
Mormon Women Turn Up the Heat on Church Leaders! [Radio Free Mormon 342] 

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For the second time in as many months, Mormon women are pushing back against church leaders’ attempts to gaslight them into submission!
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6 май 2024




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@orisonorchards4251 Месяц назад
Like a brainwashed automaton, I married and quit college at age 19. I had eight kids over the next sixteen years, along with accompanying medical issues. My TBM husband pushed hard for more and I was judged unrighteous for deciding to be done. I love my kids, but I hated being a SAHM. My husband traveled constantly for work, but even when he was home he didn't lift a finger. I was so unhappy and that wasn't fair to anyone. I finally gave myself permission to think logically and critically and found my way out of the church at age 43. I finished the engineering degree I had started 25 years earlier and I finally feel like myself again. I'm naturally ambitious and driven. I love working hard and building things. Nurturing is incredibly difficult. I feel like I sacrificed my life for a lie. I won't ever have the career I could have had. Motherhood doesn't feel natural or rewarding to NUMEROUS women and that doesn't mean they are broken.
@slbagwell Месяц назад
Such a sore topic for me. I grew up LDS and all I ever wanted was to be a wife, mother and homemaker. I didn't want a career. I got married at 20 and tried for 10 years to be that stay at home mom having one child after another. Living with my in-laws for the first 6 years of our marriage because my husband couldn't support us. Not that he was unable to, but that he was lazy and didn't want to work. Finally we moved out at my insistence and even then he couldn't keep a job and wanted to move back in with his parents. Finally I gave up, went back to school and got a degree as an RN. I then supported the family until our kids were grown and then I left him. The whole time I was criticized for having a career and he would tell me what a bad wife and mother I was, as would other at church. I was told I needed to understand him more, that he really wanted to work, but it was just difficult for him to find a job... and apparently keep a job. The church was completely behind him and critical of me, even to the point that he convinced the bishop to take away my temple recommend. When I left him I was criticized by people at church for leaving him, yet my children who lived through it all supported me and wondered why I stayed with him as long as I did. Again, I reiterate, I didn't want a career, but I was forced into it and then criticized and penalized for it. And now to hear it all coming back again? I say, young women beware! This is not sound advice. Get an education, prepare yourself. You never know if that man you marry will go on to support you or if you'll have to support yourself and possibly even him and your children. That is the advice they need to hear. These are the kinds of stories they need to hear!
@learnhope7895 Месяц назад
They do need to hear this message!!! And the church needs to change its message! The church needs to apologize for the horrible messages of the recent past, and update it's position or just state that times have changed and we support young mothers in getting an education and a career. Do whatever you need to do to support and nurture your family. Don't gaslight us, by sending someone who didn't fallow the prophets, out with a different message. There are way too many of us out her with horrible stories about how the teaching on motherhood damaged our lives and our religious experience 8:58
@ogre6548 Месяц назад
Open your legs for a loser but it’s the church’s fault?
@alishabee369 Месяц назад
You're a total badass. Thank you for sharing. You're inspiring!!!
@alicruz4900 Месяц назад
What you have accomplished is to be admired!
@TommyStuffNow Месяц назад
My wife and I married in ‘76. We followed the Kimball/Benson script and experienced unnecessary hardship. As a man, I’m still mad as hell about it. Following horse-and-buggy “prophetic” counsel was a huge mistake, one that can never be fully rectified.
@TEAM__POSEID0N Месяц назад
In the 19th century and early 20th century, when almost everyone was farming, it wouldn't have been an issue. In 1950s America, when one person could earn a living wage for a whole family and job security was quite solid, it wouldn't have been much of an issue for most families (except for those who really and strongly desired careers). From the last half of the 20th century forward the admonishments, counsel and advice coming from the top leaders is as irrelevant and "helpful" as Eskimos going to Florida and lecturing Floridians on how igloos are a morally superior housing choice.
@boysrus61 Месяц назад
I won't tell you how pissed this makes me feel as the mother of 7 who did graduate from the University but basically gave up a lot to do what the church pressured me to do. I was obedient. Sister Johnson had 3 children by the way. I love my children, don't get me wrong, but they are all grown and with careers in different states and countries. At 62 years old I know internally that I missed out on a lot by staying home to nurture and raise 7 children. I recently had a conversation with a woman who moved out of our ward to pursue her PhD degree in Pediatric nursing. Our Bishop told her she needed to quit her job and stay home with her kids that she would never be successful and her kids grounded. Big mistake. They are all doing great and she has a PhD. Our other ward member and neighbor listened to the Bishop and quit her job. Her husband could not keep them above ground and she eventually lost her home in our hood. So so sad.
@CaraDayhoff Месяц назад
I got married at 18 and had 5 chidren. My husband decided he did what to be married. I was left to support my kids with no help from him. I taught my kids to get their education first .
@chandralaframboise963 Месяц назад
Same thing happened to me but fortunately I got an education, slogged through engineering school while having two children. It was hell. Once graduated I stayed home 9 years more ONLY because of what the “prophets” taught, had two more children before my ex abandoned us. Starting my career at 35 fearing I’d forgotten everything I learned in engineering school was scary, the learning curve was high and I was competing with men who didn’t have nearly the grinding demands I faced as a single mom. My life from my early 20’s to mid 40’s was so much harder than it needed to be because I followed the prophets.
@wendymerrillperry9699 Месяц назад
What are we 40? 50? Years later. And this is where we are? Unbelievable
@petetreanor9421 Месяц назад
Don’t forget she had a full time Nanny….really tough work
@slicgreendueler4884 Месяц назад
It’s amazing how more and more church leaders, male and female are LAWYERS!!! It proves the church is a corporation, not anything else. Thank you RFM! Everything you cover on this site is so revealing!
@kellybrandon1179 Месяц назад
If that lady lawyer is working stipend free she is a fool
@fireofevender5515 Месяц назад
So many corrupt attorneys. 🙁 I've become acquainted with the tactics used by Kirton & McConkie. Talk about secret combinations....I expect the Lord to burn the place to the ground when He returns. Korihor & Kishkumen would honestly be a more appropriate name.
@fireofevender5515 Месяц назад
​@@kellybrandon1179 everyone in leadership gets a handsome "stipend" AKA salary.
@Wren402 Месяц назад
We need a new hymn titled Follow Your Heart and not the Prophet!
@jorgefernandoramirezsanche2792 Месяц назад
Follow your brain sounds better
@whitesalamander Месяц назад
Russell Nelson: “Who’s gonna stay home and make fresh donuts for us Priesthood holders?”
@JaguarKnight110 Месяц назад
Passport Bro
@KendraAndTheLaw Месяц назад
@alicruz4900 Месяц назад
He’s welcome to feast on my fresh sh*t
@gracebe235 Месяц назад
I HAD to go to work! I wanted to stay home and rear my children and be a devoted wife. I so hated working with narcissistic psychopaths at Motorola! The stress and the chemicals caused me physical issues as soon as I started working there…..which led to me having a hysterectomy! They may as well have cut my heart out! I WANTED MORE CHILDREN! Oh well! And all the while, I had to keep hearing the stupid church ‘leaders’ say; “ No amount of success outside the home, can compensate for failure in the home”. Asses! I WANTED so badly to BE AT HOME! Living through this life has stripped the gears in my mind! We have ONE life…..don’t let your most important decisions in your life, be ruled by others outside your home!
@fireofevender5515 Месяц назад
If you want to work with chauvinistic and dishonest pigs, apply for a job with the church. Worst job of my life & it nearly killed me. Amen to their priesthood, indeed. Sending so much love to you, my sister. We are very much in hell. More to come! I hope you can carve out time to take a salt bath and treat yourself with kindness. Get a heated blanket and REST. 💖
@highdesertsunbeam Месяц назад
thank you brother, great job.
@joshuaconnelly2415 Месяц назад
And who did the brethren call (it’s never God who calls) to be a women’s leader? A woman who was obdedient to them and has no career, or a woman who thumbed her nose at them and has a career? That is a slap in the face to all the obedient women, and it shows what the brethren think of the women who obeyed them-“they’re just housewives, but she, she’s accomplished. She has a career as an attorney.”
@Wren402 Месяц назад
Rebecca Biblioteca had a great idea. The church could support working mothers by opening free daycare centers in each ward house, and pay LDS women to run them Monday through Friday. After all they have $250,000,000,000 to pay for such a project. What better way to support young LDS families.
@chandralaframboise963 Месяц назад
Love that idea
@beautifulHHI Месяц назад
Brilliant idea 💡
@AprilFriday-de6vm Месяц назад
😂😂😂 And that’s who won the internet today. I mean, other high-demand religions have done so. Why not?
@leahshaw1447 Месяц назад
I was stupid and listened to these men as I grew up. I took 'just get by' jobs while I waited for 'Mr Right' to 'find' me. After all, I didn't want to be left out of heaven. I wish I had ignored all the bs and went for a career. Telling women to stay home and cater to the men really only benefit the men as they take credit for a good homelife and good kids. Women do it all! These men (and some women) want to keep women 'in their place' to serve them in the home. Shaming and villanizing women who work out of the home is taking away their free agency to choose. (Wait, the church leaders are already taking free agency away, but most members see it not.) How about shaming and withholding temple recommends from the men who won't support their families? That won't happen because in their eyes, they can do what they want as they have the PH and women are to serve them.
@boysrus61 Месяц назад
Wikipedia said she worked for 30 years as a corporate lawyer. She was a lawyer litigating issues for Fair Labor Standards Act..... hmmmmm I wonder what she thinks of people working in Sweat shops to make the temple garments. I hope they are paid fair wages and have appropriate work standards. She got her Bachelors in 1985 and Juris PhD in 1989. Benson gave his talk win 1987. She worked 30 years then was a Mission Wife from 2016-2019. She was the General Primary President from April 2021 to August 2022 and then on to the General Relief Society President. So please explain to me exactly when she listened to the Prophet? Complete wrong person to give this message. I am exactly 2 years older than her and why was it we heard completely different messages from the prophet?
@TEAM__POSEID0N Месяц назад
I don't know the details of her background. But if she was a CORPORATE lawyer LITIGATING issues relating to the FLSA, my guess is that would mean she was defending corporations accused of violating the act.
@user-ql6pm1tp1s Месяц назад
Different prophet/different messages/NO consistency. That’s why I left over 50 years ago, despite being raised in the church! Were it not for the church, I would still be married today-to the father of my three children! 14:06
@Wren402 Месяц назад
The church is constantly sending mixed messages on anything controversial like gay rights, women’s rights, etc. That way they can’t be held responsible for their “policies”. This leads to bishop roulette with some wards being more progressive than others. But if a bishop goes too far ,like letting women sit on the stand, he will be slapped down.
@badasspeacemaker Месяц назад
Great topic!!
@CanadianAnglican Месяц назад
Thank you for keeping us informed RFM.
@JDPrimeFit Месяц назад
I feel the same about all the general authorities and other church leaders such as the new BYU president, who has three kids, who have just a few kids. Other than President Nelson, I don’t know of any of the 12 who have super big families. We already had two kids when Oaks gave a conference talk encouraging more children. As believers, we felt obliged to have more children. We had 13 pregnancies, 11 children. All this while paying tithing, holding callings such as relief society president and bishopric and very little time as a couple. We made decent money but raising large families is expensive and consumes money, time and health. We love our children and grandchildren. No longer TBM, I feel so cheated and used of the opportunities and hopes we sacrificed as a a couple to be obedient and faithful members.
@DocMom391 Месяц назад
I was told by my X multiple times I wasn’t smart enough for college… and it was implied so often by the church that we women don’t need to be highly educated or have a career I thought I was stuck. But when I fasted and prayed for me and my happiness I got confirmation that I should attend college. I did not know how I would do it because I had to work full-time but I persisted and I ended up obtaining my PhD-Which I did while I worked full-time combined with raising 5 kids! Eventually I held a global research leadership position with zero help from or even encouragement from the church! I know that I was Looked down upon because of my working outside the home. If I had not pursued my education me and my 5 children would have suffered- on welfare, and probably rushed to marriage but because I was financially secure on my own I was able to be single for 6 years, find my soul mate and raise my kids without any aid-all the while as my abusive X maintained a good standing in the church and was first counselor in the bishopric yet not once paid child support. My PHD provided everything we needed.
@jeffturner8927 Месяц назад
RFM would remember Wayne Newton singing “such are the dreams of the everyday housewife, who gave up the good life for me.”
@joykelsen2698 Месяц назад
Yes! But it was Glen Campbell;^)
@jeffturner8927 Месяц назад
@@joykelsen2698 As far as I can tell Wayne Newton released the song in June 1968 at the same time as Glen Campbell. I’m in Australia and I only remember Wayne Newton’s version being played. I only heard Glen’s version later. Total trivia I know and barely related to the subject in hand. I’m a Glen Campbell fan by the way. Best regards.
@rancierae Месяц назад
My comments are similar to those already expressed . I was told by my bishop to stop training as a nurse to stay home with my child ( single mum) . What bad advice . I’ve felt unfulfilled all my life even though I have 10 kids . They are grown up and following their own paths . I’m still relatively young but now struggling to find relevance and purpose without qualifications
@KGK2323 Месяц назад
Has the ever been a talk on prioritizing fatherhood? Come home from basketball playing, come home from helping in someone else home, and come home from meetings, meetings, & more meetings.
@darci1633 Месяц назад
@keviny4357 Месяц назад
RFM thanks!
@matthewallen513 Месяц назад
Thank you rfm. I did my own tictoc discussing my own lived experience following this guidance. My wife gave up her dreams and I expected it as well. The church hypocrisy is blatant. My lesson is follow the prophet only if it works for your life. Ignore the prophets till they agree with your revelation
@sdfotodude Месяц назад
Sherri Dew and Wendi Nelson worked outside the home and NEVER had kids.
@TEAM__POSEID0N Месяц назад
If one goes into the details of the life choices of many of the top leaders, it turns out that they often did not practice what they preach. They prioritized personal advancement, credentials, networking, earning money and so on, while encouraging the plebes to practice humility, rely on the lord and prioritize missions, tithing and church callings. None of the members of the First Presidency served a full-time mission. Although they can point to different war-time exigencies as excuses, the fact is that each one of them COULD have served a full-time mission if it had been a priority, since they were in each case still at an appropriate age to do so when there were no restrictions or concerns to prevent them. Each of them prioritized their educational pursuits over both missions and military service. Many young LDS men did indeed serve on full-time missions during the same time periods.
@carolyearsley Месяц назад
@@TEAM__POSEID0N Bet you two to one that none of them wear those dastardly garments either
@marzipankrabapoulus6371 Месяц назад
I remember when ETB made that speech. It did send shockwaves because before that, it was generally accepted that it was ok for women to work outside the home if it was due to financial necessity. I was so encouraged to focus my energy and attention on getting married instead of having a career, that I did just that. I got married at 20. Although, I did finish college (thankfully), I had no real plans for a career. I had a successful career by the time I met my second husband and had children, but we depend on my income. There's no way we could survive on just my husband's income, even if I wanted to. At the end of the day, the "prophet's guidance" was bad advice at best. In my opinion, it was calculated propaganda met to keep women subservient, financially dependent, and keep the Mormon baby factories running at full capacity. Despicable!
@boydx4687 Месяц назад
Great message, RFM. Thanks for the 'relatively short' podcast.
@stephenfullmer3624 Месяц назад
Complete hypocritical hypocrisy. She had a nanny. So misleading.
@laurahanson5179 Месяц назад
Please note the Linda Hamilton quoted in the article is daughter in law to high ranking Seventy Kevin Hamilton.
@mr.hermit2433 Месяц назад
I wonder which of the Chosen she is relates to...
@knparker8 Месяц назад
When you think that a man speaks for God to you then you have given that man too much power. Even though I am not a woman I made many life decisions based on these men that I regret now. It is always strange when church leaders celebrate a member for a successful talent or career that they obtained by NOT following the brethren.
@MoreWordsPlease Месяц назад
I wrote in a 3rd grade journal that i wanted to be housewife when I grew up. What 3rd grader even knows the implications of that or what it even means? Nope, I was brainwashed. 8 year olds don't say they want to grow up and be housewives unless they're brainwashed.
@user-sb6hk2bd3f Месяц назад
Different rules for different folks In this toxic religious system All the people at the top make up thier own rules and then telling others what to do . Things definately need to change .
@grandlarseny60 Месяц назад
This kind of thing makes me want to leave the church again, but that would mean being in the church again. SMH.
@Hugni81 Месяц назад
Wow crazy, glad these people had somewhere to say that. I shouldn’t be surprised that a Temple recommend was withheld because a women decided to work. But I am😮😮😮😮
@healingasthmaacasestudy9851 Месяц назад
The lesson is-stay at home-unless you can go to an ivy league school and make lots of money and have a nanny take care of your kids. Remember Jesus is all about success and money
@timothymulholland7905 Месяц назад
Catholics and Muslims agree. More babies mean mire future members.l
@Hatchification Месяц назад
I can’t stand these people!! Corporate lawyers and a judge cheering each other on?? Let’s hear what their kids have to say. What a crock of you know what!!!
@bipolarrambling242 Месяц назад
There is a female uprising and the brethren are not ready for it, so they are floundering. Badly.
@pollydunn3191 Месяц назад
Corporate lawyer and family was her first priority REALLY 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Not MONEY???????
@belalima5779 Месяц назад
Except lawyers. The church needs lawyers.
@KendraAndTheLaw Месяц назад
Only 14 minutes? Come on, teaser!
@eneyeseekay Месяц назад
If you click 2x the teaser becomes a quickie.
@wendymerrillperry9699 Месяц назад
Ezra Taft Benson all over again. This is an orientation?
@lamrom1419 Месяц назад
Are they trying to label “motherhood” as an orientation? I’ve never heard the word orientation used for this.
@carolyearsley Месяц назад
This whole dilemma has its roots in the industrial revolution Before that families were all at home, usually on a farm. There were also cottage industries producing goods, where there was no need for outside daycare. Grandparents were able to lend a hand to the young parents in doing chores and childcare. The families has each other to rely on, With the industrial revolution all that changed. Nowadays everyone in the family leaves for different activities each morning. The women are often in a conundrum as whether to be a stay at home mom or be employed. Being a stay at home mom is not only very isolating, but a recipe for poverty. If she chooses employment she is essentially doing double duty, and may end up exhausted and possibly ill. So either choice can be detrimental in different ways. Working part time seems to be the best solution, as she has some adult interaction, a paycheck, and improved self esteem, without going all out for a 40 hour week, The children have her in their lives more, as well.
@32flavorss Месяц назад
Wtf do they know the cost of living along the Wasatch front these days???? There is no choice to stay at home even if awoman wanted to
@kentthalman4459 Месяц назад
After living off a lifetime of duel high-end income, Camille disingenuously claims that she doesn't have financial security. She is completely tone deaf to the realities of the masses.
@loghog4392 Месяц назад
Camille reminds me of Nancy Pelosi.
@KendraAndTheLaw Месяц назад
Were her boobs leaking?
@carolyearsley Месяц назад
L.D.S. Inc.sees fewer future tithe payers being born.
@user-ux3vb5zg1p Месяц назад
Most of us latterday saint women have jobs outside the home we are not told not to
@JaguarKnight110 Месяц назад
Also to the brethren watching this.. you can marry a progressive boss babe, but when she gets herself in debt for a job that’s impossible to pay that debt back, or she’s not able to get the career she wants because *Patriarchy* DO NOT pay her debts. Get a prenup and if she later down the road wants to cut her hours or become a stay at home mom because she’s tired, she’s stressed and is thinking of the kids etc, remind her that’s her internalized misogyny speaking and to make sure she has her own debts paid off before doing so since she don’t need no man
@iamjustsaying1 Месяц назад
Please keep highlighting the gaslighting. For those who have been in the church for a long time, we KNOW, we have the books, talks, memories and tarnished lives due to the unambiguous teachings of the past.
@Lovethisguy-kf1ku Месяц назад
Re: RFM’s new cartoon likeness. Accurately depicts his true-to-life unhinged persona. Inaccurately portrayal of a physique he only wishes he had.
@Coastal1931 Месяц назад
It must be tough to come up with content. Nemo had something up about this subject up today, which brings up a question in my mind: Are you and Nemo collaborating to try and manufacture controversy? I mean first steeple height of temples, and now a scintllating piece about the fact that The Church Of Jesus Christ if Latter Day Saints has evolved on women’s issues the last forty years. Wowy wowsers do I belong to an evil organization! Ma testimony’s on the brink now!
@conductorsearle Месяц назад
So you can read the painful stories of these women and that's your takeaway? Typical of a member of a misogynistic cult. You forgot about the money laundering, the coverups of child abuse, oh, and that guy who married mother/daughter pairs and sister pairs and took other men's wives. You actually do belong to an evil organization, but you benefit from it too much to see it.
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