
Aziz Ansari Article Writer Strikes Back 

The Young Turks
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Writer Katie Way went after HLN’s Ashleigh Banfield to defend her article about Aziz Ansari. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian, the hosts of The Young Turks, discuss. Tell us what you think in the comment section below.
Read more here: www.businessinsider.com/aziz-a...
“Ashleigh Banfield admonished a Babe.net writer who lashed out after Banfield criticized the site's recent story detailing a complicated sexual encounter between actor and comedian Aziz Ansari and an anonymous New York photographer.
During her show on Tuesday, the Headline News anchor read an email she said she received from Babe reporter Katie Way - who broke the Ansari story - after Banfield delivered a monologue on Monday critiquing the article, saying it endangered the #MeToo movement on sexual harassment and sexism.
"Ashleigh, someone who I am certain nobody under the age of 45 has heard of, I hope the 500 retweets on the single news write up made that burgundy lipstick, bad highlights, secondwave feminist has-been really relevant for a little while," Banfield read from Way's email.
She added, "The reason I want to share that is because if you truly believe in the #MeToo movement, if you truly believe in women's rights, if you truly believe in feminism, the last thing you should do is attack someone in an ad hominem way for her age - I'm 50 - and for my highlights."
In an email to Business Insider, Babe editor Amanda Ross pointed out that the comments Banfield read on air were "a fraction" of what Way sent to the anchor after an HLN producer asked her to come on the show to discuss the story.”
Hosts: Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian
Cast: Cenk Uygur, Ana Kasparian
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Young Turk (n), 1. Young progressive or insurgent member of an institution, movement, or political party. 2. A young person who rebels against authority or societal expectations.(American Heritage Dictionary)



16 янв 2018




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@kodjoblacka 6 лет назад
TYT nailed this one.
@edwinsgeneration 6 лет назад
damn the young turks are on POINT with this case!
@Gooseman2k2 6 лет назад
For ONCE in their careers...
@edwardbernayse6665 6 лет назад
@architectofsound i thought that the 22 year old girl's own account cleared him of wrong doing. he got a little horny and she put the brakes on and that was that. if she felt bad that he objectified her than she shouldn't have tried to use him to further her career as a photographer.
@Bacchian 6 лет назад
Katie Way reminds me of those people who pretend to be liberal on college campuses, but who lose their minds and physically/verbally attack anyone if they're confronted with an opposing opinion.
@truthyfruity7759 6 лет назад
Some regressive brats confuse "I hate mommy I hate daddy" with "I am more anti-establishment than thou". Super easy targets of divisive agents. Classic "I will burn my vote my freedom and give BJ to russian mobsters just to spite TPTB!!!!"
@dmc8092 6 лет назад
I would have no issue believing the girl, but what she talks about is not assault. Women need to say "no", not expect people to pick up on non-verbal cues.
@edwardbernayse6665 6 лет назад
it was a non-story. it should be a lesson for the girl to rethink her attractions and why she has them and what she is really looking for in a boyfriend but today i guess these young kids like to go right to the victim card and accuse other people who have made them uncomfortable somehow of being victimizers and bullies.
@MsCkelle 6 лет назад
That letter is the equivalent of drunk texting.
@Mlogan11 6 лет назад
More like texting under the influence of youthful ignorance/immaturity.
@EnuffisEnuff 6 лет назад
Drunk in her privileged cocktail, Missed-her-Way self-glorified, via her source Grace. "...she struck out into this alone, because she’s the bravest person I’ve ever met."
@truthyfruity7759 6 лет назад
The Judgemental Cat ... she sounds like that rookie girl from The Hive, who barked 'grandma Hillary should stay home and knit'
@hatchettharley3186 6 лет назад
Katie Way isn’t known very well by anyone of any age soooooo.....she sounds pretty immature.
@truthyfruity7759 6 лет назад
The point is - this self-anointed "Babe" blatantly weaponized age to attack Ashleigh. Like Trump attacking poorer political opponent, I richer, you loser, I win. With zero irony. That is the sick part.
@truthyfruity7759 6 лет назад
Pop culture is pop culture. Porn culture is porn culture. They shouldn't mix. They shouldn't be allowed in THE OVAL OFFICE. We have work to do. Moving on. TIMESUP.
@foresight87 6 лет назад
"Youth and beauty are not accomplishments" Carrie Fisher
@colico14 6 лет назад
I'm 38 and I've known who Ashleigh Banfield is for a long time. She's a very well-known, credible journalist, unlike Katie Way. Ms. Way comes across like an amateurish, petulant little girl.
@ohlawd3699 6 лет назад
Katie Way is an imbecile. 😊
@streetgato9697 6 лет назад
"Google those places..." Damn, that's savage!
@stephenmorrell6669 6 лет назад
'...Afghanistan, Iraq, Gaza, West Bank -- google those places'. Fantastic put down!
@outseeker 6 лет назад
perfect time to add the sunglasses and airhorns lol
@SpicyTake 6 лет назад
kinda petty tho
@stephenmorrell6669 6 лет назад
@snakeguy76 6 лет назад
I'm under 45 and I know who Ashley Banfield is. I remember her from 9/11 coverage. I'm not a fan of hers or anything but the woman has been there. Some respect, please.
@mcorpsqman 6 лет назад
Katie Way is an internet troll pretending to be a journalist. The ad hominem response to Ashleigh is the epitome of trolls responses.
@sporadikstyles 6 лет назад
Sounded like an angry 15 yr old. *smh. Her article now has 0 credibility.
@thehumanity0 6 лет назад
Her article had zero credibility to begin with. She puts in the title "Sexual Assault", but then if you actually read the article, any sane person would agree that mumbling under your breath and giving non-verbal cues is not a form of communication, and sitting with them naked on a couch afterwards hoping they will give you a back rub is not the behavior of someone who is being sexually assaulted, molested, or even harassed in any way. Her anonymous account hurts the MeToo movement in every way.
@truthyfruity7759 6 лет назад
Why are we ignoring Al Franken accuser Leeann Tweeden was even more destructive to men's career? Yet she got richer? Yet she got away with framing an overly aggressive CONSENSUAL kiss as "rape"? Why does Leeann get a pass while Grace get slammed? Because the hustler is playboy babe she has right to bring Al Franken down?
@Anthonycheesman33 6 лет назад
I have no sympathy for the girl who accused aziz for assault
@blastermaster5009 6 лет назад
Her name is Abby Nierman, by the way.
@Anthonycheesman33 6 лет назад
yea I really don't care what her name is she tried to throw an innocent guy under the bus Over a bad date
@blastermaster5009 6 лет назад
Exactly. She shouldn't be allowed to remain anonymous. She isn't a victim and she was attempting to destroy his career.
@Phantus00 6 лет назад
Making fun of Banfield's looks is like fat shaming a fitness model. An irrational choice on a lot of levels.
@troyklk7734 6 лет назад
I’m sorry but I have to defend Aziz in this case as well. She voiced everything I was thinking. I sounded like an uncomfortable date/miscommunication. Not rape or assault, there’s a difference, when you equate the two, it’s a diss to real victims.
@katherineavant223 6 лет назад
Troy perez honestly ain't modern feminism just equating discomfort with full-blown assault and hatred
@katherineavant223 6 лет назад
she got to leave, i didn't get to leave. she got an apology, i got beat into a 2-year silence. she chose to be victimized by a shitty date, i have to take PTSD medicine for consistent night terrors. Grace is opportunistic and, at least judging by how she locked-in on him WHILE DANCING WITH HER CURRENT DATE, shitty.
@laliluleloson 6 лет назад
Feminism says Grace is wrong here. Stop getting defensive against feminism because one woman is on a witch hunt.
@katherineavant223 6 лет назад
spot on!
@bigronnie9629 6 лет назад
Regret does not equal Rape.
@a-663 6 лет назад
She never said it was rape and she also didn't regret it
@ivanmontalco5082 6 лет назад
Amaia - she said ir was sexual assault. she's a bitch
@MrMasterDebate 6 лет назад
Amaia - she said it was sexual assault
@timothyo718 6 лет назад
Jesus women need to stop this shit 🙏
@IBBMS 6 лет назад
She never said it was rape. Sexual assault is a broad term which encompasses everything from violent rape to your boss pinching your ass at work. Google is free. If you don't know what something means then Google it.
@MpowerdAPE 6 лет назад
She's changing the story to an actual rape allegation as you watch this. Breaking news in 3 - 2 - 1
@truthyfruity7759 6 лет назад
She may have punched her own face but she is not Milo level shameless though, I think...
@mds2672 6 лет назад
Wow she's a feminist but she's attacking another woman for her age, her looks and her fashion . Go figure.
@epicgamers242 6 лет назад
Md S Sounds like Highschool.
@KillerBebe 6 лет назад
Jaii Houzik just like the schoolyard bully picking on a nerd
@truthyfruity7759 6 лет назад
Her mom is jealous of her youth so she thinks every powerful establishment women are jealous of her. The most cringey is, she thinks every 22 yo women think like her. Face palm.
@wholefoodhoney7310 6 лет назад
That girl has tainted her entire journalistic career. I actually feel sorry for her because she's only 22 and she has NO IDEA!
@alicetremain7366 6 лет назад
Her combination of self-righteousness and cluelessness / bad manners is almost hilarious.
@kezkezooie8595 6 лет назад
I hate to say it because I am a defender of millenials most of the time, but Katie Way's article and then this icing-on-the-cake email has depicted both her and "Grace" as the bad stereotype of millenials - reactive, petulant, extremely immature, entitled and with an overweaning sense of their own importance without a shred of self awareness. To claim to be a feminist and to use the sorts of insults that Katie Way used to Ashleigh Banfield is truly laughable. To disregard and denigrate the women who were standing up for women's rights before she was born and to show contempt for the changes they made is a truly shameful act. She has no appreciation of how she and other young women are standing on the shoulders of all the feminists that came before her. She's disregarding the hard fought battles that women before her went through so that she could enjoy the rights and freedoms she takes for granted. As to her career being "not too shabby!": She actually thinks she has more credibility than Banfield, who's been in the business for thirty years and has proven herself? She lacks the self awareness that one "shock exposé", does not a credible career make. If she wants to have a career in serious journalism and not tabloid press, she's got a long way to go and should know it. The article itself is not particularly well written - it's not badly written, but there's definitely room for improvement in her writing skills and how a story is presented - and the account itself is self defeating if her intention was to make it a piece that addressed feminist issues in that it depicts "Grace" as having no sense of agency or autonomy, both of which she had in this situation, and as being sorely wanting in the skill of self analysis.
@PUGGDAD 6 лет назад
To the 22 year old journalist that tried insulting Ashley Banfield. Ashley Banfield at age 50, with her burgundy lipstick, highlights, is waaaaay hotter than you’ll ever be in your entire life! Real talk...
@shmoriy 6 лет назад
Ashley absolutely dropped the elbow on her. When she brought in her war correspondence, that was like jumping off the ladder to drop the elbow.
@Ex0dus111 6 лет назад
Yep, that came from the Top Rope.
@NiamhCreates 6 лет назад
Wow. I didn't have many opinions on the writer of the article itself... but after this... what a brat.
@thehalalreviewer 6 лет назад
Yes she’s almost as bad as Abby Nierman aka “Grace”.
@HerveBoisde 6 лет назад
That whole Babe "publication" is garbage. They've been getting shit on by almost everyone for bragging that they got so much attention for a scoop about sexual assault (in their minds).
@zachbills8112 6 лет назад
They basically published 3000 words of anonymous gossip which almost amounted to revenge porn. Why are we okay with this?
@blastermaster5009 6 лет назад
Her name is Abby Nierman and she doesn't deserve anonymity.
@alechamlin7989 6 лет назад
If Katie Way wants to resort to petty arguments like commenting on someone's looks, she should probably remember that Ashleigh Banfield is far more attractive than she is
@truthyfruity7759 6 лет назад
Therein lies the root of this particular sexist pattern - male judges give extra points to the better looking female. Katie knows her age is her best weapon (youth=beauty) to attack Ashleigh upfront. Women know this inherent male bias. Prettier women use it. Honest men acknowledge it. But most men don't.
@DavidFleisch 6 лет назад
I think the most interesting part of all this is that Aziz could have easily identified this woman to the media, yet he has so far abstained from any kind of involvement.
@aggreggate 6 лет назад
David Fleisch ikr even when hes about to lose his career. What has the world come to
@alluringbliss4165 6 лет назад
Her name is all over the internet now. Abby Nierman
@RobertPaulGass 6 лет назад
He should grow some balls and point her out before she ruins the lives of other men.
@jerometaylor4243 6 лет назад
You know what, if this affects his career, I would give her name loud and clear and telephone number as well!! I certainly would!!! FTDS!!!!!!!!
@RobotiSal 6 лет назад
I am cringing for Katie Way. She'll look back on this when she's 42 (probably even 32) and want to dig a hole to bury the shame into. YIKES.
@YTfancol 6 лет назад
*Ashleigh is right. I agree with what she said.*
@truthyfruity7759 6 лет назад
Will you agree with Ashleigh if she was fiercely defending a high profile WOMAN having her entire life's work destroyed by a jealous little bitch? How if Ashleigh was defending Meryl Streep being unfairly accused? What if Hillary Clinton was defending Al Franken being unfairly accused? Will you be like Katie Way and Donald Trump, age-shame these older women?
@truthyfruity7759 6 лет назад
Why would anyone be so stupid to be dragged into Alt Right mob lynch on 'Grace'? Smart people keep their eyes on THE PRIZE: the real dangerous predators ----> Weinstein and Donald Sex Predator in Chief Trump!
@Oonagh72 6 лет назад
How much you wanna bet Katie Way is Grace.
@morelenmir 6 лет назад
That is exactly what I was thinking.
@EnuffisEnuff 6 лет назад
Also explains why Katie enshrined needy coward Grace as 'the bravest person I've ever met'. INSANE.
@EnuffisEnuff 6 лет назад
Ansari's life is not destroyed. Both Katie Abby are punished enough. Focus on the real issue: anonymous accusations have no integrity, they should not be published by any citizen news or formal news.
@Julietjeske 6 лет назад
Katie Way said Ashleigh was old, and mocked her hair and lipstick choices, and tried to insult her for being a 2nd wave feminism. That's the most ridiculous and un-feminist way of trying to plead her case. I would have loved to have seen a discussion between the two of them.
@louisf2654 6 лет назад
Katie Way doesn't seem able to handle an adult discussion.
@TNDCBaby 6 лет назад
That was pretty wack. Just attack the article.
@PungiFungi 6 лет назад
What do you expect? Katie went for the personal when she cannot defend her stance....like Ashleigh's age, hair, lipstick, etc. have anything to with the discussion.
@jessicascoullar3737 6 лет назад
That kind of email makes me think Katie is trying to make a name for herself and who cares who she ruins in the process.
@thatdutchguy2882 6 лет назад
Jessica Scoullar Especially if the target's are "not a rapist" and a woman we all should look up to,....this girl isn't a journalist or a feminist, she's a Hollywood snowflake.
@Mlogan11 6 лет назад
For a supposed young feminist to attack a woman's age and looks is one of the *MOST HYPOCRITICAL* things she could do and show everyone she doesn't walk her talk.
@nemesis7884 6 лет назад
a so called feminist making sexist statements about another woman - HILLARIOUS
@banjopink4409 6 лет назад
There's nothing sexist about criticizing someone's appearance, you buffoon
@BasedSif 6 лет назад
RIP Katie Way career Jan 17, 2018 - Jan 18, 2018
@heather9426 6 лет назад
BasedSif LMAO😘🤣😂
@Statsy10 6 лет назад
"I was brown haired for a while when I was a war correspondent interviewing Yassir Arafat and in Afghanistan and Iraq, Gaza, and the West Bank- Google those places." Ashleigh Banfield with the mic drop!
@IBBMS 6 лет назад
The awkward thing is I know this girl and the whole babe editorial board. Yikes! Not the best move Katie, not the best move.
@DB-gn6qd 6 лет назад
@firedemon43 6 лет назад
What is she normally like?
@IBBMS 6 лет назад
How do I know her? I don't wanna give too much of my identity, but I'll just say that I -may have- went to school with/worked with _some_ of the people at babe. Katie's a nice, strong girl. The whole babe voice is supposed to be unapologetically feminist, particularly sex-positive feminism, and irreverent youth culture (you'll find a lot of memes: usually about dating, sex, and general life as an early 20s woman). The writing isn't that good, I've talked to _people_ there about hiring a better copy editor, but they're trying to build a brand and it's fairly new so I follow to support my one-time colleagues. It is telling, though, that the editor of the magazine is 25. So, you have an entire company made up of and ran by kids, essentially. No one at babe has more than 4 years of post-degree work experience.
@IBBMS 6 лет назад
jesus barrera Nah, they're fine girls (and this is the second big story, this one just really blew up into a contentious debate; their content is mostly innocuous stuff about sex, fuckboys, and pop culture). I'm largely on their side in this debate anyway (or rather, on the side of redefining the way we interact as sexual beings in this culture that leaves many, much like Grace, to feel victimized). The only bad thing that was done was this highly unprofessional, anti-feminist email Katie sent to CNN, which seems so out of character. Outside of just the disgusting, childish nature of the email, it just seems like a stupid move to make careerwise. Now, when you Google Katie Way, they're going to see she's that journalist who writes mean emails to other journalists that she disagrees with: bad on both fronts.The media circle is small.
@bobbygirl5092 6 лет назад
Don't attack a person's looks. It's so irrelevant and shows you have no argument and immature
@bigsquez 6 лет назад
it shows how shallow they are
@truthyfruity7759 6 лет назад
But this is TYT zone - it is okay to attack Hillary with the "age weapon" and make her look older than she is, to get more young people to hate her for her looks.
@jasonBGI 6 лет назад
15 minutes of fame are up, Katie!
@venenodelalengua 6 лет назад
How much do you want to bet she only got a job writing at Babe magazine because her daddy knows somebody important?
@truthyfruity7759 6 лет назад
Babe is a Murdoch funded sideshow. Alt right Breitbots are now organzing doxing mob lynch on Grace. Do not underestimate the predators protecting their right to grab pussies. FOCUS. TIMESUP.
@SlashmanG 6 лет назад
Are we sure she didn’t just say she was 22? This girl sounds like she’s 16
@daguzify 6 лет назад
Ashleigh Banfield body slammed that clown. Katie Way and Grace confuse opportunism/fame for equality.
@daddyleon 6 лет назад
Hahaha, "I don't like how you completely discredited me with my own words, so I'm going to insult you in sexist way"-defense.
@Blackjack09721 6 лет назад
Those comments are not surprising. This is the same woman who talked about how "He brought white wine....I wanted red". I hope Aziz does not lose his career over this.
@corthew 6 лет назад
A guy is looking for a sexual connection...Normal and socially acceptable. A guy meets a girl...Normal and socially acceptable. A guy hits on a girl...Normal and socially acceptable. A girl says she's not interested...Normal and socially acceptable. A guy accepts her decision and leaves..Normal and socially acceptable. What part of that was news? What did he do wrong?
@thecrabman2074 6 лет назад
its a little more than that, but he still didn't do anything wrong.
@MrShanester117 6 лет назад
corthew He forgot to say abracadabra
@ThomasFoolery8 6 лет назад
He was a multimillionaire celebrity and she was a nobody, and he didn’t offer to make her his gf and pluck her out of obscurity to make her rich and famous. That’s what he did wrong. Don’t you know that pretty western millennial girls are entitled to the world? Get caught up on 3rd wave feminism bro.
@alechamlin7989 6 лет назад
What Grace said was not in any way sexual assault. It is an unfortunate situation that she felt so hurt by this, but it does not justify making an outrageous claim that Aziz assaulted her. Claims like that can ruin careers, can ruin friendships, future relationships, and lives.
@JeffPenaify 6 лет назад
the girl clearly had idealism in her head when she was going on the date, its obvious she was hyping up being close to Aziz and then got upset when she realized he was only looking for the hookup.
@joshspare5713 6 лет назад
Spot on.
@clownindan 6 лет назад
Yup. Bad date nothing more
@nichih6957 6 лет назад
Ashleigh Banfield: "Google me bitch"
@TCt83067695 6 лет назад
Nichi H she was savage asf
@lyndaolney1475 6 лет назад
Nichi H hell yeah
@jaredhicks1370 6 лет назад
The savagery
@stephenlundy5082 6 лет назад
Actually, the whole response sounds more like something a highschool girl would resort to. "Why should we listen to you? You are old and soooo unfashionable, a real has been!! But me, I'm young, hip and cool!! I know deep down you just really want to be me!"
@Brimar7 6 лет назад
Katie Way...you got knocked the fu*# out! Banfield wins by k.o.!
@marklouidor9114 6 лет назад
@justlesa7355 6 лет назад
Ashleigh makes 50 look marvelous.
@alikhan81 2 года назад
"He was 10 minutes late.. The chicken was cold.. I think I was raped... CAREER OVER!!!" Bill Burr
@emilyc2813 6 лет назад
Ashley is 50? Damn she looks great for 50! Glad that 22 year old talked smack for 1 reason... it made Cenk explain who Ashley is and what she has went through over the years.
@Telluwide 6 лет назад
When people attack and criticize someone based on their "identity" i.e. their looks, age etc. and not on their argument, ideas or most importantly their position on the particular "issue" you know they have no argument or legitimacy....
@jcaashby3 6 лет назад
Yeah she never did address what was said at all in her email.
@503leafy 6 лет назад
So basically Katie Way is "feminist" that attacks other women based on their appearance. What a hypocrite.
@wyganter 6 лет назад
Abby Nierman owes an apology to Aziz Ansari.
@martiwaterman1437 6 лет назад
Katie Way went to the Lena Dunham school of feminism.
@samsadeniz 6 лет назад
@jimmybaggs5342 6 лет назад
Katie only cares about Katie. She thought this article would launch her career and she felt robbed that it didn't work out that way.
@Pentasoniczound 6 лет назад
Katie Way goes straight to Ad Hominem - instantly loses all credibility.
@kevinpotts123 6 лет назад
There is nothing worse than a 22 year old that knows it all. I was one once too. Now that my dick has been knocked into the dirt a few times I realize that not only didn't I know it all, I know now that I barely knew anything.
@hiarhu746 6 лет назад
They call that the beginning of wisdom.
@WalaStika 6 лет назад
Plot twist. Katie is Grace. Directed by M. Night
@Keyser666 6 лет назад
Grace invented Katie to pose as a journalist as part of her master plan, there never was a Katie Way, it was Grace the whole time. Either that, or Aziz is Grace and this is a plot to garner attention for his career, when Way interviewed her it was Aziz in drag and she never caught it.
@rax816 6 лет назад
Keyser Soze wrong Banfield is actually Aziz Ansari in drag, Katie 'No' Way and Grace don't exist- the whole things a promo for Master of None Series 3! 🎉🎉🎉
@ra5928 6 лет назад
"I appreciate that saltiness". So did I.
@mgeek1 6 лет назад
Enjoy your fifteen minutes of fame, Katy Way. It's what you wanted. But sadly, it's all you're going to get. What happened to "Grace" was not assault.
@erikag290 6 лет назад
She said google those places lmao
@boblozaintherealworld3577 6 лет назад
right.....in case Katie Way has never heard of them.
@kansascitychief4965 6 лет назад
She fine as hell for 50. Probably looks better than that 22 year old kid
@y3ee3e 6 лет назад
Kansas City Chief Katie way is a typical hairy smell feminazi. Smells like raw sewage
@wg05954 6 лет назад
A 22 year old know it all, seems all she knows is nothing.
@JustAHorrorShow 6 лет назад
She’s an expert on nothing
@EnuffisEnuff 6 лет назад
Instamodels, Instababes, Instagenius.
@MissyRose94 6 лет назад
Yeah... attacking a woman about her appearance is literally the definition of anti-feminism. So out of line.
@face-in-the-crowd 6 лет назад
Missy Rose Exactly is just shows how dumb she is, which is why she writes for 'Babe' lol
@Venusc0res 6 лет назад
As a feminist, I wanna just said Aziz did nothing wrong, she DID had a bad date, she DID engage in sexual activity she DID NOT say “no, I’m sorry I don’t wanna do this. “ and when she did. What did Aziz stopped and apologize. She gave him a blow job without saying no. She had a bad date, let’s be real she did not experience rape, she did not experience sexual assault. What she did as the journalist said she had a bad date. That’s it
@nonplayercharacter6864 6 лет назад
Ad hominem attacks = you have no argument
@ironbowtie 6 лет назад
Ad hominem attacks = troll SOP
@bartdude82 6 лет назад
So childish. She just destroyed her career lmaooo
@bathsheba9581 6 лет назад
Mr. Ansari should sue both the magazine and this horrendous writer into oblivion. She is obviously an ignorant, irresponsible and vicious individual. And I think Ashley looks beautiful. She is classy and intelligent. She is dignified and respectful and a responsible journalist. The young writer should lose her job.
@SlashmanG 6 лет назад
So I looked at a girl today. I’m texting from inside the courthouse now
@stevealexo 6 лет назад
@pisse3000 6 лет назад
So Katie calls herself a feminist, but starts out by making Ashleigh's looks. Yeah okay.
@a-663 6 лет назад
pisse3000 so Ashleigh calls herself a feminist yet victim blames....
@streetgato9697 6 лет назад
Who's the victim here? If 'Grace' felt criminally violated she should file a police report and come out in the open, that's just fair in the adult world.
@a-663 6 лет назад
Street Gato wtf is wrong with you people. Just cause what he might have been doing is legally acceptable doesn't mean it's morally ok. Police don't take assault cases seriously anyway
@streetgato9697 6 лет назад
U mean a mutually consensual oral sex is morally-not-ok? What exactly did he do to make Miss Anonymous a victim?
@streetgato9697 6 лет назад
Ok so Aziz acted like a persistent selfish prick until he finally stopped. Then he called her an Uber so she can go home. What was the crime again?
@batqueen8222 6 лет назад
I appreciated Ashleigh Banfield's saltiness too, Ana 😂
@Mlogan11 6 лет назад
I wouldn't even call that salt- she was defending against Katie's super salt.
@UglyShadowChannel 6 лет назад
Shit like this really undermines the entire MeToo movement. I support the women who actually suffered from sexual assault, but not the ones who enjoy being victims.
@steakbeard 6 лет назад
Once you get personal like that, you lose all credibility. Yikes.
@stephanieochoa1328 6 лет назад
Ashley is a gorgeous woman also very smart....this girl Katie? Your not doing yourself any favors girl none
@truthyfruity7759 6 лет назад
A younger woman attacking a smarter more popular older woman with...age. Wow where have I seen this attitude being encouraged? Was it...Fox? Was it....TYT?
@thatathlete916 6 лет назад
Man you know Aziz is about to bring a fire comedy show once this bullshit blows over.
@tripp8833 6 лет назад
His comedy sucks
@mrwrong4930 6 лет назад
dude is ass
@willcumming1267 6 лет назад
Her full email is appalling. Really bad. It's full of the same entitlement that Katie's story contained. Here's another extract: "I'm 22 and so far, not too shabby! And I will laugh the day you fold"
@Bacchian 6 лет назад
I was expecting her to follow that up with something like "You'll rue the day you crossed me!" or some other mustache-twirly villainous threat.
@alicetremain7366 6 лет назад
@Bacchian. It is really striking how cartoonish people, May, for one, can be. What's a woman's name similar to Snidely Whiplash, I wonder. (Natasha is already taken for #45's wife).
@amandabell6356 6 лет назад
Katie Way is 22 and immature. She's not a feminist--at least, not yet. Attacking her looks instead of her words. Attacking her age instead of coming up with an intelligent argument. She's just too young right now.
@cnon. 6 лет назад
Not fit to be a journalist, period.
@dorbormax1438 6 лет назад
No shes an adult, this is what a consequence is, you face them alone if you cause them.
@DatNigerian 6 лет назад
Pleaseeeeeeeeeee! Aziz sue the living shit out of both the journalist and ‘grace’ for defamation of character.
@amandasundah9997 6 лет назад
Article writer sounds less like a progressive and more like trump. Attacking another woman’s appearance?! Really?!
@Bacchian 6 лет назад
Strangely, for some reason Katie Way also kept insisting Ashleigh Banfield should be locked up and if her Muslim ban had been in effect, Aziz Ansari wouldn't have been in the country to begin with.
@DarkPuppy9 6 лет назад
Wow that whole email seriously doesn't help Katie at all.
@zencat55 6 лет назад
omg, I just read the entire email. Hilarious. so glad I'm not 22 and stupid anymore. Dear Katie: some day you will look back on those words and burn with shame.
@Mbq-sh6bj 6 лет назад
Ashley Banfield: Strong, correct, & intelligent. (The burgundy lipstick & highlights worked really well too.)
@BakiSmaki27 6 лет назад
So much respect for Ashleigh Banfield.
@RobertPaulGass 6 лет назад
Ageism as an argument. How surprising.
@AZOffRoadster 6 лет назад
It's now very dangerous to hit on women.
@jamessteel4174 6 лет назад
Plot twist: Katie is the girl from the Aziz story.
@philsag 6 лет назад
Wouldn't surprise me
@blastermaster5009 6 лет назад
The girl's name is Abby Nierman and she does not deserve anonymity.
@pensacola2015 6 лет назад
Banfield handled that with class.
@missrenee2u 6 лет назад
I also appreciate that saltiness. 💜🤣
@Kaythao-jx6db 6 лет назад
I’m a feminist , I support empowering women to speak up for themselves. Grace bashing another women for her look is not feminist.
@southlondon86 6 лет назад
Krooked 2011 Do you support women trying to discredit and ruin the career of a man because of a bad date?
@Kaythao-jx6db 6 лет назад
No I don’t support women like grace (the so called victim) that is why I said I support empowering women to speak out instead of expecting men to read our minds. We are not shrinking snowflakes !
@Kaythao-jx6db 6 лет назад
Katy Way and “Grace” is ruining the metoo movement. What Katy Way wrote to Ashleigh B was dumb ( insulting her looks)..... how is this helping to empower women? Wemen are our own worst enemy sometimes
@rocketraccoon77 6 лет назад
Katie Way wrote herself into unemployment. Congrats to her.
@HA-rx7gb 6 лет назад
Unfortunately, people like her always seem to find employment.
@burbanpoison2494 6 лет назад
+Jaguar Warrior Why Do You Say Everything Like It's The Title of a Book?
@RushOrbit 6 лет назад
+Jaguar Warrior I love that book
@burbanpoison2494 6 лет назад
+Jaguar Warrior Because It's As Pretentious As It Is Ignorant And It Does Not Comport With The Standards Of The English Language, Thus Evading Communication And Contributing To The Intellectual Dissolution Of Western Civilization With Every Word You Speak, In Favor Of Artlessly Attempting To Aggrandize Your Own Ego And Distinguish Yourself In A Manner Which Happens To Be Most Undistinguished. in past years, I'd have let it slide, but Donald Trump is president and it has become distastefully necessary to rebuke the dumbasses. stop it.
@streetgato9697 6 лет назад
'Grace' blew off her date, then ran off to chase after a celebrity and ended up blowing him instead. Classy move...
@jcaashby3 6 лет назад
The weird thing is the people that are defending her are saying NOTHING about some of the choices this woman made leading up to this bad date she had with Aziz. Basically they are making her out to be someone who is not responsible for there own actions. Lets blame then men.
@senorashish 6 лет назад
Street Gato I like how they gave her the alias of "Grace." Shyeah! Like she has any!
@thehalalreviewer 6 лет назад
Don’t call her “Grace”. Her name is Abby Nierman.
@bathsheba9581 6 лет назад
Bad date is a news story? Really scary times we are living in. I guess journalists have to be licensed nowadays because they can be so destructive.
@emanny1986 6 лет назад
Craziest part of all this is- Ashleigh Banfield is actually *hot* , especially for *50*
@danielnormand8156 6 лет назад
She said she is 22. I think she is forgetting she will age to.
@mcamurray 6 лет назад
So... did anyone know who Katy Way was before this story?
@philsag 6 лет назад
Nope. Even though she is clearly in the wrong, she'll get a reasonable following from the extreme feminists from this exposure, which is more than what she had before.
@muserussell2377 6 лет назад
mcamurray no
@truthyfruity7759 6 лет назад
So summary... extreme feminism is no longer our parents's gen bra-burning butch lesbians, but their opposite: needy wine-sipping rock-star-groupie BABES.
@mcamurray 6 лет назад
I mean there are still a lot of feminists and progressives in my generation who are doing great work fighting for change. The problem is they get overshadowed by the Lena Dunhams and Katy Way's of the world.
@Gos1234567 6 лет назад
Katie Way probably thinks ad hominem is an anti gay slur
gerry o sullivan It wouldn't surprise me.
@bngltinkerbell 6 лет назад
Keep in mind Aziz still kept her identity private despite being accused of sexual assault. Something she doesn’t deserve.
@ClotildaBeatissima 6 лет назад
If he has chosen to do that, you should follow his lead and respect her anonymity as well.
@anythingpipes3722 6 лет назад
Rebecca Haninger how is he not doing that, why did you feel the need to tell him what to do.
@bngltinkerbell 6 лет назад
Rebecca Haninger - wtf are you talking about? How am I not doing that? You’re hysterical
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