
Barack Obama's Speech on Father's Day 

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Obama 2012: Are you in? my.barackobama.com/fathersvid
Barack addressed the congregation at the Apostolic Church of God in Chicago, IL on June 15, 2008.



14 июн 2008




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@jamesbarber4 16 лет назад
Thank you Barack for being such an inspiration to me, as a young black british man. My mother raised me as a single parent, but black men need to start stepping up to the plate and taking responsibility and breaking the cycle!
@KaThii9o 12 лет назад
I've written my final exam about this speech and I think it is amazing! It is true. Children need to learn how to be hopeful, how to fight for their dreams and to never give up. Very inspiring and it gives me so much hope and makes me believe in me and humanity. Keep going, Obama! I really support you for being such a brave person! To speak out about what you're thinking about homosexuals and about single-parenting familys! Greetings from Germany!
@ReddzVoice 16 лет назад
My favorite part is the section focusing on SETTING HIGH EXPECTATIONS for ourselves and our children. That's POWERFUL! Thanks for the reminder Obama!
@kiamia20 16 лет назад
I've never listened to one of his speeches in it's entirety......I am sooo amazed. It's only because I've never gotten the time too....like right now I'm suppose to be getting ready for a baby shower....and you know what I may be a little late, but it's well worth it!
@snickelfrits31 16 лет назад
Wowo i was not much of a big Barak Supporter but this speach is the major turnig point for me. I am a single mother or 2 and one on the way thank you for speaeking the truth. I know the feeling that you say your mother had iI live that every day. thank you thank you thank you!!!!! You have my support all the way!!
@darwinx0101 16 лет назад
"you're supposed to graduate from the eighth grade" haha love this guy
@lew708 16 лет назад
Don't get carried away with that eighth grade graduation! You SUPPOSED to graduate from the eighth grade! (LOL) LOVE IT!
@clausbohm 16 лет назад
"Any fool can have a child" What president ever said that. Obama you are beautiful!
@Delaware84 16 лет назад
this was long over due, i loved this speech.
@steve66oh 15 лет назад
26 million fatherless kids. 4 million motherless kids. How many CHOOSE to abandon their families, vs how many are devoted parents FORCED OUT as innocent defendants in NO-FAULT divorces? There are tens of millions of good parents who DON'T NEED to be convinced to "step up", they need to be Empowered and ALLOWED to help raise their kids! If men and women should be equal, WHY do Democrats tolerate inequality in divorce courts?
@hellobecky777 16 лет назад
Absolutely Inspiring. This man has spoken on so many issues that need to be addressed, and at the heart of all our problems is the family breakdown, I believe that if a child is brought up in a healthy home environment with the encouragement they need they will grow strong.
@1luving 16 лет назад
As a 31 year old black woman I am proud to say that my parents are STILL MARRIED. The key is, they were married BEFORE they brought me into the world. I can't imagine my life without the both of them. The state of the black family deeply saddens me, but there is hope.
@betweendakeys 16 лет назад
Yes himkdm1, I agree since it was given on Father's Day, the focus in this speech on this day was on the role of the Father in a family. It was not meant to negate the role of Mother's.
@ruralpotter 16 лет назад
My heart wells in hope and tears do too when I listened to what he said. He said things that we all have but have not been said by pres. candidates before. I love this man and will work to help him win.
@Phlebas81 16 лет назад
I love this man... I can completely relate to his story - no dad in my life either. God bless Barack Obama and the new direction of this country.
@majesticchu 16 лет назад
Fantastic speech, this Man is a breath of fresh air! sitting watching this at home I also had to join in to give him a standing ovation!
@luckyme563 16 лет назад
he KILLED it with that speech!!!
@adastraperaspera99 16 лет назад
now here is a man speaking the truth. If anyone thinks Barack Obama doesn't understand what real change means then they don't know how well this man has a grasp on reality as millions of people see it everyday. Sen.Obama clearly understand some of the core issues in the African American community and many others facing Middle Class Americas like myself. He's got my vote, that's for sure.
@jelanismom 16 лет назад
How awesome this would be if it was played in our schools and community centers. This man is not ashamed to tell it like it is, not as politician, but as a MAN. Please pray for him and his family during this awesome and historic time
@tkatinpdx 16 лет назад
Another courageous and important speech by Barack Obama. Thank you God for Obama. OBAMA 08'.
@callseba 16 лет назад
God bless you for speaking hard truths in order to help the kids. I'm a teacher and I know it's sometimes hard to say these things around a bunch of parents, but when you care more about the kids than about being all PC, you've got your priorities in order. Not easy to do when you're running for president. Be there, be kind, be hopeful. What a beautiful message!
@canycme 16 лет назад
Beautiful and inspiring speech President Obama. Happy Fathers Day to you and to all the great fathers of the world.
@MyogaSama 16 лет назад
I never had my father around when I was a kid and I'm going to be the first member of my family to get a college degree. Obama '08
@highvibration 16 лет назад
I've now watched/listened to this speech 4 times. Thank you Senator Obama, you speak the truth, and it is from the heart. Being a parent is the greatest gift and greatest responsibility we will ever face. Your words give me comfort.
@acarmo3 16 лет назад
What a beautiful wonderful speech!!! Barack Obama is a great man!!
@LordXmen2k 16 лет назад
as a person of faith myself I find his message very engaging and uplifting, if you have faith there will always be HOPE
@ArmandAviram 16 лет назад
I think this is one of his best speeches, AMAZING.... as usual
@karenabe88 16 лет назад
There are not enough speeches like this! I'll never get tired of listening to him speak the truth. He does it with sensitivity, intelligence and humor (I love the Chris Rock bit and the 8th grade graduation). He will be our next president.
@brusegadi55 16 лет назад
@marytnurse 16 лет назад
Happy Father's Day to all!!!
@Blakmajik78 16 лет назад
I'm SO glad he spoke on this issue. I'm a black male that grew up without a father but THANK GOD I had strong black women to raise me to be who I am. I've never been arrested, college educated and have a career as a teacher to TRY to be a role model to other black males in our community. Unfortunately that is the problem in our "hood" too many of us are having kids and not being responsible. Every day I see parents in the hood irresponsibly having kids and not wanting to care for them, its sad!!
@norcalgirl83 16 лет назад
I am so proud that we have made this man the nominee of our party, and that he will soon be our President!
@DYBRINSTON 16 лет назад
Wonderful message.
@atlg8or6137 16 лет назад
This guy reminds me of John and Bobby Kennedy. This country needs this badly.
@matrix17s 16 лет назад
@MissyMissInTheHouse 16 лет назад
PREACH! That gave me goosebumps!! barack is truly a wonderful man and a heck of a role model.
@CountAlexander 16 лет назад
I know what hes saying, my father works very hard, pretty much all week and he always teaches us that we shouldnt compare ourselves to others but rather reach our own highest targets, my father always looks after our family, and hes always there for us and he does everything and sacrifices so much for our family to be happy and he doesnt ask for anything back, hes awesome and I love him loads. Obama is very right with his speech. I'm getting really good grades thanks to my father.
@sgilman 16 лет назад
Experience is nothing without good judgment.
@ReddzVoice 16 лет назад
I have to totally AGREE with you! This is my new favorite speech!
@fda247 16 лет назад
I've barely hit my 30's but by the end of the 2004 election I gave up on politics and was losing hope for my country. Mr. Obabma's positive message of respect and change has made me remember everything there is to love in America and how much potential we have to help make the world a better place. We need this man right now.
@1Lozzix1 16 лет назад
This was an amazing and true speech. There are many people whom if I showed this to. They'd say "Yeah, I get that" or get the feeling I get. The feeling that says this is true and that he hit the nail on the head.
@seanmg 16 лет назад
I understand where you are coning from but as a black man who was born in circumstances very similar to Obama's, I appreciate him calling upon more black men to do the hard work that you are doing as a parent. Father's day is a great day to call upon more men to participate in the lives of their children.
@KhayaDlanga 16 лет назад
This is a brilliant speech. This is something I've wanted speak about as well, but I'm not a father. This issue about absent black fathers unfortunately, is also true here in my country, South Africa.
@simplelife88393 16 лет назад
Good luck from the UK, America.
@hellobecky777 16 лет назад
Too often is it left for just a single mum to try to do all of this when God designed it for a mother and father. I throughly believe that we need to base our lives on something, but not just anything. I like Barak, choose to base my life on the solid rock too, which is the teachings and truths of Jesus Christ - the ultimate father and role model!
@jccw227 16 лет назад
I hope my father saw this.
@MiamiAtNight 16 лет назад
Happy Father's Day Barrack.
@MarcinPlummer 16 лет назад
@gijoe911 16 лет назад
Thank You Mr. Obama! Your inspiration is what keeps me going everyday.
@piyushsoniccc 16 лет назад
wow I love the speech
@nah900 16 лет назад
He really brings it home that, although government can help, its ultimately the responsibility of fathers to step up and be the people their children need them to be. I hope that folks will listen. Its a message that needs to be heard.
@Gigsteve 16 лет назад
The portion where he speaks about setting high expectations is something that we all need to pay attention to. Just like people are trying to tell him that speaking to our enemies will be a mistake. How do we know if we dont at least try. Forget the B...go for the A!
@1Lozzix1 16 лет назад
I get this, this hits the nail on the head. It is so true. 08AMA!
@nicole2623 16 лет назад
Thank you Obama for showing that not all black people are gangsters and thugs. There are those of us that believe in hard work and education.
@fecespiecies 16 лет назад
@cowmoomoo99 16 лет назад
I think its his best speech ever ... Wow
@patty518 16 лет назад
He did comment on the rest of the population of children who are abandoned. His emphasis was on the black community because, as he pointed out, it has the highest number of children that are being brought up by single mothers. It is not just Obama who is saying it; you can look at statistics to confirm it. He is courageous to bring this up and to discuss how the lack of support from fathers has negative effects felt throughout the Black community.
@paula817 16 лет назад
i agree!!!! this speech touches my heart in so many ways..... he gets it! what an amazing family this is. YOU WAIT AND SEE!!!! THE TIME IS NOW! - BARACK OBAMA
@wfi06105 16 лет назад
Unfortunately, there are those who judge the motives of a man like Obama as sinister but those of us who have the heart to love and understand all people see this man as someone special.
@RICKisBOSS 16 лет назад
Happy Father's Day
@jasmineiona 16 лет назад
I am a single mother with Multiple Sclerosis struggling to raise my son. Thank You Obama for telling other black men what they need to hear. I hope deadbeat black men across the country turned off their sports programs long enough to listen. Stop acting like boys and raise the children you create! Sadly too many grown men still need a positive role model like Obama.
@peaco1000 12 лет назад
15:28 "Greatness knows itself" Shakespeare
@irishkiss12 16 лет назад
"Any fool can have a child, that doesn't make you a father." hahaha.
@callseba 16 лет назад
@hajqbvii 16 лет назад
Download Realplay and copy, you'll record the whole 23:49 of this tape....awesome speach!
@JustinTadlock 16 лет назад
A father consents at the time of conception.
@enriqueavalos 16 лет назад
@idonmatrix 16 лет назад
JEC meant this with all love in the world and I accept that love :)
@MarkCM07 16 лет назад
Remember, when I wasn't black enough and now I'm too black...classic line right there. This guy is awesome and his words are very true, especially in this video. Vote Obama!
@lewisbell 16 лет назад
As long as you are suppoting the child then he is not criticising you, he is criticising those that abandon.
@hellothere1 16 лет назад
@Swimin12dotcom 12 лет назад
Such an inspiring speech President Obama, Your inspiration is applicable to all Dads and Dads-to-be All around the world. Keep those positive and encouraging messages coming our way :) Best Greetings from Malaysia!
@berlicho09 16 лет назад
yeahhhhhh Obama is my only hope in this country i'm so desperate since 6 years ago now i can trust in him Obama we need you In this country THANK YOU MR BARACK OBAMA
@jennytuberosity 16 лет назад
Every speech I watch he inspires me to do better and to be better. He can have faith in God if he likes, but I have faith in him.
@mirandasblog 16 лет назад
I really wish mainstream new stations like FNC and CNN would give Obama the respect he is due, he is one of the best public speakers I have ever seen/heard.
@SoINeedAName48 16 лет назад
Breathtaking in its scope. Heartfelt in its message. And a paradigm shift or sea change or epiphany with staying power from what we've all expected to hear from our presidential candidates. God help us and the world - and have mercy on us all - if this man is not elected.
@xspondeex 16 лет назад
1- Obama didn't say "God Damn America" 2- The quote was out of context. 3- Is it impossible for a religious leader to say something that not all of their congregation agrees with? Best speech from a politician I have heard in a long time.
@DoubleMM70 16 лет назад
He was a teacher of the constitution at Harvard University. He also a graduate of Harvard University.
@dwayneandrews 15 лет назад
very good video.
@TVME 16 лет назад
God Bless his message.
@Veltis123 16 лет назад
There has been much debate about this speech. I think that this speech was needed, because nothing is getting better with the single family dilemma. I raise two children alone, although they turned out well, it was a hardship, and I do not wish the situation on anyone. I have five brothers, and I am proud to say that they are African American men who took care of their kids and are helping to take care of their grandchildren. So we need to promote parent responsibility in our community.
@stickleyroad 16 лет назад
He addressed it to everyone, rich and poor, black and white. It's not only the AA community that needs to heed his words.
@wowjnpipi 16 лет назад
Great post. Powerful speech.
@bodo4079 12 лет назад
obama is really great at one thing, he understands families and what makes them. he understands interpersonal relations. there is one thing though that he hasn't achieved yet, it is to reduce the unemployement in the US. he is a social president which isnt too bad, it is much better than bush and even though the economy may be lagging behind a bit, it will get there hopefully. economy is not everything in life.
@JustinWarrenstudios 16 лет назад
I completely agree.
@princess11222 16 лет назад
Hopefully Obama will inspire a generation enough to where we do see true change when it comes to fathers abandoning their children. Fathers leaving their children and not taking care of them is all too common in the African-American community. Go Obama for setting a good example and telling the truth point blank.
@Amanox 16 лет назад
God bless America
@goddessworshipper 16 лет назад
Wonderful speech. He only mentions his faith at the end, and that is because of the audience he is speaking to. Barack Obama's personal faith is clearly personal. Obama will uphold the separation between church and state, in an ecumenical democratic way - a way Bush does not seem to understand.
@urlacher1985 16 лет назад
Fantastic speech!
@JustinStrawn 16 лет назад
Amazing speech
@dnapmusic 16 лет назад
WOW! .. "We need famalies to raise our children. We need fathers to recognize that there responsibility does not end at conception ... Any fool can have a child!"
@zer0nix 16 лет назад
i only gave this post a thumbs up because of the final message. segments of this video WILL hit the msm if it gets spread around enough and people start reacting to it. hit everyone.
@sweetbutterfly1867 16 лет назад
wonderful speech...
@lucskarn 16 лет назад
so brilliant
@doctorpaul34 16 лет назад
Funny, but when Bill Cosby said all of this he was impuned.
@Quisquebella 16 лет назад
Wow! Real Talk! "Responsability doesnt just end at conception, that doesnt make you a father... any fool can have a child....its the courage to raise a child that makes you a Father" -----Not too many Fathers left! MEN: ITS TIME TO STEP IT UP AND DO RIGHT!~
@catquack 16 лет назад
Excellent speech!!
@lovejangie1 16 лет назад
Great speech. Important topic.
@SuzInKS 16 лет назад
Awesome! This needed to be said and by a Democrat. We all need to be examples for our children and our children need to be taught empathy by example. This is exactly the way I was raised by my strong and deeply faithful parents. We are our brothers (and sisters) keepers!
@federaikkonerer 16 лет назад
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