
Is Teal Swan a Cult Leader, Supplier of Bad Advice, or Both? | "The Deep End" Analysis 

Dr. Todd Grande
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@zee_bee_23 2 года назад
When I was a kid, our school took us to see the Dalai Lama in Melbourne. After a deeply inspiring seminar, a monk got up to ask the first question for Q&A. While I can’t remember his question, I’ll never forget His Holiness’ answer - “uh… I don’t know”. The crowd erupted in laughter. But that was the most profound moment of the evening. Not only did he not know the answer, but he was not going to claim to. He was a fellow human being in the pursuit of truth, and went on to ask the monk what he believed. I’m not Buddhist, but that’s when I knew I had met a sincere spiritual leader.
@CJ-ft9yo 2 года назад
Yes that’s a very telling thing and I’ve read that before as being so
@MsSarita8 2 года назад
Except his people and he are some of the biggest criminals in human history with the blood of millions on their hands. People seem to forget what’s been going on in Burma and the surrounding areas in which he promotes! We live in a twilight zone
@openspace3687 2 года назад
Some people really just want to find happiness and teach what they know. At least, some buddhists are working with scientists to proof a few of their claims and parts of meditation. In addition, meditation of all traditions gets more and more integrated into the western scientific canon.
@anndeeraney5401 2 года назад
Wow, those who admit to not knowing is ...not of ego
@joeking433 2 года назад
Nah, just another con man that fooled another gullible person.
@ericdodson2644 2 года назад
My advice: Beware any spiritual guru who's trying really, really hard to be seen as a spiritual guru.
@Vhlathanosh 2 года назад
Beware of any "guru"
@shayb413 2 года назад
EXCELLENT Advice!! 👍✌️💖
@ericdodson2644 2 года назад
@Angel A Pavlovs Corn Dog ... She's extra extra.
@jedite7503 2 года назад
Appending to the statement, don’t put anyone on a pedestal. You do you set up for heartache and disappointment
@jdrew87 2 года назад
@rhsmoe Год назад
I recently went to Salt Lake City and hired a tour guide to take me on a tour of the Great Salt Lake. After speaking for most of the trip I realized the guide was Blake Dyer. He is an amazing person and I'm so happy he got out of the cult. He loves nature and eagerly shares his passion for the Utah wilderness. It was a happy accident that I met him.
@lisamalwitz8517 Год назад
Happy to hear this - that he did not go back! He seems like a very kind soul.
@vilteSun Год назад
It wasnt and isnt a cult and he didnt "escaped it". Or did he said that to u personally? U know slander is a serious accusation and can be taken to court.
@dr.coomer9750 Год назад
@@vilteSun Oh calm down
@TheMattTrakker Год назад
@@vilteSun You should probably learn how defamation laws work before trying to sound intelligent. Calling something a cult is an opinion. Further, since Teal holds herself out there as a public figure, the hurdle she'd need to overcome to ever win a defamation suit is significantly higher. Your grammar is awful, focus on that before continuing your dollar store legal education.
@beeman7711 Год назад
@@vilteSun You're talking like a dedicated follower of a cult, very defensive..🤔
@ChristopherShreeve 2 года назад
An easy way to spot a narcissist is if they claim they are special and have special powers or intelligence that other people don't have.
@intuitivelogic5159 2 года назад
Well, they would have to prove it lol
@Guillermo_Carratero 2 года назад
There are people that have special powers and intelligence, that can do what I can't, an engineer for example or someone like Elon Musk. That doesn't make them a narcissist, that word is thrown around way too loose lately.
@TravisGriffinTron 2 года назад
Narcissistic traits, but... I find the need for the external validation, especially from her inner circle, more akin to histrionics. Not that she can't have both. That and an elevated level of paranoia. She's not much of a god if she's always worried about what everyone else is thinking and feeling.
@tamaraprentice9280 2 года назад
@tamaraprentice9280 2 года назад
@@intuitivelogic5159 I don’t think it matters . Her followers believe what she says. SMH
@gretarobinson1142 2 года назад
She strikes me as a typical narcissist who uses her obvious assets to lure the gullible into her schemes, but I think she is also quite dangerous.
@MrKillswitch88 2 года назад
Anyone that is capable of amassing so many people together is usually pretty dangerous if even by mistake, a lot of the new age is just that some dangerous deceptions wrapped up in a lot of cotton candy often with some facts mixed in here or there to bait people in.
@briancarter5412 2 года назад
I agree.. !!!
@Mt.Moonface 2 года назад
Y’all really run that word into the ground and don’t even use it correctly.
@gretarobinson1142 2 года назад
@@Mt.Moonface as your own english is so good, which word are you referring to?
@tektako 2 года назад
When you see other ppls words and ideas as ‘dangerous’ you’re beyond help.
@caliblue2 10 месяцев назад
She’s like that friend with the charismatic personality that draws you in then spits you out when you’re no longer useful. I find her intriguing and her message can be enlightening but also she has a mean streak and her childhood friends claim she’s a total scam.
@staceystrukel1917 5 месяцев назад
She’s full of shit
@moonbodytarot 2 года назад
Well, she's definitely manipulative and self centered. The most bizzare, twisted scene is when she accuses Blake's wife of "sitting there with a smug grin on your face." She was sitting there with her mouth opened, upset and afraid. It was Teal who had the smug, creepy grin on her face. Teal has definitely lost touch with reality and brain washes people. What stopped you from considering Narcissism doc?
@ofearthseasky 2 года назад
So narcissistic. The fact that she had to explain every episode after it aired tells me all I need to know.
@TravisGriffinTron 2 года назад
I've not seen the show, but I think Dr. Grande was just revealing previous diagnosis other doctors (according to her) had used. I think Dr. Grande can't get too detailed with his own thoughts as it could lead to liability issues. But this is my first video so I don't know. That said very good chance his has narcissistic personality disorder but I'd lean heavier to histrionic just because I think she excessively seeks external validation from her inner circle. But easily could be both
@davhot4107 2 года назад
So Teal is like...Chris-Chan?
@katayna_girl8468 2 года назад
That pissed me off so much! I was sitting there thinking… that’s just Juliana’s face! 😂 It was so mean of Teal to say that!
@elleblue07 2 года назад
@Travis Griffin Is TS sexed-up enough to qualify for Histrionic traits? If she had traits more in line with that she probably wouldn’t have got taken aback by that follower who said he found her attractive. Instead, she might have started dating him 🤔.
@beachstreet101 2 года назад
I feel like she’s going to be arrested one day for some reason. She also exhibits delusions of grandeur and grandiose narcissism.
@soapmode 2 года назад
She's the trash that takes itself out
@blue_sky_bright_sun7599 2 года назад
Wow, now we’re down to diagnosing strangers on the net 🤔
@CandidLy1 2 года назад
@@blue_sky_bright_sun7599 if it quacks like a duck pretty sure it’s a duck
@elizabethecarlisle1045 2 года назад
Joining a cult is effortless, while breaking away is difficult. Walking a spiritual path is difficult, while it's takes no effort to stray from it.
@kristianmllerbossow7187 2 года назад
Indeed - this is a scared man talking
@holeymcsockpuppet 2 года назад
If that is yours it's quite good. Did you write it?
@elizabethecarlisle1045 Год назад
@@holeymcsockpuppet No, it's not my own. It's a concept we all intuitively understand. Love your username 🤣
@holeymcsockpuppet Год назад
@@elizabethecarlisle1045 I like the wording. Kinda poetic.
@blackmirrorprisoners 2 года назад
Teal Swan is the only person I've heard of whose schizophrenia works for her.
@c.hunter9069 2 года назад
@arturoinsaurralde9643 2 года назад
I guess my schizophrenia works for me too🌈🌹🤣🤣
@blackmirrorprisoners 2 года назад
@@arturoinsaurralde9643 hell yeah bud!
@timbeck6726 6 месяцев назад
Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm a schitzo...and so am I.
@kknumber20 2 года назад
There’s always a mini teal swan in any local “healing” community, they would do the exact same thing if they could get the followers and they get just as angry when anyone who sought them out or listened to them stops and moves on. Lil ego maniacs disguising themselves as empaths-it’s truly ironic.
@8no1likeme-infinitestar65 2 года назад
Has anyone judging ever actually met her or had a conversation with her?🤔 it's always so easy to place blame and point the finger, so many scapegoats needed so all can remain blind to their own faults and imperfections...like a bunch of school yard bullies,picking on others ( ones who actually create change) just to make themselves feel better. I send all who are obviously hurting, love light and healing
@diabloakland 2 года назад
@@8no1likeme-infinitestar65 okay Teal we know this is you
@onelove5206 2 года назад
@@8no1likeme-infinitestar65 Hello pot. Meet kettle! Teal wasn’t the epitome of a school yard bully when she got her entire inner circle to insult Julianna, who was obviously scared and upset. Have you watched the documentary?
@Phoebe907 2 года назад
@@8no1likeme-infinitestar65 I get what you’re saying, but fortunately, we have thousands of hours of RU-vid’s videos from her channel, eye witness accounts, and a well done documentary.
@nodiggity8497 2 года назад
You are correct.
@ministryoftruth8523 2 года назад
Apparently, "spiritual guru" is a euphemism for narcissist.
@cloelles 2 года назад
I´m glad Blake has finally broke free from Teal. He started this whole business side of her "teachings" and ran the thing for free all this time. I was into Teal few years back and would look at her with awe. I thought she was a fantastic role model. A 21st century woman: strong, unapologetic, proud in her femininity and sexuality yet spiritual and sensitive. I felt that she admitted her imperfections openly (like talking about her diagnosis and difficulties in her relationships, her traumas etc.) which made her relatable. I thought critisizers were jealous or had misunderstood her teachings. But the amount of critisism intrigued me enough to actually look into it instead of just watching her side of the story from her channel. Why was somebody who stood for healing and love so hated? It didn´t make any sense. I read and watched every single negative thing about her I could find in the depths of the internet and analyzed it´s credibility. There were so many things.. kinda small but stacking up steadily.. I could excuse most of them.. but with each new thing it was getting harder and harder to do. For me the final straw that broke the camel´s back was a video showing her talking as she does in one of her videos and showing a book with exact excerpts taken from it which she was presenting as her own "thoughts". All in all I had to admit to myself that: a) she does research for all of her videos b) none of the things she says are her own original thoughts but a mishmash of different teachings and ideas she has read and researched c) she indeed does not get her ideas from "Akashic records" but from the internet and from books as do most of us d) she indeed steals other authors´and thinkers´original ideas and methods and presents them as her own e) she is a pathological lier extending to her childhood when her first lies started and That is the reason which prompted her parents to feel worried and have her psycologically analyzed (not her special abilities or her traumatic behavior because of fantastical ritual abuse) and she comes up with more and more elaborate stories to shock and keep people asking questions such as being a reincarnation of several gurus, being survivor of SRA, being an alien + all of her amazing inhuman abilities(which she has never bothered to be tested). f) she is a narcissist who is obsessed with constant attention and admiration and That is the reason she "could live onstage" and why she needs a 24/7 entourage as she states, not because she is afraid of attacks when she is alone. That is also the reason to the excessive attention to her looks, sexy night gowns, high heels, expensive brands.. she says they are to celebrate her femininity but are they really? Isn´t celebrating your feminity about loving yourself and your sexuality as it is, naturally without materialistic add-ons? g) she has absolutely no empathy or sensitivity to other peoples feelings which results her breaking peoples boundaries and creating more trauma for them, of which the most horrific example is what she said to a person in extreme agony and repeated suicide attempts: "There is no spirital healer who can help you if you have that kind of vibration". Is that something you say to a person who sees no way out except death? Is that what a person in a suicide prevention line would say to somebody calling them? That nobody can help her? That at her state she is beyond help? This person then committed suicide and this time successfully. h) she keeps changing her teaching and statements according to critisism or what ever new thing she herself has just learned with her research. She says everything and nothing at the same time so all of the things and none of the things are true at the same time conveniently for her when anybody asks for clarification. i) you feel good at first getting into her teachings not because she is truly a guru but because those initial excersizes are common sensical, widely used in most self awareness practises and most importantly: are not her own methods. But the deeper you get into her stuff the more confused and unwell you feel. You start off by getting to know yourself better and end up in a diabolical maze of repressed memories of SRA, grey aliens amongts us feeding from human suffering and the looming destruction of the world by evil unless more spiritual awakening (aka Teal Swan teachings) come to save our universe. But at least there is a female narcissistic guru for once! That´s a plus! And no children being abused! At least that I´ve heard of! Yeeeiiii!
@KateStrongHealer 2 года назад
Im glad you saw the truth about who she is. Have you seen the interview with her childhood friend?
@scarletsletter4466 2 года назад
Great write up. This is almost identical to my impressions of her
@salmasalute 2 года назад
Im on with u with some of the criticism. Why wear high heels when u preach others to listen to their body? She doesnt speak from the heart she speaks fast because she speaks from the mind. Like she has memorized stuff.. also another youtuber called brian scott talks like that but to a lesser degree. What he says is more creatibe and heart based but the speed of his talks tell of how much in his mind he still is whereas we are better much better connected to the divine when we speak from the heart. I just wanna say though that yes. Its very crucial to tell someone that they should stop looking for a saviour and that no one can help or save them unless thwy do their part. Self love is crucial. Others may inspire us to self love but they cant give it to us. Its when someone told me exactly that that i had the strongest wake up call that launched me into a whole new direction in my journey of finding who i am.. it was the best thing that ever happenes to me. U cannot be only kind and kind and "loving" all the time because this is absolutely not loving. U have to do it from a place of self centeredness to inspire the other to move towards their center too. U also respect their free will and autonomy that way. What religious teachings are criminal at is telling u to love others more than u love yourself and that just cant happen others are but a reflection of you so unless u learn to love you you cant love others.
@salmasalute 2 года назад
Plus what child has bot lied.. have YOU yourself never lied as a child? Can u in all honesty claim that? The system is broken on all front so it is our mission to change it by starting with loving our inner child the way our parents never did. Because parents criticize your faults and put it under the microscope instead of praising the admirable things that uvdo or that make u who u are. We are programmed to think discipline is constant criticism and interferance to correct behaviiur which it isnt. We have all been a victim of bad parenting one way or another even if its a more subtle way
@csfontaine 2 года назад
Very accurate observations, cloelles.
@footballgeorgiebest 2 года назад
Ezra Miller would make a great case study. He seems bat 💩 crazy
@michaeljosephjackson2364 2 года назад
He is attention seeker
@tamaraprentice9280 2 года назад
@erinsebestyen8152 2 года назад
@thrillington2008 2 года назад
They're not right in the head
@natureshorts6657 Год назад
All this is fascinating to me because I think she does offer genuinely good and reasonable advice/information in a lot of her videos, yet she seems to bonafide insane in real life. Considering yourself a relationship guru when you've been married 5 times is so absurd it's hard to find the right words to describe it. Had no idea until recently the details about her life and her character. Still think some of her videos can be useful, which makes things even more strange.
@monicav.796 Год назад
In the words of Viola from monster-in-law: "which would make me an expert, dont you think?" Lol
@lisamalwitz8517 Год назад
The same info can be found in many other places. Many have said they watched her simply plagiarize info and say she came up with it. Anytime any one person says they "alone" are "the one", the only answer, run away and don't look back. I have found many sources of help, guidance, etc. over the years. Life is a constant seeking and learning from unending sources.
@jesskass9769 Год назад
We can’t have it all and maybe because she’s had five marriages she can tell us what not to do through her personal experience
@agnieszkagorska3669 Год назад
@@jesskass9769 After all, it is an experience, I would think, she may know a bit more than others, who don't have as much of it. :)
@daniellekrin Год назад
@@jesskass9769 came here to say this. You learn through failures and mistakes. The saying “love is blind” is true; you only see what you want to see. It’s not until you reflect that you can see where things went wrong. I’d rather take advice from someone who’s had many of experiences than someone who’s a ‘specialist’ that’s studied via observation and literature or that’s been in a single long term relationship. Just like getting a job, your experience is the most valuable asset you can bring to a business.
@caziis13 2 года назад
The most important thing I've learned in my 30y of life is that people who often has to remind us of how great they are, it means they are actually not.
@creativemindsonja 11 месяцев назад
Yeahh, and you have put this comment to dr. GRANDE channel 🙃
@rafael4626 9 месяцев назад
Exactly! That's why she is so great. Mary never does that. She just does not need to. :)
@romabatala 9 месяцев назад
That's only a gossip about her. Dar satanists don't want her to become influencer
@Fonch117 3 месяца назад
She doesn't though. She actually doesn't. That's part of the reason why I like this "Teal Swan" person.
@OneWhoKnowz 2 месяца назад
@theinsatiableseeker6478 2 года назад
I had the same thoughts when I watched the documentary. I used to follow teal's work and the documentary woke me up and this isn't the first time. I am taking a huge step back from pop psychology and pop spirituality. I think so much keeps you in a self blame loop
@EmbraceTheStruggle24 Год назад
Well yes - I think we all (including myself) need to be careful of information we're being conveyed - because like I told someone else - people like Teal Swan need to make a living just like all the rest of us - but being a follower of her or someone else is not really going to change anything about ourselves...except if we as a fan base choose to handle the spiritual guidance with a conscious and intelligent perspective.
@SteveH-mi6db 9 месяцев назад
I find it odd that ppl like Regan Reilly's first business venture was at 18. She helped ppl with addictions. No training. How is this even possible. She made her first million before she was 23. Really weird how you can create a repertoire of regurgitated self help advise from books, and charge ppl 5000k per seminar or weekend. Do ppl actually feel helped, or have a life changing experience from someone with no training whatsoever? I guess being eloquent pays millions!!!
@wowie7568 7 месяцев назад
Yeah It really does. I was obsessed with becoming always better than before..but in a self-harming way. There was nothing wrong with me...ever. When I reached that point in a REAL therapy, a lot of time had passed. Things like that require time and in most cases someone that accompanies you in the journey, its not something you learn in a 20 minute video.
@harpgal9950 2 года назад
If she is capable of channeling the dead, she might want to bring up Jim Jones and see if he has saved a place at the table for her.
@shayb413 2 года назад
This is hilarious!! 😂🤣 I grew up with Teal, went to 6th-12th grade with her. We were casual friends at times, never super close, but she's REALLY gone "Off the Deep End" (the title of the Documentary). Sorry but this comment made me laugh pretty hard. ✌️💖
@Exorcist364xs 2 года назад
@@shayb413 me too! LOL!
@cottontails9003 2 года назад
That is one of the best and funniest, comment, I have read.😂😂😂
@andykerr3803 2 года назад
If not she can just mix up some Kool-aid and hit that reset button.
@nmartin5551 2 года назад
Harp Gai - I am with the other repliers. You are freaking on target and hilarious!!!!!
@davidbush9274 2 года назад
The first step is to get a person to admit that they are flawed. The next is to get them to think of the flaw as a problem. The third is to sell them on the idea that "you alone can save them."
@Fururu333 2 года назад
Reminds me of my past abusive relationship…
@lordfalconis 2 года назад
I mean hey, it works for 12-Step programs...
@EbonKim 2 года назад
Reminds me of Baptists.
@kieransimpson4965 2 года назад
Great points David.
@mothmos 2 года назад
hey, christians have been sold that, once born, you're already 'wrong', have this thing called 'original sin', which can only be erased by 'baptism' and being part of the donation-hungry pedophilic 'Church'.
@midnightblues9974 Год назад
So with all her super abilities she didn’t know that the people who were recording her where gonna write a documentary on her 😂 she said they lied to her. But one of her super powers is being able to know when someone is lying and reading minds 💀
@thenextrung 8 месяцев назад
@sandycollins3613 6 месяцев назад
She did know it was a documentary she did not know they were going to edit all the videos to their financial benefits. More than 52 books were removed from the Bible yet, there are more than 34,000 Christian denominations based from that same book, millions of churches around the world keep cashing in! I'm not in favor or against Ms Teal Swan, she's only being made a villain is because she's a woman with confidence, intelligence and physical beauty!
@alexmousley7213 3 месяца назад
@@sandycollins3613 Or perhaps because she gives terrible advice and fake therapy to highly vulnerable people for her own personal gain!
@tinapruitt8638 2 года назад
I was drawn in for a moment with Teal but her childhood story made no sense. She claimed a town of satanist, killing babies in sacrifice and no one was ever arrested and so she forgets about that and moves on to guru. Not buying it. Thanks for the analysis, seems right on.
@Trollika_Devi 2 года назад
I discovered her yesterday after a couple of short clips with vague new age advice showed up. But now I'm amazed ! Half Alien? And baby sacrifices ? The only part of her story that's definitely true is where she says she was diagnosed with mental illness . But what about her followers . . They gotta be batshit
@slowdiver5732 2 года назад
@kawaiiwitchbaby 2 года назад
literally just finished watching this documentary about 30 minutes ago. Couldn't believe how all these people buy her malarky... she just preys on weak people. Also she's so amazing but has 5 failed marriages? WTH? I only hope her son manages to survive and get out of there - imagine what she might think about any future daughter in law?!
@raymartin3527 2 года назад
Could be she took one of those online IQ tests.
@queenofpentacles1580 2 года назад
So true! Might as well not even consider dating her son if your smart.
@jamesvancam 2 года назад
I should unsub to her, didn't know she was like this.
@craniumrex4614 2 года назад
Those marriages weren’t failures! They died and were … uh … reincarnated?
@Guillotinegoth 2 года назад
I was thinking the same thing about the failed marriages. Plus why not Marry and stay with Blake even if they had an open marriage? As she states Blake had to be part of her life and she blatantly states she has problems with Blake’s Love interests now and in the past in the beginning of the film.
@aubreyjones2 Год назад
The way she treated Blake and her husband was so disgusting. The way she tried to force people to say they've been SA even if they don't mention anything about it is horrifying. She literally retriggers people and traumatizes them all over again. I don't understand how she's aloud to keep doing what she is. I feel so bad for her followers. It's opened my eyes and made me less trusting. Thank you for your videos. I really appreciate them.
@dear-pixel-heart 2 года назад
I won't go into any detail because it was all too traumatising, and lead me into a different cult that almost took my life (I am not making this up). I discovered Mary Teal Bosworth in 2012 when she just started in the public eye of RU-vid. The oldest 'sychronicity' workshops and interviews she held, were by far the most damaging, and caused suicides, disconnections from family, and worsening of mental health issues among followers. I was a member of the original 'Teal Tribe' and the Facebook group of the name from those early years. The group was deleted by Facebook when the BBC published an article on Teal following a victim's suicide. I only wish that Facebook group hadn't been deleted, because the evidence of crimes and of the whole thing being a cult, was damning. I honestly wish that it hadn't been deleted, because of the troubling content on there (as well as predators) that should have been investigated and brought to light. I remember clearly that anyone in her original Facebook group that questioned or offered criticism to her, including people studying or qualified in psychology and psychiatry, were out right banned from the group. Teal would take their words as a personal attack, and turn people against them. I wish anyone who has been a victim of her cult any measure of safety and healing, especially anyone from those earlier years, because they were very dark times, it feels alienating to have experienced them. To anyone reading this, please know that there really are a dangerous amount of cult leaders growing, claiming themselves to be spiritual/religious teachers and healers. Since 2019 I have been attending a weekly session to a trauma specialist and also psychiatrist to deal with the cult abuse and negligence I've experienced for so many of those years. Thank you so much Dr Grande and others, for speaking out, and not being afraid to question and critique the practices, teachings and motives of those that hold a position of power over those that are vulnerable. I'm sorry for the long comment, wishing everyone here all the best ❤️
@a_l_e_k_sandra 2 года назад
Thank you for this comment! I encourage everyone to read this twice. Congratulations to you for finding a way out.
@tanyachef 2 года назад
Wow, scary story. Thanks for sharing!
@dear-pixel-heart 2 года назад
@@a_l_e_k_sandra Thank you SO much for your supportive comment. I really appreciate it, because Teal's cult, and the worse cult I got manipulated into through her Facebook group (run by a different woman whom I'm too scared to mention her name), were extremely alienating experiences to go through. I don't really know how to explain it, but for me it felt like they stole my sense of reality and agency, and that their communities completely shunned, punished and abandoned me as soon as I started speaking up about the abuse and neglect. That aftermath in and of itself was also deeply traumatising. I hope with all my heart that videos like this one, will help to be a preventative measure, or a sign, for vulnerable people out there. I hope that it will help them avoid getting brainwashed into cults, or help them consider their position if they think they are in one, and help them to find a safe way out. In my opinion the most dangerous cults at the moment are the new aged one focused on treating/healing mental illness and trauma. Because their teachings, practices, as well as recruiting others around the world to do their processes on others, only do more damage, some of which feels irreversible. These people that are recruited as facilitators can be anyone, such as predators or simply ignorant people, as long as they can pay the fee for the short course and certificate for becoming a facilitator of the 'process.' A process that has no validity and credibility in psychology or psychiatry whatsoever.
@dear-pixel-heart 2 года назад
@@tanyachef Thank you, thank you for your very supportive comment, it means more to me than you know! I shared a little more about the cult in the first comment I replied to if you'd like to know more. Wishing you all the best!
@motherdreamfyre 2 года назад
I was also an early follower of Teal's youtube channel and a part of that Teal Tribe Facebook group when it first popped up. I left the group after a year or two. As you indicated, the content being posted by group members was often very dark. I remember seeing what seemed like frequent posts from folks who were feeling suicidal. It was upsetting for me seeing these kinds of posts and feeling the desperation of the commenters just trying to help, with everyone wondering how the situation would resolve, if the person would be ok, etc. I would usually find myself scrolling the comments of posts like that checking to see if the person commented any further, indicating if they were ok or if they were still struggling... The whole dynamic felt unsafe in so many ways. It almost felt like the whole group was trauma bonding at times... There definitely is an important place for peer support for those who are struggling, but at a certain point, the person should be pointed toward a professional for help, which, based on what you're indicating and my memories of the group, isn't something that was likely to happen. I'm actually a licensed therapist now, but was in college then. Anyway, I'm glad to hear you are in treatment and working toward healing. Wishing you all the best as well.
@slowdiver5732 2 года назад
She just exudes darkness. I remember giving some of her videos a try and being so put off by her energy.
@MissGold888 Год назад
I think you need to do some shadow work… own your own shit before you project your own darkness onto her.
@lejlaletic7591 Год назад
Yes, I had the same instinct. negative vibes.
@mspaint93 Год назад
​@@MissGold888 I don't think finding her racism, abuse and encouragment of dangerous practices dark is inately a self refelction as much as its basic self preservation dear
@zsqduke Год назад
@@mspaint93 That’s not at all what I see when I watch her videos. Funny how projection works. Not saying I don’t project. It’s something only one can figure out for themselves.
@mspaint93 Год назад
@@zsqduke Same...That's the point; by watching these 'influencers' videos, you only get what they're willing to put out, and that is not the truth. That's why you should step out of your comfort zone and consider what contradicts your confirmation bias. Look at the documentaries and comments here referencing her insane lies and statements, or act like a cultist, I don't care. Influencers you like aren't Gods, despite how she claimed she's the reincarnation of multiple lmao.
@cheatednomore6430 2 года назад
My first thought is, why is anyone who has been married 5 times proclaiming to have helpful relationship suggestions and who is foolish enough to listen to these suggestions. Also, Teal appears to be very rigid with her thought structure which is the antithesis of being able to deal with fluid situations that people who need help go through. Meaning, in my estimation, that she is not truly capable of "helping" others. It is seriously unfortunate that there will always be guru types that will attract followers. If a person needs a guru to function well in life then I think they have failed to know themselves enough to rely upon themselves, which leaves them open to seeking a Teal Swan in the first place. At the moment Teal is still quite alluring & beautiful. I will just throw out there this thought,...will as many people find interest in her teachings and be drawn to her the same way as she ages down the line, for instance when she is 80+ years old, if she is still with us? I enjoyed this Dr. Grande. I used to listen to some of Teal's videos way back. It was because they came up on my feed often & I decided to give a listen. I decided to hear what she had to say simply because her thought process was different & pretty wild. Once in awhile I see her on my tiktok feed. Well, going by some of what you have said today, Teal actually seems to have a scary & vindictive side to her 😳 I guess we shall see what the upcoming years of Teal Swan offer!
@IMOO1896 2 года назад
I’d say, if asked outright, she would say the men she married didn’t realize her extreme intelligence, and they were threatened by that intelligence.
@StaciaAmnaber 2 года назад
She's been married 2 times. Get your hate filled propaganda correct.
@cheatednomore6430 2 года назад
@@StaciaAmnaber I do not hate Teal Swan. I am trusting that Dr. Grande was correct when he claimed she has been married 5 times. If someone has been married 5 times, I personally would not be seeking relationship advice from then, which is my prerogative. Also, I am not impressed by people who claim to be exalted guru teacher types who hold esoteric knowledge & wisdom that others do not have. That is not hate filled propaganda. If you would like to pick apart everything I said & every opinion I personally have, we would have to have a very long conversation.
@bg6364 2 года назад
@Stacey She literally said she has been married 5 times. If that info is incorrect, that’s on her.
@StaciaAmnaber 2 года назад
@@cheatednomore6430 She has been married 2 times. If you have eyes and ears to hear and understand Ms. Swan she is very much a guru and smarter than 98% of the world. I am not a cult follower but she IS correct in her wisdom.
@HS99930 Год назад
"It's important to be able to treat someone's symptoms, without knowing what causes the symptoms". Thank you for explaining this clearly.
@monicav.796 Год назад
Why wouldn't we wanna know what's causing the issue? Isn't that even more important so that it doesn't happen again? Like cancer, what if you treat it with chemotherapy but you continue to engage in the behaviors that caused it ... Makes no sense to me. Let's say it was hereditary. Wouldn't you wanna know?
@sarahalderman3126 6 месяцев назад
@@monicav.796I would however both the mental health field and the medical field only treat symptoms. Imo the opposite is true. It is obviously better than anything "offered" by people who call themselves doctors.
@redmon89 2 месяца назад
​@@monicav.796the statement is "we should be able to treat symptoms without knowing the cause," not 'we should only treat the symptoms and not worry about the cause.' the statement doesn't imply that the cause isn't important, simply that providing relieve to symptoms can be an important part of treatment, even if the underlying cause isn't known.
@rayross997 2 года назад
I came for an analysis but stayed for the excellent speculation. Teal is actually totally unaware.
@nameless646 Год назад
The grandiosity, demeaning and hateful things she would say to people who leave her, the bizarre controlling behavior, the ridiculous claims (unbelievable IQ, being half alien, etc.) and her smugness is really all I need to know about her. People like her are so great at hiding it. I've met people like her before, though they weren't as batshit insane. Just how vindictive and evil they were when they were jealous. And I know of one who is on par with the ridiculous nonsense that she believes about herself and her "abilities".
@Reindeer911 2 года назад
I've known people like her... people who feel the need to brag, exaggerate, and sometimes even outright lie/fabricate stories to try and impress the people around them, even when it isn't even to their benefit to do so. In that sense I can see how she would come across as insecure. Likewise she definitely does come across as a narcissist... She was practically screaming it on that TV series "Deep End". Also I did get into an exchange with her online a number of years ago not long after she was getting started on RU-vid. That prompted me to start digging into her past and who she was. Her material was/is not original, much of it obviously borrowed from other sources and trying to "cash in" on the pop spirituality of the time such as the Law of Attraction and Intent/Manifestation which were extremely popular. Furthermore her stories (especially the ones of her childhood and being sewn into a corpse) and her claims (like being an alien appointed by some kind of galactic federation to come to Earth to be a spiritual leader) were so far beyond the pale I really had a hard time believing anybody would take her seriously. Yet she did have a following (Tealers) and they generally came down extremely hard on and bullied anyone critical of her. The potential for her to become a full blown cult leader like Marshall Applewhite or David Koresh I feel is definitely there. Also her thoughts on Hitler and pushing suicide on people that are already mentally unstable are huge red flags. All in all if anyone is considering getting involved in Teal's group they would be wise to think critically about who she is and what she offers.
@holeymcsockpuppet 2 года назад
You seem to have done a lot more work digging into her that Dr. Grande did. I respect that a lot. But unfortunately despite your well thought out and written response, your insight is irrelevant because you have no letters after your name. Only PhDs and MDs are qualified to comment on her. And that's sad because I like what you wrote.
@amymckinnon9224 Год назад
@@holeymcsockpuppet only PhD's are qualified? She herself is NOT a PhD! 😂 wow!
@arrantainsh8754 Год назад
@@holeymcsockpuppet if you only listen to what professionals say, can you critically think?
@arrantainsh8754 Год назад
I think you are very closed minded, people can believe in spiritual Things without being being discredited in other areas. For example I pay no mind to her spiritual teaching but her knowledge on psychology is amazing (degree in psychology myself so can confirm the accuracy). Your hyper specific and bulgur description of what you said about suicide and the mentally I’ll is also called euthanasia and is a common thought. Teals fans may be critical but why should that be a reflection on real herself?
@holeymcsockpuppet Год назад
@@amymckinnon9224 I'm being sarcastic. I actually have a profound distrust of people with letters after their name. Reindeer911 is way smarter and more accurate. But society has the "appeal to authority" running through it to the point of being a worship of college degrees. What's the difference between a doctor and God? God doesn't think he's a doctor. 😜
@Life-oo2tr 2 года назад
Finally! Someone is talking about her! I've always thought she was odd and always gave me bad vibes.
@dreablake42 2 года назад
Same! I never really watched her and friends tried to push me toward her but something always felt off to me.
@EatBakeSing 2 года назад
Me too!
@inthevortex-de1rh 2 года назад
Same here
@Life-oo2tr 2 года назад
@@dreablake42 I'm glad I wasn't the only one getting the bad vibes from her!
@rulaj1 2 года назад
Me too. Something is off which I can’t quite pinpoint…I think she gives good advice in general so I don’t know why I have these red flags…
@TheOneWhoGnocchs 2 года назад
“No scientific basis to believe repressed memories are real” I respectfully disagree. Certainly an overly abused concept by narcissists but the brain evolved to protect itself. That’s quite literally why narcissism exists - to protect the narcissist. The brain hides the destructive reality of their behavior to justify and protect their self-esteem. It’s not very far fetched to believe the brain could repress memories, even if one should always view such claims with a healthy amount of skepticism.
@cottontails9003 2 года назад
Repressed memories, are a sham , they have hurt, so many innocent people.
@glowindark64 2 года назад
Sure, it's not far fetched to see how it could be that way but that isn't a scientific basis. That's just speculation. You have to provide data to make it scientific. Plus, things that intuitively seem obvious are often wrong.
@TheOneWhoGnocchs 2 года назад
@@glowindark64 Fair a better way to word my critique would have focused on the declaration that the lack of scientific evidence suggests it does not exist. Sure but likewise, there are plenty of things without a scientific basis that do exist. Psychology itself is not a hard science simply because the human brain is the single most complex biological entity that exists and it is impossible to control the vast number of variables. Anyone who’s worked closely with childhood trauma patients will attest that very often traumatic memories are recovered. This tends to happen when the patient is supported and can process the memories without being psychologically harmed by them.
@Wynter_Heat 2 года назад
@@TheOneWhoGnocchs 👍🏾
@cottontails9003 2 года назад
@@glowindark64 Your so right.
@IdusSkaQ 2 года назад
I mean… whatever she is, narcissist or guru or evil etc.. most of her videos, and specially those about relationships, really works for me. In a way that it really improved my relationships with my closest people and family and with myself. Don’t know what to say more, maybe she is ill, sick or whatever.. but her videos just really helped me a lot.
@Cationna Год назад
Many of her techniques are based in persuasion and legitimate psychotherapy methods - no wonder those work, but it's not like she's doing anything herself to facilitate that. You'd have the same good effects if you came across those techniques through more scientific sources, in fact you'd have even more success as you wouldn't also be steered into tangents and new age confusion. I'm really happy that you've had such a great experience with her videos, but believe me, it's your own hard work on your life that's done it. Any good therapist who's been able to help you will tell you that, instead of trying to focus your attention and love on themselves. Wish you all the best!
@IdusSkaQ Год назад
@@Cationna not sure what do you mean. It’s always “my” hardwork. As with a therapist, noone does it for you. But she provides good information in many topics, that’s what I tried to say. I have amazing therapist for 4+ years and I still watch Teal anyway and find it helpful. I filter what I see as helpful and what isn’t useful for me. People will get affected by cult only if there is an oppurtunity for that already. It’s a result, not a reason. In my opinion. But not sure if this is what you mean
@monicav.796 Год назад
I agree. I have done conventional therapy and quite frankly it never feels like it does much for me other than allow me to vent and keep me accountable. It lacks something that i am able to find in teal's way of seeing the world. Probably the spiritual aspects of myself rather than the "logical". To ignore the spirit and say that it is not important to find the cause of trauma is what I find completely bonkers about about western psychotherapy.
@AmandaMG6 Год назад
Yep. Me too
@AmandaMG6 Год назад
@@Cationna I have had many therapists. I suppose none of them were "good," bc CBT and EMDR didn't do much.
@kati-ana 2 года назад
Teal is a dangerous person for those who follow her. It's sickening someone can behave this way, think this and so many support her.
@ReedRosson1987 2 года назад
They're all over this video's comment section even!
@CherylsBirds Год назад
"Defensive, smug, overly confident, arrogant, vindictive"....pretty much sums up Teal Swan. Only a narcissist could behave the way she does and not see anything wrong with it. I believe she is a dangerous woman.
@kristinawalther4064 2 года назад
Thank you for covering this! I have seen her pop up randomly for the past couple years and always felt something was off. You're the best Dr. Grande!
@TheWorstThingEver 2 года назад
Careful, Dr. Grande. You wouldn't want to say the wrong thing and upset this half human, half alien deity. They're known to be very sensitive.
@vegaoksana 2 года назад
The part where they all told Juliana what she's thinking about Teal was such a heinous act of gaslighting.
@k_spats Год назад
I believe that was their projection of how they *really* feel.
@More13Feen 2 года назад
I grew up very new age cult like and got in to Teal Swan as a young adult. Ironicaly she was the first thing that made me question the belives I was raised on. I am autistic, so I always want to look at all sides of the coin and when I did some more research and examined my belifes it all fell apart quickly. Happy atheist now.
@JaimeRodriguez-wf1vr 2 года назад
@Heartbreaker1999-o5s 2 года назад
Whatever makes u happy 😊 I personally need to believe in something more to keep myself from leaving early. If u know what I mean lol
@More13Feen 2 года назад
@@Heartbreaker1999-o5s yes I know what you mean. Sadly all too well. Fir the a while my belives where the only reason I diden't get suecidal. It changed over time. Life changed. My belives changed. Now I just want ti enjoy life as nuch as I can with all the shit of chronical illness I have and all the beauty I can finde beyonde. I send you lots of loveing thought friend ❤
@piapadmore430 2 года назад
I cannot believe a documentary was made about Teal Swan 😂 great job Dr Grande keeping a straight face😊
@Isaw1117 2 года назад
That’s what I’m saying. I stumbled across her channel once. And watched like one video and could tell she was full of shit. Because ya know, I listen to my actual therapist and am interested in mental health stuff myself. She sounded self absorbed and something annoyed me right off the bat with her.
@dw3403 2 года назад
me either. this influencer crap needs to die.
@MusicGamesEverything Год назад
Anyone claiming they know more about something than anyone else simply because "they're special" is an instant narcissism red flag to me.
@queenofpentacles1580 2 года назад
No person on a true spiritual path would stand in judgment AT all. I'm so surprised she's so verbally abusive.
@KarlaLoves1D 2 года назад
I agree.
@Bbeiiybuz 2 года назад
The documentary has been highly edited so you can buy into this narrative. Beware guys
@queenofpentacles1580 2 года назад
@@Bbeiiybuz editing can't make her say full sentences that are belittling and abusive
@Catlily5 2 года назад
Most cult leaders are abusive. It's part of the manipulation.
@Bbeiiybuz 2 года назад
@@queenofpentacles1580 Go watch the video reaction of the director of Open Shadow about Deep End. It was highly edited so it matches this narrative. It’s very easy to do that, especially if you’re someone like Teal Swan. Don’t underestimate the capacity of editing. They do it all the time for TV reality shows for example. If they want to make you look like the bad person, they will succeed. All it needs is A LOT of different content about you (when you’re sad, upset, angry, happy etc) and then you just have to pick and chose and edit. They filmed Teal Swan and her crew everyday for 3 years. So just imagine the quantity of content they had about her ? Y’all fail to remember that she’s human. Since she seems to prone emotional authenticity, it must have been easy to capture her good and bad sides. Teal Swan is also known to be confident about her teachings. Just add that fact to the editing and voilà : you can make her look like a narcissist. This is that simple.
@rl318 2 года назад
I have watched documentaries about Manson, Jim Jones, Koresh, Heaven's Gate, etc., and I get the same vibes from this situation. It is a classic example of someone being able to pinpoint people's weaknesses and fears and exploiting them for their own benefit.
@yomandenmark 2 года назад
its the filmmaking grip
@holeymcsockpuppet 2 года назад
Did you see the documentary about the Klan? Most of what we hear about them being racists is a lie. They even have a recording where Colon Powell is talking with President Kennedy and one of the daughters of Czar Nicholas Romanov about how the Klan is misunderstood and misrepresented in the media. It's just an audio recording, but you can tell it's authentic because it's a documentary. Have you seen it?
@pandamonium8325 Год назад
Too right!
@KonjikiKonjiki 2 года назад
I relate deeply to Teal's infinite soul energy. Come wintertime, I'm often torn between going skiing, or guru-ing to a small population of vulnerable people.
@slowdiver5732 2 года назад
@smmacey5478 2 года назад
When she went around and made everyone say what they thought Blake’s wife thought of her, they were literally all saying what THEY thought of Teal and projecting it onto Blake’s wife. It made me laugh but was so disturbing at the same time.
@Kimberly-sy1uh 2 года назад
I laughed as well. It was hilarious to see these "spiritually advanced" people literally gang up and project onto that woman. It was so obviously wrong...
@smmacey5478 2 года назад
@@Kimberly-sy1uh Exactly! It was like middle school mean girl behavior, but way more calculated. I don’t get how anyone could subscribe to Teal, she’s actually a little scary. Like demonic…🫣😅
@bg6364 2 года назад
EXACTLY what I said when I was watching it! I was waiting for the girl to say “and you think her shoes are hideous too!” 😂
@dw3403 2 года назад
Seems pretty immature to me.
@daniellerodgers6493 2 года назад
That’s the one thing I wanted her to address and she didn’t even talk about it.
@RoseRoseRoseRoseRoseRose 2 года назад
We are a big Dr Grande _community_ NOT a _cult_ because Dr Grande influences us in a positive, constructive way to reflect ourselves and also our environment while cults change unfortunately lives in a negative, destructive way❣ Grazie mille, dottore❣😊♥️
@Hollylivengood 2 года назад
We should start our own cult. Dr Grande will reveal that he is secretly a lizard/alien/ Chinese/ Hindu mystic who was a plumber in his past life. This gives him special knowledge of the things they don't want you to know, be we will be blessed to know. OK, I'll stop now.
@coyotegraysr 2 года назад
Can, or do cults exist on RU-vid?
@RoseRoseRoseRoseRoseRose 2 года назад
@@coyotegraysr Yesss, indeed they can❣Here in Germany 🇩🇪 we had a RU-vidr who was like Charles Manson and a sex guru. 😳
@coyotegraysr 2 года назад
@@RoseRoseRoseRoseRoseRose now I have heard everything. 😀
@shayb413 2 года назад
Did someone call people who Love Dr. Grande and his videos a "Cult"?? Lol If so, that's HILARIOUS! I call myself a "Grande Groupie" being silly, and I love his videos. Being a fan of someone's work is much different than being a "Follower". On an unrelated note, I grew up with Teal Bosworth which is her real name, went to 6th-12th grade with her, had MANY classes together, and we were casual friends at times though never super close. I have a VERY hard time believing her accounting of events from that exact time period in her book and stuff, just being someone who saw her everyday at school and interacted with her on a regular basis. But guess I can't know for sure, but she certainly seems wacky bananas these days. ✌️💖
@BlessYourHeart254 2 года назад
She seems to treat SIs like Scientology treats schizophrenia, postpartum depression, etc. The way she treated Blake and Juliana is textbook cult leader narcissist allegedly in my opinion. You do you, but encouraging people to commit S is harmful.
@naiva 2 года назад
I once read something online that said "pathology doesn't recognise pathology", which became clear to me the day I found out that I have ADHD. When you finally experience what it's like to be normal, or at least close to normal, you also discover that many of those things you actually believed was "normal", are in fact not. Teal Swan was in some way or form, traumatised as a child, and she doesn't know what it means to not have been subject to trauma. In her experience of reality, when other people suffer mentally and/or emotionally, it must be because of the same thing, it must be because of trauma since that is the only reason she knows to be true. Let's say that because my ADHD makes it difficult for me to organise my life and often cause a sense of overwhelm, I automatically assume that every disorganised and stressed out person out there must have ADHD. If I also find a way to suppress my neurological impairments and convince myself that I have cured myself from it without medication, I will go on to assume that I have found the cure for every person on this planet who, in my opinion, has ADHD... which by now is more than half the population. When realising how exeptional it is to "outsmart" both psychiatrists and scientists with an "actual cure" for ADHD, I will of course play the tune that "I know better", and anyone who diasagrees with me are fighting the "good" (me) on behalf of the "evil" (big pharma). Since I am also the only one who has the "real cure", I must be protected from all the "enemies" that are trying to silence me. I need an "inner circle" of trustworthy people (those who always agree with me) who are totally committed to me and my mission. No human can be trusted as a single commander of any cause, nation, or conviction, because our nervous system simply can't handle it. It's not natural. We are simply mammals trying to survive within our hierarchy, and being alone at the top not only means that we will be challenged and probably experience paranoia... too much power and adoration can also trigger a bunch of dormant narcissistic traits.
@TheDaveGaminG98 Год назад
Do you think that you cant manage your ADHD without medication. I think i have ADHD but those drugs also do damage. I also have drug abuse problems especially with street amphetamine (in europe we call it speed)
@firesidedelavie3721 Год назад
Yours is the best description I've ever seen
@autumn5852 Год назад
@@TheDaveGaminG98 I have a long history of drug use, especially speed, but when I finally got the diagnosis of adhd I was so desperate I decided to give the medication a go and after about 5 months or so of not taking the medication every day, I decided to give it a proper go and take it every day and after about 2 months, my mind slowed down enough with the medication to enable me to see what was going on in my life and therefore what to do about it, so I don’t take the medication now, because with or without the medication, you still have to learn to do things differently etc, and so far, I’m managing well without the medication but I have good support (horticultural therapy) and so far so good 👌🏽 it’s a journey, and one I couldn’t have done without the medication. The way I see it, is that medication is a tool like all other methods such as meditation, walking etc, and they’re therefore supposed to be used as tools, picked up and used when necessary to get the job done, then put down again, we’re not supposed to rely on them and from my experience of adhd and medication, the medication helps but you have to manage it properly and I found that my previous experience as a drug addict, were of great benefit to me and I think a person without that experience is at far greater risk of getting addicted to the medication, due to their ignorance and lack of support. I had no side effects with the medication and lots of benefit. I also watched RU-vid channels from people who have or do take it and I did other research. We’re all different and at different stages of our life etc so each person has to make his own decision whether to try medication or not. I definitely wouldn’t recommend it as a long term option, but I’m sure there are some people for whom long term meditations are the best for them and that’s ok as well. We’re all here just doing our best 😊 best of luck with whatever you decide :)
@TheDaveGaminG98 Год назад
@@autumn5852 yes that is correct. I think also hiking in the woods help to get that energy from the forest, good diet and also limiting smartphone use which I use ridiculously a lot... I also live in a country where psychiatrist don't consider this a real disorder and there are no meds... so that's fucked. Also I found that when I spend more time in my family house in the countryside my mind is a lot calmer but most of the time I live in the city and that's a little stressful for me.
@autumn5852 Год назад
@@TheDaveGaminG98 yes, yes, yes, when I eat regularly, spend lots of time in the woods getting lots of delicious fresh air, when I meditate and get up/go to bed each day at the same time etc and keep away from other people 🤪 I have no problems but coming up against life can throw me off track completely in the blink of an eye so I’m setting my home and life up around my needs so I can live a life that is more in tune with nature, it’s just taking a little while. I enjoy visiting the city now and again but I’ve realised I need the peace and calm of nature so the city doesn’t suit me either. You sound like you’ve got a good understanding of what’s going on. Good luck with it all :)
@lizzeltired2155 2 года назад
If she predicts the future why was she married 5 times? And certainly she could “see” that Blake would leave her?
@JasonMarshMusic 2 года назад
Thanks for this. I used to watch a lot of Teal Swan and Ralph Smart. I think when I was struggling, it was easy for me to believe their positive vibes and optimism. Eventually, I realized that a more grounded approach to life suits me best. Getting too much into spiritual ideas kind of took me away from realistically looking my situation.
@CelesteWhoknows 2 года назад
@mushroommagic1697 2 года назад
@deborah.s.nelsonauthor-boo4684 2 года назад
I love spiritual study, but in my opinion it’s healthier to explore on your own for the most part. I used to enjoy Ralph Smart once upon a time (probably RS is another stage name ), but after years of forgetting about him I stumbled across him when he used Amber Heard and Johnny Depp as click bait-saying that “something big is coming soon and Amber Heard & Johnny Depp is a distraction.” Basically, in my assessment of personal spirituality … if you aren’t working on yourself then everything is a “distraction” and if you are working on making yourself a better person, then nothing is a distraction. He’s also charismatic and uses extreme repetition to hypnotize his followers-watchers. With Teal Swan I am mostly capitulated by her natural beauty, but most of what she says seems to word salad.
@MAzurburg 2 года назад
@northhallbabe13 2 года назад
I fucking love Ralph! He’s changed my life forever, I genuinely believe is one of the real ones. I’ve never really trusted or liked Teal though
@Pimpernella 2 года назад
The people in your videos never cease to amaze me...and how they never lack a fair amount of followers. I'm glad there's still someone that hasn't lost their touch with reallity and we get to hear the voice of reason. This show is always very down to earth and brought by with some sense of humor as well. A long time fan. 🤔👌😉
@cottontails9003 2 года назад
Pascale , with you, all the way, on that one.
@TheSanityMachine33 2 года назад
You don't know who you're following here... ;) Dr Grande isn't what you project.
@Pimpernella 2 года назад
@@TheSanityMachine33 Cool shirts though...reminds me of Magnum P.I. 😉
@TheSanityMachine33 2 года назад
@@Pimpernella Haha
@Pimpernella 2 года назад
@@TheSanityMachine33 no, haven't seen your work/shirts and didn't find it on Google... But do send me the link.
@toddaustin2198 Год назад
"If Teals Cult were a Soft Drink, it would be named 'Cult Light'."
@nicolej615 2 года назад
This is like a public service announcement. Thank you!
@penneyburgess5431 2 года назад
I used to follow her faithfully. Then I had a light bulb moment. I was in a bad head space and vulnerable. I am lucky to have people in my life who helped me to get better. You are right, when I look back, she gave horrible advice and only made a damaged person turn to her for advice. Not good. Not good at all!
@brianhoffman836 2 года назад
Her videos are very good. Given that modern psychologists no longer even push back on children getting sex changes, I'll take Teal's advice on most things. Anyone in the "mental health" field without a spiritual aspect to their lives is incapable of offer much if anything of real value.
@maggie7843 2 года назад
You are incredibly strong to be able to have that level of self introspection and honesty. It hurts but is so life changing. So glad to hear you are in a better place. ☀️
@williamj.dovejr.8613 2 года назад
When Jim Jones moved his congregation to Jonestown...he immediately declared all marriages and committed couples invalid and that he alone would select their mates...her approach, including banning having children reminded me of that.
@arbutusviper1 2 года назад
It would be interesting to hear Dr. Grande's take on the New Age "entity" known as Abraham Hicks. Esther (the woman who claims to channel Abraham) and her late husband were Amway salespeople before they claimed to channel a collective group of spirits. The people who follow their teachings are ardent devotees and they use the same vocabulary that Esther/Abraham incorporates in speaking events (i.e. "I'm keeping negative thoughts about my illness outside of my vibrational escrow") SMH.
@JoJo65654 2 года назад
YES. There's another one with a huge following who seems to have the gift of the gab. These people are so sneaky.
@lordfalconis 2 года назад
The Law of Attraction was created by charlatans for charlatans to take advantage of people.
@northhallbabe13 2 года назад
I’m spiritual as fuck and have never liked or trusted them.
@missmerbella 2 года назад
The “channeling” thing is total bullshit. I’m shocked so many people are so accepting of it.
@blue_sky_bright_sun7599 2 года назад
Their teachings have helped me. Take what resonates with YOU. Leave the rest. YOU are your own authority in your life, in your thoughts and in your decisions. Funnily enough, A Hicks also teaches individuality and self consciousness. I can see why people who aren’t much into spirituality of any kind would attack these types of things. It’s just unusual and weird. But none of these are cults. They’re just different ways of looking at things and having a 100 perspectives is better than having only 10. Spirituality and psychology are a passion for me. Authenticity is the name of the game always. If one doesn’t actually read any of it it is easy to make an assumption and seriously flawed conclusion about what is being taught. I always believe it is better to keep one’s opinions to oneself if the topic in question is not something you know really much about.
@cassandrareedy7369 2 года назад
Step one to disgust: Teal is recommended to me by a friend who began to claim to be an empath with special powers "A natural witch" Step two: I take the Teal pill and go down the rabbit hole. For research purposes only...lol Step 3: I discover my own disgust of Teal and share the reasons why with said friend. This was before the "reset button" fiasco, but after Teal blamed her son's broken arm on past life karma, showing no motherly empathy. Step 4: friend keeps watching Teal and became more like her than I can explain, and less like a friend than I thought possible. Step 5: Dr. Grande's video helps me heal from the insanity and some of the pain. Thank you!!!!!!!!👍💕
@jordannadroj9061 2 года назад
I've had a lot of therapy (26 sessions in total). I've learnt that a good therapist will help you live your best life, and a bad one will tell you what your best life should be.
@IareDiDi 2 года назад
Luckily Teal isn‘t a therapist ;)
@michaelgreer9023 2 года назад
"Swan Dive": I like that. According to Teal she was different from everybody else. What a trite observation. Each person is unique. Completely unique. If we examine the DNA strands there are tiny differences which make each of us an "individual" and not a "clone" of everyone else. So, Teal was right from the start: she is different from everyone else. But how did she reason about this difference? We are all above space, time, and (contingent) realities because we are limited beings, but we have our origin in an infinite consciousness that ordinary people name "God." If someone believes in "God" that means they recognize that there is an eternal order separate from and the origin of space and time. Those who ignore this connection are doomed to perish. The reason they perish is due to their own willed ignorance because recognizing God is just asking a little too much for a being obsessed (narcissistic) with his or her own attributes. For the doomed, death is conceived as oblivion. For the saved, death is the entrance to eternal joy. See you on the other side. By the way, people have nothing to lose, but many have even less to gain. Thanks for reading. 😁
@UniversoSpiritualUnido 2 года назад
Teal:What do you need to make you happy? Follower: nothing, Teal:why are you on this planet? Audience: 👏🏾 ! Wow
@myozbubble 2 года назад
Teal proves that if you talk enough and to enough people and tell them you are a guru, you'll have a following. I've watched a few of her RU-vid videos and she's just odd. I was quite surprised to see your commentary pop up in the documentary, Dr!! I hope this gives you a lot of followers here. :)
@romabatala 9 месяцев назад
I think Todd here just for one reason- to blame and " expose" Teal, and i believe he was ordered to do so, i dont believe Teal is doing anything sinister
@synthiamcbride7194 2 года назад
Some of her videos recently appeared on my RU-vid Feed. I knew nothing about her. I watched a few. At first what she had to say seemed insightful. But the more I listened to her, the more "off" her advice seemed. Thank you for this video about her. Now that I know more about her history and lack of credentials, I can see that my feelings that something was just not right about what she says were accurate.
@craniumrex4614 2 года назад
Me too! At first she seemed insightful in a hippy dippy mystical sort of way but the more I listened the more crackadoodle she became. Please RU-vid, fix your analytics! While Synthia and I have the good sense to see through Teal Swan, the Bluebird of happiness she ain’t, and a potentially dangerous entity to the vulnerable. Hard pass on her bs.
@kidrn4u 2 года назад
it's the smugness and the arrogant air that had me feeling suspicious about her. I tune in to her "shorts" on YT if to amuse myself or to stay sharp on detecting narcs and frauds.
@janparish8055 2 года назад
Thank you for this succinct description of your findings about TS. I always had a sense of repulsion seeing her speak on videos etc. and felt guilty because I didn’t understand why I couldn’t stand her. This really validated my intuition to stay away, thank you Dr. Grande!
@CKLoving Год назад
Dear Dr. Grande, I have enjoyed watching several of your videos about current characters in our world. Your videos always seem very carefully and professionally created to present a variety of information and considerations as well as perspectives. After watching this video I went over to try and view the documentary referenced in your discussion. To my amazement it wasn’t a documentary that Teal Swan necessarily created or backed but was a film for viewing on Hulu. I would like to think that you understand that editing plays an incredibly significant role in shaping the trend of any film. I would appreciate your commentary more if I knew you had taken additional steps as I have to hear Teal Swan’s take on the documentary and also that you might discuss the influence of media of all types on how accurately/inaccurately perceptions and perspectives can be shaped by that whole editing “thingy”. Bias and censorship is really a challenge for all of us these days. We’ve seen the detrimental impact and even rather scary effects in recent years. Thank you for your talks. I hope you will continue to offer them. Perhaps, sharing your perspective on this clip might help us better explore further our personal inclinations to write off others who at first might not seem like the rest of us. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-Z4Cl2sxcVFw.html
@doru4248 Год назад
All his "arguments" are recourse to authority.
@SaturnCrashing 8 месяцев назад
Bruh these inner circle freaks are as bad as the MLM zombies some years back spamming youtube comments all day.
@donnyE777 2 года назад
I'm a keen subscriber, also working in mental health. What I really want to express is: I wish all subject matters and issues were discussed and put forward the way you do Dr- always a master class in critical thought, emotional literacy and objectivity. Thank you for the content!
@TheSanityMachine33 2 года назад
@i_accept_all_cookies 2 года назад
When you say "a master class in critical thought", does that include performing a diagnosis based on what you saw in a subjective documentary?
@sensiblelife 2 года назад
Exactly Donny. Rational thinking is diminishing day by day. I think YT has just accelerated.
@i_accept_all_cookies 2 года назад
@@sensiblelife what rational thinking? Can you point me to it please?
@pawelkapica5363 2 года назад
A couple years ago, watched some videos of her seminars. In some she was borderline laughing and ridiculing people for their beliefs and development (which I am sure just increased their problems and trauma, being made fun of in front of an audience). It was subtle but I instantly picked up on her sense of grandiosity and that her advice didn't come from a place of wisdom or knowledge, but ego.
@IntelLady 2 года назад
Spot on!
@emmaphilo4049 2 года назад
Yes everything she does comes from ego plus very decent intellectual abilities (she has above average talent for compiling and rewording information and she is an excellent public speaker too).
@zila626 2 года назад
She's always been narcissistic and surrounded by drama. I've felt this has been obvious for many years now, not sure why this is just going mainstream now but at least more people will be wary of her I hope.
@lalamcgreenlight8478 Год назад
That's how you trigger someone's trauma to get deeper and help
@soniar6985 2 года назад
Fantastic, as usual, what would we do without your videos, analysis and clarity! Thank you
@maggiebrooks2550 2 года назад
I've been hearing about this lady so I'm so appreciative of your opinions on this. You're an excellent voice of reason and rationality.
@bauhnguefyische667 2 года назад
She is a proper nutter.
@Schiffon 2 года назад
Absolutely! 👍
@mamacito1795 2 года назад
youtube insists on pushing her videos on me. I couldn't figure out why I knew her name until I remembered dr grandes last video on her. Glad to have an update!
@abelmcguire1951 2 года назад
And judgemental, reincarnation is not something to joke about as if it's out of the realm of possibility. He doesn't believe in anything other than western religion, I can do without that.
@abelis644 2 года назад
@@abelmcguire1951 All religions and supernatural beliefs are things TO joke about. They're all man made, emphasis on man, are all invented by narcissists who only want power and money. There are no gods, there is no afterlife.
@donaldhenderson1870 5 месяцев назад
I don’t know what to make of Teal but the documentary has been shown to be a hit piece.
@thelordcommander2496 2 года назад
My mom follows her pretty heavy. She's already been indoctrinated in. When I said what I felt about Teal, the next few weeks were hell on me. Teal finds the weak and prays on them, it's almost as though she's following LRH's guideline. I don't like her for that alone.
@maireadshields3082 2 года назад
Oh thats funny, i've known Teal since she came out and started teaching, my mum was against me for following her work and putting it into practice, now my mum does it and is seeing how much its helping her! Don't like her all you want, but don't discredit something you literally know nothing about
@martialsartsfraudsandfakes9135 2 года назад
@@maireadshields3082 If something Teal said helped you in some way, it was by accident. She's a liar and a plagiarist and none of her ideas are her own. You'd do better to find the original sources she steals from.
@thelordcommander2496 2 года назад
@@martialsartsfraudsandfakes9135 I wish I could like this harder
@thelordcommander2496 2 года назад
Interesting that you would say these things not knowing more than what I've presented. It's ok that she helps you, but just as this other commenter has said (i was so happy to see someone else saying it too), look into the philosophers she's pulling from. Teal teaches you to separate from deniers of her ideas, and do just as you have here, defend. Now tell me, over the past 20+ years of cult reporting, what usually happens to members or affiliates of those groups? They separate from their usual friends and family and when encountered with push back to their idea, defend aggressively. I rode with my mom on a 4 hour trek for her to go see Teal. The trip there, my mom was LOVELY - we had such a nice drive and sang and laughed - She left early the morning of, came back about 8 hours later - she was different and not in a good way. Mean, combative, paranoid, the ride home was terrible, every single thing I said seemed to get under her skin - after we got home, she wouldn't talk to me for a week, then when we did talk I told her what I was witnessing from this and that she needed to be careful - she didn't speak to me for three weeks. That's not normal. Her word is not her word and her ways can be dangerous when delivered to certain brains and mentalities. Please just be aware and stay safe.
@BiomedicalDesigns 2 года назад
@@martialsartsfraudsandfakes9135 You completely nailed it. She is a plagiarist, and all her ideas come from a variety of Indian texts and New Age philosophy.
@CerezaSunshyne 2 года назад
There are 3 sides to every story. If you’re TRULY open minded and want to hear all sides, Teal has unedited audio and video footage on her channel showing what actually happened behind the scenes. Though, I am aware most will run with this information without conducting further research.
@CerezaSunshyne 2 года назад
@@foreverlearning6743 I absolutely agree. I feel like this is more for clout. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but the information is out there and most opinions people form aren’t their own. But my biggest gripe was him saying repressed memories aren’t a thing. I don’t know how long ago he got his degrees, but new information are being brought to the surface on the human brain and that showed me that you have to take what he says with a grain of salt.
@jontnoneya3404 2 года назад
So I just finished watching The Deep End and it's an instant classic. She honestly seems stunned when the private investigator says "Is she leading a cult? Maybe". Because for 3 episodes this has been a documentary of classic cult like behavior. 1) Demanding total dedication to the one leader 2) Isolation from friends, family and people's own support network, 3) intolerance for having their views challenged 4) megalomania and on and on it goes. Blake should be forever thanking his lucky stars that his wife showed up in his life. I mean Teal had him locked down for 16 years and he put up with all of her relationships and husbands?! haha WOW! And this quiet young woman was able to be a rock for him. She was awesome and it kinda sucks how Teal turned the group against her....but it's classic cult leader behavior. I like some of Teals teachings. They've certainly helped me deal with stuff but I only like her vids as kind of a "push" in the right direction. We all have everything we need inside us. No reason to give our power away to a cult leader. OH I almost forgot - notice how any time anything goes "wrong" in Teal's world, she immediately orders sessions for her followers. They have to do more, be more and dedicate more to her when it's her issues that caused the problems. That's classic controlling behavior and many corporate and cult leaders do that shit. Those poor followers at the end - they're all salivating for what positions they can now move up into. They'll be slashing each others throats to prove to Teal how dedicated they are to her cause and in the process losing themselves all the way. Sadly this cult will eventually end like they all do....in pain and misery for all. Why anyone would give $5,000 to this woman or more is beyond me. Remember people - you have everything you need inside you.
@IareDiDi 2 года назад
The Deep End is a compilation of edits deliberately portraying Teal in a negative light. Go do some research and check out original footage.
@jontnoneya3404 2 года назад
@@IareDiDi I'm not going to "go and do some research". You want to make a point, you provide a link or fuck off. Either way I don't care. Go research....what kind of arrogant POS reply is that?! Almost as bad as this one....I'm giving back what I'm getting.
@ceelilly5549 Год назад
The deep end is the worst place you could look to find out about teal swan. They totally bamboozled her. Go to her you tube page and see for yourself. That’s where you should go. That girl is INCREDIBLE and this guys problem with her is that she not only RIGHT but she’s a woman. The completion process WORKS. I spend 20 years wasting my time with therapist. Dr Grande is a “HATER”
@jontnoneya3404 Год назад
@@ceelilly5549 I've been to Teal's YT page and watched many of her vids for years. I was a huge fan for a long time but The Deep End really showed me a side of her that makes total sense, is 100% in line with who she is and is a cult. You're letting your blind love for her cloud your critical analysis skills. You're a prime candidate for deception and manipulation by a cult. You should be smarter and more defensive of your brain. I already explained very well why it's a cult and if you don't understand that, reread my comments until you do. Don't argue, read.
@trllmnella7259 2 года назад
here's some of TS psychic claims to just START. by her account she is an actuarian alien who was made beautiful and white so aliens could get people to follow her and her "mission" (yes she did indeed actually say this) she can read people's thoughts/see auras, see there energetic patterns, see there life paths, she can see and channel dead people, she interdimensionlly travels, she can put books under her pillow when she sleeps and can absorb all the information (she doesn't have to read them), she can visit people in they're dreams, can see everyone's past lives, can visit the akashic records and isn't limited to "time space reality".....thats not even all of them, that's literally the ABBREVIATED version lmao TS satanic cult claims She also claims she was in a satanic cult for 13 years filled with crap ton of Mormons that murdered immigrant children, she also says she was sewn into dead bodies, and the cult didn't kill her because she was special and psychic so they drank her blood to gain her powers. (She was also supposedly modeling WORLDWIDE during this time) She said the cult leader would pick up her up nightly at 3 AM every morning for up to 10 years without her parents knowledge to perform cult rituals with her and the cults followers) she was also treated with electroshock by this cult so they could make her unable to do "normal everyday things" to keep her under they're influence. These electroshocks made her not able to plug In appliances, or start a laundry or do any other chores such as washing dishes, because of this, those who live with her have to do those things for her 😂😂😂 Her therapist was Barbara snow who is known for putting false memories of satanic abuse and was a leader of the 80s "satanic panic" (which was proven unreal) barbra is very looked down upon in the counseling field and has had her license revoked. Teal has also told inside followers to kill themselves (these people were Cameron clark and Jared dobson, who gave interviews about the hell they went through with her) She says suicide is a "reset button and by universal perspective there's nothing wrong with suicide" and actually legitimately caused a personal client of hers to kill herself. Shall I keep going? Because even after that entire long ass comment, that's STILL isn't even ALL OF IT. Teal swan is a deluded and dangerous, narcissistic, mentally ill cult leader who has hurt many people.
@AshtasticAcrobat Год назад
Don’t forget the woman she told to essentially kill her self she claimed reincarnated 2-3 days later 😒😒😒
@agnieszkagorska3669 Год назад
Interesting. Suicide is wrong, no matter what. Although, when somebody wants it, they will do it. Sad.
@mspaint93 Год назад
You got the long and short of it, yeah lmao. She's a deeply damaged narcissistic cult leader who has spun criticism of her abusive actions as a form of matarydom, as narcissists do cult leaders do.
I cannot believe she is still out there, and nobody has been able to stop her. She is dangerous to society and should be loched up in a loony bin. Where are the lawsuits? Why is the FBI not looking into this SCAM? She is a fraudster, she even looks like she is out of it. Why can ghis people be stopped? Thatvis what I do not understand. The interview in Mormon Stories Podcast with her childjood friend is an incredible account of how she started forming her delusional ego or persona frkm an early age. Her parents could not stop het, nobody could and there she is, selling lies and manipulating vulnerable people.
@catherinecarmichael3180 2 года назад
Drinking coffee….. Cult Light…. Spits out coffee due to laughing! 😂😂😂 I may need “coffee warnings” or to just not drink it while watching the awesome and funny Dr.
@Thunder_Bear_mg 2 года назад
Cult Lite :)
@ajordan1976 2 года назад
Her last words in episode 4 says it all for me. She's so self unaware it's mind blowing! Take a minute and listen again.
@megankwisdom 2 года назад
I just watched this a few days ago but don't remember what she said, can you remind me?
@ajordan1976 2 года назад
@@megankwisdom she was Perplexed on why Blake and Julianna left and felt betrayed. She explains how she tells her clients/patients/followers to look at their behavior and see how they can do better. Then she says but I have no idea how to apply that to my actions. Basically saying she doesn't see anything wrong in the way she handled Blake and Julianna. She's incapable of being self aware. She's believes she's incapable of any wrong doing. Ever. I heard her call Blake a weak loser. What she did to Julianna was cruel. I've been down this rabbit hole all week. Watch her rebuttal to each episode on her channel. If you can stomach her denying any mean spiritedness. She's gaslighting the public. She's delusional and dangerous!
@megankwisdom 2 года назад
@@ajordan1976 yes she was very abusive towards Blake and to your point about her lack of self awareness, that might work for controlling someone but it's not going to work for gaining someone's loyalty, which is what she was complaining about. She said Blake taught her how to trust and now that's been ruined but it's probably pretty evident to anyone who watched the series that she never learned how to trust or she wouldn't be trying desperately to control everyone around her with an iron fist.
@jedwolf8246 Год назад
I was in an acting class in NYC for twelve years led by a woman with lots of acting credentials who used similar techniques to keep her inner circle. I had to rip myself from her and its taken many years (not done yet) assimilating that experience. As a creative person, she brought out my much in me separating myself from her nearly destroyed it. I’ve felt inept and like a charlatan without her to prop me up. We called her class the “island of lost toys” yes when she shined her light or pain on us we couldn’t abandon her. The more suicidal, the more “talented” she called her students.
@hpttLBOYeFainAlexLeA 2 года назад
At the end of the days we are all people. No one has all the answers, not Teal nor any psychologist. Teal has some good shit, and some stuff that is less good. Think for yourself. Try things out, see what works for you.
@TheSaraskye 2 года назад
Yaaah, Dr Grande. Great humour to terrible stories. 7:30am Autralia here! A nice way to start the day X
@wolfofallstreets5901 2 года назад
Just... move to another country. 😆
@RoseRoseRoseRoseRoseRose 2 года назад
Hahahaha, 11:33 PM here. Right time to sleep with a Dr Grande video❣ Wish you a great day❣♥️
@carmenhunter4380 2 года назад
Good morning from Brisbane:) have a great Friday!
@mrsapplez2007 2 года назад
10:40 pm uk time..nu night
@tamaraprentice9280 2 года назад
I agree
@agoodmama 2 года назад
I do think some of her knowledge/ideas are valuable. I could see how some folks could turn her into their guru and be out of balance or worse as a result. For me, just listening to some of her youtube videos, , i find the info she offers is often good food for thought.
@wesleyalan9179 2 года назад
I feel the same way
@sarahbell5931 2 года назад
I agree. She has responded to the Netflix portrayal of her. She’s no different than others who help bring more spirits Yao awareness to others IMO. She wasn’t criticized UNTIL the Netflix documentary. The crazy response actually makes me want to hear even more what she is to say!
@Amberelam97 2 года назад
@@wesleyalan9179 are you kidding?!
@JulianaFrick1 2 года назад
she Is one clever lady that's for sure! :D :D
@perfectloveIAM 2 года назад
Watch her rebuttals response to deep end. They are the liars. Clearly, they betrayed her.
@northwildlings6795 2 года назад
I've seen her say things that were blatantly untrue and psychologically harmful to vulnerable people. Her talent is her highly persuasive and manipulative effectiveness.
@David-210 5 месяцев назад
12:33 "It's interesting that she believes that there are multiple versions of the truth....". Imagine one person who tries to catch swindlers and another who is a swindler. Ask yourself, which of those two benefit from the "multiple truth" approach. Thank you for the video Dr. Grande, in a fast food culture where everything has to be cheap and instantly available, even "wisdom" can be sold for 9,99,- at the local bookstore or like in this case in digital form.
@Dulcimertunes 2 года назад
I knew someone whose therapist led her to believe she’d been SA by male family members. When she confronted them it nearly destroyed the families
@NotChefCook 2 года назад
SO many cases like that . Just horrible ... and of course potentially damaging to folks who WERE sexually abused by family members !!
@Isaw1117 2 года назад
My good buddy is going through this. His little brother came up with it himself while on mushrooms or something. Literally the 3 other brothers and mom and dad have NO idea what he’s talking about. He won’t talk to any of them. It’s ridiculous
@meganhill453 2 года назад
How do you know it didn’t actually happen?
@mushroommagic1697 2 года назад
Who is SA? Oh oh I got it, sexualy assaulted. What the hell?!
@janparish8055 2 года назад
I believe that’s what happened to my daughter. Our family is destroyed.
@lalab5869 2 года назад
I appreciate a lot of what she has to say. No one person has ALL the answers. No one “expert” or non expert has all the answers either. Credentials don’t guarantee professionalism nor does it guarantee the connection needed for some. As a Behaviorist at a public school, staff realized connection can go way further than credentials when it comes to saving someone. You have your followers, she has hers. I appreciate you both. There is enough room in the world for the two of you as well as any other person wanting to help others.
@claudinejames7731 2 года назад
Thank you for reviewing Ms. Teal. I've seen the titles of her vids popping up. I appreciate you having informed us about this. I feel she could be a very dangerous person to vulnerable people, especially regarding those who are suicidal. I hope someone is able to prevent her influence before lives are lost that could have been saved. It's painful to reflect that she claims such powers and is so uncaring at the same time. How are such people so attractively persuasive, it's creepy. I'm glad she hasn't got a degree, it should be easier to prevent her getting paid for terrible advice. Shouldn't it?
@MarleyLeMar 2 месяца назад
Dr Grande: “nothing to lose” priceless!
@vegaoksana 2 года назад
This wasn't really an analysis, more of a summary of the documentary
@pantherhaste4554 2 года назад
I lived in Hawai'i for five years and met some of Teal's followers along the way. She is definitely a dangerous person for people who lack common sense.
@bernie8557 2 года назад
"Half human half alien that is the reincarnation of an Indian guru". And people pay this woman for counseling? 😆
@isabelleforstmann268 2 года назад
I was recommended her videos once during a period where my mental health was not in a good place. I watched a number those videos in the few days that followed and she really had me believing in interdimensional alien reincarebtations for a minute. I think her content can have an effect similar to what people experience when they fall down those conspiracy the rabbit holes, you become very ungrounded very quickly. I think her being attractive and speaking so confidently can bias you towards thinking she might be worth listening to. But there was something that put me off about her that I couldn’t put my finger on and then I watched the video where she discusses suicide and that was my limit. I simply could not agree with her, my critical brain kicked back in and I snapped out of it. However, it could’ve gone very badly. Her ideas are incredibly dangerous to someone feeling suicidal and could really exacerbate psychotic symptoms as well. It’s concerning that she performs so well on the algorithm and her videos get recommended to people seeking content about mental health as those people are likely experiencing mental health symptoms.
@nmartin5551 2 года назад
I don’t know who suggested her to you while you were at a low point, but I’d distance myself from that person. S/he has very poor judgement. I’m glad you found a better way to a better place.
@lowbrowrodeo 2 года назад
@@nmartin5551 It was probably tbrough the YT algorithm
@Dwightstjohn-fo8ki 2 года назад
While rare, we used to call these types "God's Children" in college speech and debate. They had so much "ethos" they could get up an read the phone book and people in the audience would start crying over the "reality". They REALLY stood out, even among some of the most accomplished students in North America being in the tournaments.
@Catlily5 2 года назад
I got recommended Teal's videos immediately after I watched Dr. Grande's 1st video criticizing him. Thanks RU-vid 😠. They were short and made sense. That's how she reels people in. I never watched the longer, crazier stuff.
@morningforestfog Месяц назад
Am I the only one here who doesn't understand the hate towards her? I mean, the cultish tendencies part might just happen in her inner circle online group she had back then, and perhaps some unhealthy dynamics in the in-person group, because she jumped into this field super traumatized and creating a community full of traumatized people was bad idea. Apart from that, her videos are not cultish at all. Quiet the opposite, in my pov. She actually literally saved my life, after me being gaslight by a therapist and I was going insane to the point of wanting to hurt myself, because I didn't know back then but I had an huge self gaslighter, but fortunatly I came upon her videos and her parts work helped me gain my self trust back again, now I'm probably the most confident person I know. Also her video on "the root of mental illness is unsafety" is one of the best things I have ever seen. It made me cry because there is so much stigma around mental illness/unhealthy behaviour and she explains the root cause in an unshaming way. I love her videos. She saved my life literally.
@whimsypeace6927 2 года назад
Great analysis. I think she shows characteristics of the female sociopath/narcissist, and traits of NPD/BPD. I think she is a highly dangerous woman, and I worry how many people have been harmed by crossing her path.
@MissGold888 Год назад
Let those who are without sin cast the first stone…
@benitahoving7822 Год назад
its jaw-dropping how someone can have so many followers. It's actually scary . It's literally making me sick to my stomach .. Let's hope this will come to the light really fast before people more people get hurt
@Guillotinegoth 2 года назад
Over all Teal seems to have a double persona, One is Grandiose and Goddess like the other is scared insecure tends to be as open to self harm as her followers who flock to her. Reminds me of this book I read The Drama of the Gifted Child.
@thelocalmaladroit8873 2 года назад
Your ability to explain the absurd into reality is sublime. Love your channel!
@vegaoksana 2 года назад
Dismissing the complex nature of traumatic memory is so ignorant.
@JP-wx6uh 2 года назад
Her idea of there being multiple versions of the truth reminds me of phrase "alternative facts" that was coined by one of Donnie Trump's cronies and his former advisor Kellyanne Conway.
@gentkamberi8533 4 месяца назад
I don’t see anything wrong with Teal and I’ve read a lot of books related to what she teaches . If anything, she’s probably the best of them all . Very very smart female . Almost a modern witch with super versatile vocabulary.
@christineceralde 2 года назад
I used to study the occult and spirituality for a decade of my life. I started to realize how a lot of spiritual gurus acted like they are the one and only God in their life, I noticed how spirituality/occult became all too similar to worshipping yourself, and couldn’t help but see how narcissistic this is
@itscloudstrife 2 года назад
😭😭 idk what "occultic" things you were reading because that just sounds like new age bull. occultic study/practice is the complete opposite of self worship LOL
@Catlily5 2 года назад
@@itscloudstrife Special spiritual leaders are usually narcissistic no matter what religion or spiritual practice they follow.
@itscloudstrife 2 года назад
@@Catlily5 well I'll agree there
@christineceralde 2 года назад
@@itscloudstrife first of all, the occult and new age are almost the same thing depending on whose perspective it’s coming from. From your perspective, it may have triggered some kind of belief inside of you. There’s a lot of occult practice in spirituality/new age. Second of all, if you’re not worshipping yourself, who are you worshipping? A deity? Nature? Your own superpowers? The occult practice is to gain knowledge for oneself, to enhance your own spiritual abilities through practice or theory as a human being without the help of Jesus Christ. How is this not narcissistic? To believe you can absolutely do it alone, and to worship your own super powers? How is this not solely focused on the self? It’s completely focused on the self, and you are completely deceived, but I was once just like you in denial. Im going to have to stop responding now because your response and my response is not related to this video and completely another topic
@itscloudstrife 2 года назад
@@christineceralde occultic practices in an umbrella term, they're THOUSANDS of practice. some people worship primordial chaos. others worship Virgin Mary. occultic is communicating and working with the unseen HENCE the name. it's to gain knowledge the avenue in which you gain it is through practices of many things. it could be your own cultivated version and relationship with Jesus. it could be working with Archangels OR the princes of hell. Yes there ARE branches that involve using the self and seeing deities as more so unconscious archetypes of spirit, an analysis on the unseen as far as the psyche. overall it's knowledge, faith and a way of living. but the entire self worship to be some sort of 5d dimensional alien goddess is specifically new age BS. lmao.
@Anonymous-it5rc 2 года назад
I want HG Tudor to analyze her!!
@Skildpadden-q1q Месяц назад
According to BBC at least two children took their own lives, because of her teaching that suicide is a “reset-button”. Why is this woman not in jail?
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