sleep outside in the cold. I would sleep under the car and daydream about being homeless. At 8, homelessness was better than that. I was made to go outside at midnight in the rain. I wasn't allowed to have friends, or play with the neighbors. Thank God, CPS took me and placed me with my grandmother. I took my great nephew in at birth. He is 10 now and doing great. If I was rich, I would take in a lot of kids. They need an advocate to speak up for them
@archaeomom 7 часов назад
@kenxiong6830 7 часов назад
Waste of taxpayer money. Stop wasting time going after political opponents as focus on helping build America
@radioactivepuppy6459 7 часов назад
A Cult Of Lesbians 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@cameronl1859 7 часов назад
This was a chlorine bomb. They were pretty popular like 15 years ago, I had a friend who made one. You put a somewhat normal household chemical in one side, and another very common household chemical on the other (I'm not naming the chemicals, probably against the rules) and then separate them, in this case the guy used a twist valve, you can see the cop "arm" the bomb in the bodycam footage. The cop was probably trying to see if the bomb would come apart and reveal hidden drugs, but twisting that valve was DUMB. Luckily, chlorine bombs are fairly weak, probably similar to something like a M80. They're meant to be for fun, this guy was not planning a terrorist attack or anything. Not saying the cop wasn't lucky here, but death was unlikely.
@kenxiong6830 7 часов назад
Tired of seeing democrats and republicans wasting time going after each other. Americans are struggling to stay afloat and all both parties can do is try to nail each other smh
@cherylyant3963 7 часов назад
This is just sickening. I feel so sorry for those poor children. I agree with you Bruce about physically abusing the children. My father was a military man and used his power at home. Many many times he beat us with a belt till we would bleed. Sometimes with the buckle. One time my oldest brother was getting older and refused to cry. I thought he was gonna kill him. I got out as soon as I could and never spanked my children. Talking to make them understand what they did wrong certainly works. They grew up to be wonderful adults.
@b_michigan7783 7 часов назад
I haven’t followed GR closely other than documentaries. I dislike reality shows so not watching her since getting out of prison. This husband gives me the creeps. I think I heard they are already split. She would benefit by being single & lots of therapy for awhile before getting in a marriage. Wish her the best!
@Soffity 7 часов назад
The cop is lucky he had glasses on and they didn’t break. At least they protected his eyes somewhat.
@louisehigginbotham3205 8 часов назад
Anhydrous pneumonia 🤣🤣🤣 Anhydrous ammonia. ✔️ I do love your videos. From an Aussie fan. 👍
@BuckNasty88MD 8 часов назад
Hook me up with grandma she sounds like my type😅😅😅
@crystalturner152 8 часов назад
My great niece and great nephew have been temporarily placed in my home. Their mother was on drugs. They eat all day long because they are scared they will leave my house and not be fed properly. They ate crackers all day at the moms. The 3 year old can't talk, not potty trained, and has terrible temper tantrums all waking hours. I don't see how people can mistreat children. They are a precious gift from God 💔
@jakublizon6375 8 часов назад
First time ever facing consequences for anything.